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An Audience with Brian O’Driscoll
On Friday 9 June, NI Chamber’s Communications Partner, BT, hosted An Audience with Brian O’Driscoll, one of Ireland’s most respected rugby players, former captain of the Leinster, Irish and Lions Rugby teams. The event was in partnership with The Chief Executive’s Forum and NI Chamber. With a unique ability to link business to his rugby career, Brian discussed leadership, motivation and teamwork, drawing on his own journey and experiences from schoolboy rugby to captain of the Irish and Lions teams. He also shared his perspective on managing mindset, planning, mental and physical resilience and more.

1. Brian O’Driscoll shared his perspective on managing mindset with the audience.

2. Claire McCollum, Paul Murnaghan (BT), Brian O’Driscoll, Anne Dickson (Chief Executive’s Forum) and Christopher Morrow (NI Chamber).
3. Gary Pollock (Platform Media) and Brian O’Driscoll.
4. The event took place at BT Riverside Tower, Belfast.

5. Paul Murnaghan (BT) addressed the audience.
6. There was an opportunity for the audience to ask Brian questions.
7. Ian Burgess (Microsoft) and Brian O’Driscoll.

8. Brian discussed leadership, motivation, and teamwork at the event.
9. Dr Evelyn Collins CBE (Equality Commission for Northern Ireland) and Brian O’Driscoll.
10. Claire McCollum interviewed Brian O’Driscoll.