1 minute read

Research and Site Analysis

Above and to the left shows maps of downtown Tampa with the orange indicating the current location of the Selmon Express Highway and the dotted oranges lines where we propose to break it. With the Selmon removed, other means of transport and passive income generation will have to be considered into the design,



Scale: 1” = 700’

A public greenway surrounded by mixed use midrise and highrises stretches from Western Ybor to Hyde Park with public transit stations located throughout, The main roads on either side of the park have also been shrunk to two lane roads with streetside parking to slow down traffic and provide a safer place for pedestrians. Air gondola stops are also located throughout the park within five minite walking distances of commercial buildings.

- Commercial

- Mixed use

- Institutional

- Transit centers

- Public green space

- Existing

- Hillsborough river

- Roads

Scale Models 1” = 100’

Scale Models 1” = 40’

Medium scale site model showing central park with surrounding highrise mixed use buildings.

Scale Models 1” = 40’

Small scale site model showing Hyde Park intervention with plazas enclosed by low rise mixed use buildings.

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