Ambition Issue 47 (July/August 2021)

Page 35


NI Chamber: Government’s ability to move at speed key to success of future NI Energy Strategy

Patrick Anderson, Chair of the NI Chamber Infrastructure Committee and Chief Financial Officer at Translink.

The government’s ability to move at speed, particularly in making key strategic planning decisions, will be key to the success of Northern Ireland’s future Energy Strategy. Responding to the Department for the Economy’s Energy Strategy consultation,

which closed on 2 July, NI Chamber has also stressed the need for a dedicated budget for the Strategy and a strong pathway of actions, timelines and measurable achievements – commenting that a failure to do so will risk the Strategy’s chance of success and impact on Northern Ireland’s attractiveness as an inward investment location. Patrick Anderson, Chair of the NI Chamber Infrastructure Committee, commented: “NI Chamber strongly endorses the draft Energy Strategy’s detail and ambition in driving forward the net zero agenda for the Northern Ireland economy and society. Everything that is set out in the Energy Strategy sends a clear signal locally, nationally and internationally about Northern Ireland’s commitment to achieving net zero through energy reform. This in our view can only enhance Northern Ireland’s attractiveness as an investment location and is something that will be increasingly demanded as part of that competitive environment to attract sustainable businesses and sectors. “The planning process will be key to the successful delivery of this Strategy. Northern Ireland needs to accelerate what we are doing if we are to keep up with our peers nationally and internationally. There are projects in the system that can be ready for 2024/25 – projects which will support the 70% 2030

renewable electricity target – therefore the ability to move through key strategic planning decisions at speed, for all aspects of the Energy Strategy, including projects and grid infrastructure, is extremely important. “There also needs to be consideration given to the budget allocated to deliver the Strategy. The fact that it will sit within the various stakeholder Departments makes it more difficult to focus funding to the areas of the strategy that need it most such as a transport transformation and to decarbonise to more indigenous renewables, keeping people better connected for a cleaner, greener future and a thriving competitive economy. A more effective mechanism for budget/resource exchange should be considered to ensure that funding is available quickly. We need to think beyond budget and policy cycles to make this Strategy work. “Finally, we would like to see a much more explicit focus on the business economy in the final Strategy. This would set out more clearly the role of business in driving the vision and priorities of the Energy Strategy forward in terms of innovation, investment and skills and provide a better understanding of what Government will do to support the indigenous business community to maximise the opportunities presented.”

NI Chamber and Pinsent Masons announce new international partnership NI Chamber has announced that Pinsent Masons is its newest International Champion. This partnership will see the professional services firm support NI Chamber’s International Division over the next 12 months. Pinsent Masons joins current Champions Grant Thornton and Queen’s University Belfast. Together, they will help NI Chamber members to grow their international footprint with a mix professional expertise, technical advice and access to global business networks. Welcoming the announcement, Tanya Anderson, Head of International and Business Support at NI Chamber said: “Pinsent Masons has come on-board at a really critical time for anyone who trades internationally from Northern Ireland. Whilst we are continuing to provide importers and exporters with important practical support under new trading arrangements, our International Division is also helping businesses across all sectors to confidently think and grow globally. “Encouragingly, businesses are looking at

new markets and are making inroads in target markets such as the USA and Asia. NI Chamber is the lead private sector provider of export support and in partnership with our Champions, we are leveraging our combined international networks to introduce local firms to new markets, territories and customers. Laura Gillespie (Partner, Pinsent Masons); Ann McGregor (Chief “As a highly regarded Executive, NI Chamber); Andrea McIlroy-Rose (Partner and professional services firm with Head of Office, Pinsent Masons); Tanya Anderson (Head of a truly global reach, we are International and Business Support, NI Chamber) and Joanna delighted that Pinsent Masons Robinson (Partner, Pinsent Masons). has come on-board and know that our members will benefit international outlook to businesses operating enormously from what they in Northern Ireland. We look forward to have to offer.” working with Chamber members and sharing Andrea McIlroy-Rose, Partner and Head of our experience to help them grow their Office at Pinsent Masons Belfast, added: international footprint.” “As a multinational professional services For more information on the advice, business we are delighted to become NI technical training and events offered by NI Chamber of Commerce’s International Chamber’s International Division, visit the NI Champion. With 26 offices across the world, Chamber website. Pinsent Masons is able to bring a truly


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Articles inside

Jim Fitzpatrick

pages 98-100

It’s Time to Press the Reset

page 97

Fully Booked

pages 86-88

Dine & Wine - Chris Rees

pages 94-95

Niamh Campbell

page 89

Nigel Walsh

page 90

Version 1 Acquires Neueda

page 85

Mark Owens

pages 91-93

Business Class Motoring James Stinson

pages 82-84

World Class Belfast

pages 80-81

Danske Bank announces CEO

pages 76-79

Stairway to Seven

page 75

Paul McClurg

page 74

New Division is Fit for Purpose

pages 72-73

Launch of New Course at NRC

pages 70-71

Dr Ian Smyth

page 69

Structural Integrity

pages 66-68

Serving the Community

pages 62-65

Focusing on the Future

pages 58-59

Colleges Supporting Business

pages 51-57

Jane Shaw

page 50

The Social and Economic Influence

pages 40-43

John Campbell

pages 44-49

Laura Jackson

pages 38-39

NI Chamber and Pinsent Masons

pages 35-37

NI Chamber in Conversation With

pages 30-33

Lynsey Foster

page 34

CEO Update

pages 28-29

New Training Programme to boost Hospitality Skills

pages 20-21

Jonie Graham

pages 14-15

My Ambition is to

pages 16-17

Next Steps for Economic Recovery

pages 22-25

Setting the Scene for Diversity

pages 26-27

Q+A - Catherine McConkey

pages 12-13

Julie Skelly

pages 18-19

Kate Marshall

pages 10-11
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