Main Portfolio 2024

Page 1

18.0170 N / 76.810 W

Nicholas Richards


selected works

2022 - 2024


My most significant memories generally surround experiences with friends and family, but the constant variable is always the spaces in which they took place. Architecture is all around us, constantly switching between the main character and a background role. I believe that life is about creating moments, and architecture functions as the facilitator to experience them.


/ 04 Catalyst / 02 Theos

/ 05 MOD. Football

/ 03 Infinity Ruins / 01 Volumetric Living


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// VOLUMETRIC LIVING Redesigning housing through volumetric design W e s t H a r l e m , N e w Yo r k Type: Affordable Housing Critic: Gary Bates Semester: Core III - Fall 2023 Duration: 17.5 weeks Toolset: Rhino, V-ray, Keyshot, Photoshop, Illustrator, Model-making Collaboration: Mauro Rodriguez Introducing the “Harlem VerticalV ista Homes,” a pioneering affordable housing project that defies conventional norms by prioritizing three-dimensional spatial efficiency over traditional square footage. Located in the vibrant heart of Harlem, this groundbreaking development challenges the status quo of housing design by embracing innovative techniques that optimize volume and height. In an urban context where space is a premium, VerticalV ista Homes seeks to redefine the possibilities of affordable living, offering residents a unique experience of expansive interiors within compact footprints. Through thoughtful design, our project demonstrates that true luxury lies not in sprawling square footage but in the strategic utilization of space, providing an Floor 02 Floor 01 elevated living experience that transcends the ordinary and sets a new standard for affordability and innovation in Harlem.

01 2’









Vo l u m e t r i c L i v i n g | S e l e c t e d Wo r k s


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Vo l u m e t r i c L i v i n g | S e l e c t e d Wo r k s


Portfolio | GSAPP


Vo l u m e t r i c L i v i n g | S e l e c t e d Wo r k s

Facade Detail Axon


Portfolio | GSAPP

8th Level Floor Plan


Vo l u m e t r i c L i v i n g | S e l e c t e d Wo r k s



Portfolio | GSAPP


Vo l u m e t r i c L i v i n g | S e l e c t e d Wo r k s

Interior View of Unit


Portfolio | SCAD

THEOS Museum of Theology Asheville, North Carolina Type: Public Museum Critic: Daniel Brown Year: Winter + Spring 2022 Duration: 20 weeks Toolset: Rhino, V-ray, Grasshopper, Photoshop, Illustrator


Theos | Selected Works


Portfolio | SCAD




In a worl d c l o u de d by so c i a l a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l c h a l l e n g e s , o u r g e n e r a t i o n h a s g r o w n d i s t a n t f r o m o n e another. As p eopl e, we al l s h a r e c o n t r a sti n g ba c kg r o u n ds t h a t d i f f e r e n t i a t e u s f r o m o n e a n o t h e r, h o w e ve r, o u r va l u e s a s h umans ar e the sam e. Set i n A sh e v i l l e , No r t h Ca r o l i n a , T h e o s o c c u p i e s 5 0 , 0 0 0 s q f t o f t h e Fr e n c h Br o a d P a r k . T h i s i n t e r v ention min i m al l y i nvad es th e n a t u r a l a spe c ts o f th e pa r k b y e m b e d d i n g m o s t o f t h e p r o g r a m b e l o w g r o u n d . As o n e a p p roaches the m useum , they a r e g r e e t e d by si x ( 6) se pa r a t e n o d e s s u r r o u n d i n g a c e n t r a l s t r u c t u r e t h a t r e ve a l t h e m s e l ve s as b eing all c onnected when y o u e n te r t h e su bte r r a n e a n c h a m b e r s . T h i s p a r t i r e f l e c t s t h e n o t i o n t h a t w e a l l h a ve d i ve r g i n g p aths & bel i efs, however, a t o u r c o r e , we a r e a l l c o n n e c t e d t h r o u g h o u r h u m a n i t y.



35.5951° N, 82.5515° W




Asheville, North Carolina

Rel i gi on, i n o n e f o r m o r a n o t h e r, h a s f o r m e d t h e c o r e o f h u m a n s o c i e t y f o r m u c h o f o u r h i s t o r y. I t h a s a n inf luence on ever yt h i n g a r o u n d u s, f r o m th e e x pl a n a t i o n s w e s e e k f o r o u r p u r p o s e w i t h i n t o t h e h i g h e r p o w e r b e hind the thi ngs we b el i e v e i n . I be l i e v e a r c h i t e c t u r e a c t s a s a b r i d g e t o t h i s p a r a d i g m d u e t o i t s h i s t o r i c a l n a t u r e i n s o ciety as a connector of pe o pl e . T h e pu r po se o f th i s m u s e u m i s t o c h a l l e n g e p e o p l e ’s p e r s p e c t i ve s b y e xh i b i t i n g d i ve r ging human heri tage. By c r e a ti n g spa c e s t h a t c e l e br a t e t h e s e s i m i l a r i t i e s & d i f f e r e n c e s , t h i s e xp e r i e n c e a i m s t o u n i f y peopl e of al l b ack g r o u n ds.


Theos | Selected Works

THE SITE Loc ate d in th e Fre n c h Broad Rive r Park, T heo s oc c u pie s a c e n tral re gion on th e site , maximizin g th e flat te rrain .

ELEMENTAL AXIS An c ie n t ston e s align e d with th e soltic e s & e qu in oxe s e me rge d on th e site .

SUBTERRANEAN Above grou n d, th e park is tran sforme d in to a spiritu al ve sse l. Be low grou n d, th e u se rs e xpe rie n c e an e n ligh te n in g jou rn e y th rou gh pe rspe c tive s of life .

CARVING N atu ral e le me n ts c ar ve d th e sh ape of th e ston e s alon g with re moval of dirt to c re ate th e programmatic spac e & path ways.

Form Development 16

Portfolio | SCAD

Religious sculpture garden

Pedestrian Bridge across the French Broad River

Perforated Metal Panels Diff u se ligh t th rou gh ou t th e u n de r grou n d n ode s Egress Node

Water Treatment Node

Light Wells Autonomous Boat Dock

Sk ylight Unit

Mod u l a r s ky l i gh t u n i ts a l l ow d i s p e r s e i n to th e u n d e r grou n d ga l l e r i e s .

Site Development The building form draws inspiration from natural elements and ancient civilizations. By aligning each node with the equinoxes, solstices, and lunar phases, the project is built on an axis for th is spiritual center. Each external node has a monolithic design with perforated metal panels that diffuse light into the space.


Theos | Selected Works

PV Panels Spiritual Pools (retention ponds)

S e rv i c e N od e

Shaded Polycarbonate Panels

Ge o t hermal N o d e

Eg ress N o d e

F l e xi b l e N od e

Elevated Bike Path

Te r r a c e d R i v e r S e a t i n g

Tr ansfor m s the existng b ik e pa th into a new elev ated p ath tha t cap tures aer ial views of the site along with connects to the n e w p ed estr ian b r id ge.

Th e central building features a layered exterior that cur ves into the ground to give the appearance that it connects to something further. Through developing an underground program, the natural daylight of the chambers is controlled to create an immersive, yet sensitive experience for visitors of the museum.



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Wat er co llect i on b od ies are selectively dist r ibu t ed t h roughout the site to collect su r face r u n o ff and rain w ater. This red uces ch an ces o f flood ing and collects stormw ater w h ich is filt ered in the resp ective nod e on site.

To p o M a n i p u l a t i o n Increase the flood plain by utilizing the soil from the underground cut to raise the topography.


Bi os w al es & Ret e n ti o n Po n d s 19 19





I n st alled alo n g the French Broad River ban k t o h ar n e ss the hyd rop ow er. The g en er at ed po w er w ill b e d irected to the au t o n o m o u s boat d ock w hich contains the h u b o f t h e n etw ork.

M icr o W at er P o w e r Ge n e ra to r

III T h e cen t r al lo b b y of the museum f eatures piet z o elect r ic f loor p anels w hich convert kin et ic en er g y to electrical current. These are in st alled in the lob b y as it hosts the m o st fo o t t r affic.


Piet z o elect r ic F lo o r Pl a te



T h e m useums und erground p rogram utilizes t h e earth as a heat source/sink through its h o r iz ontal loop geothermal system.


Ho r iz ont al G eo t h e rm a l Sy s te m

Site Master Plan 19

Theos | Selected Works


Mass Transportation Connection




The intervention on the French Broad Park integrates an autonomous boat project to expand in Asheville. This initiative aims to create a mass transportation system along the French Broad River.


1” = 200’ 0





Portfolio | SCAD



4 9

Abov e grad e






7 6

Ground Floor Plan



1” = 40’ 0





M use um a trium - lob b y


M al e Re stroom


Fema le Re stroom


Geo the rma l N od e


E gre ss N od e


Li ght we ll N od e


Wate r Tre a tme nt N od e


E gre ss N od e


S er vic e N od e


E gre ss Sta irs

Theos | Selected Works


B elow gra d e 11

Ga lle ry I


Ga lle ry I I


S k y lig h t C a f e


C on v e rs a t io n P it


Ga lle ry I II


Ga lle ry I V


Ga lle ry V I


N eu t ra l S p a c e


C on v e rs a t io n P it


A u d it o riu m


N eu t ra l S c a re d A t ri u m






12 16


15 14

Underground Floor Plan


1” = 40’ 0





Portfolio | SCAD

Structural Details

Tr a ns l uc e nt D om e Ri gi d I ns ula tion

O p e r a b l e Fix ture S y s te m Gallery Wall Re i nf orc e d C onc re te Wa l k i ng P a th D e ta il

Gr a d e

Grad e

Filter Drainage Layer Moisture Barrier

M oi s t ure B a rie r

Rigid Insulation

Skylight Detail

Perspective Section 23

D o u b l e T- C o l u m n D e t a i l

Geothermal Horizont

Theos | Selected Works

S p a c e fr a m e S y st e m

Se r vi c e E l e va t or

T-co l umn Det ai l Double T-column creates featured seating spaces and amplifies the natural ligght diffused through the skylight

All artwork for the museum is transported through the 2 service elevator docks in the service node

Perfo rat ed Metal Screen Vapor Barrier Rigid Insulation

Seg ment ed Met al St uds

1 /4 ” Gypsum B o ard Venetian plaster on top

Drainage Layer

Feat ured Seat i ng

Composite Deck Bar Joists

Rigid Insulation

H a t C h a n n e ls

R ai sed Fl o o r Syst em Stone floor finish

Fo o t er Det ai l Reinforced concrete footer with steel column attached

Node Connection Detail

al System

1” = 40’ 0




Portfolio | SCAD

Central Atrium The programmatic layout of Theos is curated to create interactions with people and generate a conversation amongst users. Entering the central node is the main entry point into the underground chambers. A grand stairway leads people down different paths, depending on which direction they tur n.


Theos | Selected Works

Museum Gallery Each path hosts religious gallery spaces that overlap, merging cultures and traditions into seamlessly transitioning halls of art. Conversation pits and interactive regions are spread throughout the floor plan and users are eventually funneled into a central atrium. This large open space hosts a gallery-style space that has temporary exhibits showcasing work that creates a conversation amongst different user groups.


Portfolio | SCAD

Engrav ed Glass reinf orced conrete cladding Spaceframe Syst em

Perforated Met al Panel

Raised floor syst em

Foundation Wall wit h f oot er

Node Detail

Structural Layout Each node utilizes steel space frame systems to support the open space within along with their angular forms. The main underground space functions as a green roof due to the park’s amenities sitting above on grade. As such heavy steel framing is utilized throughout the project integrated with custom T-columns and truss systems in the open atrium space.


Theos | Selected Works

Sp a c e fra me nod e stru ct ures

Hyb rid b eam & truss sys t em

Found a tio n wal l s & Columns


Portfolio | GSAPP


// INFINITY RUINS Framework for reinventing abandoned ediffices R o o s e v e l t I s l a n d , N e w Yo r k Type: Adaptive Reuse - Recreational Space Critic: Benjamin Cadena Semester: Core II - Spring 2023 Duration: 17.5 weeks Toolset: Rhino, V-ray, Photoshop, Illustrator,Model-making

Developed over a series of iterations, this proposal for the ruins is composed of sequential structural interventions that stabilize the existing walls to reinvent programming space. The aim is to consistently reinvent the role of the ruin as an infinite infrastructure that can accommodate and support necessary projects.


Infinity Ruins | Selected Works

Interior perspective // Crawling through tube

The overall aim is to consistently reinvent the role of the ruin as a supporting character to societal evolution by foregoing the consistent abandonment of underutili zed buildings. This project sets a precedent for adaptively re-using more existing structures, through the creation of a framework that continuously extends the lifespan of edifices.


Portfolio | GSAPP





This specific focus identifies the site of the former Smallpox Hospital on Roosevelt Island. The primary stage of this intervention introduces a composite CLT (Cross-Laminated T imber) and steel joint syste m that stabilizes the existing walls of the building shell. Temporary platforms and interior structures utilize the superstructure as support through tension cable connections. This phase reimagines the ruin as a playscape, creating a public domain for recreational activ ities to serve all demographics.


Infinity Ruins | Selected Works






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// View from the ferry along the east river


Infinity Ruins | Selected Works


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// Perspective Section 37

Infinity Ruins | Selected Works


Portfolio | GSAPP

Interior perspective // Sitting on a net hammock


Infinity Ruins | Selected Works

Exploded Axonometric

/ / C LT F r a m i n g S y s t e m 40

Portfolio | GSAPP


Infinity Ruins | Selected Works


Portfolio | SCAD

/ / C A T A LY S T North Charleston, SC T y p e : ( A da pt ive R e-u s e) Tech Hub + Offices Y e a r : F a l l 2 02 1 Du r a t i o n : 1 0 Weeks T o ol s e t : Re vit , R h in o , Gras s h op p er, Enscap e, Illustr ator, Photoshop A C S A 2 0 2 2 C OTE C om p e ti ti on Submissio n 43

Catalyst | Selected Works


Portfolio | SCAD


+ I nnov ation Center

Te c h H u b

Sta r t-u p Of f ic e s

Exp an di n g Oppo rtunity fro m eme r g i n g i n n o v atio n clusters Charleston is one of the fastest growing tech markets in the country. Due to the rapid increase of new residents moving in each day, the city is rapidly evolving to meet the needs of its citizens. The area has quietly developed into the number 1 mid-sized U.S metro area for IT job growth.

Located in the Historic Navy Yard of North Charleston, this existing monolithic, brutalist structure was once a pioneer of its time but has now become a relic of the past. The concept behind this adaptive reuse project is to revitalize the initial purpose of the engineering management building as a catalyst of innovation. This project aims to be a renaissance of a symbolic building, introducing a new vernacular that ties into the existing form and function. Through civic and architectural intervention, this building will be transformed into an Innovation Center to function as an activator for industry growth in the area. The creation of a tech hub + educational center serves to invite future developers to see the potential in North Charleston as an advancing region.

Atlanta Austin Berkeley


Boston Carlsbad

Charleston Nascent

Chicago Dallas Dover Fort Lauderdale Fort Worth Kansas City


Los Angeles

New York

Newport Beach Oak Brook Omaha Orlando Pasadena Plane Providence Raleigh Redwood City San Antonio


San Diego San Francisco Santa Clara Seattle

Pittsburgh Sacramento Denver


Washington D.C

St. Louis

Raleigh Greenville


Eight inclusive “ digital citi e s” US Cities that employ more women and mninority populations in tech. In these cities, people of color, women and workers without a college degree are receiving more jobs than the sector norm. The goal of this project is to make Charleston the ninth. North Charleston, South Carolina



Catalyst | Selected Works

Turnbull Ave




D Address existing site conditions The existing monolithic concrete building set a strong foundation for reinterpreting its form by introducing new vernacular

N Hobson Ave

Noisette Blvd


Adaptive intervention 55% of the existing structure was removed to allow the new vernacular to intervene the site and juxtapose the old style with the new.



S i te P la n 1” = 40’ 20



Legend A. Pedestrian Pathway B. Bike Racks C. Basketball Court D. Picnic Pods

E. Ponds F. Parking G. Courtyard H. Adjacent Building

Rainwater Harvesting Wall

Carbon absorbtion algae wall

Energy Recovery Ventilator

Stack Ventilation Atrium

Renovated Park

Footprint Expansion The building footprint was expanded to create a more prominent street presence and curate an inviting public ground floor.


Portfolio | SCAD

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan




Catalyst | Selected Works


Third Floor Plan

P RO G R A M 1. Entry 2. Lounge 3. Classrooms 4. Lobby 5. Print Room 6. Fabrication Lab 7. Model Shop 8. Tech Lab 9. Computer Lab 10. Conference Room 11. Service Room 12. Rainwater Filtration System 13. Male Restroom 14. Energy Recovery Ventilation Core 15. Female Restroom 16. Gender Neutral Restroom 17. Egress Stairs 18. Storage 19. Material Library 20. Communal Lounge 21. Tech Lab 22. Gallery 23. Event Seating 24. Studios 25. Cafe 26. Recreational Zone

I nnovati on Center 27. Virtual Reality Hub 28. Testing Lab 29. Atrium 30. Server Room 31. Industrial Lab 32. Tech Lab 33. Mechanical Room 34. Outdoor Terrace

Office Levels 35. Co-working hub 36. Office Pods 37. Enclosed Terrace 38. Presentation Room 39. Specialist Zone 40. Private Offices 41. Focus Labs


Portfolio | SCAD

Design for Integration

Design for Energy

Design for Water

The juxtaposition of the existing structure with a new addition conveys the idea of this innovation center serving as a catalyst for developing the tech industry in Charleston. Through capitalizing on the rapid growth of the area, the building’s contrasting facades represent this emergence of a new digital city as a response to the community and changing times.

Capitalizing on the site’s climatic conditions, capturing solar energy and heat gain functioned as the driving sustainable system in this project. South facing PV arrays are fixed to the roof of the building and a heat diffusing facade system wraps the curtain walls.The core of the building features energy recovery ventilation systems that can recover 70% to 80% of the energy in the exiting air of a building and deliver that energy to the incoming air. Additionally, the Algae wall on the south facade reduces carbon emissions through the species intense photosynthetic abilities.

The north facade of the bu made of water harvesting rainwater from the roof do be stored in cisterns bene is held for re-use and pum system located behind the

Passive system - Daylight and Stack Ventilation Atrium Direct sunlight is filtered through the central atrium of the building, diffusing light throughout the west section of the structure. Air flows between this vertical corridor, filtering into the EPV system.

Entrance Overhang - Shading & Office Exposure The shaded overhanging entrance creates a prominent street presence that shades the west facade of the building and exposes the program of the innovation center, inviting the public to enter.

Catalyst | Selected Works

Leaseab le O f f i ces Tech Hub Innovati on Center


Design for Equitable Community

Design for Well-being

uilding features a wall g fins that channel own into the ground to eath grade. This water mped into the filtration e water fin wall.

The goal of this project was to introduce a tech innovation center into a growing digital city. The site is located in North Charleston within the historic navy yard which is primarily an industrial area. Through expanding the already existing tech industry in downtown Charleston to this sector, job mobility will increase and invite future development into the area. The educational aspect of the program will allow those are interested in the tech industry but have not had prior access to learn about this field.

The building diffuses natural light throughout the interior spaces primarily through the central atrium, creating an comforting environment controlled by the ERV system. An outdoor terrace addition was introduced on the existing facade to engage the public domain and create a stronger connection the adjacent park which has been revitalized with new pathways and seating areas.

Energy Recovery Ventilation Core The building’s central core features an Energy recovery ventilation HVAC system that exchanges the energy contained in the exhausted air of the conditioned space, using it to treat the incoming outdoor ventilation air. This controls the high level of heat produced by the technology in the building.

Active system - PV Panels Approximately 11,000 sq ft of south facing PV panels are featured on the roof of the structure, generating solar power for the overall building.

Event seating + Outdoor Terrace A double height feature stair seating area lies adjacent to the second level terrace on the east facade. These spaces provide breaking points between the intense working + learning activity of the building program.

1” = 20’ 0





Portfolio | SCAD

Exisiting Building Adaptation In adapting an exisiting building, the goal of this project was to honor the original design and blend the existing facade with modern architectural elements. The building itself is a representation of innovation as the existing facade is juxataposed by the new materiality, showcasing the progression in the area and of the current generation. 49

Catalyst | Selected Works

Central Atrium The central atrium functions as the technological hub of the Catalyst and allows natural sunlight to filter throughout the western wing. Heat generated from the technological systems within the building filter through the atrium and into the mechanical core where it is captured by the EPV system. 50

Portfolio | SCAD




100 30


80 25


60 20


40 15

0.010 10

20 5





Humidity Ratio (gm water/ gm of Dry Air)


0.000 -10














Dry Bulb Temp (C°)

Design for Integration Structure flex ETFE panel systems are utilized to shade the curtain walls and diffuse light throughout the space. The central atrium functions as a stack ventilation system, creating an airflow between floors. The high thermal mass of the revitalized concrete structure contributes to the reduced heat load within the 200,000 square foot structure. Occupants will be in the comfort zone 32% of the year, with passive shading and thermal mass heating dictating the other 68%.

Design for Resources

Design for Eco

As an adaptive reuse project, 52% of the existing concrete structure was revitalized in the new design. 5819 metric tons of embodied CO2 will be captured through the reuse of this material. The concrete panels that were removed will be recycled at local plants. Lastly, carbon emissions will be reduced through the passive algae modular panels.

The Egress wall of the s panels that contain alga algae are approximately removing carbon from t carbon reduction sets a introducing these modu within the area.

Doub le Env elop e Detail The ETFE shading panels are projected from the facade of the building, creating a double envelope system that is attached to the curtain walls with steel framing.

Office P od s

Co - w o rk

Of f ice

Pri vate Po d

Study Ro o ms


Co mp u

Catalyst | Selected Works

5 8 1 9 M etri c To n s 2 3 3 3 PV Pan el s

1,095,100 Watts


Design for Discovery

Design for Economy

south facade features modular ae. Comparative to trees, microy 150 to 200 times more efficient at the air. This response to embodied a foundation to expand upon by ular panels into upcoming projects

The implemented sustainable systems will be tracked based on performance and these metrics will be visualized on holographic boards in the central atrium. The Catalyst is designed as a symbol of innovation, as such, the program is designed to continuously evolve with the advancements in technology. Each sustainable system has the potential to be further advanced through developments in design.

The Catalyst’s program aims to be an economic driver for the city of Charleston. Due to the rapidly developing tech industry, the job market for computer scientists is at its peak. By introducing tech classes and industrial workshops, the public sector will have the opportunity to learn previously unattainable skillsets such as programming. Start-up businesses that occupy the office levels will also introduce new careers to the market. This will increase job mobility in the region and in turn have a positive effect on Charleston’s economy.

king Hub

Loun g e

ter L abs

Te c h La b

M od e l Sho p

1” = 20’ 0







Portfolio | GSAPP


// MOD. Football Utilizing underused areas for football/soccer fields L o w e r M a n h a t t a n , N e w Yo r k Type: Recreation Critic: Lindsey Wikstrom Semester: Core I - Fall 2022 Duration: 17.5 weeks Toolset: Rhino, V-ray, Photoshop, Illustrator

S p o r t i s a n a c t i v a t o r o f c o m m una l bonding, not only a t t he y out h leve l b u t fo r o l d e r g e n e r a t i o n s t h a t g a t he r t o w a t c h. This ide a of ga t he r ing in p la c e t o p l a y c re a t e s a p l a t f o r m f o r pe ople of a ny ba c kground t o sha re a com m on gro u n d . F o o t b a l l , so c c e r, f u t bol, a nd fut sa l a re some of t he ma ny n am e s giv e n t o t h e wo r l d ’s g a m e . T h e flow of mov e me nt of pla y e r s in a s oc c e r m at c h c a n b e c o m p a re d t o t h e a c t iv it y of pe ople in a c it y. Mome nt s of c on ge s t i o n , o p e n s p a c e a n d d i re c t i on c re a t e v isua l ma ps of mot ion t ha t cre a te a flo w s y st e m i n a c i t y o r a g a m e in a st a dium.


MOD. Football | Selected Works


Portfolio | GSAPP



MOD. Football | Selected Works

M o d u l a r Tr u s s B o x Scaleable based on site parameters

Collection of car parts Junkyard scraps are gathered and sorted based on sizes and functionality

Capitalizing on New York City’s global heritage of sports, this project disrupts and repurposes the pedestrian congestion in Manhattan by relocating the crowd. An urban analysis of Lower Manhattan, emphasizes the influence of steel on the streetscape. V isualizing the city’s roots as a timeline of steel, I realized how increased accessibility to the vertical planes, established by steel construction, could enhance public space. The proposal’s aim is to locate underutilized sites in order to deviate and redirect the congestion from the street level onto a new plane that celebrates the population of space. By curating social interactions through playing & watching soccer/football, this project implements a modular system of artificial football (soccer) compounds that can be deployed onto underutilized areas such as rooftops, parking lots, and even inside skyscrapers. This intervention will utilize disposed car metal as the material bank, tieing into the concept of reducing congestion through another lens.

For e v e ry 1 0 , 0 0 0 e n d- of - us e car s a re re c y c le d, 4 0 0 0 t on s of s t eel i s re c la im e d. Th is u pc y c lin g p r o ces s c re a t e s a k it of pa rt s t h a t can b e s c a le d a n d a dju s t e d de pe n d i n g on t h e n e e d of t h e s it e .

Orgnaization of pieces Soccer/Football field amenities are designed based on the elements gathered from the scraps


Portfolio | GSAPP

Movement Parallels


MOD. Football | Selected Works

Field Intervention


Portfolio | GSAPP

MANGA Panels of MOD. interventions


MOD. Football | Selected Works

MANGA Panels of MOD. interventions


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