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Health and Safety (Security) Policy

Responsible Directorate:

Corporate Services

Responsible Director:

Helena Corder

Date Approved:

9th July 2008


Governance Committee

Version Control

Document Title

Health & Safety (Security) Policy

Document number



Chris Bedford, Jane Kennedy

Contributors Version


Date of Production

July 2007

Review date

November 2008

Post holders responsible for Director with responsibility for health and safety, revision Trust health and safety advisor Primary Circulation List Web address Restrictions

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Standard for Better Health Map


Domain 6

Core Standard Reference

C20a&b Performance Indicators

1. Number of incident reports submitted 2. Number of crime reduction surveys completed 3. Number of PARS reports

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General policy statement






Associated policies and procedures


Aims and objectives



Scope of the policy/ procedure



Accountability and responsibility


6- 9


Crime prevention



Zero tolerance



Lone worker



Children and vulnerable adults



Security alerts



Security of property


Security of drugs and hazardous materials






Emergency planning and heightened awareness



Fraud and corruption



I.D cards



Control of locks, keys, and access control systems



Data security



Close circuit Television (CCTV)



Car park security



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Crime investigation and reporting



Equality impact assessment



Training needs analysis



Monitoring compliances with this policy




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Kirklees Primary Care Trust (KPCT) attaches the highest importance to the Security of all our staff, our patients and our assets.

We aim to provide and maintain secure working conditions, and to provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is needed for this purpose.

We will achieve this by supporting and encouraging management and staff in an environment where they will work together positively and proactively towards embedding a pro-security culture throughout our organisation.

The Trust supports, and takes direction and guidance from the NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Services.


.......................................................... Chief Executive



Review date: ..........................................................

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2. Introduction. KPCT is responsible for a range of community based health care services to the residents of Kirklees. This involves providing services from Health Care buildings, Partnership Premises, Care & Nursing premises and in patients own homes.

These services are provided mainly by KPCT employees, with some partnership arrangements where teams are of mixed employment between participating agencies.

We recognize that there are security risks associated with our operations and we aim to reduce those risks so far as is reasonably practicable. We are also committed to working with the NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service (CFSMS), and West Yorkshire Police. KPCT will:

Provide and promote as far as reasonably practicable, a safe and secure environment for all staff, service users, visitors and contractors

Assess the risk to its premises and employees, and put in place adequate management arrangements.

Maintain systems and processes to help to ensure the safety of staff at work

Work with the CFSMS through the Local Security Management Specialist (LSMS) to develop policies and procedures and to deal with reports of crime, threats and damage

Raise security awareness in the KPCT community

Identify security trends and react quickly to remove or reduce risk

Make every effort to ensure organisation-wide compliance with appropriate legislation and regulations

Investigate all incidents of Physical Assault on staff and where necessary pursue sanctions or prosecution.

Support a staff that has suffered injury or trauma following any incident.

Support staff seeking compensation and redress from third parties.

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Associated Policies and Procedures.

This Policy / procedure should be read in accordance with the following PCT policies, procedures and guidance. • • • •

Health and Safety Policy Emergency Planning Health and Safety (Lone Worker) Guidance Health and Safety (Arson) Policy

4. Aims and Objectives.

The aim of this policy is to identify responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and to provide guidance for all staff employed by the Kirklees Primary Care Trust.

. 5. Scope of the Policy / Procedure The purpose of this policy is: 1) To identify responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 2) To provide guidance for all staff employed by Kirklees Primary Care Trust 3) Outline the consultation and co-operation with employees, stakeholders other employers


4) Outline procedures for Serious and Imminent danger

6. Accountabilities & Responsibilities On 24th March 2004 the Secretary of States Directions to NHS bodies on Security Management came into force. These directions defined the roles and responsibilities of health bodies and the counter Fraud & Security Management Service. The KPCT roles identified are included below. Systems and processes cannot maintain security alone. Educated, trained and responsible actions by staff and visitors alike are essential to achieving and maintaining safe and secure environments. Therefore, responsibility for security rests with all staff working within the PCT and they’re being appropriate systems and processes in place, which are working correctly.

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Chief Executive The Chief Executive carries ultimate responsibility for Security within KPCT.

Through powers of delegation, the day-to-day activities for Security are with the lead Directors on Security along with all other PCT Directors


KPCT Board KPCT is responsible for ensuring that the necessary support and resources are available for the effective implementation of the Security Policy. The Board will also be responsible for co-operating with the CFSMS in accordance with the Secretary of State Directions. The Board through the designated Director Leads on Security will establish effective control over its resources through adequate procedures and management practices and will ensure that all our activities meet current legal requirements.


Directors to lead on Security management These posts are identified in the Secretary of State Directions 2003. Reporting to the Board they will be responsible for ensuring that there is expert up-to-date security advice and services available within the PCT. The designated Executive Director with a lead on security management work is responsible for ensuring that effective systems and practices are in place to maximise security throughout the PCT and for promoting preventative security measures throughout the PCT. They will also ensure key performance indicators are reported through the Operational Risk Management Group into the Senior Managers Team, who will inform the Board through exception reporting if and when required. The designated non-Executive Director has responsibility for promoting security work at Board level.


KPCT Directors Will be responsible for ensuring within their own directorates that KPCT security policies and processes are promoted and maintained and encourage a joint approach to tackling crime and security issues.

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Estates Manager To ensure that new buildings are ‘secure-by-design’ and that existing buildings have adequate security systems that are installed and maintained to current standards. And, where necessary provide local security management.


Senior Managers. Individual Heads of Departments and Senior Managers are responsible for promoting security within their areas of responsibility. In particular they will be responsible for:


Ensuring all assaults and criminal act are reported.

All Physical Assaults are investigated by the Police and/or LSMS

Ensuring that they and their staff are trained so that they are familiar with the content of the Security Policy and associated procedures;

Undertaking risk assessments of their areas of responsibility and acting to remove/reduce as far as possible any security risks identified;

Keeping inventories of departmental property.

Local Security Management Specialist (LSMS) The overall objective of the LSMS, as defined in the Secretary of State Directive, is to work on behalf of KPCT to deliver an environment that is safe and secure so that the highest standards of clinical care can be made available to patients.

This objective will be achieved by working in close partnership with stakeholders within the NHS, the NHS Security Management Service, and external organisations such as the police, professional representative bodies, and trade unions. The LSMS will aim to provide a comprehensive, inclusive and professional security management service for KPCT and work towards the creation of a pro-security management culture within the NHS.


Employees Employees of the PCT have responsibility for: •

Ensuring all assaults and criminal acts are reported.

Ensuring that effective measures are taken to keep PCT premises and property in a secure condition;

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Taking steps to safeguard against the loss of PCT property and that of others affected by our undertakings;

Complying with all Trust policies and procedures;

Taking reasonable steps to ensure their own personal security and that of colleagues and clients;

Taking all reasonable steps to ensure security of their own personal possessions – KPCT takes no responsibility for personal possessions except in specific circumstances where personal property is handed to staff for safe keeping.

Visitors, (Patients, Contractors etc) •


All visitors, patients and contractors have a general responsibility to give due consideration to security issues and must follow the security procedures of KPCT. All visitors, patients and contractors have a general responsibility to take all reasonable steps to ensure security of themselves, anyone in their care, and their own personal possessions.

Crime Prevention: Proactive crime prevention and security awareness will help to ensure a safe, secure environment. All staff and Management will be encouraged to make every effort to counter the threat of crime.

The LSMS will conduct periodic Crime Reduction Surveys of all KPCT owned or “controlled” premises. This will be an integral part of the Site Safety Tour. The outcomes of these tours will be considered by the KPCT Operational Risk Management Group who in turn will report any significant risks that cannot be dealt with at operational level to the Senior Management Team (SMT).


Zero Tolerance: In line with the Secretary of State directive the philosophy will be that KPCT will not tolerate violence, or threats of violence made against any person who is directly connected to the work carried out by the organisation.

The use of Sanctions will be considered where appropriate. Criminal Prosecutions will be considered where appropriate.

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9: Lone Working: The risks associated with lone working must be managed down to the lowest practicable level by staff and local management. It is recognised that the risks are different for different areas and are also dependent on the individual’s knowledge, skill and experience. The KPCT Health & Safety (Lone Worker) Guidance is available to give advice and best practice to staff to tailor their personal risk management to suit their circumstances. All frontline staff will par-take in mandatory conflict resolution training.


Children and Vulnerable Adults: Refer to KPCT Children’s and Vulnerable Adults Policy and Procedures.


Security Alerts: The CFSMS keep data on individuals who have posed threats to NHS staff. If there are reasons for concern KPCT will keep all relevant staff groups informed. All other Security Alerts from any other source must be passed to the LSMS for consideration and approval prior to any circulation throughout the organisation. The LSMS and the Communications Team are the only people charged with circulating approved security alerts and messages on behalf of KPCT.

12. Security of Property: •

All departments must have an asset log of their equipment and all KPCT property must be clearly and permanently marked. A copy of the asset log will be held by the Department Manager and will be subject to audit.

In conjunction with Financial Procedures, cash from all sources throughout the PCT should be locked in a suitable cash container and be kept in a lockable cabinet or safe. Access to the container and the cabinet/safe must be restricted to authorised personnel only. Records must be maintained to demonstrate the source of the cash. Cash income must be deposited in a timely manner.

Staff will be encouraged to place all personal valuables out of sight and secure. Personal items should never be left unattended.

KPCT will not accept responsibility or liability for patients' property brought into Health Service premises unless it is handed in for safe

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custody and an official copy of the patients' property record is obtained as a receipt.


Staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that all rooms and buildings are secured when unattended. KPCT must ensure that adequate provision is available so that Staff can fulfil this obligation.

13. Security of Drugs and Hazardous Materials: All drugs and medicines must be effectively controlled by the nominated competent person (medical professional) and in accordance with KPCT drugs and medicines management policies and procedures. All Hazardous substances including waste must be identified under the requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, and where significant risk is identified they must have a formal risk assessment and must be kept secure. Waste must be disposed of in compliance with KPCT Waste Management Policies and Procedures. 14. Arson: In conjunction with the Health & Safety (Fire) Policy, Arson is recognised as one of the biggest causes of fire in the NHS and therefore has its own policy Health & Safety (Arson) Policy. To this effect all staff members are required to report any suspicious activity, including intruders or any signs of fires directly to on site security or line management, and via the incident report system. It is also expected that managers and staff will make regular inspection of their workplace to ensure that opportunities for arson are eliminated or adequately controlled.

All staff are instructed to look out for signs of arson on induction and as part of their mandatory annual fire talks. Fire Wardens and Security staff are also trained to look out for signs of arson as part of their duties.

15. Emergency Planning and Heightened Awareness: In accordance with KPCT Policies and Procedures the LSMS will have an overview of emergency planning specifically to identify lapses in security and vulnerabilities that may occur in crisis situations.

Fire Wardens and Incident Control Officers will be trained in the procedures for dealing with bomb and other terrorist alerts. Mail Room staff will be made aware of the procedures for handling suspicious mail. This will be supported, where necessary, by the Health & Safety (Heightened Awareness) Guidance.

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16.Fraud and Corruption: KPCT has an agreed Fraud and Corruption Policy and all staff have a responsibility to abide by its requirements. All suspected instances of fraud must be reported to the Director of Finance or the Local Counter Fraud Specialist. . 17. ID Cards All staff must wear their personal issue ID cards whilst conducting PCT business. The issue of ID cards will be the sole responsibility of the Corporate Services Manager. The Line Manager is responsible for repossessing any cards that are no longer required and returning them to Corporate Services. ID cards will be audited at least annually.

When entering a KPCT building all visitors, and staff without ID, are required to sign-in and out and will be issued with a visitors badge which they will return when leaving, (they do not need a visitors badge if they are wearing an alternate NHS organisation ID badge) All patients will be checked-in and out by reception. 18. Control of Locks, Keys and Access Control Systems Each site will have a senior manager charged with responsibility for site security. The lead manager for that site must deem key holders for sites competent and trustworthy. Their contact details must be recorded and made available to the Emergency Planning committee.

All keys should be kept secure and should only be made available to bona fide personnel. Procedures and systems should be in place to ensure that appropriate records are kept of the whereabouts of keys that are available for use by a number of different staff. All unused or spare keys must be held in secure cabinets with appropriate audit controls regarding issue and return.

The Corporate Services Manager who will designate the task to nominated staff at each location controls access Control Cards. Staff requiring an access card must have a valid reason, which may need to be supported by representation from their line-manager, and they must present a current ID badge at the time of issue.

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19. Data Security Director of Performance and Information will be responsible for the development and implementation of systems to ensure the security of the Trust’s electronic data/information systems and to ensure compliance with current legislation and guidance.

The Trust will ensure that systems and processes are in place for the safe and secure destruction of confidential waste. 20. Close Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV): The use of CCTV will adhere to the seven principles of data protection supporting the Data Protection Act 1998, and associated Codes of Practice.

All directed surveillance activity in relation to security matters conducted within the NHS must be authorised either by the police or by the CFSMS and must adhere to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000 Legislation and associated Codes of Practice.


Car Parking Security Vehicles and their contents are left on KPCT property at the owners’ own risk.

On sites where it is reasonable to foresee that Emergency Workers may need access KPCT will ensure compliance with the Emergency Workers (Obstruction) Act 2006. KPCT reserves the right to remove, at the owner’s expense, any vehicle parked inappropriately on its premises.

Vehicle Clamping where considered necessary will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Private Security Industries Act 2001 as it is an offence to provide a designated security service without a licence, or employ an unlicensed person in an activity for which a licence would be required. 22. CRIME INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTING All incidents of Crime, including assault, threatening and antisocial behaviour, theft, vandalism and other criminal behaviour must be reported, both to the Police and to the KPCT Risk Management Office using the KPCT Incident Form. Criminal damage must also be reported to the Estates Department. (Record Crime Number, Badge Numbers, Estates Reference Number, phone numbers, times etc).

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All suspicious activity should be directly challenged where it is safe to do so (not alone and without support) and/or reported, in the first instance to local security (where available). If the worker is isolated and a risk is considered to be significant the Police must be called for assistance. The incident must be logged on a KPCT Incident Reporting Form including any references to the police, (Record Crime Number, Badge Numbers, times etc).

Missing items should, in the first instance, be thoroughly investigated by local management with collaboration with the Local Security Management Specialist (LSMS) to establish whether or not a crime has been committed. Inconclusive investigations will be logged on a KPCT Incident Form as the information may be used to establish trends.

Advice on all matters relating to security can be obtained from the LSMS

23. Equality Impact Assessment. During the preparation of this policy and when considering the roles and responsibilities of all agencies, organisations, departments and staff involved, care has been taken to promote fairness, equality and diversity in the services delivered regardless of disability, ethnic origin, race, gender, age, religious belief or sexual orientation. 24. Training Needs Analysis. All staff will receive appropriate training on the requirements of security policy An understanding of the purpose and goals of the Regulations. Understanding of safe working procedures and processes.

25. Monitoring Compliance with this Policy/Procedure. To be reviewed every 2 years by the Chief executive, Director responsible for health and safety, and the health and safety advisor. Suitable and sufficient records are to be maintained so that information is available as detailed within the policy. Occurrences of all incidents and accidents affecting and involving staff will be maintained and monitored. Records of both theoretical and practical training given to staff will be recorded.

26. Stakeholders Involvement and participation of others in the process of developing these guidelines as shown below: Page 15 of 17

Assistant Director Risk & Safety, Kirklees PCT Health, Safety & Security Manager, Kirklees PCT Litigation Manager – Kirklees PCT Counter Fraud Policy Development Group – all members – Kirklees PCT

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