security is Conversations
with King Alarm’s John Azar
ou’re asleep and suddenly the clanking sound of your grille jars you awake. You sit up, unsure of whether you’re still dreaming, and decide to listen more keenly. You hear the grille open and your front door groans on its hinges. Someone has invaded your home, your comfort-zone, your safe space. With not a minute to spare, you jump out of bed and attempt to grab something to defend yourself with but it’s dark and you fumble. They’ve heard you and now they’re headed your way. You stifle your scream as their heavy steps get closer. You’re frantic as you try hide.
You run towards your closet but your bedroom door is flung wide open. It’s too late. They’ve found you, and you slowly turn to face them. “Hey girl! What are you doing?” is the question that punctuates the darkness right before the lights are turned on. “Why do you look so frightened? Oh no! Wait! Did you think I was a thief? Ahhhm, is that a cushion in your hand? What were you planning to do? Tell me to lay down while you find somewhere to hide? Didn’t you remember I was spending the night? You fell asleep with your front door open, again. Yea, you gotta stop doing that”. A wave of relief washes over you. It’s only your sister. But what if it wasn’t? 7 8 H O M E & A W AY
By: Danielle Edwards