Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
NORTH KIRKLEES COMMISSIONING CONSORTIUM GEOGRAPHICAL AREA The geographical area covered by North Kirklees Commissioning Consortium is across 3 localities in the North of the Kirklees patch. Within the 3 localities is a varied picture of health needs including areas of high deprivation.
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
This document sets out the practice based commissioning intentions for North Kirklees Consortium for 2008/9. Background The Consortium consists of 22 GP Practices covering a total population of 139, 082.
Group Name
North Kirklees
Number of practices in group
Names of all GP Practices in Group 1
Dr B Ahmad
Dr M Ahmad
Dr Balasunderam & partners
Dr Mehrotra
Dr Barker & partners
Dr Khan & Woodhall
Dr Gogna & partners
Dr Houghton
Dr Scrivings & partners
Dr Bhat
Dr Hicks & partners
Dr Ghafoor
Dr Bedford & partners
Dr Youd & partners
Dr Lee & partners
Drs Lidhar & Lidhar
Dr Lynch & partners
Dr Medley & partners
Dr Miller & partners
Dr Rajpura & partners
Dr Unnikrishnan
Victoria Medical Practice
2. VISION We wish to ensure that services are available as close as possible to people’s homes, are delivered safely and to the highest standard and offer patients and their families a positive experience of the NHS in Kirklees. We aim to encourage new and innovative ways of delivering services that offer choice, improve health and well being, are sensitive to the diverse needs of our community and are easily accessed and delivered in an environment that staff and local people can be proud of. We aim to achieve real involvement of patients, staff and our local community in identifying their needs and sharing responsibility for improving health, prioritising service development and allocating resources.
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
From the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2008 HEALTH CHALLENGES LOCALITY
Infant mortality Low birth weight
Women of child bearing age Obesity Smoking in pregnancy & at birth Binge drinking alcohol Dewsbury Adults Depression, anxiety & nervous illness Heart disease High blood pressure Diabetes Higher rates of early death Smoking Binge drinking alcohol Mirfield Adults
MIRFIELD Cancer High alcohol consumption (men) Alcohol consumption women of child bearing age High blood pressure BIRSTALL & BIRKENSHAW
Infant mortality Low birth weight Alcohol use by 14 year olds
Women of child bearing age Smoking in pregnancy & at birth Maternal malnutrition Batley Adults Diabetes Stroke Smoking & drinking alcohol Birstall & Birkenshaw adults Heart disease over 65’s High blood pressure over 65’s Cancer under 75’s
Infant mortality
Women of child bearing age Overweight Binge drinking alcohol Adults Suffering pain Heart attacks over 65’s High blood pressure Smoking Obesity
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
QOF data CHD prevalence for 06/07 shows an average of 4.26% across the three localities as compared to a national average of 3.51% Diabetes prevalence for 06/07 is an average of 3.81% in this area, compared to the national average of 3.62%
Key Objectives The main focus of the Consortium will be achieving key objectives in the following areas: o o o o o o
Development of Primary Care Services Care closer to home 18 week target Improve data quality Patient & Public involvement Budget management including prescribing
Within the framework of the above objectives the Consortium will focus on the following key clinical priorities as supported by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
o o o o o o o o
Diabetes CHD Intermediate care Minor surgery Carers of people with dementia Obesity Alcohol Maternal Health
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
We have clinical leads working with the HIT teams in the following areas, some of which are clearly identified as key objectives and others are seen as potential areas for future development for the Consortium : o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
CHD – Dr Kelly Obesity – Dr Kohi Alcohol – Dr Kelly Maternal Health – Dr Barker Diabetes – Dr Rajpura 18 week – Dr Ghosh Intermediate care – Dr Mehrotra/Dr Kohi Budget management – Dr Barker/Dr Chandra Mental health – Dr Balasunderam Respiratory – Dr Hicks Long term conditions – Dr Kohi Sexual health – Dr Ghosh Diagnostics – Dr Warner Urgent care – Dr Kohi/Dr Mehrotra Cancer – Dr Chandra
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
Planned Initiatives Redesign of the current diabetes service across the North or Kirklees in conjunction with the Wakefield District and North Kirklees Diabetes Network. AIMS • •
To ensure that specialist diabetes services are available in a timely manner and closer to patients homes and; To provide a resource to clinicians, sharing of knowledge and skills and to improve patient care and outcomes through collaborative working practices and the quality of specialist care diabetes services.
• • • • • • • • • •
To improve the quality of primary care diabetes services in all GP practices To ensure that the patient is seen and treated by the most appropriate person, in an appropriate setting. This will reduce the number of people receiving routine ongoing care from specialist care. To improve the education of patients and their families by developing structured and comprehensive patient education programmes (as per NICE Guidance on Educational Models). DESMOND for newly diagnosed Type 2 patients is currently running in the area but only to a minority of patients. Foundation course due shortly for those patients with diabetes who have not attended a newly diagnosed programme To explore alternative structured education programmes for those patients who are not suitable for DESMOND To provide structured education programme for people with Type 1 diabetes To introduce the new concept of care planning for all patients with diabetes To support those practices that are willing to deliver more services to their patients i.e. insulin initiation in Type 2 diabetes To ensure that patients, who are referred to specialist care, are the ones who actually will benefit from such input and actually need it. To reduce hospital admissions and accident and emergency attendances for patients with diabetes To increase the capacity of specialist care staff to provide specialist services (i.e. renal clinics, foot clinics) by more patients being managed in primary care To ensure all services needed are available e.g. psychology To increase the capacity of specialist dieticians and podiatrists to care for people close to home To ensure that all health care staff involved in working with people with diabetes have the appropriate competencies
The Diabetes Network recognises that to achieve this all health professionals have a key role, but also that they may need to work differently in the future. The principles of the redesign are to look at a broad picture of what activity needs to be commissioned from primary care and secondary care. Patients will have access to services locally and will benefit from integrated clinics.
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
A detailed service specification will be developed for the levels of care that practices will be delivering, levels 1 – 2 being covered by QOF with an option for practices to deliver levels 3-4 in a primary care setting. Part of the service redesign will include a baseline assessment to identify potential gaps in service provision and local solutions. A detailed educational programme will be devised to enable practices to develop skills in order to deliver services to higher levels where desired. Expected Outcomes Improving care in primary and community settings Access to the right professional at the right time Care closer to home 18 week target Patient experience & choice Swift referral to the specialist team if an unfortunate event occurs and prompt intervention by the most appropriate member of the team Structured education programmes being delivered in their locality Care planning to support the self management element of their condition Reduce acute hospital admissions and accident and emergency attendances Performance indicators •
Number of practices with the ability to achieve the service specification and deliver services to levels 3 & 4. • Successful identification and implementation of the educational programme. • Equity in access to diabetes care to level 4 in primary care. • Patient satisfaction survey Priority area No.2 CHD Planned Initiative CHD prevalence is above national average and has been identified within the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment as a high priority for the people of Kirklees. The Consortium wish to ensure that North Kirklees practices are involved in future developments within the primary prevention nurse services. To link with Kirklees HIT team (with Dr Kelly as Lead GP) to ensure service provision across practices in North Kirklees is equitable and further developed within a clear framework. To link with the Contracting Team to ensure progress is made to commission a local cardiology service. We would expand the present pilot of 24 hour blood pressure monitoring across all practices. We will support a Consortium member practice to submit a business case for anti-coagulant therapy. Expected Outcomes /Performance Indicators To successfully work with the HIT team and implement any agreed developments in practices across the North Kirklees Consortium.
Priority area No.3 INTERMEDIATE CARE Planned Initiatives To review and improve access to intermediate care services both in and out of hours. To ensure appropriate services are available within primary care to prevent inappropriate admissions to secondary care. To ensure appropriate access to intermediate care services to meet the needs of patients in the North Kirklees area. Pursue the development of LES re nursing homes across Kirklees.
Expected Outcomes/ Performance indicators Improving care in primary and community settings Care closer to home Patient experience & choice
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
Priority area No.4 MINOR SURGERY Planned Initiative To review current minor surgery provision with a view to identifying potential service provision within primary care and thereby reducing the volume of secondary care activity. Patients will be seen in a timely manner in a more appropriate setting. This is in line with the 18 week initiative. An initial focus will be on the development of a primary care service for vasectomies. We will also look to progress the carpal tunnel pathway to access direct listing. Expected Outcomes/ Performance indicators The vasectomy service will be operational from August 2008 Equity in provision of service Care closer to home Improvement in patient experience and choice Patient pathway reduced to achieve 18 week wait target
Priority area No. 5 PRESCRIBING Planned Initiative The Consortium will work with the PCT Medicines Management Team to identify and implement cost efficiency initiatives to make better use of financial resources locally. The National Audit Office has identified a number of areas where cost efficiencies can be made. The majority of these will be classed as ‘Better Care Better Value indicators’ but the DH. The Consortium will work with the medicines management team to identify the impact of movement from secondary care to primary care on the practice prescribing budgets to permit the appropriate unbundling of PBR tariffs and to facilitate the movement of the appropriate amount of funds from the PBC budget to the prescribing budget.
Expected Outcomes/Performance Indicators Working within the prescribing budget
Priority area No. 6 CARERS OF PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA Planned Initiative To work in line with the developing Government initiative around carers of people with dementia by obtaining a complete register from each practice in order to take the initiative forward next year. As part of the Local Incentive Scheme each practice will be asked to obtain the full details of carers of patients with dementia. Expected Outcomes/ Performance indicators Create within each practice a complete record of carers for all patients with dementia
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
Priority area No.7 PATIENT & PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Planned Initiative To ensure both patients and the public are involved in the decisions made about local care. This will be achieved by working closely with the PCT PPI Team. As business cases are developed patient’s opinions will be sought in order to support any developments. Expected Outcomes/ Performance indicators Achieve the necessary patient and public involvement in the decisions being made regarding patient care and service redesign. Priority area No.8 IMPROVING DATA QUALITY
Planned Initiative To effectively utilise the skills of the Performance Analysts to facilitate the practices use and understanding of information. This will assist in maximising PBC consortia/practices’ ability to improve performance. By using the Local Incentive Scheme 4 data verification exercises will be carried out over the year for each practice. The areas to be identified will be proposed at the Consortium’s quarterly Forum meeting and will be relevant to business cases currently under consideration.
Greater accuracy of data Able to feed inconsistencies and errors back to secondary care via the Contracting Team Increase practice understanding of information Assist in preparation of business cases
Priority No.9 COMMISSIONING A PRIMARY CARE PHLEBOTOMY SERVICE Planned Initiative Following the successful submission of a business case the Consortium will deliver a service specification and work with the PCT through a procurement process to commission a primary care phlebotomy service. Expected Outcomes/ Performance indicators We will have a service available closer to home and closer to practice premises. Priority No. 10 IMPROVING ACCESS TO PRIMARY CARE
Planned Initiative To expand the range of services available and redefine roles within primary care. Within this there will be equitable provision of healthcare assistant hours across all practices. The Consortium will submit a business case outlining proposed changes and develop a service specification to ensure a consistent approach across all practices. Expected Outcomes/ Performance indicators Each practice will have access to a healthcare assistant and develop services offered to patients
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
Priority No.11 - 18 WEEK TARGET Planned initiative Achieving target by working with Mid Yorks, the main secondary care provider and the patient to identify positive outcomes.
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
5. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Brief outline of rationale for choosing target
Detailed actions required to achieve target
Diabetes is a high & rising prevalence
Service redesign to include: self audit of practices
Develop Service Specification and submit a full Business Case.
Aug 08
Joint assessment of service provision in primary care with clinician and clinical lead Identifying patients currently in secondary care appropriate to be discharged to primary care Gap analysis to identify services to be commissioned to ensure equity of service provision to level 4 in primary care Educational programme developed to meet needs of practices to ensure they develop skills to the service delivery level they are aspiring to achieve. Identification of support services required in order to deliver a diabetic service in primary care e.g. diatetics psychology and podiatry
Comm May 08 – March 09
As above
Comm Aug 08 – March 09
As above
By March 2011
As above
By March 2009 Sep 08-09
As above
May 08
As above
Completi on date
Target No. 1
Nominated lead
Key links
Dr Rajpura Helen Frain Jayne Crorken Janet Wilson HIT for Diabetes
JSNA Vital Signs Improving Health & reducing health inequalities Access to personalised and effective care
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
Intermediate Care
Minor surgery
Sept 08
Dr Kelly Sara Fletche Naomi Reay
JSNA Vital Signs – improving health & reducing health inequalities
Link with HIT team
By March 2009
Dr Mehrotra Dr Kohi
Support Strategic development and identify local actions required
Aug 08
JSNA Vital Signs Improving health & reducing health inequalities
Commission primary care vasectomy service
By August 2008
Dr Kelly
Vital Signs Access to personalised & effective care.
Develop a carpal tunnel pathway to incorporate direct listing
By October 2008
Dr Chandra
To work closely with the PCT’s Medicines Management Team
Sept 08
Dr Barker Dr Chandra Michael Duckworth
Vital Signs Access to personalised & effective care
By March 2009
Helen Frain Jayne Crorken
Vital Signs Access to personalised & effective care
To work closely with the PCT’s PPI Team
By March 2009
Helen Frain Jayne Crorken
Vital Signs Access to personalised & effective care
Ensure PPI involvement in all business cases
Aug 08
Prevalence is above national average & identified as high priority for people in Kirklees
Link with HIT team
To improve access to intermediate care services
Provision of minor surgery in primary care
For each practice to be supported to work within their prescribing budget
Carers of patients with dementia
For each practice to create a register of patients with dementia and details of their carers
Patient & Public Involvement
To involve patients & the public in decisions being made about local care
Support HIT objectives Identify local service development
Ensure practices are aware of prescribing budget. As part of the Local Incentive Scheme obtain full details of carers of patients with dementia in each practice
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
Improving Data Quality
Commission a primary care phlebotomy service
Improving access to primary care
To involve practices in checking of patient data.
LTC management is a key area and impacts greatly on the demand for phlebotomy services. Present access in primary care is not equitable and services available in secondary care are limited. To extend services in primary care and increase capacity through extra resources and redesigning roles.
For each practice to carry out 4 data verification exercises linked to business cases
By March 2009
Encourage practices to check data on a regular basis to identify trends and pick up anomalies in coding and costs. Business case submitted
May 08
Develop a detailed service specification.
August 2008
Work with Contracting through the procurement process to establish primary care phlebotomy services
December 2008
Successfully submit a business case
August 2008
Work with all practices to ensure equity in service
March 2009
Helen Frain Jayne Crorken Harpreet Chahal Andrea Daley
Vital Signs Access to personalised & effective care
Consortia members PBC Manager Contracting Team Dr Kelly
Vital Signs Access to personalised & effective care. JSNA
Consortia members PBC Manager Contracting Team Dr Kelly
Vital Signs Access to personalised & effective care. JSNA
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts
I confirm that this plan is an accurate representation of the practice’s intentions for PBC for 2008/09.
Chairman: Rob Napier Chief Executive: Mike Potts