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Equality Impact Assessment Template 1

What is being Equality Impact Assessed?

The Performance Strategy Prompt: (Service plan, policy, strategy (new or revised), process, decisions or other public functions)


Description of the function being Equality Impact Assessed:

To ensure that all elements of the Performance Strategy are in line with the principles of Equality and Diversity Prompt: What is the aim of this function and who are the recipients of this proposal?


Lead contact person for the Equality Impact Assessment:

Natalie Tarbatt Deputy Director of Performance and Information

4 Who else is involved in undertaking this Equality Impact Assessment: The Performance Strategy has been approved for implementation by the Finance and Performance Committee.


Sources of information used to identify barriers etc

• The NHS Kirklees Five Year Strategic Plan and The NHS Kirklees Operating Plan • Our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment • The Kirklees Local Area Agreement • Other enabling strategies, for example: information and health intelligence, information technology, finance, organisational development, communications and workforce

What does your research tell you about the impact your proposal will have on the following equality groups? The Performance Strategy aims to support the reduction of health inequalities through evidence-based decision making to support effective planning of services and evaluation –

it is all encompassing and is not targeted to one specific equality area. Kirklees is a district with great cultural diversity, representing a number of faiths and beliefs across its entire population. Our strategic goals reflect this, and all our programme objectives represent these principles and deliver services which are culturally sensitive, and “place the person at the centre of everything we do�. This involves commissioning services which, irrespective of gender, cultural background, faith or belief, encompass prevention, detection, treatment and the consequences of ill health, and will achieve equality of outcomes through targeting resources to follow needs. We constantly strive to improve quality and promote safety by encouraging new and innovative ways of delivering services that are sensitive to the diverse needs of our community, promote local sensitivity through effective commissioning by setting outcomes and actions that reflect local needs and priorities.

BME Groups: Disability Groups: Gender:


Sexual Orientation:

Religion & Belief: 6

Consultation: New or Previous:

The purpose of this strategy is to drive performance improvement. The scope is focused upon developing our performance systems and processes to support evidence-based decision making. No public consultation has taken place, nor is it intended.

7 Assessment and Actions needed Prompt: Your EIA should promote the General Equality Duty; Eliminating Discrimination, Promote Equality of Opportunity, Promote Good Relations & Demonstrating Equity

Location of Organisational Barriers Geographical location

Assumption of normality / description of barrier

Action needed

Built environment

Information and communication


Involvement in Planning

Costs of the service

Customer Care and Staff training

Stereotypes and Assumptions

Involvement in Planning

Specific Issues/ Barriers

8 Methods of Monitoring progress on Actions

Responsibility Deadline

All programme areas are subject to regular review at a strategic level via the Finance and Performance Committee. The reviews will ensure that equality impact assessments are carried out and published regularly to reflect changes in environment, service delivery and economy.

9 Publishing the Equality Impact Assessment

10 Signing off Equality Impact Assessment:

Service Manger, Head of Service or your Corporate Equality Team

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