Safeguarding Children Mandatory Training Requirements 2012/13 NHS KIRKLEES LEVEL 2/3 TRAINING SESSIONS 2012/3 FOR CLINICAL ROLES in GP Practice, Dental, Optometry & Pharmacy 25th July 2012, 1200-1400 – Seminar Room 2, Cleckheaton HC, Greenside, BD19 5AP 11th September 2012, 1200-1400 - Elmwood Health Centre, Holmfirth, HD9 3TR 10th October 2012, 1200-1400 - Conference Room, Princess Royal CHC, HD1 4EW 7th November 2012, 1900-2100 - Board Room, Broad Lea House, HD2 1GZ 22nd January 2013, 1200-1400 - Board Room, Broad Lea House, HD2 1GZ 20th February 2013, 1900-2100 – Board Room, Broad Lea House, HD2 1GZ 19th March 2013, 1200-1400 – Board Room, Broad Lea House, HD2 1GZ th
24 April 2013, 1200-1400 - Seminar Rooms 1 & 2, Dewsbury Health Centre, WF13 1HN 21st May 2013, 1200-1400 – Board Room, Broad Lea House, HD2 1GZ 19th June 2013, 1200-1400 – Seminar Rooms 1 & 2, Dewsbury Health Centre, WF13 1HN Telephone bookings only on Tel: 01484 464256 with name, role, practice, contact number & date of session you wish to attend
INFORMATION, ADVICE & CONTACT If you would like to discuss the training needs of yourself or your staff, please contact Christina Fairhead, Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children, Broad Lea House, Huddersfield, HD2 1GZ TEL: 01484 464090 LEVEL 1 COURSE FOR NON-CLINICAL STAFF All non-clinical staff working in health care settings This includes, for example, receptionists, administrative, catering, transport and maintenance staff.
Kirklees Safeguarding Children Board To access the course please log on to the KSCB training course management system. Once logged on click on 'Available Courses' and you will find the course listed under Online Courses.
Elearning for Healthcare To access the course staff will need an NHS email address.
NSPCC Safeguarding Children Training Courses
LEVEL 2/3 COURSE FOR CLINICAL STAFF Level 2 All clinical staff who have any contact with children, young people and/or parents/carers This includes health care students, pharmacists, dentists, dental care practitioners, opticians, nurses (including practice nurses), allied health care practitioners and technicians.
Level 3 All clinical staff working with children, young people and/or their parents & carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of a child or young person and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding/child protection concerns This includes GPs and all paediatric health staff.
The requirement for updates/refresher is 3 yearly What does NON-CLINICAL mean? General Practice
Dental Practice
Practice Managers Receptionists Administrators
Reception Admin /Clerical Practice Managers
What does CLINICAL mean?
GPs/Locum GPs Practice Nurses Nurse Practitioners Health Care Assistants Anyone giving one to one care
Dentists Dental Nurses Dental Hygienists Anyone giving one to one care
Reception Admin /Clerical Practice Managers
Optometrists Anyone giving one to one care
Pharmacists Pharmacy Technicians Anyone giving one to one care
Dispenser Receptionists Counter Assistants Administrators
Kirklees Safeguarding Children Board (KSCB) KSCB Level 1 – “An Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect” – Elearning – 40 minutes – recommended for all non-clinical staff KSCB Level 2 – “Working Together to Safeguard Children” – 1 Day – recommended for Practice Safeguarding Leads i.e. General Practice and Dental Practice KSCB Level 3 Courses are not mandatory training but provide advanced learning about safeguarding children issues such as: “Impact of Parental Mental Illness”, “Impact of Domestic Violence” and “Impact of Parental Substance Misuse”. All are 1 day courses
A child is someone under 18 years of age.
Do not repeat courses undertaken in another Trust. Let your manager have copies of certificates and move onto the next level of training or refresher course Elearning for Healthcare Level 1 – (2010) “Introduction to Safeguarding Children and Young People” recommended for all non-clinical staff Level 2b – (2010) “Recognition, Response and Record in Secondary Care” recommended for hospital staff Level 2 – (2010) “Recognition, Response and Record in Primary Care” recommended for CLINICAL staff in General Practice, Dental, Optometry and Pharmacy - Please note that the course for primary care instructs staff to make a referral to social care using a Common Assessment Framework Form – this is not the case in Kirklees.
Level 3 - Level 3 (2006) – “Maintaining and Updating Competences, (MaUC)” – This course is currently for Paediatricians.
OPTOMETRISTS The training provided by the Directorate of Optometric Continuing Education and Training (DOCET) is acceptable. NSPCC Safeguarding Children Training Courses (There is a cost)
The NSPCC do have appropriate courses “Child protection training for health professionals” with varying costs dependent on the training required.