National Cultural Policy Draft 2013

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Our Cultures

Our Values

Our Identity

Our Prosperity

2013 Draft





CULTURE Policy Draft



The Vision


The National Culture Policy was developed with the understanding that Belize is a multi-cultural society and therefore all cultures must be recognized. The social, economic and democratic development of Belize has historically been tied to the efforts of all our people, and those efforts emanate from our core values and beliefs. The National Culture Policy envisions, then, that it is out of our cultures that we derive our identity and manifest through our hard work those values which make Belizeans a peaceful, strong, creative and resilient people. It is this strength, resiliency, and creativity that must be brought to the forefront to ensure our future success. Hence, Our Cultures, Our Values, Our Identity, Our Prosperity. 2.0

Context of Belize’s National Culture Policy It is the intention of the Government of Belize to create an atmosphere that is conducive to and supportive of the development and wise management of Belize’s cultural heritage. For this reason, the Government undertook to develop a National Culture Policy (NCP) that would define a framework for understanding Belizean culture; set out policy for the preservation and promotion of Belize’s cultural heritage; provide guidance for the balanced, efficient and equitable access and distribution of resources to culture, and for the continued creation and development of a Cultural Heritage Industry. The Proposition and Development of a National Culture Policy comes from within the context that (i)

Belize is a young nation with diverse set of people struggling to create an national identity;


The demographic profile is, in part, the result of patterns of voluntary and involuntary migration.


The cultural characteristics of Belize’s population have many tangible and intangible manifestations and as such the resulting cultural and creative expressions need to be nurtured to ensure full participation and strengthening of our democratic society.

The Government believes that while the National Culture Policy will not provide all the answers to the questions regarding nation-building, it will, however, provide the framework for identity-building and cultural exchange for the purpose of creating a cohesive and improved quality of life so that people throughout the world come to recognize and appreciate Belize’s way of life.

Culture as identity, identity as creativity, creativity as democracy





The Process


The first efforts in the development of a National Culture Policy occurred in early 1989, when Inez Sanchez published a document entitled “Thoughts towards the formulation of a national Cultural Policy” which initiated the written discussion of the need for such a policy in Belize and called for an integrated plan of cultural action. This was followed in the early 1990s by a UNESCO-supported national workshop and consultations. In September 1992, findings of these consultations were published by the Belize National Arts Council in a document entitled “What the People Said”. Over ten (10) years later, the National Institute of Culture and History (NICH) was established, replacing the National Arts Council. Today, NICH is the country’s main facilitator of cultural expressions and development. As we are more than twenty (20) years past the last major national consultations on culture, it is in this context that the Government of Belize, through NICH, has undertaken to revisit the views of Belize’s cultural stakeholders and to develop a National Culture Policy that will facilitate and fortify Belize’s social and economic development into the future. The consultation process was designed to get feedback from a cross-section of the population and was conducted in three general phases. The first phase was district level consultations and involved invitations to known cultural activists and community cultural organizations, as well as invitations to the general public via radio and television and social media outlets. The second phase involved consultations with cultural organizations which have a national cultural agenda (for example, the National Kriol Council, National Garifuna Council, Music Industry Association of Belize and other NGO’s). The third phase involved the use of a web-based and paper copy survey instrument to solicit feedback on cultural issues from members of the public as well as anyone with


The process of developing this Policy is consultative, participatory and inclusive. The Government recognizes and appreciates the efforts of all Government Ministries, Local authorities, civil society organisations, the private sector and Non-Governmental Organizations and all those individuals who participated towards developing this national culture policy. The development of the Final Policy document is expected by November 2013 and will be preceded by a vetting of the Draft Policy document which is to be released on August 28, 2013 to coincide with the 10 year anniversary celebration and industry presentation of the National Institute of Culture and History. The final document will also be accompanied by an implementation plan and evaluation matrix which identifies strategic activities and the responsible agencies. 4.0

Definition of Culture in the context of Belize The formal definition of culture used here is adopted from UNESCO Culture comprises the whole complex of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features that characterize a society or social group. It includes not only the arts and letters, but also modes of life, the fundamental rights of human beings, value systems, traditions and beliefs. (UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies, 1982)


interest in development of the culture policy. The Institute for Social and Cultural Research (ISCR) also conducted assessments of cultural workshops, fiestas, concerts and other events which involved cultural stakeholders and participants. As a result, the data gathering phase was done over the course of one year in order to examine a full national cultural cycle.



However, in the context of Belize, culture is the sum total of the ways in which a society preserves, identifies, organises, sustains and expresses itself. Belize is endowed with a rich and diverse cultural heritage including indigenous peoples, peoples who are descendants of an exploitative colonial system, and immigrants seeking a new homeland. The Government of Belize acknowledges that culture is intrinsically valuable and an important dimension of identity and a form of cultural capital with the potential to move people out of income poverty. However, there is a general lack of appreciation of the significance and value of Belize’s cultural heritage and therefore the inability to realize Belize’s development goals.


Policy Position of the Government of Belize The National Culture Policy addresses this challenge by providing guidance in order to enhance the integration of culture into national development. These include: advocacy for culture, capacity building, research and documentation, promotion of national heroes and symbols, collaboration among stakeholders, and mobilization of resources for culture, development of youth and technology, legislation for the systematic and balanced growth of culture and the arts industry, development of linkages for local, regional and international expressions of art and culture, Diaspora involvement and promotion of the integral role of culture and the arts in strengthening of Belizean values. These values which should be given emphasis in the process of national development include: respect, responsibility, hard work, family, community, creativity, tolerance, religion, civic pride, justice, courtesy, empathy, democracy, unity, peace, freedom and social justice. The Government of Belize wishes to create an enabling environment for social protection and social transformation


The Policy provides a Bill of Cultural Rights and a framework for the implementation of the National Culture Policy. We will therefore call upon all stakeholders to respect these rights and to operate within this framework to ensure the development of culture for national development and social cohesion. 5.1

Bill of Cultural Rights • • • • • • • • •


A right to cultural expression and exchange A right to representation and participation in decision-making A right to social and economic benefits derived from culture A right to a holistic education which includes Arts and Culture A right to Respect, Integrity, Tolerance, and Excellence for culture and the arts Right to use, preserve and promote language Right to promote culture and arts nationally and internationally Right to Community and Place Right to Redress of cultural grievances and conflicts

Cultural Objectives •

To inculcate and develop national pride and creat greater commitment, responsibility, self-confidence, selfdiscipline and a collective spirit among Belizeans.


of communities in order to strengthen national identity and nurture social cohesion. As a result, the Government of Belize will ensure that culture and the arts form an integral part of the implementation of Horizon 2030 Plan, Tourism Master Plan, and NICH Strategic Plan, and that adherence to International Conventions related to culture is followed through and ratified.


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To identify, stimulate and develop the creative potential of Belizeans so as to improve and enrich the quality of life and promote the image of Belize nationally, regionally and internationally. To recognize and embrace the role of the Belizean Diaspora and to make provisions for their full participation in cultural expression and cultural development. To inculcate in the individual an appreciation of and respect for the aesthetic and functional values of our surroundings including our national heroes and symbols. To create and encourage the establishment of appropriate institutions for enhancing cultural development with NICH being the premier developmental agency for culture in Belize (NICH, National Cultural Foundation, Carnival Development Organization). To instill an appreciation for and understanding of the cultures of the Caribbean, Latin America and other countries to enhance Belizean cultural education. To preserve, conserve and transmit our cultural heritage. To declare Government commitment to ensure full participation of cultural and artistic stakeholders, promote communication, training of cultural practitioners, and institutional coordination, and establishment of links between the culture policy and other national policies. To establish networking linkages and facilitate the professional and multidisciplinary development of human resources within the culture heritage industry. To outline strategies for building cultural infrastructure, development of cultural centers and spaces for cultural and artistic expression at the level of communities, including museums, Houses of Culture, Creative Art Centers, and Archaeology Institute and Conservation Center. To promote culture industries and entrepreneurship, particularly among the youth and women. To ensure that culture polices and those policies related to industrial development, environmental protection and tourism product enhancement are linked and integrated.



To identify significant sources of funding for cultural development. Policy Framework Knowing that any catalogue of areas of cultural activity will not necessarily be definitive and, to some extent, arguable and certainly inadequate, the following components are considered to be critical in shaping a direction and framing an action plan for culture in the development of Belize. This requires that our perception of culture shift to a developmental model in which culture is a critical component. The policy framework is therefore presented under the following headings:

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Belize-Culture Model Cultural Heritage: Tangible and Intangible: Preservation and Promotion Cultural And Creative Industries: Development and Promotion Culture in Education, Health and Environment Culture in Tourism, Poverty Eradication and National Development Culture, Youth and Technology Domestic, Regional and International Cultural Relations Finance and Administration of Culture Implementation and Review


Belize Culture Model

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The Belize Cultural Model assumes that culture emanates from all social and cultural sectors of society as well as from private and public cultural organizations which represent cultural interests in Belize. For this reason, it is the view of the Government that the preservation and promotion of Belize’s tangible and intangible culture, along with the development of the Cultural Creative Industries for the



purpose of social cohesion and economic gain, can only be derived from the collective participation of cultural groups, councils, organizations, individuals and government entities.

The Belize Culture Model


e.g. NICH BELIPO Cultural Councils and Organizations NGO’s…. GO s Cultural Cultural Action Ideology and Expression

Social & Cultural Cohesion

Strategic Action

Strategic Plan

e.g. Artists A ti t Musicians Researchers Healers…

The Government of Belize, through its public sector agencies: •

Commit to the establishment and maintenance of communication processes for the purpose of information exchange, process evaluations and for the development, amendment and implementation of strategic objectives and activities which support the preservation, promotion and development of the cultural industries.


Cultural Heritage Tangible and Intangible: Preservation and Promotion Belize is a pluralistic, multi-cultural society in which our ethnicities have a desire to share their unique qualities and characteristics derived from our cultural heritage for the purpose of sharing in an all-encompassing national identity. In this way then, cultural heritage is our collective memory and in various forms is our response to life and reflection on life, going back several generations. And just as an individual cannot hope for a whole sense of self and authentic action in the world without his or her personal memory, it is also futile for us to hope for social harmony and true achievement without our collective memory. It is the collective memory, embedded and expressed in many forms which show us both the positive and negative aspects of ourselves that we must know in order to effectively build our nation. With this in mind, the government is committed to actions aimed at preserving, analyzing and disseminating knowledge of the traditional, historical and natural aspects of our culture in the following areas. Together these include Belize’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

• • • • • • • • • •

Ethnicity Language and Oral Traditions Traditional Skills and Handicraft Music, Drama and Literary Arts Traditional Medicine Family and Religion Research, Cultural documentation, Archiving and Safeguarding Archaeological and Historical Antiquities and Monuments Colonial Sites and Landmarks National Days




Intangible Cultural Heritage Ethnicity


Belize is comprised of various ethnic groups. Each ethnic group presents a set of cultural characteristics regarding history, language, music, dress, religion and ancestry. However, many of these characteristics are not exclusive to any one group since patterns of settlement and resettlement and intermingling have allowed for the introduction and adaptation of many cultural forms. The groups in Belize include: Maya, Garifuna, Mestizo, Creole, East Indians, Mennonite, Chinese, other Asians, and Middle Easterners among others. For this reason, the Government of Belize commits itself to •

Make provisions to ensure the full participation of all our ethnic communities in cultural expression and cultural development.


Actively pursue projects that will allow for the production of knowledge of the history of our peoples and ensure that our Universities and places of higher learning are engaged in the writing of a true Belizean history and heritage.

Language and Oral Tradition Language represents the principal medium through which cultural knowledge is transferred among people and from one generation to another. As such it represents the principal medium for the survival of cultural knowledge. The status granted to the Garifuna Language, Dance and Music as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO is an example.


Identify and research language patterns within Belize and to examine models which allow for the use, retrieval and preservation of Belize’s languages.

The implementation of such models in order to ensure the transmission of cultural knowledge.

Utilize advances in information technology to make knowledge available and to ensure language maintenance and revitalization efforts of our endangered languages.

Music Belizean Music is a combination of indigenous and recently evolved genres influenced historically by regional and local events. The presence of these combinations offers the opportunity for Belizeans to continue to explore the depths of our creativity. It is believed that such creative forms allow for the expression of our Belizean identity and allows for that identity to forge social cohesion and to thereby project our Belizean identity into international contexts. Furthermore, music as a culture industry is a viable alternative directly related to empowering our young people and offers real opportunities for employment and wealth creation.


The Government of Belize commits itself to


The Government of Belize pledges to Continue to support and facilitate the development of public and private institutional structures and cultural groups and organizations involved in the production of traditional and contemporary Belizean music.

Ensure the preservation of intellectual property rights for our artists by enabling legislation and enforcement of such rights.

Establish a Music Development Fund (MDF) to allow artists to create and present new dynamic music.

Enact legislation aimed at removing tariff barriers and duties and provide concession and incentives for artists and cultural practitioners to import tools of trade, especially in relation to new technologies in an effort to promote and enhance the global competitive advantage of our cultural product.

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Traditional Skills and Handicraft There are a number of traditional skills currently practiced in Belize. These skills include: music-making, weaving, woodworking, dorey-building, wire working, cooking, carpentry, sewing and others. Many of these skills provide an opportunity for income generation through the production of authentic products; however, some of these skills are also at risk of being lost. Therefore, the Government of Belize commits itself to •

Support and develop programmes for the retrieval of such skills from among its practitioners.

Provide technical support and training for the production of marketable goods based on authentic Belizean cultural expression.

Establish financing mechanisms for the development of microenterprise and cottage industries.


Provide support for the identification of markets for such products and initiatives (cooperatives) for efficient distribution of these products.

Even before the establishment of conventional practices in medicine in Belize, residents relied on the use of naturebased remedies for healing. Today, herbal medicines and non-conventional healing practices are recognized for their health benefits. In Belize, such non-conventional methods are still nurtured and practiced among Belize’s ethnic groups. The Government of Belize, through its relevant agencies •

Commit to the conduct of research regarding the type of traditional healing practices in Belize and the degree to which it is practiced and used by the Belizean population.

Commit to the inventorying of flora within Belize and to the investigation of their medicinal properties and potential health risks and benefits.

Commit that in order to ensure the optimal health of our population that a determination is made about the implementation of a health model which incorporates the best practices in traditional medicine and conventional medicine.

Family and Religion Belize is a country that enshrines freedom of expression and religion in its constitution. There are many religious denominations that work actively in the fields of education and contribute to national development and to the foundation of family values and positive activities in society. It is also known that women in Belize play a far more significant role


Traditional Medicine


in the nurturing of family and subsequent development of our country than may be recognized.

The Government of Belize therefore commits to Support all research which provides information on the contribution of religious denominations on their contribution to the economy and national development.

Support these religious denominations in activities which ensure that cultural and family values are nurtured and promoted.

Facilitate equity among men and women in all areas of culture and development.

Remove all legislation that discriminates against women.

Provide recognition and financial support for those organizations that encourage the development of women organizations engaged in civic and cultural activities.


Research, Cultural Documentation, Archiving and Safeguarding The actual conduct and practice of cultural forms is the primary method of preservation, conservation and promotion of those forms. However, when such forms are endangered, a secondary method of preservation, conservation and promotion of Belize’s tangible and intangible cultural is the research, documentation and archiving of such forms.


Conduct and facilitate inventorying and research about Belize’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Use audio-visual technology to record, document, describe and present information regarding Belize’s cultural forms including special attention to those forms which are endangered.

Use print media such as journals, books, newspapers, and textbooks to document and describe Belize’s cultural forms including special attention to those forms which are endangered.

Facilitate, conduct and organize local and international conferences and symposia for presentation and discussion regarding the social, cultural and historical dimensions of these cultural forms.

Archaeological and historical antiquities and monuments Belize is a regional inheritor of the legacy of Paleo-Indians, Archaic peoples and the ancient Maya. The physical remains of the ancient Maya civilization have allowed for the restoration, conservation and establishment of Maya archaeological sites and reserves for the purpose of education and tourism. For this reason the Government of Belize commits to •

Continue to facilitate the identification, research and conservation of these archaeological sites.

Their strategic and legal protection for the benefit of current and future generations of Belizeans and world citizens.


For this reason the Government of Belize commits through its responsible agencies and other community based organizations and individuals to


Support education efforts which are geared towards antilooting and anti-trafficking of valuable archaeological and historical artefacts.

Provide additional financial resources for the upgrade and maintenance of archaeological reserves that are principal tourist destinations.

Review of current NICH Act governing our archaeological heritage with a view to strengthening the legal provisions to protect and preserve our archaeological heritage.


Colonial Sites and Landmarks Belize’s historic heritage includes a period of Spanish efforts at Christianization and British colonization until the time of our Independence. As such the colonial legacy remains, in part, in the form of architecture. The history and usage of such colonial sites and landmarks form part of our historic narrative and in recent years are under threat of destruction due to development pressures. Therefore, the Government of Belize commits itself to •

Identify, research and conserve such sites and landmarks in a manner that retains their colonial character for the purpose of identity building, education and cultural tourism.

Enact legislation that allows for the preservation of these historic sites.

Provide incentives and tax considerations to private individuals and corporations that are engaged in the preservation of historic sites and buildings.

Seek financial resources from multilateral agencies to assist in the development of colonial sites and landmarks.


10.0 Cultural and Creative Industries: Development and Promotion

Culture and Heritage have been taken explicitly into consideration in discussions on economic development. The inclusion of culture in the analysis brings to the fore the advantages that the culture of the country adds to the development process. There are significant opportunities to turn cultural expression into revenue generating activities. Culture and the arts possess enormous potential for earnings for the individuals involved and for the economy as a whole, and the recovery, transfer and appropriation of cultural knowledge, techniques and tools helps enhance the productive efficiency and quality (Belize Brand) of cultural goods and services. And that The many fairs and festivals which are organized for the purpose of projecting cultural characteristics of Belize’s people provide a platform for the transfer of cultural knowledge in its many forms. The organization and presentation of such festivals assist with community cohesion and identitybuilding and can be used to derive economic benefits. For this reason The Government of Belize commits to •

Providing technical support for the development of a Calendar of major local fairs and festivals.

Providing financial support for the strategic development of major fairs and festivals which target local, regional and international participants and visitors.

Initiate support for the research into the quantification of the


Creative Industries


economic contribution of cultural phenomena (e.g. major festivals San Joaquin Fiesta, Benque Fiesta, Cacao Festival, Costa Maya Festival, Carnival and others) to the country. The “Belizeanization” of public spaces and government offices via the introduction and placement of locally produced art, paintings, murals, images, sculptures, and posters to portray the depth of our cultural diversity; and encourages all private institution to do the same.

Establish infrastructural, legislative and other support to allow for the development of cultural industries namely: Film, Book, Music Industry, Fashion and Crafts.

Engage with private partners for the development of a management plan and strategy for effective marketing of quality cultural goods and services which feature a Belize Brand.



Culture in Education, Health and Environment

Education Noted with emphasis is the critical, irreplaceable role of education in developing the creative imagination, not only for artistic interests, but problem-solving in general, and the importance of education in developing self-reliance and awareness of the social and economic opportunities of cultural heritage. Observing too, that some of our educational content, methodologies and structures are no longer relevant to our present aspirations; The Government of Belize shall •

Ensure that measures be taken to account for cultural context/ understanding in the development of educational content, methodologies and structures.

Insist on the full integration of culture and the arts in the education


Establish educational programmes which promote a multi-lingual society and which includes models of Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE).

Recognize and support the non-formal modes of education which promote cultural awareness and appreciation and especially among disadvantaged and rural communities.

Support private sector efforts outside of the formal education system which promote creativity and self-reliance.

Commit to the formal training of skilled individuals in the expressive, performing and literary arts.

Commit to the development of a liberal arts department at the National University.

Commit to the teaching of Belizean history at all levels of instruction, and further commit to the development of teaching resources for this purpose, including the writing of a General History of Belize

Health Given that nearly all aspects of social activity depend on good health and given that our ancestors had some knowledge of health practices by which many maintained good health; The Government of Belize •

Supports the evaluation and recognition of the philosophy and health practices of previous generations.

Supports research and scientific development in nature based medicines, and will seek to ascertain the potential economic viability of traditional medicines with a view to establishing Intellectual Property Rights and Patents.


of all students at all educational institutions.


Supports the recognition of the importance of traditional cultural beliefs and practices and seriously taking them into account in designing and implementing programmes to deal with health issues and problems.



Attention is called to the pivotal importance of environmental awareness and protection in the global environmental system, for example climate change. Cultural practices impact the environment in both positive and negative ways and should therefore be evaluated. The Government therefore •

Supports efforts to inculcate in the individual an appreciation of and respect for the aesthetic and functional values of our natural surroundings.

Urges greater recognition of the significance of micro-environments (land and sea national parks, ecosystems and others) in the national context and the importance of cultural beliefs and practices in their preservation.

Urges greater sensitivity to the cultural considerations and implications in attempting to work out solutions to environmental problems, and in so far as is feasible, encourages that the solutions should be culturally compliant.

Supports through its relevant government agencies and private entities research on the link between cultural practices and the environment, especially where those environments are valuable and fragile.

Supports initiatives that promote cultural practices which allow for sustainable livelihood and helps to protect the environment.



Culture in Tourism, Poverty Eradication and National Development

Tourism Recognizing the significant contribution of tourism to the economy and its potential for the developing of good international relations, but bearing in mind its potential hazards in the cultural sphere;

Foster and develop sustainable levels of a holistic cultural Tourism experience so that it benefits local residents and local institutions.

Encourage measures to ensure that the development of tourism does not impact negatively on the integrity of our cultural identity in all its manifestations.

Encourage the development of programmes which are more oriented toward our cultural heritage and will ensure that more space be made available within the conventional touristic activities for such programmes.

Develop a multicultural mega festival that aims to promote diversity and excellence in the arts to generate economic benefits, unite the region and become world renown.

Promote strategies in the tourism industry which will include cultural heritage, art, craft, and other attractions that will benefit people both in the industry and from its profits.

Develop real opportunities for tourists to enjoy Belizean way of life within communities and in order to experience the cultural traditions of these communities.


The Government of Belize commits to


National Development The connection between culture and development is at the heart of this document. Development is the raison d’etre of government and its policies and through a culture policy an attempt is being made to bring considerations of culture into the development process.


Traditionally, national planning has focused largely on the economic aspect, not taking sufficient account of the cultural context within which this planning must be realized. Noting that this has implications both for the culture of the people affected by such planning and the ultimate success of the plans, and further recognizing the contribution which cultural goods and services could make towards the national economy; the Government of Belize considers that •

An assessment must be made of the various agents of development – formal organizations, informal networks, social institutions, etc. in order to delineate the role that each can play in the development process; and

Supports the establishment of mechanisms to address the cultural contexts within which national planning must take place and urge that cultural considerations become a normal element of national planning; and

Support efforts by local entrepreneurs via funding and technical support for startup companies which use cultural forms (fashion, crafts, music and others) for the production of goods and services; and

Develop the entertainment industry and organize performing artistes into a vibrant economic sub-sector thereby allowing visitors to experience Belize’s cultural diversity.


13.0 Culture, Youth and Technology Youth

the Government through its relevant agencies will •

Support and facilitate cross-generational encounters so that young people may benefit from and innovate using the knowledge of those persons who are bearers of knowledge.

Provide access to technology and training so that youth may have the opportunity to express themselves creatively using such technology.

Provide 100% free Internet access across the country.

Support and develop programmes which integrate radio, television, music, cinema production for the purpose of modeling and teaching youth to produce world class audio-visual products and subsequently showcase their work.

Youth and Sports Recognizing the vital role played by sports in economic development; in the development of a healthy nation, and as a unifying force,


There is an urgent need to forge relationships among young people through cultural exchange in different parts of Belize in order for them to innovate and develop sustainable strategies for development of art and culture. In order to foster the development of new industries based on the talent of young Belizeans,


The Government of Belize

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Supports all efforts to promote and develop a high standard of sporting activity nationally and regionally, bearing in mind the personal and social benefits of discipline, pride and cooperation engendered in playing to a high standard.

Supports and encourages research and promotion of sporting, recreational and leisure activities traditional to Belize, some of which are in danger of disappearing.

Pledges technical and financial support for well-established and functional agencies that focus on the development of excellence in national sports teams and for the purpose of projecting Belizean excellence onto the world stage and providing economic opportunities for our youth.

Pledges to strategically construct world class sporting facilities.

Technology and Media Recognizing the overwhelming potential of the mass media for both positively and negatively shaping perceptions and values and influencing action; and further recognizing the importance of technology in preservation of our heritage and for subsequent development and enhancement of cultural activities, The Government of Belize •

Supports and encourages the use of the mass media to present a positive portrayal of Belizean life and to encourage honest reflection and discussion on our overall direction and goals.

Encourages the use of the mass media to disseminate more widely the knowledge of the work of Belizean artists.

Supports efforts to develop among audiences the capacity to critically assess the media product.

Shall actively promote and support efforts to utilize the media to foster a spirit of Belizean and Caribbean unity, including joint production of programmes which integrate Caribbean and Latin America cultural diversity; and shall initiate steps to secure the expertise and technology necessary in this regard.

Supports efforts which foster creative technological solutions to modern problems of a cultural heritage industry.

Recognizes and accords value to the tradition of indigenous technology in Belize and supports efforts for the research and use of such technology.


Domestic, Regional and International Cultural Relations Taking into consideration the multi-cultural nature of Belize requires that we address issues of geographic location and settlement patterns of Belizeans, cross cultural dialogue, Diaspora and a changing demographic profile. For these reasons, cultural exchanges within Belize and outside of our national border are critical for respect, tolerance and social cohesion.

Domestic Cultural Exchange Cultural Exchange within the context of a multicultural Belize is critical to mitigating the effects of cultural misrepresentation, stereotyping and discrimination among Belize’s cultural groups. As a result, the Government commits to •

Support and facilitate programs which allow for cultural exchanges and in particular such programs involving cross-generational interactions and among youth.




A declaration of a national day for all cultures of Belize, celebrating our multiculturalism (proposed date October 12).

Diaspora A significant number of Belizeans have migrated abroad but retain substantial love for Belize affectionately known as the “This Jewel of Ours” and remit large sums of financial contributions, as well as knowledge and skills to Belize.


The Government of Belize through its relevant agencies and embassies at home and abroad commits itself to •

Engage and include all Belizean communities abroad in the processes, programmes and strategies geared to cultural development and nation building.

Cultural Councils and Organizations Cultural Councils and organizations are principal actors in the preservation, retrieval, and presentation of Belize’s intangible cultural forms including languages, oral traditions, music, and craft skills. The Government of Belize commits to •

Provide technical support for the full establishment of such cultural councils in order to ensure equitable representation of Belize’s cultural interests in public spheres.

Providing financial support to those councils and organizations that are able to present a clear agenda for work in preservation, retrieval and presentation of Belize’s cultural forms.


Private Museums and Houses and Culture and Art Galleries There is a need to foster the involvement of local communities to tell their stories, to express their creativity and to be involved in the social discourse of the nation.

Giving support and assistance to private cultural entities in the development of private museums and local houses of culture.

Establishing a network of private and public centers in an effort to nurture and sustain excellence in the creation of new and dynamic forms of cultural products, including the development of standards and regulations.

Regional and International Cultural Exchange and Relations Given the global benefits of cross border and cultural exchange as a mechanism in achieving the goals of integration and minimizing conflict, The Government of Belize commits to •

Provide and facilitate opportunities for the cultural exchange via regional fairs, festivals and academic conferences and symposia.

Properly evaluate the benefits of signing and ratifying of international cultural conventions such as those sponsored by the EEU, UNESCO, ACP, SICA, and CARICOM.

Signing bilateral agreements that promote Belize’s cultural agenda and that protect and preserve our cultural heritage.


The Government therefore commits itself to



Finance and Administration of Culture The National Culture Policy requires that budgetary and administrative provisions are made for its effective implementation therefore the Government of Belize mandates the following:



The Government of Belize has provided The National Institute of Culture and History with the legal mandate to administer and finance the culture and history agenda in Belize. The Government commits itself to enacting legislation to further empower NICH to carry out its mandate. NEAC The Government commits to the establishment of a National Endowment for the Arts and Culture to allow for increased cultural and creative output and in order to boost the creative potential of the Belizean population. Cultural Spaces and Houses of Culture The government also commits to the identification of suitable spaces for the construction of adequate and world class venues for the performing and expressive arts and for Houses of Culture. National Museum The Government also commits to identify suitable space for the construction of a national museum Conservation and Curation Center Government commits itself to providing additional resources for the deposit of cultural materials and property in a state


of the art center of conservation to protect and preserve our ancient monuments and antiquities. Belize Cultural Information Management System

Furthermore, •

Government commits to promote public and private sector partnerships for the finance of the arts and culture and through financial and tax incentives.

Government commits to the transfer of a percentage of lottery and games funds/profits as well as taxes on revenues derived from tourist arrivals for the construction and maintenance of cultural infrastructure.

Government commits to ensuring that local cultural councils and community organizations play an integral role in the finance and administration of culture and the arts.

Government commits to the development of an implementation, monitoring and evaluation regime involving all stakeholders for the execution of the policies outlined in the National Cultural Policy.

16.0 Implementation and Review Process Any elaboration of policy requires that a process of implementation be carried out. Subsequently a plan of action and activities must be drafted to ensure that the goals of the policies are realized and that our people derive social and


Government commits to the development of a Cultural Information management System for the purpose of qualitatively describing culture and for identifying statistical trends which may help with decision-making and investment in culture.


economic benefits. The implementation of the policy must be accompanied by timelines and budgets and projected sources of funding to ensure sustainability. In addition, these actions will be monitored and assessed using the stated objectives and deadlines to ensure meaningful performance management and to effect the necessary changes that the evaluation processes recommend. The Government commits itself to Ensuring that NICH develops an Action Plan related to the National Policy with timelines and budgets within three months of Cabinets approval of the Policy.

Give direction and support to NICH to establish a cross-sectoral forum within Government ministries to ensure that culture features prominently in their development plans.

Ensure that NICH establishes a Committee of Non-Governmental stakeholders and representatives of civil society to ensure periodic monitoring and review of activities in the Action Plan.

Establish an Institutional Assessment of the culture industry every four years.

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