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genda Item 23


Minutes of the KCHS BOARD (KCHSB) held on 25 February 2011 at 8:30pm – 12:00pm in Meeting Room 3 Beckside Court Present:

Suzy Brain England OBE, (Chair) (SBE) Robert Flack, Managing Director (RF) Munir Ahmed - Non-Executive Director (MA) Patricia Drake - Non-Executive Director (PD) Tina Quinn, Clinical and Operations Lead of KCHS (TQ) Janice Boucher – Finance and Performance Lead (JB) Gwen Ruddlesdin – Head of Integrated Governance (GR) Laura Campbell - Assistant Director of Workforce, Commissioning & Policy (LC)

In attendance:

Lyn Barker - Minute Taker (LB)

Apologies for Absence There were no apologies for absence.

Declaration of Interest Declarations of Interests are recorded and held with the KCHS Board Secretary. Laura Campbell works for NHS Kirklees as well as KCHS. KCHSB 11 05

Minutes of The Previous Meeting The minutes of the Kirklees CHS Board meeting held 28 January 2011 were agreed as a true and accurate record. The minutes were signed by the Chair.

KCHSB 11 05a

Matters Arising Matters arising from minutes dated 28 January 2011 have been recorded on the attached sheet KCHSB 11 05a. Action No. 2

RF reported the designs are in place and the building should be completed in May. ACTION 1 – LB to arrange Board visit to Fartown in May when building complete.

Action No. 4

GP’s on SystemOne and to charge for DN to input information on Emis. ACTION 2 – RF, TQ and Jim Barwick to bring paper to update the KCHS Board on GP relations and GP commissioning 1

Action No. 7

Action No. 8

KCHS 11 06

ACTION 3 – LC to forward link to David Nicholson paper to the KCHS Board. Still not clear of CQUIN risk range. ACTION 4 – TQ to speak to Sheila Dilks to clarify CQUIN risk range. TUPE is to commence on 2nd March 2011. ACTION 5 - The KCHS Board requested that any emails sent out about TUPE should be copied to them.

Managing Directors’ Report RF presented a PowerPoint presentation updating the KCHS Board on: • • • • • •

Meetings with Chief Executives from partner organisations The Health Informatics Service Discussions with Social Care Audit Commission review Appointment of transformation lead Name – process and short list

Chief Executive meetings RF attended meetings with the following to discuss ways of working in the social enterprise. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Diane Whittingham – CHFT The Executive Board at CHFT Dinner with key consultants from MYHT Steven Michael – SWYPHT

ACTION 6 - RF or TQ to meet Ruth Unwin at Mid Yorks. head of Community ACTION 7 - RF / TQ to follow up actions from dinner meeting ACTION 8 - RF to pick up on risks associating with Wakefield move

The Health Information Services (THIS) • • • • •

Discussion with COO and Director Wanting to ensure a more responsive service Issue discussed with regards the ‘conflict of interest’ and appropriate levels of governance Agreed that we will get detail of contract delivery right asap KCHS to get own account manager

Discussions with social care • • • • •

Begun the overview discussions on services to move to social enterprise The LA are calling this process ‘best partnering’ Early understanding of which services will move at the outset These include – KICES, Re-ablement services, some assistive technology, 80 beds Jim Barwick and Janice Boucher to lead 2

RF informed the KCHS Board that a Business plan will be prepared for integration. The KCHS Board requested that they see the Impact statement. It was clarified that the Re-ablement package is 0 – 6 weeks of free care and availability of home care services depends where you live, in Dewsbury it is almost immediate. Sue Richards will be the lead person from the Local Authority. The KCHS Board agreed that due diligence and cost implications should be part of the process and requested a RAG rating to show the risks etc. The board agreed that this will be a great relationship.

Risk management review • • • •

Undertaken by the audit commission and funded by the SEIF Ideally would like to move some of this into 2011/12 – to help ensure a smooth transition Chris Reeve is a lead from the audit commission side and he is interviewing all the key people in KCHS Findings will come back to the KCHS Board in late March

RF explained that Chris Reeves is talking to T7 and the NEDS in a consultant role to advise how to manage risk management internally. Action 9 – The KCHS Board to look at the Articles of Association to look where the audit stands.

Appointment of transformation lead • • •

Following a detailed appointment process, Jim Barwick has been appointed as the Transformation Lead for Kirklees CHS At present his exact start date is not known It will initially be a secondment, with the intention that this role will become permanent.

Action 10 – RF/LC to discuss and agree timescales for the conclusion of the secondments.

New Name • • • •

Fabulous response from staff with suggestions A panel has been set up which has reduced the long list (of c250) to a short list These are now being sent to everyone for a view using the on line survey tool The KCHS Board will make the final decision on 4th March 2011 in a conference call.

The short listed names below are all being checked out at Company’s House: The name will be followed by Community Partnership… Aspire 3

Indigo Inspire Locala Nurture Assure Platinum Quadrant Signal Lifetime

Transition After a short discussion the following actions were agreed. Action 11 - Jim Barwick to circulate transition papers to the KCHS by next Wednesday Action 12 – Jim Barwick to bring Transition report to KCHS Board meeting on 25 March 2011. Action 13 – The KCHS Board requires evidence that transition is going ahead and the key risks. LB to put Transition on the KCHS Board agenda. Action 14 – There is a Board conference call to agree the New Name on 4th March 2011 at 9am. The KCHSB RECEIVED and NOTED the Managing Directors report. KCHS 11 07

Finance and Performance Lead’s Report Finance Janice reported on the Financial Position at the end of January 2011 to the KCHS Board informing them the overall costs continue to be below budget. Contracted and paid headcount are both lower than funded. SEIF funding of £85k for Phase 1 has been received. A request for Phase 2 has been submitted for a further £85k which will be spent to facilitate achieving the project timelines. Full Year Forecast Position - is looking favourable reflecting lower headcount levels and the progress made against cost improvement plans. NHS Kirklees has agreed that any surplus generated this financial year can be carried forward into 2011/12. Cost Improvement Plans - Shortfalls continue in travel and DN efficiency, however improvements demonstrated in January. Work is ongoing to determine action plans and timelines demonstrating incremental improvements to meet targets. 2011/12 Budget Process - Framework assumptions have led to a further 0.5% risk to the 4

IBP financial strategy in 11/12. A target minimum cost efficiency of 4% will be set throughout budget setting. Budget setting will form part of Service Development Plans to ensure that budget holders are planning delivery of service targets, alongside financial targets. Action 15 – JB/KF to present Draft budget to next month’s FP&BD. A discussion took place informing the KCHS Board that team leaders and managers are monitoring waterfalls to reduce risks. High levels of sickness, performance, systm1 and incidents are also being monitored. Qualified staff are not always available to recruit. If this continues services will have to be reviewed by the Workforce Committee.

Performance Report Community OT has seen performance improvements in the month just one breach, but should be within 18 week target 86% within 1 hour Early warnings for potential breaches: Podiatry Personalised care plans in LTC and Community Speech and language and Paediatric OT The RTT AHP has failed to meet the target in 3 services, Podiatry, Community OT and Paediatric OT. Head count pressures can be seen in these areas.

Integrated Business Plan Detailed project plan now available for Business set up, Finance, Procurement and Contracting work streams. Monitor submission to SHA completed awaiting approval at 1 March Board meeting. Progress made on Banking arrangements, VAT mitigation and estates. Shortage of finance resource (currently 3 team members down) posing risk to both business as usual, budget setting Year End and Transition workloads. Plan to back fill with combination of Audit staff and temporary resources. JB informed the KCHS Board that since the paper was written 3 temporary members of staff have joined the finance team. The Chair commented that the KCHSB had not seen the Monitor Submissions sent to the SHA. She advised that anything sent out external should go through a process so they see what is being sent out. Action 16 - The KCHS Board requested that if anything goes out external, they should know about it. Items should pass through a process so they know it is going out. The Chair said it would be helpful for them to understand if they received SHA Monitor Report. 5

Action 17 - JB to bring summarised document of SHA Monitor submission to the next KCHS Board meetings. JB explained the budgets will come to board for agreement but will probably be April which will make them a bit late due to work loads. There is a risk but managers will know how much budget to expect through their monthly finance budget review meetings. The KCHS Board agreed that in future T4 to make decisions and bring risk analysis to the Board meetings. The KCHS Board agrees in the transition and realise that it is very difficult for everybody at this time. The KCHSB RECEIVED and NOTED the Finance & Performance Report. KCHSB 11 08

Clinical and Operational Lead’s update TQ presented her report highlighting the following points: COPD service - KCHS has been successful in the tender process. An action plan has been developed for the work to be completed in 17 week lead in time in order to commence the service in June 2011. Recruitment of staff and purchasing of required equipment has commenced. Service will be delivered differently so no TUPE staff. Asylum Seeker – An initial assessment Centre for Asylum seekers will be opening in Huddersfield in mid-March. KCHS to provide Health needs assessment and TB screening to the temporary residents for a period of one year. The work will be managed from the Whitehouse Centre and appropriately skilled staff will be recruited on a temporary contract to deliver the service outlined in the specification. Learning Disability Service – SWYPFT have indicated they wish to serve notice on the OT service for Learning Disabilities the income received from SWYMHT does not cover the service provided by KCHS. 4 staff will TUPE across to the mental health trust this month. Health visitor Update – A letter from SHA confirmed the 4 year DH commitment to increase health visitor numbers by 4,200 WTE across the country which has been apportioned into regional envelopes. SHA to put project structure in place to oversee the delivery and performance manage the project plans. The plan is that KCHS will put in place 27.6 WTE staged over the 4 years. It is likely that 6 will be put in place this year which will include an additional nurse for FNP. HV posts are already out to advert for 1 vacancy and have short listed 8 people so there is an opportunity to recruit more than the 1 if funding can be confirmed by the commissioners. KCHS has a strategic commitment and plan to train people. Action 18 – The Executive Team to agree and set up new committee structure. Including KCHS own audit committee to plan own internal audit for next year in terms of what needs to be done. The KCHSB RECEIVED and NOTED the Clinical and Operational Lead report. 6

KCHS 11 09

Community Care Teams Helen Frain prepared a report to update the KCHS Board on Community Care Teams. Community Care Teams (CCT) has been identified as the way forward as part of defining the future work, to inform the strategic direction of KCHS. One of the key areas identified is to ensure the patient is at the centre of care. The community care team development has become one of the 9 programmes which will deliver the strategy for KCHS 2010 – 2015. The aim is to facilitate a multi-disciplinary team working with practices and local authority agencies, in a defined community setting delivering a revised model of care, being efficient in the use of resources to meet the individual’s needs. The KCHS Board agreed that this is a good piece of work. TQ explained this piece of work is still in early stages and is only running in two places. Without care plans the whole concept will not work. The paper does not touch on this. The work will be rolled out a bit further now. It is going into a full practice unit in Meltham Then to a locality not decided which one yet. The Board asked what percentage of personalised care plan? Action 19 – Percentage of personalised care plan to be checked by TQ Key target measures have been agreed, reduction in length of stay and reduction in Levels of admission. TQ clarified that personal care plans are required for one person to oversee the care of a patient. A copy of the care plan can be left in the homes if the patient requires one. The KCHSB RECEIVED and NOTED the Community Care Teams report.

MINUTES FOR INFORMATION Finance, Performance & Business Development - There were no minutes available Governance Committee - There were no minutes available. Audit Committee - There were no minutes available. The KCHS Board would like to see audit plans for next year Action 20 - JB to bring Audit plans to KCHS Board

Any Other Business Additional Leave day 29th April 2011 The April Board Meeting will be moved to the 28th April 2011 8:30 – 12.00 to accommodate the additional leave day. The additional leave day is not classed as a bank holiday in the 7

NHS as some teams will have to work and will not be paid bank holiday rates, however they will be able to take a day off in lieu. Action 21 - LB to rearrange April Board to 28th April 2011 meeting in calendars. Action 22 – The KCHS Board to review attendance of members of staff at board meetings. People Update All people transferring to KCHS will be moving in the building on 1 March 2011. Not bothering changing badges yet. They already have NHSkirklees badges. Every single member of KCHS is going to have anew id badge when organisation becomes a Social Enterprise and the name is changed. Board Papers The Board have requested that all papers should be printed for the NEDS. Date and Time of Next Meeting Friday 25 March 2011, 8:30 – 12:00 MR 3 Beckside Court


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