Nicholas Johnson Portfolio 2017

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Ind ustri a l . G ra p h i c . Pac kag i ng Work Sa m ples 2017

The Graze & Griddle Co.


City Space




The Botanist


Internship Work Samples


Curriculum Vitae


Student Starpack 2016 Competition Entry

O2 Sponsored UX/UI Individual Project

JKR Juice 2016 Competition Entry

RSA Unileaver Competition Brief 2017

Junior Packaging Design Internship - Kerry Foods Ltd

About Me

The Graze & Giddle Co. Starpack Student Awards 2016 When the warm summer sun shines we all love to get together with friends and family for a BBQ. The design challenge is to develop innovative concepts for a pack to hold both food and drink refreshments to take round to a barbecue party. Whether it be beer or wine, steak or fish, bread or salad, this pack should incorporate three or more items together in a fun style carton pack. Structural Design . Bra nd i ng . Packag i n g

Student Starpack 2016 Competition Entry

Inspi ration. A BBQ is an primarily opportunity to socialise and engage with friends and family with food & drink at the centre of attention. This was my main focus and find a way to use the package to create a statement, social aspect & engaging solution.


Student Starpack 2016 Competition Entry

Opportunity. Popular restaurant chain Byron Burger use of unique design mixed with classic recipes to deliver unique experience. A popular trend seen throughout the industry Can a similar approach be achieved with BBQ? Up & coming BBQ chain reds is creating a new age for BBQ with its unique branding in its category, and product philosophies to help sell the product, boasting success in restaurant chains and products to market Can I create an identity & ownership through structural design & graphics to create a unique product in the BBQ market?


Student Starpack 2016 Competition Entry

Idea Visualisation. Outer sleeve locks package in place with wine bottle and also provide method of carrying.

Product filled in factory on production line via side openings.

Perforated tear away turn packaging into stand to hold kebabs in centre of the table.

Tear away and remove products inside, raw and cooked/dry products separate on each side.


Student Starpack 2016 Competition Entry



old Storey True North Colours Charcoal Black C:75 M:67 Y:67 K:90

Cutter Key Cutter Edge Fold/Crease Perforation

Scale 20% Kraft Board (KFT) (SUS) (CNK) GN4, 3mm Bleed, Recyclable


Student Starpack 2016 Competition Entry

Final Model A carton pack DIY Shish kebab kit. The product is aimed at t h e young adolescent market looking for a fun interactive centre piece product to bring to a BBQ / social summer gathering to act as a point of interest/social opportunity to share with friends. Reverse printing provides additional information for social media links, a brand story and points of interest about the food. This helps to increase value perception as well as evoke the sense of personalised, artisan like product. The wine bottle acts as a lock mechanism to prevent packaging from falling out of the sleeve. The product contains: 1x uncooked protein, 1x uncooked vegetable(s), 2x table top sharing snack, 2x seasoning/marinade, 2x dipping sauce, 6x bamboo rod(s)


City Space O2 Sponsored UI/UX Individual Project This app aims to provide a degree of control to anxious city dwellers to navigate and tackle the everyday hustle and bustle of the concrete jungle. City Space helps user create optimal journeys based on what they feel comfortable using to help them get to places in the best frame of mind User Exp erience . Gra ph ics. Inter fa ce Desig n

O2 Sponsored UX/UI Individual Project

Persona. Meet Hannah...

19 years . Student . Kings College London Hannah is a new English Literature student at Kings Collage, Central London and lives in halls of residence with six other new students. Whilst she’s had fun finding new friendship groups, Hannah has found the bustling city environment slightly overwhelming compared to her rural hometown of Overton in Hampshire


Task Goals

Experience Goals

Hannah wants to make trips to Westfield shipping centre with her friends while avoiding peak shopping times. She wants to feel more confident and safe when traveling in the city, especially when alone. She wants to be able to personalise her journey to accommodate her anxious tendencies and enable her to do otherwise difficult tasks.

She wants to be able to quickly identify overcrowded spaces to calculate the quickest route to a more comfortable environment for her. She wants to reduce the feeling of anxiety when travelling around London alone. She wants to be able to attend large music events with her friends that she would normally avoid. She likes to take her mind off her surroundings by playing simple games like Candy Crush.

O2 Sponsored UX/UI Individual Project

Product Opportunity.

Simple . Clean . Calm . Optimised . Personalisation . Safe The app is designed to help users who get a little anxious about the hustle and bustle of the city to optimise their experience around their preferences, and give a high degree of control in planning their city travel. This allows them to feel comfortable navigating this daunting environment With city living becoming ever more fast paced and technology driving efficiency into our everyday work and social lives, we often forget that we don’t always have to travel through this hectic environment at maximum speed. For many, the optimal route to work should be the one which gets them there in the best frame of mind, even if this isn’t the quickest.


O2 Sponsored UX/UI Individual Project

U ser Journey Development. Initial wireframes were created and tested with users using POP App, from here wireframes were developed and refined before high fidelity screens were created.

User Testing “What if I don’t know exactly where its called?”

“I want menu consistency across all the confused me”

“ I want more of a personal experience, it needs to be more inviting and friendly to use...”

-=-Additional screen function of predictive text search box as requested by user.

Burger / flyout menu was changed to remain in a consistent location throughout the different layers of the app.

Attention was paid to make the user profile element more engaging and personal through choice of language throughout the app.

Careful attention was paid to make sure navigation back through layers was clear and signposted.

Personal features added such as TAKE ME HOME for users to input data specific to them for easy route navigation to familiar places.

Wireframe Refinement Footfall User Journey Path Example

Taking into consideration feedback from user testing and my own thoughts generated through the testing process, I have redesigned layouts and features of some of the screens, as well an additional screen to display a new function.


O2 Sponsored UX/UI Individual Project

S creen Development. Graphic Design

Final Design The aim was to make sure the user could easily navigate to any feature they need at the quickest and easiest convenience. Careful consideration of menu placement and back button locations allow the user to quickly navigate from feature to feature with minimal movement through different screens.

The app UI design chosen uses pastel colours to reflect the experience design principles of the app for aiding anxious users. The use of the purple represents wisdom and spirituality in terms of colour psychology, helping to reinforce the app’s experience principles of being a reliable and helpful aid to the user. Use of contrasting colours aid with clarity and navigation. Use of orange against the purple to help information necessary for the user to stand out. In a situation when the user is feeling anxious they will need relevant information quickly and clearly. The design direction uses a minimal, simplified style to help data provided to be easily digestible. The use of a mostly infographic based way of presenting information to the user to remove the need for large amounts of text for easy and quick understanding of functions.

Terms & Conditions

Hi Fidelity Screens





Map Location.

Main Menu.


Footfall Search.

Footfall Map.

First screen presents the user with their current location to quickly help identify where they are. WHERE TO? bar to quickly activate journey plan without accessing the menu. Hamburger Icon Selected.

When the user selects the hamburger icon, the menu will slide out and all app features will be displayed to quickly navigate to desired feature. FOOTFALL function is selected.

FOOTFALL feature allows user to type in the location they wish to view the footfall for. Users most visited locations are displayed below the search bar with a quick visual indication of crowd levels to inform the user of the crowds in their favourite locations.

When the user begins to type in the search bar suggested locations are displayed in a predictive text search box to aid the user in selecting the right destination in case they do not know the exact name in full. Search Icon selected.

FOOTFALL is displayed with simple graphics to indicate crowd levels. If location is very busy an alternative is suggested and highlighted. User can choose alternative route or original one a begin journey from this page.


O2 Sponsored UX/UI Individual Project

S olution.

Final Prototype City Space allows users who get a little bit more anxious traveling around the busy cities take back a little bit more control over how they move around the city. The aim was to make sure the user could easily navigate to any feature they need at the quickest and easiest convenience. Careful consideration of menu placement and back button locations allow the user to quickly navigate from feature to feature with minimal movement through different screens.


Aura JKR Juice 2016 Competition Entry Scientists have recently discovered a way to collect and retrieve water from space. The water is the purest known to man. They want the whole world to experience the water that is well and truly out of this world. Create a brand for this new product. Break convention and think beyond the bottle and beyond the clouds! Take inspiration from music, film, galactic fashion trends, futuristic architecture or even the history of space travel. Think about who will buy it, what it could be used for and how it will be sold. Aspects to consider are; a brand name, product packaging, advertising, merchandising and the wider brand world. Or even a brand universe! Industria l . Bra nd i ng . Packag i ng

JKR Juice 2016 Competition Entry

Inspi ration. Humans throughout history have always had the desire to understand and crave knowledge whether it’s ourselves, each other, seas, skies and the inconceivably small and large. We search to fulfil a certain longing that we feel within ourselves to be a part of something greater than ourselves. The aim of my proposal is to build upon the intensive nature of the unknown and fascination of the beyond and bring that to the brand through the product, brand design, packaging/material choices & user experience and bring this to popular consumer culture.

Aurora Borealis Fascinating humans with its unearthly colours with many traveling just to witness its beauty.


Enceladus 6th moon of Saturn, covered by fresh clean ice at -198°C. Rich water plumes in south region boasting high alkaline water. Large valleys create stripe like features which a compared to tigers stripes.

The Night Sky Fascination with the beyond and the possibility of something else beyond the restrictions of earth.

JKR Juice 2016 Competition Entry

Trends & Opportunities. With the birth of the new internet generation, many people turn to social media platforms to find out the latest trends in health, food and cosmetics products with new gurus boasting millions of followers and endorsing products causing worldwide trends of new ways and means to get healthier and fitter.

“Packing A Punch� Infusing water with fruits and herbs to enhance the flavour of regular water and add a natural hint of flavour and nutrient from the extraction.

Social Media Everything is shared nowadays, social media platforms create and promote the latest trends in health and well-being. Have something new and revolutionary? Health Gurus and self-proclaimed lifestyle bloggers review and endorse a whole plethora of products on the market.

Health & Apps There is an app for everything to help us wake up, track our sleep and count every calorie that enters our bodies, telling us when to consume and keep us all in perfect shape, hydrated and healthy.


JKR Juice 2016 Competition Entry

The Concept. Product packaging will be clean, modern and minimalist reflecting the product values of purity and cleanliness. Use of materials such as limestone on the lid to reflect the planets texture and the logo representing the planets tiger like stripes, also providing a tactile sense also promoting brand value and quality. The frosted glass helps represent the cold temperatures and a sense of mystique around the product. The carton packaging is inspired by a test tube rack to house the vials of water to emphasis a scientific, clinical element to the product.


JKR Juice 2016 Competition Entry

The Range. To accompany the alkaline water there will be an extended range of fusion flavour’s using ‘super food’ extracts to enhance and reinforce the health benefits of the product and open up the range to new consumers. The product boasts no artificial flavours or sweeteners providing all the benefits of an infused water but enhanced. Instagram is a very influential platform for health conscious consumer with the rise of the health gurus on the internet always looking for new products to enhance a workout or improve well-being.


JKR Juice 2016 Competition Entry

Partner Products With health and well-being as the main focus of the product and brand, this can stretch to a variety of different areas including gym clothing, applications linking to smart devices and mobile apps. We see at present many people wanting to track health by the hour down to the calorie. Linking the product as an aid for enhanced workouts or as a recovery drink as a competitor to sugar filled branded drinks as a health, super food alternative making the brand more than just pure space water but a lifestyle brand.


JKR Juice 2016 Competition Entry

R ange Extension. Looking, forward additional products could be created to enhance the health and well-being area of the brand such as refreshing moisture sprays and anti-aging face masks aiding rejuvenation and skin well-being opening the brand up to the cosmetics market. Packaging follows same brand values as the water range with both graphics and material.




JKR Juice 2016 Competition Entry

Advertising & Marketing Examples of potential marketing material for the product and brand. This includes a launch campaign “Lost In Transmission� a countdown, Instagram based campaign leading up to the launch.


The Botanist. RSA Unileaver Competition Brief Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) cover a wide variety of products such as food, refreshment, home care and personal care products; this sector generates approximately 75% of municipal solid waste. This brief therefore asks you rethink the future of how consumer goods are delivered, used and ultimately re-captured so that valuable resources can be retained within a circular economy. We are particularly interested in personal care products, which are generally defined as toiletries for personal hygiene and/ or beautification. Industria l . S er vice Desig n . Packag i n g

RSA Unileaver Competition Brief 2017

Initial Research. Initial research conducted to find potential problems and areas that need innovation and could work with a circular economy model.

Research Methods Primary. of plastic packaging is reintroduced into closed loop recycling. Retail Store Visit Industry Researcher Interview Shadowing Observation Personal Belongings Interview Observation/Scenario Consumer Survey

we could wrap around the world with amount of plastic we throw away each year.



of every 1,000,000 tonnes of plastic produced in the UK will end up in landfill, at the current rate of disposal.

Models such as the C2C approach to circular economy help generate insights into possible ways of solving material leak from product life cycles. The ‘Technical Nutrient Cycle’ looks into how we can interact with products on a service based level to plug the material leak for consumers & also increase responsibility from the manufacturers providing the product from a technical perspective.

Biological Nutrient


Technical Nutrient

Liquid hand soap is the most commonly used soap, shower and bath product used by both male and females in the bathroom environment.

Journal Articles New Articles Web Based Research Expert Interview Mintel Journals

Product Proposal Initial research lead me to form my product proposal, from here the design process began.

Younger generations have negative perception towards bars of soap, they think they are a haven for bacteria.

“To design a product service-system that could provide cost, convenience and quality benefits to the consumer whilst eliminating the need for a disposable liquid hand soap bottle. By rethinking ways in which the consumer interacts with the hand washing process this could help to eliminate waste, both improving and adding value to the user experience.”

RSA Unileaver Competition Brief 2017

R esearch. Experience Prototyping The use of experience prototyping was undertaken to evaluate developing concept feasibility, user interactions with both product and at the points of purchase to help evaluate the effectiveness of the solutions, while always considering Circular Economy Principles throughout.

Mechanism Prototype Testing

Soap ‘Noodle’/Flake Testing

POS & Consumer Purchasing

App Based Service Testing

Product Reinvention

Minimal Mechanism

Product Experience

The product aims to provide a convenient, innovative and disruptive solution to the soap category and reinvent the way we use and perceive natural solid soap. Transitional lye and fat soap itself can be sustainable and natural, it has potential to be circular but consumers don’t want to use it, as it’s a “haven for bacteria”. The solution address negative perceptions towards the product.

Use of a compression spring and knurled drive shaft presents a creative and novel way to grind soap flakes from the soap noodles, providing the familiar and convenient process of dispensing for the consumer, rethinking the way they interact with solid soap. This means the consumer can use a more concentrated product in an equally convenient way.

Younger consumers are embracing e-commerce services to shop for FMCG goods. This has been used in conjunction with experience packaging and has been used to create value in the product to the consumer through the brand experience, rethinking and delivering a product (soap noodles) from a limited, unprocessed product into a desirable, cheaper, innovative and convenient nutrient solution for the consumer.


RSA Unileaver Competition Brief 2017

Idea Development.

Identifying key interaction points with the design, possible methods of dispensing an exploring shape.


RSA Unileaver Competition Brief 2017

Idea Development.

Refining the idea and detailing of the design. Identifying key components and parts before entering into CAD.


RSA Unileaver Competition Brief 2017

Circular Economy Thinking. Using the Cradle to Cradle model as a basis for the understanding of circular economy, efforts were made to consider as many aspects of the products life cycle and how it would affect both technical and biological nutrient levels.

NUTRIENT TRANSPORTATION Advantageous to liquid soap as only 5% water so a more concentrated product. Manufacturer to consumer model eliminating the need for 3rd party retailers and less packaging used.

PRODUCT AIMS To encourage reuse to help solve leak of bathroom plastic waste by consumer and encourage the consumption of sustainable, less processed and concentrated soap product to reduce unnecessary water transportation in liquid products. Retaining the convenience of the liquid dispenser.

DISPENSER DISSASEMBLY Product designed with intent for disassembly. Minimal components and materials have been used for easy separation and disassembly at the end of life. No glues or fused components to make material separation possible. Return and replace scheme to aid closed loop cycle of product but also would be possible for user to recycle at home if they wish.

NUTRIENT WASTE Use of soap in its most basic form, lye & fat with essential oils. UK based manufacture, sustainably sourced neem oil. Biologically sustainable, safe water disposal. Cellulose based sachet packaging reducing consumer bathroom packaging waste leak.

DISPENSER MATERIALS Materials used to create the device require greater processing but designed for durability and present a level of value to the consumer to preserve and limit disposal of the dispenser.



NUTRIENT MANUFACTURE Use of soap ‘noodles’ as product nutrient sold and ground in dispenser. Less process’ to create and can be mixed with essential oil and fragrance to produce scent blends. Reduction in product processing would result in cheaper products as well as reduce waste in the die-cut process of the traditional soap bar manufacture.

RSA Unileaver Competition Brief 2017

S ervice Design.

Consumer purchases dispenser through app. Initial cost upfront. Initial cost intensive with promotional codes and free soap sachets as part of “deal”.

Product comes via post with dispenser and initial sachets complimentary with purchase. Use of ‘experience packaging’ to aid product message and brand delivery. Evoke luxury and personalisation

Carboxy methyl cellulose sachets delivered to consumer directly from manufacturer to consumer specific to order, minimal, biodegradable and recyclable packaging solution.

Consumer purchases refill sachets through mobile app. Personalise order and amounts via e-commerce service to deliver straight to door.

Grinder mechanism crushes soap noodles into small flakes, dispensed onto hand, lathered and washed keeping convenience level equal to liquid dispenser.

Consumer uses mechanism and refill system until product breaks or consumer wishes to change or replace device.

Consumer return scheme through the same mobile app so all features are in one place. If broken can return and replace, if wish to change, returned back to manufacturer small cost reimbursement for materials.

Package sent to consumer in post with replacement device, swapped by consumer and sent back to manufacturer with free-post label. Retain material in cycle for refurbishment, recycling or reuse.

Consumer fills dispenser through twist mechanism around top. No need to disassemble or unscrew to refill dispenser.


RSA Unileaver Competition Brief 2017

Branding. Marketing what would be considered an unprocessed product into a luxury ad desirable product for consumers to engage with.


LUMBERJACK ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789


RSA Unileaver Competition Brief 2017

S olution. Not your typical bar of soap... Reinventing the way we interact with natural, solid soap products

Press action familiar to consumers.

Compression spring mechanism grinds soap noodles.

Twist feature to open refill cavity.

Soap flakes dispensed here.

Base holder for sachet refills to be stored.

TPU base to provide grip and protection to sink.


RSA Unileaver Competition Brief 2017

S ustainable Packaging. Once product is ordered online. It is sent via postal service in a Manufacturer to Consumer model cutting out 3rd party retailers. The use of experience packaging helps promote brand principles and create more of a positive experience for the consumer on arrival helping to promote a positive brand image as well as a more personalised feel for the consumer, helping create a unique and engaging experience yet being conscious of materials (Kraftpack) and minimal packaging used.


Low impact packaging sent to consumers via postal service. Manufactured from Kraftpack board so recyclable. The sachets containing soap are cellulose based so can be disposed of in general waste or even down the sink to aid in reduction bathroom waste. This will also work on a direct to consumer model via the app. User picks out what product scents they would like so it is more of a personalised experience.

Internship Work Examples Junior Packaging Design Internship - Kerry Foods Ltd I spent 12 month on placement in my 3rd year of university undertaking a diploma in professional studies with consumer foods manufacturer Kerry Foods Ltd. Based at their Burton upon Trent site. Here I worked with the innovation team on multiple branded and private label products, helping to develop new innovative packaging concepts for future products and recent launches. FMCG . Graphics . Packa g i n g

A leading supplier of added value brands and customer branded foods to the Irish and UK FMCG markets.

Junior Packaging Design Internship - Kerry Foods Ltd

Mattessons Cave Kids.

New Product Concept. A brief given to me from Mattessons Marketing NPD Teams. A new product for kids snacking developed based on paleo diet principles. The design must communicate an exciting, rebellious style.


Junior Packaging Design Internship - Kerry Foods Ltd

Frozen Diner Ready Meals.

Rethinking the Frozen Ready Meals Category. A brief given to me from the Frozen Branded & Private label ready meal NPD team. A new brand of American diner ready meals are being developed. A new design is needed using TGI Fridays as inspiration. The design must be new to the frozen category, how can we draw attention to these new products in the retail environment?


Junior Packaging Design Internship - Kerry Foods Ltd

Tesc o Deli.

Retail Packaging Redesign. A brief given to me from the innovation manager for UK & Ireland Cooked Meats, redesign the Tesco Deli counter packaging to incorporate Kerry products into recipes. The design should incorporate vintage newspaper styling.



My name is Nicholas Johnson and I’m a 4th Year Undergraduate Industrial Design & Technology student from Loughborough University. I pride myself on being a passionate and progressive thinking designer always looking to better myself inside and outside the projects I work on.

“I study design because I want to enrich experiences through form, function & creativity� I am an aspirational 3D/Packaging Designer interested in executing engaging solutions combining both the creative design and physical structure. I have a wide range of disciplines ranging from industrial design, design strategy, design thinking, UX/UI design, branding, structural packaging and artwork design.

Curriculum Vitae



2013 - Present

May 2016

February 2015

Student Starpack Awards 2016: Brief E Gold Award & Sponsorship

Youth Sports Trust

Loughborough University BA (Hons) Industrial Design & Technology + DPS (Predicted 2:1)

Ability Sports Competition 2015

IOM3 & Graphic Packaging International

2011 - 2013

Northampton School For Boys (A Levels) Product Design: Resistant Materials (A), Fine Art (B), History (B)

January 2017

February 2015

WPO World Star Student Awards 2017: Certificate of Recognition

Loughborough Design Week Finalist Dunelm & Loughborough Design School

World Packaging Organisation



June 2015 - June 2016

September 2014 - June 2015

Junior Packaging Designer Kerry Foods Ltd, Burton Upon Trent

President of Loughborough Design School

The role is focused mainly on sleeve, box & label packaging and artwork concept designs for both private label and retail brands for front end innovation projects. The role required to work closely with the R&DA, NPD and Marketing teams assisting on the creation of new and innovative packaging concepts for new product proposals for private label chilled and frozen Meal Solutions and Branded products, bringing the ideas to life. September 2016 - September 2016

Packaging Design Internship Graphic Packaging International, Bardon I was awarded a gold award at the Starpack Student Awards 2016 and a short placement with Graphic Packaging International, working with the packaging innovations team on structural and graphic packaging solutions for notable brands within the FMCG sector.

Undertaken during my second year of study. A demanding role requiring excellent communication skills and time management to help provide positive and effective change to courses within the Loughborough Design School. September 2013 - June 2017

Programme Representative for BA Industrial Design & Technology The Programme Rep role provides a point of contact for students to bring to light any issues, Problems or ideas relating to change on their course. These will then be bought to Staff Student Liaison Committee meeting which occur three times throughout the year. I was programme representative for Part A and Part C of my course. December 2016 - Present

Marketing & Advertising Officer - Out in Education Campaign In charge of branding and marketing material creation for the Loughborough Students Union Out in Education campaign as part of the Loughborough students LGBT+ Association. September 2014 - June 2015

Social & Events Secretary Working as a committee member helping organise social events for the Loughborough Design Association, a society part of the Loughborough Students Union.


Nicholas Johnson BA Hons Industrial Design & Technology + DPS Loughborough University

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