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Brexit: One Year On

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Aoife McDowell

Aoife McDowell

Ann McGregor, Chief Executive, NI Chamber; and Steve Harper, Executive Director, International Business, Invest Northern Ireland.

Brexit, one year on: New report assesses the costs and opportunities for business

One year on from the end of the Brexit transition period, 84% of businesses in Northern Ireland are dealing with increased costs, with 89% reporting increases in the time it takes to transport goods to or from overseas.

According to an international trade report – “Brexit One Year On” – published by NI Chamber and Invest Northern Ireland, nine in ten of the region’s firms have experienced supply chain issues including rising shipping costs (77%), delivery delays (77%) and problems with product availability (72%). Two in three have experienced increased paperwork (65%), while two in five have experienced HGV driver shortages. Northern Ireland businesses have also reported higher shipping container costs compared to other UK-based traders. Working with the British Chambers of Commerce, NI Chamber and Invest NI surveyed local businesses who are currently exporting or aspiring to export in the near future, to assess the impact of new trading rules and global challenges on international trade. According to the survey, most businesses (85%) have evaluated their supply chain risk. Around two in three have conducted procurement due diligence and a similar share have diversified suppliers to minimise risk. Some 59% have changed supply routes. Almost one in four have brought some or all of their supply chain back to Northern Ireland suppliers. Commenting on the report’s findings, Ann McGregor, Chief Executive, NI Chamber, said: “The last 12 months have brought substantive changes for exporters and this report brings into sharp focus the serious issues they are facing with regards to supply chain difficulties and additional paperwork. Issues with additional red tape must be resolved and NI Chamber continues to work closely with the NI Executive, UK and EU negotiators on this issue. “Northern Ireland is not alone in facing trade disruption from the new trading arrangements. Many UK businesses are facing similar constraints, particularly in terms of transport delays. However, the findings suggest that the cost pressures that have been placed on local businesses are more acute, which potentially places them at a competitive disadvantage. “There is a lack of awareness from UK businesses about the Protocol. This highlights the need for education of GB businesses to support how they trade with their Northern Ireland counterparts. There is also a general need to raise awareness and engage much more proactively with businesses in Northern Ireland around all aspects of world trade agreements. “Despite the significant challenges, this report is further illustration of the potentially huge benefits of dual-market access. Northern Ireland companies have much more concrete plans to grow both domestically and internationally, compared to the UK average. “One of the biggest challenges to realising the potential benefits is uncertainty around the Northern Ireland Protocol: businesses cannot trade with uncertainty. Our exporters need clarity around the Protocol, less paperwork to complete and better access to skills. If policymakers can resolve these issues quickly and in partnership with business, Northern Ireland finds itself at the starting blocks of a unique opportunity at a time when we really need it.” Steve Harper, Invest NI’s Executive Director of International Business, added: “We are very aware of the many challenges Northern Ireland businesses have faced over the last year and we’ve been working in partnership with businesses to help overcome these challenges. At the forefront of this has been increasing both our communication with businesses and our support. “It is encouraging to see that knowledge of the many issues of Brexit is higher within the Northern Ireland business community than in the rest of the UK. Many businesses have already demonstrated that they can adapt and have successfully won new business globally and many have shortened supply chains to ease the pressures. “We want to continue to help NI exporters to grow globally. I would encourage those already exporting and potential exporters to engage with Invest NI so we can provide the support needed to overcome the challenges and ensure we are well positioned to seize the opportunities ahead to drive growth and prosperity in Northern Ireland.”





Business expansion and investment plans are positive for 2 in 3 exporters


of exporters have concrete plans to grow in NI/GB markets


of exporters have concrete plans to grow in the Republic of Ireland/ EU markets. This compares to 17% of UK exporters in total


have concrete plans to grow sales in global non-EU markets. Exporters want stability in the Northern Ireland Protocol, less paperwork to trade and better access to skills.






Political uncertainty around the Protocol New paperwork/red tape with EU exit Rising costs (raw materials, energy, wages) and pressure on prices Supply chain disruption Labour availability


have experienced an increase the price of their goods and services


have experienced an increase in the amount of time it takes to transport goods to/from overseas


of NI businesses have been negatively affected by the time it takes to transport goods to/from overseas vs. 69% UK


NI exporters have experienced specific issues with supply chains with the biggest issues including:

Rising shipping costs (77%) Delivery delays (77%) Problems with product availability (72%). More NI exporters have experienced increased shipping container cost/supply disruption compared to the UK average (45% NI vs. 34% UK)


have brought some/all of their supply chain back to Northern Ireland suppliers (reshoring).

98% 61% 31% 50%

know some detail about the Northern Ireland Protocol have some knowledge about the Trade and Cooperation Agreement have some knowledge of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for TransPacific Partnership of NI exporters know a lot of the detail of the NI Protocol compared to 12% of UK wider exporters


believe that the views of business are not taken into consideration at all when it comes to assessing the practical impacts of new trade deals once implemented. The most important supports that exporters consider would help their business trade internationally include:

31% finding a business partner or distributor overseas

30% networking with businesses that already export

29% trade shows

25% trade missions


of NI exporters have experienced skills challenges v.s. UK 50%

Of the UK government’s 10 commitments to net zero, businesses consider the most important as: The two most significant government incentives that would encourage businesses to reduce their carbon consumption into the longer term are:

39% protecting our natural environment

38% advancing offshore wind

35% driving the growth of low carbon hydrogen 42% capital grants

28% tax allowances

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