Pathway name: Palpitations Aim:
(please put a cross in the appropriate box)
To ensure appropriate outpatient referrals and reduce variation
To ensure appropriate use of emergency care
Explanation: This pathway has been developed to promote awareness of risk factors/clinical findings for patients with the symptoms of palpitations indicating referral to secondary/tertiary care. It can be used to facilitate risk stratification of patient with palpitations to allow assessment in primary care when possible. There are 2 pathways enclosed. The first pathway is for patients with no symptoms at the time of consultation. The second pathway is for patients with symptoms. However, please bear in mind that you may have to move from one pathway to other after further patient investigations. Specific intervention: 1) For all referring clinicians within the practice to review pathway for advice.
Read codes: The below read codes may be used to assist you with the reporting of use of this pathway, if appropriate for your practice: Read Code Palpitations NOS (this code is used for recording cardiac observations) Admit Cardiology emergency Referral to cardiology service
System1 181Z
XaEKJ 8H44
Outcome Measure: To be completed and returned with final report by 31 st March 2013. Number of patients with palpitation symptoms seen between 8th October 2012 and 28th February 2013: Number of times pathway followed resulting in: Emergency Admission: Outpatient Referral: Management in Primary Care: