Lesson Plan – Podcasting Global Issues that Affect our Society Date
May 25th, 2017
Lesson length
1hr. 30mins.
Ananias L. Franklin
School / Class
Lenguas VI “English” – 6th Semester – UAEM (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México)
No. students
Main Lesson Aim(s) Review creating and upload podcasts to “Audacity” & www.podomatic.com Recognize national and international issues Share viewpoints on global issues Analyse and understand the importance of podcasting in the EFL classroom
Subsidiary Aim(s) To check learners’ understanding of their final product To practice oral fluency To highlight global, humanitarian, cultural and political issues To reflect on the use of podcasts and its importance in current society
Assumptions 1. Students already have downloaded and know how to use podcasting software such as Audacity, Podomatic, Audioboom, etc. 2. Students have are aware of current affairs and social studies on global issues.
Class Profile and Timetable Fit
Students have University-level education and are qualified to work on and talk about more serious issues that affect the globe. There are 29 students all over the age of 18 years. They are motivated to work with ICT’s and integrate previous knowledge with talking about global issues. This lesson plays in part with units 10 and 11 in the book, “American English File” that deal with global economics, and political discussions. Students will now use podcasting to express their opinions and views on certain global issues and continue to use this fluency builder-generated tool to practice and engage in English.
Anticipated Problems and Solutions Problem 1. Students may be compelled to plagiarize from pre-recorded topics or written texts.
Solution Urge students from the beginning of this activity to cite and paraphrase if they use sources.
Students that have a higher level of English might dominate the production of the podcast.
Assure and encourage that each group of students needs to have an equal amount of time allotted during the production of the podcast
Problems will arise with the use of technology.
Open a blog page where students can communicate with each other and offer solutions without the help of the teacher. (Teacher will monitor all blog posts)
Procedure section Stage/ Activity 1
Objective Purpose(s) of stage To review the use of “Audacity” & www.podomatic.com
Discussion of what global issues can be used for making
Procedure What will the Ss and/or the T do?
Teacher will call on students to practice using these software tools for
T>S Ss=Ss
Teacher will broadcast on screen the use of “Audacity” & www.podomatic.com. podcasting and will handle any questions that arise.
Teacher will discuss what global topics can be used during the podcast activity (Cultural/Traditional, Political, Social). Students will have the opportunity to express their opinions and views about one of these issues through podcasting.
Assign podcasting
Students will be able to choose their own groups. They will form groups of 3 or
groups and give
4 people. When all groups are assigned, then Teacher will go over how to
instruction on how to
complete their podcast activity by listening to my instructions on how to use
complete the activity
“Audacity” & www.podomatic.com at https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/nias-franklin/episodes/2017-0405T21_01_51-07_00 and https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/niasfranklin/episodes/2017-04-24T21_54_22-07_00
Next, each group will decide on what to talk about and how to carry out their podcasts. They will report to the teacher their decisions. (If they chose to change their topic for their podcast they may but only in the next 48 hours!)
Talk about how to
4 Analyzing
on “current” topics that deal with “Cultural/Traditional, Political, Social” issues.
investigate global issue
They can use any and all resources that are available to them i.e. newspapers,
topics and make an
online content, Rueters resources, and AP (Associated Press). All sources
outline for podcast
students use in their production must be cited and referenced. Also, I will give
Students will make a podcast on a global issue and publish it on www.podomatic.com
Once students have their global issue topic, they will then begin to investigate
the web address of the rubric I will use to evaluate podcast production. S=S
Students will have 2 class periods to collaborate and work on their projects. All other works will be done during their time. This project will be due on May 19 th.
Projector Microphone & video camera http://www.audacity.com http://www.podomatic.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/how-to-make-a-podcast Rubric of podcast production results: https://edorigami.wikispaces.com/file/view/Publishing+-podcasting+rubric.pdf
https://www.buzzsprout.com/how-to-make-a-podcast http://www.belb.org.uk/Downloads/i_epd_using_podcsts_in_the_classroom.pdf https://akoaotearoa.ac.nz/download/ng/file/group-4/n2437-esol-teaching-skills-taskbook-unit-1-f---lesson-planning-and-determiningaims.pdf https://edorigami.wikispaces.com/file/view/Publishing+-podcasting+rubric.pdf http://www.audacity.com http://www.podomatic.com http://alad.cele.unam.mx/