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Minutes of the Trust Board Meeting held on Wednesday 13 January 2010 at 10.00am in the Annexe at Northorpe Hall, Mirfield Present: Vanessa Stirum Rob Millington Valerie Aguirregoicoa Mike Potts Dr David Anderson Bryan Machin Carol McKenna In attendance: Peter Flynn Sue Ellis Sue Smith Alison Fearnley Jim Barwick

Non-executive Director & Chair Non-executive Director Non-executive Director (from 10.20am) Chief Executive Chair of Professional Executive Committee Executive Director of Finance Executive Director of Commissioning and Strategic Development Director of Performance and Information Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development Assistant Director Quality and Clinical Governance Corporate Governance Administrator Assistant Director of Commissioning and Strategic Development & World Class Commissioning Lead) (from 10.20am)

It was noted that there were no members of the public in attendance. It was noted that Vanessa Stirum was Chairing the meeting as Vice Chair of the Board in the absence of Chairman, Rob Napier. The meeting commenced at 10.00am instead of 9.00am due to the adverse weather conditions, hence the number of apologies received. KPCT/10/01

Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Rob Napier, Chairman, Mehboob Khan, Non-executive Director, Imran Patel, Non-executive Director, Tony Gerrard, Non-executive Director, Dr Judith Hooper, Executive Director of Public Health, Sheila Dilks, Executive Director of Patient Care and Professions, Helena Corder, Director of Corporate Services and David Wood, Vice Chair of Professional Executive Committee.


Declarations of Interest No Trust Board members declared interests in any of the agenda items. Page 1 of 6


Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2009 The minutes of the Trust Board meeting held on Wednesday 16 December 2009 were AGREED as a true and accurate record.


Matters Arising Questions from the Public It was noted that feedback would be given at the next meeting on 27 January 2010 in relation to the question raised by Jean Moxon regarding Head and Neck Cancer Surgery being transferred from Calderdale to Bradford. KPCT/09/240

Investors in People Assessment (IiP) Report 2009

It was noted that the PCT had not yet received formal confirmation regarding the PCT receiving IiP accreditation. It was hoped that this would be received in time of the next meeting to be held on 27 January 2010. KPCT/10/04

Chief Executive’s and PEC Chair’s Report Mike Potts presented his report to the Board highlighting the following: •

Operating Framework 2010-11 Mike circulated copies of the Operating Framework to the Board for information and emphasised the significant challenges that the NHS was faced with both locally and nationally. The Board was urged to read the document in detail. Peter Flynn advised that there was an Informatics Guide that should be read in conjunction with the Operating Framework which he AGREED to circulate to Board members separately.

Broad Lea House, Bradley It was noted that the new HQ building was formally accepted by NHS Kirklees on 17 December 2009 and a phased move was planned from mid February. In the interim supervised access visits were being arranged for staff. It was noted that the Board would receive a more detailed report at the next meeting on 27 January. Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 1.85 cm, Tabs: Not at 6.35 cm

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• Business Readiness Assurance Confirmation The Board received a copy of a letter received from the SHA confirming that the PCT’s provider services and wider PCTs governance arrangements relating to the separation of the PCT’s provider arm had met the October milestone to achieve the Business Readiness Guidance to NHS Yorkshire and the Humber’s requirements. •

Kirklees Weight Management Service Mike advised the Board that a Weight Management Service had been launched in Kirklees. Copies of the document were available from the Chief Executive’s Office.

National Leadership Council Mike advised the Board that the National Leadership Council was looking for Pilot sites to work with NHS Boards on Equality and Diversity. Having discussed this with the Chairman it had been agreed to express an interest in taking part in this work. Mike provided a brief overview of the time commitment involved in taking part. It was recognised that this was an important agenda however there was some concern about the Board’s available capacity to take part, given all the other priorities the PCT was faced with meeting.

Kevin Roberts – Calderdale PCT Mike advised that Kevin Roberts, Acting Director of Finance and Director of Commissioning at Calderdale PCT had announced his retirement and that he was due to leave on 18 February 2010. It was recognised that this may cause some interim difficulties until a new appointment was made.

Commissioning College Dr Anderson advised the Board that a report would be presented to the Board at the next meeting regarding the role of the Clinical Executive. He also advised that he was undertaking a review of the clinical HIT roles. It was also noted that David had put forward nominees from the PEC and PBC to attend a regional event on developing clinical leadership in primary care which was due to be held on 18 March.

The Board RECEIVED and NOTED the contents of the Chief Executive’s and PEC Chair’s Report.

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Registration with the Care Quality Commission Sue Smith presented the Registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) report to the Board. She explained that the report updated the Board on the Care Quality Commission Registration process and summarised the assurances received from Kirklees Community Healthcare Services (KCHS) on the 2010 Registration. Sue provided an overview of the registration process and confirmed that reasonable assurances had been received from KCHS on adherence to the registration process and that the range of evidence identified supported the registration declaration. It was noted that the CQC had undertaken a quality and risk profile prior to registration which the PCT had faired well against. Sue advised that a national consultation exercise was currently taking place regarding the fees associated with registration. Concerning this, it was noted that there was likely to be an indicative cost implication to providers of £30k. It was recognised that the PCT was able to comment on the consultation up until the end of January. It was AGREED that Mike Potts would feedback any concerns to the SHA at the next regional Chief Executive’s meeting due to be held on the 15 January 2010. Mike enquired if the PCT was likely to be asked to take part in a CQC inspection visit in the near future. Sue advised that the CQC had reviewed a considerable amount of evidence preregistration. It was recognised that there was likely to be considerable focus on patient experience evidence and that the PCT had gathered extensive evidence against the key essential standards which would be uploaded onto Performance Accelerator. A discussion ensued regarding what assurances had been provided from acute providers. It was recognised that Sue was pursing declarations from Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT) and Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MYHT). It was AGREED that Sheila Dilks would be asked to confirm CHFT’s and MYHT’s declaration against the standards in her report on the work undertaken by the Quality Board which was to be presented at the next Board meeting. The Board considered the content of the report and were confident regarding the assurances provided by KCHS to APPROVE the application for registration with the Care Quality Commission. Page 4 of 6


World Class Commissioning update It was noted that the Board would consider the World Class Commissioning (WCC) Plans in an informal session following this meeting. It was noted that in particular the Board would consider the WCC Outcomes and the Strategic Plan. It was AGREED that the final WCC plans would be signed off by the Board at the next meeting on 27 January 2010.


Holme Valley Memorial Hospital – Outline Business Case

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Carol McKenna presented the Holme Valley Memorial Hospital (HVMH) Outline Business Case (OBC) to the Board for consideration. Carol gave background to the OBC for the HVMH project and explained the proposed service model. Bryan Machin then summarised the financial implications. In particular the Board discussed the capital and revenue implications of the development. It was noted that in order to qualify for the community hospitals funding (capital cost) these monies were required to be used up by 31 March 2011 which was considered a huge challenge by the Board. There was a discussion regarding how the revenue costs could be sustained. It was suggested that the two main providers ie CHFT and KCHS are asked to provide signed guarantees that are legally binding to cover the costs if the Board agree to submit the OBC to the SHA. This suggestion was SUPPORTED by the Board. The Board asked for assurances that the figures outlined and the appraisals that had been undertaken were up to date as the document was historically written referring to 2007. Carol McKenna AGREED to provide clarity regarding this. In addition it was AGREED to include an additional sentence on page 40 to clarify why service provision at Dewsbury Health Centre and Princess Royal Community Health Centre was no longer an option. Following due consideration of the OBC and the preferred option (2C) the Board AGREED to its submission to the SHA subject to the above comments. KPCT/10/09

Any other business There were no items of any other urgent business.

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Date and time of the next meeting It was NOTED that the next meeting of the NHS Kirklees Trust Board would take place between 9.15am and 1.00pm on Wednesday 27 January 2010.

This concluded the content of the Board meeting held in public and the Chair declared the meeting closed at approximately 11.30am.

Chairman’s Signature: ………………………………….

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Date: ………………

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