Realising our Ambition
Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Contents Section 1
Executive Summary
Section 2
2.1 2.2
7 8
Vision and Values Strategic Goals
Section 3
Section 4
4.1 4.2
10 11
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Demographic overview What we know – key insights and progression
Communications and Engagement
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9
13 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 19
Internal communications Corporate identity Media relations Crisis communication and emergency planning Public relations Social Marketing Patient and Public Involvement Promoting equality through communications and engagement Electronic Communications (e-communication)
Working in Partnership
6.1 6.2 6.3
20 21 21
Kirklees Council Voluntarily and Charitable Sector Independent Sector
Improving Communications and Engagement
Key messages
Measuring Success
8.1 8.2
24 24
Implementation Evaluation
Communications and Engagement Resources
26 29
Stakeholders Communications and Engagement Action Plans
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Section 1.
Executive Summary NHS Kirklees has produced it’s second strategic plan “Realising our Ambitions” for 2010 – 2015. This plan outlines our success to date and the priorities for the next 5 years but also puts these ambitions into context of the significant financial challenges that affect the whole of the public sector. This change presents us with communication and engagement challenges with both our staff and the public we serve. To enable more effective communication, engagement and involvement NHS Kirklees is placing a greater emphasis on high quality communications and building core communications skills and competencies among staff. The NHS continues to change as does technology and the way people access information and receive messages is changing. Communications and engagement methods and activities need to be flexible while providing value for money. This strategy therefore outlines some ways we plan to meet these challenges. This strategy sets out our vision, values and goals and the principles we will adopt to meet them in terms of communication and engagement. It outlines the progress we have already made and what our key messages are for the future. It identifies our stakeholders and how we plan to communicate and engage with them effectively over the next 2 to 3 years to support the delivery of our strategic plan. Such communication and engagement includes consistently and effectively ensuring: • internal communications and engagement activity is evaluated for effectiveness and value for money
• ensuring that we protect and promote a positive NHS corporate identity • media relations are actively managed and professional and high quality communications support and advice is available to support crisis and emergency situations, like the recent flu pandemic • appropriate messages and information is provided to stakeholders in order to inform and influence perceptions and opinion • a social marketing approach is embedded to support commissioning activity and introduced to overall communications and engagement activity • the active participation of patients and the wider public in the development and evaluation of health services • an e-communications focus as a way of reaching more people, targeting specific groups and supporting cost reduction. Working in partnership with Kirklees Council, the voluntary and charitable sector and the independent sector will allow joint investments in resources, providing us with the opportunity for cost savings. It will also help to shape service design and delivery across Kirklees and result in increasingly meaningful communications and engagement with the local population. To ensure consistency and in line with our vision and values, we will work towards specific communications and engagement key messages; both internally and to the public. Success will be measured through careful implementation and evaluation of the communications and patient and public involvement action plans. The main challenge for NHS Kirklees is to make sure it delivers the right services, at
the right time, in the right way and in a way that local people want within the resources allocated. The recent changes in the economic climate make this a far greater challenge and how these messages are communicated both internally and externally is key to delivery of the strategic plan.
Section 2.
Introduction NHS Kirklees aims to ensure that we will have systems in place to enable effective communication and engagement with all those who have an interest, for example service users, carers, staff, partners and the public. NHS Kirklees must manage both a proactive and reactive communications agenda, to provide information to the public about services, and to communicate in an honest and open manner. This communications and engagement strategy sets out NHS Kirklees’ strategic objectives for further improving how we will communicate and engage with the public, staff and other stakeholders. It will also outline how we will plan and manage our activity in line with the financial plans for the coming years. The strategy will meet the overarching aim of supporting the delivery of NHS Kirklees’ strategic plan and corporate objectives. NHS Kirklees’ Communications and Patient and Public Involvement Teams have key roles to play in achieving the objectives of this strategy. In order to achieve this, NHS Kirklees needs the commitment and contribution of every member of staff if it is to communicate and engage effectively. Everyone within NHS Kirklees has a responsibility to: • Ensure patients, public, staff and other stakeholders receive accurate and upto-date information • Take personal responsibility for being well informed by seeking information on relevant issues • Share relevant information from briefings, meetings and other forums with colleagues
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
• Take an active role in opportunities to provide feedback • Take account of the values and principles set out in this strategy. In addition, every member of staff must ensure that they communicate in line with the following legislation: • Freedom of Information Act 2002 • Data Protection Act 1998 • Disability, race, age and gender discrimination legislation.
Principles for communication and engagement
NHS Kirklees’ principles for communications are: • clear, open, honest, effective and accountable • corporate – clear, accurate and consistent messages, linked to the vision and values and visual branding • work in a way that encourages and supports good two-way communication • planned, timely, targeted and accessible – reaching the right audience at the right time, particularly seldom heard groups • cost effective, high quality information – maximising our resources • communications is everyone’s responsibility and skills will be shared and developed • work in partnership with other agencies, key stakeholders and the public • listen – relate effectively with staff, patients and stakeholders
NHS Kirklees’ principles for engagement are: • when consulting on changes to services there must be openness and honesty regarding any local and or national drivers for change • there must be honesty about the scope of public and patient involvement, since some decisions cannot be made by the public • there must be transparency and openness in the procedures for involving patients and the public • NHS Kirklees must be accountable and responsive to the feedback they receive from local stakeholders. In turn the public has a responsibility to use services appropriately. • be clear on the purpose and nature of the engagement and how the outcome will be communicated back to those involved and affected • use a variety of methods and processes taking account of how people prefer to be involved and enabling all sectors of the community to have an opportunity to have their say.
To help embed these principles across the organisation NHS Kirklees is in the process of developing a communications style and a patient involvement toolkit.
Our vision and values
“Working together to achieve the best health and well-being for all the people of Kirklees” • Recognise that people are at the heart of everything we do; • Support people in taking responsibility for their own health and well-being; • Encourage innovation and continuous improvement and celebrate the contribution made by our staff; • Encourage open, clear and honest communication; • Value diversity and challenge discrimination; • Show understanding, dignity and respect for all our clients, partners and staff; and • Be accountable for the decisions we make, the work we do, the resources we use and our impact on the environment. We are responsible for improving the health and well being of local people and making sure that services are in place to meet their needs. We commission services from others, including GPs, dentists, pharmacists, optometrists, voluntary organisations and local and specialist hospitals. We are accountable for ensuring that these services are accessible, high quality and safe. Medium to Long Term Changes Over the period covered by this plan (and beyond) we want to achieve changes which further our goals. We have a shared ambition with Kirklees Council and other partners that by 2020 Kirklees will: • Be recognised in West Yorkshire and beyond as an area of major success; • Have a strong economy supported by an attractive, high quality 8
environment, offering the best of rural and urban living; • Place a high value on creativity and learning; • comprise communities who are proud of their past, but enjoy diversity, are outward looking and face the future with optimism; • be a safe, healthy and supportive place to live and work for both young and old people, with a clear commitment that all should share in this success. 2.2
Strategic Goals
The strategic goals for NHS Kirklees are: Goal 1 Raise male and female life expectancy at birth so that it is not significantly below the national average in any part of Kirklees. Goal 2 Improve health outcomes for children and young people, working in partnership to improve life chances and safeguard children. Goal 3 Target individuals and populations to tackle health and well being inequalities, focusing on the priority issues identified locally. Provide advice, support and care to these individuals, families and communities, in the form of high quality targeted interventions known to work, to increase the control they have over their own health and wellbeing. Goal 4 Empower those people in Kirklees with a long term condition to exercise control over their own lives and be central to the decision making about their own care, so preventing problems arising or worsening and enabling them to independently manage their own health and well being.
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Section 3.
Aim The overall aim of this Strategy is to ensure that communications and engagement activities support the PCT's key objectives of improving the health of Kirklees residents and health service users, reducing health inequalities, and improving patient knowledge of and confidence in health services in Kirklees.
Effective communication and engagement is about getting the right messages to the right audiences through the most appropriate channels at the most appropriate times. It is also a two way process, leading to a meaningful and continuous dialogue with our stakeholders.
This Strategy also seeks to: • Improve the quality of information with clear and concise messages written in plain language • Establish and maintain channels of communication and engagement with: 1. Patients and the public, to create and maintain a positive, informed and recognisable profile of the NHS in Kirklees 2. Staff, to create a corporate environment in which aspirations to excel are valued and encouraged 3. Central and local government, in order to build on the concept of best value and local delivery, and provide the public with the best healthcare options available, and 4. Partners and stakeholders, to create effective networks and working partnerships that benefit the community as a whole 5. Improve the capacity of existing communications and engagement channels and develop new channels 6. Support the objectives of the Trust’s business plan and corporate objectives 7. Be reflected in service and business plans throughout the Trust 8. Provide strong guidance to Trust staff.
Section 4
Context 4.1
Demographic Overview
4.1.1 Population Kirklees comprises both urban and rural communities with a total population of nearly 425,000 (FHS 2006), of whom 1 in 4 are aged under 19 and nearly 1 in 4 aged over 65 years.. By 2025, the population is predicted to increase by 7%. This is mainly in those aged over 65 years. The towns and valleys of Kirklees have their own strong and distinct identities and contain a rich and diverse mixture of cultures and faiths. This diversity, coupled with our complex links to major regional centres, creates unique opportunities and challenges for our district. Kirklees has pockets of relative deprivation for both children and older people, but is not classified as a Spearhead area i.e. in the lowest 20% of deprivation for all areas. It is however amongst the worst 50 districts for both income and employment deprivation and this has worsened since 2004, as had Educational Skills and Training and Income. In contrast, for Barriers to Services and Crime Kirklees had improved. 1 in 6 of the population are income deprived. Areas of deprivation are concentrated in and around Huddersfield town and Dewsbury in particular. Across Kirklees 27% of children aged 0 -15 years were classed as living in poverty and 21% of those aged over 65 years. Kirklees has a diverse ethnic mix, with a higher proportion of our population from ethnic minorities than for England as a whole. Ethnicities present in Kirklees include those of Pakistani origin, Indian origin and African-Caribbean origin but the largest group remains of white origin. 10
4.1.2 Reducing Health Inequalities Health Inequalities are health differences between people which can be changed. Change depends on the control that people feel they have over factors that prevent ill health, as well as the opportunities they feel they have to control such factors. If we are to make a difference and narrow the Health Inequalities gap, we need to: • Be person centred, focusing on equality of outcomes; • Involve local people in creating and delivering solutions; • Work closely with partners to ensure current needs are met and there is adequate provision for the future; • Target our actions more effectively to ensure we reach those most in need; • Establish clear programmes which support older people and those with long term conditions to address the challenge of more people living longer; • Target our resources to reduce inappropriate variations in investment across the area, particularly where lower investment sits alongside poorer health outcomes; and • Use our commissioning function and opportunities in the new primary care contracts to tailor services to meet the needs of the practice and locality populations. This requires two key sets of actions: 1 A culture shift across organisations, working in partnership with other organisations in order to be person centred. Involving other parties in identifying issues and creating solutions, focusing on those in most need. 2 The development of targeted
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
interventions to tackle the local challenges to health and well-being inequalities that have the most significant impact, as identified by the JSNA.
What we know – key insights and progression
For communications and engagement, research, insight and experience highlight ways in which we can improve our communications and engagement if we are to be a world class leader. The following examples demonstrate what we know about our public and patients and how we are progressing: • Media analysis across Yorkshire and Humber shows that, in general, the favourability of NHS Kirklees’ media coverage is good locally but less favourable regionally. Despite this, issues such as changes to maternity services at Calderdale and Huddersfield FT have received more positive coverage than might have been expected because of intensive local communications activities. There remains a legacy of public perception that the PCT does not listen to public opinion which still needs to be managed. When public health type messages are conveyed, coverage tends to be positive and this was seen during the flu pandemic when Kirklees was one of the first PCT’s locally to have a significant outbreak. • Findings from an internal communications audit which have again shown generally that internal communications are good but there are areas for improvement. Examples of this include communications with
independent contractors and practice based commissioners. • Feedback from the public through the Camper Van ‘share your views’ exercise carried out over the summer of 2009 showed that people associate NHS Kirklees with services and service delivery rather than understanding of the PCTs commissioning role. We have found that what matters to people most is the quality of services they receive. As such we want to measure our success through the level of patient experience of the services we commission. • Public polling research done by Insight Research for NHS Yorkshire and Humber since 2007 demonstrates that, overall, Kirklees showed an improvement in performance, which reflects our own surveys and information. Over this time period, waiting times for a consultation and courtesy of staff have improved but perceptions of A & E performance have got worse. Ambulance services have also worsened. The PCT would recognise this as it is reflected in performance information. Performance in outpatient services has improved in all four areas measured, but no real change have occured in inpatient services. Despite this, the level of care from physicians has improved. NHS Kirklees has consistently performed well within the region in respect of dentistry, but it would appear locally that this is not understood. Our community services have also improved in all four areas measured, as have maternity services, although again, this contrasts with other local perceptions. • Feedback from voluntary and community groups showed that they would favour a regular newsletter or
mail shot directly into people’s homes. During 2008/09 Health Talk has been produced on a quarterly basis and will be evaluated over the next three months to see what impact it has had on public understanding of NHS Kirklees and the impact of health messages The use of the Reader’s Panel in assessing the quality of our patient information is improving and provides valuable input as well as meaningful engagement. Work has been carried out over 2008/09 to improve the image and branding of corporate reports. This is in order to promote our visual identity and can be seen in our activities from distinctive branding of banners, reports and newsletters. The PCT website has been updated in 2009 and we are in the process of the development of the GP Link website. This was identified as a key development in last year’s strategic plan. GP Link is a specific site developed to communicate with GP’s and practice based commissioners and there will be similar sites for all the other independent contractors. This has been particularly useful during the swine flu outbreak. The PALS service is a popular service where patients can seek advice make a compliment or a complaint. Good relations exist between NHS Kirklees and Kirklees Council and we are actively working on opportunities for joint publicity and joint campaigning. This year the Local Your Guide will be produced jointly as an A to Z of services for both the Council and the NHS. We are also beginning work on joint strategy development to strengthen key partnership messages. To strengthen our engagement, a
patient and public involvement toolkit and DVD has been developed to support all commissioning staff to undertake such activity. We are now working with the Local Authority to develop the INVOLVE database. This is designed to log all engagement and involvement activity and plans to better share information and coordinate activity. This is what the public have told us they want us to do. • We are using the insight gained from social marketing activities to inform approaches we might take to communication and engagement activity and we plan to build on this for the future.
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Section 5
Communications and Engagement 5.1
Internal communications
The aim of internal communications and engagement are to maintain a two-way flow of reliable information to encourage high quality service, teamwork, trust and loyalty, and to help make staff feel valued, motivated, and empowered to carry out their jobs to the best of their ability. Every staff member can influence the views of other staff, the public, patients and stakeholders on a daily basis through verbal, written or face-to-face contact. As such, they need access to the right information and tools to help them communicate effectively. The guiding principles are that we will: • inform all staff and of issues and events that affect the PCT and the impact these will have on them • consult staff through formal and informal channels about the development of relevant policies, practices and procedures • encourage listening and dialogue • inform staff of the PCT’s corporate priorities and objectives • help staff to understand the role they need to play in achieving those priorities and objectives • demonstrate the PCT’s achievements and successes and spread learning about them • support cultural change so that the PCT is flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances
To improve internal communications and engagement, we will: • Ensure that communications and engagement issues are considered at the early stages of project planning • Make communications and engagement materials accessible and appropriate to all internal audiences • Have a professional and consistent approach to internal communications and engagement, including a PCTwide style guide setting out how information should be presented • More creatively spreading the message of the work of the PCT having regular articles in the staff newsletter, Talk About. We will continually evaluate the effectiveness of our current internal communications and engagement mechanisms through a range of methods including audit. In line with financial plans and following the re-design of the staff intranet, an audit of all internal communications is planned. It is anticipated that selected print-based communications will move online, thus saving money and making information more accessible and up to date for staff. In the interim we will continue to use the following key internal communication and engagement vehicles: • Talk Time with the Chief Executive and Lunch Talk with the Chief Executive and Chairman • Senior Management Team meetings • Team meetings • Intranet (re-design planned for 2010) • TalkAbout – bimonthly 16 page staff newsletter • Staff surveys i.e. the annual staff survey and the readership survey
• • • •
Employee induction and training Weekly Talk Publicity materials i.e. posters, flyers Staff mail outs
Corporate identity
The NHS has one of the most recognisable brands in the UK. The NHS logo is spontaneously recognised by over 90% of the public and has high levels of trust and credibility. It is therefore important to use the NHS identity consistently and correctly. This will help patients and the public to navigate a more diverse healthcare system while maintaining their confidence that services will be delivered in line with NHS standards and values.
joint working with partners and the independent sector • support managing the reputation of the PCT and the NHS locally by being open and accountable, ensuring consistent messages are delivered to the community and correcting false or inaccurate information about our role, our services or the standard of our services.
Media relations
Developing good relations with local, national and specialist media supports the PCT’s objectives of improving health, reducing health inequalities and improving patient confidence in and knowledge of health services in Kirklees.
The guiding principles are: • We will provide high quality information that is clearly branded and written clearly and concisely, to external and internal audiences • We will always adhere to the Trust’s corporate standards and style guide, and the NHS Identity Guidelines, as well as take account of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) accessibility guidelines The Communications Team is the guardian of the branding and corporate identity of the Trust. We will: • develop a corporate style guide and promote knowledge of our corporate style • ensure consistency in the use of the PCT’s corporate style and the NHS logo on all materials for internal and external use • monitor the correct usage of the PCT’s corporate style and the NHS logo in
The guiding principles are: • We will adhere to an agreed media protocol • We will forge strong links with local and specialist media, and develop key links with national media outlets based in Kirklees • We will provide proactive and reactive information and resources for the media We will: • Generate publicity in national, specialist and local press for Trust achievements and developments in health services • Improve feedback mechanisms to capture more stories about the PCT’s achievements and successes • Ensure the Trust’s media protocol is well publicised and easily accessible by staff.
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Crisis communication and emergency planning
In the event of a major incident, serious untoward incident or public health emergency, a proactive, timely, reliable, accurate communication system is an essential part of the response. The NHS Kirklees Media Handling Policy outlines our approach to handling the media on a daytoday basis and in a crisis. A Memorandum of Understanding has been developed between all local NHS organisations to make sure that sufficient communications support is available now and in the future. The guiding principles are: • We will proactively communicate information to all PCT staff • We will ensure a consistent message is delivered by the NHS to the community. In the event of a Major Incident, Serious Untoward Incident or Public Health Emergency, the Head of Communications is a member of the Central Control Team at the PCT and will: • Proactively communicate information to all Trust staff • Establish and maintain a media management response • Ensure all communications are consistent with national and local messages Media protocols have been forged with Kirklees Council covering joint statements and partnership working across health and social care, as well as the West Yorkshire Emergency Media Protocol. We will continue to utilise such practices. NHS Kirklees has an emergency plan which includes communications roles and responsibilities. This has been and will continue to be tested, developed and
modified and will incorporate lessons learnt from the pandemic flu outbreak in 2009.
Public relations
Generating and maintaining confidence in the PCT is particularly important at a time of financial constraint and change in the NHS. The guiding principle is: • We will educate and inform stakeholders and those who influence opinion about the PCT, about our role and responsibilities We will do this by: • Developing a programme of visits and working lunches with leaders in health, local government, local Members of Parliament, the voluntary and community sector, opinion formers and key influencers • Developing a programme of representation at meetings, local events and launches by the Chair, Chief Executive, Directors, Nonexecutive Directors, senior managers and other staff, and ensuring feedback from those events is recorded, stored and disseminated • Delivering a programme to raise awareness of marketing techniques, aimed at senior staff, to maximise the potential of the PCT to position its expertise and services in the local health economy • Developing an up-to-date electronic directory of services from which other directories and guides can be drawn for internal and external use, including future joint working with partners and stakeholders • Ensuring contact and other details of local MPs, leaders in health and local government, the voluntary and community sector, media and other 15
opinion formers are stored centrally and kept up to date • Ensuring details of key PCT contacts and their areas of responsibility are kept up to date, published in hard copy and on the website. In light of the forthcoming financial constraints, NHS Kirklees will endeavor to ensure that we proactively engage and work with relevant internal stakeholders, the local media, the wider NHS, relevant partners and staff members to ensure the consistency of information reflected. This is in order to uphold our reputation and reliability.
Social marketing
A social marketing approach will be further embedded to support the development of services, communications and engagement activity to enable behaviour change and to demonstrate how the PCT is putting people at the centre of what we do. This will help us achieve a number of World Class Commissioning competencies such as locally leading the NHS, engaging with public and patients and prioritising investment. The NHS Kirklees vision for social marketing is: “Putting target populations of Kirklees at the heart of policy, communications, workforce development and service delivery to encourage behaviour change, improve health and reduce health inequalities” 1. Health-related social marketing is: “the systematic application of marketing, alongside other concepts and techniques, to achieve specific
behavioural goals, to improve health and to reduce inequalities.” Social Marketing will help us understand: • why people behave the way they do • what factors influence that behaviour • if any barriers exist to adopting the desired behaviour • how we remove those barriers and increase incentives to the desired behaviour change The social marketing process results in interventions which are insight driven, tailored and pre-tested to ensure that they meet the needs of the target audience and are presented in a way that is meaningful and attractive to that particular target group. The target groups are those priority groups identified in the JSNA, LAA, locality and programme plans. NHS Kirklees will use any insight gained that helps us to better communicate and engage with particular groups or on particular issues. We will seek further means of working with our partners, such as Kirklees Council, on social marketing techniques. This will focus upon the individual, be insight led and proactively seek to change people’s behaviours on public health issues and health choices. Such partnership working should also have a positive effect on cost reductions as this will be shared between NHS Kirklees and our involved partners. These approaches have already been used to support healthy personal behaviors relating to food, physical activity, alcohol and smoking.
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Patient and public involvement
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) can be defined as the active participation of patients, including children, carers, community representatives and the wider public in the development of health services and as partners in their own health care. PPI gives local people a say in how services are planned, commissioned, delivered and reviewed. It is important to recognise who to involve through our PPI activity. Individuals and groups play different roles and there needs to be involvement opportunities for both. In broad terms, we need to consider three ‘sets’ of people: • those who have direct experience of services (patients, carers) • members of the wider public • those who represent communities (community being defined by the common factor that brought people together e.g. shared geography, shared characteristics – age, gender, ethnic group or shared issues). There are a number of key health and social care policy drivers that aim to increase and improve patient and public involvement. In 2000, the NHS Plan laid the foundations for the Government’s vision for a patient led NHS, where ‘patients are the most important people in the health service’. For the first time the concept that patients and the wider public could influence how health services were planned, developed, delivered and reviewed was introduced. Section 11 of the Health & Social Care Act (2001) (now section 242 of the Consolidated NHS Act 2006) placed a legal duty on all NHS organisations to involve and
consult patients and the public on: • the planning and provision of service provision • the development of proposals for service change • in decisions about how services operate. Strengthening Accountability: Involving Patients and the Public (2003) formalised the structures set out in the NHS Plan and established the following structures: • Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health (CPPIH) • Local Involvement Networks (LINks) • Overview and Scrutiny Committees (OSC) • Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) • Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS) The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act (2007) abolished the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health (CPPIH) and the PPI Forums, and created Local Involvement Networks. We will strive to develop effective relationships with the Local Involvement Networks. Since 2003, the following documents have been published by the Department of Health which reinforce the government’s vision for a patient led NHS: • Patient and Public Involvement in Health: The Evidence for Policy (2004) • Every Child Matters: Change for Children (2004) • The NHS Improvement Plan: Putting People at the Heart of Public Service (2004) • National Standards, Local Action (2004) 17
• Better information, better choices, better health (2004) • Choosing Health (2005) • Ensuring a Patient Led NHS (2005) • Commissioning a Patient Led NHS (2006) • Our Health, Our Care, Our Say (2006) • PCT Fit for Purpose Programme (2006) • Practice Based Commissioning: achieving universal coverage (2006) • Commissioning Framework for Health: Commissioning for health and wellbeing (2007) • Darzi Review (Our NHS, Our Future) • Healthy Ambitions (2008) • Real Involvement (2008) • The NHS Constitution (2009) • Real Accountability Demonstrating responsiveness and accountability Guidance on the NHS duty to respond on consultation (2009) In addition to the above, the World Class Commissioning Assurance process will assess NHS Kirklees on how it proactively builds continuous and meaningful engagement with the public and patients to shape services and improve health. To improve patient and public involvement, we will: • make Patient and Public Involvement an integral part of PCT working when designing, reviewing and delivering services and using information to improve service user experience • implement a two way process of communication between NHS Kirklees, the public and service users and doing this in partnership were this makes sense to do so • recognise the diversity of the public and service users • raise awareness and promote active involvement of staff in the principles
of Patient and Public Involvement develop strategies with partners in the local health economy to ensure a seamless service develop approaches to patient led performance management to ensure robust monitoring of patient experience develop ways of identifying who our seldom heard groups are and what the best methods are to reach them develop methods and systems to ensure we can ensure our information reaches the right audiences develop alternative ways of engaging and involving the public and patients in light of the forthcoming cost savings i.e. real time to online focus groups, e-questionnaires rather than posting and freepost replies use patient and public involvement activity to make people aware of actions they can take as individuals to improve and protect their own health use social marketing approaches where these are felt appropriate
The PCT’s approach is set out in the PPI Action Plan (see Appendix B), which supports the PCT’s key objective of achieving the best health and well-being for all the people of Kirklees.
Promoting equality through communications and engagement
NHS Kirklees is committed to tackling health inequalities and commissioning high quality healthcare services based on the needs of the whole community. It aims to engage with the widest possible range of people and to communicate with all those who are affected by our services now and in the future.
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
As a public body, NHS Kirklees has a legal duty to eliminate discrimination and promote equality across all of its functions, including employment practices and service delivery. In meeting these public sector duties, the PCT is required to prepare and publish an Equality Scheme. The existing Single Equality Scheme 2007-2009 is currently under review, and with the help of a range of stakeholders, the PCT is aiming to develop a new three year Scheme that reflects local priorities identified by the people living and working in Kirklees. By undertaking Equality Impact Assessments on all our new policies and services and on existing policies and services through a 3 year plan, there will be a more systematic approach to identifying who needs to be engaged and consulted, and how that should be done. The ambition to reach more people, particularly those who are traditionally excluded from mainstream services, will require a more innovative and targeted approach to the engagement process. The PCT will consider new ways of engaging and communicating with ‘seldom heard’ groups and will develop structures which enable the diverse communities of Kirklees to have a voice and genuinely influence how the organisation carries out its business.
Electronic communications (e-communication)
NHS Kirklees requires an e-communications focus in order to communicate more effectively with Kirklees residents, patients, staff and key stakeholders. The aim of such communication is to create, sustain and manage effective two-way relationships with such groups in order to inform, increase awareness and improve the health and wellbeing of the community and the services provided/commissioned by NHS Kirklees.
The PCT is exploring the opportunities presented by electronic communication to support improving health in Kirklees and improving the working lives of staff. The PCT’s website needs to be better utilised as a way of reaching more people and targeting specific groups, while the Intranet has enormous potential to improve the working lives of staff. The guiding principles are: • We will use the PCT’s website to promote NHS Kirklees and facilitate channels of communication and networks so that stakeholders can communicate with the PCT easily, quickly and cheaply, e.g. conduct regular online surveys to collect feedback • We will use the Intranet to communicate internally with staff and actively encourage staff to use it, and seek to improve it, for their benefit and the benefit of the PCT as a whole. We will do this by: • formalising roles and responsibilities for the day-to-day management of both the Intranet and Internet and the strategic direction of both sites. Arrangements need to facilitate both sites being able to be quickly updated and responsive to changing issues and structures • focusing on traffic building through carefully defined targeting, techniques and timing to optimise our position within search engines, online PR to maximise favourable mentions of NHS Kirklees and for promotional purposes, forging online partnerships and taking advantage of interactive advertising to build site traffic and help build brand recognition. Monitoring and measurement of traffic on both the intranet and internet will enable us to 19
gain an understanding of our effectiveness • providing enhanced customer experiences through the use of the latest e-tools such as interactive digital TV, digital radio, mobile and wireless devices, interactive self-service kiosks. It is important to repurpose content to suit such differing environments and purposes. Convergence and integration of such technologies is key to create a seamless system which is interlinked. • involving patients and patient group representatives, as end users of the website, in the development of a framework for building public engagement activities on the website • using and implementing web 2.0 and social networking as mainstream marketing approaches. NHS Kirklees must recognise that customer’s value reviews from service users, despite whether such reviews are favourable or otherwise. Advocacy can and should be managed effectively and responsively by NHS Kirklees with the use of online detractors. E-communications will be an extremely effective tool to support reducing costs and providing value for money. With the advent of increased communications mechanisms being available online and becoming widely accepted by the wider public, NHS Kirklees must recognise and take advantage of this opportunity where possible.
Section 6
Working in Partnership Partnership working not only ensures that the information that we provide to the public is joined up and accessible, but utilizes resources efficiently and effectively and avoid duplication and is appreciated by the public.
Kirklees Council
Kirklees Council is one of our key partners in the provision of health and social care in Kirklees and we have a joint Communicating for Health Board which supports the partnership and to build on its effectiveness, we will: • Agree a protocol for joint communications work, including use of our corporate identity • Publicise joint working initiatives on the PCT’s Intranet and Internet, in our internal and external publications and media, and actively seek publicity in the Council’s internal and external publications and media. • Share best practice and learning both with PCT and Council staff • Continue to explore opportunities to improve procurement by sharing facilities, such as print and design services • Continue to develop a framework for sharing information with the aim of producing joint information products, such as directories of services.
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Voluntary and Charitable Sector
The Trust involves, engages and consults with a range of voluntary and charitable sector groups to gain valuable insights and feedback on patient experiences, and service design and delivery. NHS Kirklees will: • Continue to support the building and strengthening of partnership arrangements, and work with relevant Trust staff and the voluntary sector to identify communications issues and seek improvements where problems are identified.
both the independent and private sectors, working in partnership, rather than in competition. We will: • Retain responsibility for informing relevant stakeholders, patients, the public and staff, about changes to health care provision • Ensure NHS standards and values are well communicated and understood, both to partners and to patients and the public • Manage and protect our corporate identity, including the use of the NHS logo.
Independent Sector
The PCT already works closely with Independent Contractors, including general practitioners, dentists, opticians and community pharmacists, to improve health in Kirklees. A good example of this is the work that has gone into developing a section of the website which is targeted and tailored directly for GPs; GPLink. Registration and use of this site is vastly increasing. Communications activities have and will be developed further in order to engage each group of independent contractors and ensure there is a two-way flow of information and views. To improve communications with such contractors, we will: • Continue to improve information and feedback mechanisms to independent contractors and their staff Supporting the direction being taken by the NHS to broaden choice in the provision of services, the Trust will need to have processes in place to forge closer links with
Section 7
Improving Communications and Engagement In order to achieve the best health and wellbeing for all the people of Kirklees, the PCT will strive to sustain and achieve the following: Internally • Facilitate effective two-way internal communications (consistent, timely and relevant information) within NHS Kirklees to make sure that all staff are given every opportunity to be fully informed and involved in the work and strategic direction of the PCT • Encourage and develop co-operation, the exchange of ideas, views and information throughout NHS Kirklees • Develop a culture where managers and staff feel motivated and empowered to make a contribution, and where communication is seen as a joint responsibility • Communicate and celebrate our successes and learn from our failures • Enable and support staff to be ambassadors for NHS Kirklees and the NHS • Ensure the communications team has the appropriate communications and marketing skills and expertise. Externally • Improve the reputation and raise the profile of NHS Kirklees, its services and the local NHS and market ourselves as the leader of the NHS in Kirklees particularly to partner organisations and other agencies • Further develop our media relations and continue to adopt a proactive approach to the media to help shape public awareness and manage
• •
• •
expectations of the local NHS given the current economic climate and potential for difficult messages Inform patients and stakeholders of plans, service developments, and public health messages Develop clear two way communication with patients and the public, where patients, carers and users can feedback Communicate and celebrate our achievements and successes, building our credibility and trust Develop clear and consistent public information Develop effective communication with those groups who find it more difficult to share their views and participate in engagement activity Develop effective relationships with key stakeholders Involve and consult with patients and the public and involve them in decisions, always looking for new opportunities and make sure we feed back what we did as a result.
Key messages
NHS Kirklees will work to a set of key messages, which we will use in our public and internal information to make sure we are consistent. These relate to NHS Kirklees’ vision and values and strategic objectives. Patients and the Public • Patients and the public are at the heart of everything we do. • We will support people in taking responsibility for their own health and well being. • We want patients to be involved in shaping their own health services and using them responsibly. • We respect the different make-up of
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
our local community and will work with them to support their needs. • We will make sure that services are available as close as possible to people’s homes. • We will not tolerate violence and aggression towards our staff. • We will value diversity and challenge discrimination. Finance/Resources • We will use our resources in ways that provide the best value for money to meet local needs that are affordable and sustainable. • We will allocate our finances in line with our strategic priorities and statutory duties. • We will strive to reduce carbon emissions and make sure PCT activity has a minimal impact on the environment. Public Health • We will work in partnership with relevant organisations and our local population to improve health and well being • We will work in partnership with others to reduce local health inequalities • We will make sure that the what we commission is based on evidence and up to date information on health need to improve health.
best to meet local needs. Getting the best from our people • We will treat each other with understanding, dignity and respect • We will value diversity and challenge discrimination • We will work as a team and carry out our jobs to a high standard • We value our staff and want to develop a learning environment which promotes continuous personal and professional development • We will encourage new and innovative ways of delivering services and celebrating success • We want all our staff to be confident, well trained and skilled at listening and communicating • We will tackle poor performance and inappropriate behaviour. There will be additional key messages for specific programmes or campaigns.
Performance • We will strive to continuously improve our performance and the performance of those whose services we commission in terms of accessibility, quality and choice. • We want patients to have access to good quality healthcare premises. • We will keep people informed about the service they can expect and do our
Section 8
Measuring Success We will measure our successes in meeting the aims and objectives of this Strategy in a number of ways, including: • Media evaluation – quantitative and qualitative • Formal evaluation of – internal communications and external communications, including a brand and other audits • Local and National Staff surveys • Patient surveys • Feedback at formal meetings (internal and public) • Compliments and complaints • PALS enquiries • Stakeholder surveys • Innovative engagement • Budget management and value for money asessment If we are to ensure communications and marketing work is evidence based and meets the needs of our key audiences, we need to be able to evaluate and measure our activity. The World Class Commissioning Assurance Framework measures the organisation against a set of 11 competencies. Communications and engagement have a role within most of the competencies but specifically within: • Locally leading the NHS – Competency 1 • Working with community partners – Competency 2 • Engaging with public and patients – Competency 3
We will be measured through public polling data, 360° stakeholder reviews and media evaluation. This forms an annual evaluation of communications performance.
The communications and engagement action plan for delivery for 2009/11 is set out in Appendix B, which covers the following key areas: • Informing the public and stakeholders including media relations • Campaigns • Matrix working with the Public and Patient Involvement team • Staff comminications • Partnership working • Reputation and brand Through indentifying the actions required, the co-dependencies for achieving these and the timescales and risks involved, the outcomes and measures can realistically be implemented and achieved.
8.2 Evaluation It is important to demonstrate that NHS Kirklees listens to comments and suggestions from staff, patients and the public and reviews methods of communications and engagement to see if they are effective. Equally, it is important that the changes we make because of patient/public and staff involvement is communicated and reported back in the most appropriate way. The effectiveness of this strategy will be monitored internally through: • the annual staff survey • regular audit’s of internal and external
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
• • • •
communications activities annual readership survey for staff newsletter, TalkAbout intranet use surveys on specific issues progress towards meeting the Trust's Equality and Diversity Strategy aims and objectives feedback from Team Brief, Talk Time with the Chief Executive and Lunch Talk with the Chief Executive and Chairman feedback from induction and other employee training
And externally through: • regular audits, assessed against the principles and objectives outlined in this document • patient, public and stakeholder surveys • feedback from the annual patient prospectus • public polling • monitoring of media coverage including measuring our impact in the national, local and specialist media • website statistics • patient feedback at events • regular review of the key principles, objectives and key messages outlined in this strategy • measuring the success of our goals and outputs • complaints • PALs enquiries • Local Involvement Networks (LINks) • Patient Opinion • feedback from partner organisations • finalising protocols with partners/stakeholders on partnership working and joint working arrangements • Kirklees Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Communications and PR Committee which is a sub-committee of NHS Kirklees Board with representatives from each directorate, a non-executive and partners, has led the development and monitoring of the communications and engagement strategy and plans.
Section 9
Communications and Engagement Resources NHS Kirklees has a dedicated staff workforce who have the appropriate skills and experience in communications, social marketing, public and patient involvement and equality and diversity. In line with the operating framework requirement, the PCT is reviewing its management and agency cost expenditure and expenditure on communications and engagement will form part of this overall review.
Appendix A
Stakeholders The primary audience of the communications and PPI team includes Kirklees residents and patients, NHS Kirklees staff and key stakeholders. The secondary audience is made up of community leaders, opinion formers, businesses, public agencies and politicians who impact on the work of the district. Good communication with audiences outside of NHS Kirklees is essential to make sure they are informed of PCT activities and decisions, and to explain how and why decisions have been reached. It helps to build public confidence in the local NHS and give people the information they need to make informed choices about their care and support them to take responsibility for their own health. It also gives people the opportunity to feedback about our services or the decisions we make. NHS Kirklees is working closely with Kirklees Council on ways of joining up our communications and engagement activity as much as possible to avoid duplication and give clear and consistent messages. This is particularly important as we enter an environment of financial constraint across the public sector. Effective internal communications means the PCT will: • run the business of NHS Kirklees more effectively • make sure we are as productive and efficient as possible and use our limited resources in innovative ways to get best value for money • have a workforce that is confident and skilled at listening and communicating 26
• have and retain a workforce which considers itself valued • be able to communicate more effectively with our external audiences – because our own staff are our best ambassadors. Staff and public involvement are key to helping develop the profile and reputation of the local NHS and will help deliver commitment as well as “champions” for the NHS. Regular communication and involvement with staff and patients matters because it motivates people and wins acceptance of a commitment to change. The following table identifies our key stakeholders and the range of methods we use to communicate with them. NHS Kirklees recognises that one size does not fit all and we have to adapt our communications and engagement methods to suit our particular audiences. Good communication is achieved through using a variety of tools and techniques. We are working on developing a range of databases to make sure we target the right people with the right information and avoid duplication when undertaking engagement work.
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Internal Stakeholders • • • • • • •
• • • •
All staff Community services staff Staff in different locations HQ staff Directors Trade Union reps Other independent contractors: community pharmacists, dentists and opticians, and their staff Board members, including NonExecutive Directors (NEDs) Professional Executive Committee (PEC) members The Senior Management Team (SMT) Board sub committee members
Methods Written • Weekly e-bulletin (Weekly Talk) • Staff newsletter (TalkAbout) • Email • Intranet • Notice boards • Pay roll attachments • Annual staff surveys using feedback to improve communications • Letters • Posters/notices • Staff resources Verbal • Team Briefing (Team Talk) • Lunchtime sessions with CEO and Chairman (Lunch Talk) • Open staff sessions (Talk Time) • Presentations • One to one and team meetings Events • Trust board meetings • AGM • Annual staff awards • SMT meetings • Staff meetings • Work shadowing Marketing tools/tactics • Text messaging
External Stakeholders
NHS / partners • Department of Health • Yorkshire and Humber Strategic Health Authority • Independent and salaried contractors: GPs, dentists, pharmacists, optometrists and their staff • NHS provider trusts with whom the PCT contracts
Written • A variety of NHS Kirklees publications (including annual report, guide to services) • Leaflets, posters and other materials produced by NHS Kirklees • Website – • Press releases • Emails • Public newsletter (Health Talk)
External Stakeholders • • • • • •
Neighbouring PCTs NHS Direct Local professional committees Kirklees Council Private and voluntary sector providers Independent Sector Treatment Centres • Connecting for Health/NPfIT Local government • Politicians: local MPs and Councillors • Kirklees Council (executive and officers) • Town and Parish councils Public • Patients, service users and carers • Groups and individuals the NHS traditionally find seldom heard – travelers, older people, young people, people for whom English is not their first language etc • Resident population • Pressure / interest groups • Voluntary and community organisations • Local Involvement Network (LINk) • Parents • School leavers and university graduates (prospective employees) • BME communities • School – pupils, teachers and governors • Media • Care homes • Local businesses • Drug companies • University of Huddersfield and local colleges
Methods • • • • • •
Kirklees Together (Council newsletter) Direct mailing Patient diaries Patient Opinion Comment cards Get involved, share your views newsletter • Voluntary Action Kirklees Health Bulletin Verbal • Focus/discussion groups • Workshops • Attendance at Community Events • Chief Executive briefings of MP’s • and Councillors • Attendance at regional meetings • Interviews Events • Trust board meetings held in public, including AGM • Organised/attendance at meetings, events and forums • Events and presentations • Practice protected time events • Surveys • Requesting patient and public feedback / comment • Mobile exhibitions Marketing • Marketing campaigns • Resource centre, pharmacy and health campaigns • Social marketing interventions • Text messaging • Digital TV and radio • Social media, such as podcasts, downloads and social networking sites • DVDs/CDs • Sponsorship/accreditation • Sandwich boards/town crier • Washroom advertising
Need for consistent branding and presentation of material for the public
More positive coverage of NHS Kirklees generated through greater take up of press releases
Work with the local media
Communications toolkit developed and rolled out
Ensure clear branding advice is in place and in use
Develop guidelines for producing and branding of public facing information
Positive public feedback
Improved media metrics
Outcomes and measures
Actions identified
From September 09 and then ongoing
From September 09 and then ongoing
SMT, all directorates, PA’s
Programmes within NHS Kirklees working with communications team to create and deliver 'newsworthy' stories.
Reliant on positive relations with media contacts.
Communications and Engagement Action Plans
Appendix B
Communications toolkit currently being developed to help other teams within NHS Kirklees
Public polling shows high level of recognition of NHS Kirklees brand
Staff are using templates, guidance, etc
Misuse of the brand can reduce the impact of correctly used branding.
Incorrect or illegal use of copyrighted materials can lead to legal action.
Inconsistent branding gives the organisation a 'disorganised', untidy outward appearance.
Communications / Graphics team.
Head of Communications
Media often have their own agenda, which we are not necessarily always aware of.
Initial introductory meetings with all major print/health correspondents and then regular contact to ensure relationships are maintained.
Staff understand the need for clear branding
PCT Lead
Progress To Date
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Outcomes and measures
Communications plans developed with each of the HITsWork being planned in other parts of the organisation fed into communications forward planFeed into new SHA campaigns database
Better, more effective and efficient working across disciples to provide a better, more integrated service to internal colleagues resulting in
Actions identified
Better integration of project/programme communications with each other and with the overall strategicdirectionWork across Yorkshire and Humber to avoid duplication of effort/produce economies of scale
Teams working closely together to ensure that internal colleagues are aware of when and why to involve different teams Ongoing
Teams do not engage with the communications team and include as part of their planning process. This may be as a result of unexpected external factors e.g. swine fluTime / resource constraints do not allow for cross Y&H working or do so in a limited and less effective manner. Time constraints. Potential of bottlenecks being created as work flows through this group.
A user involvement group has been established to provide a single point of contact for colleagues across PPI, Social Marketing, Public Health, Commissioning
More effective use of channels Better links between different areas of the organisation Consistent external perception of NHS Kirklees being presented Clear understanding of the roles of communications, social marketing and PPI.
understand the role of the communications / graphics and reprographics service and the processes involved. This will also include some basic templates for wider usage.
Progress To Date
PPI, Social Marketing, Public Health, Commissioning
Communications, PPI, Social Marketing, Equality & Diversity, Patient Experience
NHSK communications team in conjunction with other NHS communications teams. Project / programme team leaders.Support required from senior management team.
PCT Lead
Actively participate in the Health Marketing Board across Kirklees and work to agreed actions/campaigns
Redevelopment of Team Briefing Team with new process to be agreed and signed up to by every member of the SMTIncreased staff feedback through the establishment of a two way dialogue so that staff feel their views and opinions are heard and valued Redevelopment of Intranet
Develop effective relationships with key stakeholders
Ensuring consistent, effective system of internal communications so that staff feel confident to act as ambassadors for the organisation
better service delivery to patients.
Development of coordinated campaigns and campaign plans to reduce duplication and use resources more effectively
Development of Communications handbook in progress to allow staff to understand better what the Communications team can offer, when they should be engaged and inclusion and some tools and templates.
Comms/Public Health/LA
SMT/senior managers/all staff
NHS Kirklees to contact: this includes representation from Communications, PPI, Patient Experience, Social Marketing and Equality and Diversity. Communications team with responsibility of all senior managers to ensure that teams are engaging with the Communications team on a regular basis. Communications team. Support required from senior management team.
Dependent on time and availability of key stakeholders.
Staff will produce their own communications materials without engaging with the communications or graphics team, so producing materials that:- do not adhere to NHS brand guidance- do not support key NHS Kirklees objectives and communications
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Modules in communications programme to be produced and training evaluated to ensure staff feel supported and valued
Develop communications competency of all staff to support delivering of WCC through a series of road shows and master classes backed by use of training resources currently being developed by the SHA including social marketing skills training, MA in Comms
Staff are well informed, appropriately trained and equipped to communicate
Need to develop management culture of communications
Development of shared communications values: open, two-way, clear, consistent,
Move from information giving to communicating and engaging
Need for far greater emphasis on face to face communications
Outcomes and measures
Actions identified Timescale
Progress To Date
Without a management culture of communications NHS Kirklees risks its staff feeling disengaged with the decision making processes and a wealth of experience, ideas
messages.potentially duplicate or confuse existing communications activity.
Support required from senior management team.
Communications team.
PCT Lead
Move from information giving to communicating and engaging
Staff know what the national vision for the is and how the PCT contributes to this
Staff are well informed, appropriately trained and equipped to communicate
Staff and contractors have Ongoing access to the latest information, policies, operating procedures allowing them to carry out their duties as effectively as possible.
Ensuring consistent, effective system of internal communications so that staff feel confident to act as ambassadors for the organisation
Ensures that the public and prospective future employees are aware that NHS Kirklees has a diverse and inclusive workforce.
Ensure information such as workforce ethnicity is up top date and available
Communications team with support from SMT.
Development of Communications handbook in progress to allow staff to understand better what the Communications team can offer, when they should be engaged and inclusion and some tools and SMT/senior managers/all staff
All communications are reliant on employees taking the time to read, digest and act upon the information they are given.
Training delivered and evaluated
All communications Communications are reliant on team with support employees taking from SMT. the time to read, digest and act upon the information they are given.
Communications team with support from SMT.
SMT/senior managers/all staff
All communications are reliant on employees taking the time to read, digest and act upon the information they are given.
NHS Kirklees Intranet is currently being redesigned and its content reviewed and updated. Separate secure web areas have been set up for the different contractor groups and are being rolled out.
Dependant on information being available.
Equality & diversity manager / communications team
A review of all website content is currently underway.
Dependant on information being available.
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Outcomes and measures
Develop shared communications values: open, two-way, clear, consistent, integrated
Actions identified
Use of resources produced by SHA e.g. social marketing, MA in Communications and Engagement Ongoing
Timescale SMT/senior managers/all staff
Co-dependencies templates.The communications team use the information supplied by the SHA regularly. This is either supplied directly through the SHA Intranet site or via CommsLink. A member of the communications team attends a weekly teleconference with the SHA and Comms leads from across the Yorkshire & Humber region to dicuss the following weeks events, activities, national campaigns and the DH media diary.
Progress To Date
PCT Lead
- Time constraints. Communications Not always possible team to meet in large groups and work as closely as we could due to diary conflicts. - Organisational pressures - due to organisations wanting differing emphasis on different messages, it can sometimes be difficult to run the same campaign across different PCT boundaries despite the cost and impact benefits.
Need to develop management culture of communications
Increased communications competence
From Sep 09
SMT/senior managers/all staff
Development of Communications handbook in progress to allow staff to understand better what the Communications team can offer, when they should be engaged and inclusion and some tools and templates.
Without a two way communication culture between managers and staff NHS Kirklees risks its staff feeling disengaged with the decision making processes and a wealth of experience, ideas
Communications team. Support required from senior management team.
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Clear understanding of the role of communications, social marketing and PPI.
Develop joint communications plan to maximise opportunities for positive media coverage
Work being planned in other parts of the organisation fed into communications forward plan.
Consistent external perception of NHS Kirklees being presented.
Better links between different areas of organisation.
Work across Yorkshire and Humber to avoid duplication of effort/produce economies of scale.
Teams working closely together to make sure colleagues are aware of when and why to involve different teams.
More effective use of channels.
communications with each other and with the overall strategic direction.
Better integration of project/programme.
Communications plans developed with each of the HITs.
Work being planned in other parts of the organisation fed into communications forward plan.
Outcomes and measures
Actions identified
Partner organisations
PPI, Social Marketing, Public Health, Commissioning
A number of activities are in place to support this:§ Weekly teleconference with SHA and Y&H comms leads to discuss the following week’s activities.§ Monthly Y&H comms media leads meeting with SHA to discuss trends in media
Clear understanding of the roles of communications, social marketing and PPI.
Consistent external perception of NHS Kirklees being presented
Better links between different areas of the organisation
More effective use of channels
Progress To Date
- Time constraints. Not always possible to meet in large groups and work as closely as we could due to diary conflicts. - Organisational pressures - due to organisations wanting differing emphasis on different messages,
Time / resource constraints do not allow for cross Y&H working or do so in a limited and less effective manner.
Teams do not engage with the communications team and include as part of their planning process. This may be as a result of unexpected external factors e.g. swine flu
Communications team
Support required from senior management team.
Project / programme team leaders.
communications team in conjunction with other NHS communications teams.
PCT Lead
reporting, best practice and other issues specifically relating to media activity.§ Regular meeting of comms leads across Y&H to focus on the regional approach to national DH campaigns. Looking at how activity and workload can be shared across the region, what economies of scale can be achieved and the most effective approach to tackle issues. Regular ‘patch’ meetings with comms leads from Calderdale PCT, Wakefield PCT, CHFT, MYHT and SWMHT to look at communications activities across the local health economy. Regular joint working on local health economy issues with CHFT and MYHT. Close and regular working with Kirklees council on district-wide issues and areas where services are jointly commissioned. it can sometimes be difficult to run the same campaign across different PCT boundaries despite the cost and impact benefits.
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Development of joint communications plans
Better integration of project/programme.§ communications with each other and with the overall strategic direction.§ More effective use of channels.
Teams working closely together to make sure colleagues are aware of when and why to involve different teams.
Working with partner organisations to develop case studies and stories about the delivery of priorities, for example, strategic partnership priorities
Better links between different areas of organisation.§ Consistent external perception of NHS Kirklees
Outcomes and measures
Actions identified
A number of activities are in place to support this: Weekly teleconference with SHA and Y&H comms leads to discuss the following week’s activities. Monthly Y&H comms media leads meeting with SHA to discuss trends in media reporting, best practice and
PPI, Social Marketing, Public Health, Commissioning
Swine flu joint Your Guide / A-Z Council services Adverse weather Emergency planning
More effective use of channelsBetter links between different areas of the organisation. Consistent external perception of NHS Kirklees being presented. Clear understanding of the roles of communications, social marketing and PPI.
Progress To Date
Communications team
NHSK communications team in conjunction with other NHS communications teams. Project / programme team leaders.Support required from senior management team.
Teams do not engage with the communications team and include as part of their planning process. This may be as a result of unexpected external factors e.g. swine fluTime / resource constraints do not allow for cross Y&H working or do so in a limited - Time constraints. Not always possible to meet in large groups and work as closely as we could due to diary conflicts. - Organisational pressures - due to organisations wanting differing emphasis on different messages.
PCT Lead
Development of coordinated campaigns. Reduced duplication. More effective use of resources Consistent messages
More effective communications achieved through better targeting of campaigns through the use of audience segmentation.
Develop effective relationships with key stakeholders.ยง Actively participate in Health Marketing Board across Kirklees and work to agreed campaigns.ยง Joint communications with teams in other NHS organisations.
Make full use of social marketing intelligence to better plan and develop communications activities.
Time and budget constraints. Whilst campaigns and messages can be more effectively targeted using social marketing intelligence, this potentially creates additional work.
A user involvement group has been established to provide a single point of contact for colleagues across NHS Kirklees to contact: this includes representation from Communications, PPI, Patient Experience, Social Marketing and Equality and Diversity. Social marketing.
Communications team
Time constraints. Communications Not always possible team to meet in large groups and work as closely as we could due to diary conflicts.Organisational pressures - due to organisations wanting differing emphasis on different messages, it can sometimes be difficult to run the same campaign across different PCT boundaries despite the cost and impact benefits.
Develop effective relationships with key stakeholders.ยง Regular and active participant of Health Marketing Board. Collaborating on joint Council publication Kirklees Together.ยง Close working relationships with CHfT, MYHT, SWYPFT and KCHS. Many examples of joint working with these organisations and others across Y&H e.g. swine flu, Choose Well, Choose & Book
Comms/Public Health/LA
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Better, more effective and efficient working across disciples to provide a better, more integrated service to internal colleagues resulting in better service delivery to patients.
Teams working closely together to ensure that internal colleagues are aware of when and why to involve different teams
Timescale Ongoing
Outcomes and measures
Comms / PPI / Patient Better, more effective and Experience / E&D / efficient working across Social Marketing board disciples to provide a better, more integrated service to internal colleagues resulting in better service delivery to patients.
Actions identified
PPI, Social Marketing, Public Health, Commissioning
PPI, Social Marketing, Public Health, Commissioning
A user involvement group has been established to provide a single point of contact for colleagues across NHS Kirklees to contact: this includes representation from Communications, PPI, Patient Experience, Social Marketing and Equality and Diversity.
Progress To Date
Time constraints. Potential of bottlenecks being created as work flows through this group.
Time constraints. Potential of bottlenecks being created as work flows through this group.
Communications, PPI, Social Marketing, Equality & Diversity, Patient Experience
Communications, PPI, Social Marketing, Equality & Diversity, Patient Experience
PCT Lead
Outcomes and measures
Mar-10 onwards
Ongoing after implementation
Ensure that regular updates and changes to the system are incorporated and information within the database and technical aspects are kept up to date.
Support from SMT/Board to ensure that it is embedded within the organisation.
Develop a database to Involve Database available capture PPI activity on the internet for use by across the NHS and LA. both staff (sharing good practice, avoid duplication in involvement work, recording information) and public (raise awareness of NHSK's work, increasing opportunities for involvement, seeing outcomes of involvement work). Measure - audit information
Actions identified 1. Development of IT systems. 2. Use of database by staff.
Patient and Public Involvement Action Plan
Appendix B
Progress and schedule of meetings between NHSK and LA.
Progress To Date
1. Poor information sharing with LA.
1. Delay in progress/agreement of database modules. 2. Staff not using the database to upload up to date information. 3. No or poor liaison with LA.
PPI team / IT / Comms
Dir / AD Comms and PR
PCT Lead
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Recording of the initiatives Jan-10 and outcomes in this area to be done through WCC action plans for each competency. Measure intergration into plans
Establish a system to capture comments and feedback received from the public. Establish process for analysing and addressing such comments (e.g. from consultation, public meetings, comments card, Get involved, share your views leaflet)
System to capture information on individuals interested in getting involved ensuring that the information is gathered and stored in a manner that maximises the use of the data. Use of tools such as MOSAIC database to improve ability to target activities. Measure - improvements to database carried out; regular mailouts to participants taking place.
Getting Involved database: Carry out technical improvements to enable more efficient and targetted use of data. Ensure ongoing recruitment and communication with participants.
Outcomes and measures
Actions identified
1. Availability and support from HIS
Capacity of Communications/G raphics Team
Co-dependencies 1.Using Mosaic to map people on the database to establish gaps. 2. Newsletter developed. 3. Leaflet designed and distributed. 4.Welcome packs for participants on Getting Involved database set up and used. 5. IT updated database
Progress To Date
1. Slow progress leading to delays in implementing this. 2. Take up and response from Directorates across NHSK.
1. Time delay
PPI team / IT / Comms
PPI team / Comms team / Graphics / IT
PCT Lead
Support the LINk in its development and activities. Measure feedback from LA LINk Lead following contract reviews with Host Organisation
Attend Management Board meetings as organised by the Local Authority LINk lead and LINk Operational Group.
Support the LINk to promote its existence and work and encourage public access, for example via NHSK's website and PPI team's publications for staff and the public.
Increased awareness of the work of the PCT among the public. Measure - number of interviews held, Comment cards received following the events, evaluation of the value of this method.
Camper Van - attend key events across Kirklees during Summer 09 gaining public feedback on services and NHSK. Report from this initiative produced and disseminated.
1. Website information 2. Distribution of leaflets 3. Presence in internal and external publications e.g. leaflets and staff resources 4. Joint meetings in place
PPI team / Comms / Graphics
PPI team
Distribution of LINk promotional material to interested parties. LINK details noted in PPI's documentation such as Toolkit and leaflets. Information on NHSK's website.
1. Partner participation in LINk related meetings. 2. Working relationship with the LINk and Host organisation.
1. LINk's ability to add value to current system.
PPI team / The Mill Group / Comms
All events attended. DVD produced and presented to Trust Board. Written report available in January 2010.
1. Interest from members of the public
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Outcomes and measures
Database in place containing information on local voluntary and community organisations inclusive of their operational structures, needs and preferred engagement mechanisms for each. Support this with information on current and developing relationships between the organisations and various PCT teams. Enable a detailed understanding of the various communities and interest groups operating within the PCT area. Measure - database in place
A rolling programme of groups and their meetings to be developed with aim of highlighting opportunities for involvement and capturing information from individual groups on involvement opportunities and health services in general. System in place to follow up queries and provide feedback to groups. Measure - programme set up and meetings attended
Actions identified
Map voluntary and community organisations within Kirklees to enable effective and targeted engagement and involvement. Develop knowledge base of all groups' needs, backgrounds and intergroup issues including the following: a) define what our communities are e.g. interest groups or communities within communities, b) incorporate map of who in the PCT engages with any of the above groups.
Develop a programme of attendance at voluntary and community sector groups' meetings.
1. Progress made by VAK as per agreed action plan
Ongoing after 1. Demand from implementation and availability of groups to visit.
1. Low interest in NHSK participation at meetings. 2. Capacity of PPI Team
1. Slow progress leading to incomplete database and/or not up to date information
1. Contract with VAK in place 2. Monitoring of contract taking place
1. Mailout done 2. Attended meetings at request of voluntary organisations
Progress To Date
PPI team
PCT Lead
Develop a plan of activities to support the work of Health Improvement Teams and embedding PPI within this. Coordinate this with Communications and Social Marketing.
PPI activity is an integral part of the commissioning process. Measure - PPI included in all commissioning plans
Feeding back such views to inform the commissioning process
Undertake all necessary activities as and when new proposals arise to inform the commissioning process.
Work with members of the commissioning teams to make sure PPI activity is integral to the commissioning of services.
HIT teams
1. Liaison between Directorates
Involvement with Pain, Stroke, Intermediate Care, Diabetes and ADHD HITs
1. Hip 2. Pain 3. Stroke 4. Diabetes 5. Intermediate Care 6. WOCBA 7. Drugs 8. Alcohol 9. Obesity 10. Tobacco 11. ADHD 12. LTCs 13. Dermatology 14. Respiratory 15. CHD
1. Capacity of PPI team 2. Consistence in involving PPI team across various HITs
1. Low/late involvement of the team in work areas.
PPI team / Comms / HITs / SM
PPI team
PPI team / Commissioning
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
PPI embedded within all HIT plans.
Co-ordinated and consistent approach in the advice provided to HIT leads.
Set up an internal working group to support the work of the HITs. Group to include reps from PPI, Communications, Equality & Diversity, Social Marketing and Patient Experience.
Develop information sessions for PBC consortia around patient and public involvement
PBC consortia received training and support. Higher proportion of practices report engaging with their patients for PBC purposes.
Outcomes and measures
Actions identified
Mar-10 onwards
1. PBC Managers 2. PBC consortia
HIT teams
Mtg held with PBC Manager (PPI Lead)
First meeting held and TOR agreed.
Progress To Date
1. Lack of interest in sessions and integration of PPI within plans. 2. Continuing low results for PBC in this area.
1. Lack of capacity from HIT leads
PPI Team / PBC Manager (PPI Lead)
PPI Team / Communications / Equality and Diversity / Social Marketing / Patient Experience
PCT Lead
Ongoing once implemented
Effective conduct of all formal consultations which are carried out following national guidance or local needs. Measures - process followed according to guidance; measuring how effective processes were (how many responses received, were any petitions received, how did the organisation fed back, public reaction, service outcomes)
PPI requirements embedded in contracts.
Leading on all formal consultation processes to ensure the PCT's compliance with duties under Section 242
Work with the Contracting team to develop an appropriate approach to embed PPI aspects in contracts/service specifications.
System in place to ensure any issues raised by members of the public to staff are addressed and service improvements are made. Measure - quarterly reports produced and submitted to Communications and PR sub-committee.
Consider how PPI provide support to KCHS to enable them to communicate with patients and public.
Attending Duty to Involve meetings led on by LA
Involved in MYSS, HVMH and NHS Constitution consultations.
Victoria Medical Centre
1. KCHS and LA
1. National and local consultations arising.
1. Contract Monitoring and Quality Board
1. Capacity of PPI team
1. Lack of interest from LA and KCHS. 2. Lack of participation from members of public 3. Low staff awareness of this resource and the process of dealing with comments.
PPI team / Contracting
PPI Team
PPI team / Graphics
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Jan-10 training DVD Sep-10 Accredited training
Training programme for staff in place.
Work with Huddersfield University, CHFT, NHS Wakefield and NHS Calderdale to develop induction DVD and accredited training programme.
Timescale Ongoing
Outcomes and measures
Review leaflets and Maintain the utilisation of publications developed the Readers' Panel by the by the organisation organisation. through the Readers' Panel. Increase the proportion of new and edited publications produced by the organisation that have been approved by the Reader's Panel. Continue with quarterly meetings of the group. Consider development of a logo to be used for all publications that have been considered by the RP and liaise with Local Authority on its application.
Actions identified
1. Demand from staff 2. Development of academic course via the University. 3. Financial capabilities.
1. Participation from current members 2. Promotion leading to increased membership
Co-dependencies PPI team
1. Staff not utilizing the group as intended.
PPI team / NHS Calderdale / CHFT/ NHS Wakefield / University of Huddersfield
PCT Lead
1. Regular meetings 1. Low uptake from taking place. members of staff. 2. Training DVD developed including interviews with members of the public and staff
Joint quarterly meetings held.
Progress To Date
Staff provided with information and support to effectively undertake PPI activities
Increased public and staff awareness of the service. Measure - Quarterly reports
Rolling programme of Ongoing events in place generating feedback from the sector. PALS queries responded to according to PALS protocol. General feedback inputted onto Feedback Database and actions recorded. Feedback to groups/individuals given. Measure - programme of meetings in place; queries and concerns responded to and recorded monitoring any trends
Attend team meetings to raise awareness of PPI and the team. Work with KCHS to look at how this can be developed with them.
Continue in promotional activities to increase awareness of the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
PALS - develop links with community groups and voluntary organisations, increasing awareness of the service, gathering information on individual groups as well as feedback on services.
1.Mailout done 2. PALS queries responded as per protocol and recorded on Datix
1. Staff capacity 2. Uptake from VCS groups
1. Feedback database not developed
PALS / PPI team / Graphics
Mailout done
PPI team / Comms / Graphics
Staff capacity
1. Low uptake from members of staff.
1.PPI toolkit to assist staff with conducting PPI activities developed and launched through series of roadshows. 2. PPI team leaflet produced to promote the team and its role. 3. Several internal meetings attended.
1. Promotion 2. Staff participation
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Evaluation of service done according to results.
PALS - monitor and evaluate the service to gather user feedback and aid service improvement
Process agreed and good practice shared to ensure smooth transfer of cases where applicable.
Patient Opinion being Sep-09 used by the public and NHS Kirklees are using the feedback to develop services. Cooperation with CHFT and Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Trust in responding to postings. Comments received via the PO to be captured in Feedback Database to monitor trends and inform commissioning of services. Measure - Quarterly PALS reports incorporating PO data
Cooperation between PALS and complaints taking into consideration any new and emerging trends.
Utilise Patient Opinion (internet based system for capturing independent feedback on services - from patients, relatives, carers and staff)
Monitor service improvements made as a result of PALS queries. Measure - Quarterly PALS reports Ongoing
Recording system improved to capture service improvements identified via PALS
Protocol followed by staff.
Outcomes and measures
Actions identified
1. Promotion and staff usage of the system
1. Staff capacity 2. New and emerging guidance
Development of Datix in line with needs of other teams.
Current system to be reviewed
1.Contract with PO extended 2. Initial protocol for dealing with postings established 3. Liaising with other trusts regarding postings
Complaints Officer present at PPI/PALS team meetings
PALS / Complaints
PALS / PPI / Complaints / Risk / FOI
1. Low usage of the PALS / PPI system from the public
1. System not set up to identify and monitor service improvements.
PALS / PPI / Comms and PR Group
1. Low feedback not representative of users' experience of the service
Monthly surveys on hold
PCT Lead
Progress To Date
Staff provided with information and support to effectively undertake Equality Impact Assessments.
Available on the internet and help towards legal compliance.
Develop and deliver Equality Impact Training to lead managers.
Develop and publish timetable for Equality Impact Assessments for the next 3 years.
Evaluation to be carried out at the end of the current contract in 2010.
Equality Impact Assessments become integral to the work of NHSK. EQIA Framework is legally complaint.
Ensure training is provided for staff and independent contractors when identified as a need.
Review and update current Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit
Marketing of PO
1. Lead officers across NHSK 2. Equality & Diversity Steering Group
1. PPI Team 2. Partnership with other Trusts
Template distributed and completed forms being returned.
1. Lead managers failing to complete and return templates 2. Capacity of E&D Manager
1. Capacity of PPI Team and E&D Manager 2. Lack of financial resources
Conducted an audit 1. Capacity of E&D of other Trusts. Manager
Equality & Diversity Manager
Equality & Diversity Manager
Equality & Diversity Manager
PPI / Comms
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Outcomes and measures
Ensures NHSK meets legal duties. Outcome published on internet
Actions identified
Update current Single Equality Scheme and publish Sep-10
Timescale 1. PPI Team 2. VAK 3. Equality and Diversity Steering Group
Progress To Date 1. Non compliance with legal duties 2. Negative publicity 3. Possible issue od compliance notice or prosecution by Equality & Human Rights Commission. 4. Negative impact on external assessments. 5. Capacity of PPI Team and E&D Manager
Risks Equality & Diversity Manager
PCT Lead
Realising our Ambition Communications and Engagement Strategy 2009/11
Further information about the PCT can be found on the PCT’s website ( or by contacting the PCT at: Kirklees Primary Care Trust Broad Lea House, Bradley Business Park Dyson Wood Way Bradley Huddersfield HD2 1GZ Tel: 01484 464000