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East Midlands Accelerator extends support
FUTURE LEADER AWARD Sponsored by University of Derby
Craig Evans – UKATA Matilda Swanson – Loates HR Mir Patel – Unique Window Systems Theo Kirk – Express Recruitment Emma Roberts – Derby Community Parent Programme CIC Dan Heffernan – D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership David Maran – MP Digital Limited Rob Spence – Paragon Sales Solutions Umar Razah – Mauricare Homes
Danielle Harkness – Plastek UK James Hardwick – Future Life Wealth Management Anxhela Agaci – Gents of Notts Arran Gessey – Bam Boom Cloud Ben Wilkinson – MHA MacIntyre Hudson
Fred Gough – University of Derby Jake Wood – Jake Wood PT Martin Croft – Quartz Barristers Rob Spence – Paragon Sales Solutions
Emily Jacob – emh group Frank Hemmingway – Plastek UK Polly Oakes – Express Recruitment Rebecca Houlston – Cross Productions Ruby Birks – Purpose Media
David Maran – MP Digital Harsh Shah – De Montfort University Jack Hall – Scenariio Nicola Ciaessen – RSM UK Rachel Sanders – Duncan & Toplis
SUSTAINABILITY AWARD Sponsored by MHA MacIntyre Hudson
Carys Tetlaw – RSM UK Daniel Kelk – Plastek UK Jack Hall – Scenariio
George Hanvere – Paragon Law Izzy Plummer – TTK Confectionery Taylor Gee – 360 Autoleasing East
Dan Poynton – On Poynt Creative Yudan Deng – Follow the Orient Joey Lever – Another World Media Katie Brennan – Cross Productions Sophie Price and Tom Dennis –
My Town Vision
BREAKTHROUGH AWARD Sponsored by Nottingham University Business School
Art Lindop, Kieran Flynn and Alex Mills – Alphageek Dan Poynton – On Poynt Creative Kate Johnson – Rate Social Sophie Redman – Linford Grey Associates Kevin Kapezi & Leo Worsley –
Growthack Ltd
ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR Sponsored by Fraser Stretton Property Group
Adam Bamford – Colleague Box Art Lindop, Kieran Flynn and Alex Mills – Alphageek Dan Poynton – On Poynt Creative Kate Johnson – Rate Social Katie Gilbert – TTK Confectionery
East Midlands Accelerator
extends support until autumn
Businesses in areas of the East Midlands considered by Government to be most in need now have longer to benefit from a fully-subsidised programme of training, events and consultancy – after an extension was granted to the East Midlands Accelerator project.
The £5.27m programme, which is being led by the Chamber, is partfunded by Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund (UKCRF) and delivered in the seven areas of the East Midlands chosen by Government for UKCRF support: Bassetlaw, Derbyshire Dales, High Peak, Leicester city, Mansfield, Newark and Sherwood, and Nottingham city.
Support, which was due to be available until the end of June but will now run until the autumn, is being offered at every step of a company’s journey – whether it be setting up a new venture, improving products and processes, upskilling staff, digital transformation or taking the first steps to decarbonise business operations and develop sustainability plans.
There is a firm focus on supporting post-Covid recovery, rebooting and growth – particularly in those sectors that have been hit hardest by the pandemic and considered to be vital to the acceleration of the region, such as manufacturing, the visitor economy, retail and wholesale.
The Chamber’s deputy chief executive Diane Beresford said: “Our consortium partners of universities and business support agencies have invested great efforts in creating a wide-reaching programme of support, but the biggest challenge was always going to be delivering our ambitions by the original June deadline.
“Many businesses – particularly those in the visitor economy – continue to face the effects of Covid, whether that be ongoing recruitment issues or staff shortages owing to required isolation.
“This extension affords businesses more time in meeting the requirements of any grants or growth vouchers they have received. It also offers greater choice in when they might participate in training, and take advantage of recruitment opportunities offered by the Kickstart Accelerator or graduate and post-graduate placements in net zero and digital.”
The project aims to pilot new approaches ahead of the launch of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which is expected to match the levels of funding previously enjoyed by the UK under the European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund.
It features five strands – a Net Zero Accelerator, Digital Transformation Accelerator, Start Up to Scale Up Accelerator, Kickstart Accelerator and Financial Accelerator.
Businesses can access the full range of East Midlands Accelerator support at emc-dnl.co.uk/ema.