PDVG believe that reducing the impact of domestic violence can only be done through partnership and multi-agency action. PDVG is committed to safeguarding all affected by domestic violence and working within the Local and National Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policies and Procedures. For more information www.kirkleessafeguardingboard.org.uk PDVG is mainly funded through the Government Supporting People Department. For more information on Supporting People, you can vist: www.kirklees.gov.uk/supportingpeople
Our 24hour freephone Helpline – 0800 052 7222 PDVG website – www.pdvg.org.uk Enquiries – admin@pdvg.co.uk
Working together to reduce and prevent domestic violence
National 24hour Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000247 For perpetrators of abuse, the Respect helpline is available during office hours on 0845 1228 609 For information on Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programme in Kirklees – 01484 519922 dvppenquiries@ncc.org.uk Broken Rainbow provide help specifically for lesbian, gay, Bi-sexual and transgender people - 0300 999 5428
Company Registered in England No. 04340126 Registered charity No. 1094215
Freephone 24 Hour Confidential Helpline
0800 052 722* www.pdvg.org.uk
*This number may show up on your phone bill
Our Services Huddersfield Women’s Aid (HWA) is a support service for all women and children affected by domestic violence providing support, advice, information and safe temporary accommodation. Kirklees Asian and Black Women’s Welfare Association (KABWWA) is a service specializing in supporting women and children from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities who are affected by domestic violence providing support, advice, information and safe temporary accommodation.
Pennine Domestic Violence Group (PDVG) is a registered charity that provides support, advice, information and safe accommodation to anyone that is affected by domestic violence. PDVG consider all forms of domestic violence equally damaging equally serious and all victim’s have equal rights to support. All our services operate throughout Kirklees, however we are also able to access support and safe accommodation across the UK
All our support services are free and confidential.
Staying Safe in Kirklees (SSK) provides an outreach support service to women and families who are moving on from any of PDVG safe accommodation services, or other temporary accommodation. SSK also provide support to those living in the community. This service is also available to men who are affected by domestic violence. Sanctuary Scheme (SS) is a partnership project between PDVG and Kirklees Council which enables victims of domestic violence to remain within their own homes. The service provides target hardning which means making the property more safe and secure. A support worker will also be allocated to assist in improving the safety, well being and independence of the victim and their family.
Company Registered in England No. 04340126
Integrated Support Service (ISS) for the Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programme (DVPP) in Kirklees. The DVPP is managed and run by the National Children’s Centre working in partnership with PDVG. The service aims to reduce the impact of domestic violence and work effectively with perpetrators in order to keep children and partners/ expartners and anyone affected by domestic violence safe. The ISS provides one to one support sessions as well as group work support sessions. 24 hour freephone helpline for anyone affected by domestic violence wanting support, advice and information, or assistance to access emergency accommodation. Volunteer Project ‘aims to enrich and enhance the services PDVG currently deliver, offering the community we serve a stake in our organisation. Training packages are available from PDVG tailored to the individual needs of agencies and professionals focusing on all aspects of domestic violence including safeguarding and good practice. You can find more information about our services by contacting us on 0800052722 or by visiting our website at www.pdvg.org.uk
Registered charity No. 1094215