The Illustrated Guide to Santa's Magical Workshop

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Final Project Illustration Design (AD207) Layout and Illustrations by Nia Euodia

Santa Says Hello! Hohoho! Hi there! Welcome to the happiest, busiest place in North Pole! Santa’s Workshop! Here, everybody is working on the Operation Merry Christmas to ensure every Christmas is indeed a special one for all the good boys and girls. You will be guided by Mr. Mincepie Shinytrifle, he is most happiest to explain all you need to know about the workshop! Although you won’t be lost in the village with all the helpful little elves, Mr. Shinytrifle has somehow attached the Village Map in this guide neatly! By the way, come by the kitchen this afternoon. Mrs. Claus will probably be making some of my favorite gingerbread cookies. Taste some! But spare me! So long! Enjoy the workshop as you may!

to Southern Village

to Northern Town

Santa’s Village Map Santa’s Workshop (you

are here)

Elves Town Mrs. Claus Kitchen & Guest Houses Reindeer Barn Northern North Pole City Southern North Pole City Elsyeday Lake Frost Lake Reindeer Playfield Town Hall

13 page 5 page 17 page

The elves Who help Santa do all his work?

Elves? Santa employs thousands of

define an elf is their fondness of

them around the world. But right

hats! All kind of hats. And their

here at ground zero of Operation

pointy ears, or a pair of striped

Merry Christmas there are a few

leggings and those little pointy

elves we feel you need to know

shoes. What else? Cheerful

about After all, Santa is not the

personality, and the willingness

only person who is working hard

to do something that they love is

for a Merry Christmas!

also one thing that elves can’t be without.

There are elves who wrap, elves that track the weather, and

There are so many elves we

elves who pack the sleigh. There

can’t begin to explain them all.

are kitchen elves, food elves,

So here are some of the biggest

techinician elves, and ordinary

names of the little guys who help

elves that just love red and green.

The Big Guy make it all so merry.

Some of the things that


Mincepie Shinytrifles He gets almost as much mail as Santa– and he’s just the guy for the job! The Elf Number-One. If there’s anything you want to know about Christmas, Santa, the North Pole, reindeer, Operation Merry Christmas or anything having to do with Christmas, Mr. Shinytrifles is your man.

Fairycracker Fruitbubbles The wrapping department has a complex assignment — take every Santa surprise and make it look merry. And it’s a job every elf in the wrapping department takes very seriously. This merry bunch is led by Ms. Fruitbubbles — a frenzied, high-energy and worried sort who always finds a way to get the job done before Santa takes flight.


Toffeeaple Peppermint Ms. Peppermint and his team of elf-geeks sit around their computers and watch the weather around the world. They are responsible for tracking Santa on Christmas Eve and for helping to make his flight plans each year. They have a huge, impossible job that constantly changes.


Figgyslae Sugarpears Mr. Sugarpears is in charge of Santa’s sleigh. He checks and fix the sleigh if it’ is broken. Sometimes if technician elves are absent, he also in charge of all the machine in the workshop. But the sleigh master, can do anything from setting new speed records to getting Santa safely back every year.


Cocoa Treacletart Ms. Treacletart is never seen out of the kitchen. Well of course in the exception when she goes back home. But she is the best elf chef in the village. She learns straight from Mrs. Claus.


The Factory Let me tell you the process of Christmas presents making...

How’s the making of my Christmas presents? Dream Catcher


TomTom-v.15 Machine

Capturing your

And then the chemical

This very latest machine

daydreams and your

from the dream gets

helps santa to produce

wishes are the initial

interpreted so that

your presents, customize

process of making

Santa and especially the

them (purple polkadot

Christmas presents, so

elves can check on the

with a pocket on the side

don’t worry about your

supplies, match it with

perhaps?), and put each

wish to Santa! All heard!

The Good and Bad List,

of them in a box of your

so the production can be

favorite color. How cool

done as soon as possible!

is that?

Wrapping Department

Big Guy’s Approval

The Gift Storing

Then your presents

Every gifts that have

Santa and the elves

get wrapped by Ms.

been wrapped needs to

doesn’t only work on

Fruitbubbles and her

be approved by Santa,

Christmas Eve, you know.

team. Do you know they

to make sure that all

After producing a certain

can wrap gifts faster

the good names get the

amount of presents,

than the wind blows!

presents they deserved.

they store them in an

Why? Because you don’t

enormous Gift Hall,

like your teddy bear got

which are arranged by

mixed up with a soccer

countries, cities, and

ball, do you?



The Kitchen The Kitchen is where Mrs. Claus and the kitchen elves spend their time. Everyday they make lunch and snacks for hundreds of elves who works in the workshop. The elves usually eats breakfast in their own houses before going to work. Here, Mrs Claus share the elves favorite Fireside Sippers.


Mrs. Claus Well, she does what the kitchen elves needs her to be, a helper, a support, a teacher, a mother, a cook, or a mentor. She doesn’t always be in the kitchen, of course, she needs to help Santa also. But when she does, the kitchen will feel more magical for an unknown reason. Ms. Treacletart, will ask her for help if anything goes wrong.


Fireside Sippers Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and store in a well sealed container

2 cup instant cocoa 2 c instant non dairy creamer, plain (you want creamy not just “white�)

To make a cup, stir 3 heaping teaspoons into a cup of hot water. To be quite honest, I use more of the

1 c instant coffee or espresso powder

mix per cup than this because the elves

1 1/2 c granulated sugar

cappuccino size mug.

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg 1 tsp ground cinnamon

love to fill their mugs up and/or use a

This is great on Christmas Eves, road trips, camping trips, to give as gifts in pretty containers, or just to keep on hand at home all winter long for biscuit dipping.


See you around!

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