00 Nicholas L ove. Folio of works.
2017 - 2020
Pu b lished
Ap r il
Co p enhagen
D enmar k
Note: S k etc hes w ith : C ha rco a l, Fo unta in Pen & I n k Pen .
10 12
New Main Room.
Notice Board.
Actor Responsibility.
The six main tables have been relocated by actors to be closer to the work surface opening.
The extents of the pinboard has been extended and is used heavily for community notices. The drop down shelf has been less successful though.
Since completion of the work users of the pavillion have cleaned, re-organised and labelled all of the kitchen’s utensils.
Repostioning tables.
Forming ownership.
Bench Seat.
Skirting Board.
Cooking Equiptment.
The bench makes use of the southern solar aspect and provides a spot to dwell that is sepperated from the boardroom style main tables.
Reclaimed kitchen cupboards were cut down and painted to use as a skirting board infill for where the raised step was removed.
Being able to cook / re-heat food contributes to the useibility of the kitchen.
Informal sitting.
Re-used cupboard doors.
Note: Pro po sed p er s pec tive s ec tio n o f k itc h en ren ovation. Draw ing S ize: 1000 m m x 900 m m . Pro du ced w ith : R h in o & Auto C A D.
Draw in g S c a l e: 1:20.
provided by OmrĂĽdefernulserne.
00 C ontents. 0 1 - Unbu i lt . Food Forum. Kirkens Genbrug. Lessons in Food. Nuuk Airport (Zeso Architects)
0 2 - Bu i lt . Norfolk Pines Wine Bar - Sorrento, Victoria Riverland Bar - Melbourne, Victoria. Material Includes - Swiss Embassy, Copenhagen.
0 3 - C ont a c t In form ati on
N icho las James Love
SFo elec lioted o f Wo r ks
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01 Unbu i lt .
Contents: •
Food Forum, 2018.
Kirkens Genbrug, 2016.
Lessons in Food, 2017
Inbetween-ness 2017.
Enthusiasm in Making, 2017.
N icho las James Love
Fo lio o f Wo r ks
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Note: Fo o d Fo r u m Foyer. Pho to f ro m w ith in 1:20 h a n d buil t m o del.
Fo l io o f Wo r k s.
Fo o d For u m.
KADK Semester Four.
Absract : Using periphery methods of practice the project engaged an urban farm, cooking school and an environmental agency to establish ground for the re-use of and vacant industrial interior. Applying architectural thinking to non-architectural problems, Food Forum proposes a reorganisation of existing food related actors and relocates them under the one roof. Here, instead of focusing on food production within the city the programme looks at how to generate knowledge production within the consumer.
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Note: Fo o d Fo r u m co ntex t m a p o f S nt Kj l en d Pl a ds. Draw ing size: 1200 m m x 900 m m S c a l e: 1:500
Stair to roof terrace.
Roof extrusion for library / office
Fire exit.
Greenhouse. Note: Greenhouse developed in collaboration with Human Habitat’s Impact Farm.
Office desk area.
Location of existing toilets.
Meeting room.
Office / Library. Location of stair.
Location of classroom.
Hallway. Note:
Location of greenhouse.
Desks to be produced from solid fir timber and cohesive with ktichen,
Note: Floor level raised 160mm to allow for line of sight through glazing for sitting occupants.
Note: Chairs produced from FSC certificate ply. J67 FDB CHAIR - Kvist Furniture
Note: E x pl o ded a xo n o m etr ic o f Fo o d Fo r um inter io r. Draw ing size: 1000 m m x 2000 m m Pro du c t io n: S k etc h up & Auto C A D
Fo l io o f Wo r k s.
Fo o d For u m.
KADK Semester Four.
Developed first was the partition language to be used to program interior spaces. The partitions employed a looseness in rules such as thickness, insulation and relationship to existing grid but held consistent proportions, material & construction details. This avoided a monotony of identical pieces and allowed spaces to be best tailored to each activity they supported. Sections of the roof slab were removed to create clerestory openings in key areas of knowledge production such as the library, green house and stairs to rooftop. Here the partition became structural to fill and the enclose the new void. Coherent with the strategy of knowledge production, the tectonics of proposed elements where expressed allowing them to be didactically read. Page 13
Note: Fo o d Fo r u m 1:20 M o del. M o del S ize: 2 300 m m x 890 m m M ater ia l : R ec l a imed Pi ne
Note: Fo o d Fo r u m s ec tio n draw in g s h ow in g rel atio n s h i p to Snt K jeld s Plad s. Draw ing S ize: 2500 m m x 1000 m m . Draw in g S c a le: 1:20.
Fo l io o f Wo r k s.
Nuu k Ai r p or t
( Z e s o Archite c ts) Greenland
Nuuk is one of the three Greenlandic Airports I have been involved with during my time at Zeso. The projects are a landmark piece infrastructure for the Greenlandic state. My specific responsibilities within the project included interior modeling, running project during the weeks that project architect was abroad, visualisation, presentation and all responsibility for vehicle and equipment inventories. Note: The images shown here belong to Zeso Architects Page 19
Fo l io o f Wo r k s.
Page 21
Note: Ac to r N et wo r k Dia gra m depic ting t he pa r is h’s n et wo r k s o f l a b o r, f ina nce a n d o rga n is atio n a l ties.
Fo l io o f Wo r k s
Ki r kens G enbr u g . KADK - Semester One.
Given the task of defining our own site and brief within Copenhagen’s kommune of Nørrebro, this project worked with a church run charity shop called Kirk Genbrug on Blågardsgade. In choosing this site the opportunity was taken for colleague Benjamin Bill and I to develop our own situated practice working method. Through extensive time on site conducting interviews and participant observation we identified the shops’ financial contributions to a larger network that supports homeless members of the Nørrebro community. In uncovering this financial link, our brief became finding a way for our combined skills as a designer (Ben) and an Architect (Nick) to contribute to the stores efficiency and net profit. With zero budget and a very sensitive staff and organisational structure, the level of our intervention was to be as small as possible. While volunteering at the shop for a series of months we developed a precise three stage architectural and management strategy that targeted the cleanliness, profitability and working conditions within the shop. Page 23
Note: Above: D evel o pm ent s k etc h es o f do n atio n s ben c h. B el ow : St a g e th ree pro po s a l fo r s h o p, in c l udin g donati ons bench.
SCALE 1:20
Note: Ab ove: E x ist ing s ec tio n . B el ow : Sta g e t h ree pro po s ed s ec tio n .
Note: Lesso ns in Fo od S em ester Thre e Pro po s a l
Fo l io o f Wo r k s.
L e ss ons i n Fo o d. KADK - Semester Three
This short design project looked at consolidating food related user groups operating within the De Gamles By precinct in Nørrebro. The strategy of the project was that establishing closer proximity would passively nurture co-operation and dissemination of knowledge between stakeholders and the community. This hypothesis was tested through interviews conducted on site and seen as a pre-thesis study. The design of the project borrowed architectonic details found in the area and formed a singular roof plain that held a broken plan. Due to the sites relationship with a 19th century building, the elevation was minimised through ground tectonics and sedum roof. The building proposed was shared between Guldbergs school, By Oasen and De Gamles By residents and is to facilitate already existing activities and community events. Page 27
Note: Pro po sed el e vatio n . Draw ing S ize: 1100 m m x 900 m m . Draw in g S c a l e : 1:50.
Note: Lesso ns in Foo d Fin din g & Arc h iv in g draw in g D e G a m l es B y - N ø r rebro
S ite.
Note: Visu a l isatio ns o f pro po s ed buil din g.
Fo l io o f Wo r k s.
Continuos Plane.
Structure. Timber Framing.
Ear Ear
thw ork s
thw ork s
thw ork s
thw ork s
Ground. Earth Tectonics.
Building Diagram. G R O U N D, S T R U C T U R E & R O O F. Note: D e
G a m l e s
B y ,
N ø r r e b r o
N i c h olas Love
S emes ter Th ree 2018
E x pl o ded bu il d i n g dia gra m . Tim b er tr u ss co n s tr uc tio n , ro o f co m po s itio n a n d ra mmed ear th plynth. Page 33
02 Bui lt Proj e c ts.
Contents: •
Nor fol k P in e s Win e B ar - S or re nto, Vi c tor i a .
Riv e r l an d B ar - Melb our n e , Vi c tor i a .
Material Includes. Sw iss Embassy - Copenhagen.
N icho las James Love
Fo lio o f Wo r ks
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Note: Co nst r u c tio n draw in gs.
Fo l io o f Wo r k s.
Norfol k Pin e s Win e B ar. Private project with James Oberin. 2016
Norfolk Pines wine bar is located on the Mornington Peninsular, one of Australias heralded wine regions. What was vital to James and I here was creating a space where the viticultural, food and beverage product of the region could be shared and celebrated. It was also crucial that the programme both held intimacy but was able to facilitate the high season patronage associated with its beach frontage. The proposal therefore included three key spaces, a wine cellar, vine garden, and bar area. Within the vine garden large concrete basins held native flora and vines that screen patrons from the street and mitigate the heavy masonry of the existing building. The cellar joinery was detailed to champion each product while also providing space for ample stock. Tucked within the cellar area were nooks to provide more sheltered moments to dwell. Being the centrepiece, the bar was generously detailed so that multiple staff could run tastings and share knowledge while also allowing for good service flow during high season.
Page 37
Note: Wine cel l a r.
Note: Vine g a rd er n.
Note: Titl e S u btu t l e
Fo l io o f Wo r k s.
Materi a l In l c u d e s. 3 D a y s o f D e s i g n - S w i s s E m b a s s y, C o p e n h a g e n
Material Includes was a six week collaboration between Petersen Tegl, The Swiss Embassy of Denmark and the Spatial Design Perception & Detail MA Program at KADK. The project commenced with the hand production of bricks at the Petersen Tegl factory in southern Denmark. Here we learnt of how different manufacturing steps form the tactile details that are celebrated in the product. The weeks prior to the construction were spent designing and resolving logistics to ensure the piece was ready to be opened at the embassy’s annual ‘3 Days of Design’ event. The outcome of our labour was a subtle gathering point nestled within the waterfront garden of the Embassy. More precisely, it is a floor and fireplace that were the result of deeper study of the material and immaterial constructions that form spatial experience. The notion of inclusion was a pillar to research and development of the proposal. Interviews were conducted to uncover what it truly meant to have restricted mobility while living in the city. As a studio we learnt how level changes, visual contrasts, and floor materiality might close ones spatiality depending on an impairment. Then consequently how this might be re-opended via the way that we, as architects and designers, detail material.
Page 41
Time schedule & planning discussions. Cement / mortar preparation.
Earth excavated from groundworks.
Project Oversight.
Understanding entirety or work. S ite S ec tio n of M ater ia l I n c l udes dur in g co n s tr uc the ti on.
At times manual labour can result in a narrow view of where a current task or objective Draw ing S ize: 1500 m m x 600 m m Draw in gsitsSin c arelation l e: 1:50 to the project as a whole. It is important to have someone that is aware of this and able to monitor design, schedule an dlabour decisions.
850 Bricks carried by 10 tons of crushed rock.
Material Process.
Material Logistics.
Working cement and motar required time, effort and equiptment just to produce a material that’s taken for given in drawings.
For all the material we needed there was a whole process of getting it, ordered, delivered and in the position within the garden that we needed. It’s just possible to resolve these decisions by drawing, ,he the need to be on-site every day.
Preparing material for use.
Embodied labour. .
Note: Pro d uc tio n o f Ko l um ba br ic k s by h a n d at Petersen Tegl f ac tor y.
Note: O n site dur in g co n s tr uc tio n at Sw is s E m bassy.
Fo l io o f Wo r k s.
Nicholas James Love 5th Janurary 1992 British + Australian Citizen
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