Minutes of the KCHS BOARD (KCHSB) EXTRAORDINARY MEETING Held on 12 November 2009 at 11:00am – 12:00 in Beckside Court Meeting Room 5
Suzy Brain England (Chair) (SBE) Robert Flack, Director of KCHS (RF) Janice Boucher – Finance and Performance Lead (JB)
Gwen Ruddlesdin – Integrated Governance (GR) Barry Lane, Assistant Director of HR (BL)
Rob Millington, NED (Vice Chair) (RM) Tina Quinn, Clinical and Operations Lead of KCHS (TQ)
An extraordinary board meeting was held to discuss CQC core standards compliance return. A discussion took place on the process for collecting evidence; the areas of strength and those for which Governance work plans have been implemented for further development; and the proposals to prepare our application for registration with CQC in January. Resolved : The KCHS Board agrees that the proposed submission provides reasonable assurance of compliance with the CQC core standards for 2009 – 2010.
Signed ………………………………………… Dated……………………………………………
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