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Electrical installation certificates

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Changes to Electrical Installation Certificates

NICEIC and ELECSA Electrical Installation Certificates and Report forms have been revised to take account of the changes introduced by the model forms contained in Appendix 6 of BS 7671: 2008 (Amendment 3, 2015). In this article the key changes to the Electrical Installation Certificate are discussed. In a subsequent article the changes to the Electrical Installation Condition Report will be considered.

Fig 1 Schedule of

items inspected

Schedule of items inspected

Previously a single page form, the Schedule of Items Inspected supplied as part of an NICEIC Electrical Installation Certifi cate (EIC) and an NICEIC and ELECSA Domestic Electrical Installation Certifi cate (DEIC), is now aligned to the format of inspections contained in the Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) and as such includes in Section 1, items relating to the condition of the supplier’s intake equipment.

Condition of intake equipment

A fundamental principle of BS 7671, is that before any addition or alteration is undertaken the condition and rating of existing equipment, including that of the distributor, should be confi rmed (Regulation 132.16 refers).

It should be noted that a limitation cannot be used to prevent inspection of an item relating to new work, consequently where the inspector is unable to confi rm the items listed in Section 1 are satisfactory, for example, as a result of being unable to gain (or being denied) access to the location where the intake equipment is housed, then the certifi cate would be incomplete and should not be issued until access is gained.

For such reasons, it is essential that a preliminary inspection of an existing supply intake is undertaken before installation work commences. For smaller installations, particularly domestic installations, access to the supply intake equipment for inspection and testing purposes is not normally restricted, but for many non-domestic installations, restrictions are likely to be employed in accordance with the periodic health and safety risk assessment. Furthermore in some premises, particularly larger premises, such as hospitals or offi ce complexes, the intake location may contain high voltage (11 kV) switchgear, so it is highly unlikely for contractors to be permitted access. Where no supply is currently provided, no EIC should be issued.

Where access to the supply intake location is denied, the person ordering the work should be requested to provide the required information so that the proposed work can proceed. That is, to confi rm the items contained in Section 1 of the Schedule of Items Inspected, along with other information relating to the supply intake such as the values of external impedance and prospective fault current.

Note: Where inadequacies in the supply intake equipment are observed, the person responsible for the safety of the premises should

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Fig 2 Permitted


Fig 3 Issuing the Electrical

Installation Certificate

be advised, preferably in writing, to inform the relevant authority.

Permitted exceptions

The third Amendment of BS 7671: 2008 removed the reference to ‘ordinary persons’ from Regulation 411.3.3. As a result the requirement to provide additional protection by means of an RCD, in accordance with Regulation 415.1, for socket-outlets with a current rating not exceeding 20 A, applies to all installations.

Whilst the default position is for socket-outlets with a current rating not exceeding 20 A to be installed, circumstances can arise, particularly in installations other than in dwellings, whereby the omission of additional protection for a socket-outlet(s) might be appropriate.

For example, where the safety risk assessment highlights that unwanted operation of the RCD is likely to introduce a hazard, or alternatively if unwanted operation is likely to cause considerable disruption and loss of productivity. In such circumstances it would be reasonable for the electrical designer to approach the client to discuss a suitable engineering solution. Such a solution may include fi nding an alternative means of connection to a socket-outlet. In view of such circumstances exceptions are permitted by Regulation 411.3.3 to omit additional protection by means of an RCD as follows: a) For premises other than dwellings, where the documented risk assessment determines that RCD protection is not necessary. b) For a specifi c labelled or (suitably identifi ed) socket-outlet provided for connection of a particular item of equipment.

The NICEIC Electrical Installation Certifi cate for use by Approved Contractors requires the person responsible for the design to indicate whether an exception permitted by Regulation 411.3.3 has been applied. Where an exception has been applied the designer should confi rm, in the relevant Design section of the certifi cate, that the details of the exception(s) are appended to the certifi cate.

Where an exception as detailed in (a) is applied, the decision must be supported by the client’s documented risk assessment, and the designer should confi rm that the client’s risk assessment (or a suitable copy) is appended to the certifi cate.

It should be noted that the requirements of Regulation 411.3.3 are not applicable for FELV systems or reduced low voltage systems.

Issuing the Electrical Installation Certifi cate

Regulation 631.4 requires electrical certifi cates to be compiled, signed and authenticated by skilled persons1, competent to verify the requirements of BS 7671 have been met.

For NICEIC or ELECSA certifi cates the results of inspection and testing should be reviewed by the registered Qualifi ed Supervisor who should sign to confi rm such review. Only a registered Qualifi ed Supervisor employed by the Approved Contractor or Registered Domestic Installer is eligible to sign the certifi cate to take responsibility for both the inspection and testing, and for reviewing the results.

1 Skilled person (electrically) as defined in Part 2 of

BS 7671: 2008 (Amendment No 3)

Switch to online certification

Since launching last year, NICEIC’s online certifi cation and notifi cation system is proving a hit for the busy contractor looking to save time and money, with more than 30,000 currently using the service.

With no expensive upfront costs for soft ware or annual bills for continued use, www.niceiconline.com off ers a simple and easy solution to form-fi lling. Simply log on to the cloud-based system using your NICEIC details to easily fi ll out all forms or notify work online.

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