3 minute read

Jonie Graham


Jonie Graham

Senior Consultant, BRC Partnership Ltd.

The Breakfast of Champions and the Leader’s Intent

Ken Blanchard, author, speaker and executive coach, is often quoted saying that “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” Blanchard actually attributes the quote to Rick Tate, one of his consulting partners. Tate often referenced feedback in connection to individuals in jobs that included feedback as an intrinsic part of their role. Sales professionals provided a rich example. A salesperson knows how well they are doing almost in real time. Of course the monthly figures provide clear feedback on the consistency of their success or failure, but Tate also draws our attention to the dynamic nature of the “yes” or “no” response of the salesperson’s potential customer. The engagement, or lack of, from the customer provides a feedback dynamic for the sales professional that is ongoing and instantaneous.

It may be the resilience of the salesperson that enables them to thrive in that sort of environment. If Blanchard and Tate are correct and feedback is in fact the first thing that champions look for when they start their day, then all of us that aspire to thrive in our respective roles should pay attention to the benefits that feedback brings.

A helpful definition is that “feedback is any message that provides information to aid in the achieving of desired goals”. It follows therefore that no matter who we are, or where we are, we are operating in a feedback-rich environment. We just need to know where to look for it. A well struck ball from the foot of a professional footballer may not behave as desired due to pitch undulation, strong winds or the speed and fitness of an opponent. Our would-be goal scorer may not need the manager and coach to inform from the sideline that this is the case. The feedback is plain for all to see. A writer taking their time to produce an article for publication may not be conscious of the pressure faced by the editor in order to achieve the deadlines of the publisher. They may need gentle reminders, followup calls and eventually an ultimatum.

In all of our examples, feedback enables and aids skill acquisition and enhancement and improves future performance.

Too often many team members only receive feedback that is punitive. The intent may be to “fix” the individual or the performance gap. However, that can only happen when the feedback offered is about the individual’s wellbeing and the enabling of their success.

Good feedback not only enables the individual to improve by working to their strengths and on their weakness, it also serves as a mechanism that can regulate quality and consistency for the team or organisation. Feedback helps to establish norms of expectation, commitment and productivity. Without feedback, how can the individual improve?

We are often told that feedback should be given in the form of a sandwich that, let’s face it, none of us wants to take a bite of. You know the one I mean. I’m not sure that is the most effective way to give feedback. The key that opens the door to successful feedback is intent. When our intent is pure, when we have the best interests of the individual at heart, then we are in a position to give clear and concise feedback that is both easy both to understand and to apply. Good feedback is like a mirror, it lets the individual see for themselves where the blemishes are. So let those who would lead offer feedback in much the same way as a mirror would.

Motivate - use feedback to encourage, inspire and envision all that is achievable. Inform - give the information that is needed for improvement and encouragement. Reflect - allow time for what you are saying to increase awareness in the individual. Reinforce - mention all the good that you see, reward positive actions. Offer Guidance - signpost a mentor, a book or possible training experiences. Review - don’t just leave it, follow up at a future time. Sensitive - be mindful of self-esteem and the need to save face.

When feedback becomes part of our culture, then all that are part of the organisation will seek it out. It will become the norm, it will be what is expected. When that is the case we will be well on our way to becoming an organisation of leaders and champions, and that can be no bad thing. Especially if they have had their breakfast.

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