7 minute read
Go Further Grow
Go Further Grow Stronger
Understandably, ‘big business’ often grabs the headlines given the impact major companies have on employment, the region’s economic performance and our international reputation.
But with 99.9% of Northern Ireland’s 124,000 private sector businesses classified as micro, small or mediumsized, SMEs are equally deserving of the spotlight. SMEs employ 77% of the NI workforce and their growth and success have the potential to have a major transformative effect on our economy. Encouragingly, over 11,000 (1 in 11) businesses in Northern Ireland are currently exporting their products and services to some 62 countries globally. There are some fantastic exemplars of truly ambitious, external growth-focused businesses that merit celebration and recognition as they inspire all SMEs to ‘Go Further and Grow Stronger’. Invest Northern Ireland wants to help more SMEs unlock the potential of external markets, opening up markets and customer opportunities way beyond NI’s population of 1.9 million people. Anne Beggs, Invest Northern Ireland’s director of Trade and Investment believes that local SMEs can definitely Go Further and Grow Stronger, saying, “The numbers show the real potential there is for more of our SMEs to build on their domestic successes and begin selling into external markets. We live in a global society; the tastes and preferences of local consumers are often reflective of those worldwide, and Northern Ireland already has a strong reputation for world-class products and services. Therefore, it makes sense that the products and services which are commercially successful here could and should be sold outside Northern Ireland.”
Anne continues: “Confidence and knowing where to go for help and advice are key. I know that selling beyond the local marketplace may seem daunting for businesses that have only traded domestically up to now. Some may say it’s literally venturing into unknown territory, but in our experience, an incremental, step-by-step approach can build confidence, secure new sales and provide a launchpad for more ambitious market exploration.” Securing sales outside our domestic market is one of the key drivers of business growth so Invest NI always recommends that micro and SMEs look to neighbouring markets when beginning to think about their growth plans. Anne’s advice to businesses is to follow a tried and tested model, she says: “We have markets here on our doorstep in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland that offer great potential and minimal risks for those looking to dip their toes into selling externally and broaden their horizons beyond NI. In fact, over 15,000 local businesses currently sell products and services into Great Britain and over 11,000 trade in the Republic of Ireland.” Both of these markets are within easy reach – there are no additional administrative requirements or regulatory checks selling goods to either of these markets, yet they present the opportunity to sell products and services to an additional 70 million people. The Irish market also provides a natural first base for those ultimately seeking to expand into other EU markets.
Invest NI is keen to help businesses break into these markets and the first stage in this process is to grow the ambition of our SMEs, which is being driven by a high-profile advertising campaign called Go Further Grow Stronger. When talking about this promotional campaign Anne says, “We considered all the factors which influence our external sales performance and decided to focus our efforts on creating awareness of the benefits of selling outside Northern Ireland and the opportunities which exist on our doorstep – and our Go Further Grow Stronger campaign grew from there.” “Through our advertising, we are planting the seed with businesses about selling to Great Britain or the Republic of Ireland; our ads feature imagery of Dublin, Cork, Glasgow, London and Cardiff, all very viable sales locations for Northern Ireland businesses.”
The advertising encourages businesses to complete our Export Health Check which will assess their export readiness. This check has only eight questions, takes about 10 minutes to complete and results in a tailored guide with practical tips and templates for selling outside Northern Ireland. Any business which completes the health check can avail of a one-to-one consultation session with an export expert from our trade advisory team which will help them explore their exporting potential further and consider their next steps.” If your business is considering selling outside Northern Ireland, visit Investni. com/export or if you would like to speak to a trade advisor please contact us or alternatively call our Business Support Team on 0800 181 4422.


Gary McGhee, Partner.
Carson McDowell’s Planning & Environmental team has maintained its position as the top law fi rm in Northern Ireland for planning and environmental law in the legal profession’s industry guide - The Legal 500.
The team, founded over 26 years ago and led by Partner Gary McGhee, is the only Northern Ireland Planning and Environmental legal team to receive the prestigious ‘Tier 1’ ranking in this practice area for the fourth consecutive year.
Gary McGhee, one of the few solicitors in Northern Ireland to specialise exclusively in the areas of planning, environmental, and energy law, also continues to be recognised as a “leading individual” and has maintained his position in The Legal 500 “Hall of Fame” for his continued excellence as an elite planning and environmental lawyer. In addition, his team members, Grant McBurney, Partner, who acts for clients such as Belfast International Airport and Belfast Harbour Commissioners, was recognised as a ‘Next Generation Partner’ and Sarah Dunlop, Senior Associate as a Rising Star.
The Legal 500 directory is an independent series widely regarded as the world’s most extensive legal referral guide. Published annually, the rankings are based on the independent opinions of clients and in-depth research carried out by an experienced team of editors.
Clients, who were contacted by The Legal 500, said, “Carson McDowell is a ferocious planning team. They have incredibly experienced and talented lawyers on their team which is not matched by any other team in NI.”. And, “Gary McGhee continues to be the best planning Partner in NI. You will fi nd that whenever a complex high profi le planning or environmental case is in the High Court Carson McDowell will be representing at least one of the parties and that is due to the practice Gary has created.”
Commenting on the teams continued strong performance, Gary McGhee, Head of the Planning and Environmental team, said, “I am delighted that Carson McDowell continues to be recognised as the best law fi rm in Northern Ireland for Planning and Environmental law in The Legal 500 guide. It is a huge privilege and a great testimony to the hard work of the entire team to be recognised by both the Legal 500 and our clients in this way”.
The Legal 500 rankings for 2023 also demonstrated the excellence and expertise of the fi rm’s entire team of legal professionals. As well as the excellent results achieved by the Planning and Environmental team, Carson McDowell achieved ‘Tier 1’ rankings in 11 practice areas, continuing to outrank all other Northern Irish law fi rms. Furthermore, 28 of the fi rm’s lawyers have been recognised personally, including, 11 recognised as ‘Leading Individuals’, and notably, 8 lawyers honoured for their continued excellence as leading elite lawyers on a global basis in The Legal 500 Hall of Fame.
Neasa Quigley, Senior Partner at Carson McDowell, added: “At Carson McDowell, we have always been 100% focused on delivering for our clients across multiple sectors and service lines. The Legal 500 results evidence this and I am very proud of the contribution that our people continue to make to our clients and their businesses.”
“I would particularly like to extend our thanks to our clients who continue to support Carson McDowell’s position as the highest-ranked Northern Irish law fi rm in The Legal 500 directory. I know our clients value the expertise our teams provide and the 2023 rankings and quotes from our clients is refl ective of this feedback”.