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Insurance Adviser July 2022 issue

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Meet the state finalists of the 2022 Broker of the Year awards


The 2022 Broker of the Year Award, sponsored by QBE, celebrates the professional excellence and integrity of passionate brokers who are leading the insurance broking industry forward. Award finalists from four states and territories share their journeys into insurance broking, their passion for the industry and the valuable lessons they have learnt along the way.


Victorian/ Tasmanian Award Winner and Finalists

Daniel Quintin, Senior Account Executive, Gallagher


How did you get started in the insurance broking industry?

Over 24 years ago, when I was still a high school student in England, I sat down with my careers guidance officer to discuss what I wanted my career to look like after leaving school. I told him that I liked the idea of working in London, in an office environment where I could wear a suit. As an example of a possible career path, he put down ‘insurance broker’.

That conversation ended up being incredibly serendipitous – the following year, I moved to Essex on the outskirts of London to work as a broker and began my lengthy career in the insurance broking profession.

Funnily enough, I still have the meeting notes taken by my careers guidance officer from that day, with ‘insurance broker’ written on it!

What do you think the insurance broking profession will look like in the future? Is there anything that young brokers need to look out for?

With a high degree of confidence, the future of the insurance broking profession remains bright. I actively encourage anyone to consider a career in this field.

We should embrace enhanced analytics, AI, science and technology and to help better shape, guide and inform both the insureds and insurers. Those that are open to and can embrace change will do well. Young brokers need to be curious. They may not realise at first but over time, if they learn, study, ask questions and understand people’s demands and needs, they can have a great career.

What does becoming a finalist of the Vic/Tas 2022 Broker of the Year award mean to you?

Being a finalist validates all the work and dedication I put in, not only for my clients, but to the industry as a whole.

As a financial service provider, I’m across the significant change, regulation and market forces that impact my panel of insurers, and my clients.

I like to better understand the changing landscape, this enables me to upskill and act accordingly. NIBA have been instrumental in this process, the work they undertake, the advocacy they provide, really helps demonstrate to the wider community the value that we all provide as brokers.

As a trusted advisor to my clients, I know that they take comfort in the continuity and stability that I provide them, even when I’m tasked with explaining matters to them that have significant implications to their own insurance programs.

Andrea Porte, Client Manager, Aon

How did you get started in the insurance broking industry?

I came to broking after working as a Loss Adjustor, where I saw first-hand the positive impact an informed, well-structured program can have on clients after a significant loss. I also saw the reality of inferior policies and the consequences that followed. Seeing these very different scenarios play out in real life really piqued my interest, and I realised I was in a position where I could contribute in a really positive way to my community.

My entry to the industry itself was somewhat accidental. I took a job at the local CGU office as a 19 year old, thinking I would use the opportunity to figure out what I wanted to do. I may have fallen into the industry, but I am infinitely happy that I did.

What do you think the insurance broking profession will look like in the future? Is there anything that young brokers need to look out for?

The insurance industry is ever-evolving. I have no doubt that we shall see new and innovative products for risks that have not yet emerged. I think that the role of an insurance broker will expand to all aspects of risk management, not just insurance. I encourage young brokers to look out for opportunities to facilitate this, to seek mentoring, and to be unafraid to explore with a fresh perspective and consider new ideas.

What inspires you the most about the insurance broking profession?

A good broker educates and empowers their clients. Their role is not just transactional, it’s one of a trusted adviser. The people I meet and connect with, and the meaningful advice I provide, can have a real impact on how an organisation operates and how they understand risk. Put simply, I can use my skills to help people, and support my community in a tangible way.

What does becoming a finalist of the Vic/Tas 2022 Broker of the Year award mean to you?

As brokers, we use data-driven assessments to help our clients be informed and make better decisions, and this provides us a strong position to advocate for our clients. We continually strive to understand our clients’ needs and all aspects of their business to ensure we are best representing them and placing appropriate covers on their behalf.

Matthew Schinck, Head of Placement - National, Aon

What is the most important lesson you have learnt so far in your career?

Empathy. Always operate with the client’s best interests at heart and empathise with their position. As an industry, we have a tendency to drown clients in jargon that makes a great deal of sense to us, but not to them. Over the last market cycle, there has been an increasing level of detail required for insurers to determine a response. It can be quite overwhelming for a client to collate that level of data, only to receive an increase in rate and deductible and a reduction in cover.

Clients also often assume that investing in risk mitigation will mean a reduction in insurance costs, however that is not always the case. As such, our ability as brokers to articulate the reasons behind these requirements, whilst having empathy for the difficulties created by this process, is vitally important. It also allows for better client advocacy when negotiating terms on behalf of clients. We are a client delivery industry, and this must remain at the forefront of everything we do.

What inspires you the most about the insurance broking profession?

I’m inspired most by the ability of brokers to engage with an incredible array of industries. An average day can consist of dealing with anyone between a ‘mum and dad’ business and the CEO of a multinational corporate entity, where the only thing they hold in common is the products we place. It’s an amazingly diverse industry supporting an equally diverse client base – something not enough up-and-coming young professionals know about!

What does becoming a finalist of the Vic/Tas 2022 Broker of the Year award mean to you?

It’s incredibly humbling to become a finalist of the Vic/Tas 2022 Broker of the Year award. At 23 years old, I fell into insurance with no idea what I really wanted to do. Over the years, the industry has been incredibly kind to me. Being a finalist provides me with the platform to pay forward the support, guidance and education I’ve received during my 19 years in the industry. I’m fiercely proud of the way I do my job and the purpose we all serve, and I want to instil that passion in as many colleagues, industry-wide, as I can.

Western Australia Finalists

Sumit Sopori, Managing Director, Imperium Insurance & Financial Solutions

How did you get started in the insurance broking industry?

After working with one of the major insurers for over four years in sales and commercial claims management, I was presented with an opportunity to work with one of the internationals. I jumped at the chance, as I’d always wanted to learn and experience the client’s side of the business and offer them solutions to manage and mitigate their risks. From there, I worked with various brokers before starting my own business in 2016. Being a business owner has been challenging and rewarding, especially starting with no client base. There have been times things haven’t gone according to the plan – COVID-19 is a classic example – however, with persistence and resilience, we’ve been able to weather the tough times. I’m forever thankful to my family, staff and clients for their ongoing support, and for always motivating me to do better.

Through my business, I have been able to provide my clients the same level of exceptional customer service as what I had done prior. It gives me immense satisfaction to see a client’s businesses get back on track following a claim.

What inspires you the most about the insurance broking profession?

For a lot of people, the words ‘insurance broking’ might bring up the image of a boring office worker, or a salesman that sells policies which aren’t required. Being able to break this myth and make insurance simple for my clients is what inspires me the most. A career in insurance broking includes meaningful work and community involvement. At its roots, the industry is about protecting the members of a community. There are plenty of career opportunities and an individual can develop a broad skillset, whilst dealing with a diverse range of customers from different cultural backgrounds.

What does becoming a finalist of the WA 2022 Broker of the Year award mean to you?

I am honoured and humbled to be a finalist of the WA 2022 Broker of the Year award. To me, it is a recognition of my hard work and the consistent effort that my team and I have put towards our clients. It is an honour to contribute towards the industry and work alongside like-minded professionals.

Derek Ford, Director, FordSure Pty Ltd

How did you get started in the insurance broking industry?

Most kids decide they either want to follow in their parents’ footsteps, or they definitely don’t want to. I was of the latter mindset. My dad had worked in insurance for 40 years and I had never thought much of his profession growing up – even though he was probably doing amazing work.

Unfortunately, I left university during a recession in the UK. I sent out multiple job applications and the only one to reply was the underwriter my dad worked for – so by accident, I fell into insurance. At the time, I didn’t understand the magnitude of impact that insurance has on everything. I certainly didn’t ever think that it would be a profession I would become very passionate about.

In 2000, I relocated to Perth and made the switch to the broker side. I have stayed in insurance broking ever since. Funnily enough, I now have four children, two of whom also work in insurance!

What inspires you the most about the insurance broking profession?

There are so many things you simply can’t do legally without insurance. You can’t drive a car, or build a road, or fly an airplane, or build a building. The scope and breadth of insurance is what makes this such an amazing occupation. On the general broking side, you have to be a master of all trades with an understanding of what various businesses do. I absolutely love it and find it so fascinating. It inspires me that I’m able to do something of value and have such a broad impact across various industries.

What does becoming a finalist of the WA Broker of the Year award mean to you?

This award isn’t just about me – it’s a celebration on the industry, and a culmination of hard work from so many individuals. I hope that by becoming a finalist of the WA Broker of the Year award, I can use my voice to celebrate the award, not just within the industry but outside of it as well.

The awards are a fantastic opportunity for us to show off the broking industry to the rest of the country. They allow those outside of broking to see just what makes our profession so rewarding and so valuable to society.

Jade Lyons, Director, JL Insurance Brokers

How did you get started in the insurance broking industry?

I started my career fresh out of high school, as a receptionist at a local insurance company. It didn’t take long before I discovered that insurance really motivated me, and I decided to pursue a career in the industry. I strongly believed that doing something I loved would lead to a successful career.

In 2019, I decided to take the next step and exponentially develop my career by starting my own insurance brokerage and going out into the market as an authorised representative. Then, in 2021, I decided to back myself and put my name on the door, creating JL Insurance Brokers.

I am proud of my career and my achievements so far. My grit and strength of character drove me to never give up on my dreams throughout the 19 years in my career in insurance. Without these vital qualities, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

What inspires you the most about the insurance broking profession?

I really enjoy helping my clients by taking the complexities out of arranging and understanding insurance. The appreciation I receive from them makes the hard work I put in all worth it. Throughout my career, I have surrounded myself with incredible mentors – these people inspire and motivate me to reach for my goals and push myself to my full potential. Watching my staff learn and grow with my guidance and support is truly the most rewarding experience.

What does becoming a finalist of the WA 2022 Broker of the Year award mean to you?

The WA 2022 Broker of the Year Award has provided a platform for me to share my success story as a female role model. Through being a finalist for this award, I hope to motivate other professionals to strive towards their goals, and to support and mentor others within the industry. I am very passionate about mentoring and collaborating with other women to help them build confidence and achieve their own success. I believe that this is instrumental to me achieving my own success, and it furthermore sets an example for my daughter, showing her that anything is possible when you apply yourself.

Frans du Plessis, Director, Grace Insurance

How did you get started in the insurance broking industry?

My career in insurance began while I was studying law in South Africa. Needing to pay my university fees, I started working part-time as a junior broker. Eventually, university became so expensive I decided to turn broking into my full-time career. In 2008, I immigrated to Australia and after 16 years in broking, I decided to change career paths and own a few clothing stores instead. I soon realised working in retail was not for me. Tending to a shop every day from nine to five felt like being stuck in a jail with an open cell door, performing the same tasks over and over. In insurance, there are so many challenges constantly presenting themselves, so many different people to engage with, and you never know what tomorrow may bring. So, I decided to get back into insurance. I worked for an insurer for two years, before moving to a premium funder. Unfortunately, after seven months, I was made redundant along with 50% of the company. Being forced to find a new job, I eventually decided to start my own brokerage, Grace Insurance.

What inspires you the most about the insurance broking profession?

Insurance broking has a very high standard for professionalism in Australia. It’s fantastic that brokers continue to uphold these standards every year. I’m inspired by organisations like NIBA, which play a vital role in setting the standard for professionalism in our industry. To me, professionalism means treating clients with respect, and it is crucial in driving trust so that clients are comfortable disclosing confidential information about their business.

What does becoming a finalist of the WA Broker of the Year award mean to you?

Becoming a finalist of the WA 2022 Broker of the Year award proves to me that I am on the right career path. It also means so much to my business, giving me an uplift in recognition across new markets that I’m hoping to expand my business to. I also hope that this award will allow the younger generation to be inspired by the recognition and achievements of others, to see the opportunities in this industry, and to strive for excellence as well.

Queensland Finalists

Vanessa Hilton, Team Leader, Aon

Can you share with us a story on the biggest challenge you’ve had to face in insurance broking, and how you overcame this?

One of the biggest challenges I have faced was when I moved from Canberra to Brisbane within Aon.

The Canberra office had roughly 20 people and I had been there for nine years, so I knew everyone. In comparison, the Brisbane office has approximately 120 people working across all segments within Aon.

I had left my family, friends and clients behind and essentially had to ‘start again’.

In 2019, I made it my goal for the year to build relationships within the office with as many people as I could – and I did this by introducing myself to two new people every single week.

What is the most important lesson that you have learnt in your career so far?

The most important lesson I have learned so far is to be kind. No matter who you are talking to, whether it be a client, colleague, insurer or assessor, you should always be kind.

Too often, people focus their attention on those with the right title or those they think are better to know. The reality is that if you treat everyone with respect, you will get it back. I learnt this at the start of my working life, and it is something I am passionate about and promote within my team.

The last few years with COVID-19 have been challenging for everyone, and this has resonated with me in every interaction I have had, both in my day-to-day role and in my personal life.

You never know what other people are going through, so just be kind.

What does becoming a finalist of the Qld 2022 Broker of the Year award mean to you?

I am so honoured to have been one of the three finalists for the Queensland 2022 Broker of the Year award.

This award is a recognition of the commitment I have shown to my clients over the last 20 years and also the passion and integrity that I display every day.

I hope that by becoming a finalist, I inspire others within the insurance broking industry to be the best that they can be each and every day.

Rebecca Gilbert, Divisional Insurance Manager – North Queensland, Nutrien Ag Solutions

How did you get started in the insurance broking industry?

My insurance broking career started in 2002 working for a local broking firm based in Townsville, after completing a traineeship program at the tender age of 17.

Over the years, I have had the privilege of gaining exposure across all lines of general insurance, which has enabled me to flourish into a senior insurance professional.

In 2016, I commenced working for Nutrien Ag Solutions Insurance and am now the Divisional Insurance Manager of North Queensland, managing 12 staff across five branches.

I am very proud to have been in the insurance broking industry for over 20 years now.

From these work experiences, I continue to provide mentoring and leadership programs for brokers in my division to ensure continued succession of brokers in our industry.

What is the most important lesson that you have learnt in your career so far?

The role of an insurance broker is vital in creating a positive impact to our communities.

It can’t be underestimated how significant it is to be there to support clients through thick and thin, and help them navigate through challenging events, such as catastrophes or the effects of COVID.

As a broker, I have learnt that we play a vital role in listening to our customers, helping them rebuild and creating a positive experience from their loss or damage to their insured assets.

In my hometown, I saw firsthand the devastation that flooding can bring with the 2019 Townsville floods. Being there with clients and the community from day one cleaning, organising accommodation and simply listening to their needs is an event that I will never forget. It has shaped me into the insurance professional I am today and I am committed to ensuring that I can continue to contribute to the community in this way.

What does becoming a finalist of the Qld Broker of the Year award mean to you?

I feel very privileged to be named as a finalist for the Queensland 2022 Broker of the Year award. Being a finalist provides recognition of my 20-year contribution to the industry and the achievements throughout those years.

The award is also meaningful because it recognises the important role that brokers have. I am immensely passionate about my customers, colleagues and the insurance industry and have a lifelong ambition to continue to be a contributing member.

To be a finalist in Queensland for this award is very exciting and is certainly the highlight of my career.

Sally Coulton, Account Director – Property and Casualty, WTW

How did you get started in the insurance broking industry?

My father was an insurance broker and I saw firsthand the wonderful career he had and the relationships he had made along the way. During my university studies, I worked part-time in the mail room and reception at Sedgwick MacDermott where he was the Chief Executive Officer. Through this work and my father’s experiences, I was exposed to the industry and saw the possibility of an exciting career in broking.

After graduating from university, I commenced my career as an Account Executive at Glencairn MacDermott and worked my way up to more senior broking positions. Today, I am an Account Director and team leader in the Corporate Risk and Broking division of the Queensland office of WTW.

I have had incredible opportunities to work with large, complex clients from a range of industries. The diversity of clients in my portfolio has always kept my role interesting and engaging.

I have also been fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel overseas with clients to visit their operations or present to overseas markets.

These experiences have allowed me to thoroughly enjoy my journey as an insurance broker over the past 20 years.

What inspires you the most about the insurance broking profession?

Supporting our clients. We work with client to understand their business, work through their risk exposures and advise them on risk transfer solutions. These solutions enable our clients to continue with their operations following an adverse event, and that is a rewarding experience to be a part of.

Our industry is constantly changing and being able to adapt and advise clients, so that they are protected and make informed decisions, makes it both a rewarding and challenging profession. I also enjoy working with my colleagues and carrying out my people management responsibilities, encouraging new brokers to progress in this profession.

What does becoming a finalist of the Qld 2022 Broker of the Year award mean to you?

The insurance broking profession is rewarding and interesting and I enjoy being a part of the industry, working with clients to achieve their risk transfer requirements. I feel humbled to be recognised and privileged to be nominated to represent Queensland for this prestigious national industry award.

The winner of the Qld Broker of the Year award will be announced at the NIBA Qld Gala Lunch on Wednesday 13 July.

New South Wales / Australian Capital Territory Finalists

Shane Thaw, Managing Director, Intuitive Insurance Solutions

How did you get started in the insurance broking insurance?

After finishing my HSC in 2001, I decided to spend a gap year in Europe. Needing money to pay for the airfare, I applied for a junior broking position I found in a local newspaper.

I was offered the role and immediately fell in love with the work. I’ve been involved in and fascinated by the industry ever since.

What do you think the insurance broking profession will look like in the future? Is there anything that young brokers need to look out for?

With a push towards digital transformation of the insurance process and commoditisation of products, I think there will be a greater emphasis on the value-add brokers provide to the insurance transaction.

I think young brokers need to recognise and confidently communicate the role of the broker; that we don’t “sell” insurance, but we are a trusted adviser who can assist our clients to identify the risks they face, which risks can be transferred to insurance, and advocate to achieve the best possible outcome (both in negotiating terms of cover and claim outcomes).

What inspires you the most about the insurance broking profession?

The challenge of finding solutions for emerging industries, or seeking to create new solutions where none exist, is extremely motivating.

It is also inspiring to work with companies that are developing cutting edge technologies.

With the support of the insurance market, these companies know they are protected from unprecedented events and can confidently innovate, bringing new products and services to market.

What does becoming a finalist of the NSW/ACT 2022 Broker of the Year award mean to you?

I am passionate about delivering superior outcomes for my clients, and try my utmost to remove ambiguity, establishing a clear understanding between insured and insurer.

To have my hard work and dedication recognised by my industry peers gives me immense gratitude, and I’m proud of the positive affirmation being a finalist provides.

Nicholas Bedggood, Director, Citadel Insurance Services Pty Ltd

How did you get started in the insurance broking industry?

I had an epiphany moment while speaking to a friend who was an insurance broker and doing very well for himself.

After working as a boat broker for more than 20 years, it suddenly hit me that everyone needs insurance – but not everyone needs a boat.

I approached a broker from whom I’d previously purchased insurance, and he gave me my start.

Two years later, after learning everything from great mentors at the firm, I decided to start my own business.

It was daunting stepping away from my comfort zone.

Thankfully, I met so many people who said, “Nick, if you have any questions, just call me” – and some of them were competitors.

I found it very promising how everyone in the industry helps each other. In the boating industry, everyone hates each other!

I felt incredibly supported, so I picked up the phone and just got on with it.

What do you think the insurance broking profession will look like in the future? Is there anything that young brokers need to look out for?

This is an industry where the fundamentals have and will ultimately stay the same.

Hard work won’t change. If you put in an under-cooked submission and quote it to an underwriter, they will spit it back out.

Whereas if you spend time in submitting a proper submission, you’ll get the result.

Relationships also won’t change, ever! My biggest advice for young brokers: if you don’t get a response, don’t send the second email – pick up the phone.

Access to underwriting platforms through technology may have made our roles more efficient, but young brokers still need to learn how to build relationships.

What does becoming a finalist of the NSW/ACT 2022 Broker of the Year award mean to you?

Becoming a finalist of the NSW/ACT 2022 Broker of the Year award just means that it’s all been worth it.

The past few years have been extremely tough, not just for me.

I’ve had to deal with clients being very upset and emotional on the other end of the phone, I’ve dealt with people about to lose their business.

I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve talked back off the wall from getting rid of their insurance.

To be recognised as a finalist is a real pat in the back, and it means all of the hours I’ve put in has been worth it.

I don’t often give myself a rap, but I’m going to take this and enjoy it.

Sarah Worpole, Placement Director – Property, Aon

What do you think the insurance broking profession will look like in the future? Is there anything that young brokers need to look out for?

The world is more volatile than ever before. We are facing increased global challenges economically, environmentally, demographically, and geopolitically. These dynamics create unique opportunity but also unprecedented demand on our industry.

Over the past 10 years, natural disasters have caused damage averaging more than $160 billion a year globally with only 37% of it being insured. In Australia, the nation’s protection gap was at just 43% in 2021. Young brokers need to be inquisitive about the ways we can address ever-changing client needs. We need to be willing to share our ideas and encourage more collaboration and innovative thinking.

What is the most important lesson you have learnt so far in your career?

It is crucial for me to continue developing my knowledge and professional skills, in addition to encouraging and assisting others to do the same. Insurance is diverse and offers so many opportunities to learn. I specialise in certain areas and rely on the expertise of my colleagues for others. By working collectively and with integrity, I believe that we can achieve better results and create an environment that encourages growth and stability.

I am passionate about reinvesting into others what I have received from colleagues, managers and mentors. We should work collaboratively as an industry to attract new talent and foster existing talent. I am currently mentoring a promising young professional in the Aon graduate scheme. I’m grateful to be part of her journey and excited to see her career progress.

What does becoming a finalist of the NSW/ACT 2022 Broker of the Year award mean to you?

It is a great privilege to be part of such a dynamic, professional practice and to be nominated to represent NSW and ACT for such a prestigious, reputable award fills me with a great sense of honour. To be a finalist provides me the opportunity to demonstrate some of the key attributes of the insurance broking profession, and share insights on what I personally bring to the broking community. I strive to inspire others in the industry to pursue or develop their own career with a sense of professionalism, integrity, respect and community spirit.

The winner of the NSW/ACT Broker of the Year award will be announced at the NIBA NSW Gala Lunch on Thursday 21 July.

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