3 minute read
Terry Robb
By Terry Robb, Head of Personal Banking, Ulster Bank
During the month of October, Ulster Bank colleagues came together to raise money for our charity partner, Macmillan Cancer Services.
The now annual charity campaign known as ‘One Week in October’ raised over £40,000 for Macmillan and encouraged our teams across the bank to learn more about the great work of this charitable organisation.
To get to this total, our colleagues pulled out all of the stops. We had a great spread of events taking place right across Northern Ireland, from charity football matches to litter picks, conventional fundraising activities such as raffl es and bake sales to more quirky ideas including a silent rave.
Not only did each event help to add much needed funds to the total amount raised, it also enabled our colleagues to form closer links and really focus on how we work together as a team for a greater good.
What made the initiative so successful was how committed the team at Macmillan were in supporting our efforts. Staff members volunteered at some of our events, and they took the time to educate and update our bank community about the work that they do in almost every community across Northern Ireland.
Few of our colleagues’ lives have been untouched by cancer so there was a genuine desire across the board to get behind the campaign and really dig deep to make a difference. Of course, times are tough for everyone at the minute so to have raised over £40,000 is a triumph. On behalf of the organisation, can I pass on my sincere thanks to those who supported or volunteered at One Week in October. Your contribution was hugely valued, and we are extremely grateful for each and every donation.
The whole campaign reminded me of the importance of meaningful partnership and as a responsible organisation, committed to bettering our local communities, it is exactly the kind of initiative we want to become more involved with and continue to support. Our purpose as a bank is to champion potential so that communities, businesses, and individuals may thrive. It is important that we recognise the input charitable organisations, such as Macmillan, bring to our local communities and do what we can to protect and enhance the services they offer.
There can be a temptation for businesses to take a ‘tick box’ approach to CSR activity but we have seen fi rsthand how putting time and effort into growing these partnerships can deliver rewards for everyone involved. Because of One Week in October, Ulster Bank colleagues got to see and learn more about a leading charity, had a go at organising and attending events, and perhaps most importantly, had the opportunity to get to know team members better and form stronger links as a team.
It was an enormous privilege to hand over the funds raised to Macmillan. I know this will go towards a number of worthy projects and ensure that their great work can continue for families and individuals who need it most.
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