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We Asked You
l o t te Avent, 30, and Ashleigh Hobbs , 29 , H i n Ch r a c k ley
Ashleigh: I had a baby during lockdown! Charlotte: there’s been a lot of outdoor meetings with Ashleigh, we met in the park a lot. I was furloughed, so I sold my house and bought a new one! In lockdown I’ve been redecorating it. I like interior design and I discovered Pinterest and got lots of ideas from there.
I was still working, but two weeks in I had a break to self-isolate and then I got into painting. I did a few pictures for friends which I’ve never done before; a galactic style one and some Disney. Then I just explored, Googled different things and followed tutorials and painted beautiful things. I’ve always been into art and doing designs for my nails, but I was never really good at it at school. I drew a few pictures and posted them on Instagram and someone messaged me asking if I’d paint a picture, so I tried it and it just took off then. I was on Amazon buying everything. I’d love to see how far I could go with it.
Savanna Johnson, 25, Coventry Parsotam Patel, 67 , Evington
I’m retired, so lockdown didn’t make much difference to me, but I was busy looking after my grandson. I took a lot of time to look after him. I went walking more often as well and went shopping around the town.
What did you get up to
in lockdown?
Who started a hobby? And who has continued with it? Who discovered they had a talent they never knew about? Did anyone start that business they’d always dreamed of? Or did they simply enjoy having time to themselves? WORDS BY KERRY SMITH AND SIDDIQA REININGHAUS
Becky Bruce, 27, Hinckley
I home-schooled my two children in lockdown, but also did a degree in event management online with Oxbridge, which I’ve finally completed! I’m a professional singer so I did a lot of lives and recording music. I was planning on doing the degree before the pandemic, but I didn’t have the time with kids and working full time singing five nights a week, so I had more time and just went for it.
I turned into a bit of a gardener during lockdowns. I went a bit nuts and the garden is now a jungle. I’ve been growing flowers and vegetables, which I didn’t do before. I’ve grown cucumber, mint, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and a range of flowers from sunflowers to irises. it’s quite therapeutic. I worked from home so it helped me to go outdoors and get fresh air and sunlight. It’s nice to see something grow from scratch into the finished product.
Lee Bradshaw, 46, South Wi gston
I was always working, but when I was off I did a lot of walking as a hobby, which I’ve always done but picked it up more during the pandemic. I like to walk along the canals and into the countryside, and around Crow Mills in South Wigston. It’s my main hobby and I do it all the while. I go further afield, too – towards Melton, Nottingham, and wherever has countryside.