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FRONT RUNNER In a scene from Jaws, Quint (played by Robert Shaw) realizes that he may indeed need a bigger boat.
The man-eaTing beasT ThaT aTTacked marTha’s Vineyard and made film hisTory is celebraTing iTs 40Th birThday. by juliet izon It’s the movie that made millions of people afraid to ever dip a toe in the ocean again. But for many residents of Martha’s Vineyard, where Jaws was filmed in 1974, their memories of the shoot are far from terrifying. “It was a really exciting time for people in Edgartown because all of these celebrities were coming to the island,” says Sue Carroll, the daughter of Bob Carroll, who owned the Harbor View Hotel and the Kelley House, where much of the Jaws team was billeted during filming. “I had the opportunity to hang out with a lot of cast and crew members throughout the summer while I was home from college, and even auditioned for a part as a nurse, since that’s what I was studying in school. There were challenges here and there, but it was always fun to have such a great group of characters at both hotels.”
Directed by a 27-year-old Steven Spielberg, Jaws became the highestgrossing movie in history at the time, but many on the set were skeptical. The production was cheekily nicknamed “Flaws” due to shooting delays and endless trouble with the mechanical sharks. This forced Spielberg to take a less-is-more approach (the shark is more implied than seen), but that bit of directorial improvisation is one of the reasons the 1975 film is still considered a masterpiece of a thriller. And who knew that a flick about a giant, bloodthirsty sea creature could lead to so many real-life happy endings? “There was a lot of romance budding throughout the project,” Carroll reveals. “A few girls I knew got married to guys in the crew and left Martha’s Vineyard for California once the movie wrapped. Jaws really changed the lives of a lot of people on the island.” BC
photography CoUrtESy oF UnivErSal piCtUrES/gEtty imagES
oyster perpetual and deepsea are trademarks.
DISTINCTIVELY NANTUCKET AN AWARD-WINNING COLLECTION OF COTTAGES, INNS & RESTAURANTS OUR RESTAURANTS The Summer House Restaurant & Beachside Bistro (‘Sconset), Figs @ 29 Fair Street (Nantucket Town)
summer 2015
Bare shoulders and beguiling summer fashions return to Boston. Mist embroidered dress, Bottega Veneta ($6,800). 310 Boylston St., 617-960-0880; Kona fringe bracelet, Holst + Lee ($165). Saks Fifth Avenue, The Shops at Prudential Center, 617-262-8500;
// front runner
24 // from the
26 // from the
28 // ... Without Whom
this issue Would not have been possible
30 // the list 67 // invited
style 33 // building inspiration
Max Mara’s new It bag looks to an architectural marvel, and Boston women are taking it seriously.
36 // Wild thing Bostonians go native this summer with sizzling, tribal-inspired accessories.
38 // style spotlight Carolina Herrera arrives at Copley Place, and Rhode Island–based SeaLove Swimwear makes waves.
40 // Coming up roses Innovative skincare infused with rose is a hit with Boston women.
42 // heart and soul Womenswear giant Eileen Fischer and Chestnut Hill jeweler AnaKatarina Dervisevic give back.
44 // luxury at play Boston’s boys of summer are also boys of style thanks to the latest topdrawer sport watches.
summer 2015
Serafina’s Prince Edward Island mussels are as spectacular as the restaurant’s origins.
people 59 // House of tHe rIsIng son
Stephen Karp has revitalized retail and hotel properties across the country. Now his son, Douglass Karp, is expanding the empire even farther.
62 // voIce of tHe IsLand
Singer-songwriter and part-time Vineyarder Lexie Roth is poised to break out in music, acting, cooking, writing—or all of the above.
64 // dIfferent strokes Dean Bragonier takes on sharks and rough seas in his quest to swim around Martha’s Vineyard to raise money for students with dyslexia.
Dean Bragonier is teaching his strategies for dealing with dyslexia to a new generation.
47 // It’s a Hard
76 // seawortHy Indeed
rock LIfe
Imagine Dragons intend to surpass expectations when they hit TD Garden in July, and Kyra Sedgwick graces the stage at Williamstown.
50 // pIcture perfect Forrest Rodts’s vivid, evocative paintings of Nantucket are the next best thing to being there.
52 // kIng of arts
78// tHe eLevated fIsH sHack
Scattered along New England’s shores are waterside haunts known as much for their ambience as their seafood.
80 // wHere everybody knows your name
Philanthropist Ted Cutler foots the bill for the second Outside the Box arts extravaganza.
The Four Seasons steps up its culinary team and social programming at The Bristol Restaurant and Bar.
54 // from russIa
82 // taste spotLIgHt
wItH Love
Best-selling author Ben Mezrich trades blackjack and the tech scene for the Russian underbelly in his new book.
56 // cuLture spotLIgHt Street art comes to DTR Modern Galleries, and the Nantucket Comedy Festival brings laughs to the island.
The Financial District’s new power restaurant, Serafna, aims to cook up the fnest Italian fare in the city.
Coppersmith brings urban agriculture to Southie, and the Ritz-Carlton packs your perfect picnic basket.
84 // tHe goLden grape There’s a reason why Chardonnay is the summer’s new It wine. We’ve found fve of the best vintages for you.
photography by Ken richardson (bragonier); Morgan ione yeager (serafina)
summer 2015
features 86 // Reaching foR the StaRnS Since graduating from Boston’s School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Doug and Mike Starn have gained global acclaim for their multimedia masterpieces. By David Cohen Photography by Shane McCauley
92 // Sunny Side up Citrus hues and ethereal silhouettes take Boston women from sunrise to sunset, from the Baha Mar luxury resort in the Caribbean to the banks of the Charles River. Photography by Randall Slavin Styling by Canon
98 // natuRe in the eye of the StoRm
Doug and Mike Starn in front of their signature installation, Big Bambú.
photography by Shane Mccauley
The world’s growing population and the impact of the changing climate are putting nature’s ability to provide for all of us at risk. Are we paying enough attention to this looming threat? By Jill Sigal
Inspired Gifts Honor the occasion with a handcrafted gift from Simon Pearce A master glassblower creates each piece using old world techniques. Exceptionally brilliant and intended for a lifetime of everyday use. Made in America Shown from left to right: 1592 Cavendish Flute $70 | 1273 Norwich Ice Bucket L $190 1408 Madison Carafe $160 | 1220 Addison Pitcher $150
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contents 107
Celebrated interior designer Katie Ridder has completed projects around the world, from Park Avenue apartments to Japanese pavilions.
summer 2015
haute property 107 // The GreaT New eNGlaNd Summer room Bostonians showcase their cherished sun-soaked spaces on land and sea.
112 // SuNShiNe for reNT More New Englanders are renting before buying a high-end summer home.
114 // deSiGN SpoTliGhT The Hotel Commonwealth gets a makeover, and Madbury Road reinvents summer furniture.
the guide 119 // leaTher, pearlS, love Brookline’s Barbara Jelleme creates oneof-a-kind jewelry to be worn forever.
120 // healThy ToNic Cool down and vitamin up at Boston’s healthiest juice bars.
121 // juST add waTer The best gear for beach, boat, and pool.
122 // make a diScovery The Land Rover Discovery Sport tones it down for the New England summer without losing any of its mojo.
parting shot 128 // Summer School Fully appreciating the New England summer is another form of higher education.
oN The cover:
Minotaur Horn Head by Doug and Mike Starn, 2012, at Rome’s Museum of Contemporary Art.
liSa PierPont Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor JenniFer Demeritt Art Director Juan Parra Photo Editor Seth olenick Associate Editor JeSSica bowne Senior Fashion Editor Faye Power Copy Editor DaviD FairhurSt Research Editor ava williamS
Glen kelley Publisher Account Director Shannon PaStuSzak Account Executive Janelle DriScoll Director of Event Marketing amy FiScher Sales Assistant elizabeth mitchell
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Copyright 2015 by Niche Media Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved. Boston Common magazine is published six times per year. Reproduction without permission of the publisher is prohibited. The publisher and editors are not responsible for unsolicited material and it will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication subject to Boston Common magazine’s right to edit. Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, photographs, and drawings. To order a subscription, please call 866-891-3144. For customer service, please inquire at To distribute Boston Common at your business, please e-mail Boston Common magazine is published by Niche Media Holdings, LLC, a division of Greengale Publishing, LLC. b oston com m on : 745 Boylston Street, Suite 401, Boston, MA 02116 T: 617-266-3390 F: 617-266-3722 niche m edia holdings: 711 Third Avenue, Suite 501, New York, NY 10017 T: 646-835-5200 F: 212-780-0003
134 Newbury Street Boston MA 02116 617-262- 5568 Forty Five Ten
9B South Beach Street Nantucket MA 02554 508-228-3400 |
LETTER from the Editor-in-Chief // this issue //
LEFT: Holding a “Superhero” clutch
SUMMER TO ME HAS ALWAYS MEANT packing a duffel bag on Memorial
Day that rolls with me right through Labor Day, from Maine’s Southwest Harbor to Nantucket’s Jetties Beach (laundry gets thrown in there somewhere). In the suitcase: swimsuits, summer reads, and piles of tear sheets of what to do and where to go. So, I command you to rip up this magazine. Shred it. Cut it. We have filled it with ripe-for-the-picking pages of concerts to hear, festivals to see, books to read, beach gear to buy, lobster dishes to eat, all washed down with the perfectly paired Chardonnay. Consider it your guide to the ultimate New England summer. (You’re on your own with laundry.) This issue of Boston Common also marks a special celebration of the local arts community—a celebration taking place in all of our sister magazines in the Niche Media family across the country. Doug and Mike Starn, after graduating from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, have enjoyed global acclaim for their depictions of the natural world in a style that’s both fragile and edgy. Their work graces our cover; their story will captivate your attention. Many events have captured my interest recently, beginning with the Hot Pink Party at the Seaport World Trade Center, honoring the smashing Elizabeth Hurley, Amy Robach, and Andrew Shue, and raising both awareness and funds for breast cancer research. From there, I switched from pink to black and white for the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum’s Black and White Gala, which recognized gallery owner and art expert Barbara Krakow and her enormous contribution to the Boston arts community. Happy summer. The heat is on. Rip it up.
LISA PIERPONT Follow me on Facebook at and on
1. GREEN IS GOOD: I don’t like vegetables. I stuffed them in my napkin when I was a kid, and I hide them under the chicken at dinner parties. But I know they are good for me, so I order them pulverized and deluged with ginger and apple to stamp out any spinach taste. Revolution Juice’s Easy Green is my new fave. 2. MENDON TWIN DRIVE-IN: Few things give me as much joy as roaring up to an outdoor movie screen and blasting open the sunroof at an old-fashioned drive-in theater—especially the one in Mendon (now revamped by the Andelman brothers). I saw Jaws there last summer. The entire town of Mendon heard us screaming. It was spectacular.
with the designer herself, Stella McCartney, along with Saks Fifth Avenue Boston’s vice president and general manager, Joel Ellzey, at the Stella McCartney fall preview fashion show at Saks. ABOVE: Winston Flowers designed my dazzling fascinator for the Party in the Park.
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Letter from the Publisher 1
I was excited to celebrate the opening of Strip by Strega at the Park Plaza Hotel with my longtime friend Nick Varano, the restaurant’s owner.
Summer iS a great time to get out and explore New England
// this issue //
on my radar Here are a few of my favorite places come summer. 1. Nantucket Harbor frst thing in the morning. They call the island the Grey Lady for a reason—the views are foggy, mysterious, and beautiful. 2. The gorgeous Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods to bike and play golf.
glen kelley Follow me on Facebook at and on
3. Chatham’s scenic beaches, including Lighthouse Beach, to lounge in the sun all day long.
photography by Michael blanchard (Kelley); bob p.b. (nantucKet harbor); whisperwolf (oMni); scottMccracKen (beach)
with day trips and long weekend jaunts. We are so lucky to have a varied geography at our fingertips—from beautiful beaches to mountains, lakes, and nature preserves. It was a busy spring for Boston Common as we celebrated the Breast Cancer Research Foundation’s Hot Pink Party Kickoff bash at Saks Fifth Avenue with the very gracious handbag designer Dee Ocleppo and her husband, Tommy Hilfiger. A few weeks later, we headed back to Saks to welcome celebrity (and eco-conscious) designer Stella McCartney to Boston. Boston Common was excited to help Ink Block officially launch its gorgeous new apartments with an on-site party in May. It was also a thrill to get on board a Barton & Gray Hinckley yacht in Newport during the Volvo Ocean Race. The city’s restaurant scene continues to grow and evolve; we’re especially pleased to see Stephanie’s on Newbury open after a beautiful renovation and to celebrate the opening of Serafina in the Financial District. Strip by Strega also had a fabulous launch party at the Park Plaza Hotel with owner Nick Varano and celebrity hosts Jamie Foxx and Mary J. Blige. We kicked off June with two of my favorite events of the season, the Best Buddies Challenge: Hyannis Port bike ride and the National Kidney Foundation’s annual golf tournament at Boston Golf Club in Hingham. I can hardly wait for our Nantucket party, which has been one of our signature events since we started the magazine, at one of my all-time favorite places to visit. And speaking of beginnings, we are excited to celebrate our 10th anniversary this fall. Stay tuned….
Twenty Two Liberty is SOLD OUT!
No wonder. It was all about the water and the views, the blue skies and the green grass. Six months prior to opening, 109 new homeowners have opted for urban living without the urban environment, and this stunning, all-glass building is now sold out. But there’s even more good news. For those just learning about luxury living on Fan Pier (and those who waited a bit too long), 50 Liberty is coming soon. This new residential building will be just as amazing… and just as popular. It’s not too soon to start thinking and dreaming about how wonderful life on Boston’s waterfront can be. Preview inquiries 617.261.4500
What do you see out YOUR front door? A development of The Fallon Company No registration of the condominium residences at Twenty Two Liberty at Fan Pier Boston has been made with any state or foreign jurisdiction where prior registration may be required by law, and no offer to sell condominium residences at Twenty Two Liberty at Fan Pier Boston is made to any person in any state or foreign jurisdiction where prior registration may be required by law. No broker cooperation is offered. Pricing is subject to change. Many of the residences at Twenty Two Liberty will have views of both the harbor and the city. Views to the harbor, the city or both are not available in all of the residences. The view illustration shown above is of Twenty Two Liberty and is not representative of the view available in all of the homes at Twenty Two Liberty. Outside space is not available in studio home designs. All prospective improvements at Twenty Two Liberty shown in illustration are currently proposed and not yet constructed. Further, the illustration may contain both completed and proposed improvements which are not yet constructed. Any current concepts of the residences at Twenty Two Liberty and the Fan Pier development are subject to change. A Property Report as required by The Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act is on fle with the Seller of Twenty Two Liberty and will be provided to prospective buyer(s) prior to the execution of any binding purchase and sale agreement. The Seller of the residences at Twenty Two Liberty at Fan Pier is committed to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affrmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.
...without whoM this issue would not have been possible
Jared Bowen writer Jared Bowen is the host of the weekly television series open studio with Jared bowen, which takes viewers inside the creative process, offering a blend of profiles, performances, and contemporary exhibitions by artists in new England and across the country. He is the Emmy-winning arts editor for wGBH-tV’s nightly news magazine program, greater boston, and appears regularly on wGBH 89.7, where he covers the latest happenings in Boston theater, art, music, dance, and film for Boston Public radio. He also appears on wGBH’s morning edition every thursday. In this issue: For the Culture section, Bowen writes about ted Cutler’s outside the Box festival and Kyra Sedgwick’s stellar turn at the williamstown theatre Festival. How important is summer theater in New England? “Summer theater has always had a starry place in new England, from thornton wilder playing the stage manager in his own our town at williamstown to Bette Davis and Humphrey Bogart taking early bows at the Cape Playhouse.” Is there a director or writer who would inspire you to get onstage to perform? “I have no artistic talent whatsoever, which is why I have to spend my life chronicling other people’s talents. But if Stephen Sondheim wrote a song for me, I suppose I could find my way to it.”
// Summer 2015
elizaBeth CeCil
Jill Sigal
Shane MCCauley
writer and consultant
Elizabeth Cecil is an editorial and fine art photographer based on Martha’s Vineyard, where she works with farmers, fishermen, foodies, and islanders. Cecil fell in love with photography while chasing trains with her father in wisconsin, taking her first pictures with a blue FisherPrice and a roll of 110 film. She hasn’t stopped running through the frame since. In this issue: Cecil turned her camera on her friend Lexie roth on Martha’s Vineyard for “talent Patrol.” What are you drawn to photographing most on Martha’s Vineyard? “our fabulous food, amazing people, and beautiful landscapes.” What did you most want to capture with Lexie? “I mostly wanted to capture her vibrant personality, great style, and those beautiful Lexie eyes.”
In her wide-ranging career, Jill Sigal has founded a public-policy consulting firm and served as a presidential appointee in President George w. Bush’s administration. Currently she is chief of staff to the chairman and CEo and the vice president of uS government policy at Conservation International. In this issue: Sigal digs into the heart of climate change in the feature “nature in the Eye of the Storm.” What motivated you to write this piece? “I have a deep appreciation for nature and an understanding that we cannot survive without the bounties it provides: food, fresh water, life-saving medicines.” What did you enjoy most about producing the story? “Interviewing rob walton, Peter Seligmann, richard Haass, and President tong. these are men that I admire for their individual contributions to making the world a better place.”
Shane McCauley is an American photographer and filmmaker living in new York City and Los Angeles. He has published several books, notably 128 beats per minute (rizzoli) and the blow your head series (PictureBox), which chronicles youth culture and music in different parts of the world. In this issue: McCauley turned his lens on the artistic brothers Starn—Doug and Mike—for our cover story. What type of art are you most drawn to? “I love clever installation pieces, video pieces, and of course photography. I love interactive things and art that stimulates multiple senses.” What interests you most about the Starns’ work? “I like that their structures are ever-evolving pieces that take on their own form to an extent. not having full control of the piece and letting it become its own thing makes it feel alive.”
“summer theater has always had a starry place in new england, from thornton wilder playing the stage manager in his own our town to bette davis at the cape playhouse.”—jared bowen
K at h l e e n H ay D e s i g n s awa r d - w i n n i n g i n t e r i o r d e s i g n f i r m
Photo by Jeffrey Allen
the list summer 2015
Kayla Afonso
Deborah Black
Fabio Granato
Mike Forrester
David Brown
Mary Waszkiewicz
Jim Koulopoulos
Brian Vona
Kenny Chesney
Neil Levine
Judy Brown
Nat Brown
Timothy Wolfe
Brian Kelly
Joel Ellzey
Aya Muramatsu
Aglaia Pikounis
Dave Liniger
James Taylor
Elysa Dunster
Corey Bunnewith
Elizabeth Flink
Samantha Hanman
Stephanie Nasr
Kenneth Vona
Marc Harris
Brian Piccini
Sallie Hirshberg
Griffin Nash
Max Zeitler
Clifford Nash
Jessica Ryan
Gail Liniger
Stan Lee
Paul LaRocca
Leslie Jones
Felix Rappaport
Laura Stafford
Kristen Wiig
Hillary Siskind
Ken Brown
Beezee Sullivan Honan
Rhonda Kallman
Vittorio Assaf
Erika Lang
Tim Barton
Peter Lofaro
Jeff Johnson
Alexandra Blodgett
Frank Neer
Vinnie Tracey
Paul Chevalier
Doug Gray
Lindsay Scouras
Ryan Thompson
Nick Kroll
Kate McKinnon
Mark Wahlberg
Melissa McCarthy
Petra Hausberger
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Make One.
STYLE Tastemaker Max Mara’s Ian Griffiths brings the rigor of an architect to designing clothing that women can wear with confidence.
Building Inspiration Max Mara Creative DireCtor Ian GrIffIths’s new it bag looks to an arChiteCtural Marvel, anD boston woMen are taking it seriously. by adrienne gaffney
Boston has a fan in Max Mara’s creative director, Ian Griffiths. “Of all the American cities, I think Boston is probably the one most suited to the classic history of Max Mara,” he says with a smile. “It’s the heartland of the academic institutions. The Boston woman expresses an aspect of the Max Mara collection because it comes from that very classic origin. She’s a woman who needs to dress to be taken seriously as a mind, not just as a body.”
PhotograPhy by Conor Doherty
continued on page 34 33
An artisan constructing a Max Mara handbag. below from left: The limitededition Whitney bag in slate ($1,750); sketches for the 2015 Pre-Fall collection.
“the boston woman expresses an aspect of max mara.... she dresses to be taken seriously as a mind, not just as a body.” —ian griffiths
Griffiths brings to the storied fashion house a bold artistic vision paired with first-rate technical acumen. He recently designed the newest item in Max Mara’s handbag line: the Whitney bag, inspired by architect Renzo Piano’s design for the new home of New York’s Whitney Museum of American Art. (Piano has also made an impact on Boston, designing the recently reopened Harvard Art Museums building and the new addition to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.) Collaborating with the master architect was easy for Griffiths, who actually studied the discipline before transitioning to fashion. “I think rather like an architect, and I have an approach to design that tends to be quite thorough. I believe in a certain kind of rigor in the way that you approach design,” he explains. “Max Mara’s forte is coats, and the design of a coat is very similar to the design of a building, so for me it’s not alien at all to work with an architect. I love the logic of an architectural approach.” Griffiths says that he and the Renzo Piano Building Workshop wanted the bag to reflect the museum’s form. “It is very, very literally related to the physical appearance of the building itself,” he notes, explaining how the ridges on the calfskin shell echo the design of the building’s steel ribbing. And he is quick to point out how the bag’s metal hardware is faithfully reproduced from Piano’s sketches of the stanchions that hold the tension cables to the ground. While the bag comes in shades of black, bordeaux, and tan, a special limited-edition metallic version was created with the exact slate color of the Whitney façade. The Whitney bag is generating plenty of buzz, but so is Griffiths’s Pre-Fall collection for Max Mara. Among the standouts: the vibrant Becca sweater, a knee-length cashmere and silk number in a bobcat-print motif. “We took the design from the markings of a bobcat, so it is faithful to its inspiration, and for me that represents something quite cool and new and at the same time very chic,” he says. Griffiths adds that “a lot of people pinpointed the minimal theme, the red suit with the red coat, as a highlight of the show and the collection.” Having worked with Max Mara since he left college, Griffiths has a very clear idea of his customer and exactly what she needs and desires in her wardrobe. “It’s so easy for a man: You just wear a jacket with or without a tie or jeans,” he says. “There are so few decisions. For a woman, it is so difficult because for any occasion there are any number of possibilities: Do you wear a dress? Do you wear a suit? Do you wear a bustier dress? Strapless? Do you cover up? Do you expose? What do you expose? I think our responsibility at Max Mara is to give our customers ways of dressing which are going to give them complete confidence to get on with their lives.” 69 Newbury St., 617-267-9775; BC
photography courtesy of max mara
STYLE Tastemaker
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STYLE Accessories
Wild Thing
Bostonians go native this summer with sizzling, triBal-inspired accessories.
URBAN JUNGLE Get natural with tribal prints. Bra top ($1,995) and skirt ($1,995), Donna Karan New York. Saks Fifth Avenue, The Shops at Prudential Center, 617-262-8500; Large Rafia bangles, Alexis Bittar ($225 each). 130 Newbury St., 617-236-0505; Woven clutch, Salvatore Ferragamo ($5,800). Copley Place, 617-8594924;
ProP Styling by Sharon ryan at halley reSourceS; hair and makeuP by mahfud ibrahim for excluSive artiStS management uSing oribe hair care and armani coSmeticS; model: clara Settje (trumP modelS)
PhotograPhy by Jeff Crawford Styling by faye Power
Tassels and trim lend a new edge.
Timeless textures refined by the artisan’s hand.
Prints and patterns styled with a tribal beat.
A statement strappy sandal and graphic clutch pack safari heat for summer.
1. Cheyenne bootie, Tamara Mellon ($995). Saks Fifth Avenue, The Shops at Prudential Center, 617-262-8500; Hollywood small fringe handbag, Max Mara ($840). 69 Newbury St., 617-267-9775; max Resin bangles, Missoni ($300 each). Nordstrom, 250 Granite St., Braintree, 781-519-7200; 2. Oasis sandal, Aquazzura ($1,100). Intermix, 186 Newbury St., 617-236-5172; Kelly graphic shoulder bag, Bottega Veneta ($2,500). 310 Boylston St., 617-960-0880; Resin bangles, Missoni ($300 each). Nordstrom, see above. 3. Kempner mule, Tory Burch ($395). Copley Place, 617-867-9140; Intarsio Mini Lock bag, Valentino Garavani ($2,275). 47 Newbury St., 617-578-0300; Column C Slider cuff, Lele Sadoughi ($240). M.Flynn, 40 Waltham St., 617292-0079; 4. Kattie sandal, Jimmy Choo ($1,575). Copley Place, 617-927-9570; Jack convertible clutch, Elizabeth and James ($345). Neiman Marcus, Copley Place, 617-536-3660; Necklace ($1,150) and bracelet ($1,150), Salvatore Ferragamo. Copley Place, 617-859-4924;  37
STYLE Spotlight debut
A grANd eNTrANce
Surf and Turf
beach chic
Legendary fashion designer Carolina Herrera will open her first Boston-area boutique this summer, for her contemporary label, CH Carolina Herrera. The more than 2,000-square-foot space at Copley Place stays true to Herrera’s sophisticated style, merging timeless materials such as wood and brass with raw linen and rustic leathers to create an atmosphere of refined comfort. Set to open at the end of July, the store will carry the designer’s full range of men’s, women’s, and children’s offerings, giving Bostonians bountiful options for their elegant side. Copley Place;
The Neck BesT ThiNg
attention, well-dressed men: celebrated for its snazzy swimwear patterns, Vilebrequin is launching a collection of neckwear with insignia Design group, just in time for wedding season. the ties, bow ties, and pocket squares are all made from silk twill or silk/cotton twill and feature the same prints as the brand’s bathing suits. the prints are also available in a boys’ collection, so dads and sons can match this Father’s Day. We have our eye on the starfsh-print bow tie. Copley Place, 617-450-9119;
A New clAssic brooks brothers is teaming up with pattern expert Reyn spooner to produce a limited- edition, island-inspired capsule collection. the line fuses brooks brothers’ chic sensibility with spooner’s traditional reverse-print fabrics to fashion a relaxed yet polished look for summer. the collection also features an exclusive nautical print (right, $448) that’s begging to be showcased on the high seas. 46 Newbury St., 617-267-2600;
Suit up for Summer with rhode iSland–baSed SeaLove Swimwear. One New England summer wardrobe item that can take you from beach to boardwalk is a stylish, well-made swimsuit. The Rhode Island – based SeaLove Swimwear, founded by friends Indah Huberman and Ashley Chase, who met while designing swimwear in Bali, caters to the on-the-go lives of its sea-loving clientele with reversible, hand-detailed bathing suits featuring unique textiles. Make waves in a sexy bikini, or throw the Kenya one-piece and a Byron Bay lightweight dress (above , $136) from SeaLove’s Summer 2015 collection into your bag for a long weekend in Newport or on Martha’s Vineyard. 20 Renfrew Ave., Middletown, RI, 401-2398707; BC
// eye candy //
full circle
Steven Alan ($195). 172 Newbury St., 617-398-2640;
Make a throwback statement with round, ’70s-inspired sunglasses.
Oxydo ($98). Scoop NYC, 177 Newbury St., 617-874-4400;
Etnia Barcelona ($345). Vision North, 77 N. Washington St., 617-227-2010;
Gucci ($395). The Shops at Prudential Center, 617-247-3000;
Fendi ($395). Neiman Marcus, Copley Place, 617-536-3660;
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STYLE You, Even Better Spas are seeing an increase in clients looking for head-to-toe skincare; Carmen Tal, cofounder of Moroccanoil; two products in the brand’s new Fleur de Rose collection.
Coming Up Roses
HigH-end fragrances are returning to tHe romance of rose. now innovative skincare is following suit, and it’s already a Hit witH Boston women. by matt stewart
“consumers are looking for integrity and high performance.” —carmen tal
In the past, many women would schedule a skincare appointment with a professional aesthetician only for special occasions. But today’s woman is much savvier about doing right by her derma and takes to heart the axiom that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” That’s reflected in skincare sales, which are expected to reach $121 billion globally by 2016. In a marketplace packed with products and promises, misconceptions about skincare abound. “The biggest misconception that many women have is that putting a bar of soap to your face means you’re good to go,” says Hedda Schmitt, the spa director at Spa InterContinental. “I really do recommend cleanser, exfoliator, serum, and moisturizer to provide a complete regimen to keep the skin clean, healthy, and in good shape—particularly in Boston, where we have such tough winters and the skin can be really stressed.” For women investing their time and money in skincare, innovative products offering quality ingredients and measurable results are essential. Since bursting onto the beauty scene in 2006 with a single hair treatment, Moroccanoil has built a loyal following worldwide for its array of superb hair and body products. The new Fleur de Rose collection is the brand’s second foray into luxury
skincare, consisting of five products (with a sixth arriving in 2016) that together provide women with a full skincare regimen. “Today consumers are more knowledgeable about ingredients than ever before,” says Carmen Tal, a cofounder of Moroccanoil. “They’re looking for integrity and high performance. Our formulas contain the finest quality ingredients available and offer a complete regimen to help exfoliate, cleanse, and hydrate. I believe those three steps are so important in creating beautiful skin.” Fleur de Rose is also one of Moroccanoil’s most personal offerings, reflecting Tal’s love of rose. “I worked with a talented aromatherapist who was extremely knowledgeable about essential oils and fragrances,” Tal says. “When I told her what I was looking for, she knew exactly where to go with it. We came to realize that it was the damask rose scent that really captured me. Our product development and R&D teams then worked for several years to develop and perfect the collection.” At Spa InterContinental, Moroccanoil is a best seller, according to Schmitt. “We have clients who just love the rose scent,” she says. “Moroccanoil obviously knows how to provide the perfect hair product, so they naturally transfer that sort of expertise into giving customers what they need for their skin.” Moroccanoil Fleur de Rose is available at Spa InterContinental, 510 Atlantic Ave., 617-747-1000; BC
photography by rihardzz (spa)
from top:
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STYLE Style of Generosity
A Rare Gem
A top ($148) and skirt ($228) (LEFT) and a shirt ($198) and sweater ($258) from Eileen Fisher’s new Icons Collection.
When Eileen Fisher founded her eponymous label in 1984, she set out to provide chic, simple solutions to the problem of what to wear each morning. “Women long to experience the magic that happens when you put on a garment that’s been pared to its essence: It comes alive on your body, and you discover a certain freedom and confidence,” she explains. “I wanted to create a system of dressing that allowed women to relax into themselves.” Now her customers can also rest assured knowing that their clothing has a positive impact on the planet, thanks to the brand’s sustainably sourced materials and philanthropic programs. As clear today as it was three decades ago, Fisher’s vision is evident in her reliable offerings: simple ballet-neck tops, tailored shirts, and lightweight skirts in soft, natural fabrics and colors. This aesthetic has been well received by the women of Boston: The brand currently has five stores in the area, including locations in Chestnut Hill, Wellesley, Hingham, and Copley Place, whose larger, redesigned space debuted this spring. “The Boston shopper enjoys a timeless look with quality fabrics,” says Fisher, “things that we do best.” Fisher’s spring 2015 Icons Collection—her most eco-conscious to date—features several reimagined early designs, such as the Box-Top, an easy, tunic-style sweater from her original four-piece collection; the Coat, a fluid, flattering design from 1989; and the Maxi, a long-line cardigan introduced in 1997. Each piece is created from sustainably sourced fibers, such as organic cotton and linen, using 45 percent fewer chemicals and 25 percent less water in the dyeing process. Fisher’s long-term target is 100 percent sustainability. “Our goal is simple: design without negative impacts right from the start,” she says. “We want to make sustainability our way of life.” In addition to eco-friendly manufacturing, Fisher is focused on giving back. In 2009 she founded Green Eileen, an initiative that keeps discarded clothing out of landfills by taking back, mending, and reselling used Eileen Fisher garments. All sales proceeds—totaling more than $2.5 million so far—go to nonprofits that work to empower women and girls, a cause that’s very close to Fisher’s heart. In 2004 she created the Women’s Business Grant Program, which annually bestows five grants of $12,500 each to support women in business. “I wanted to encourage women entrepreneurs, especially those who believe that business can be used to create social change,” Fisher says. “I have always thought of the company as being about more than the clothes. Creating meaningful impact in the world is at the heart of it.” Copley Place, 617-536-6800; BC
Jeweler Ana-Katarina Dervisevic has always had an idealistic streak. Before she enrolled in Boston’s School of the Museum of Fine Arts to study jewelry design, she worked as a war correspondent in the Balkans. Now she creates one-of-a-kind jewelry with an ethical bent, using recycled gold, fair-trade gems, and conflict-free diamonds. In her new collection, called Ishq Series #3, Dervisevic combines an urban edge and the calming influence of the sea, a surprisingly harmonious fusion resulting in pieces such as studs made of mammoth bone, diamonds, and rare saltwater-cultured Cortez pearls, and drop earrings with pink sapphires, black diamonds, and opals. For her Eye of the Beholder series, she commissioned a fourth-generation artisan to carve custom eye cameos onto ethically sourced Brazilian agate. But Dervisevic’s idealism goes beyond sourcing. Since 2008, she has sup-
ported Women to Women International, an organization that helps to provide women in war zones with the tools they need to rebuild their lives and their communities—a cause that resonates with this former war reporter. “It all starts with mature women taking the lead,” says Dervisevic, who donates a percentage of her profits to the group each year. She has also created two pieces, the women’s Clean Bow and the men’s Clean Dot bracelets ($155 each), whose full sales proceeds benefit The Clean Ribbon, an organization devoted to disseminating information about the environmental causes of cancer. “I prefer to create a specific design for a nongovernmental organization to sell, which will continually bring in revenue,” says Dervisevic, who likens this approach to “the fishing skill over the fish. But when there is no opportunity to be the fishing pole, we give instead.”
Ishq Mammoth stud with black diamond and Cortez gray pearl (price on request).
Photography by Sam Gray
After 20 years of creating award-winning spaces for private homes, we thought it might be interesting to create something everyone could share. Introducing Edson Hill. A reimagined Inn, Stowe, Vermont. Now open. Designed exclusively by Gauthier Stacy
CondĂŠ Nast Travelers Hot List 2015 2014
STYLE Time Honored
Luxury at PLay
Boston’s Boys of summer are also Boys of style thanks to the latest top-drawer sport watches. by roberta naas photography by jeff crawford
At this spring’s Baselworld and SIHH watch fairs in Switzerland, the sporty luxe timepiece was a winner with collectors and retailers alike. And Massachusetts men are winners, too, now that they can sport a watch sturdy enough to withstand a deep-sea dive, a stormy sail, or a lap around the raceway. Even better, these timepieces look good while doing it, their masculine designs complementing their expertly crafted inner workings—as handsome and strong as the gentleman jock fortunate enough to wear one. For more watch features and expanded coverage, go to BC
The Cartier Calibre de Cartier Diver watch ($8,950) is fashioned from ADLC-coated stainless steel and has a black rubber strap. It houses the self-winding Manufacture movement, caliber 1904 MC, and is water resistant to 300
meters. 40 Newbury St., 617-262-3300; This Vacheron Constantin Overseas Chronograph watch ($21,000) is crafted in stainless steel and powered by an automatic movement. Featuring a column-wheel chronograph and screwed-down pushpieces, the 42mm timepiece is water resistant to 150 meters and antimagnetic. Shreve, Crump & Low, 39 Newbury St., 617-267-9100; The Ralph Lauren Automotive 45mm Chronometer ($4,970) is
constructed from stainless steel and features a black alligator strap. The elm burl dial is inspired by vintage wooden dashboards and has a matte black galvanic center dial. 93-95 Newbury St., 617-4241124; Notebook, Bottega Veneta ($330). 310 Boylston St., 617-960-0880; bottega Tray, Ralph Lauren ($195). 93-95 Newbury St., 617-424-1124; ralphlauren Cuff links, Ermenegildo Zegna ($520). Copley Place, 617-262-0099;
Styling by terry lewiS
clockwise from top right: From Patek Philippe, this Ref. 5712 Nautilus watch ($33,500) is crafted in stainless steel and features a blue-black dial. Water resistant to 60 meters, it also offers a moon-phase indicator and a sub-seconds dial. Dorfman Jewelers, 24 Newbury St., 617-536-2022;
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Culture Hottest ticket
Rock Life
ImagIne Dragons intend to surpass expectations for their epic summer tour when they perform at Boston’s td Garden on July 1.
photography by jeff gale
By Lisa PierPont
Imagine Dragons was formed by Dan Reynolds (foreground) and Wayne Sermon (background, right), who recruited two old friends from Boston’s Berklee College of Music, (from left) Daniel Platzman and Ben McKee.
Imagine Dragons are no strangers to the unexpected. The band—guitarist Wayne “Wing” Sermon, bassist Ben McKee, drummer Daniel Platzman, and lead singer Dan Reynolds— did not plan to win a Grammy in 2014 or sell 2.5 million copies of their first album, Night Visions. And they certainly never predicted they would make history by performing live in a Target-sponsored commercial break during the Grammy Awards show (the production involved a 360-degree screen, LED jewelry, helicopter shots, and 22 cameras). coNtiNued oN page 48 47
Culture Hottest ticket
Buried Treasure
The band’s name may be a mystery, but the reasons for Imagine Dragons’ success certainly aren’t.
a lost work by william inge, Off The Main ROad, gets its world premiere at the williamstown theatre Festival in a production starring kyra sedgwick. by jared bowen
need to like your bandmates,” he says. “They have to be your family.” The quartet named themselves Imagine Dragons—an anagram based on a top-secret group of words unknown even to family members—and started performing at tiny joints around Las Vegas. “We’d play four- or five-hour gigs and split the $400 pay between us. It was grueling, but we earned our chops.” They also picked up lots of fans and a record deal, thanks to their anthemic pop sound, powerful hooks, and haunting lyrics. Each track is laced with Reynolds’s moods, both bright and dark, his voice roaring lyrics of apocalypse, dreams, demons, and fame. “Dan writes lyrics like journal entries,” Sermon says. “They’re deep thoughts and extremely honest. He documents the hard stuff—sudden fame, the loneliness of touring. It’s therapy for him. It’s raw, and it’s real.... We had no idea we would blow up to this extent. Our music is true to us. We write music that we would be okay with playing hundreds of times, over and over.” This summer the band will perform in 39 cities in 58 days, with barely one day off per week. “We’re upping our game,” Sermon explains. “We owe it to our fans. Their energy is palpable. They’ve booked babysitters and paid for parking. It’s our responsibility to bring the best stage presence we can.” July 1, 7:30 pm. TD Garden, 100 Legends Way, 800-745-3000; BC
“it’s thrilling to have actresses of their caliber be so brave to originate an inge role.” —mandy greenfield
Kyra Sedgwick lends her considerable star power to William Inge’s little-known play Off the Main Road.
photography by Jeff gale (ImagIne Dragons); astrID stawIarz/getty Images (seDgwIck)
“It’s been one surprise after another,” says Sermon. So when the bless-tressed musician notes that their “Smoke + Mirrors” summer tour (also the name of their chart-topping new album) will boast “things that have never been done before,” it’s a safe bet they’ll deliver. Sermon can’t go into detail—trade secrets and all—but says there will be more lights (“hundreds”), speakers, visual effects, and overall phantasmic shenanigans July 1 at Boston’s TD Garden than ever. “It may seem glamorous—and it is, sometimes—but we sure didn’t start out that way,” Sermon says. He cofounded the band just six years ago after meeting McKee at Boston’s Berklee College of Music in an ear-training class. “He was the guy in the front row asking all the questions,” he says. “I was the one in the back row being quiet.” Before long, they took to practicing together with fellow classmate Platzman. “I loved Boston—Faneuil Hall and the Freedom Trail were my favorite places,” Sermon says, “but the truth is, most of the time we were playing eight to 10 hours a day in school rehearsal rooms.” What came out of that was a groove and a spiritual core. “It’s a given that everyone can play at Berklee,” Sermon adds, “but we got along.” When he joined forces with Reynolds to form the band, Sermon picked up the phone and called McKee and Platzman. “It cannot be underestimated how much you
History can be awfully cruel. When it remembers the greatest American playwrights of the mid-20th century, Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams get the standing ovations, while William Inge—author of Bus Stop and Picnic and one of the most successful dramatists of the 1950s—is often left standing in the wings. But just as Miller and Williams had their time in the Williamstown Theatre Festival spotlight, Inge is about to get his. The festival’s new artistic director, Mandy Greenfield, will open her debut season at the Berkshires summer hot spot with an Inge play never before produced. Off the Main Road stars Kyra Sedgwick as Faye Garrit, a fragile woman who checks into a run-down Missouri resort to hide from her abusive husband, a onetime professional basketball player. Estelle Parsons plays Faye’s mother, with Mary Wiseman as her daughter. “They’re each extremely complicated and nuanced characters,” says Greenfield. “It’s thrilling to have actresses of their caliber be so brave to originate an Inge role.” Greenfield first learned of the play when, as artistic producer of the Manhattan Theater Club, she presented a critically lauded 2008 production of Inge’s Come Back, Little Sheba starring S. Epatha Merkerson. The Inge estate brought the recently rediscovered work to her attention, and Greenfield was immediately transfixed. “The characters are fresh and alive and complex,” she says. “And they’re engaged in big questions not only about themselves, but about themselves in the universe.” In the close confines of the resort, Faye must deal with pressure from her mother, who urges her to end the marriage, and from her daughter, who is worried about her emotional state. “Inge is interested in the interior lives of human beings,” Greenfield says. And that’s bound to rekindle the interest of audiences in him. June 30–July 19. Main Stage, ’62 Center for Theatre and Dance, 1000 Main St., Williamstown, 413-597-3400; BC
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culture Art Full Heading to the Point by Forrest Rodts, 2014.
Picture Perfect
Forrest rodts’s vivid, evocative paintings of nantucket are the next best thing to being there.
Poise, charm, and movie-star looks almost landed Forrest Rodts on the big screen. Bearing a striking resemblance to the young Dick Van Dyke, he was living the life of an actor in New York when he found that for him the visual arts were more satisfying—and a more reliable source of income— than the performing arts. “I was always artistic and liked to draw but didn’t start painting until college,” says Rodts, who is based in Marblehead, where he specializes in sweeping landscapes and marine vistas, with his acrylic-on-board works selling for between $7,500 and $40,000. An exhibit of his new seascapes will run for one week at Nantucket’s Quidley & Company gallery starting July 10. After graduating from Hobart College with a degree in economics and a minor in fine art, Rodts first worked in investment banking. “It wasn’t for me,” he says. (Translation: He despised it.) But he loved the arts and began pursuing an acting career. Between auditions he would set up his easel and quickly discovered how naturally painting came to him. “I really started to love to paint and soon realized that
“nantucket is one of my favorite places in the world.” —forrest rodts
it was a better career for me.” Although his family moved often when Rodts was growing up, summers on Nantucket remained a constant. “It’s one of my favorite places in this world,” he says. In fact, the artist can trace his roots to the Grey Lady’s earliest settlers, and from the start of his career the island has been his muse. Glossy waves licking the ’Sconset shore, an electric red sunset at Surfside Beach, the windswept dunes of Madaket—Rodts’s vibrant canvases evoke all the sights and sounds and scents of Nantucket. His new paintings add a tinge of nostalgia. “I have been trying to add more of my emotional context to the paintings,” he says. “For the last couple of years, I’ve been incorporating images of the island from the ’60s and ’70s, when I summered there as a kid. It was a simpler time back then, and hopefully my paintings speak to those who appreciate Nantucket for what it really is: raw, natural, simple magnificence.” July 10–16. Quidley & Company, 26 Main St., Nantucket, 508-228-4300; BC
image courtesy of the artist
by jessica bowne
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CULTURE Around Town The first Outside the Box festival brought 650,000 visitors to Boston to see performers like Gentleman Hall (left) and Rhythm of the Universe (below).
PhilanthroPist ted Cutler foots the bill for the seCond Outside the BOx arts extravaganza. by jared bowen One of the biggest sequels to hit Boston this summer won’t feature a costumed superhero at the Cineplex. Instead it will star one of the city’s most die-hard champions of the arts, who is bringing his performing arts festival, Outside the Box, back for a second run. But considering that this multimillion-dollar event is privately funded and free to everyone, perhaps Ted Cutler should don superhero garb after all. A noted philanthropist, Cutler launched Outside the Box in 2013. The nine-day summer festival brought 650,000 visitors to Boston, he says, and now it’s
returning after a two-year hiatus. Running July 14 –19 on Boston Common, it will feature a mix of theatrical performances, music, dance, magic, and culinary demonstrations. Cutler has a straightforward approach to programming. “Good is good and bad stinks,” he says. “We keep away from what stinks and we stick with what’s good—for kids, for adults, for everybody.” But children are the audience Cutler is most mindful of. He was amazed by the number of children from all over the city he met in 2013, many of them receiving their first exposure
to the performing arts. “What we do is so important for kids,” he says. “A lot of them can’t afford the ballgame ticket anymore, or tickets to the theaters.” With that in mind, puppet shows and educational arts activities have been programmed to attract the smaller set. Cutler has long espoused the power of the arts in cities (he is the Cutler behind Emerson College’s Cutler Majestic Theatre). He spent millions of his own money— which came from organizing technology trade shows— to produce the first festival and estimates that he’ll
Jump InsIde the Box Starting with the opening ceremony, Outside the Box presents must-see, must-do, must-hear performances and events. Opening CeremOny
Fifty percussionists scattered across the Boston Common will launch the Outside the Box festival with a John Luther Adams soundscape that invites the audience to participate. The performance will be followed by a puppet parade, the Boston Circus Guild, Emperor Norton’s Stationary Marching Band, and the Turkish dance group Fire of Anatolia. Tuesday, July 14, at 5 pm on the Main Stage SuppOrt yOur COuntry
Grammy Award–winning country music artist Kacey Musgraves takes the stage in a performance presented by the radio station WKLB-FM, Country 102.5. Friday, July 17, at 7 pm on the Main Stage grOwing a ChOruS
The elementary school students who make up the Voices of Renaissance—the choir of the Boston Renaissance Charter School, which has performed for President Obama—will sing their hearts out for the rest of us. Saturday, July 18, at noon on the Main Stage mOther earth
The Radio 92.9 EarthFest presents performances from Guster, New Politics, Atlas Genius, and other top indie acts. Saturday, July 18, at 3 pm on the Main Stage
photography courtesy of outside the Box festival
King of Arts
spend another $2 million this year. For the upcoming Outside the Box festival, he tapped award-winning local actress Georgia Lyman to serve as artistic director, and he has invited a host of local arts groups, including the Boston Landmarks Orchestra, the theater troupe Liars & Believers, and the Renaissance Charter School, to fill the bill. The festival has cast its net internationally, too. “We have agreements from 10 or 12 different countries to bring their dance and theater companies,” Cutler says. Outside the Box has also partnered with a local radio powerhouse: Greater Media Boston, owner of the country station WKLB, WMJX (Magic 106.7), and WBOS, 92.9. On Friday evening, WKLB will bring headlining country artists to the stage, while on Saturday night the alternative-rock station WBOS will present cutting-edge indie acts. “Eclectic” is the byword for Outside the Box, because Cutler refuses to be boxed in. July 14–19 on Boston Common. For a schedule of performances, visit BC
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Culture BiblioFile In the Bag Whether you hit the beach or the country, you’ll want to pack these summer reads by Boston authors.
Chatham author Lisa Genova’s novel Inside the O’Briens (Simon & Schuster) takes an intimate look at the impact of Huntington’s disease, a lethal neurodegenerative disorder for which there is no cure or treatment, on the family of Joe O’Brien, a 44-year-old father of four.
From Russia With Love
Author Ben Mezrich trAdes BlAckJAck And the tech scene for the russiAn underBelly in his new Book. by jessica bowne
What inspired you to tackle a story set in Russia? Truthfully, I never set out to write a book about Russia. Once Upon a Time in Russia actually started with a phone call from Brett Ratner, the director/producer. He told me
he had some people he wanted me to meet in London who had an incredible story to tell. When I got there, I found myself face-to-face with a real-life oligarch, and my first reaction was, “No effing way.” Did you speak with Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich directly? My sources will remain confidential. Was it difficult to find the facts on a story that takes place in Russia? The research involved a lot of one-on-one interviews and travel, and an incredible number of documents. Brett introduced me to individuals with first-hand knowledge of the material I was writing about, which was amazing and terrifying. I think this book is unique in that there are no real good guys or bad guys. Everyone is both—except maybe Abramovich, who I think is a little more the hero in this than anyone else. Who would you cast in a feature film of the book? I’d love to see Robert De Niro or Kevin Spacey as Berezovsky, Leonardo DiCaprio as Abramovich, and Adrien Brody as Alexander Litvinenko [the whistle-blowing Russian secret agent who was poisoned in 2006]. I’ll play a bartender somewhere, or maybe a waiter in some café. BC
In his latest biography, The Wright Brothers (Simon & Schuster), prolifc author and historian David McCullough paints a vivid portrait of the brothers’ meager upbringing, their engineering achievements, and their valiant effort to fy.
Take a trip to the Cape in Wendy Francis’s novel The Summer of Good Intentions (Simon & Schuster). Three adult sisters are enjoying a peaceful vacation with their families when their mother arrives with her new boyfriend, shocking her children and ex-husband.
photography by Eric LEvin (MEzrich)
Boston resident and New York Times best-selling author Ben Mezrich often looks to his own backyard to find material for his books, including Bringing Down the House (about a group of MIT students who made millions in Vegas) and The Accidental Billionaires (about the founding of Facebook at Harvard), both of which were turned into major motion pictures. But for his new work, Mezrich broke out his passport. In Once Upon a Time in Russia: The Rise of the Oligarchs—A True Story of Ambition, Wealth, Betrayal, and Murder (Atria Books), he sinks his teeth into the complicated world of Russia’s new elite—men like billionaire Boris Berezovsky, a brilliant mathematician who struck it rich in the 1990s when the country privatized many of its state assets and who died mysteriously in 2013, and Roman Abramovich, a calculating businessman who rose to wealth and power by trading in the oil market.
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CULTURE Spotlight // cutting edge //
Art of the Elements
on view
NATURE-INSPIRED ARTISTS ATHY BUIST AND RICHARD ERDMAN TAKE OVER GALERIE D’ORSAY. The natural world is a unifying theme for abstract landscape painter Kathy Buist and sculptor Richard Erdman, whose work is being shown together for the first time at Galerie d’Orsay. Buist’s captivating scenes, imbued with sunlight in all its many forms, ref lect her nontraditional approach to painting: She lays her canvases on the floor of her seaside studio so the drying paint can be manipulated by the ocean breeze. Buist also mixes bits of crushed shell and sand into her paints to give her works—such as Solitude (ABOVE)—an unusual texture. Erdman, meanwhile, draws inspiration from the woods and mountains near his childhood home in Vermont. He also takes cues from the marble of Carrera, Italy, where he maintains a studio in addition to one in Williston, Vermont, and his stone, bronze, and steel sculptures can be found in private and public collections in more than 40 countries. The artists’ stunning pieces are on view at Galerie d’Orsay through July 31. 33 Newbury St., 617-266-8001; BC
Every year, the Nantucket Comedy Festival, created by Kevin Flynn, does the impossible, luring some of the country’s funniest, most famous comics to the island for four days. Eight years after its inception, the festival, which runs July 15–18, is still going strong, with a roster of top comedians—like Caroline Rhea (ABOVE)—and a crowd that regularly includes the corporate, political, and comedy elite. Don’t be surprised to run into Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, or Jack Welch while taking in Women’s Night, the always entertaining Boston vs. New York Smackdown, or the annual “Man From Nantucket” Award, which brings out stars like last year’s recipient, Dick Cavett. 508-9019281; nantucketcomedy
ALL THAT JAZZ LET THE SWEET AND SULTRY SOUNDS of horns and strings carry you away this summer at the annual Cape Cod Jazz Festival at Wequassett Resort and Golf Club. The newly renovated venue will present music by the likes of Dr. Michael White and the Juilliard Jazz Ensemble every Tuesday and Wednesday evening throughout July and August. Start with dinner at the resort’s AAA Four Diamond restaurant, Twenty-Eight Atlantic, before falling into a Jazz Age reverie. 2173 MA-28, Harwich;
Obey Lotus Crescent (White & Gold) by Shepard Fairey
Designer Drugs Soft Pack of 4 by Desire Obtain Cherish
Bang Bang by Dan Monteavaro
Power and Glory by Shepard Fairey
must see
Ever stop to look at a piece of street art and wonder who created it? DTR Modern Galleries will remove some of the mystery shrouding these mavericks by exhibiting works by Mr. Brainwash, Desire Obtain Cherish, Shepard Fairey, and other top street artists through July 24. Featuring paintings, prints, and sculptures, the gallery’s first exhibition devoted to street art is designed to show how these former outsiders have been integrated into the mainstream art world, finding places in collections alongside renowned fine artists. 167 Newbury St., 617424-9700;
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PEOPLE View from the Top With his first company, Lids, Douglass Karp outfitted a generation, but at New England Development he’s changing the landscape on a much grander scale.
House of tHe Rising son
Stephen Karp haS revitalized retail and hotel propertieS acroSS the country. now hiS Son, Douglass arp, iS expanding the empire even further. by michael blanding Going to the mall wasn’t the same for Douglass Karp as it was for most kids. In 1972, his father, Stephen Karp, opened one of the first enclosed shopping malls in the Northeast; he would go on to develop dozens of malls and other shopping complexes around the country. “When we would go on vacation, we had to see what mall was built in the area,” says the younger Karp. “What I didn’t realize was that he was teaching me at a pretty early age about foot traffic patterns and where the anchors and the food court should be.” All that knowledge has come in handy, as Karp recently took over management of the family business. Now president of New England Development, he is sitting in a booth at Panera Bread at Chestnut Hill Square, a 340,000-squarefoot mixed-use development that his company recently built, rejuvenating a once-moribund area. It’s one of nearly 100 properties that New England Development has successfully constructed and managed in the past 35 years. Even more impressive, the company has earned a reputation for consensus building—something
PhotograPhy by Joel benJamin
continued on page 60 59
PEOPLE View from the Top
clockwise from top left:
The living room of the White Elephant Loft at 32 Main Street; a view from the White Elephant Loft; (from left) Jayne Carvelli-Sheehan, Douglass Karp, Setti D. Warren, and Dr. Kevin Tabb at the opening ceremony for Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
that Karp also learned from his dad. “My father always said, ‘When you sit at a table, you want everyone to walk away happy.’” Case in point: When residents started banging pots over the increase in traffic on Route 9 that Chestnut Hill Square would bring, the company scaled back the project and worked with the state to ease access. “When you’re going into a community, it’s their kingdom,” Karp says. “You don’t want to invade; you want to be let in.” Although his father became a real estate titan, Karp was never content to rest on his family’s laurels. Growing up in nearby Weston, he started his own business in 1992 while still a high school student, along with Ben Fischman, son of his dad’s partner Steven Fischman. Hip-hop culture was flourishing, and the two bugged their fathers about opening stores in their malls to sell baseball caps. They began with a cart at The Atrium in Chestnut Hill. “We had to pay rent and all the extra charges like anyone else,” Karp says. Over the next seven years, the company, Lids, expanded to more than 300 locations nationwide. Then Karp’s father asked if he’d consider becoming the project manager for a new property he was building on Nantucket, the White Elephant Hotel. It was a difficult offer to refuse. Karp had spent summers on Nantucket. He played Wiffle ball on the lawn of The Wauwinet, a New England Development property on the island, while it was under construction, and he fished for stripers in Nantucket Sound. Karp took the ferry to check out the White Elephant on a Thursday and started as project manager the following Monday. Over the next 16 years, Karp worked his way up through the ranks to president. While his father presciently saw the rise of indoor shopping malls in the ’70s, he also anticipated their demise, selling a significant portion of the mall portfolio in 1999.
“When you’re going into a community, it’s their kingdom. you don’t Want to invade; you Want to be let in.” —douglass karp
Since then, New England Development has concentrated on outdoor shopping centers, particularly “lifestyle malls,” featuring a mix of big-box stores, high-end specialty boutiques, and restaurants. With its wealthy, educated population, Chestnut Hill was the perfect location for the concept. Karp set out to transform the area, bringing in SoulCycle and a tony Equinox fitness center and convincing the upscale supermarket chain Wegmans to open its first urban store. As the property developed, it expanded its focus on health-conscious consumers, adding the athletic clothing store Athleta, a medical building, the locavore restaurant Seasons 52, and the salad mecca Sweetgreen. Although his father is still active in New England Development as chairman and CEO, he has ceded control of day-to-day operations to Karp, who is currently putting the finishing touches on a new outdoor shopping center in Westwood. “I’ve had a great experience watching my father and Steve Fischman running the company over the years, so it’s been pretty seamless,” he says of the torch passing. “It’s an honor. It’s something I don’t take lightly.” BC
Island HoppIng
Douglass Karp reveals a few of his favorite things about Nantucket. CatCh of the day:
“I love the Nantucket Boat Basin. My favorite boats are the Althea K and the Absolute. Pete Kaizer and Brian Borgeson are the best captains around.” eat like a loCal:
“Topper’s at The Wauwinet, Brant Point Grill at White Elephant, and Straight Wharf, where Gabriel Frasca makes an amazing clambake. Another
favorite is the lobster roll at the Straight Wharf Fish Store.” Post-beaCh hangout:
“Cru. You can’t beat the location on the harbor and the great drink selection. And of course, the bartenders are second to none.” beaCh bliss:
“Surfside is my favorite beach because it has plenty of parking, restrooms, a great snack shack, and miles and miles of sand.”
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PEOPLE Talent Patrol Lexie Roth, whose family spent summers in Aquinnah, will release her third album this fall.
Voice of the Island
to their summers in Aquinnah, where the family rented for years before “It’s nice when I have the whole place to myself to roam free,” says singerbuying a home in 1999. “A lot of my most special memories are of times songwriter Lexie Roth, speaking from her small guest cottage in Aquinnah with my sister here on the Vineyard.” as she preps her family home for summer rentals. At 18, Roth released her first album, One Long Blink, which was an act of The 26-year-old, who splits her time among New York, Boston, and Martha’s catharsis as much as musical ambition: Roth’s mother and Vineyard, should appreciate the calm before the storm. sister, Gillian, were killed in a car accident when Roth was With her third album, New York, set for release in October, INSIGHT 10, and she used music to give voice to her heartache. “I the gifted performer is poised for a massive boost to her shaped by: “I grew up with jukeboxes and needed a venue to release and express it through song,” she name recognition in the music industry. Unless her acting lots of classic and country music: Dolly says. Her second, self-titled collection was more outwardcareer takes off first. Or her cooking career. The fact is, any Parton, Stevie Wonder, Sam Cooke.” facing, with songs about the people she met during her of them could blast off like a rocket ship at any moment. dining out: “The Port Hunter (55 Main summers and her travels—a perfect showcase for her sultry, Performing is in Roth’s genes. Her father, noted guitarSt., Edgartown, 508-627-7747) bluesy vocals, especially on the melancholy yet uplifting ist Arlen Roth, has collaborated with James Taylor, Bob has a cool, new vibe.” “Lost Memory,” for which she filmed a music video. Dylan, and Paul Simon and literally wrote the book on In addition, this winter Roth is slated to appear in a guitar instruction: Arlen Roth’s Masters of the Telecaster, conmovie directed by David O. Russell. She is also writing and will star in a Web sidered the definitive manual for the Fender instrument. Her mother, Deborah, comedy series called Choices, to be shot partly on the Vineyard. And if that was an accomplished artist and illustrator, and together the couple founded weren’t ambitious enough, she also runs Rooted Food Company (rootedfood Hot Licks Productions, which produced audio and video instruction tapes., catering affairs in Boston and on the island. But no matter what she’s “It was an amazing, creative, open household,” Roth recalls of her childdoing, Roth always makes time to remember Aquinnah childhood summers hood just outside Westchester, New York. “We were constantly drawing and gone by: “Just the smells and the sounds here bring me back to that time.” BC painting and expressing ourselves.” That creative carte blanche extended
photography by Elizabeth Cecil; Hair and Makeup by Lizzy Kent
Singer-songwriter and part-time Vineyarder Lexie Roth is poised to break out in music, acting, cooking, writing—or all of the above. by meaghan agnew
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PEOPLE Spirit of Generosity Growing up with dyslexia, Dean Bragonier—seen here at his home in Cambridge—learned how to keep his head well above water, and now he’s teaching his strategies to others.
Different Strokes
Martha’s Vineyard’s Dean Bragonier takes on sharks and rough seas in his quest to swiM around the island to raise Money for students with dyslexia. by jared bowen photography by Ken richardson When asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest, British mountaineer George Mallory famously replied, “Because it’s there.” Dean Bragonier is just as straightforward. On July 11, he’ll suit up in his Speedo, dive into the chilly waters off Martha’s Vineyard, and start to swim. And swim and swim and swim. In an effort to raise money for NoticeAbility, the nonprofit organization he founded to serve children with dyslexia, Bragonier plans to become the first person to swim around the island. It’s a 50-mile route through shark-inhabited waters that should take the 42-year-old just over a month. The idea occurred to him last summer when a friend who relishes extreme sports invited him on a two-mile swim between the island’s East and West Chops. “That one [stretch] is not Herculean, so I thought, Let’s
push the envelope,” Bragonier says. “You have to do the whole thing if you’re going to do it.” Mallory would be proud. Tall and lean with leading-man looks, Bragonier was to the water born. Raised in Manhattan by a journalist father and a child psychologist mother, he spent his first three years on a houseboat docked at the 79th Street Boat Basin. “They put me in a harness with a dog leash attached to the mast so I wouldn’t go overboard,” he says. Weekends were spent sailing off to islands all along the Northeast coast. “I feel more at ease, calm, and grounded when I’m in proximity to water,” says Bragonier, who today splits his time between Cambridge and a family retreat on Martha’s Vineyard. His memories of the island are especially fond given that much of his childhood was clouded by the humiliation he felt from an early diagnosis of
Charity register
Dean Bragonier working with kids with dyslexia through his nonprofit organization, NoticeAbility. below: At the Harvard pool, Bragonier prepares for his epic swim around Martha’s Vineyard.
Opportunities to give.
Massachusetts General hospital
What: Do-gooders will have a chance to score at Fenway Park as part of Run to Home Base, a nine-kilometer race and two-mile walk through Cambridge and the Back Bay, with the stadium’s home plate as the fnish line. Raising awareness and funds to help post-9/11 veterans and their families through wellness programs at Mass General Hospital, the event has collected $11 million to date in partnership with the Red Sox Foundation and hopes to top the $2 million raised last year. When: July 25, 8 am Where: Fenway Park, 4 Yawkey Way
pan-Mass challenGe
“to realize that you don’t fit in is a very disturbing emotion.”
photography by bruce r. Wahl (kids)
—dean bragonier
dyslexia. “That is a very disturbing emotion, to realize that you don’t fit in,” he says. “There is a shame hierarchy where people who are illiterate or have difficulty reading are on the same plateau as people who’ve survived incest.” Bragonier found ways to keep up with his high school peers, like studying through the night, and was accepted into Bates College, which did not require SAT scores—“my Achilles’ heel,” he says. At age 23, after experiencing the high of graduating from college and the low of watching his father die of cancer, Bragonier moved to Martha’s Vineyard. He studied Buddhism to cope with his grief and bought the Cottage City Bakeshop and Café, which he renamed The Amity in a nod to family friend and Jaws author Peter Benchley. “The inherent limitations that my dyslexia afforded me applied directly to the entrepreneur sphere,” he says. Bragonier’s disability forced him to learn the business and his clientele in ways that others don’t. “When you can’t accumulate knowledge quickly by reading,” he explains, “you begin to rely heavily on observation,” allowing him to anticipate the needs of patrons and staff. It’s a skill set he wants to share with young dyslexics through NoticeAbility, which is developing experiential learning curricula for middle-school
students with dyslexia. Rather than traditional classroom lectures, students learn via hands-on practice in disciplines including entrepreneurship, architecture, engineering, and the narrative arts. The lessons are augmented with team-building exercises that increase much-needed self-esteem. Bragonier aims to raise $100,000 to design the first curriculum—by swimming with sharks. To get in wave-crushing shape, he connected with swim coaches at Bates, who drafted a training routine. And he joined the formidable Cambridge Masters Swim Club. “They kill it in the water,” Bragonier says. “They have speeds I can only dream of, and they’re older than me.” He plans to swim two miles a day and will consult tide charts and “all the saltiest dogs” he knows for advice. That includes Dr. Gregory Skomal, the state’s senior marine fisheries biologist and a noted shark expert. “I asked, ‘Greg, how do I not get eaten?’” Bragonier recalls with a laugh. He was told to avoid dawn, dusk, and seal populations. Skomal also advised him that great white sharks have an aversion to water depths of six feet or less. Shrugging off the potential danger, Bragonier says, “A dyslexic who goes to school every day has far more courage than someone who gets in the water with sharks.” BC
What: Bike along one of 12 different routes across the state during the 36th annual PanMass Challenge, in which cyclists will raise money for the Jimmy Fund for cancer research. More than 5,500 riders participated in 2014, 300 of whom were cancer patients or survivors. The Challenge raises more money than any other athletic charity event in the US and hopes this year to reach its goal of $45 million. When: August 1–2 Where: Three starting locations, in Sturbridge, Bourne, and Wellesley
tanGlewood Music center
What: The Boston Symphony Orchestra’s summer music academy will host the Tanglewood Music Center 75th Anniversary Gala. The organizers hope to raise at least $360,000 this year to support Tanglewood’s summer programs. The event will feature a dinner, concert, and afterparty for benefactors, with performances by the TMC Orchestra, led by Andris Nelsons, the BSO’s music director. The concert will feature Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 (Symphony of a Thousand). When: August 8, 5 pm Where: Tanglewood Music Center, 297 West St., Lenox
Boston pops on nantucket
What: The Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra sets up its music stands on Nantucket this summer for its 18th annual concert to beneft the Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Conductor Keith Lockhart will be joined by a special guest host. Guests can purchase a tent with dinner service, or fnd a spot to picnic on the beach. The event raised $3 million last year and aims to reach that goal again this year. When: August 8, 7 pm Where: Jetties Beach 65
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Stella’S Groove PhotograPhy by Michael blanchard
celebrated designer stella mccartney comes to boston to make animal welfare fashionable.
Stella McCartney in a jumpsuit from her Fall/ Winter 2015 collection.
On May 5, Boston’s fashion elite headed to Saks Fifth Avenue clad in Stella McCartney to meet the British designer and see an exclusive preview of McCartney’s Autumn 2015 ready-to-wear collection. The event benefited the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. continued on page 68 67
Starr Daniels, Scott Schoen, and Nancy Adams
Boston University’s The Dear Abbeys provided the fashion presentation’s music.
Ashley Bernon and her daughter
STELLA MCCARTNEY’S FASHION PREVIEW at Saks Fifth Avenue helped raise money for the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, with 100 percent of ticket sales and 10 percent of event proceeds benefiting the organization. The a
Brittany Bang, Molly Tuttle, and Rebecca Brown
Christy Cashman
cappella group The Dear Abbeys supplied the music, and an idyllic English countryside set, designed by Party by Design, provided the backdrop for the fashion show, with models dressed in Fall/Winter 2015 designs playing a rousing game of musical chairs. Katherine Chapman, Stella McCartney, and Elena Matlack
Brittany Lucic and a mentee from the benefiting program.
Gin Freeman and Tonya Mezrich
Jessie O’Hara
FASHION POWER PLAY THE TABLES WERE TURNED when Boston Bruins players sat in
Rita Bean, Lori Kyler Christensen, and Angela Cornacchio
the front row while their wives and girlfriends took center stage to raise money for The Bruins Foundations. Hosted by Tonya Mezrich, StyleBoston’s chief fashion correspondent, and John Horrigan of the Bruins, Fashion Power Play was held at Copley Place’s Center Court. Kathy Benharris produced and styled the show, which featured talent from Dynasty Models. Proceeds benefited The Second Step, which works with young people affected by domestic violence. Jasmiina Nikkila
Kathy Benharris
BUT WILL! Photo Shelly Harrison Photography, Architecture David Mullen, Styled by Eliza Tan
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INVITED Guests were greeted with flutes of Champagne in an unusual way.
// style spotlight //
JJ Miller and Rich DiMare
Christina Wilson, Kelli Pedroia, and Lindsay Buchholz
MARY J. BLIGE, Jamie Foxx, and
Kool & the Gang headlined the celebration of Nick Varano’s newest venture, Strip by Strega, at the newly renovated Park Plaza Hotel. Guests toured the steakhouse before heading to the Grand Ballroom for Champagne and delicious small bites prepared by Executive Chef Farouk Bazoune. Music by the Grammy Award– winning group Kool & the Gang and a surprise sing-along with Jamie Foxx were among the evening’s highlights.
Nico Varano and Olivia Nasson Kool & the Gang
Seth and Krystal Williams Tiffany and David Ortiz
Gary Joyal and Renee Raymond
Ken, Arlene, and Kelly Olynyk
Jamie Foxx
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Jim Apteker and Glen Kelley
Tom and Jeannine Clarke
George Regan and Mary Kakas
Lynne Kortenhaus, Ashley Bernon, and Mikko Nissinen
Fruittie Nguyen, Joanna Roffo, and Scott Grigelevich
Steven Pellegrino and Olivia Brown
ALL EYES WERE ON GLEN KELLEY when an intimate gathering was held in the new Presidential Suite at The Ritz-Carlton to fête his 10 years as publisher of Boston Common. The party was organized in secret by the Boston Common team with the help of cohost Olivia Brown, Grey Goose Vodka, and Moët Impérial. The surprise “cover star” was overjoyed at the celebration, where guests offered heartfelt remarks about Kelley and his successful decade at the magazine.
BUIST Eik Olson, Katie Gardner, and Ben Pagett
Caitlin Flynn and Kevin Costello
Michael Morris, Julia Halevy, and Joe Mulligan
Natasha Gayl and Hannah Smith BeachPath | 40 x 40”
Showcasing the most recent collection of oil paintings by abstract landscape artist, Kathy Buist. Her work has been exhibited in numerous museum, public, and private collections around the world, including the Parrish Art Museum and the Andrews Art Museum. As one of the fnest artists working in the abstract style today, Kathy seeks to capture the ethereal atmosphere of her surroundings and the ever changing light of day. David and Felice Silverman
Mehran Jahedi and Tina Binazir
Exhibition running through August.
BUILDING BLOCKS BOSTON’S ECO-DESIGN ELITE were out in full force at the Boston
Architectural College’s first Spring into Design Gala, benefiting the institution and focusing on urban sustainability, design’s impact on the community, and the future of design practices. Cochairs David and Felice Silverman and guests enjoyed breathtaking views of the Boston skyline at sunset while listening to the music of UnderGround Mantra. Samples of specialty foods and drinks from more than 25 local producers committed to sustainable practices were served. Guests showed their support for the college by donating more than $200,000 for its mission: to offer an accessible design education.
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taste this Issue: sea and Be seen
Seaworthy Indeed
The Financial DisTricT’s new power resTauranT, Serafina, aims To cook up The FinesT iTalian Fare in The ciTy —a commiTmenT conceiveD, quiTe DramaTically, on The open sea. by annie copps photography by Morgan ione yeager
“Quando si mangia pizza tutti giorni, il medico non arriva,” says Serafina’s general manager, Roberto Porsia. Translation: “A pizza a day keeps the doctor away.” It’s a bit early and the research is still inconclusive (albeit delicious), but this advice seems to be working for Porsia and the team at this newly opened Italian hot spot. It is the second restaurant of this name (the first is in New York) for restaurateur Seth Greenberg and already another bright light in his growing constellation of hotels and eateries, which include Bastille Kitchen in Fort Point and the Ames Hotel. And there are plans for more Serafina locations in the Greater Boston area. Just about every food lover has considered opening a restaurant at some point in his or her life, pondering the question “What’s my favorite thing to eat?” But the daydreams that led to the creation of Serafina and its popular pizzas were spawned by a near tragedy. Greenberg’s partners Vittorio
Chef Brendan Burke with a plate of his charred octopus with fregola, green harissa, roasted red peppers, and pickled butternut squash.
The villas of Tuscany inspired Serafina’s interior, including this sitting area; the understated but always lively main dining room, complete with rare Fellini photos on the wall; Prince Edward Island mussels.
Chef Brendan Burke’s recipe for Serafina’s PEI mussels. Serafina chef Brendan Burke loves his mussels plain and simple. “They’re so delicious on their own,” he says. “You don’t want to do too much to them.” 1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
Assaf and Fabio Granato were literally lost at sea in a small sailboat. While suffering from hunger and the elements, the two friends fantasized about building the perfect pizza. Happily, both survived, and the combination of Granato’s architectural prowess and Assaf’s culinary knowledge gave birth to Serafina. Serafina’s Boston location was once occupied by chef Michael Schlow’s impressive restaurant Radius, with its large round dining room (originally a bank vault) and its focus on elegant, innovative food and impeccable service. The new tenant’s food and service are certainly up to par, but Greenberg makes the space feel more like a party. His goal, he says, “was to create a comfortable setting that complements the light Italian fare,” adding that designer Petra Hausberger of Brookline’s Somerton Park Interiors “took inspiration from a Tuscan villa.” Greenberg is proud of the concept and design, but it’s the collection of rare Fellini photographs Hausberger incorporated that he seems most pleased with. The lunchtime crowd consists of the upwardly mobile denizens of the Financial and Leather Districts; at night the throng skews younger, with the well-dressed set pouring in for after-work cocktails or a bite and a tipple from the Italophile wine list. But be warned: Serafina is already quite popular, and like all of maestro Greenberg’s creations, it’s a place to see and be seen. The room can quickly grow crowded and cacophonous—although the team is working on a solution to bring the volume down. But diners wouldn’t keep flocking here if the food didn’t deliver.
1 tsp. minced garlic 16 Prince Edward Island mussels ¼ cup white wine ¼ cup lemon juice 1 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley 1 tbsp. unsalted butter Salt to taste
For day and evening, Serafina offers the same menu, emphasizing pizza and pasta and celebrating the coastal cuisine of the Mediterranean and Adriatic. Standouts include the tuna carpaccio, with the seared ruby-red tuna encased in black pepper and served with equally red blood oranges (a Sicilian specialty), crunchy fennel, and creamy avocado; seared scallops paired with our favorite pork product, guanciale; charred octopus served over fregola (a type of toasted couscous from the island of Sardinia); and the not-so-Italian (but who cares because it’s oh so very satisfying) truffle-laced lobster mac and cheese. Porsia, who grew up in Rome, says the menu doesn’t hew to the cuisine of any one region of Italy: “It’s just simple, fun, reasonably priced Italian food—not overanalyzed.” In the kitchen, chef Brendan Burke’s non-Italian lineage has not hampered his ability to work magic with mostly Mediterranean ingredients. “There is a really happy vibe at Serafina,” Porsia adds. “Nothing is complicated; it’s simple.” 10 High St., 617-426-1234; BC
1 slice thick country bread 1 clove garlic In a large sauté pan over medium-high heat, add oil, garlic, and mussels. Stir until mussels open, for 5 minutes. Add wine and lemon juice to pan and cook until the liquid reduces to 2 tablespoons. Add parsley, salt, and butter and stir to coat. Transfer mussels and pan sauce to a serving bowl. Grill or toast bread and rub with garlic clove.
taste Dine around The area’s finest waterfront eateries are raising the staple lobster roll to sublime heights.
The Elevated Fish Shack
waterside haunts known as much for their ambience as their seafood. by annie b. copps
old faithful: thurston’s lobster Pound
CaPe NeddiC lobster PouNd Enjoy a perfect gin and tonic before tucking into savory bouillabaisse with local lobster.
From a perch in the dockside dining room at Thurston’s Lobster Pound, you can watch the gifts of Neptune being unloaded from the boats. Five generations of Thurstons have run the show here, and the current one brings innovations such as spicy chipotle sauce for the crab cakes. But the clams, mussels, and lobsters are still sold by weight and served with as much drawn butter as you require. 9 Thurston Road, Bernard, ME, 207-244-7600; bouilla-best: Cape Neddick lobster Pound
the barNaCle Fresh clams—whether fried or in chowder—are a main attraction at The Barnacle.
thurstoN’s lobster PouNd Watch fresh crustaceans unloaded from the boats at this classic waterside spot.
The seafood offerings at Cape Neddick Lobster Pound, which include a bouillabaisse with local lobster, are well-executed and ultrafresh, as is the rest of the menu—and somehow a gin and tonic never tastes better than when it’s served in the restaurant’s secondstory dining room. It could be the mixology, the stellar views of the sparkling harbor, or the rich history of the building—which has served as a post office, a Coast Guard station, even a stop on the Underground Railroad. 60 Shore Road, Cape Neddick, ME, 207-363-5471;
50 aNd fabulous: the barnacle
For some 50 years, The Barnacle has clung to the rocks at the mouth of Marblehead Harbor like, well, a barnacle. The opportunity to watch graceful yachts and rugged fishing boats sail by the lighthouse would enhance any dining experience, but the kitchen produces some splendors of its own. The clam chowder is a classic mix of sweet clams, potatoes, and cream that tastes delicious even on the hottest summer day—and those clams are equally good fried. 141 Front St., Marblehead, 781-631-4236 PresideNt’s favorite: Nancy’s restaurant & snack bar
The president of the United States makes a point of dining at Nancy’s when he visits Martha’s Vineyard, and so do we. The lobster roll and fried scallops are simply divine—worth slipping out of flip-flops and into real shoes for the upstairs dining room. Other standouts on the menu include oysters on the half shell and lobster ravioli. 29 Lake Ave., Oak Bluffs, 508-693-0006; NautiCal NoC Jamestown fish
For some, Jamestown is simply a village you drive through on the way to “better” things in Newport, but those in the know adore this quiet gem, where chef-owner Matthew MacCartney, formerly of New York City’s Gramercy Tavern, is a local rising star. The wine list perfectly complements the simply prepared fresh smelt, the raw scallops, and the kitchen’s calling card, the Cookpot, an inspired dish featuring lobster, clams, mussels, scallops, monkfish, and chourico sausage. 14 Narragansett Ave., Jamestown, RI, 401-423-3474; BC
PhotograPhy by Joshua resnick (lobster roll); ragingwire (caPe neddick); kazoka (clams); smilla4 (thurston’s)
From Maine to the Cape to the islands, natives and visitors alike chase the summer dream: a seafood shack serving the freshest lobster, the crispiest fried clam, the finest oyster on the half shell. But a handful of seafood spots offer that and so much more: spectacular waterfront views, a catch-of-the-day that was literally caught that day, even nonplastic utensils. You won’t ever want to order takeout again.
23 Lincoln Street, Newton, MA 02461 | 617.558.8899 |
Indulge in the beauty of deCordova. 30 art-flled acres of beautifully landscaped lawns, gardens, and terraces along the shore of Flint’s Pond in Lincoln, Massachusetts.
51 Sandy Pond Road, Lincoln, MA 01773 781.259.8355 | Photo by Melissa Ostrow.
taSte CuiScene clockwise from below:
The Bristol Burger; the newly revamped Bristol Restaurant and Bar; (from left) Jelle Vandenbroucke, Michael Daly, Kim Lambrechts, and Angel Cotto.
By the SeaShore the Bristol Lounge’s new chef de cuisine shows off his mussels. “i’m an oyster lover—and a big fan of all seafood, as long as it’s fresh,” says Bristol lounge chef de cuisine Jelle vandenbroucke, who
The Four SeaSonS BoSTon enhanceS iTS culinary Team and STepS up The Social programming in The ciTy’S moST FamouS “living room,” The Bristol restaurant and Bar. by jessica bowne
dishes with a classic new england feel to the restaurant’s menu. The Belgian-born chef cooked his frst meal at the age of 12, before entering culinary school. he went on to cook in michelin-
The News: Everyone’s favorite go-to spot for food, drinks, and people watching, the Bristol Restaurant and Bar, has revamped its culinary concept and team, added theme nights you won’t want to miss (Martini Mondays!), and given its space a subtle face-lift. New Fare: On the heels of Executive Chef Brooke Vosika’s retirement, new chef de cuisine Jelle Vandenbroucke and general manager Kim Lambrechts are taking the reins. Cunningly referred to by some as “comfort couture,” the menu includes a few of the old favorites, like the Bristol Burger, plus new standouts such as Maine familyfarm chicken with roasted baby carrots, romesco sauce, and cumin yogurt; Catskill smoked salmon with a white asparagus salad, garden pesto, and ikura; and tomato Burrata with torn focaccia croutons and Noble Tonic 05 vinegar. MustHave Cocktail: The Bristol is known for its perfectly made old-school martini (we like ours mixed with Bombay Sapphire or Grey Goose). Scene Stealers: Steven Tyler, Ashley Bernon, Erica Corsano, Laura Baldini, Arianna Huffington, and Linda Henry have all stopped by. Bigger and Better:
“The cuisine has to work hand in hand with the space,” says Vandenbroucke. “Both need to be refined with a sense of elegance, without being stuffy or too complicated.” That means backlighting, lamps made from pure quartz, and new stools in the revamped bar, complementing the amped-up menu and events. Best Seats in the House: The restaurant’s bar, lounge, and seated table spaces make it a magnet for very different types of people. Want a view of the Public Garden? Reserve a table by the windows, where high-minded philanthropists can often be spotted brainstorming over lunch. Some of Boston’s biggest deals are sealed in the nooks near the bar, and revelers who want bottle service grab a perch on one of the two oversize sofas. Sips and Bites: The new programming means that on select Tuesdays, you can dine accompanied by the sounds of local jazz artists, while Wednesdays bring Burgers & Burgundy, featuring your choice of four varieties of the Bristol Burger and two tastings of Burgundy-style wines for just $35. 200 Boylston St., 617351-2037; BC
starred restaurants in Bruges and england. lucky for us, he’s now in our own backyard and introducing a menu that includes steamed Blue hill Bay mussels marinière with grilled baguette, and monkfsh cassoulet with littleneck clams and crushed tomatoes. vandenbroucke is also proud to fold his own culture into the mix with a traditional Belgian mussel pot.
PhotograPhy by Cheryl riChards (team, mussels); Peter Vitale (interior): Courtesy of the four seasons boston (burger)
Where everybody (really) KnoWs your name
has added seafood
Vintage made modern. WESTON
#1 REALTOR AT BENOIT MIZNER SIMON & CO. IN 2014 BENOIT MIZNER SIMON & CO. WESTON 544 Boston Post Road | WELLESLEY 54 Central Street Benoit Mizner Simon & Co, LLC. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. Photography by Eric Barry.
TASTE Spotlight // WEDDING SEASON // 1
fresh eats
anoTher hiT from meT
The Food hall and resTauranT Coppersmith brings urban agriculTure and a rooF deck To souThie. by michelle pizzo
South Boston’s vintage copper forge (yes, there is one) just got hotter with the opening of Coppersmith, located in the former home of the Dahlquist Manufacturing Company. Executive Chef Chris Henry (above), who worked with the Barbara Lynch Gruppo at Drink and 9 at Home, offers a menu emphasizing seasonal, locally sourced ingredients, with creative reinventions of classic dishes, such as an organic half chicken with a braised thigh, seared breast, confit leg, and chicken jus, as well as an array of artisanal toasts, like crab with Old Bay aioli. In addition to the 88-seat dining room, the restaurant features a street-level patio, plus indoor and outdoor bars with a rotating selection of globally inspired street food. Guests can lounge on the roof deck, complete with a small garden and an Airstream trailer–turned– raw bar. 40 W. Third St., 617-658-3452;
// farm to table //
The GifT of TasTe
Brides- and grooms-to-be can now register for gift packages of wine and artisanal goods from Central Bottle Wine + Provisions. Couples can choose from elegant options like The Affneur’s Tools, featuring all the fxings for a cheese connoisseur, including two slate cheese boards, several knives, and even honey dippers. Who needs another vase when you can savor your honeymoon with gifts like these? 196 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, 617-225-0040;
Life’s a Picnic
Don’t go to the Public Garden this summer without one of The Ritz-Carlton’s Artisan Bistro picnic baskets for two. Each one provides everything you need for an afternoon outdoors, including gourmet sandwiches, salads, desserts, and tickets for the Swan Boats. 10 Avery St., 617-574-7176;
Locavore eating, long a staple of Boston’s restaurant scene, arrives in the retail mainstream this July when the Boston Public Market opens on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway. This year-round, 28,000-square-foot market will showcase the best New England has to offer. Upgrade your weekly trip to the grocer by visiting more than 35 local vendors, such as Taza Chocolate and Wolf Meadow Farm, while shopping the market’s assortment of farmfresh produce, meat, fsh, and cheese. 100 Hanover St., 617-973-4909;
PhotograPhy courtesy of the ritz-carlton, Boston common (artisan Bistro); architerra inc. (Boston PuBlic market); By michael Piazza (cheese Plate); sonya highfield (coPPersmith)
Forge Fit for a Foodie
Met Restaurant Group’s Kathy Sidell continues to spice up the Boston food scene with her newest venture, Saltie Girl, in the former Townhouse space next door to Met Back Bay. With dishes like Italian tuna in spicy Sardinian oil, Saltie Girl’s Mediterranean-inspired menu offers a welcome change of pace from traditional New England summer seafood. The salt that gives the restaurant its name comes in exotic varieties, from English Maldon to Hawaiian black sea salt. Sip a daily signature cocktail, an old-world red, or a crisp white varietal alongside East Coast oysters or fresh dayboat lobster. And for dessert? Try the salted mocha mousse with crème fraîche. 279 Dartmouth St., 617-267-0451;
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taste Cheers!
HirscH, sonoma coast, 2011
Jasmine Hirsch of Hirsch Vineyards launched the nonprofit organization In Pursuit of Balance in 2011 to promote better balanced, less manipulated Chardonnays (and Pinot Noirs) throughout America, and this wine notably achieves that goal, with hints of vanilla and peaches balanced by citrus and slate. “Hirsch wine is snuggled between the rugged terrain of western California and the Pacific,” says Nicholas Daddona, wine director at Meritage Restaurant + Wine Bar (70 Rowes Wharf, 617-439-3995; “It is one of the few places in the vast region that sees a great influence of the Pacific Ocean on the vines.” Daddona and Meritage chef Daniel Bruce suggest pairing it with panseared halibut and asparagus purée.
Flowers, sonoma coast, 2012
The cool Pacific Ocean gives this voluptuous Chardonnay a mineral-rich brightness. In the glass, you’ll savor “fresh flavors of Comice pear and Honeycrisp apple,” according to Flowers Vineyard and Winery, “followed by a driving minerality on the midpalate and a lingering finish derived from the vibrant acidity.” Available at Ostra (1 Charles St. South, 617-421-1200;, it’s a perfect match for the char-grilled branzino with salt-cured lemon and herbs.
newton UnFiltered, napa Valley, 2011 Newton Vineyard has earned a sterling reputation for its unfiltered wines, which are bottled without filtration in order to preserve their natural aromas and fruit flavor. By using natural (as opposed to cultured) yeast, the vineyard maintains the wine’s true essence. Richer than the newstyle Chardonnays, this creamy wine has a soft acidity with notes of roasted nuts and marmalade. Find it at Strega Waterfront (1 Marina Park Dr., 617-345-3992; stregawater, where it partners beautifully with seared Maine scallops with pesto.
cHeHalem “ian’s reserVe” stoller Vineyard, dUndee Hills, oregon, 2008
There’s a reason why chardonnay is This summer’s new iT wine. we’ve found five of The besT vinTages for you. by victoria abbott riccardi
At its best, Chardonnay is a lush, golden wine with plenty of acidic brightness and a crisp minerality. Think your classic Chablis. But until recently, American winemakers aimed for a different sort of Chardonnay. Their ultimate expression was so woody, fat, and alcoholic, it brought about its own demise. “The critics were unhappy with the style,” says Sandy Block, vice president of beverage operations for Legal Sea Foods and one of the few certified Masters of Wine in this country. “So about five years ago, winemakers started creating a purer Chardonnay that’s less oaked, less sweet, more food-compatible, and more acceptable to the public.” These new-style Chardonnays finally do justice to the grape. Still rich on the palate, they have a lighter, fresher taste—perfect to sip with summer seafood. Here are several to try.
starmont stanly rancH estate, carneros, 2012
“This Chardonnay has great balance; a nice round, crisp finish; and a great toasted nose,” says Nancy BatistaCaswell, the owner of Brine (25 State St., Newburyport, 978-358-8479; With its notes of butterscotch and nutmeg, “it pairs perfectly with our Jonah crab salad, as well as the butter-poached lobster dish,” accented with corn and juicy charred melon. BC
photography by aFrICa StUDIo
The Golden Grape
“This delicate vineyard-designated Chardonnay is rich, broad, full, and yet retains a pure acid structure due to the extremely cool Oregon weather in 2008,” says Sandy Block of Legal Sea Foods. “According to Chehalem Wines founder Harry Peterson-Nedry, it expresses an ‘essence of candied ginger, lime, white flower, and grapefruit pith.’” Available at The Collection on Floor 2 at Legal Harborside (270 Northern Ave., Liberty Wharf, 617-477-2900; legalsea, it pairs superbly with the sizzled skate and miso brown butter.
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Mike (LEFT) and Doug Starn. OPPOSITE PAGE: A detail from their installation (Any) Body Oddly Propped, 2015, at the Princeton University Art Museum.
Reaching for the Starns Since graduating from Boston’s School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Doug and Mike Starn have gained global acclaim for their multimedia masterpieces. By David Cohen Photography by Shane McCauley
ven before attending Boston’s School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Doug and Mike Starn knew all about the city’s Cyclorama. Growing up in Absecon, New Jersey, the introverted, science-nerd brothers learned about this cool building, a Victorian-era domed structure that once housed a circular mural, 400 feet in circumference, of the Battle of Gettysburg. Hearing that students at the storied school got to show their work in the building clinched the deal. They enrolled. The Museum School has sent generations of American masters on their paths, including Will Barnet, Ellsworth Kelly, Cy Twombly, and Jim Dine. A few years ahead of the Starns was photographer Nan Goldin, the celebrated chronicler of melancholy bohemian squalor. But for the Starn brothers—identical twins born in 1961, who had studied photography together since they were 13 years old—the real lure of the school was the looseness of its curriculum. “We already knew what we wanted to do,” says Doug. “We just needed a place to incubate the process.” Thirty years after their final student show in the Cyclorama, the Starns, acclaimed for their photography and installations, find themselves in another spectacular setting. In the fall of 2008, they took over the former Tallix bronze foundry in Beacon, New York, a soaring cathedral of an industrial space, which now serves as their studio. Beacon has been a postindustrial dreamland for the visual arts ever since the Dia Arts Foundation turned a former Nabisco box factory into a showcase for minimalist art. The Starns initially used their space for their first experiments with what would become Big Bambú, their signature installation. They contracted more than a dozen local rock climbers to assemble and reassemble 2,000 bamboo poles in a dense, navigable, habitable construction. The piece is in perpetual motion: As soon as it’s up, the climbers start reconnecting materials, pole by tethered pole, to the end of the wave form, moving it along the 320-foot nave of the foundry like a giant Slinky. In this way, Big Bambú follows its own inner algorithm, a nonlinear logic, and for the Starns, working on it in their studio is no different, really, from artists
sketching in the studio. The brothers have described it as “an organism that we are just a part of—we’re helping it to move along.” The Starns (who are very difficult for newcomers to tell apart) chaperone this visitor from project to project, their gentle, laid-back enthusiasm and selfeffacing sense of fun masking their deep artistic integrity. They are handsome in a rock star sort of way—perfect for a John Varvatos campaign. With their intrepid dog, they lead me along waves of bamboo decking from floor to floor of their sprawling, newly renovated premises, visiting workshops for each of their ongoing photographic series. In one huge room, they elaborate on ideas for a major public commission, a massive stained-glass window for the new US Embassy in Moscow. “All the art [in this project] has to someway reference the two countries’ history of space exploration,” says Mike. “Back in the ’90s, we were artists-in-residence at NASA and worked with images from Hubble. We wanted to combine that work with the inner cosmos of the mind, bringing in neuronal imagery.” Since 2008, Big Bambú has been installed around the globe, as if the Slinky couldn’t be contained by Beacon. In 2010, the Starns hit the roof of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, where the installation had fearless museumgoers feeling as if they were floating over Central Park. The show’s total attendance was among the highest in the Met’s history. The next year, Big Bambú migrated to Venice as part of the 54th Biennale, where it sat astride the Peggy Guggenheim Collection on the Grand Canal, looking more like a natural growth from the sea than a manmade structure. And recently it drew crowds to the Israel Museum, in the Jerusalem Hills, and to a bamboo forest in a reclaimed, formerly polluted island in Japan. At the Museo d’Arte Contemporanea in Rome, Big Bambú is over 140 feet tall. So often art aspires to be phenomenal, dazzling, transformative—and the Starns take this mission literally. Take dazzle, for instance. The Gravity of Light project, from 2012, was a retrospective of their photography-based works that
Big Bambú is “an organism that we are just a part of—we’re helping it to move along.” —Doug and Mike Starn 87
RAÚL GONZALEZ III In the drawings of Raúl Gonzalez III, aka Raul the Third, beings incorporating comic-book creatures, tattoo designs, and Mexican folk art do violence to one another and themselves in the service of surrealistic but recognizably Latino narratives. Gonzalez recently showed at the Fitchburg Art Museum, and a children’s book he illustrated, Lowriders in Space (Chronicle Books, $17.81), was published last fall.
ANDREW FISH In rendering anonymous figures and the long shadows they cast in the urban outdoors, Andrew Fish takes his cues from digital imaging before moving away toward the distinctive properties of painting and printmaking. Fish recently completed the League Residency at Vyt, in upstate New York, and in 2014 he received a grant from the Somerville Arts Council.
ABOVE: A drawing by Raul the Third; Sun Dial by Andrew Fish, 2015. TOP RIGHT: The Starns in front of test prints for the glass façade they will install at the new US Embassy in Moscow in 2018. OPPOSITE PAGE: The Starns’ Big Bambú: 5,000 Arms to Hold You, 2014, at Jerusalem’s Israel Museum.
reconfigured giant tableaux from various series (Asian sculptures, moths, trees) in two spectacular settings: a deconsecrated church in Cincinnati and a factory space in Stockholm. At the heart of the installation was the Starns’ take on a Davy carbon arc lamp, the early-19th-century forerunner of the electric light bulb, which served as Gravity of Light’s sole source of illumination. Light from the 45,000-watt lamp, burning at 6,000 degrees, was so intense that visitors had to be issued protective goggles. The eccentric lighting created a chiaroscuro effect that only heightened the implicit romanticism of their imagery. The Buddhist-inspired themes that the Starns now explore in their work could not be more different from the rebel-yell spirit of their early days in Boston in the 1980s. The brothers were heavily into the grungy aesthetic that permeated the city’s creative scene. For artists who would later poeticize all things light, they spent a surprising number of hours deprived of it, flipping between darkrooms and rock clubs. This was the high-water mark of the post-punk age.
“Mavericks was a great place,” Doug recalls. “In the mosh pit at a Flipper concert, Mike managed to break his ankle.” They also frequented venues like The Rat in Kenmore Square, Streets in Allston, and The Underground near Boston University, where they heard bands like the Ramones, Birthday Party with Nick Cave, and Mission of Burma. They were serious students, though, getting what they needed from instructors and museum collections. They learned as much, however, from their peers. The performance artist and photograher Mark Morrisroe, in particular, was an important inspiration. This brilliant, dark presence in Boston and later New York’s East Village, who died of AIDS-related complications at age 30 in 1989, overlapped with both Nan Goldin’s era in the late 1970s and the Starns’ in the next decade. “We were neighbors on Park Drive, opposite the MFA,” says Doug, “and would help each other believe in beauty in general and the sensualness of the medium of photography in its rough edges when no one seemed to care.” Morrisroe could have been the poster child of Goldin’s celebrated Ballad of Sexual Dependency. He explored queerness and
“Every artist has their own inner debate and dialogue, but we have an external one as well to help our art advance.” —Doug and Mike Starn
Bbú Juju painting MV3 by Doug and Mike Starn, 2010-11. LEFT, FROM TOP: Floater Field 2 by Deb Todd Wheeler, 2014; Parakeet with Water 2 by Kelly Carmody, 2014; a view of As If It Were Already Here by Janet Echelman, 2015. RIGHT: The Starns’ studio in Beacon, New York.
KELLY CARMODY Of the many gifted traditionalists in the Boston area, one standout is Kelly Carmody. One of her works was accepted into this year’s highly competitive BP Portrait Award Exhibition at London’s National Portrait Gallery, and the Arts & Business Council recently showed her portraits in its East Boston space.
JANET ECHELMAN Internationally exhibited Brooklinebased artist Janet Echelman is having a homecoming this summer, with one of her billowing, gracile sculptures installed over the Rose Kennedy Greenway through October. As If It Were Already Here consists of 100 miles of rope connected by half a million knots and was designed using software written in a collaboration between her studio and Autodesk.
alienation with candor and courage. Morrisroe’s example and the iconoclasm of Boston’s punk scene gave the Starns permission to redefine the materials and methods through which their photographs took form. As boys taking an evening class at Stockton State College in New Jersey, they had been galvanized by a remark from their teacher: “Think about your paper.” They now suspect he probably just meant “Give more thought to whether or not you want strips of white around your images,” but they credit their early mentor with sending them on the journey that would lead eventually to the construction of bamboo waves bursting from world-famous museums. As they started to gain recognition in the art world—beginning when they were still in Boston and taking part in the landmark 1985 group exhibition “Boston Now: Photography” at the Institute of Contemporary Art—this meant treating the page as an expressive material in its own right. The Starns were given a room at the Whitney Biennial in 1987, confirming their status as emerging artists to watch. (Soon after, they signed with Leo Castelli, the linchpin dealer at that time.) An installation photo of their Whitney display reveals a stunning range and inventiveness. Mark Morrisroe, 1985–86, a 100-squareinch overexposed portrait of their friend, dominates one wall, hanging like a tapestry. It is made up of myr-
iad unframed toned silver prints Scotch-taped together. Below it, in an antique ornamental frame, is one of their Christ series—reworkings of Philippe de Champaigne’s 1654 painting Dead Christ, which they shot at the Louvre while visiting Paris on a travel grant from the Museum School—that expressively accentuates the elongation of the Christ figure. There are free-floating scraps of photographic print, a framed piece leaning against a wall, an elegiac flower portrait in luminous gold. Double Chairs, 1985–87 is a pair of grainy, folded, mirrorflipped black-and-white photos of a 1960s chair, the pages joined at the bottom of one side and the top of the other in a step formation, the whole in a zigzagged frame. This wasn’t their only pun on twinning: A selfportrait in a loosely torn collage plays on the convention of a standing figure reflected in a pool. In their early days, Mike and Doug were happy to play along in their role as the art world’s most famous twins. Their working relationship, however, took time to develop. Although they were accepted into the Museum School with a shared portfolio, they had experimented with separate paths. But as they soon discovered, “Our best work was what we did together,” they say, with Mike beginning the sentence and Doug completing it. “Every artist has their own inner debate and dialogue, but we have an external one as well to help our art advance.”
The art of Deb Todd Wheeler responds to scientific and environmental concerns with alternative-process photography and sculpture reminiscent of lab equipment. One of her recent works is an implied seascape of plastic bags, evoking both ocean life and ocean death in a chemical aqua hue.
BOSTON CYBERARTS GALLERY This gallery is the city’s hub for interactive and technology-based art. In addition to offering lectures and discussions, the gallery regularly exhibits the work of COLLISIONcollective, a loose affiliation of artists interested in digital, electronic, and robotic media. 141 Green St., Jamaica Plain, 617-5226710;
PROOF This experimental nonprofit space, located in the Distillery Building in Southie, presents arguably the least predictable exhibition program in town. Its “Boston Does Boston” show, which just saw its eighth iteration, invites three Boston artists to display their work
And the art world seized on the mystery and allure of the double act. In a way, twinhood reflects both their connection to the zeitgeist and their remoteness from it. From the late 1970s, the New York scene was dominated by The Pictures Generation—artists like Cindy Sherman, Sherrie Levine, and Richard Prince, who often favored appropriation or camerawork over traditional mediums. These artists raised questions about what constitutes original artwork, and who actually creates it. Is it the individual? Or is it the mass media influencing the individual? In reaction to this attitude, Neo-Expressionists made dramatic statements of individuality: Julian Schnabel smashed crockery, while Anselm Kiefer mixed straw and lead with his paints. The Starns stood apart from this art-world dialectic. Their images and techniques tapped into a historical sensibility—sometimes a “steampunk” aesthetic. Their use of materials and their disruption of display conventions were explosively original. “For us,” says Mike, “art can provide a conveyance to a place beyond banal physical life.” Artistic collaborations and partnerships abounded in the 1980s, whether it was Prince and Sherman photographing each other disguised as Andy Warhol or artist double acts like McDermott and McGough in New York, Gilbert & George in London, or Pierre et Gilles in Paris. But none of these duos came close to
the symbiosis of the Starns. Maybe their strain of art could originate only from two brothers with identical DNA. Or perhaps Buddhism holds the answer. This summer, the MFA will display the Starns’ giant Buddha photograph, Manjushri, 2005–07, for the first time (it was donated by Boston collectors in 2010). Although the twins don’t practice any form of Buddhist meditation or ritual, Buddhist philosophy is clearly tied to their ideas of interdependence. “Buddhist statues are emblematic of much of the philosophy in our work,” says Doug. “All compounded phenomena—things and experiences—are inconstant, unsteady, impermanent, in constant flux. Everything that exists does so dependently.” The E.M. Forster quote “Only connect” could be the Starns’ mantra: connecting with audiences, with one another, with local rock climbers, with the art system. Connecting a disparate body of work that embraces sculpture and photography, installation and habitat, that looks to ancient Buddhist art, old masters of the Western tradition, moths, and the cosmos. Art that is open to the latest technologies and that steeps the viewer in a sense of the prehistory of inventions. You could say that the Starns have been connecting the dots throughout their joined-at-thehip career. BC
alongside that of three other Boston artists of their choosing. 516 E. Second St., 617-702-2761;
BARBARA KRAKOW GALLERY Barbara Krakow Gallery handles a roster of blue-chip names, such as Sol LeWitt, Kiki Smith, and Claes Oldenberg. Recent shows of note include the drawings of Michael Mazur and a two-person exhibition of work by Sylvia Plimack Mangold and Robert Ryman. 10 Newbury St., No. 5, 617-262-4490;
SAMSON PROJECTS Samson Projects runs an aggressively contemporary program. Its main room has featured Mark Cooper, one of Boston’s strongest talents and the creator of a show-stealing sculpture exhibit, “New Blue and White,” at the Museum of Fine Arts in 2013. Its downstairs space, Subsamson, displays the work of local artists. 450 Harrison Ave, 617-3577177;
Printed silk dress, Roberto Cavalli (price on request). Nordstrom, 250 Granite St., Braintree, 781-519-7200; Quadruple V bracelet, K/ller Collection ($529). Barneys New York, Copley Place, 617-385-3300; Moray sandals, Jimmy Choo ($950). Copley Place, 617-927-9570; Location courtesy of Baha Mar, the new Bahamian Riviera, set on 3,000 feet of pristine beachfront in Nassau. The highly anticipated 2,200-room, $3.5 billion luxury lifestyle resort reflects the vision of its CEO and chairman, Sarkis Izmirlian. Architect Michael Hong master-planned and designed the 1,000-acre destination, while interior designer Dianna Wong translated the ocean, people, art, and glamorous history of the Bahamas’ 700 islands into a resort that celebrates them all. Baha Mar features four hotels; a luxury villa designed by Grammy Award–winning musician Lenny Kravitz; private residences; a world-class, Jack Nicklaus–designed 18-hole golf course and clubhouse; multiple restaurants and retailers; a nightclub; a lavish 30,000-square-foot spa; three 10-foot-deep blue-hole pools; and the Baha Mar Casino—the crown jewel of the resort, featuring 100,000 square feet of gaming and rivaling the best casinos in the world. For reservations or information, call 844-800-BAHA or visit
Sunny Side up
Citrus hues and ethereal silhouettes take Boston women from sunrise to sunset, from the Baha mar luxury resort in the CariBBean to the Banks of the Charles. PhotograPhy by randall Slavin
Styling by Cannon
beauté: Giorgio Armani Luminous
Silk Foundation in #4 ($62). Neiman Marcus, Copley Place, 617-536-3660; neiman Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Cream Shadow in Heather ($26). Sephora, The Shops at Prudential Center, 617-262-4200; NARS Eyeliner Pencil in Mambo ($23). Sephora, see above. Tom Ford Lip Color in Sable Smoke ($50). Neiman Marcus, see above. Oribe Après Beach Wave and Shine Spray ($39) and Thick Dry Finishing Spray ($39). Neiman Marcus, see above Photography assistance and video by Noah Schutz Styling assistance by Izzy Ruiz Hair and makeup by Craig Honeycutt/Utopia Model: Pernilla/Q Management Shot on location at Baha Mar Casino and Hotel, Nassau, Bahamas Special thanks to Valentino Lloyd, Eureka Smith, and Karlyle Harris
opposite page: Dress,
Salvatore Ferragamo ($4,450). Copley Place, 617-859-4924; Chain-link cuff, Jennifer Fisher ($930). Barneys New York, Copley Place, 617-385-3300; Moray sandals, Jimmy Choo ($950). Copley Place, 617-927-9570;
this page: Swimsuit, Eres ($490). Barneys New York, Copley Place, 617-385-3300; Coconut necklace, Holst + Lee ($255). Saks Fifth Avenue, The Shops at Prudential Center, 617-262-8500;
opposite page: Mist embroidered dress, Bottega Veneta ($6,800). 310 Boylston St., 617-960-0880; Kona fringe bracelet, Holst + Lee ($165). Saks Fifth Avenue, The Shops at Prudential Center, 617-262-8500; this page: Bodysuit
($895), tulle skirt ($5,995), and Blasia sandals ($550), Ralph Lauren Collection. 93-95 Newbury St., 617-424-1124; Viti tube cuff, Pluma ($402). Neiman Marcus, Copley Place, 617-536-3660;
I N T H E E Y E of T H E S T O R M The world’s growing population and the impact of the changing climate are putting nature’s ability to provide for all of us at risk. Are we paying enough attention to this looming threat?
PhotograPhy by Kurt MarKus/trunK archive. oPPosite Page: JaMes WoJciK/trunK archive
By Jill Sigal
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When you see the abundance of food at the local supermarket—the bins of fruits and vegetables, the seafood on ice, the water bottles on the shelves—you may not always think about where it all comes from or what would happen if nature could no longer provide for us. Currently there are 7.3 billion people on the planet. According to a report by the United Nations, the world’s population is expected to grow to 9.6 billion by the year 2050. Global demand for food, water, and energy is predicted to increase by 35 percent, 40 percent, and 50 percent, respectively, by 2030. This will further test nature’s ability to provide for us, as will the expanding middle class around the world. The unprecedented consumption of critical natural resources poses enormous challenges for the entire planet. Some countries are already feeling the effects, with depleted fisheries and diminished food stocks resulting from the inability of agricultural production to keep pace with demand. In recent years, more food was consumed around the world than was produced. The changing climate compounds these trends, as the increasing number and severity of storms (like Hurricane Sandy, which battered the East Coast in 2012), floods, and droughts threaten global food and water supplies. Competition for increasingly scarce resources can lead to social and political instability, conflict, radicalization, and possibly even failed nations. According to the US National Intelligence Council, “[Resource] scarcities are likely to hit hardest on poorer states, leading in the worst case to internal or interstate conflict and spillover to regional destabilization.” Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, the country’s premier foreign-policy think tank, agrees. “Resources are linked to both the stability of countries and to the stability of regions,” he says. Resource shortages and competition need to be on “the list of possible sources of friction or conflict” and are “potentially a contributing cause of instability within countries and conceivably a source of instability between countries.” But resource scarcity is not just a problem for other countries; it is also a threat to the United States’ economic interests and national security.
is there hope? Given the stress on nature’s ability to provide for the growing population due to increasing demand and the serious impacts of the changing climate, are we doomed or is there still hope? According to Peter Seligmann, a leading conservationist and the founder, chairman, and CEO of Conservation International, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting nature for the well-being of people, there is reason to be optimistic. “Many governments, businesses, and
local communities are realizing the importance of nature to the global economy, livelihoods, and security,” he says. “They are not standing on the sidelines watching as nature is depleted. They are engaging and taking actions to ensure nature is sustainable.” Seligmann cites the example of Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, which is leading the charge for sustainability among corporations with its three goals: to sell products that sustain both people and the environment, to create zero waste, and to run on 100 percent renewable energy. Due to its vast size, Walmart can have a significant impact on sustainability up and down its supply chain. “Walmart executives see that their supplies of fish and food depend upon the health of ecosystems,” Seligmann explains, “and they see that ecosystems are being stressed out by shifts in climate. That affects their supply. They’re thinking long-term.” According to Rob Walton, the company’s chairman and the eldest son of Walmart founder Sam Walton, “For Walmart, it’s about our responsibility as a business, but partly about how many of our sustainability efforts allow us to be more efficient and to continue to pass those savings on to our customers.” Ensuring a sustainable supply chain so that its shelves are always fully stocked is critical to the company’s business. If you’ve noticed a difference in the size of laundry detergent bottles in the last decade, you have Walmart to thank. The company has single-handedly driven the industry to embrace more eco-friendly packaging. And at Walmart’s 2014 Sustainability Product Expo, it introduced an initiative challenging manufacturers to reduce by 25 percent the amount of water in every dose of detergent in North America by 2018. Also announced at the expo was a new initiative to increase recycling rates in the US by providing low-interest loans to municipalities for recycling projects. Increasingly, companies—including Disney, Starbucks, and Marriott—are realizing that environmental sustainability is not only in their economic self-interest; it is also in the interest of their customers and the communities in which they operate. For example, The Walt Disney Company is implementing major changes designed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, improve its energy efficiency, reduce its water consumption, minimize waste, protect natural ecosystems, and inspire action on environmental health. The company is also funding a flagship project in the Peruvian Amazon to address the main causes of deforestation. Many are aware of Whole Foods’ eco-friendly policies, which include supporting sustainable agriculture and sound environmental practices. The company has also designed Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design–certified stores and initiated recycling programs, and it offsets 100 percent of its energy
opposite page: photography by XoNoVets
ake a look around and it becomes clear that nearly everything surrounding us—the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the butcher-block table in your kitchen, the paper used for this magazine—comes from nature. The simple truth is that humanity cannot survive without nature: for our food, fresh water, lifesaving medicines, and so much more.
The unprecedented consumption of natural resources
poses enormous challenges for the entire planet.  101
“Protecting nature is not an option— it is essential for the well-being of people.
it is not someone else’s problem. We are all in this together.”
PhotograPhy by montree hanlue
—Peter Seligmann
consumption with renewable-energy credits. And through its sustainable coffeesourcing program, known as CAFE (Coffee and Farmer Equity) Practices, Starbucks is maintaining the quality of its brews while encouraging higher environmental, social, and economic standards. The initiative has had a significant positive impact on forest conservation and coffee-farming communities, and the company is expected to meet its goal of serving 100 percent ethically sourced coffee this year. (See sidebar for a list of other eco-conscious companies.)
how is the changing climate affecting us now? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an international body that reviews scientific research on the changing climate, stated in a recent report that it is “unequivocal” that the global climate is warming: “The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, and sea level has risen.” The IPCC notes that concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased and projects that if the current rate of greenhouse gas emissions continues, the climate and oceans will continue to warm during the 21st century. That could result in sea levels rising anywhere from 21 inches to three feet by 2100, endangering cities worldwide, from New York and Miami to London and Sydney. Coastal flooding and erosion are expected to increase with rising sea levels. The panel also found evidence that human health, agriculture, water supplies, and in some cases people’s livelihoods have already been impacted by climate change. Increased acidification of the oceans (from the absorption of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) has harmed marine ecosystems, such as coral reefs and fisheries, potentially threatening our food security. The IPCC predicts that climate change will affect the availability of fresh water and increase water scarcity, which could result in competition for the resource. The production of crops like wheat and rice is also projected to be negatively impacted by the changing climate. Risks to human health may also rise due to stronger heat waves, decreased food production, and a greater prevalence of disease, according to the panel. One place that is already feeling the impact of the changing climate is the remote nation of Kiribati, which sits just a few feet above sea level in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, more than 1,000 miles south of Hawaii. Kiribati is composed of 33 tiny islands and has a population of just over 100,000. If sea levels continue to rise, this republic, which is directly in the eye of the storm, could literally be swallowed by the sea. According to the country’s president, Anote Tong, rising tides have damaged property and infrastructure, and sea water is intruding on freshwater plants and damaging food crops. “The future is a very real concern,” he says. “My grandchildren will have a very difficult future. We really have to do a lot of work. We need resources to be able to build up the islands in order to be resilient to the impacts that will come in the future.” Although people living thousands of miles from Kiribati may not yet feel the effects of climate change directly, eventually they will, Tong adds, and the world should act now, before it’s too late. “It is better not to look back and say, ‘Oh no, we should have done something,’” he says. He sees this issue as “the most serious moral challenge for humanity,” adding that “humanity will, at some point in time, see the need and the obligation to respond to what is happening. If it’s later, we will go down the drain, but hopefully it will be a lesson. I hope that lesson is well learned to ensure that whatever further damage would be caused will not happen.” Here at home, the third National Climate Assessment, published last year, reports that people across the United States—from corn growers in Iowa to oyster farmers in Washington State—are already feeling the impact of our changing climate, and that impact is growing. The first decade of the 21st century was the world’s hottest on record, and 2012 was the warmest year recorded in the continental United States. According to the report, temperatures in most areas of the country are expected to rise by as much as four degrees Fahrenheit in the coming decades, which threatens US agricultural production, worth about $330 billion annually. The US defense and intelligence communities are increasingly focusing on the impact of climate change on resource scarcity, food security, and stability within and among nations. The US Department of Defense’s 2014 Quadrennial Defense
Making a
These global brands are leading the way in environmentally responsible practices.
Chipotle Mexican Grill has made a commitment to “Food with Integrity” by serving organic, locally grown, and familyfarmed foods. The company has also pledged to offer sustainably produced food and dairy products without synthetic hormones. The Coca-Cola Company is working to achieve its 2020 environmental goals, which include improving water efficiency by 25 percent, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 25 percent, raising the recovery rate of its cans and bottles to 75 percent in developed markets, and sustainably sourcing key ingredients. The company has also participated in hundreds of Community Water Partnership projects, providing access to safe water in countries around the world. Hewlett-Packard, through its Living Progress program, employs its technological expertise to help build a sustainable world. As part of the program, the Earth Insights project uses a groundbreaking early-warning system that allows scientists to monitor endangered species in tropical ecosystems in almost real time. Marriott International is implementing a comprehensive sustainability strategy that includes commitments to reduce energy and water consumption, green its supply chain, and inspire its guests and associates to conserve natural resources. The company has also provided support to forest and water conservation projects in Brazil and China. Omega partnered with the GoodPlanet Foundation in 2011, and within a year the company showcased the beauty of the world’s oceans in the documentary Planet Ocean, examined the stresses on its ecosystems, and offered solutions. To further foster conservation, Omega designed a special timepiece, the Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M GMT GoodPlanet, a portion of whose sales proceeds fully fund a project to preserve mangroves, sea grasses, and coral reefs in the seas of Southeast Asia. Starwood Hotels & Resorts is committed to sustainable practices while continuing to offer a great experience for its guests. The company has set a target of 2020 to decrease energy and water consumption by 30 percent and 20 percent, respectively, and to reduce emissions and waste. Stella McCartney’s line features an array of environmentally friendly products, such as eyewear produced with materials like castor oil seeds and citric acid; shoes with soles made from a bio-plastic called APINAT, which degrades when placed in a compost pile; and a faux-leather line created with more than 50 percent vegetable oil, which allows the company to use less petroleum in its products. Tiffany & Co. employs only paper suppliers that have been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council for the brand’s famous blue boxes and bags. Unilever has established the goal of sourcing 100 percent of its agricultural raw materials sustainably by 2020. In the same time period, the company has also committed to cutting its greenhouse gas emissions, per-customer water use, and waste. 103
adapt to the changes that have already occurred and prepare for those to come. Ecosystem-based approaches, such as conserving and restoring forests and coastal mangrove swamps, as well as building seawalls to protect against the rising oceans, are adaptive measures that can reduce climate change’s impact by increasing a locality’s resilience. “Those actions require a change in our behavior,” he says. “Those actions require a change in how we supply our energy. They require an increased recognition of the importance of securing ecosystems and their health.” What can individuals do to make a difference? “There is much we can do, in terms of whom we vote for and in terms of making good choices with our dollars to make sure we purchase things that are manufactured by companies that are really helping to find solutions rather than exacerbating the problem,” Seligmann says. “Protecting nature is not an option. It is essential for the wellbeing of people. It is not someone else’s problem. We are all in this together.” No one can predict the future with 100 percent accuracy, so we cannot know for sure how the changing climate will alter nature’s ability to provide for the world’s growing population. Nor can we be certain of the long-term impact that resource scarcity will have on the global economy, security, and people’s livelihoods. But what we can see are the consequences of the changing climate today. We can either take action now to ensure the health of our natural world, or we can wait and see whether the predictions come true and hope we don’t end up looking back and saying, “Oh no, we should have done something.” Nature and all it provides for us—fresh water, fertile soil, food, and so much more—is the lifeblood of human well-being. The pressures on its ecosystems have never been greater. The stakes have never been higher. Protecting nature from the changing climate and ensuring its health is of strategic importance to our economy, our security, and our survival. The planet will endure, with or without us. As Harrison Ford, vice chair of Conservation International, says, “Nature doesn’t need people. People need nature.” BC
PhotograPhy by Jan Mika. oPPosite Page: PhotograPhy by Massachusetts office of travel & tourisM (hubway bikes); John nordell/getty iMages (solar Panels); sMileus (tree)
Review characterizes climate change as a significant global challenge. “The pressures caused by climate change will influence resource competition while placing additional burdens on economies, societies, and governance institutions around the world,” the report states. “These effects are threat multipliers that will aggravate stressors abroad such as poverty, environmental degradation, political instability, and social tensions—conditions that can enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence.” In a 2013 speech, Chuck Hagel, then the US secretary of defense, spoke about how climate change can “significantly add to the challenges of global instability, hunger, poverty, and conflict. Food and water shortages, pandemic disease, disputes over refugees and resources, and more severe natural disasters all place additional burdens on economies, societies, and institutions around the world.” Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations agrees that the changing climate is potentially a source of social instability, possibly resulting in large-scale population movements and a humanitarian nightmare as well as political destabilization. The changing climate raises real questions of economic viability, he says, and if it leads to failed states, “that can create breeding grounds for terrorism or other forms of behaviors that we do not want to see.” Despite the concerns expressed by scientists and world leaders, Americans rank addressing global warming near the bottom of their policy priorities. In a poll conducted last year by the Pew Research Center, global warming came in 19th among 20 policy concerns, with the economy, jobs, and defending the country from terrorism being the respondents’ top priorities. Yet, according to Conservation International’s Peter Seligmann, the changing climate could be devastating in all of those areas—threatening our food and water supply, our economic stability, and ultimately our security—and he believes that something must be done now. Nations and communities need to take measures to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Seligmann says, adding that they must also
clockwise from left:
Boston Tree Party encourages communities to plant heirloom apple trees; shareable bicycles from Hubway Bikes; solar panels at Logan Airport help reduce emissions.
THE GREEN LINE From the mayor’s offce in City Hall to the cobblestone streets of Beacon Hill and all across our community, Bostonians are committed to safeguarding the climate with programs aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Greenovate Boston Launched by Mayor Tom Menino and reinvigorated by Mayor Marty Walsh, Greenovate Boston is a community-driven initiative to involve all Bostonians in the task of meeting the city’s environmental goals, including the reduction of greenhouse gases. The latter target is lofty: cut emissions 25 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050, according to the city’s Climate Action Plan. The multitier plan focuses on engaging Boston residents and business leaders in citywide conservation and climate efforts, particularly reducing carbon emissions from neighborhoods, large buildings and institutions, and transportation networks. Hubway Bikes By 2020, Boston may have a shot at shaking its “worst drivers in the country” reputation— and reducing auto emissions in the process. If Hubway Bikes has its way, more and more of us will be two-wheeling it. Supporting the
Boston confronts climate change on the land, in the air, and on the sea.
city’s Bicycle Network Plan, which aims to build 356 miles of bike lanes and paths by 2043, Hubway provides bicycles that Bostonians can share, more than 1,300 of them at 140 stations throughout Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, and Somerville. Green Ribbon Commission Cofounded by the Barr Foundation’s Amos Hostetter Jr. and Mayor Tom Menino, the Green Ribbon Commission brings together leading thinkers and innovators from every sector of the city to share ideas, track progress, and develop strategies for fghting climate change. Real estate, healthcare, and higher education are among the targeted industries in this ongoing effort. Logan Airport No one can say that Logan Airport offcials don’t aim for the sky. They recently announced a detailed plan to confront climate change, one of the nation’s frst major airports to do so. Airport offcials intend to spend $9 million to protect runways and critical equipment from the sea, expected to rise between two and six feet by the end of the century. The airport also aims to cut its carbon emissions by 40 percent
and its energy consumption by 25 percent compared to 2012 levels by 2020; curtail the amount of waste produced by passengers by 2 percent per year by 2030; increase its recycling rate by 60 percent by the end of the decade; and lower water use by 1 percent every year over the next 10 years. Boston Green Drinks Throughout the year, Boston Green Drinks brings together Bostonians who share interest in a wide range of “green” issues. Climatecontrol advocates—primarily in the health, energy, and education felds—can meet and discuss ideas about sustainability, share career and project opportunities, and educate the public about new environmental issues and industry events. The Boston Tree Party Environmentalist Lisa Gross founded The Boston Tree Party as a call to action. The nonproft group encourages communities to plant and care for heirloom apple trees, symbolizing their commitment to the environmental health of Boston.
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HAUTE PROPERTY This house on Cotchpinicut Road in Chatham (by Polhemus Savery DaSilva Architects Builders) makes optimal use of its north-side light.
The Great New England Summer Room
Bostonians showcase their cherished sun-soaked spaces on land and sea. photography by brian Vanden brink
by kristine kennedy
For some people, summer means lounging on a breezy porch or sailing on the great big blue. For others, it means reading a page-turner in a glassed-in sanctuary. It’s all about a secret, personal space to relax, reflect, and fully relish these luscious sandy, salty, windswept days. Boston Common takes you inside three spectacular summer spaces, each one custom-designed to make the most of its setting and the season. Continued on page 108  107
HAUTE PROPERTY NortherN exposure This sunlit sanctuary is built for couples only.
When a sunroom is part of the building plan, access to abundant sunlight would seem to be a common-sense prerequisite. “The challenge, of course, with a sunroom on the north side of the house is that it’s not necessarily much of a sunroom,” says John DaSilva, design principal at Polhemus Savery DaSilva Architects Builders (101 depot road, chatham, 508945-4500; DaSilva was faced with this problem when designing a Cape Cod home for a newly retired couple with eclectic, worldly tastes and an extensive art collection. The house, nestled on a woodsy lot down a long dirt road, opens up to lovely layered views of nature: tall trees, salt marsh, pond, bay, and ocean—all on the north. To compensate, DaSilva says, “we had to use various devices.” Most dramatically, he pulled the sunroom out and rotated it at a 45-degree angle to the house, so that all four sides of the room have glass. From the exterior, the cubelike space with a cupola looks like a separate, special object, although it shares the main house’s red cedar siding and zinc-coated copper roof. Because it juts out, the sunroom is completely surrounded by nature and natural light. So many windows
means very little wall, so the entire space has a hidden steel substructure to meet wind and snow-load codes. All the lower windows are casement, opening 100 percent for maximum air flow. The owners wanted a more rustic style, although that’s fairly unusual for Cape Cod. The home’s design influences include mountain retreats of the western United States, old industrial mill buildings, and the Gothic Revival style found in New England’s camp meeting grounds, such as Oak Bluffs on Martha’s Vineyard. The Gothic style is most apparent in the sunroom’s upper windows. Looking up, the vertical-grain fir ceiling opens to the cupola and a hanging Monrovian star. At its highest point, the ceiling is 21 feet up. “The hope is that it’s uplifting,” says DaSilva. “It draws your focus to the heavens.” Not wanting it to be a social space, the owners asked that the room be designed as a retreat for just the two of them. As such, it’s just large enough for two carefully selected chairs and side tables, some houseplants—and that’s it. And there is no exterior door in the room itself, but in the connector on the way in. “You don’t want to pass through a space like that,” DaSilva says. “You want it to be a destination unto itself.”
Your Perfect Sunroom
Creating the right sunny space requires a precise checklist. Whether you’re building new or renovating an existing sunroom, know thyself before breaking ground. Is it a sunroom or a screened porch you really want? Do you want to be able to use it during the winter? If so, you’ll need an interior sunroom, with proper heating and cooling. Casement
clockwise from top left: The Cotchpinicut Road house is suffused with natural light; the window details are continued outside on the porch; the two-story stone fireplace.
windows on three sides can give you a signifcant cross-breeze but can be closed for winter use. If you only want to use the space during the summer, consider a screened porch. “In general,” says designer John DaSilva (pictured), “it’s not a sunroom if it doesn’t have wraparound glass.” how will sunlight patterns mesh with how you utilize the space? If you’re using the room primarily for dining in July and August, consider deep exterior overhangs that block light in the summer but allow lower-angled light during winter. What are your landscaping needs? If you plan to use the sunroom year-round, deciduous trees flter light in the summer and lose their leaves to allow light through in the winter. A sunroom with constant exposure may need more evergreen trees or screening.
photography by brian Vanden brink (room, porch, fireplace); dorothy greco/polhemus saVery dasilVa architects builders (dasilVa); opposite page: photography by sam gray photography (porch)
“the challenge, of course, with a sunroom on the north side of the house is that it’s not necessarily much of a sunroom.” —john dasilva
Designed by John MacDonald, this 1,300-square-foot radius porch features two flying staircases to the pool below, creating a layered view.
Materials Matter The right gear for New England porches. Exterior spaces take a beating, especially in coastal locations subject to hurricanes and heavy snow, not to mention red wine, wet dogs, and feet on the furniture. Look to these clever building and furnishing materials to make summer living easy. thermal bluestone. Indigenous to New York and Pennsylvania, this bluestone is widely employed for exterior fooring all over New England. The stone’s surface is heated to give it a uniform look
“no matter where you sit, you get a better view of the beach and the ocean.”—david newton Southern ViewS A custom-built radius porch offers a bright world for entertaining and relaxation.
Architect John MacDonald (morehouse macdonald and associates, 3 bow st., Lexington, 781-861-9500; morehouse initially thought he was designing a classic captain’s house. His clients had purchased a Cape Cod site with expansive southern vistas and a slope leading down to the ocean. Their new 10,000-square-foot summer home would accommodate a large extended family, and a house-width back porch would maximize warm-weather entertaining. A traditional design would do the job, MacDonald thought. “But it morphed into something more dynamic and more open-air,” he says. While you do get the sense of a classic captain’s house in the front, the back is much more distilled, emphasizing the views and modern indoor/outdoor living. The centerpiece of the rear is the 1,300-square-foot outdoor radius porch, which recedes back toward the house at the ends. A radius porch has some big advantages, says David Newton of C.H. Newton Builders (549 w. falmouth hwy., west falmouth, 508-548-1353; “No matter where you sit on a radius porch, you get a better view of the beach and the ocean,” says Newton. The curve also helps soften the visual
impact of the porch on the surrounding landscape, executed by Horiuchi & Solien Landscape Architects (200 main st. no. 202, falmouth, 508-540-5320). A few steps down from the porch, you see more of MacDonald’s design ingenuity. Typically, when standing on a porch, you have to walk to the railing to look down at the pool. But this pool platform is raised up a half level and pulled out from the house. Two flying staircases connect the platform to the porch. The result is that the view to the ocean is more layered, it’s easier to bring food and drinks to the pool and have conversations, and a promenade is created beneath the porch. The porch is designed to accommodate multiple activities at one time. MacDonald achieved that by having the firstfloor walls push and pull onto the porch, creating natural carve-aways for seating groups. The fireplace end of the porch is suited for lounging, while the other side has outdoor cooking facilities and dining space. The porch roofline, vaulted at the edges and flat in the middle, along with the Douglas fir beams atop painted beadboard, also help to break up the space. The clients even enjoy the porch from inside the house, thanks to sets of stacking sliding glass doors that completely open up the back of the house to the ocean. “The beauty of this porch,” MacDonald says, “is it gives you options.” continued on page 110
and color, and it holds up to saltwater and doesn’t get slippery when wet. S + H Construction, 26 New St., Cambridge, 617-8768286; Switch glass skylights. On a shady porch, you sometimes miss the sun. Switch glass offers the best of both worlds. It’s completely clear, but the fip of a switch triggers an electric current that turns the glass opaque, meaning you still get the light but not the heat. LTI Group, 14 Federico Dr., Pittsfeld, 413-637-5001; outdoor fabrics. “Performance” fabrics, as in Robert Allen and Sunbrella’s Open Air cushions (pictured),
offer sun resistance, color
retention, and water repellency— making them indispensable for porch and patio use. Robert Allen, Boston Design Center, 1 Design Center Place #200; 109
HAUTE PROPERTY clockwise from left:
The Northern Star sets anchor for the night; the yacht’s wheel; the interiors were inspired by the white and red of Italy’s Villa Feltrinelli.
The CharTer experienCe Charter a yacht for a day or a weekend and get the royal treatment. Leah Collins, owner of Nantucket Mermaids Nautical Concierge (508-472-4771; nantucket, which charters the Northern Star and other yachts, likens chartering a yacht to staying in a fve-star hotel—but one where the view changes every day. “What sets us apart is the option to take luxury yachts that would normally charter out for a week or more for
When interior designer Elizabeth Georgantas, principal at PEG Properties & Design (, got a request from Jim Apteker to redesign the interior of his new yacht, she jumped at the chance. After all, it wasn’t just any sailing vessel. It was the Northern Star. And a Hinckley. “When I saw the boat, I immediately thought of the Villa Feltrinelli,” says Georgantas, referring to the stately Italian hotel on the banks of Lake Garda, which once served as Mussolini’s summer palace. The challenge was taking inspiration from a property on land and applying it to one on sea while making the most of the yacht’s sun-drenched decks. First, Georgantas created a convertible dining area on the upper deck “so the social space would be both inside and outside.” She also designed a private sunbathing nook on top of the cabin house. Sleeping quarters were decorated with sheer white linen curtains to allow in sunlight, and oversize throw pillows were made to go from the bedrooms to the decks. She lightened the yacht’s main living space with bright white and accents of true red, with the seating piped in camel-colored leather for added texture. “I wanted that Italian, classic, old-world look, but still updated and very today,” she says. High-performance fabrics with a 10-year warranty allowed her to use white on the seating even though this is a busy charter vessel. The decorative pillows are not the same in every space, but they are interchange-
shorter-term, weekend, or even day
able with others anywhere on the boat, keeping the look tidy. “As things get shifted around, it all works together as one cohesive unit,” Georgantas explains. In the yachting world, the Northern Star is something of a legend. Produced by the renowned, Maine-based Hinckley Company, the 76 -foot sailing vessel was custom-built— slowly, over the course of two years in the early ’90s—by 175 men for a Norwegian aristocrat. The interiors are all solid, raised-panel mahogany, with thoughtfully detailed spaces for living and storage. It’s heavy, sleek, and takes to the ocean with the smoothest, easiest glide. “It’s a classic beauty,” says Barry Hinckley, whose father was involved in the yacht’s construction. “There’s something about the design lines of a Hinckley. She stands out from the crowd.” It’s this one-of-a-kind quality that led Apteker to buy the yacht for his event business last fall, even though he was looking for no such thing. Longwood Venues & Destinations added the Northern Star to its Longwood Fleet of offshore charters. “It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” Apteker says. The amenities are sumptuous, but Barry Hinckley thinks the real allure of a yacht is the new perspective it offers. For example, of the thousands of islands off Maine’s coast, more than 90 percent can be reached only by boat. Most people never see them. Most people never approach Nantucket other than by ferry. “It’s quite an enlightening experience,” Hinckley says. “You get to see the world in a very fresh and untouched sense.” BC
charters,” Collins says. “That allows access to a whole other world of yachting.” Here are three options: Northern Star. The Northern Star, which sleeps eight in four staterooms, comes with a captain and a chef (a mate and stewardess are also available). All food and wine is included and tailored to your tastes. Slow and Steady. This Australianbuilt Duchess of Longwood cruiser yacht allows you to intimately explore the coastline of New England. Featuring two cabins and a separate entertainment area, the yacht is built for exploring shallow waters. Adventure Island. This 110-foot luxury motor yacht offers the versatility of a day on the open waves or a platform from which to scuba dive, kayak, and jet ski.
photography by Steve edSon (yacht, wheel, interior); cailtyn branSfield (collinS)
View to the Sea A yacht’s living quarters can be as sunny as the deck above.
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Photo Credit: Kevin Lynch
Today, we are on the brink of real breakthroughs in lung cancer research and there are signifi cantly improved treatment options.
And yet, more than 30% of all lung cancer patients still don’t know about the therapies, specialists, and clinical trials available to them. Tony Goldwyn Stand Up To Cancer Ambassador
Lung cancer is a formidable foe, but we are fi nding new ways to fi ght it. Please visit for questions to ask your health care professional and to learn about options that may be right for you.
Stand Up To Cancer is a program of the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Twenty years ago, my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. She had very few places to turn, and lost a diffi cult struggle.
HAUTE PROPERTY Brokers’ Roundtable left:
110 Vineyard Road in Cotuit, represented by Joan Witter of Sotheby’s International Realty. below: Robert Hughes and Joan Witter.
Sunshine for Rent After this year’s brutal Boston winter, the phones of real estate agents were ringing off the hook anyplace within a Frisbee throw of a beach or a lake. Many high-end rentals—places going for $5,000 per week or more—were snapped up before the first crocus showed its petals. Sales, however, have been a different story. While city real estate has become a sellers’ market, the same can’t be said for summer homes, which makes this the perfect time to start looking—and renting before you buy. We talked to Joan Witter of Sotheby’s International Realty, a realtor on Cape Cod for 21 years, and Robert Hughes of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices SpencerHughes Real Estate, who has sold homes on Lake Winnipesaukee to Mitt Romney, among others, to get the lay of the rental landscape.
What does the high-end rental market look like in your area? Joan Witter: The high-end rental market is on fire. This is the earliest we have ever sold out. The lack of inventory has played a big part in that. If anyone is looking to rent next year, they should start looking now. Robert Hughes: It’s very, very busy. Demand tends to outweigh the supply. Still, we’ve seen more availability recently. With the new sharing economy, more owners are choosing to rent out their properties. What are the most desirable areas? JW: Anything waterfront. We’re located in Osterville, and the pickings have been slim here. Anything that sleeps more than eight people also tends to go quickly—people want to have a family reunion. RH: On the other side of Lake Winnipesaukee, around Meredith
and Laconia, there is more activity. Around Wolfeboro, it’s more like On Golden Pond, so values tend to be a little higher. What are the advantages of renting before you buy? JW: I’ve suggested to clients that they rent first for a few summers to get an idea of an area, so they know whether they want to be in the village or on the waterfront. When they come to the Cape, they’re buying a lifestyle. They have to figure out what’s important to them—is it access to boating, is it fishing, is it golf? Do you want to be able to walk to dinner? RH: The biggest mistake people make is finding something online and falling in love with it. You can always fix or remodel a house, but it’s important to pick the right area. The proximity to golf or
shopping or tennis has a big impact on everybody. In light of the rental market, which candidates ultimately buy? RH: A lot of people who buy came up here as kids to go to summer camp, but we’ve had buyers from California and London. There is an airport on the other side of Lake Winnipesaukee where pretty much any business jet can land. JW: We are seeing younger families buying. It’s all about quality of life. They work hard and they want to spend time with their families. Joan Witter, Sotheby’s International Realty, 851 Main St., Osterville, 508-776-1971; bostoncapecod Robert Hughes, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Spencer-Hughes Real Estate, 22 S. Main St., Wolfeboro, NH, 603-5696060; BC
photography by Mike travis (hughes)
HigH-end brokers are seeing more new englanders dip tHeir toes in tHe rental waters before buying a summer Home. by michael blanding
Tere is no better measure of success than client satisfaction. “What sets Michael apart from other brokers is his attitude that the job doesn’t stop when the ink dries on the closing papers. He was a tremendous help when my family and I relocated from Denmark to Boston, swiftly addressing every issue that arose along the way.” Dr. Ulrik Juul Christensen Chief Executive Offcer of Area9 and Senior Fellow at McGraw Hill “Michael Carucci’s knowledge, advice, and guidance of the property market is extraordinary. Coupled with his genuine concern for the welfare of the family in a stressful process is comforting and reassuring. The result was a dream house at a perfect price. To put it simply, he is a master of his craft.” Mark Cattini, Chief Executive Offcer of Autotask Corporation “Michael has an exceptional ability to uncover opportunities in an otherwise very competitive market. His follow through and execution make all the difference.” Bruce A. Percelay, Chairman of The Mount Vernon Company “Michael is a star broker. By that, I mean he brings buyers and sellers together and makes deals happen. Both parties leave the closing table happy. He knows everybody and everybody knows him. Be it a townhouse in the Back Bay or a hundred-unit deal, go to Michael and you will be pleased.” Larry Curtis, President of Winn Companies “Michael Carucci brings a high level of enthusiasm and professionalism to his transactions, instilling a strong sense of confdence in his clients.” Glen Kelley, Publisher of Boston Common Magazine
Michael L. Carucci
Executive Vice President | Gibson Sotheby’s International Realty 617.901.7600
Each offce is independently operated.
HAUTE PROPERTY Design Spotlight open studio
Redesign of the Times
big deal
The Hotel CommonwealtH reviTalized Kenmore Square when iT opened. now iT’S aiming To wow a Second Time wiTh a $50 million renovaTion. What’s in a lobby? At the Hotel Commonwealth, situated at the entrance of Kenmore Square and Fenway Park and housing three of the hottest spots in town—Eastern Standard, Island Creek Oyster Bar, and The Hawthorne—the entryway sets the tone for the neighborhood. New York’s Dash Design oversaw the $1 million lobby makeover, modernizing the space with elegant houndstooth and plaid fabrics and freestanding checkin stands. But the lobby is just the first step in a $50 million renovation and expansion of the hotel, led by the architectural firm Group One Partners. A new wing with 96 additional rooms is set to open in December, featuring a Fenway Park Suite and 2,000 square feet of outdoor terrace space—perhaps even an elevated view of the Green Monster. 500 Commonwealth Ave., 617-933-5000; BC
// innovate //
Imagine a fitness center outfitted not with white walls, but with rich textiles, warm colors, and one-of-a-kind artwork. Cate Brinch, founder and owner of Boston’s first freestanding bike studio, Recycle Studio, provides exactly this in her recently renovated South End location. Brinch worked closely with her cousin John Robshaw, an interior and textile designer, to create “a true community space that calms you and lets you disconnect from your day,” she says. Adds Robshaw, whose clients include Carly Simon and Cindy Crawford, “I am inspired by my travels to create unique textiles that end up in special spaces”—like the lush fabrics and pillows he layered throughout the studio. 643A Tremont St.;
A cycling studio where you can flop onto comfy pillows after your spin class? Count us in.
The WIcKeR Men
Pack away the fussy wicker furniture in favor of Madbury Road’s new summer collection. The online company’s founders, Brady Bartlett and Tim Clement, met at the University of New Hampshire, where they lived in an apartment on—you guessed it—Madbury Road. Both have a background in furniture design and business
114 boStoNcoMMoN-MAgAzINe.coM
development. Their Try Us at Home service allows clients to test-drive furniture without fees or obligation. Our favorite? The six-person Burmese teak dining set, made with sustainably farmed wood and featuring a steel frame and stainless steel chairs. 30 Martin St., Cumberland, RI, 866-331-6042;
// special guest //
Beachy Keen Katie Ridder brings island chic to the Designer Luncheon at the annual Antiques & Design Show of Nantucket on July 29. Sponsored by the Nantucket Historical Association, the event will feature a multimedia presentation by Ridder, who has created a line of fabric and wallpaper with Holland & Sherry and completed design projects around the world, including Japanese pavilions, Hamptons estates, and Park Avenue apartments. She is also the author of the design book Rooms (with Heather Smith MacIsaac). “Nantucket has a sense of place that is increasingly rare,” says Ridder. “Antiques have a great history here, but modern and informal furniture also belong.” Great Harbor Yacht Club, 96 Washington St., Nantucket; nantuckethistorical
Katie Ridder mixed modern and traditional pieces in her design for this living room.
Each offce is independently operated.
Michael L. Carucci Executive Vice President
Exclusive Offerings
Inspired by an Italian chalet, this 7 bed, 6.5 bath, 9,480 SF home boasts a grand foyer; a master suite w/ marble & onyx bath, his & hers walk-in closets, and private balcony; chef ’s kitchen with Spanish ceramic tile fooring, custom cabinetry, and state of the art appliances; sprawling landscaped grounds; 5 distinctive freplaces; and a large carriage house. $7,350,000
Majestic 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 2,759 SF home overlooking the verdant Comm. Ave. Mall. Home features European-style chef ’s kitchen w/ state-of-the-art appliances and Moda Cucina cabinets; stately master suite w/ an expansive walk-in closet and marble-laden bath. Direct elevator access & 2 parking spaces available. Just steps away from Boston’s fnest shopping and dining! $3,448,750
17 YARMOUTH ROAD, CHESTNUT HILL 6 bed, 6 full & 2 half baths, 7,177 SF French-inspired new construction w/ soaring ceilings & imported Italian marble. Sun-flled formal dining & entertaining rooms w/ freplaces & French doors that lead to terrace; study w/ custom foor-to-ceiling woodwork; luxurious master suite w/ Swarovski crystal chandelier & spa-style bath; & heated pool & lanai. $7,500,000
137 WELLESLEY, WESTON Lovely 5 bed, 3.5 bath farmhouse features gorgeous architectural detail, enchanting views of scenic private grounds, and incredible natural light. Gourmet kitchen with handsome freplace and breakfast area; elegant living room w/ stunning stone freplace; frst-foor study w/ extensive built-ins. Dramatic master bedroom w/ foor-to-ceiling windows and lovely views. $1,695,000
244 NEWBURY STREET, BACK BAY Rare opportunity to own a investment-grade building on prestigious block of Newbury St. 5-level, 6,000 SF mixed-use building w/ 2 retail units, 2 luxury residential units, & 2 direct access parking spaces. Property was totally renovated in 2012 and all units have separate HVAC systems. Residential units have private decks and lower-level retail has private patio. $7,900,000
2446 BEACON STREET, CHESTNUT HILL Architecturally captivating 4 bed, 5.5 bath, 6419 sqf home at Waterwork’s museum. Impressive marble vestibule leads to an ofce, media room, and au pair suite. Open concept living and dining area feature 10 windows w/ panoramic water views. Te top foor is a 2000 sqf master suite containing soaring 20-f ceilings, a sitting room, and 2 terraces. $3,475,000
Quechee, Vermont. Located just 2 hours north of Boston, visit the original glassblowing workshop, dine in the farm-to-table restaurant and browse the flagship store. Shop Simon Pearce on Newbury Street for your everyday gift giving needs.
Change your look, refresh your current one or completely reinvent yourself. At Mizu, Boston’s premier hair salon, all our stylists strive to give every client the individual attention and pampering deserved. Mizu Salon has temporarily relocated to the Green Tangerine Salon and spa in The Sheraton, 39 Dalton St. All Your Favorite Mizu stylists are waiting to welcome you.
Poggenpohl Boston announces the launch of its new goldreif by Poggenpohl collection. Goldreif by Poggenpohl delivers high quality midto-premium priced cabinetry in a wide range of styles from contemporary to classic. Poggenpohl Boston invites designers and homeowners to see a fully outfitted kitchen display featuring state-ofthe-art Bosch appliances.
135 Newbury St., Boston, MA 02116 617.236.5253 ext. *13
Eye-catching and incredibly comfortable, our new Kazan club chair features plush seat and back cushions, soft padded armrests, and substantial acrylic side panels. Note the jewelry-like metal caps, seen here in brushed brass (also available in polished stainless steel). A great look with contrasting cushions. As shown retail price in Boulevard Sienna and Grasscloth Sunset is: $2,550.
NANTUCKET. A new style of hotel stay. Introducing White Elephant luxury in-town Lofts – 32 Main Street and 1 Easy Street. Spacious Lofts with three bedrooms and gourmet kitchens include all the amenities and services of the White Elephant Hotel.
The British are coming! Ironically, NRO Nantucket will celebrate Fourth of July weekend with our cousins from across the pond. After all, they know a thing or two about exceptional tailoring and craftsmanship. Luxe eyewear and tailored swimwear collide on Friday, July 3rd at 5PM with Brit brands, Cutler and Gross and Orlebar Brown…exclusives to maintain your sartorial independence.
103 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 617.450.8388 or visit
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2 Straight Wharf 508.228.4999
28 EXETER AT NEWBURY A Residence of Distinction. As Newbury Street’s only full-service rental building, 28 Exeter at Newbury combines a ‘Welcome Home’ atmosphere with a boutique residence that is designed to embrace the way you live. For more information, call 617.588.6181 or visit us online at
CHÂTEAU D’ESCLANS “GARRUS” ROSÉ Located just north of St-Tropez in the heart of Provence, Château D’Esclans produces some of the most talked about and trendy rosés consistently outscoring other producers in all major wine reviews. Hand crafted by Sacha Lichine and Patrick Léon (former winemaker for Château Mouton-Rothschild, Opus One, and Viña Almaviva), the single vineyard “Garrus” rosé is the most exclusive rosé in the world.
INK BLOCK Ink Block is Boston’s hottest new address with a brand new flagship Whole Foods, skyline pool and entertainment deck, lobby and club room with host kitchen, underground parking and many pet amenities and services. Above it all, there are 315 apartments in three unique and distinctive buildings. 300 Harrison Avenue, Boston 617-912-4969
MERCEDES-BENZ OF BOSTON – A HERB CHAMBERS COMPANY There’s a new kid in town, and he’s not very subtle. Welcome, the AMG GTS. With 0-60 in 3.7s it is not a poser roadster, at 193 mph it won’t have brunch with you at a French restaurant and 503 hp means it won’t live up to your standards of decency and maturity. 259 McGrath Highway, Somerville, MA, 02159 617.666.4100
Nantucket-based design firm, Kathleen Hay Designs, has been recognized again as one of the top designers in the world (Interior Designer of the Year Award, Andrew Martin, London, UK). Hay and her team are working currently on exciting projects on her island home-base, as well as ventures in Manhattan, Connecticut, Boston, and the Hamptons.
Audi has teamed up with TOMS® to provide 55,000 pairs of new shoes to children in need. Take advantage of this special collaboration, along with other exceptional offers during the Summer of Audi Sales Event, and participate in a movement that transforms lives. 508.228.1219
For details, visit your New England Audi dealer or
the guide the Best of Boston
Leather, PearLs, Love Brookline’s BarBara Jelleme creates oneof-a-kind pieces to Be stacked, treasured, and worn forever. by lisa pierpont
Barbara’s Cuff Bracelet ($2,499).
photography by Jim Webber
Artist Barbara Jelleme calls her jewelry her “love child.” She named the collection Suley, an Anglo-Norman surname that means spiritually intense. The same could be said of Jelleme, who works in her light-filled Brookline studio with chanting melodies playing in the background. “My jewelry should be worn like jeans,” she says. “It should become a part of you, absorbing the oils from your skin and your energy. You can surf, do yoga, or garden—the pieces will get better.” Her just-launched unisex bracelets and necklaces are created out of leather and strung with Tahitian pearls, lava diamonds, prehistoric bone, and ancient prayer beads. No two pieces are the same. While she started as a macramé artist for fashion designer Mary McFadden, Jelleme enjoyed stints as a model (with Linda Evangelista, among others) and as a stylist for Bergdorf Goodman. Having come full circle to handcrafting jewelry, she says her current role feels the most natural of all: “Spirituality, design, nature, and a desire to give something beautiful to the planet just came together.” Ten percent of all sales proceeds goes to Every Mother Counts (, a nonprofit organization founded by supermodel Christy Turlington that promotes safe pregnancy and childbirth around the world. BC
the guide imbibe and smoothies that ease guests into their detox. Cabana recommends mint as a sweet addition to summer drinks, as in Nourish Your Soul’s watermelon mint juice. 15 Channel Center St., 888-995-8423; Pressed
Healthy Tonic A shot of ginger? A dAsh of Bee pollen? however you like it, cool down And vitAmin up this summer At these juice BArs. by brigitte carreiro Jugos
This on-the-go juice joint’s Latin vibe is reflected in its tropical fruit juices and smoothies. Grab a juice post-workout (Equinox is right around the corner) or sample one of the three cleanses, such as Verde, containing all green juices, or De Temporada, made from seasonal ingredients. We love that Jugos offers both cold-pressed and “old school” juices, freshly squeezed and ready to be sipped right away. 145 Dartmouth St., 617-4189879; The Juice Box
A love of art and healthy food merge at the Juice Box, Southie’s first juice bar. Owner Heather Carbone (also the proprietor of Urban Art Bar) serves made-toorder juices and snacks, like a homemade almond butter and trail mix bar. We love the Revive Cleanse, with ginger,
turmeric, and cardamom. Custom tables and artwork by Urban Art Bar instructors decorate the interior. 359 W. Broadway, 857-930-4510; daily Juice Press
Featuring juices with fun, quirky names like Ommm! and Love at First Sight, Juice Press has opened its first location outside New York at The Street in Chestnut Hill. Along with plant-based products, GMO-free options, and juices made without high-pressure processing, Juice Press offers ProViotic, a 100 percent vegan probiotic sold exclusively in its stores and included in some of its juice formulas. 33 Boylston St., Chestnut Hill; MoTher Juice
Laura Baldini and Ellen Fitzgerald, the team behind
this “drink good, feel good” company, serve more than a dozen cold-pressed juices and smoothies from their dairy- and gluten-free juice bar, as well as vegan snacks like avocado breakfast toast. They will also deliver their juice cleanses to your door in reusable mason jars. Mother Juice’s secret lies in its Norwalk hydraulic press juicer, which produces small batches and preserves all vitamins and nutrients for up to 72 hours. 625 E. Kendall St., Cambridge, 617-945-7357; Nourish Your soul
Wellness consultant and yoga instructor Susan Cabana, founder of Nourish Your Soul, offers multiday cleanses consisting of her handmade juices. With no fillers or added sugar and boosts such as flax, lucuma, and hemp, this juice bar creates juices
Looking for a unique and healthy summer treat? In addition to cold-pressed juices and a menu boasting rare items such as black rice sushi, Pressed offers its own twist on Popsicles. Paletas are made in small batches of 30 and feature one-of-a-kind flavors such as cardamom vanilla plum and coconut milk with thyme. 120 Charles St., 857-3503103;
Seeing green Revolution Juice’s Heather Costa explains how to make juicing fun. Any quick recipes you can share for juicing at home? the combination of kale, spinach, cucumber, apple, lemon, and ginger is one of my favorites. i recommend mixing it up and always alternating ingredients for maximum
revoluTioN Juice
There’s no better time to turn the next generation on to juicing, as Revolution Juice—which serves 100 percent organic and GMO-free juices, smoothies, and sorbet bowls—will soon offer baby foods as well. Founders Heather and Dominic Costa are on a mission to spur the juicing revolution with whole-food and plant-based products (such as Heather’s favorite booster, lemon ginger) in child-size portions. 150 Huntington Ave., 857-233-4313; revolution ThirsT Juice co.
This Financial District storefront serves customizable smoothies and juices as well as açai bowls and soups. Owners Chris Roche and Heather Stevenson offer more than a dozen boosts, like maca powder and chia seeds, that you can add to your order. 44 School St., 857-2334535; BC
nutritional benefts. What are the unique benefts of some fruits and veggies? Because we use organic produce, we can juice the rind of fruits like watermelon and lemon, which provide lots of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. watermelon rind helps to support a healthy nervous system and improve blood fow. What does a go-to summer smoothie consist of? lots of ripe, water-rich fruit, fresh and frozen, with some baby spinach. i can drink smoothies all day when it’s warm, because they give me a ton of energy and keep me well-hydrated. Any advice for those hoping to stick to their juicing regimen? prep the day or night before. i get my ingredients washed and ready before i go to bed when i juice at home. that way i can just wake up, grab the produce from the fridge, and start juicing.
photography by Kristen teig (nourish); Dom miguel (revolution)
Nourish Your Soul offers a cornucopia of organic, cold-pressed juices and smoothies.
The guide gear 508-325-7793; nantucket
Just Add Water
nortH river outfitter
Floppy hat? Customized Chair? a tote to Carry everything? We rounded up the best items For beaCh, boat, and pool this summer. Hermès
Earn your spots with a playful Hermès beach bag ($2,250). Sporting two chic yellow leopards, this 100 percent cotton tote is the perfect way to bring the jungle to New England. You’ll cause an uproar whether you’re lounging poolside or sailing the high seas. 50 Park Plaza, 617-4828707; JonatHan adler
What’s more patriotic than a trip to the beach on the Fourth of July? Bringing one of Jonathan Adler’s new oversize “Newport” beach towels in a retro -inspired red and blue geometric print ($98). Keep a wicker basket full of these heavyweight, 100 percent
The new Sea Bags store in Chatham stocks dozens of totes made from recycled sails.
cotton towels by the door and you’ll always be beach-ready. 129 Newbury St., 617-4370018; lunette optic
Protect your eyes—and look cool—with the new sculptural sunglasses from Face à Face, designed by French architect Alyson Magee. Each style contours to the face, making them perfect for a beach volleyball battle or a paddleboarding trip. Try the Masai sunglasses in yellow with spotted tortoise or the cat-eye Poppy 3 in dark plum and mallard blue ($TK). 121 High St., 617-338-7200; missoni mare
Cover up with one of the
Italian brand Missoni Mare’s colorful crochet knit caftans ($TK). Add oversize sunglasses and wedges and you can go from collecting shells at Chatham’s Lighthouse Beach to a sunset cocktail at Chatham Bars Inn. Nordstrom, Natick Mall, 508-318-2600; nantuc et BeacH cHair company
Stake out your territory in a customizable sling chair. We love the High Tide style, which has a wooden frame and cup holders and sits 13 inches off the ground—so you’re close to the sand but not in it ($160 and up). You can even have your name embroidered on the chair. 24 Macys Lane, Nantucket,
Add a touch of fun to your pool (and get an uptick in Instagram likes) by switching out those old inner tubes for an oversize swan float from the cheeky Australian brand Sunnylife ($70). Birds of a (haute) feather flock together. 126 Charles St., 617-7420089; rag & Bone
The Skin You’re in Put your best face forward with these sun-protection products.
Bring a little bit of Capri to the Cape with a playful 100 percent paper straw “Lily” hat from this celebrity-beloved brand (local resident Gisele Bundchen is a fan) ($295). The light material makes it equally appropriate for a day at the beach or early evening cocktails on the veranda. 111 Newbury St., 617-5366700;
Want to soak in the sun without
sea Bags
try Clarins uv plus anti-
Set sail with a handcrafted bucket from Sea Bags showing the outline of the Cape and islands ($45). The body is crafted from recycled sails, while the sturdy rope handle makes it easy to carry. Use it for everything from toting a bottle of Chateau d’Esclans’s new Rock Angel rosé to collecting sea glass. 605 Main St., Chatham, 207-939-7204; 6 Dock Sq., Rockport, 207-939-3783;
pollution broad-spectrum,
paying for it later? protect your skin with great barrington– based Jane iredale’s recently launched LipDrink lip balm spF 15 ($15), which provides sun protection as well as nourishment with green tea extracts and vitamins C and e. Soft Surroundings, Copley Place, 617-880-8093;
oil-free spF 50 face sunscreen ($42) for daily and beach use—and then hit the brand’s skin spa at bloomingdale’s Chestnut hill, the only one in new england. The Mall at Chestnut Hill, 617-630-6000; men won’t mind lathering up with Clinique’s new lightweight Clinique for men uv defense spF 50 ($29.50). Macy’s, 450
tommy BaHama
Washington St., 617-357-3000;
Shade seekers unite—under a deluxe beach umbrella with a seven-foot-wide ventilated canopy ($58). The base simply screws into the sand, and the sun protection means you won’t regret a late-afternoon outdoor nap. 154 Newbury St., 617-3751006; BC rather stay out of the sun but still want a tan? try Bliss Spa’s new a tan for all seasons, a room built specifcally for customized sunless tanning ($60). W Boston Hotel, 100 Stuart St., 617-261-8747; 121
Carnoisseur clockwise from top left:
The 2015 Land Rover Discovery Sport; its enormous sunroof; an adaptive xenon headlamp; the dash’s eight-inch touch screen.
Make a Discovery
One of the great paradoxes of SUVs is that they’re typically not driven to anywhere near their full potential. Look no farther than the island of Nantucket for proof of this automotive irony. Despite its narrow streets, astronomic gas prices, and parking spaces seemingly designed for Power Wheels, many summertime residents insist on driving souped-up Land Rovers that look like they just rolled off an African safari. They’re all sport, no utility. And while this may be a case of pomp and circumstance, like the baseball manager wearing cleats (does he actually expect they’ll ask him to play?), there should be a practical option. How do you get the power of a monster truck with the agility of a Mini? Enter the 2015 Land Rover Discovery Sport. Seen from the curb, the Discovery doesn’t possess the hard, masculine lines of a traditional Land Rover. It’s rounded, and if you were to glance at it in your rearview mirror, you might just mistake it for one of the many run-ofthe-mill midsize crossovers that have taken the auto industry by storm in recent years. But when that Discovery pulls into the fast lane and passes you
(it goes from zero to 60 in 7.8 seconds), you’ll quickly realize that’s no RAV4. This becomes even more evident when taking the Discovery off-road. It can ford streams up to two feet deep; its all-wheel drive and generous clearance devour rough terrain. If the Discovery were an animal, it would be a bobcat—cute and cuddly until you give it something to chew on. Inside, meanwhile, the Discovery possesses all the refined design you’d expect of a $38,000 Land Rover. It has the most expansive sunroof I’ve ever seen. Remember in Jurassic Park when the T. rex tries to eat those kids through the SUV’s bulletproof glass roof? Yeah, it’s that big. Pressing the ignition prompts a dial to rise up through the panel, which you turn to put the vehicle in drive. The rest of the interior is Hemingway-inspired: It says a lot with a little. For those sensible enough to know that bigger isn’t always better, this new offering from Land Rover is certainly worth discovering. Land Rover Sudbury, A Herb Chambers Company, 83 Boston Post Road, Rte. 20, Sudbury, 888-216-1776; BC
photography CoUrtESy oF LaND roVEr
The Land RoveR discoveRy spoRt Tones iT down for The new england summer wiThouT losing any of iTs mojo. by robert cocuzzo
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INVITED Stephanie Kauffman and Lucretia Gilbert
Deborah Spirio, Donna Stearns, and Mahsa Noble
Kelley Doyle and Janet Wu
SAKS FIFTH AVENUE rolled out the pink carpet for handbag designer Dee Ocleppo and her husband, fashion legend Tommy Hilfiger, at an evening reception to benefit the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and kick off the 2015 Hot Pink Party. Guests browsed Ocleppo’s vacation-inspired Spring 2015 collection throughout the evening, with Saks Fifth Avenue donating 10 percent of the event’s proceeds to the foundation.
Liz Kelleher Sells and Vanessa Keeney
Tommy Hilfiger, Dee Ocleppo, and Joel Ellzey
Megan Goldsmith, Melissa St. Clair, and Danielle Frissell
Andy Crowley and Billy Cotter
Jimmy Canton and Josh McDaniels
Ryan Thompson with Connie and John Pritchard
annual Boston Big Top Bash, where more than 1,200 campers and donors gathered under the Big Apple Circus tent at City Hall Plaza for a private performance of Metamorphosis. Young guests (and maybe a few adults) enjoyed face painting, while Josh
McDaniels, offensive coordinator for the New England Patriots, signed autographs. After the circus, the celebration continued at the Boston Children’s Museum, where guests enjoyed exhibits, camp activities, and a performance by magician David Hall. The event raised more than $1.25 million for The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp’s programs.
Jane and Bill Cullinan and their son
Tim Cahalane and Padraig Barry
Carolyn Lynch
// style spotlight //
Caroline Cunningham
Barbara Millen, Lisa Blumenthal, and Alli Achtmeyer
Paula Cole
Simone Winston and Laura Rehnert
SPRING GALA SEASON started off with a
bang—literally—thanks to a performance by Grammy Award– winning jazz drummer Terri Lyne Carrington and his ensemble, along with singers Paula Cole and Valerie Simpson, at Calderwood Hall at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Guests enjoyed cocktails in the courtyard and gardens, followed by dinner in the Tapestry Room. And the post-dinner treat? An exclusive private viewing of some of Mrs. Gardner’s prized works of art.
Jim Bailey and RoAnn Costin
Valerie Simpson
Anne Hawley
Gwill York, Paul Maeder, Josh and Sarah Greenhill, and Drew and Emily Pluhar
Wendy Shattuck and Nina Fialkow
Lauren Sozio, Charlotte Lewis, and Liz McNeill
Elisha and Doug Daniels
Brianne Dyke and Scott Stief
raised money to help find a cure for breast cancer at The Pink Agenda Boston’s inaugural gala, held at the EpiCenter.
Led by Samantha Strauss Hanman, the gala featured prizes (including a game at Fenway Park), cocktails, dancing, and more than a dash of pink.
Jon and Samantha Hanman
David and Meghan Morin
Charlie Aldrich and Meg Thomas
Peter Neal and Kate O’Hara
Matt and Johanna Goulding
Harmony and Landon Swank
Bob, Lorraine, and Kristen Paglia
Luke Sclater-Booth and Peter Miller
IT WAS AN ENCHANTING evening when Make-A-Wish Massachusetts and Rhode Island held its annual gala, whose theme was “Where Magic Begins,” at the InterContinental Boston. More than 500 guests attended the event, which raised over $900,000 to help grant wishes for children with life-threatening medical conditions. Liz Brunner, founder and CEO of Brunner Communications and a former news anchor for WCVB-TV, continued her tradition of emceeing the program, which featured chef Duff Goldman of the Food Network. In its 10-year history, the gala has made it possible to grant more than 1,100 wishes for seriously ill children. Elisabeth and Joe Accardi
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Summer School
Fully appreciating the new england summer is another Form oF higher education. by robert cocuzzo Seventy and our kids will play, play, play into the waning hours of dusk. A Wiff le ball skittering across the hot pavement, the excited chatter of a neighborhood game of relievo, and the melody of an ice cream truck turning onto our street are the soundtrack of memories that will never be forgotten. Even when 75 climbs to 80 and the humidity begins to dampen our summer excitement, we revel in the slow drizzle of Ben & Jerry’s down our wrists. The heat hovering over the pavement only makes our lagers more satisfying. Because beyond the Red Sox, the barbecues, and the sultry afternoons, summer in Boston is about nostalgia. The rich memories we forge in these three months when the sun burns directly overhead carry us through the rest of the year. And when winter arrives, we remember what our teachers taught us: Good things come to those who wait. BC
illustration by daniel o’leary
Remember the day school finally let out for summer? No, really remember it. Remember how the bell screamed, and how you haphazardly stuffed your schoolbag and sprinted for the exit as if the place were on fire. You burst through those double doors and met the day like a baby fresh from the womb. The sun was blinding. The air smelled of freshly cut grass. You breathed it in deep, filling your lungs until they hurt. The world brimmed with freedom and possibility, and you were absolutely certain that summer was going to last forever. Many people forget the joy that summer brought them as kids, but not here in Boston. No, here the turn from spring to summer sends us back to the sixth grade, running out of work without even tying our shoes. Why do we suffer through such dreadful winters? Easy: Because when the sun does shine down upon our fair city, nobody soaks it up better than we do. Once that rainbow thermometer mounted to the side of our neighbor’s shed goes north of 50, we can almost hear the school bell ring out again. Fifty-five degrees brings us back to Fenway, where emerging from that tunnel conjures memories of throwing peanut shells on the ground, getting wicked sunburned, and sitting in the bleachers beside that ancient season-ticket holder in the huge headphones who liked to yell at the top of her lungs, “C’mon, Mo, make it go!” And we’d respond in kind, unfurling our hand-drawn signs pleading for the great Maurice Vaughn to hit it here and i’ ll paint ya house! When 60 hits, we break out the barbecue like our dad did, filling neighborhoods with enough smoke to be seen from space. Suddenly men who couldn’t find a frying pan to save their lives during the winter start exhibiting a level of culinary mastery that would make Emeril choke on a garlic clove.
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