must contact Homes the Westmust Yorkshire Health Protection Agency Duty Protection Desk-0113 3860300 to Friday3860300 0900-1700hrs) where 2 or more cases of diarrhoea contact the West Yorkshire Health Agency (Monday Duty Desk-0113 (Monday to Friday 0900-1700hrs) where 2 or more
Homes must contact the West Yorkshire Health Agency Duty to Desk - 0113 3860300 omiting (D&V) have occurred Stool Chart grading 5 - 7) and it is unusual to the residents or staff(Monday member’s normal bowel action mes must contact the West(Bristol Yorkshire Health Protection Agency Duty Protection Desk-0113 3860300 Friday 0900-1700hrs) where 2 or more and/or vomiting (D&V) have occurred (Bristol Stool Chart grading 5 - 7) and it is unusual to the residents or staff member’s normal bowel acti /or vomiting (D&V) have occurred0900-1700hrs) (Bristol Stool Chart grading 7) andcases it is unusual to the residents or vomiting staff member’s normal bowel actio (Monday to Friday where 2 or5 -more of diarrhoea and/or (D&V) have
Hours Action contact: A member the Infection Prevention Control will visit to your careresidents home on the next working. Supporting occurred (Bristol Stool of Chart grading 5 - 7)and and it isTeam unusual the or staff member’s Health Consultant on call information are available via Out of Hours Action contact: A member of the Infection Prevention and Control Team will visit your care home next workin bowel action A of Hours Action contact: of the Infection Prevention and Control Team will visit your care home on on thethe next working tchboard – normal 01484 342000 Public Health Consultant on call information are available via blic Health Consultant information are available via witchboard– 0844 8118110on call
HRI– Switchboard – 01484 342000 Switchboard 01484 342000 HOUSEKEEPING RESIDENT REMINDERS (AFFECTED BY D&V) DAILY CHECKLIST HT Switchboard– 0844 8118110 MYHT Switchboard– 0844 8118110 Out of Hours Action contact: A member of the Infection Prevention and Control Team will visit your
• The home environment must be • Isolate the resident until 48 hours symptom free (doors must be ak poster should be HOUSEKEEPING CHECKS RESIDENT REMINDERS (AFFECTED care home working day. Supporting information HOUSEKEEPING CHECKS RESIDENT REMINDERS thoroughly daily using hot on the next kept closed; develop a risk assessment if unable tois comply) (AFFECTED Public Health on cleaned call twice CHECKLIST DAILYConsultant CHECKLIST yed atDAILY the entrance and available via : water and detergent • Must have own en-suite facility/dedicated commode ation leaflets provided HRI Switchboard –•01484 342000 • Areas accessed environment musthand bemust • Isolate the resident untiluntil 48 hours symptom symptomatic • Provide hygiene wipes/offer regular opportunities to wash • Thebyhome The home environment be • Isolate the resident 48 hours symptomfrf wash sinks must be stocked utbreak poster should be residents be cleaned as above and daily using hands thoroughly cleaned twice hot kept closed; develop a risk assessment if unab • Outbreak poster should be must on-refillable liquid soap and thoroughly cleaned twice•daily kept closed; develop a risk if una Switchboard – 0844 8118110 splayed atMYHT the entrance and following all hard (including Mustusing have hot a daily•review of signs and symptoms (an assessment early GP water andsurfaces, detergent Must have own en-suite facility/dedicated comm displayed at the entrance andthis able paper towels (alcohol ormation leaflets provided floors) and toilet areas must beand cleaned with water detergent • Must have own en-suite facility/dedicated com review is required when deterioration occurs) • Areas accessed by symptomatic neffective against D&V) • Provide hand hygiene wipes/offer regular opp information aprovided hypochlorite solution• 1,000 parts perAreas millionaccessed washbesinks must be leaflets stocked • Fluid monitoring must be commenced at onset of by balance symptomatic • Provide hand hygiene wipes/offer regular op snd should discouraged residents must be cleaned as above and hands (i.e. Milton 1:10, domestic bleach solution or • Hand washsoap sinksand must be stocked symptoms (diet can be provided as tolerated) liquid RESIDENT REMINDERS dthallnon-refillable affectedDAILY residents/staff residents must be cleaned as above and hands CHECKLIST following this all hard surfaces, (including HOUSEKEEPING CHECKS chlorclean) • Must have a daily review of signs and sympt • Record bowel motions (using Bristol Stool Chart guide) obtain a withtowels non-refillable liquid soap and sposable paper (alcohol sheet BY D&V) this allwith hard • Toilets must be cleaned after every use floors) andfollowing toilet areas must besurfaces, cleaned with (AFFECTED Must have a daily review of signs occurs) and symp review is5-7), required when deterioration stool (including specimen (must be •type document result disposable paper towels (alcohol lseisstaff ineffective against D&V) rotas to minimise soap orThe a detergent wipe and then • Outbreak poster should be and water a hypochlorite solution 1,000 parts per million floors) and toilet areas must be cleaned with • Remove exposed sweets/fruits/juices from the when open environment • home environment must be review is required deterioration occurs) • Fluid balance monitoring must be commen • Isolate the resident until 48 hours symptom free mination of unaffected sitors should be is discouraged gel ineffective against D&V) cleaned with a hypochlorite solution displayed at the entrance and (i.e. Milton 1:10, domestic bleach solution or thoroughly cleaned twice daily using a hypochlorite solution 1,000 parts per million symptoms (diet can be provided as tolerated) remember cohort nursing (doors must be kept closed; develop a risk • Fluid balance monitoring must be comme • discouraged Spillages must be dealt with promptly and cord all affected residents/staff leafletsbeprovided • Visitors should STAFF REMINDERS chlorclean) hot water and detergent ce and safeinformation food service) boweltomotions Bristol Stool Ch (i.e.the Milton 1:10, domestic bleach solution or• Record assessment ifsymptoms unable comply) (diet can (using be provided as tolerated) safely and staff must wear appropriate log sheet • Record all affected PPE residents/staff ff must be able to access • Toilets must be cleaned after every use with stool specimen (must be type 5-7), document re chlorclean) • Record bowel motions (using Bristol Stool Ch • Must have own en-suiteafacility/dedicated • and Areas accessed by symptomatic • Hand sinks must be ganise rotas minimise • Staff on the premises, clean uniform must be s, gloves,staff eye protection soap orwith a detergent wipe andshould then change on wash logto sheet • Soiled carpets must be•water cleaned a carpet • Remove exposed sweets/fruits/juices from the ro Toilets must cleaned every with commode worn eachuse day, they must comply with Department of type Health residents must be be cleaned as after above stocked with non-refillable stool specimen (must be 5-7), document ntamination of unaffected including laundry staff) cleaner (ifhypochlorite available) cleaned with a solution • Organise staff rotasshampooer/steam to minimise “Bare Below the Elbows” (BBE) guidance and this alllinen hard surfaces, soapforand water or a detergent wipe and then liquid soap and disposable eas(remember cohort nursing • Remove sweets/fruits/juices from the • Provide hand hygieneexposed wipes/offer regular • Soluble bags must be following used infected • Spillages must be dealt with promptly • PPEand risk assessment should be undertaken and worn REMINDERS as contamination of unaffected STAFF (including floors) and toilet areas paper towels (alcohol idance and safe food service) cleaned with a hypochlorite solution • Sluice rooms/laundry areas must be well opportunities to wash hands ING OTHERS INFORMED safelymust and be staff must with wearathe appropriate appropriate for the task areas(remember cohort nursing cleaned hypochlorite gel isable ineffective against D&V) managed (doors must kept closed) staff must be to access •beSpillages must be dealt with promptly and • Staff must •not eat or drink with residents the PPE solution Must a should daily review ofduring signsthe andoutbreak symptoms STAFF REMINDERS 1,000 parts per million guidance and safe food service) • Infectious waste stream must be available •have Staffremain change premises, erons, familygloves, members andprotection all eye • Symptomatic staff must at home and on contact the managera clean u safely and staff must wear the appropriate • Soiled carpets must be cleaned with a carpet (an early GP review is required when (i.e. Milton 1:10, domestic bleach • Bins must be foot operated and waste • Visitors should be discouraged g healthcare professionals worn each day, they must comply with Departm • Alllaundry staff must be able to access PE) (including staff) daily to provide an update PPEor chlorclean) shampooer/steam cleaner (if available) deterioration occurs) managed appropriately (internally and solution “Bare Below the Elbows” (BBE) guidance • Staff should change onsymptom the premises, • Staff can return to work once they have been 48hr free a clean u aprons, gloves, eye protection externally) • Soluble bags must be used linena• carpet • Soiled carpets mustfor beinfected cleaned with non-urgent• appointments Record all affected residents/ Fluid •balance monitoring must bemust commenced PPE risk assessment should be undertaken and worn each day, they comply with Departm (PPE) (including laundry staff) • Toilets must be cleaned after sits, eg Out-patients, • Sluice rooms/laundry areas mustevery be shampooer/steam cleaner (if well available)atMUST EEPING OTHERS INFORMED staff on log sheet onset of symptoms can be provided as ESSENTIAL HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS BE DISCUSSED appropriate for(diet the task “Bare Below the Elbows” (BBE) guidance esser, handyman and use with soap and water or a managed •(doors must be kept WITH THE PUBLIC HEALTH CONSULTANT tolerated) Soluble bags must beclosed) used for infected linen• StaffON-CALL notassessment eat or drinkshould with residents during nance staff detergent wipe and then cleaned with •must PPE risk be undertaken an
• Organise staffand rotas • Infectious• waste must be available date family members allto INFORMED Sluice stream rooms/laundry areas must be well KEEPING OTHERS • Symptomatic remain atChart home and co • Record bowelappropriate motionsstaff (using Bristol Stool a be hypochlorite solution formust the task If aof resident has to admitted hospitaland /A&E from the home when the outbreak has already started they can be contamination • Bins must be footinto operated waste siting healthcare professionals ors must beminimise encouraged to daily toa provide anthey update managed (doors must be kept closed) guide) obtain stool specimen (must be exposed type discharged back to the home even though the outbreak may still be on-going (this is because have been unaffected • Staff must not eat or drink with residents durin d andareas(remember take managed appropriately (internally and ilywashing facilities • Spillages must be dealt with 5-7), document • Staff canresult return to work once they have been 48 • Infectious waste stream must be available to the infection already) • Update familyguidance membersand and all cohort nursing iate precautions toappointments prevent externally) • Symptomatic staff must remain at home and c fer non-urgent promptly and safely and staff must Remember to use the transfer form and risk assessment stickers to alert accepting health care providers ad of infection Binsappropriate must be foot operated and waste• Remove exposed sweets/fruits/juices from the safe food service) visiting healthcare professionals wear• the PPE d visits, eg Out-patients, daily to provide update ESSENTIAL HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS MUSTanBE DISCUSSED managed appropriately (internally and open environment daily irdresser, handyman and • Staff can return to work once they have been 4 WITHwith THE PUBLIC HEALTH CONSULTANT ON-CALL • All• staff be ableappointments to • Soiledexternally) carpets must be cleaned Defermust non-urgent aintenance staff
access aprons, gloves, eye a carpet shampooer/steam cleaner and visits, eg Out-patients, protection (PPE) (including (if available) ESSENTIAL HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS BE DISCUSSED If a resident has to be admitted into hospital /A&E from the home whenMUST the outbreak has already sta visitors must hairdresser, be encouraged to STAFF REMINDERS laundry staff) handyman and discharged back to the home even though the outbreak may still be on-going (this is because they h WITH THE PUBLIC HEALTH CONSULTANT ON-CALL hand washing facilities and • Soluble bags must be used for maintenance stafftake to the infection already) • Staff should change on the premises, a clean ropriate precautions to prevent infected linen uniform must be worn each to day, theyaccepting must Remember to use the form and risk assessment alert health car spread of infection a resident has totransfer be admitted into hospital /A&E from thestickers home when the outbreak has already s All visitors must be encouraged to • SluiceIfrooms/laundry comply with Depament of Health “Bare Below the areas must be discharged back to the home even though the outbreak may still be on-going (this is because they use hand washing facilities and take well managed (doors must be kept Elbows” (BBE) guidance KEEPING to the infection already) appropriateOTHERS precautions to prevent closed) • PPE risk assessment should be undertaken and
INFORMED the spread of infection
• Update family members and all visiting healthcare professionals daily • Defer non-urgent appointments and visits, eg Out-patients, hairdresser, handyman and maintenance staff
All visitors must be encouraged to use hand washing facilities and take appropriate precautions to prevent the spread of infection
Remember to use the transfer form and risk assessment stickers to alert accepting health ca
• Infectious waste stream must be available • Bins must be foot operated and waste managed appropriately (internally and externally)
worn as appropriate for the task
• Staff must not eat or drink with residents during the outbreak • Symptomatic staff must remain at home and contact the manager daily to provide an update • Staff can return to work once they have been 48hr symptom free
ESSENTIAL HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS MUST BE DISCUSSED WITH THE PUBLIC HEALTH CONSULTANT ON-CALL If a resident has to be admitted into hospital /A&E from the home when the outbreak has already started they can be discharged back to the home even though the outbreak may still be on-going (this is because they have been exposed to the infection already) Remember to use the transfer form and risk assessment stickers to alert accepting health care providers