DRAFT KIRKLEES PRIMARY CARE TRUST Minutes of the Provider Services Board (PSB) held on Thursday 20 September 2007 at 1.00pm in the Board Room, St Luke’s House Present:
Rob Millington, NED (Vice Chair) (RM) Robert Flack, Director of Provider Services (RF) Denise Boyd, Deputy Director of Provider Services (DB) Tina Quinn, Assistant Director of Provider Services (TQ) John Ryan, Head of Business Development and Service Improvement (JR) Barry Lane, Assistant Director of HR (BL) Julie Lawreniuk, Assistant Director of Finance (JL) Helena Corder, Director of Corporate Services (HC)
In attendance:
Su Kent, Minute Taker Karen Fisher, PA to Tina Quinn Sue Smith, Assistant Director of Clinical Governance (SS) Chris Creaghan, MSK Practitioner (CC) Emma Jones, MSK Practitioner (EJ)
Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Vanessa Stirum and Elaine Sergeant.
Matters Arising It was noted that future minutes will be emailed out and hard copies will be sent out to members one week prior to Provider Services Board meetings. Helen Davies is arranging a date for Non-Executives to meet at St Luke’s House for on-line financial reporting. In October, RF is holding presentation meetings in each Locality to cascade information around Provider achievements. Nigel Grimshaw has sent off the paperwork to the Environmental Sciences Department at University of Leeds. RF will update on progress at the November Board. Notes from the T3, T7 and T30 will be put onto the intranet. Amendment to last minutes – HC was noted to have given apologies for the Provider Board on 2 August 07, but was in attendance.
MSK Service Presentation – Chris Creaghan & Emma Jones CC and EJ, both MSK Practitioners, attended the meeting and gave a presentation showing the aims of reducing referrals into secondary care, to save capacity through the reduction of incorrect referrals and improve 1
DRAFT the relationship with GPs and Provider Services. CC reported the successful implementation of the MSK service for Spen, Batley and Dewsbury. These successes included:
Beating their monthly targets for referrals into the service Reducing referrals into secondary care by 30%
RM thanked both CC and EJ for attending and giving their presentation. PSB/07/26
Fitness For Purpose – John Ryan JR gave a verbal update of:
Managing finances – this is ongoing with finance training for frontline staff. Service portfolio – 85 baseline specifications are complete. A meeting with Commissioners is due to take place. Improving access – national and local targets are being met but services at risk of breach are closely managed. Using resources to the greatest effect. Programme plans from the TCTs will be presented at the November Board.
In summary Provider Services are complying with Fitness for Purpose. HC will give a progress report to the main Board on 31 October 07 and will also report to the SHA over the next 12-18 months. PSB/07/27
Report to Main Board – Denise Boyd The purpose of the report is to cover the 9 key strategic tasks through the Transformational Change Teams (TCTs). One comment was around the tabled columns of ‘good news’ and ‘bad news’. It was suggested that the terminology be changed to ‘key successes’ and ‘key issues’ respectively. SystmOne can populate the report directly. Exception reports are ongoing as data analysts are still to be appointed. Systems are being put into place to address key issues by the TCTs. JL asked for assurance efficiency was included in the remit for all TCTs.
HR Report – Barry Lane The management structure is mainly in place, with only a small number of management staff having been downgraded. Workforce information is provided on a corporate basis and covers staff in post, ethnicity, age profile, sickness absence and leavers/turnover. 2
DRAFT There is an increase in the number of staff wishing to continue working after retirement age. Forums are being set up to help staff returning to work who have had sickness absence. RM pointed out that overall, sickness absence is reducing. It was noted that maternity leave isn’t noted, which covers a large number of absences. The Board requested a recruitment plan be put in place and brought to a future meeting. The Training and Development Report written by Lindsay Armitage covering all training within the PCT for clinical and non-clinical staff was discussed and Board requested more detail on mandatory training performance. ACTION:
RM asked that the HR Report be presented to the Provider Board quarterly and the Training and Development Report be presented to the Provider Board 6 monthly.
Finance Report – Julie Lawreniuk There is a £600K deficit forecast in Provider Services due to some confusion in initial budget setting. Following discussions with the Commissioner, this budget issue has now been resolved with £600K being returned to budgets. There will be an efficiency saving next year (2008). The plan will be to work with staff on delivering efficiencies. JL told the group that if there is money in the budget, then recruitments can and must be made. T7 are meeting with Finance and T30 through October 07 to go through budgets in detail.
SystmOne Implementation Report – Tina Quinn TQ presented a paper with background on SystmOne implementation. When all staff are on the system, a full range of reports will be available to run off providing support for the production of the Provider Performance Framework. SystmOne is designed to revolutionise how staff work in a community setting. By March 2008 all staff should be using SystmOne.
Clinical Governance – Tina Quinn A two step approach is being looked at to firstly split groups into Provider and Commissioner to identify a way forward over a 6 month period and secondly to have a separate structure within Provider Services to include 3
DRAFT an internal Clinical Governance. ACTION: PSB/07/32
TQ will report back to the Board in 3 months.
TOR - Final Sign Off There were 5 changes to the TOR, which were all accepted to go the main Board.
Developing the Provider Services Strategy & Growth Plan – Denise Boyd DB and JR will meet to write a strategy/discussion paper to include:
Current position Market position Finance Workforce Premises IT infrastructure Stakeholder relationships Business development and marketing Governance Growth
The paper will be brought to the development day to be held on 8 November 2007. PSB/07/34
Growth Plan/Development Day – Robert Flack/John Ryan The Provider Services Board Development Day will be held on Thursday 8 November 07 in the Board Room at St Luke’s House from 9am – 5pm. The morning will be structured by the strategy/discussion paper and the afternoon will be around future models of Provider Service. ACTION:
DB and JR to produce a growth plan strategy for Provider Services meeting on 8 November 2007.
Any Other Business RF raised the issue of staff morale. This followed numerous discussions with PCT Directors concerned about pockets of staff feeling particularly stressed. It was agreed that Provider Board needed to lead on this, but the short term plan was to continue working with frontline to devolve decision making. On call issue – RF and HC to write a paper looking at risks/options. ACTION:
Add on call issue to agenda for next meeting.
DRAFT The first Kirklees PCT AGM will take place on Tuesday 25 September 07 starting at 5.30pm at the Galpharm Stadium, Leeds Road. PSB/07/36
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Provider Services Board will take place on 8 November 2007 between 9.00am – 5.00pm in the Board Room at St Luke’s House. Lunch will be included.