Sharra Grow, Editor in Chief news@iiconservation.org
Marina Herriges, Editor for Reframing Conservation Through Sustainability marina.herriges@gmail.com
Alexandra Taylor, Book Reviews Coordinator and Associate Editor alexandra.taylor2@outlook.com
Ellie Sweetnam, Fellowship and Membership Programme Manager Ellie.Sweetnam@iiconservation.org

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy, sufficiency and completeness of information contained in this publication, neither the IIC nor its Editors shall be liable to any party for any loss and/or damage arising from (i) any errors or omissions in such information and (ii) the use of, or reliance on, any method, product, instructions or ideas in this publication, in each case to the fullest extent permitted by law. The opinions stated in individual articles belong to the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the IIC, its officers or Council. Information contained in this publication is strictly for educational purposes and aims to provide helpful information on the topics discussed. Any information relating to a product, method or treatment is not meant to be, nor should it be taken to be, an endorsement of such product, method or treatment.
© The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 2024

In light of this article, we wanted to hear from our IIC community about work-related aches and pains. Here is what you all had to say in response to our survey questions posted in IIC’s Instagram Stories last month.

murals architecture on-site stone archeology metal textiles Which conservation specialty do you think suffers from the most work-related aches and pains?
What are common work-related injuries or bodily complaints you hear about within your specialism? back neck allergies nausea cuts shoulders knees hands arms tendinitis wrists
If a conservation conference offered a workshop or speaker session on ergonomic equipment and physical exercises related to minimizing conservation work-related bodily damage, would you attend?
it’s an interesting aspect not talked about enough in the profession no will be delighted if online option would also be available my whole team would maybe depends on how much it costs
yes please definitely
I’d think about it sounds interesting

NewsinConservationis published by The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 3 Birdcage Walk, London SW1H 3JJ
Website: iiconservation.org
Email: iic@iiconservation.org
ISSN 1995-2635

The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC) is a learned society, a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee with no share capital. Charity No 209677. Company No 481522.