more large simple edits from landscape shoot
more large simple edits from landscape shoot
more large simple edits from landscape shoot
more large simple edits from landscape shoot
more large simple edits from landscape shoot
more May edits
place physical edits
combine paint and moneyless and/ or may xiong together
Work Evaluation 3 sets of work you like 2 best photoshoots what work links best to your theme 2 sets of work you like least
Action plan What you intended on doing next Photoshoot plans visual examples of
This is another of my responses to Chad Wys and May Xiong. I have used my first edit and physically manipulated it. I used white thread and pins to make the geometric lines more extravigant and viberant. I have also mounted and raised the two coloured circles to add more feature to my piece. I relly like using string and pins because it is a good way to physically edit something, and it makes the work stand out more. I will definetly use this technique again in some of my work later on because I think it helps the image and compliments the photo.
edits to rosanna jones
rosanna jones and may xiong
talk about edit