| The 5-Step Filming Guide|
Giving people small consumer video cameras is a great way to document their thoughts and experiences over an extended period of time. This is a simple 5-step guide to make sure you capture good quality footage on your portable video device. If you would like to find out more about professional video production services, please contact Nice and Serious: info@niceandserious.com or (+44) 208 133 9302
5-Step Filming Guide
Nice and Serious
1. Light j Light is the most important part of filming. You need to make sure that the subject (person, object or landscape) is well lit. First of all, you should make use of what natural light you have available. Second, you need to make sure that the main source of light - be it the sun, a window or lamp - is behind the camera to avoid silhouetting the subject. Small cameras don’t work well in low-light conditions, so where possible film outside and where not, make sure you are near a window or have enough artificial light to compensate.
5-Step Filming Guide
Nice and Serious
2. Sound j Sound is the next most important thing to consider. When editing footage, you need to be able to hear the voice of the subject. This means that, when speaking, you need to position the subject in front of the camera (within a metre or two if you have a small camera) and you need to be in a quiet location. You should avoid filming near busy roads or loud machinery. When filming inside, make sure that you switch off your mobile phone, TV and radio.
5-Step Filming Guide
Nice and Serious
3. Motion j No one likes wobbly footage. Using a tripod with your camera is the best way to get clear video footage. When you can’t use a tripod (when you are moving or in a tight space) make sure you hold the camera steady, ideally with two hands.
5-Step Filming Guide
Nice and Serious
4. Framing j The subject should be the focal point of the footage. In general it’s best to make sure that you are in the centre of the viewfinder, or slightly off-centre. Try to avoid framing the shot in the ways demonstrated below and try to avoid obscuring the lens!
5-Step Filming Guide
Nice and Serious
5. Cutaways j If you are describing something, like making a cup of tea, then it’s nice to be able to see some footage of the objects and processes. Recording footage of the process whilst talking can be complex to film and often leads to bad sound quality. The best solution is to talk directly to the camera, and then to film ‘cutaway’ footage to complement what you have said. In this instance, it could involve filming the kettle, water being poured into a mug and then you drinking it. When recording cutaways, make sure that you record at least 10 seconds of footage per object or action.
5-Step Filming Guide
Nice and Serious
We hope you have found this simple 5-step guide to filming useful. Please visit www.niceandserious.com for more guides, information and ideas. Nice and Serious makes engaging films about sustainability and the environment. From visually communicating an environmental policy, to documenting and sharing inspiring case studies and events, to engaging and galvanising employees and stakeholders; since 2008 we have helped responsible organisations bring sustainability to life.