170 minute read
Australian Small Press Poetry
New SeriesCatalogue No 72019
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Australia Council Literature Board subsidized booksellers’ bag for the promotion of Australian poetry
acr [1951 – ]
4. I’m Rooted & Other Poems. Melbourne, Vic: Collective Effort Press, [2000?]. A6 No 11. [148 x 112] [24] pages,stapled into illustrated wrappers featuring a full colour photographic self-portrait. $35.00
1. Atlanta. [Melbourne, Vic: Fitzrot, c. 1977]. Octavo, [40] pages stapled into wrappers featuring a photograph of the poet. $35.00

2. Natural Numbers. [Perth WA: unpublished, 2000]. Some thirty pieces of visual poetry — an assembly that displays ACR’s dexterous skills with number arrangement. this copy inscribed by the poet. A6 [148 x 110] [32] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers.
3. Re Opening Cases. Melbourne, Vic: Collective Effort Press, [1993]. this copy inscribed “no god - no masters !” A mix of some thirty visual and performance pieces. No 6 in the series. A6 [38] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers.
3b. The Imagination Of A Phallus. [No place: the poet, 1996 ?] A single poem, being an earlier state of “With the Gamete in Our Arms”. This copy inscribed and dated “perth, summer ‘96/’97” and signed once more at the conclusion of the poem. Octavo [210 x 148] [12] pages processed typescript stapled into plain wrappers. SOLD
5. Reading is an Act of Listening... Kiss and other Poems. Fremantle, WA: Yellow Wallpaper, 2012. one of 90 signed and numbered copies. Sometimes sweet nonsense with intricate sound, and at other times direct and compelling with each engaging line—either way her style of performance rises up from these pages in its complete and accomplished range. Includes the concrete poetry featured at Monet Guildford Gallery during the Perth Poetry Festival, 2011. (The kiss in question appears at page 35 applied by direct transfer, and which I suspect is L’Oréal # 347.) Apart from her first collection, Atlanta (1977) ACR has kept her published format to the original A6 model pioneered by the Collective Effort publishing group. Pocket size A6 [148 x 110] [42] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers featuring Tony Figallo’s photographs of the 1993 Jas H. Duke Tribute. Mint. $20.00
6. A Handbill of ACR Poems. [Launceston, Tas: the poet, 2018.] Six poems on a single sheet: “So Good”, “Thread”, “Libido”, “Turquoise”, “Bird”, and “Lolly”. The poem “Libido” has handwritten amendments and is signed. A3 [420 x 297] printed both sides and folded to 16 panels. Colour photo with handwritten caption affixed to upper panel. ten numbered copies only. $25.00
From early all-female rock groups such as Mystical Miss to feminist jug bands like The Shameless Hussies, women’s music groups were integral to the Women’s Liberation movement in Australia, but only a handful of over 120 bands were able to release recordings. nick henderson — A Soundtrack of 1970s Australian Feminism.
7. The Shameless Hussies. DVD from studio log tape. Reproduces the performance at Channel Nine, 17 September 1975— International Women’s Year. ACR, Helen Potter, Andy Malone, and Belinda Strong, perform four songs “Where Has the Romance Gone ?” “Gay Sera”, “She’ll Be Cummin’ ‘Round the Mountain When She Cums” and “Colours.”
8. Yachts & Other Selected Number Poems. [Invermay, Tas: ACR, 2018.] With a two page introduction by the poet explaining her use of the concrete number form and an enthusiastic response to the collection by π.O. [140 x 105] [26] pages sewn into printed wrappers. $15.00

robert adamson [ 1943 – ]
robert adamson
11. Swamp Riddles. Sydney, NSW: Island Press, 1974. one of two hundred numbered copies. Handset and printed by Philip Roberts at the Island Press, set in Garamond on Glastonbury laid. Octavo [215 x 135] [90] pages perfect bound. As new. $50.00
robert adamson john tranter [1943 – ]
12. photographs. Four photographs of Robert Adamson taken by fellow poet John Tranter and included in a publicity package put together to accompany Adamson’s collection, The Clean Dark (1989). The four images are c.1985. 1. 10" x 8" black and white print with unshaven subject next to a fat tyre, shoeless and, interestingly, with a birdcage and improvised small mesh chicken wire box (fish trap ?); 2. 10" x 8" black and white print, head and shoulders, again unshaven and with piercing stare; 3. 8" x 6" black and white close portrait: unshaven, fixed and confident gaze; 4. 8" x 10" black and white print of the poet smoking next to an IBM Selectric III with a folder of papers and what appears to be a wire basket of manuscript. Tranter has always had declared ambitions towards photographic art, and here we see a special relationship between the lens and subject. All four prints fine, and each with a typed subject note and claimed credit to Tranter fixed on the rear. $75.00

review copy with press sheet & launch invitation laid in
Robert Adamson’s earlier books were received with the acclaim that marks the discovery of an impressive poetic talent. Adamson is a central figure on the local scene, and his impact has been both potent and refreshing. His third book is therefore worth more than a casual glance, as it relates to his earlier development, his current preoccupations, and the future directions his work is likely to take. john tranter

9. The Rumour. Sydney, NSW: New Poetry/ The Poetry Society of Australia, 1971. The third title in the Prism Poets series and the poet’s second collection. Octavo [ 185 x 115] 56 pages in illustrated card wrappers giving Adamson’s year of birth as 1944. A few flecks, else a very good copy.
10. Theatre I-XIX. Darlington, NSW: Pluralist Press, [1974]. this copy inscribed by the poet. A response to Yves Bonnefoy. Designed and printed by James Taylor. Octavo [255 x 155] [20] pages stapled into printed wrappers. A very good copy. $30.00
13. The Clean Dark. Brooklyn, NSW: Paper Bark Press, 1989. this copy signed by the poet. National book Council Banjo Award, the Victorian Premier’s Award for Poetry. Review copy with press sheet and launch invitation laid in. A very fine copy in like dust jacket. $35.00
adelaide new poetry performance [1970]
14. Pyromaniac: Song & Dance. [Kent Town, SA: Raga, 1970.] Edited by Rob Tillet and featuring the first anthologised work of Peter Hicks, Rob Tillet and Simon Bronsky. This copy inscribed by Tillet (“Wolfgang”) to Martin [Fabyni]. a rare item in the printed record of the new australian poetry. (Only held at Barr Smith.) Pocket size [163 x 109] [c. 100] pages perfect bound in photographic card wrappers employing staggered film frame images of each poet reading by “Cane”. $45.00
adelaide new poetry performance [1970]
george alexander
george alexander [1949 – ]
15. The Book of the Dead. Sydney, NSW: Switch Books, 1985. signed by the author. Octavo [250 x 175] [74] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. Some foxing, else very good. Scarce. $45.00
16. Sparagmos. Adelaide, SA: Experimental Art Foundation 1989. signed by the author. With photos and design by Kurt Brereton and drawings by Piotr Olszański. Octavo [230 x 170] [37] pages in illustrated wrappers. $30.00
19. The Come As You Aren’t Party.[Currarong, NSW]: Fez Press, 2016. An illustrated story. “....I needed somewhere to shuffle my sixty-six small painted cards. A private oracle that I would lay out in eleven cycles of six. Three in a sequence made a poem, six a sentence, and sixty-six would tell a story...” Reproduces the author’s watercolours. Octavo [220 x 150] [28] pages on quality stock in illustrated wrappers.

george alexander peter lyssiotis [1949 – ]
17. The Dead Travel Fast. Limmasol, Cyprus: NeMe, 2009. Text by George Alexander (poetry addressing and inspired by Yannis Ritsos and Heinrich Schliemann) with photomontage by Peter Lyssiotis. The texts in English, Greek and Turkish. English to Greek translators: Jenny Frida and Daphnos Economou; English to Turkish Translators: Jenan Selçak and Mehmet Yashin. Designed by Peter Lyssiotis and Andrew Cunningham. this copy signed by both alexander and lyssiotis. Octavo[215 ×150] [116] pages sewn into gilt stamped black cloth covered boards with a dust jacket featuring a panoramic photomontage by Lyssiotis. Very fine. $60.00
18. Too Much Monkey Business.[Currarong, NSW]: Fez Press, 2014. Visual novel. “Franz Kafka saw ‘Konsul Peter’ perform in a Prague theatre in 1908-9, and later used him as the prototype for Red Peter in A Report to the Academy....Buster Keaton, disguised as a chimp performs Konsul in the film, The Playhouse (1921). Keaton puffs a cigar and rides a bicycle....” Oblong octavo [210 x 150] 72 pages on superior stock in illustrated card wrappers. Very fine. $30.00
patrick alexander [1940 – 2005]
20. Remembering Grünewald. [Melbourne,Vic: no publisher, 1994.] A poem in three sections inspired by Matthias Grünewald’s paintings of the crucifixion at the Isenheim Altarpiece. this copy inscribed by the poet to his friend, Cornelis Vleeskens, and with a handwritten birthday card laid in. A4 [297 x 209] [8] pages, rectos only, stapled into plain card covers. Unrecorded.
21. The Seven Brussels “Devoirs” (1842) by Emily Bronte. [No place: no publisher, no date.] “A New Translation by Danielle Garlick; With an Essay and a Sequence of Poems by Patrick Alexander.” Quarto [297 x 210] [36]pages spiral bound.
avago post card book
invited to put works through a slot), Doug Erskine, Marina Abramovic/Ulay, Adrian Hall, Rose McGreevy, Ross Wallace, Robin Wallace–Crabbe. Quarto [295 x 225] [24] pages being 12 perforated card leaves presenting four postcards apiece from black and white photographs by Shayne Higson of each exhibition, with details printed on the reverse. A fine copy
avoiding myth & message [2009]
27. Avoiding Myth & Message: Australian Artists and the Literary World, by Glenn Barkley. Sydney: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009. An outstanding catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in 2009. The exhibition considered some of the major themes within both the literary and visual traditions contemplating where the two streams of creativity overlap thematically: the landscape/interior, text and image, urban life, politics and the personal. Includes ephemera, publications and media-based works produced by artists and publishers from 1968 onwards. Works from the MCA, augmented by selected loans from artists and local collections. Artists included, Vernon Ah Kee, Micky Allan, Gordon Bennett, Vanessa Berry, Maureen Burns, Tim Burns, Destiny Deacon, Christopher Dean, Rosalie Gascoigne, Shaun Gladwell, Patrick Hartigan, Tim Johnson, Rudi Krausmann, Ruark Lewis, Colin Little, Robert MacPherson, Noel McKenna, Rose Nolan, Mike Parr, Sweeney Reed, Sandra Selig, Noel Sheridan, Imants Tillers, John Tranter, Richard Tipping, Peter Tyndall, Philip Tyndall, Gerald Murnane, Jenny Watson, and William Yang. Reversed, and from the rear is The Reader which reproduces a number of works by both artists and writers, all of which have in some way influenced the research and development of the exhibition. The Reader allows an insight into the curatorial process and features texts reproduced within the exhibition. A numbered limited edition with wrappers and bookmark printed by Big Fag Press. Designed by Claire Orrell. $35.00
eric beach [1947 – ]
28. A Photo of Some People in a Football Stadium. Melbourne, Vic: Overland, 1978. this copy inscribed by the poet “For the man who draws”. Octavo [215 x 135] 56 pages perfect bound in illustrated wrappers. A very good copy.
29. I Want To Be Normal. [Glebe, Tas: no publisher, c.1993]. Twenty-nine poems for performance—all classic Beach. this copy inscribed to fellow poet, cornelis vleeskens. Quarto [300 x 210] [24] pages stapled into printed wrappers. Some foxing. $35.00
bruce beaver [1928 – 2004] nigel butterley [1935 – ]
the poet’s first book
30. Under The Bridge. Sydney: Beaujon Press, 1961. The poet’s first book. this copy with composer nigel butterley’s ownership signature and a personal inscription from beaver at the colophon. In 1960 Nigel Butterley was the choirmaster at St Alban’s church Epping. In that year, the Burcham Clamp building was to get a new spire that was to be dedicated at a service conducted by the Archbishop. Butterley was commissioned to write a piece of music for the occasion, and asked Bruce Beaver to furnish the lyric. The work, entitled, “Anthem for a Dedication”, was the result of that collaboration. This, Butterley’s second choral work, is nowadays known simply by the opening words “Who Build on Hope”. One of three hundred copies printed by Graham Macdonald and John Cummings. Octavo [220 X 140] 46 pages in printed wrappers. With a published facsimile of Butterley’s score and words included. $65.00
stephanie bennett [1945 – ]
31. Blackbirds of Superstition. [Brisbane, Qld: the author, 1973.] Poetry and drawings. her first published collection - this copy signed and dated by the poet. Octavo [210 x 170] 32 pages of typescript from stencils stapled into illustrated heavy card wrappers with art by Bennett.
$45.00 sandor petöfi berger alexander mountain [1925 – 2004]
32. I Protest: a Complete Collection of Letters & Articles Which the Author Penned and Sent to the Press etc., On Various Current Controversial Subjects in the City of Sydney, NSW, Australia, in 7 years between 1954 and 1961 Under the Name: “Sandor Berger”/Alexander Mountain. Kings Cross, NSW: Printlike Duplicating Services, for the author, 1962. Doomed or tragic— his youth in Csenger, his arrest as a “Jew” and his incarceration in Buchenwald, his years as a displaced person, and his eventual journey to Australia. Issued with a travel document by the AJDC- American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - in Munich in August 1947, Berger travelled with his sister (who had survived Auschwitz and Mauthausen) with their destination marked as Paraguay. Then there is a gap and separation: the extant travel authority is marked “closed” in September 1947: the older sister settles in Vancouver and Sandor makes landfall in Australia in the early 1950s. By the late 1960s he had entered a state of paranoid psychosis, and all the while his self-published writings continued forth. Octavo [210 x 155] 250 pages duplicated typescript from stencils, perfect bound into wrappers with library tape at spine. Typed note from the author fixed into rear wrapper. A very good copy. $50.00

33. Handbill. Fourth Balmain General Reading of Poetry & Prose. Sunday February 1st, 1970.

34. Handbill. Sixth Annual General Balmain Reading of Prose & Verse. Sunday October 10, 1971.
ken bolton [1949 –]
Amply repays the debt to O’Hara and through him to Apollinaire.... consistently alert and inventive. david malouf
35. Four Poems. Darlington, NSW: Sea Cruise Books, 1977. From an edition of 300 – a signed copy of the poet’s first published collection. Quarto [280 x 215] 31 pages of duplicated typescript stapled into hand coloured card wrappers. A very good copy. $125.00
36. Christ’s Entry into Brussels, Or Ode To The Three Stooges. Sydney, NSW: Red Press, 1978. The second book of the press “designed by Raoul du Plicit” and with an “artist’s impression by A.F. Drawings”. Octavo [205 x 170] 20 pages in red card wrappers and silkscreened dust jacket. $35.00
40. Notes for Poems. Hackney, SA: A Shocking Looking Book [a division of Magic Sam Publications], 1982. a signed copy from an editon of 200 made at the Experimental Art Foundation printery. Names names and gives the inside running on the poetry scene with characteristic style and whimsy. Square octavo [175 x 175] 36 pages stapled into printed card wrappers with dust jacket. (See Coalcliff Days, pages 224 - 225.) A very good copy. $40.00

37. Duae Sestinae: Two Sestinas. Coalcliff, NSW: Bier Rhymes With Beer Press, 1980. Presents “Bunny Melody” and “Funny Ideas”. (See Coalcliff Days, page 17.) Oblong post octavo [205 x 130] 15 pages stapled into silkscreened wrappers. A fine copy of a thing of beauty. $50.00
38. Talking To You: Poems 1978 – 1981. Clifton Hill, Vic: Rigmarole Books, [1983]. signed. With the David Malouf dust jacket endorsement. Octavo [210 x 135] 58 pages + publisher’s adverts, stapled into plain card wrappers with dust jacket designed by the poet. A fine copy. $40.00
ken bolton & pam brown
39. Poster: “Poetry Reading: Live at the EAF”. [Adelaide, SA: Experimental Art Foundation, 1981.] Printed by Ken Bolton and Pam Brown. Screenprint [570 x 445] from multiple stencils. A very fine example with no sign of use. $85.00
41. Blazing Shoes. Adelaide, SA: Open Dammit Books, 1984. one of 200 copies. Mary Christie cover endorsement. Oblong duodecimo [175 x 85] 112 pages stapled into silkscreened card wrappers by “Drunk Persons”. (See Coalcliff Days, page 142.) A fine copy. $50.00
42. Tulsa In New York. Pre–press dummy of an anthology with introductory essay by Bolton to accompany an exhibition of Larry Clark’s Tulsa photography held at the Exprerimental Art Foundation in 1999. “When I heard we were showing Larry Clark’s photographs of a Tulsa sub–culture of the early 60s I remarked....that a number of poets and artists had come from Tulsa just prior to that time....This particular Tulsa group (poets Ted Berrigan, Ron Padgett and Dick Gallup, artist/writer Joe Brainard) – sometimes jokingly known as the Tulsa School – make up a core group within the second generation of the famous New York School of poets.... The work reproduced here is drawn from Padgett’s, Berrigan’s and Gallup’s earliest books and would mostly have been composed in their first years in New York.” Selection, essay and bibliography by Bolton. Nineteen A3 sheets folded and stapled to 38 pages. Fine. $35.00
ken bolton
43. A Killing Joke. [Cumberland Park, SA] Fruitbat Books, 2004. “A drawing game by Yuri, Anna, Jarrad, Cath & Ken.” A Bolton inspired in-house whimsy with text by Bolton (possibly subject to random direction and suggestion) assisted by copious drawings. Octavo [210 x 160] [28] pages stapled into card wrappers with illustrated dust jacket. A delight. $50.00
pam brown [1948 – ] tomato press
44. The Circus. [Cumberland Park, SA: the author, 2004.] A long narrative poem with all the action under the big top. Octavo [200 x 150] 112 pages stapled into card wrappers with illustrated dust jacket. $50.00
45. “Star Eyes.” Tamarama, NSW: Polar Bear Press, [2017]. Poem. Single Zerkal sheet [420 x 300] printed both sides and folded twice [210 x 150] and fixed into printed Arches wrappers. $25.00
46. Starting at Basheer’s. [Sydney, NSW]: Vagabond Press, 2018. New poems—the latest “characterized by the poems’ resolve to think through experiences, issues, social, ethical and aesthetic problems, using the lens of the everyday. At the same time the poems refuse to preclude any one register— high, low, or middling, the casual and the seriously proposed, the specialist and the amateur. At all times the ‘Self ’, the citizen, is weighed and judged in the light of the imagined Other.” A handsome book, exquisitely designed by Chris Edwards. Octavo [210 x 148] 146 pages in illustrated wrappers with artwork by the poet. New. $25.00
janice m. bostok [1942 – 2011]
47. Walking Into The Sun. Milwaukee: Shelters Press 1974. Her second book, and Haiku Society of America Award winner for 1974. Crown octavo [190 x 135] 40 pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $25.00
sal brereton [1957 – ]

48. Ideal Conditions: An Unfinished Prose Sequence. Adelaide, SA: Magic Sam Books, 1982. one of 200 copies printed by Mark Gleeson at the Experimental Art Foundation. Octavo [210 x 210] [28] pages of processed typescript stapled into plain heavy card wrappers with the distinctive silkscreened dust jacket art by Ken Bolton and Alan Jefferies. (See Coalcliff Days, page 22.) A fine copy. $45.00
49. Automatic Sad. North Ryde, NSW:[Pamela J.B. Brown, 1974]. a signed copy of the poet’s second collection. Printed by Tomato Press. Demy octavo [240 x 165] [28] pages on buttercup wove stapled into contrasting blue illustrated wrappers with a photo by Cess Lily.
50. Café Sport. Sydney, NSW: Seacruise Books, 1979. a signed copy. Five years writing, gathered thus, “This Old Angel: Poems 1974 – 1976”, “Can’t Stand a Push: Poems 1977 – 1978” and “Three Summers: Prose 1978”. With photographs by Micky Allan. Octavo [215 x 135] 54 pages stapled into pictorial wrappers. Very good. $45.00
51. eleven 747 poems. Wicklow, Éire: Wild Honey Press, 2002. Poetry. “Pam Brown fled Sydney for the duration of the Olympic Games in September 2000 and spent almost a month visiting the Indian Ocean islands of Mauritius and La Réunion. In the following year she spent three and a half months travelling in Hawaii, Québec, Berlin and France. The poems in ‘eleven 747 poems’ are some of the poetry written on those journeys. The term “747 poem” was coined by the North American poet, critic and academic Rob Wilson, meaning the kind of poem written during a brief stay in a foreign place.” Publisher’s note. Octavo [210 x 140] 22 pages sewn into illustrated wrappers. $25.00
pam brown susan m. schultz [1958 – ]
52. Amnesiac Recoveries. [Alexandria, NSW]: Never Never Books, 2016. “Department of Dislocated Memory - International Corporation of Lost Structures.” A hand-out prepared for the Australian Poetry Conference held at Berkeley California in April that year. Brown delivered a talk on her collaboration with the poets, Susan Schultz and Maged Zaher. Octavo [210 x 150] 8 pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. Fine. $15.00
paul carter [1951 – ]
62. Ecstasies & Elegies. Crawley, WA: UWA Publishing, 2013. Poetry. Octavo [210 x 138] ix + 177 pages. A fine copy in decorated wrappers with design by Desmond Carter.
$20.00 carrionflower writ [1985 – 1990]
63. The Carrionflower Writ. Melbourne, Vic: Nosukumo, 1985 - 1990. Edited “at Labassa” by Javant Biarujia. Folded broadsheet 994 x 440 folded to eight panels. No 1, 1985: Alison Briars, Alvyn Davy, Judi Dyson, Ian Hance, Berni Janssen, Chris Mann, Massimo Modenese, David N. Pepperell, Pete Spence, G. Maree Teychenné, Ann Weir. No 2 [Not present]. No 2a, 1986: “Special Issue for Japan Week”: Javant Biarujia, Shgyoku and André Sollier. No 3, 1987: Patrick Alexander, Betty Danon, Robert Drummond. Scott Helmes, Phyl Ophel, Jurate Sasnaitis, Lewis E. Scott. No 4 “The Imago Number” Guest editor, G. Maree Teychenné: Ian C. Birks, Anne Bradna, Edna Lafitte, Michael Lee, B. Wongar, Anna O’Neil, and Vikki Mitchell and Petrea Savage. No 5, 1988: Lindley Bhanji, Kamala Das, Gary Dunne, Denis Gallagher, John Jenkins, Paul Knobel, Susan Rachmann, Dan Rapheal and Susan Rachmann. No 6, 1988: Peter Bakowski, Adrian D’Ambra, Anthony Dunn, Robert Finlayson, Crag Hill, Jill Jones, Claine Keily, Adam King and Philip Sipp. No 7, 1989: Peter Seymour and Michael Fleming. Illustrated poetry. No 8, 1990: Charles Berstein, Jeanne Conn, Sophia Dale, Erling Fris-Baastad, Claire Hague, Gina Louis, Chris Mansell, B.Z. Niditch, C. E. Roberts, Ivor C. Treby, A.D. Winans. Nos 9/10, 1990: Ugo Anni- Balli, Michael Bullock, Raimondo Cortese, Kaviraj George Dowden, Adrian Rawlins, Dawn Sime, Billy Jones, Peter Ganick, Janette Orr, Phillip Foss, and Alex Skovron. Ten issues, each fine. $275.00
gary catalano [1947 – 2002]
64. Heaven of Rags: 40 Poems 1978 – 1981. Sydney, NSW: Hale & Iremonger, 1982. The cloth issue. review copy with publisher’s slip laid in. Octavo: [230 x 140] 80 pages in gilt embossed black boards with dust jacket. A fine copy.

65. Slow Tennis: Poems 1980 – 1983. Sydney, NSW: University of Queensland Press, 1985. review copy with publisher’s slip laid in. Octavo: [230 x 140] 62 pages. A fine copy
in dust jacket. $20.00
coalcliff [1980 – ]
the workers are unskilled
67. Xmas Corpses. Coalcliff, NSW: Exquisite Corpses Press, 1980. “Fichtre, Les Delicats Corps ! Press Rue Main Road, Coalcliff, NSW.” Micky Allan, Pam Brown, Ken Bolton, Kurt Brereton, Sal Brereton, Erica Callan, and Laurie Duggan. Originally conceived as “Exquisite Corpses” it evolved in collective consciousness to the present title. A text with hieroglyphs and a facsimile of the only surviving corpse graphic. “It remains, like an askant heuristic, also like a fragmentary reminder of Christmas.” (See Coalcliff Days, pages 86-87 for Laurie Duggan’s account of its genesis.) “Produced in a pretty small edition...” Quarto [260 x 212] 12 sheets (various papers and cards) rectos only, duplicated typescript, stencils and hand-colouring. Stapled into screenprinted card wrappers. Fine. $65.00
signed by gary catalano and the artist
66. Light And Water: Forty Prose Poems: 1980–1999. Braidwood, NSW: Finlay Press, 2002. the first book of the press in an edition of 150 copies only. Handset in Baskerville and printed by Phil Day on Magnani paper. Signed by the poet and by Chris Wallace Crabbe (who executed prints for the illustrated deluxe issue, Nos 1–50). Octavo [195 x 130] 50 pages in double folds. Mint in printed card wrappers with equally fine slipcase. $75.00
comix ron cobb [1937–]
68. Cobb Again. Sydney, NSW: Wild & Woolley, 1976. Quarto[280 x 220] [88] pages in illustrated card wrappers. A fine unused copy. $50.00
78. 93.


73. Words and Things: Concrete Poetry Supersigns Multiple Language, edited by Patrick Jones. Daylesford, Vic: Reverie Press Publications, 2004. With contributions by Geoffrey Baxter, Aleks Danko, Patrick Jones, Peter O’Mara, Alex Selenitsch, Marie Sierra, Jeff Stewart, Richard Tipping, and Peter Tyndall. Octavo [190 x 150] [110] pages. A very fine copy. $40.00
cosh [1975 – ]
comix peter lillie [1951 – 2012]
69. Pharoah Phunnies / Master Artist. Peter Lillie, with Bob Daly, Bill Martin, Topper, and poetry by Trevor McKenna and Captain Beefheart. Fitzroy, Vic: Pat Woolley, [1971?] Eighteen skits. “A dada comic book” financed by Ross Wilson of Daddy Cool. (See: Michael Denholm, Australian Small Press Publishing in Australia: The Early 1970’s.) Small quarto [240 x 180] [22] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. A near fine copy. Rare. $50.00
70. Dart Objects: Poured Concrete 1967-1971 by Garrie Hutchinson. Melbourne: Synergetic Press [Source Bookshop], 1971. A small book of great energy and a printed item that captures the spirit of the times. The so called “second edition” - the first being only some of these visual poems (and with no sculptings portrayed) and issued in a silk screened edition with illustrations by Michael Hudson. Preface by Prof. Carlos McRune. $45.00
71. Born to Concrete No 4. Fitzroy, Vic: Jas H. Duke, [1974]. This issue edited by Peter Murphy. Contributors include Mimmo Cozzolino, Tony Figallo, Lindsay Clements, Peter Murphy, Jas H. Duke, John Jenkins, Alex Selenitsch, Thalia, Chris Mann, ∏.O., Sweeney Reed, Nicholas Zurbrugg, and Bill[y] Jones. Quarto [265 x 210] [50] pages, rectos only from stencils. In illustrated wrappers. The last number in the series. $45.00
72. Missing Forms: Concrete, Visual & Experimental Poems. Melbourne: Collective Effort Press, 1981. Introduction by ∏.O. Contributors: Alan Riddell, Alex Selenitsch, Sweeney Reed, Richard Tipping, Jas Duke, Anthony Figallo, Lindsay Clements, Peter Murphy, ∏.O., Renee, Rosemary Edwards, ACR, Michael Dugan, Barrie Reid, Les Kossatz, Dennis Douglas, Russell Deeble, Fred May, Mimmo Cozzolino, Garrie Hutchinson, and Mike Parr. Octavo [215 x 130] [144] pages in illustrated wrappers.
74. Cosh. Townsville, QLD: Cochon, 1975. Edited by Stefanie Bennett. Includes work by Thomas Shapcott, Gillian Hanscombe, Graham Rowlands, Vicki Viidikas, Judith Wright, Lyndon Walker, D.S. Long, Graham Pitt, and Stefanie Bennett. Quarto [255 x 200] 56 pages stab bound into red lettered card wrappers with clear acetate and tape at spine. $30.00
anna couani [1948 – ]
75. Italy. Clifton Hill: Robert Kenny/Ragman Productions, 1977. With drawings and photographs by the author. Rigmarole of the Hours No 11. This copy sent out for review and with the publisher’s slip laid in. Octavo [200 x 150] 61 pages in plain card wrappers with illustrated dust jacket. $30.00
crosscurrents [1968 – ]
76. Crosscurrents. Vol 1 No 1, April, 1968. Edited by Michael Dugan. Heidelberg West, Vic, 1968. Paul Smith, Terence Gilmore, Anna Fox, J.R. Smith, Sally Duggan, P.S. Baily and Geoffrey Eggleston. Cover art by Geoffrey Eggleston. Octavo [210 x 170] [12] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $25.00
77. Crosscurrents. Vol 1 No 3, October, 1968. Edited by Michael Dugan. Heidelberg West, Vic, 1968. Ian Dee, Geoffrey Eggleston, Paul Smith, Bill Beard, Elaine Rushbrook, Mal Morgan, B.A. Breen, Kris Hemensley, Charles Buckmaster, Rob Tillet, Terence Gilmore, and others. [210 x 170] [16] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers.
luke davies [1962 – ] glandular press
78. Four Plots For Magnets. Sydney: Glandular Press, 1982. Luke Davies’ first collection of poetry and a brilliant debut. one of 300 copies —this copy signed by the poet. Typeset by Lyn Tranter’s Rat Graffix, and printed by Panacea Press in Knox Street Chippendale. Stapled into illustrated card wrappers. A near fine copy with cover art from the 1970 Pro Football Yearbook, with the squares and circles representing players and the arrows etc. indicating movement and “play routes”. Scarce. $75.00
competition [1984]
79. Competition arranged by Carringbush Library, Vic. Also advertising Street Poetry and Open Performance Venues: Metro Café, Geelong, Café Jammin, Middle Park, and the Living Room, Richmond. 420 x 300. One fold, else unused. $25.00

juan dávila [1946 – ]

80. The Mutilated Pieta. Surry Hills, NSW: Artspace, 1985. Artists book. With an essay by Paul Foss. Designed by Ian Robertson. Small crown octavo [180 x 115] 47 + [25] pages with 1 colour and 14 black and white plates. Perfect bound into printed wrappers. Minimal fading to spine. Scarce. $45.00
russell deeble [1944 – ]
81. War Babies & Other Poems. [Melbourne, Vic:] no publisher, 1965. Deeble’s first gathering, and this copy with a four line inscription (“To Dear Barry”) opposite the title page. Printed by McAlister Print. Octavo [200 x 140] 8 pages stapled into glossy card wrappers featuring a full cover photographic portrait of the poet by Roger Platten on the upper and an enthusiastic endorsement by Bernard Hesling on the lower. $45.00
inscribed to the publisher - sweeney reed
82. A Trip to Light Blue. Melbourne, Vic: A Strines Publication, 1968. “To Sweeney the publisher who calls me Ray...” Foreword by Barrie Reid. The poet’s second collection. Printed at the National Press. Octavo [210 x 140] 64 pages in illustrated wrappers with photography and design by David I. Porter. $85.00
83. A Trip to Light Blue. Melbourne, Vic: Strines, 1968. Foreword by Barrie Reid. The poet’s second collection. This copy with the signature of Richard Tipping, but also with two typed letters from Tipping as editor of Mok magazine concerning the review of this volume for Mok 6. Tipping’s entreaties concerning the politics of publication, the kind and extent of review appear to be addressed to Carl Harrison-Ford. If the notice was written, it never appeared, as Mok ended with issue No 5. Printed at the National Press. Octavo [210 x 140] 64 pages in illustrated wrappers with photography and design by David I. Porter.
russell deeble
84. A Poem that Wants to Be Painted. Bulleen, Vic: Sweeney Reed Publications, [1977]. Folded poem by Deeble inside a printed card, with frontispiece and background art by Joy Hester (the publisher’s mother) from her “Love Series” of the late 1940s. On two sides of a sheet of Fox Circa ‘83 antique laid [350 x 285] folded twice into Canson card [200 x 150]. Printed at the National Press. A very fine example of a scarce item. $60.00
Just Before Eyelight. Melbourne, Vic: Overland Press, 1977. Eight short poems. A small collection designed by Sweeney Reed. Printed by the ever-present National Press on a good laid paper. 16mo [120 x 102] [20] pages stapled into plain card wrappers with printed dust jacket. $45.00
evelīna deičmane [1978 – ]
86. Breathing Prohibited: Alpot Aizliegts. [Riga: Latvijas Mākslas Akadēmija, 2006.] Artists book produced for her installation at the 15th Biennale of Sydney in 2006. Oblong [235 x 155] c. 70 pages polymer film and paper, with many double folds, perfect bound. $35.00
james devaney, [1890 – 1976]
Have wired them to dump the whole edition.
87. Freight Of Dreams. Melbourne, Vic: Georgian House, 1946. Advance copy marked up to indicate misprints, omissions, and work to be omitted, with pages noted on upper wrapper, and the emphatic statement “Have wired them to dump whole edition”. The book was re-set retaining the original date, 1946, but not released until after that year. Octavo [185 x 145] 52 pages in printed embossed grain card. $85.00
dharma [1973 – ]
88. Dharma. No 10: Cat Fishing in the Torrens. Spring, 1973. Prospect, SA: Dharma Poetry Foundation, 1973. Edited by Larry Buttrose, Donna Maegraith, and Stephen Measday. Contributors include: Peter Goldsworthy, Donna Maegraith, Leon Spiro, Richard Coady, Peter Finch, ∏.O., Denny Stevens, John Edwards, Robert Kench, Andrew Darlington, Rae Desmond Jones, Patrick Alexander, and Philip Hammial, among others. Octavo [210 x 170] [36] pages stapled into illustrated card wrappers. A John Peter Horsham broadside is laid in: four poems and two graphics on both sides of a single folded f/cap sheet.
89. Dharma No 12: Autumn. Prospect, SA: Dharma Poetry Foundation, [1974]. Edited by Larry Buttrose, Donna Maegraith, and Stephen Measday. Contributors include: Rae Desmond Jones, Patrick Alexander, Span, Joanne Burns, Peter Finch, Stephen Measday, Gary Langford, Leon Spiro, among others. Single sheet [500 x 355] folded twice. $25.00
michael dransfield [1948 – 1973]
93. Streets Of The Long Voyage. St. Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland Press, 1970. The poet’s first collection. this copy signed by the poet. Octavo [185 x 110] 77 pages, perfect bound into illustrated card wrappers. Signed copies of Dransfield’s work are rare on the market, and especially so with his first collection. Neat ownership signature and some slight tanning, else a little used copy. $300.00
90. Dharma No 14: Summer 75-76. Prospect, SA: Dharma Poetry Foundation, 1975. Edited by Larry Buttrose, Donna Maegraith, and Stephen Measday. Contributors include: Robert C. Boyce, Steve Sneyd, Patrick Alexander, Rae Desmond Jones, ∏.O., Donna Maegraith, Eric Beach, John Jenkins, Larry Buttrose, John-Peter Horsham, and Stephen Measday. Octavo [205 x 130] 51 pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $25.00
94. Memoirs of a Velvet Urinal. Adelaide, SA: Maximus Books, [1975]. His fourth collection, and posthumous. Octavo [205 x 140] 63 pages in illustrated wrappers by Barrie Tucker. Light rubbing, else very good. $50.00
michael dransfield aspect: art & literature [1975 – 1989]

rosemary dobson [1920 – 2012 ]
“This was a very personal book...” alec bolton
91. The Continuance of Poetry: Twelve. Poems for David Campbell. Canberra: The Brindabella Press, [1981]. signed by the poet. No 9 of 275 copies set in Baskerville and printed by Alec Bolton. With 4 tipped black and white photographs taken at David Campbell’s property at Lilli Pilli on the South Coast. Sewn and case-bound by Stanley Owen into smooth blue cloth with title and decoration in gilt. Fine in clear acetate jacket. $85.00
92. The Three Fates & Other Poems. Canberra: Sydney: Hale & Iremonger, 1984. Vera Newsom’s copy, sent out and received for review with the publisher’s notice laid in. this copy signed by rosemary dobson. Octavo [215 x 138] 68 pages. Very fine in illustrated wrappers.
nigel roberts collage
95. Aspect: Art and Literature. Vol 2 No 2. Paddington, NSW: Aspect Publications, 1976. The Dransfield Issue. Mirka Mora and Geoff Dutton remember MD, MD letters to Nigel Roberts and previously unpublished poems. Work in progress from Finola Moorhead, interview with John Tranter, and contributions from Anna Couani, Carol Novak, Gerard Lee, Ian Milliss, David Perry, Gary Catalano and concrete poetry from Rudi Krausmann. Small quarto [240 x 180] [56] pages, stapled into illustrated wrappers designed around a collage by Nigel Roberts. $25.00
jas h duke
96. Handbill for the launch of Poems of War & Peace. [Melbourne:Collective Effort Press, 1987.] A5. Fine. $15.00

laurie duggan [1949 – ]
97. Adventures in Paradise. Adelaide, SA: Magic Sam Books at the Experimental Art Foundation, 1982. the first edition. Design and cover art by Ken Bolton, the poet’s photo by Pam Brown, and printing by Mark Gleeson. Produced during Bolton’s first year in Adelaide. one of 200 copies. Small square quarto [210 x 210] [40] pages in silkscreened dust jacket over stiffened card wrappers. $50.00
98. All Blues: Eight Poems. London: Northern Lights, 1989. one of 200 numbered copies. A single sheet [337 x 212] with three folds producing eight panels. On Conqueror laid. Fine. $20.00
99. The Home Paddock: Blue Hills 21 – 35. No place: Noone’s Press, 1991. one of 100 copies each signed and numbered. Printed in Glebe, NSW by Pat Woolley at the Fastbooks division of publisher Wild & Woolley. Quarto. [284 x 202] 18 pages in printed card wrappers with design from enlarged and distorted cartographic detail. Fine. $35.00
100. Catnips, by Laurie Duggan & Pete Spence. [Kyneton, Vic]: Donnithorne Street Press, 2012. one of forty copies only. A sequence of tiny, neat verbal playthings in an exchange between the two poets. Card [210 x 150] folded once to four panels. As issued. Fine. $20.00
101. Afterimages, by Laurie Duggan. Tamarama, NSW: Polar Bear Press, 2018. one of twenty six copies signed and lettered by the poet. An alphabet of painters, from Auerbach to Tintoretto. Octavo [235 x 150] [28] pages sewn into plain card wrappers with dust jacket and title label.
$65.00 jas h duke [1939 – 1992]
earth ship [1970 – ear in a wheatfield nero, or, merri creek – 1985]
After three & a half years in Melbourne, I returned, with Retta, to England in September, 1969. Not long back before I was writing to the English poets & little magazine editors I’d discovered on expeditions from Southampton to Indica Bookshop in London... kris hemensley
103. Earth Ship # 1. October 1970. Southampton/Bognor Regis, UK. Edited by Kris Hemensley & Colin T. Symes. John Hall, Kris Hemensley (from Dublin writing on Joyce), Ian Robertson (from Victoria, Australia), David Chaloner, John Riley, and Colin Symes on the chart “Poetree”. F/cap 24 pages, sewn under tape into illustrated paper covers. With the Colin Symes wall chart “Poetree” [800 x 1000] glazed in walnut frame 1050 x 1280] signed on rear by Symes. Two items $650.00

102. The Sopwith Snailshell & The Secret Life. [Brighton, UK: Ted Kavanagh, 1970.] An early stand alone printed publication of Duke’s work executed by fellow anarchist and Australian expatriate, Ted Kavanagh. A poem on four pages. Single sheet [410 x 285] printed letterpress and folded once, stapled into printed khaki card wrappers. A fine copy of a genuine rarity. $75.00
104. Earth Ship # 9. Southampton, UK, April 1972. A special issue dedicated to some poems and tales by John Thorpe. F/cap 16 pages stencilled typescript stapled into illustrated card wrappers. $40.00
earth ship
ear in a wheatfield [1973]
105. Earth Ship # 10/11. Southampton, UK, August 1972. Carolee Schneemann, Ulli McCarthy, Paul Smith, John Hall, Paul Hesp, Peter Riley, Michael Haslam, John Riley, Tim Longueville, George Stanley, Kris Hemensley, Philip Holmes, David Chaloner, David Bromige, Stan Persky, Larry Eigner, Franco Beltremetti, David Tipton, Colin Symes, Jeremy Hilton. Books and magazines received. F/ cap 66 pages stencilled typescript stapled into illustrated card wrappers with artwork by Opal Nations. $50.00
cover by jas duke
107. The Ear in a Wheatfield - Earth Ship Second Series # 2. Hawthorn, Vic, July 1973. John Hall, John Jenkins, Walter Billiter, Kris Hemensley, Michael Chamberlain, Bruce Beaver, Paul Buck. F/cap 70 pages stencilled typescript, stapled into card covers with artwork by Jas H. Duke.

106. The Ear in a Wheatfield - Earth Ship Second Series # 1. Hawthorn Vic, May, 1973. Larry Eigner, John Riley, David Bromige, Hunter Cordaiy, Michael Chamberlain, Michael Haslam, Peter Riley, Francis Ponge, David Gitin, Douglas Oliver. F/cap [36] pages processed typescript, stapled into
illustrated card covers. $45.00
108. The Ear in a Wheatfield - Earth Ship Second Series # 3. North Fitzroy, Vic, November, 1973. Jas H. Duke, Michael Palmer, Bill Beard, Garrie Hutchinson, Charles Bukowski, Bernard Hemensley, Stephen Kourakis, Michael Wilding, Colin Talbot, Linda Robertshaw, Norman Talbot, Michael Dransfield, Tim Longueville, Frances Symes, Joan Kidman, David Miller, Hunter Cordaiy, Walter Billiter, and Robert Kenny. F/cap 72 pages stencilled typescript. $40.00
ear in a wheatfield [1974]ear in a wheatfield [1974]
115. The Ear in a Wheatfield - Earth Ship. Second Series #9. North Fitzroy, Vic, July 1974. Will Petersen, Buson translations by Edith Shiffert and Yuki Sawa, Soichi Furuta, Duncan McNaughton, Larry Eigner, Ulli McCarthy, Bobby Louise Hawkins, Sherril Jaffe, and Fielding Dawson. Books and magazines received. F/cap 86 pages, processed typescript, stapled into illustrated wrappers. $45.00
117. James Koller. Shannon Who Was Lost Before. North Fitzroy, Vic/Pensnett, Staffordshire, UK: Ear in the Wheatfield/ Grosseteste, 1974. Octavo [220 x 140] 88 pages in heavy card wrappers with printed dust jacket. $25.00

116. The Ear in a Wheatfield - Earth Ship. Second Series # 10. North Fitzroy, Vic, October 1974. Robert Kenny, Walter Billiter, Gerard Lee, John Millett, Jennifer Maiden, Hunter Cordaiy, Bruce Beaver, Garrie Hutchinson, Kris Hemensley, Katherine Gallagher, Chris Edwards & Cheryl Adamson, Finola Moorhead, Ranald Allan, John Forbes, Laurie Duggan, Terry Larsen, Vicki Viidikas, Richard Tipping, Cassandra Grahame, Rodney Hall, Bill Beard, Eric Beach, Rhys Pasley, D.S. Long, Gary Langford, Alan Loney, Russell Haley, and Murray Edmond. Books and magazines received. F/cap 98 pages processed typescript, stapled into illustrated card covers with Syd Garvey artwork. $40.00
ear in a wheatfield [1975]
118. The Ear in a Wheatfield # 15 - Ah ! by Larry Eigner. North Fitzroy, Vic: August, 1975. Edited by Kris Hemensley & Mimeod by Retta Hemensley. from a numbered edition of 150 copies. Octavo[210 x 150] [8] pages duplicated typescript sewn into titled card wrappers.
ear in a wheatfield [1975]
ear in a wheatfield [1975]

I am now in New York ...sharing a loft at 143 West 21st Street, underneath Margo and Michael Johnson...Noel Sheridan’s old loft. A few days after I arrived here I went up to the roof to take some photos and met John Stringer from MOMA....tim burns nyc 1975
119. The Ear in a Wheatfield #14. North Fitzroy, Vic, August 1975. Selected Early Poems by Bernie O’Regan; Petits Mals by Karen Gordon. F/cap 18 pages processed typescript stapled into illustrated card covers with vortograph design by Bernie O’Regan. $40.00
121. The Ear in a Wheatfield # 17. “In Place of the Place Issue”. North Fitzroy, Vic: September, 1975. Paul Buck, Glenda George, John Tranter, Jennifer Maiden, Bill Beard, Philip Garrison, Frank Hogan, Chris Aulich, Ken Taylor, John Scott, Rosemarie Waldorp, Kris Hemensley (his launch speech for Ken Taylor’s At Valentines), Karl Leungruber. Mimeography by Retta Hemensley at the Ear in a Wheatfield Printery. Frontispiece reproduces an autograph letter from the Australian artist, Tim Burns in New York. [300 x 210] 36 pages in illustrated wrappers. Cover art from a Tim Burns postcard. $50.00

ear in a wheatfield [1976]

120. A Flower in the Ear. For the New Year January 1975. Earth Ship Second Series #11. Edited by Kris Hemensley & Mimeod by Retta Hemensley. North Fitzroy, Vic. Denis Goacher, Bill Manhire, Gerard Smith, John Jenkins, Ross Bennett, Chris Aulich, Kris Hemensley, Walter Billiter, Tim Longueville and Rudi Krausmann. F/cap 28 pages stapled into printed card covers. $45.00
122. Earth Ship # 30 Second Series The Ear in a Wheatfield #17. “Down Under” Westgarth, Vic, Autumn 1976. Clive Faust, Paul Buck, Walter Billiter, Allen Fisher, Tim Longueville, Norma Smith, John Hall, Ken Bolton, Philip Hammial, Leith Morton, Laurie Duggan, Franco Beltrametti, Jack Shoemaker, Kris Hemensley and Glenda George. F/cap 100 pages processed typescript stapled into typed card covers with individual comic book frame affixed. $60.00
ear in a wheatfield [1976]earth ship 3rd series [1979]
123. The Ear in a Wheatfield # 18 “Strange Practices Amongst Birdsong (Some Winter Tales)”Edited by Kris Hemensley; Mimeography by Retta Hemensley on the Hemensley- Roneo; Stencilography by the editor on an Olympia Traveller de Luxe. Westgarth, Vic, July “Down Under Winter” 1976. John Riley, Wolf Wondratschek translated by Walter Billiter, Kris Hemensley, Anna Couani, Gerard Lee, and Michael Wilding. F/cap 26 pages stenciled typescript stapled into card covers with artwork by Robert Kenny.
125. The Merri Creek, Or Nero # 2. Earth Ship 3rd Series. ES/33 TMCON/2. Westgarth, Vic, April/June 1979. Flyer for the Cantrill film, Edges of Meaning; John Fisher interview, Tim Hemensley, Chris Mann, David Miller, David Antin, Finola Moorhead, Colin Symes (chapbook), Jeff Nuttall, Sharon Hopkins, George Alexander, Terry Reid, Pat Larter, Cess Francke, Philip Hammial, Kris Hemensley, Alex Selenitsch (8 page gathering of concrete poetry), Konrad Bayer translated by Walter Billiter, Sherril Jaffe, Alexandra Seddon, Anna Couani, Jennifer Maiden, Leith Morton, Jas H. Duke, Robert Kenny, Mark Harshman, and David Bromige. A4, 15 stapled gatherings in hand addressed and stencilled kraft envelope with artwork by Robert Kenny. A big bundle. $150.00

124. The Ear in a Wheatfield # 19 . December 1976. “Nothing Between the Ears” (May-December, 1976) “NBTE is solicited & gathered by Kris Hemensley who is responsible for the stencilography; and is mimeod on the Hemensley-Roneo at the Ear in a Wheatfield Printery by Retta Hemensley. Ken Bolton, Robert Kenny, Walter Billiter, Kris Hemensley, Rudi Krausmann, John Jenkins, Paul Buck, Philip Hammial, Horst Bienik, Terry Smith, Ken Taylor, Janice Bostock, Noel Sheridan, Anna Couani, Clive Faust, Katherine Gallagher, Finola Moorhead, Laurie Herganhan, Peter Cyganowski, Mariano Coreno, J.V. Byrnes, Alexandra Seddon. F/cap 102 pages stencilled typescript, stapled into hand titled card covers. $60.00
126. The Merri Creek, Or Nero # 3. Earth Ship 3rd Series Westgarth, Vic, February - May 1980. “Typed on “R” and “G” Roneo Stencils with the Olympia Traveller de Luxe despite its wonky letter p. Mimeography by Retta Hemensley. The green fish on the envelope is by Julie Powell. Photoreproductions organised by Nan McNab.” Ken Bolton (4 images in colour on 2 sheets), Tim Hemensley, Harry Hogstraten, Chris Mann, Bob Ramsey, Sam Schoenbaum, Michael Gibbs, John Fisher, J. Christopher Jones, Flavio Ermini translated by Peter Carravetta, John Millett, Julie Powell, Bernard Noel translated by Glenda George, John Davies, Barry Watten, Ron Silliman, Steve Benson, Alan Bernheimer, Carla Harryman, Robert Grenier, Lyn Hejinian, Geoffrey Cook, Leith Morton, Peter Tyndall, Noel Sheridan, Bonita Ely, Dick Higgins, and Alex Selenitch’s booklet, Translating the sator Square. Stapled f/cap gatherings and inserts in fourteen sections in hand addressed and stamped kraft envelope. Another big bundle. $150.00
earth ship 3rd series[1979]
earth ship 3rd series[1982]

128. The Merri Creek, Or Nero (Earth Ship 3rd Series) H/EAR TOO. ES/36: February 1982 : TMCON/5. Westgarth, VIC: 1982. Convened by Kris Hemensley, who also typed the stencils, mimeographed by Retta Hemensley on the Hemensley Roneo. Correspondence: Marie Sjöberg, Bill Beard, Alex Miller, Geoffrey Eggleston, Paul Green (Spectacular Diseases), Clive Faust, Finola Moorhead, Alexandra Seddon, Colin Symes. Poetry: Julie Powell, Ania Walwicz, Michael Sharkey on Robert Kenney and Rigmarole, Robert Kenney (writing from Berlin), Clive Faust on John Tranter’s New Australian Poetry. F/cap quarto 146 pages of stencilled typescript, stapled into printed wrappers with silkscreen artwork by Patrick Jones. $65.00

127. The Merri Creek, Or Nero (Earth Ship 3rd Series). H/EAR TOO presents H/EAR. Westgarth, Vic, August 24th, 1981. Alexandra Seddon, Anna Couani, Clive Faust, Richard Deutch, Kris Hemensley, Finola Moorhead, Paul Green and Alex Selenitsch. F/cap quarto 56 pages stencilled typescript in illustrated card wrappers. $45.00
129. The Merri Creek, Or Nero (Earth Ship 3rd Series) presents HER/e ES/37: August - November 1982 : TMCON/6. Convened by Kris Hemensley, who also typed the stencils on a Olympia Traveller de Luxe, then mimeoed by Retta Hemensley on the Hemensley Roneo-OK at the Ear in a Wheatfield Printery. Noreen Larcombe, Dale Harcombe, Marilyn Mitchell, Ann Millar, Keryn Walsh, Finola Moorhead, Elizabeth Fullerton, Geoff Eggleston, Des Cowley, Ken Taylor and Kris Hemensley. F/cap quarto, pages 147 - 248 stencilled typescript stapled into silkscreened wrappers.
earth ship 3rd series[1983]earth ship 3rd series[1984]
130. The Merri Creek, Or Nero (Earth Ship 3rd Series) presents H/EAR No 5 HEARt, Summer 1983/84. Convened by Kris Hemensley, who also typed the stencils on Nan McNab’s Smith-Corona typewriter. Mimeographed by Retta Hemensley on the Hemensley Roneo at the mythical Ear in a Wheatfield Printery at “Clifton”. Edward Mycue, interviews KH and Cid Corman by Adrian Martin, KH reviews Cid Corman’s Edges of Meaning, KH on Buckmaster’s Dark Ages Journal, Oswald Hall, KH interviews Oswald Hall, David Miller, KH interviews Pete Spence, Michael Dugan, KH Diary 1968-1969, KH reviews KMF Fallon’s Sexuality of Illusion, Alexandra Seddon, John Anderson, Marcus Breen, Bernard Hemensley, Will Petersen. Pages 400 - 529, stapled into silkscreened wrappers.
132. The Merri Creek, Or Nero (Earth Ship 3rd Series) presents H/ EAR 6 Here & (t)Here. Southern Hemisphere Winter 1984. Convened by Kris Hemensley, who also typed the stencils on Nan McNab’s Smith-Corona typewriter. Mimeographed by Retta Hemensley on the Hemensley Roneo at the mythical Ear in a Wheatfield Printery at “Clifton”. Correspondence: George Butterick, Robert Bertholf, Ken Bolton, Ned Johnson, Alex Miller, Peter Rosson, Wayne Larsen, Pete Spence, Des Cowley, Ray Blacket, Oswald Hall; journal entries by Kris Hemensley, “Greek Section”, Bernard Hemensley on Ted Enslin, Elizabeth Gertsakis, Susan Hawthorn, Julie Clarke-Powell, Phil Hammial, Yann Lovelock, Paul Green (Spectacular Diseases), David Miller, Tommy Trantino, Terry Cuthbert, Alexandra Seddon, Noreen Larcombe, Ken Bolton (“Boofhead Sestina”), Marcus Breen, Ed Mycue. 155 pages A4 processed typescript and inserts, stapled into glossy offset wrappers reproducing Wayne Larsen’s “Here & Here”.

131. The Merri Creek, Or Nero(Earth Ship 3rd Series) presents tHEArRE TMCON/7 [Hear/4 ?]Westgarth, Vic, Southern Hemisphere Winter 1983. Alex Miller, Herbert Eckeret, Des Cowley, Geoffrey Eggleston, Bernie O’Regan, Syd Clayton, Paul Buck, Paul Green, James Claydon, Kris Hemensley, David Miller, Ken Taylor, Terry Gillmore, Denis Mizzi, Edward Mycue, Michael Sharkey, Yan Lovelock, and Leith Morton. F/cap quarto pages 249 - 398 stencilled typescript on various papers, stapled into illustrated wrappers with a photo by Bernie O’Regan. $45.00
133. The Merri Creek, Or Nero (Earth Ship 3rd Series) presents H/EAR 7. Westgarth, Vic, Southern Hemisphere, Summer 84/5. ES/43 TMCON/10. George Butterick, Graeme Ellis, Pete Spence, Guy Davenport, Theodore Enslin, Paul Green, Larry Eigner, Bernie O’Regan, Geoffrey Dutton, Alex Miller, Carolee Schneemann, Kris Hemensley (reprints some vintage review and correspondence from the early ES archives), Rosmarie Waldorp, Finola Moorhead, Ania Walwicz, Julie Clarke-Powell, Catherine O’Brien, Alexandra Seddon, Alex Selenitsch. F/cap quarto.
earth ship 3rd series[1985]
etymspheres [1975]
134. The Merri Creek, Or Nero (Earth Ship 3rd Series) presents H/ EAR 8 tHEArRE. Southern Hemisphere, Spring 1985. Roberto Zito, Jiri Tibor Novack, Keryn Walshe, George Alexander, Anthony Mannix, Georges Bataille, Paul Buck, Richard Von Sturmer, Nan McNab, Alex Miller, Alexandra Seddon, Paul Green, Stanislaw Hansel, Pete Spence, Nathaniel Tarn, Anthony Kidman-Scier, Juilo Cortazar, Barbara Einzig, Catherine O’Brien, Bernard Hemensley, Michael Loosli, D.I. Antoniou, Will Petersen, Yann Lovelock, Josette Ackad, Johanna Mackay, and Edward Reilly. A4, pages 305 - 416 stencilled typescript with various other inserts and media, stapled into illustrated card covers.
$45.00 etymspheres [1974]
136. EtymspHeres: The Journal of the Paper Castle. Vol 1 No 2, Marysville, Balaclava, Vic: [1975]. Edited by John Jenkins and Walter Billiter. Contributions by Finola Moorhead, Billiter, Jenkins, Kris Hemensley and David Miller. Reviews include: Robert Adamson’s Swamp Riddles, Peter Carey’s Fat Man in History, Kenny & Talbot’s Applestealers anthology, Franco Beltrametti’s Face to Face, Michael Wilding’s Living Together, and Bruce Beaver’s Lauds and Plaints. Crown octavo [190 x 130] 64 pages in printed wrappers. with Dreamrobe Embroideries & Asparagus for Dinner: A Menu of Assorted Fresh & Stale Delicacies Arranged by Walter Billiter & John Jenkins Under the Auspices of E. Tim. Spheres II Lord of the Paper Castle. Marysville, Vic: The Paper Castle [1975]. Contributors include: Jennifer Maiden, Ludwig Tieck (Billiter), Bruce Beaver, John Tranter, Rudi Krausmann, Robert Kenny, John Jenkins, Christopher Middleton, Paul Buck, and David Miller. Crown octavo [190 x 130] 144 pages in printed wrappers. Publisher’s catalogues laid in. The pair $45.00

135. Etymspheres: The Journal of the Paper Castle. Vol 1 No 1, Balaclava, Vic: [July, 1974]. Edited by John Jenkins and Walter Billiter. Contributors: Bernard Nöel, Paul Buck, David Miller, Bruce Beaver, Robert Harris, Tom Shapcott, Peter Hicks, Colin Symes, Trevor Reeves, Ann Beresford, Kris Hemensley, Paul Celan (Billiter) , Robert Adamson, Arno Schmidt (Billiter), Neil Clarke, and John Jenkins. F/ cap 166 pages stapled into card wrappers. $45.00
137. Cheeries & Quartermasters. Carlton, Vic: The Paper Castle, 1975. Etymspheres Series 2/2, edited by John Jenkins and David Miller. “Within poetry, humour has been deemed the demesne of the limerick, nonsense poem, or of the doggerel, and assigned an inferior status. Of course, this is not completely true, as there have been periods when satiric and ironic verse was highly prized. We find that is
etymspheres [1975] still the case with contemporary poetry. With the examples collected in Cheeries & Quartermasters, you will see something of the same again, only with a different and contemporary emphasis.” John Jenkins. Contributors include Bill Manhire, J.S. Harry, Ken Bolton, Rudi Krausmann, Joanne Burns, and Les Murray (selections from “The Vernacular Republic”). Octavo [230 x 165] 64 pages stapled into hand lettered plain card wrappers. Inevitable, but still slight, soiling and discolouration to wrappers, internally fine. Seldom seen.
mary fallin (kathleen berryman/fallon)[1951 – ]
anthony figallo [1946 – ]
140. The. Richmond East, Vic: Paper Virus Press, c.1994. A short statement on linguistic and textual context, followed by a typographical demonstration. Dedicated to “Hazel, and with special thanks to Lloyd Jones” (LJ being a fellow visual poet). Octavo [210 x 150] [12] pages, saddle stitched into printed grey card wrappers. A fine copy. $30.00
141. Words Off The Street. Richmond East, Vic: Paper Virus, [1995]. Word art derived from newspaper banners. With a foreword by Lloyd Jones. Octavo [210 x 150] 18 pages sewn and tied into illustrated card wrappers. $30.00
fitzrot [1974]
138. Explosion, Implosion. Glebe, NSW: Working Hot, [1980].A volume of poetry that walked out the door at the time of its release. Fallin’s first book and the most arresting cover design that year. Her later career would see her published works appear under the name Kathleen Mary Fallon. From a very small print run (200 copies), with cover design by the poet, and silkscreen wrappers executed with the help of Ken Bolton and Sal Brereton at Coalcliff. A fine copy. $50.00
fieldwork [1996 – ]
139. The Field Report. Geelong, Vic: Field Study International, 1996 – 2010. Compiled annually by David Dellafiora, this assembly of mail art involves contributions from participants in the international mail art network. It is the longest running substantial project of its kind—it also features the greatest component of Australian content. Each volume is comprised of work deploying a wide range of media and technique, with many individual pieces being original within the edition, and frequently stamped, numbered or signed by the artist. Most volumes contain unique collage, onlay, original drawing and hand colouring. Each volume here is complete, with supplements, fold– outs, posters, wraparound bands, inserts and loose media (including Dellafiora’s signature spine stuffings). These gatherings are rare and generally do not circulate outside of their creative community. Fifteen numbers, each A5 landscape [150 x 210] and comb–bound, and each with one hundred plus leaves, frequently with supplementary surfaces and attachments. $275.00
142. Fitzrot. [No 1]. No place: no publisher, [1974]. Produced shortly after the 1974 Adelaide Festival Writers Week. Contributors include: Anthony Figallo, Peter Murphy, Barbara Giles, Jas Duke, Barrie Reid, ∏.O. Graham Rowlands, Gig Ryan, Frank Kellaway, Mal Morgon, Reneé, Shelton Lea, Gary Oliver, Gaby, Barry Dickins, A. Ghafar Ibrahim (translated by Harry Aveling), Larry Buttrose, Alan Riddell, Ken Bolton (reviews Robert Harris’ first collection, Localities) Lyndon Walker, Richard Tipping, Frank Hogan, Vicki Viidikas, ACR, Adrian Flavell, Robert C. Boyce, Stephanie Bennett, Yannis Ritsos, Rae Desmond Jones, Eric Beach, and others. Octavo [205 x 170] [88] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $45.00

fitzrot [1974]
143. Fitzroy Flats. “Zero” [No 2]. Collingwood, Vic: Strawberry Press,[1974. Margot Nash, Geoffrey Eggleston, Vincent Ruiz, Michael Dugan, Barry Dickins, Salem Ammoun, Phillip Phillipou, Mal Morgan, Peter Murphy, ∏.O., Trevor Reeves, Thalia, and John Jenkins. Octavo [205 x 170] [28] pages from folded f/cap, with ∏.O. hinged booklet poem. $45.00
john flaus [ 1934 – ]
146. Parallacts: Motley Saws & Modest Conceits. [Castlemaine, Vic: Mark Time Books, 2012.] Aphorisms at their best. this copy inscribed to martha ansara. Octavo [210 x 150] 32 pages stapled into wrappers. $30.00
john forbes [1950 – 1998]
...the one who has set among the landmarks of our verse a half-dozen poems that already seem entirely at home there, as if the landscape had been waiting to receive them. david malouf
144. Fitzrot ‘3’: Period Piece. Collingwood, Vic: Strawberry Press, [1974]. The fifth Fitzrot, and edited by Thalia and ACR. Comprised entirely of female content, it is effectively an anthology. Contributors include: Stefanie Bennett, Joanne Burns, ACR, Judith Rodriguez, Gundel, Carol Novak, Wilma Hedley, Barbara Giles, and Margot Nash. With photographs by Margo Nash, drawings by R. Heritage. At the rear, below acknowledgements, is a list of other venues for publication of women’s poetry: Fallopian Tube, Saturday Club, and a women’s issue, to be published by Outback Press, and edited by Kate Jennings — which evolved to Mother I’m Rooted, and appeared four or five months after Period Piece. Octavo [200 x 165] [80] pages, stapled into black card wrappers with a gauze patch crudely titled in red ink glued to upper (this is the only evidence of a title for the volume). Rubber cement beneath label has darkened, else a fine copy. $45.00
147. Tropical Skiing. Sydney, NSW: Angus & Robertson, 1976. The poet’s first collection. With illustrations by Ken Searle. this copy signed by forbes. Small octavo [180 x 110] pages 74-96 [series sequence] . Stapled into the uniform series wrappers. A very fine copy. $65.00
148. Stalin’s Holidays. Glebe, NSW: Transit Poetry in association with Allbooks Distribution, 1980. Typeset by Rat Graffix and printed by Panacea Press. Octavo [206 x 140] 51+ pages in illustrated wrappers. $50.00
149. The Stunned Mullet & Other Poems. Sydney, NSW: Hale & Iremonger, 1988. With six line drawings by Frank Littler. The paperbound issue. Octavo [215 x 135] 52 pages in illustrated wrappers employing “Words Cling to Head” a painting by Frank Littler. A near fine copy. $40.00

one of 50 signed and numbered copies
Fitzroot. Collingwood, Vic: Strawberry Press,[?]. With an editorial critique of Our Glass, La Mama readings and the Kris Hemensley survey of poetry in Digger magazine. This issue featuring the work of Mal Morgan, Allen Afterman, Trevor Reeves, Poor Tom, Margot Nash, Barry Dickins, Alex Selenitsch, ∏.O., Geoffrey Eggleston, Robert Harris, Rae Desmond Jones, Terry Harrington, Rosemary Edwards and others. Octavo 205 x 165 [32] pages from folded f/cap stapled with ∏.O. booklet poem attached. A fine copy. $45.00
150. Troubador. Applecross, WA: Folio, 1993. one of 50 signed and numbered copies. Published by John Kinsella. [16] pages stapled into titled wrappers. Obviously hard to get. $150.00
151. Humidity. Cambridge, UK: Equipage, 1998. A posthumous collection introduced by Gig Ryan. Octavo [210 x 145] [24 pages stapled into illustrated wrappers by Brigid McLeer. A fine copy. $35.00
free poetry [1968 – ]
denis gallagher
152. Free Poetry 7. East Balmain, NSW: John Laurie & Nigel Roberts, [c.1969.] Tough one to find this. Laid out by Robert Adamson, with contributions by Adamson, Nigel Roberts, Toy Dorgan, Russell Haley, Douglas Blazek, David Mitchell, Stephen Gray, John Laurie, Michael Wilding, Kris Hemensley, Peter Carthew, Robyn Ravlich, M.L. Benton, Garrie Hutchinson and Michael Dransfield. Foolscap [337 x 210] [14] pages, duplicated from stencils on a mix of orange and plain papers machine stitched along spine. A fragile rarity, here safe and sound.
154. Two Stories. [Adelaide, SA]: Magic Sam Books,[1982]. Two stories by the poet, “one in the style of mildest exasperation, the other in the fresh and jejune manner of the traditional style Balmain”. from an edition of 200 copies. [208 x 208] [20 ]pages of duplicated typescript, stapled into illustrated card wrappers. Text printed by Mark Gleason, cover designed by Micky Allan and printed by Magic Sam, author photo by Kurt Brereton. A fine copy.
155. Love & Death: An Anthology of Poetry & Prose, edited by Denis Gallagher. Sydney, NSW: Print’s Realm, 1987. presentation copy. Contributors include, Sasha Soldatow, Garry Wotherspoon, Louise Wakeling, Gavin Harris, Pam Brown, Ian MacNeill, Rae Desmond Jones, Kerry Leves, Javant Biarujia, Ian C. Birks, Gary Dunne, Denis Gallagher, Barrett Reid, and Jenni Nixon. This copy numbered No 230 and stamped “*Imprimatur Monsignor Porcamadonna”. Quarto [265 X 185] 52 pages stapled into printed wrappers, designed by Gallagher and utilising a drawing by Jean Cocteau. A near fine copy. $45.00
156. These Tattoos: A Personal Miscellany, 1975–1990. Sydney, NSW: Black Wattle Press, 1990. Includes the scripts for two performance pieces with photographs. this copy signed by gallagher. Octavo [205 x 145] 42 + pages stapled into decorated wrappers designed by Gallagher with author portrait by Kurt Brereton. $20.00

157. Disconsolate Sestina. [Blackheath, NSW]: Print’s Realm, 2007. from an edition of 50 copies each signed by the poet. A single poem - six six line stanzas and a tercet as envoy. Octavo [200 x 140] single sheet, folded and stapled into art paper and illustrated wrappers. Fine. $25.00
katherine gallagher [1935 – ]
denis gallagher [1948 – ]
153. International Stardom. Darlington, NSW: Sea Cruise Books, 1977. Poetry. His first book. With drawings by Kerry Moore. (See Coalcliff Days, pages 42-43.) Quarto [280 x 215] [24] pages of duplicated typescript, one side only, stapled into silkscreened card wrappers. A fine copy.
158. The Eye’s Circle. Ivanhoe, Vic: Ragman Productions, 1974. Rigmarole of the Hours No 2. the first edition of the poet’s first collection. one of 250 numbered copies with illustrations by Pierre Vella. This copy with the ownership signature of author, and fellow Victorian, Barbara Giles. Duodecimo [175 x 120] 36 + pages stapled into plain card wrappers with printed dust jacket. (apparently not held at mitchell.) $50.00
tim gaze mail art ed varney [1946 – ] serge segay [1947 – 2014]
159. Collaborative visual poems. [Kent Town, SA] 2007. From a small edition, numbered and dated. A Russian artist and writer, Segay curated the first international mail art exhibition in the USSR in 1989. Varney is a Canadian active in the mail art network since 1970, and is also known as Big Dada, known to refer to Canada as Canadada. He started producing his own artistamps in 1984, heads the Museo Internacionale de New Art and is the creator of Mondo Postale. Single sheet [297 x 210] one side only. $25.00

tim gaze asemic writing
“…that was the first time I saw the word “asemic”. Tim Gaze contacted me around the same time. I was thinking about purely textual asemia. Tim was thinking about a more calligraphic form of writing. my textual work was already “letteral”, and my visual work was breaking the letter-forms down and becoming a poetry of quasi- or sub- letteral marks. I started making quasi-calligraphic works and sending them around to poetry magazines - and calling them asemic. Tim was doing something very similar. That was the beginning of what is now being called “the asemic movement”. I promoted the practice (and the word itself ) very energetically for several years (8 - 10 years or so). Tim has been even more energetic and ambitious, and is still going strong. there is a long and complex history preceding all of this, of course, but this is how the current “movement” got underway. Tim can tell you much more about the history of the term itself….an asemic glyph is everything other than a return to the thing recalled, thus its campanulate kinship with the syllable, its stylistic refusal of the word, even as the letters revolt, serfs wielding their serifs like swords words worlds collapse into their opacity, unless we chance to sing them in defiance of azoic intent. asemia is not silence, nor is it any sort of absence, it is a song imploded everted, imbricate membrance” jim leftwich
160. rRat: irrationalist writing. Vol 3 edited by Tim Gaze. Third Millenium Literature. Kent Town, SA: Tim Gaze, [1997]. An international journal. Octavo [210 x 150] [32] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $20.00
161. First Book of Asemic Texts. Kent Town, SA: Asemic, [1999]. As the title implies, Gaze’s first gathering, where, in his introduction, he credits the influence of Cornelis Vleeskens. Octavo [210 x 150] [12] pages sewn into illustrated wrappers. $15.00
162. Black Cobras. [Kent Town, SA:] Gaze/Freshstart, 1999. A second gathering. Twenty image/scripts. Octavo [210 x 150] stapled into hand-titled wrappers. $15.00
163. A:S:E:M:I:C. Geelong, Vic: Open Hand Press, 1999. A collaboration with Jim Leftwich on four visual compositions. Printed by David Dellafiora and Pete Spence. Octavo [ 210 x 145] [4] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. A fine copy of a work produced in a very small edition. $10.00
164. Asemic Piglets. [Kent Town, SA]: Really Books, 1999. Eleven abstract ideograms some with hand applied spot colour. Octavo[ 210 x 150] [11] pages, rectos only in single sheets stapled into printed and hand titled wrappers.
165. Old China. No place: no publisher, no date. A cryptic hieroglyphic narrative. Single sheet of glossy A4 folded once to four panels, with the upper signed and titled in red ink in the artist’s hand. Octavo [210 x 150] [8] panels from two folded loose sheets. A few rust spots on the lower leaf, else fine. $10.00
tim gaze asemic writing
166. New Senses. No place: no publisher, no date. Six abstract ideograms, two texts, and a single page unique mixing both text and graphic forms in pencil. $15.00
167. Zones. No place: Telapathine, no date. An abstract graphic sequence. Octavo [210 x 150] [16 ] pages, stapled.
168. Écritures. Kent Town, SA: Éditions Asemics, no date. Rhythmic abstract script. Octavo [210 x 150] [104] pages stapled into printed wrappers with frosted acetate and white tail to spine. A fine copy. $30.00
169. Children Of The Deep. Kent Town, SA: Mu Lung, no date. Abstract brush and ink. Octavo [210 x 150] [16] pages, self wrappered sewn. Red Japanese studio chop stamp on lower cover. A fine copy. $15.00
170. Character. Kent Town, SA: Asemic Series, no date. Abstract calligraphy or ‘characters’. Sixty images on as many leaves. Octavo [210 x 150] stapled into plain wrappers.
171. Bent: Experimental Writing. Kent Town, SA: Annihilator Press, 2000. “A collection of experimental writing, ranging from short fiction to poetic prose, procedural poetry, asemic calligraphy & short factual prose, intended to stimulate the right side of your brain.” With the author’s ideogram cum calligraphic embellishments. Octavo [210 x 150] [48] pages, stapled into glossy card wrappers.
172. The Oxygen Of Truth (Vols 1 &. 2). Lawrence, Kansas [USA]: Broken Boulder Press, 2000/2001. Volume 1 has an introduction by Tim Gaze (dated Adelaide, 1999) outlining his approach to writing embodying an asemic philosophy. Follows nineteen full page examples of his work. Volume 2 Includes “A Symposium Emerging From Tim Gaze” organized by Jim Leftwich for the Institute For Study and Application at Kohoutenberg, with contributions by “Anmassednd Bekehrt”, “Lupi d’Cort”, “Parl Dubit”, “Augen Konne”, “Cosa Lasciarlo”, “Rühe Lucentezza”, “Ricev Prosa”, “Batente Queceux”, “Reorico Unetesi”, and “Fatio Zahlt” —an impressive line up. Octavos [215 x 140] 20 + 24 pages, each stapled into printed wrappers. Both fine. $30.00
173. Nassty Asssemics. [Adelaide, SA: the author], 2001. Six examples of abstract calligraphic gesture. Octavo [4] pages from two folded sheets [295 x 210] card and paper stapled once at the fold. Fine. $10.00
tim gaze asemic writing
174. Switch. [Charlottesville VA]: Anabasis/Xtant, 2002. Twentyfour hierogrammatic works completed during a stay with Cornelis Vleeskens, with an autograph letter to CV laid in. Octavo [210 x 150] [12] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. A fine copy. $25.00
asemic writing jim leftwich [1956 – ]
175. Énergies. [Charlottesville VA / Coromandel Valley, SA]: Xtantbooks/Coromandel Valley Books, 20o2. A collaboration with Jim Leftwich. Octavo [210 x 150] [8] pages. A fine copy. $10.00
asemic writing louise tournay [1925 – ]
181. Effusions. Kent Town, SA: Asemic Series, no date. Automatic drawings by Tournay (also known as Madame Loulou) published by Tim Gaze. “Tournay is a prominent figure of the art brut movement (outsider art). Her sculptures in clay are in the Outsider art museum in Lausanne, Switzerland. She is also present in the Museum of Spontaneaous Art in Brussels because I donated some of her pieces. Louise is a good friend and lives in Liège. In her automatic drawings you see the influence of other Belgian artists: Dotremont (Cobra founder) and Henri Michaux. I introduced Tim to Louise and this booklet edition was the result.” guido vermeulen. Octavo [210 x 150] [16]pages stapled into illustrated double wrappers. A fine copy. $15.00
176. Road. [Charlottesville VA]: Anabasis, 2003. Brushstrokes with textual commentary/caption by John Crouse. Octavo [210 x 150] [12] pages stapled into printed wrappers.
177. Asemia: Tim Gaze, Jim Leftwich, Louise Tournay, Joe Maneri, Abdourahamane Diarra. [Oysterville, WA]: Anabasis; [Charlottesville, VA]: Xtant,[2003]. A sampling of each practitioner. Small quarto [255 x 175] [94] pages perfect bound into printed wrappers. Spine sunned, else fine.
178. The Road To Rome Is Paved With Hell. SA: Rising Sun, 2005. Graphics and text —a collaboration of Tim Gaze and Morgan Taubert (accomplished drummer and famed Adelaide belly dancer). Octavo [210 x 150] [12] pages stapled. $10.00

179. Dirt Glyphs. Five leaflets, each with four examples, and each dated 03.02.02. Five sheets [280 x 215] folded once to produce four panels, each with a glyph. All fine.
john m. bennett [1942 – ] jim leftwich [1956 – ]
180. Never … No place: no publisher, no date. Visual poems. Five collaborations, 1996-1997. Five sheets [200 x 160] rectos only, stapled. $10.00
gleebooks (1978)
percy grainger
182. Poster: Gleebooks Poetry reading. A generic form, on this occasion filled in for the reading on Sunday July 22, 1978. Poets that day were Pamela Cocabola Brown, Kerry Leves, Ken Bolton, Loma Bridge, Laurie Duggan, Leonie Blair and Les Wicks. Screenprint [530 x 420] from one stencil by “Dostoievsky Brothers” [Ken Bolton et al]. One short tear, else fine. $50.00 percy grainger [1882 – 1961] wilfrid mellors [1914 – 2008]
183. The Free Music Machine Drawings of Percy Grainger. Ballybeg, Grange, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland: Coracle Press, 2014. This book reproduces all the drawings by Percy Grainger for the Free Music Machines he developed with Burnett Cross towards the end of his musical life. They were largely drawn between 1951 and 1953. This is the first time many of these drawings have been seen, and their improvisational notation and sense of invention make them of recurrent interest to both composers, writers and artists working in wider fields. At the same time the book attempts to be the album in which to present them, and in which they can be viewed at a suitably large and readable scale. With an introduction by Wilfrid Mellers and an afterword by Simon Cutts. Cutts became interested in the drawings over 35 years ago. “I was aware of the effect of the drawings on younger artists, musicians and writers ... Their interest resides in the possibility and potentiality of drawing to form a narration. ... This potentiality, the notation of drawing, has been at the core of many inventors and artists’ work, a constructed narrative that sustains enough of a belief in their suggested new world.” Quarto [220 x 300] 72 pages. Bound by Stuart Settle into blue cloth with illustration inset and tipped onto upper. Designed by Colin Sackett and printed in England by Axminster Printing Company. [apparently not held at mitchell] $100.00
grapeshot [1977 – ]
184. Grapeshot. No 6. [Wagga Wagga, NSW: Riverina College of Advanced Education, [1977]. Edited by Ken MacKenzie. Contributors include: Janice M. Bostok, Allan Jurd, Steve Sneyd, Peter Otton, Robert C. Boyce, Rockets Malone, and Larry Buttrose, among others. Quarto [300 x 210] [50] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers with tape at spine. $25.00

gundel [192 0 – ] (marie gunhilde buerler – isenberg)
185. Πήγασος With a Broken Leg. Melbourne, Vic: Fitzrot, [1973]. Pegasos [sic]. Poems and a fairy tale by niece of Hermann Hesse. Pocket size [170 x 115][20] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. From a very small edition. [apparently not held at mitchell] $25.00
gillian hanscombe [1945 – ] tomato press
robert harris
189. The Abandoned. Broadway, NSW: Seňor Press, 1979. His third collection, and a very small edition (150 copies?) produced by Chris Woods with the services of Colprint, Sydney. Launched at Exiles Bookshop on the night of 8 August 1979. Cornelis Vleeskens’ copy with his small pawprint stamp. Octavo [215 x 140] [38] pages glued into plain card wrappers with dust jacket. $45.00
signed by the poet
186. Hecate’s Charms. Glebe, NSW: Khasmik Poets, 1975. Printed by Tomato Press for the publisher, Stefanie Bennett under her Khasmik imprint (with cancel on the copyright page). Hanscombe’s first book, a collection of poetry and prose introduced by Judith Wright. this copy signed by the poet. Octavo [210 x 135] [46] pages. Printed wrappers. Scarce (not in mitchell or slvic.) $50.00
190. The Cloud Passes Over. Sydney, NSW: Angus & Robertson, 1986. The poet’s fourth collection, a strong one with many fine poems, including “Isaiah By Kerosene Lantern Light”. Octavo [212 x 135] 68 pages, in illustrated wrappers with art by Liz Seymour and a photograph of Harris by Neville Yates. Inexplicably scarce. A very good copy. $40.00

robert harris (1951 – 1993)
Robert Harris is one of our poets who tries, dangerously, to break out of the safe, don’t-take-me-for-a-mug stance, and who understands that poetry is one of the last remaining activities in which reverence is paid, in which the holiness of things is recognised in a way that may be essential to the fullest expression of what we are. david malouf
187. Localities. Greensborough, Vic: Seahorse Publications, 1973. The poet’s first collection. Printed in the grand tradition at the National Press. Octavo [215 x 140] 56 pages on superior paper in card wrappers. A fine copy with a very good dust jacket. Errata slip tipped in. $50.00
188. Translations from the Albatross. Melbourne: Outback Press, 1976. With drawings by Garry Shead. The hardbound edition for this work was limited 100 copies each signed and numbered by the poet—this is copy is N0 79. Octavo [215 x 145] 80 pages. A very fine copy in grey cloth with gilt stamped leather label at the spine. $120.00
191. Jane, Interlinear & Other Poems. Brooklyn, NSW: Paperbark Press, 1992. with presentation inscription from robert harris to john forbes. A fine copy in illustrated wrappers. $75.00
j.s. harry [1939 – 2015]
one hundred copies only
192. Sun Shadow, Moon Shadow. Sydney, NSW: Vagabond Press, 2000. first edition. The continuing adventures of Peter Henry Lepus. no 29 of 100 copies signed and numbered by the poet. Short-listed for the NSW Premier’s C.J. Dennis Award for Poetry 2000. The third title in Vagabond’s Stray Dog Series. Octavo [190 x 140] [24] pages in plain card wrappers with printed dust jacket. A fine copy. $65.00
gwen harwood (1920 – 1995)
so long bulletin fuck all editors
193. “Elouisa To Abelard” & “Abelard To Elouisa” in The Bulletin, Vol 82, No 4251, August 5, 1961. Submitted by “Walter Lehmann” and accepted for publication by Desmond O’Grady. Quarto [292 x 222] 52 pages in pictorial wrappers. Aged and darkened, but trivial wear only. $35.00
See: Cassandra Atherton’s account: “’Fuck All Editors: The Ern Malley Affair and Gwen Harwood’s Bulletin Scandal” Journal of Australian Studies, 2002.
hecate’s daughters [1978]
kris hemensley
198. The Poem of the Clear Eye. Carlton, Vic: The Paper Castle, 1975. one of 500 copies numbered by hand. With the comprehensive errata laid in. Also inserted is the tiny card gatefold “from the Paper Castle” offering an outline of the present work, a backlist of other Hemensley publications, and a listing of the three issues of the journal Etymsheres that had been published to date. The Poem of the Clear Eye was reissued in a corrected second edition in 1984. With single typed sheet prospectus laid in, announcing that the book will be made “around Easter 1975”. Octavo [215 x 150] 127 pages, perfect bound into printed wrappers. Wrappers a little darkened, else near fine. $25.00
We’ve just come out of the cells after the last march; we can’t have a beer because of solidarity with the striking brewery workers. One of the few bright spots on the horizon is this book.
194. Hecate’s Daughters. St Lucia, Qld: Hecate Press, 1978. The tentative first edition in a very small printing. Edited by Carole Ferrier & Jane Sunderland. Contributions by Jennifer Maiden, Anna Gibbs, Peggy Clark, Judith Rodriguez and Dorothy Hewett. Octavo [210x 140] 120 pages in wrappers with illustrated artwork by Judith Rodriguez. Scarce. $45.00
kris hemensley [1946 –]
195. The Going...And Other Poems. Heidelberg West, Vic: Crosscurrents, 1969. Crosscurrents special publication No 1, published by Michael Dugan. Hemensley’s first collection - slight, simple, and modestly produced, and the beginning of a steady and consistent output. Since his arrival in Australia in the 60s, Hemensley has fulfilled the role of pollinator as much by his writings as by his stock as the leading bookseller of poetry and poetry related materials. Folded foolscap [12] pages, commencing with a passionate dedication, and leading to nine poems all dated in the previous year, and each a journey, sketch of the time, or youthful declaration. Scarce. $30.00

196. Rocky Mountains & Tired Indians. Bexley Heath, Kent,UK: The Joe Di Maggio Press, 1973. one of 300 numbered copies designed by Tim Longville and printed on Abbey Mills Greenfield laid by Keyworth & Fry. Octavo [215 x 150] 12 pages sewn into printed card wrappers. Fine.
197. Sulking in the Seventies. Melbourne, Vic: Ragman Productions, 1975. one of 250 numbered copies. No 4 in the Rigmarole of the Hours series and one of Robert Kenny’s many triumphs in book design. This copy inscribed to Big Sky supremo, Bill Berkson – a wonderful association. Octavo [230 x 160] [20] pages stapled into black card wrappers with printed rose coloured card jacket. A fine copy. $35.00
199. Montale’s Typos. Alverstoke [Gosport, Hampshire, England]: Stingy Artist [Bernard Hemensley], 1978. one of 250 copies. Correspondence from the imagination. The first publication in the Stingy Artist list. Published by the poet’s brother using a Varityper. Quarto [250 x 190] [20] pages stapled into printed blue card wrappers.
200. Beginning Again. Darlington, NSW: Sea Cruise Books, 1978. signed by the poet - one of three hundred hand made copies. Quarto [280 x 210] [21] pages, rectos only, duplicated typescript, stapled into silkscreen card wrappers. $60.00
kris hemensley
201. Games: An Exhibition 1970 - 1972. Clifton Hill, Vic: Robert Kenny /Ragman Productions, 1978. Rigmarole of the Hours # 12. Octavo [205 x 145] 69 pages in plain wrappers with illustrated dust jacket. $35.00
202. Round Glow/Of Family /Nest. Weymouth, Dorset: Stingy Artist/Last Straw, 1989. one of 200 copies. An anthology from Bernard Hemensley’s press, and “a celebration of ten years of publishing, and what I take to be my global family—1978-1988”. Australian content is represented by a prose piece by Kris Hemensley and a poem from Alexandra Seddon. With other work by Peter Dent, Owen Davis, Franco Beltrametti, James Koller, Bob Arnold, Theodore Enslin, Michael Tarachow, Larry Eigner, Ed Mycue, and Lawrence Fixel. With illustrations by Chris Howes. The title is taken from Alexandra Seddon’s poem “Moth’s Fur”. Printed letterpress in twelve different typefaces on chamois Ingres d’arches and Vélin pur fil Johannot papers and bound Japanese style into Ingres wrappers and William Morris “Willow” patterned endpapers. Quarto [245 x 195][16] sheets printed rectos only. A very fine copy with the prospectus laid in. $45.00
203. Second Sights. Weymouth, Dorset: Petticoat Calligraphies, 1990. no 33 of 150 copies. Another fine production from the poet’s brother, Bernard. A meditation in mixed form on Lake Constance. A single sheet [355 x 250] printed in three blue inks, sewn into blue Canson card wrappers with a printed label. A fine copy. $45.00 steven herrick [1958 – ]
dorothy hewett [1923 – 2002]
206. Bobbin Up. Melbourne, Vic: Australasian Book Society, 1959. A classic novel about urban working-class life in 1950s Australia. With the publisher’s flyer laid in, giving background to the work and a detailed itinerary of an author tour, and also announcing a symposium on the “Literature of the Working Class” to be held at the Atheneum on August 20, 1959. First edition. Octavo [220 x 14577 ] 204 pages. Very good in like dust jacket. $40.00

dorothy hewett merv lilley [1919 – 2016]

204. Sick In My Espresso. [Brisbane: Dobie Gillis Experience, 1984 ?] Poetry by Herrick with graphics by Lisa Scheikowski. His second book, self published preceded by The Esoteric Herrick. Octavo [210 x 142] [42] pages of stencil duplication, stapled into the screenprinted wrappers shown above. A fine copy. [not held at mitchell] $30.00
... and then ∏.O. published a chapbook of mine titled
205. Didn’t Vomit Once. Melbourne, Vic: Collective Effort Press, 1988. Poetry. Sextodecimo ! [150 x 100] [40] pages duplicated typescript with hand printed title page and portrait at rear, stapled into hand printed wrappers. $35.00
207. What About the People ! [Northbridge, NSW]: National Council of the Realist Writers Groups, [1962]. A selection of their verse. Printed by the Coronation Printery at Morningside, Qld. Octavo [205 x 140] 98 pages, stapled into illustrated wrappers. $50.00
dorothy hewettpeter hicks [1950 – ]
208. Windmill Country. Melbourne, Vic: Overland/Peter Leyden Publishing, 1968. Foreword by David Martin. The first substantial gathering of her poetry. A very fine copy in like dust jacket. $50.00
209. Rapunzel in Suburbia. Sydney, NSW: Prism, 1975. Designed by Robert Adamson and published by New Poetry for the Poetry Society of Australia. This edition suppressed and withdrawn. one of a 100 deluxe bound autographed copies. Octavo [225 x 145] 91 + pages on Glastonbury paper bound into smooth mace coloured cloth with leather labels to spine and upper, titled in gilt. Spine label slightly light affected, but otherwise very fine. $150.00
210. Greenhouse. Sydney: Big Smoke Books, 1979. presentation copy. Designed by Robert Adamson, with drawings by Hilary Burns. Launched at Exiles Bookshop by the actor, John Gaden. Octavo [185 x 140] 104 pages. Very good in illustrated card wrappers. $35.00
martin hibble [1945 – 2000]

“Martin Hibble missed his era. He should have been born a satyr. With the beard and crooked smile, the impish sideways look and the slight drag of one foot, it required little imagination to visualise him with hairy haunches, cloven hoofs and a pan pipe, pursuing nymphs and shepherds - well, in his case, only shepherds - through the woods of some Norman Lindsay fantasy....” john baxter
211. Martin Hibble: A Tribute. Sydney, NSW: Nicholas Pounder, 2003. Cineaste, trencherman, sybarite, music critic and broadcaster, Martin Hibble is remembered here in this gathering by friends and colleagues. Contributors include, John Baxter, Anton Crouch, Chris McGill, Dorothy Cozijn, Michael Swan, Bob Maynard, John Grant, Richard Keys, Ivan Lloyd, James McCarthy and John Araneta. 8vo [210 x 150]36 pages in illustrated wrappers. $15.00
212. Six Pieces after the Events in Chile, Sept – Oct 1973. North Adelaide, SA: Chaotic Press, [1973 ?]. Chaotic Press issued the short lived poetry mag, Mere Anarchy, and Helen Bansemer’s Rumpledbutstillskin the following year. this copy inscribed to new zealand poets, don long and ian wedde. [180 x 140] 6 pages stapled into illustrated card wrappers. Vertical crease and abrasions to wrappers. $40.00
213. One Hundred Thousand Australian Love Songs. [North Adelaide, SA:] Something Simple Press, 1974. This copy with the ownership signature of Penny Ramsay and with an autograph letter from Hicks to Ramsay laid in. Octavo [203 x 145] 64 pages in printed heavy card wrappers. A fine copy. $35.00
harry hooton [1908 – 1961]
214. Ms. February 1951. Sydney, NSW, 1951. Contains "nembly mind warbly same boat: arrangement of a theme for John Hargrave" by Harry Hooton."It is more than a novel, more than a poem—more than a symphony....Summer Time Ends, by John Hargrave (Constable, 1935) is the greatest work of art in the twentieth century.” Designed and printed by Edwards & Shaw. Pamphlet. Octavo [212 x 140] [12] pages in printed wrappers. Age darkened with tear to upper cover. $35.00
215. Ms. June 1951. Sydney, NSW, 1951. Contains “poems in repose” (six pages) by Harry Hooton. Designed and printed by Edwards & Shaw. Pamphlet. Octavo [212 x 140] [16] pages in printed wrappers. Age darkened with water stain to upper quarter. $30.00
216. Things You See When You Haven't Got a Gun. Sydney, NSW W.A. Cooney, [1943]. His second collection. Octavo [210 x 140] 32 pages in printed wrappers. Age darkened, but surprisingly well preserved for such a frail item.
harry hooton
217. Its Great to Be Alive. Sydney, NSW: Margaret Elliot for 21st Century Art Group, 1961. His third collection, printed by Walter Stone at the Wentworth Press. Octavo [210 x 140] 87 pages in printed wrappers. $45.00
218. Poet of the 21st Century, Harry Hooton: Collected Poems and Prose. North Ryde, NSW: Collins/A&R, 1990. Introduced and selected by Sasha Soldatow. Advance copy for review with publisher’s notice tipped in showing the embargo date of December 7. Press release and media contact detail laid in. [Octavo [200 x 130 ][ 191 pages A fine copy in illustrated wrappers. $25.00
jeltje (fanoy/van ooij) [1951–]
222. Living in Aboriginal Australia. Melbourne: Collective Effort Press, 1988. An early “A6” book. Explores a number of themes as well as that implied by the title, with visual and conventional poetics. 16mo [150 x 100]] [58] pages of processed typescript and artwork in hand printed wrappers. $30.00
kate jennings [1948 – ]
barry humphries [1934 – ]
from the dada days
219. Paston’s Melbourne Quarterly: A Journal of Literary Pleasantry for the Entertainment of the Public and the Edification of the Young. Melbourne, Vic: Paston, Spring, 1958. Frontispiece by Ray Wilson. With contributions from Philip Martin, James Murray, Bruce Dawe, Graeme Kemelfield, Colin Munro, and Barry Humphries. Humphries provides six short chapters and three drawings (“pictures to colour”) for his “A Novel Called Tid” which introduces Edna, Bruce, Kenny and Valmai, and is “to be continued”. The only issue. A single sheet [1132 x 535] printed in two colours both sides and folded to twenty-four panels, each 280 x 130. Beautifully printed by the National Press, Melbourne, on good cream wove. The slightest weakness at one or two folds, else a remarkably well preserved item. Rare. $125.00
223. Come to Me My Melancholy Baby. Fitzroy, Vic: Outback Press, 1975. Poetry. review copy with publisher’s slip laid in. Octavo [210 x 140][74] pages in illustrated wrappers. A fine and unopened copy. $35.00
martin johnston [1947 – 1990]
very privately printed 34°n 118°w mcmxcii

220. A Chorale for Coral. [Los Angeles: V. & W. Dailey], 1992. A five stanza work of delicate rhyme in affectionate memory of Coral Browne. Five leaves printed on Arches with a frontispiece portrait by Don Bachardy. one of 75 copies printed and signed by the poet. Octavo [235 x 155]. Sewn into printed orange wrappers. A very fine copy. Necessarily scarce. $150.00
i’s & e’s [1976 – ]
221. i’s & e’s: Poetry Etc No 1. Edited by ∏.O. Melbourne, Vic: [∏.O., 1976]. Concrete, Visual Poetry &c. Contributors: ∏.O. Ken Bolton, Jas H. Duke, Thalia, Robert C. Boyce, Peter Murphy, Barbara Giles, Anthony Figallo, Pamela Smith and others. With poet’s statements at rear. An ingenious construction of folds. Octavo [220 x 140] [76] + pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $40.00
224. Shadowmass. Sydney, NSW: Sydney University Arts Society Publications, [1970]. The poet’s first collection, dedicated to his father, George Johnston. Published in June of 1970 (Arts Society Publications announce Shadowmass (with Terry Larsen’s Tar Flowers and Andrew Huntley’s Lyrical Ballads). In less than a month his father would die, and it was not yet 12 months since his mother’s suicide. This is a year that Johnston lost to grief, not announcing or promoting the book till a year later when it was said to be “forthcoming”. But for one occasion he thereafter listed the year of publication as 1971; in Surfer’s Paradise No 1 he assigned it to 1969, thus once more avoiding the dark year. Small quarto [250 x 205] 55 pages stapled into printed wrappers with cloth tape at the spine. A very good copy. $45.00
martin johnston island press

martin johnston
225. Ithaka: Modern Greek Poetry in Translation. Sydney: Island Press, 1973.Johnston’s renderings of works by Kavafis, Sikelianos, Veremis,Vafopoulos, Moundes, Anaghnostakis, Poulios, Apostolidhis, Engonopoulos, Karandonis, Vrrettakos, Andhreou, Sakhtouris, Kampanelis, Sakhtouris, Fotiadhis, Elytis, Papagheoorghiou, Gzatsos, and Vassilikos. (With a bonus of six folk songs.) one of 200 signed and numbered copies set in Garamond and hand printed by Philip Roberts on Glastonbury Antique laid at Bundeena. Octavo [210 x 135] 62 pages with illustrations by Johnston and Neville Drury. In heavy saffron card wrappers. A pristine copy. Prospectus with Roberts’ amendments laid in— Modern Greek Poets [Ithaka] originally announced in 1971 for June 1972, but issued in April 1973.
See Michael Denholm, (Small Press Publishing in Australia) page 30; and Geoffrey Farmer, (Private Presses & Australia) page 58.
226. The Sea-Cucumber. St Lucia, Qld, UQP, 1978. No 15 in the Second Series of paperback Poets. this copy with the ownership signature of alan wearne. Crown octavo [185 x 115] 71 pages in printed wrappers. A very good copy. $30.00
billy jones [1935 – 2012]
227. Cup Full of River. Brisbane, Qld: Makar Press, 1978. The poet’s second collection, with a drawing by Jones as a frontispiece. Octavo [220 x 140] 32 pages stapled into printed card wrapper with contrasting dust jacket. A very good copy. $25.00
228. My Unshackled Hands. Glebe, NSW: Wild & Woolley, 1979. Poems and drawings “Spontaneous ecstatic celebrations....” Octavo [195 x 135] [128] pages in printed wrappers. A very good copy. $25.00
229. The Blue Chair. Melbourne, Vic: Fling Poetry, 1987. Poetry chapbook. Octavo [210 x 145] [22] pages stapled into wrappers with artwork by the poet. A very good copy.
230. Handcoloured drawing. “Red Bulb With Infinity Sign”. 590 x 420; single sheet, original graphic work by Billy Jones of red light bulb. Folded twice. $150.00
231. Autograph letter, signed from Billy Jones to fellow poet Nigel Roberts, dated May 19, 1994. 590 x 420, single page, handpainted spiral design in red and black, with black [rapidograph] handwritten text. Folded in half on both the vertical and horizontal, upper edge lightly marked.
jill jones [1951 – ]
232. Prime Cut. [Adelaide, SA: EAF, 2013.] Keepsake/chapbook issued on the occasion of the poet’s appearance at the Lee Marvin Readings in November of that year. Octavo [210 x 150] [8]pages stapled into illustrated wrappers.
$20.00 rae desmond jones [1941 – 2017]
233. Orpheus with a Tuba. St Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, 1973. a signed copy of the poet’s first collection. No 6 in the Gargoyle Poets. Octavo [220 x 140] 28 pages in printed gilt foil wrappers. $35.00
rae desmond jones tomato press
234. The Mad Vibe. Cammeray, NSW: Saturday Centre Poets’ Series, [1975]. The poet’s second collection, and a cornerstone book in seventies Australian poetry. No 9 in the publisher’s programme. Printed at Tomato Press, Glebe by Rennie van Dinterin. A pristine copy signed by the poet. Octavo [210 x 135] 52 pages in printed wrappers. $45.00
rae desmond jones fragment press
235. The Mad Vibe. [Sydney: Fragment Press, 1975]. Broadside poem: a promotional printing produced by Gary Oliver. “Poster poem” or “souvenir” would have made more sense to a punter just then, given it could not be folded or rolled, and was a bugger to get home. (It was certainly never given away at railway stations as has been alleged by another bookseller). The poem, while shocking to some, was produced at a time when cops were mindful that state politics – on both sides – had more enlightened judgement, and greater concerns. Whatever, the small number produced were for friends and those attending the readings. Typographically, the layout was derived from the collection of the same name, and tightened for the field of this surface (cramped between sections 2 and 3). Upright [425 x 280] on heavy white card stock, printed in the poet’s beloved marigold hue with a lividly contrasting red type (as was the collection that bore the name — albeit reversed in contrast). Without fault: a fine example of an elusive thing. this copy signed by the poet. $85.00
236. Talking Blues. [Armidale, NSW: Michael Sharkey, 1981.] The Well Tempered Wombat No 7. Four poems: “Reparation”, “Mandala”, “Talking Blues”, and “Chinese Checkers”. On heavy yellow card [420 x 290] folded twice to six panels. Scarce. $45.00
rae desmond jones
rae desmond jones
237. Orpheus with a Tuba. St Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, 1973. Octavo [220 x 140] 28 pages in foil card wrappers. $25.00

238. The Mad Vibe. Cammeray, NSW: Saturday Centre Poets’ Series, [1975]. No 9 in the publishing project. A fine copy, signed by the poet. Octavo [210 x 130] 52 pages in card wrappers. $35.00

rae desmond jonesrae desmond jones

239. Shakti. St Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, 1977. signed by the poet. Review copy with publisher’s material laid in showing publication date as 11 November 1977. Jones’ third collection and a fine trajectory from the The Mad Vibe (1975). Film, comics, and the wellspring of popular culture provide the poet with a bounty of archetype and conventional virtue to distort in his distinctive fashion. This is the volume that gave us “Stirling Moss”, the “El Paso Restaurant”, “Flack”, and “Jungle Juice” - poems that Sydney audiences for poetry in the 1970s knew by heart. It was Jones’ take on the dark side of the hero, and his inimitable reading style was a significant force in the revival of public readings. The scarce hardcover edition. A fine copy in like dust jacket. $65.00
241. The Palace of Art. St Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, 1981. signed by the poet. Review copy with the publisher’s slip laid in. Octavo [210 x 140] 48 pages in printed wrappers. [apparently not in mitchell] $40.00
242. The Palace of Art. St. Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, 1981. This copy inscribed “To Kate [Llewellyn] whose heckling is beautiful / from one faded lesbian to another”. Signed in full. Original printed wrappers somewhat rubbed, else a clean tight copy. $50.00
243. Baygone & Other Poems. Warners Bay, NSW: Picaro Press, 2011. Wagtail No 115. Octavo [210 x 130] 16 pages in printed wrappers. Scarce. $30.00

244. Thirteen Poems from the Dead. Tamarama, NSW: Polar Bear Press, 2012. With an image by Michael Fitzjames. one of fifty copies only. Set in Minion and Gill types and printed on Magnani Velata Avorio by Nicholas Pounder. Octavo [265 x 175] [20] pages sewn into heavy black card wrappers with label attached. $50.00
240. Walking the Line. North Sydney, NSW: Red Press, 1979. Poetry as prose—short autobiographical fictions. Octavo [195 x 140] 74 pages in illustrated wrappers with design and content by Lyn Tranter, Claire O’Connor, and the poet’s father. this copy signed by jones and with the publisher’s catalogue. $40.00
245. Two by Rae Desmond Jones. [Tamarama, NSW]: Polar Bear Press, 2017. fifty numbered copies. Presents two quintessential poems by Jones, “When the Moon Drops” and “Heat”. Folded card [210 x 150] [4] pages. In a printed envelope with two photos of the poet by Ken Bolton.
rae desmond jones peter kingston [1943 – ]
246. It Feels Good When Someone Hates You. [Tamarama, NSW]: Polar Bear Press, 2008. Broadside poem with line drawing by Peter Kingston. one of 26 copies lettered a-z signed by both poet and artist. On Johannot paper [465 x 325] in three colours. Very fine. $65.00

The Mad Vibe. [Sydney: Fragment Press, 1975]. Broadside poem. See Item 235.
stephen k. kelen
247. To The Heart Of The World’s Electricity. Broadway, NSW: Señor Press, 1980. Promise confirmed. The third and final book Señor Press, and the young poet’s first collection following his chapbook debut in the Gargoyle Poets series. Illustrated wrappers. An unopened copy with the adhesive label present. Cover art by Alison Veld. Scarce.
khasmik [1974 – ]
248. Zen Maniacs (Modern Life Studies). [Bowden, SA]: Glandular Press, [1980]. A second collection from Kelen in one year. this copy inscribed for cornelis vleeskens. A fine copy in stapled wrappers, with brilliant cover art by Ken Searle. $50.00
robert kenny [1952 – ]
249. ‘Poem’ (Poem In Inverted Commas). Clifton Hill, Vic: Ragman Productions, 1975. Rigmarole of the Hours No 5. No 244 of 300 copies. Octavo [230 x 160] [20] pages in plain card wrappers with illustrated dust jacket. A fine copy.

250. Dark Lyrics. Clifton Hill, Vic: Edition 200, 1987. “Being The Burning Bridges: A Melancholy Sequence with a Tactless Lament, A Short Biography....” With seven colour illustrations. one of 200 copies signed and numbered by kenny. An exquisite production, designed, written and illustrated by Kenny. Sextodecimo [145 x 100] [28] pages on cream antique laid paper and sewn into oversized printed wrappers. A fine copy of a quiet masterpiece.
251. Khasmik Quarterly. [No 1]. Annandale, NSW: Khasmik Enterprises, [1974]. Edited by Stefanie Bennett and Margaret McMann. Contributors include: Kate Jennings, Philip Roberts, Ken Bolton, Gary Oliver, Gaby, Robert Adamson, Carol Novack, Rae Desmond Jones, Stefanie Bennett, ∏.O., Colleen Burke, Graham Rowlands (reviews Vikki Viidikas’ Condition Red), and Cheryl Adamson. Octavo [215 x 135] 64 pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $35.00
252. Khasmik Quarterly. No 2. Annandale, NSW: Khasmik Enterprises, [1974]. Edited by Stefanie Bennett and Margaret McMann. Contributors include: Kath Walker, Janice M. Bostock, ∏.O., Barbara Giles, Robert Adamson, Ken Bolton, D.S. Long, Joanne Burns, Cheryl Adamson, Mal Morgan, Rae Desmond Jones, and Graham Rowlands. F/cap quarto [255 x 205] 48 pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $35.00
peter kocan [1947 – ]
253. The Other Side of the Fence. St. Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland Press, 1975. UQP poetry editor, Roger McDonald’s copy with his ownership signature and a publisher’s slip noting publication as 15 December. Octavo [180 x 115] 65 pages in printed wrappers. $25.00

la mama [1994]
254. Poetry Reading Handbill: Next Wave Festival, 1994. A4 One side only. $10.00
ruby langford (ginibi) [1934 – 2011] billy marshall stoneking [1947 – 2016]
255. Don’t Take Your Love to Town. Film treatment: 24 pages of typescript (1988) with the published work of the same name identified as forthcoming; with photocopy of the editor’s report for the evolution of the book; a photocopy of the memorandum of agreement between the editor and the author; three documents in photocopy providing a legal opinion on copyright and ownership; photocopy of publisher’s contract; and an autograph letter, signed “Ruby Langford” accompanying the completed text of Don’t Take Your Love To Town which was sent to one of the scriptwriters (Billy Marshall–Stoneking). Also present is an invitation to the Sydney launch of the book on 23 November 1988 at the Aboriginal Medical Service in Redfern NSW. $75.00
shelton lea [1946 – 2005]
shelton lea joel elenberg [1948 – 1980]
257. Chysalis. Melbourne, Vic: National Press, 1970. one of 100 copies. Two poems by Lea with illustrations by Elenberg. It is doubtful that the one hundred copies of this edition were ever completed. Each copy has two original artworks, and each has two pages of the first poem handwritten by Shelton Lea (the other text and illustrations are printed offset). Elenberg’s work is in watercolour wash over pencil and charcoal with the addition of collage in the second image — a very artfully cut and applied eye. Each copy is thus unique. Wrappers printed offset on lighter laid paper with the other reproduced text and illustrations on heavy English wove. this copy signed by elenberg. Three folded sheets [345 x 250] with heavy glassine interleaved. In clear acetate jacket, as issued. With Elenberg exhibition ephemera laid in. $500.00

his first book
Shelton Lea has not been writing poetry for all that long, so it is surprising, and delightful, to find, in his first book of poems, the serene vision and measured rhythms of a much older poet. Rarely these days, and for reasons that stare us in the face, does a poet manage to convey the state of rapture before things that is the true soul of Romanticism. No cynicism in Shelton, no sophistrionics, no bad verse either; essentially happy, liquid and lilting, like the Moon poem which certainly opens up a new era in lunar inspiration. richard murphy
256. Corners in Cans: Poems. [Richmond, Vic.]: Still Earth Publications, [1969]. Forward by Richard Murphy. one of 300 numbered copies set in Gill and printed on Glastonbury Antique. Shelton Lea’s first book (unless someone can tell me where I can see a copy of “The Asmodeus Poems”). Crown octavo [200 x 125] 15 pages stapled into printed card wrappers. A pristine copy.
shelton lea
258. The Paradise Poems. Greensborough, Vic: Seahorse Publications, 1973. One of 500 copies printed by Bob Cugley at the National Press, and done at the same time as his friend, Robert Harris’ first book, Localities. Octavo [215 x 140] 55 pages in illustrated wrappers. A little rubbed, else unused. $60.00
259. Chockablock with Dawn. St Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, 1975. Poems. No 13 in the Gargoyle Poets Series. Octavo [220 x 140] 24 pages in illustrated gilt foil wrappers. $30.00
shelton lea
263. Advantage Receiver. No place: no publisher, no date. One of Shelton’s home made books. Nine poems copied from the typewritten sheets with his paste–up artwork. These sheets were created individually over a period of time, and whenever Shelton had the urge he would go to the photocopier, reproduce and assemble them. The order and content could thus vary from copy to copy. This volume contains: “I was born in the year dot”, “I don’t like photographs of people”, “A conspicuous absence”, “I gave my friend a thief ”, “A poem to my sons – Zero – Asmodeus – Danay”, “A kids tale”, “The Dip’s Dilemma”, “In Defence Of Drunks”, and “Your lips are soft and wet”. A4 [12] sheets rectos only, stapled twice at top edge. From the library of Cornelis Vleeskens, with his small paw print stamp. [held only at monash.] $60.00

shelton lea michael sharkey [1946 – ]
264. In 20 Years: Poems for Shelton Lea. Armidale, NSW: Fat Possum Press, 1983. A friendship that began in Kings Cross in 1964. An affectionate memoir/poems, with reproductions of contemporary documents and photos across the years. no 5 of 40 numbered copies produced for the Montsalvat poetry festival in December 1983. Octavo [210 x 150]18 pages, stapled. A very good copy of an obviously elusive item. (Only two copies held in public collections).
265. Poems from a Peach Melba Hat. Cheltenham, Vic: Abalone Press, 1985. inscribed by the poet. Octavo [210 x 155] [vii]+88ages in illustrated wrappers featuring a drawing by Joy Hester. $45.00
260. Palantine Madonna. Melbourne, Vic: Outback Press, 1978. Octavo [210 x 140] 80 pages in illustrated wrappers featuring Gail Hannah - his incipient publisher - standing in a St Kilda doorway. $35.00
261. Poems. No place: no publisher, no date. One of Shelton’s home made books. Reproduces from typescripts and paste up of art work by Chrissy Webb the following poems “Domestics”, “Prison poem with heavy…”, “I would like a memento of your eyes”, and “A poem on a peach melba hat”. Trimmed f/cap folio [315 x 215] [10] sheets, rectos only, stapled four times along the top edge. $60.00
262. Two Poems. “A Kid’s Tale” and “The Dip’s Dilemma”. With two unattributed illustrations. Single sheets A3 folded once for an internal two panels, of image and typescript. Insect damage to lower right, through to rear. With the paw print stamp of poet, Cornelis Vleeskens. $35.00
shelton lea robert harris [1951 – 1993] barrett reid [1926 – 1995]
with signed typescript poem
266. A Flash of Life. Compiled by Shelton Lea and Robert Harris. Mountain View, Vic: Christine Webb, 1986. Published on the occasion of Barrett Reid’s sixtieth birthday on the 8th of December, 1986 in an edition of 120 copies. this copy inscribed by reid to his close friend the historian, marjorie tipping “my fellow explorer” Quarto [300 x 210] 62 pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. Laid in is a a signed typescript poem by Shelton Lea, “For Barrett Reid”. $175.00
267. The Love Poems. Eaglemont, Vic: Eaglemont Books, 1993. A selection by Patrick McCauley with drawings and cover art by Jenni Mitchell. this copy inscribed by the poet. Octavo [210 x 145] 62 pages in illustrated wrappers.
shelton lea
268. Nebuchadnezzar Poems. [Clifton Hill, Vic]: Oral Hygiene Records,2001. Twenty-one readings with Lea performing at his best. Production by Robert Price. Audio CD. As new.
269. Nebuchadnezzar. North Fitzroy, Vic: Black Pepper, 2005. “Poems which kick through inner-city street as well as prison cells and a cast of characters real and imagined such as the incendiary half-crazed King Nebuchadnezzar reclaiming Fitzroy.” Octavo [205 x 140] ix 114 pages in illustrated wrappers. With launch invite $20.00
leatherjacket [1973]
271. Leatherjacket. [Issue No 3], July 24, [1976]. one of 150 copies. Keith Russell, Anna Couani, Eric Beach, Rae Desmond Jones, Robert Adamson, Vicki Viidikas, Michael Witts, Rudi Kruasmann, J.S. Harry, Kerry Leves, Michael Wilding, Robert Creeley, Keith Shadwick, Tom Thompson, Elizabeth Smither, and others. Printed offset. Octavo [200 x 125] 28 pages stapled into card wrappers with a printed label. $50.00
gerard lee [1951 – ]
272. Manual for a Garden Mechanic. Clifton Hill, Vic: Rigmarole of the Hours, 1976. Prose pieces 1972 – 1974, illustrated by Dharma Yeomans. No 7 in the Rigmarole Series designed and published by Robert Kenny. from the numbered issue. With the stamp of Brisbane’s Peoples Bookshop— the Communist Party of Australia’s bookshop managed by Bill Sutton, a man who held a broad and tolerant interest in small press publications. Small octavo [160 x 120] 70 pages gathered into plain card wrappers with printed dust jacket. With the discreet pawprint stamp of Cornelis Vleeskens. A very good copy. $35.00
jeannie lewis [1945 – ]

270. Leatherjacket. No 2, June 1973. [Sydney, NSW: Cheryl & Robert Adamson.] no 49 of 100 numbered copies. Contributors include Robert Adamson, Bill Beard, Bruce Beaver, John Blay, Garth Clarke, Michael Driscoll, Laurie Duggan, John Forbes “Ode to Tropical Skiing”, Garrie Hutchinson, Rudi Krausmann, Shelton Lea, Jennifer Maiden, Ken Quinnell, Lorraine Roche, John A. Scott, John Tranter, Michael Witts and a supplement of poems written by children from the Dhupuma primary school in the Northern Territory. F/cap [18] pages duplicated typescript stapled into black card wrappers with typed label on upper and tape to spine. Rare. $60.00
273. Ephemera. 1. Programme: “Jeannie Sings the Blues”. 1967. Essay by Craig McGregor. Advertises Third World Bookshop (35 Goulburn Street) and Whitty’s Wine Bar (207 Oxford Street—later to be the residence of Exiles Bookshop, and today, the Bookshop) 4 pages [230 x 150] folded from a single sheet. 2. Programme: Nueva Canción Chilena; Venceremos: Quilapayún: Chile’s famous folk singers: live in concert with Jeannie Lewis. Tour, 1975. [240 x 170] 12 pages stapled; 3. Handbill by Martin Sharp: “Jeannie Lewis viva Diva: for two nights only 50th birthday concert” [1995]: Friday 10th & Saturday 11th February, Harbourside Brasserie; Printed both sides [200 x 140]; 4. Information sheet: “So You Want Blood” [Sydney, NSW: Kinsellas, 1983.] Single f/cap [335 x 218] duplicated typescript with a full breakdown of performers and crew, and a listing of musical sources. Folded twice and with some discolouration. The four items $45.00
kerry leves 1948 – 2011]
magic sam [1975 – 1982]
274. Green: Poems, 1971 – 1978. Darlington, NSW: Sea Cruise Books, 1978. With three drawings. His first collection. from an edition of 300 handmade copies. Quarto [280 x 217] [46] pages of duplicated typescript. Stapled into heavy two colour card wrappers with silkscreened dust jacket. Cover art and drawings by Seacruise. A fine copy. $75.00
kate llewellyn [1936 – ]
275. Trader Kate and the Elephants. Unley, SA: Friendly Street Poets, 1982. Her first collection of verse (preceded only by the envelope collection of typescript, Teeth and Other Verses). this copy signed by the poet. Octavo [210 x 135] [x11] + 91 pages in illustrated wrappers. Slight edge wear. $35.00
peter lyssiotis [1949 – ]
While Peter Lyssiotis has been a well-known and respected artist for many years, this is his first published collection of poetry. His poems in this book range between Cyprus (the author’s native country) and Australia; between the village of Xylotymbou in Cyprus and the suburb of East Burwood in Melbourne. They capture something of the ‘outsider’ observing two places and are all the more accomplished because of the delayed publication and “distance” between the two countries. The form of the poems ranges between the lyrical (acknowledging their debt to Lorca and Ritsos) and the prose poem (as practised by Max Jacob and Francis Ponge). The present collection of poems The Bird, the Belltower is a bilingual edition with translations into Greek and a scholarly introduction on the poems by its Greek translator.
276. The Bird, the Belltower. Brighton, Vic: Owl Publishing, 2005. A bilingual collection of poems in English translated into Greek by Dimitris Vardoulakis with an introduction in English and Greek. This volume also includes fourteen works of photomontage by Lyssiotis. Octavo [210 x 150] 180 pages in illustrated wrappers. $25.00
278. Magic Sam. No 1.Darlington, NSW: An Absolutely Furious Production, [1975]. Edited by Ken Bolton. Contributors include: John Walker, Kerry Leves, Noel Sheridan, Gary Oliver, A.F. Drawings, John Jenkins, Vicky Viidikas, Laraine Roche, Allen Fisher, Peter Murphy, Denis Gallagher, David Miller, ∏ O, Joanne Burns, Rae Desmond Jones, Anna Couani, Ken Bolton, Robert Lax, and Neil Moore. Quarto [260 x 205] [140] pages stab bound into printed card covers with silkscreened dust jacket. $120.00

nan mcdonald [1921 – 1974] brindabella press
277. For Prisoners: An Unpublished Poem. Canberra, ACT: Brindabella Pess, 1995. one 150 numbered to copies. Her last published work brought to press by Alec Bolton. McDonald was a significant force at A&R and was a close friend and confidant of Rosemary Dobson and the publisher, Alec Bolton. Set in Centaur and printed on Archive Text, with a decorative capital by Kathie Griffiths. Tall octavo [240 x 150] 8 pages on good antique laid sewn into terracotta printed wrappers. A very good copy.
magic sam [1975 – 1982] magic sam [1975 – 1982]

279. Magic Sam. No 2.Darlington, NSW: An Absolutely Furious Production, [1975].Edited by Ken Bolton. Contributors include: Robert Kenny, Philip Hammial, John Tranter, David Miller, Michael Witts, John Jenkins, Anna Couani, Kerry Leves, ∏ O, Terry Smith, David Mayor, Noel Sheridan (interview) Laurie Duggan, Tony Kirkman, Stephen Bowers, Katherine Gallagher, Rudi Krausmann, Rae Desmond Jones, Allen Fisher, Nigel Roberts, Kris Hemensley, Carol Novack, Gary Oliver, Bernie O’Regan, Bill Beard, Stephen Wells, Denis Gallagher, and Ken Bolton. Quarto [260 x 205] [232] pages stab bound into printed card covers with illustrated dust jacket. $120.00
280. Magic Sam. No 3. Darlington, NSW: An Absolutely Furious Production, [1978].Edited by Ken Bolton and Anna Couani. Contributors include: Robert Kenny, Ken Bolton, Stephen K. Kelen, Laurie Duggan, Sue Richardson, Kris Hemensley, Kerry Leves, Rae Desmond Jones, Gerard Lee, Alexandra Seddon, Arthur Winfield Knight, Laraine Roche, Pamela Cocabola Brown, Moystn Bramley-Moore, Damien White, Eric Beach, Joanne Burns, and Walter Billiter. Quarto [260 x 205] [126] pages stab bound into printed card covers with illustrated dust jacket.

281. Magic Sam. No 4.Darlington, NSW: An Absolutely Furious Production, [1978].Edited by Ken Bolton and Anna Couani. Contributors include: Anna Couani, (reviews Gerard Lee’s Manual for a Garden Mechanic) Philip Hammial, Michael Brownstein, John Forbes, Lawrence Buttrose, Leith Morton, David Miller, Colin Symes, Denis Gallagher, Sal Brereton, Kevin Brophy, and Alan Jeffries. Quarto [260 x 205] [144] pages stab bound into printed card covers with illustrated dust jacket. $120.00
magic sam [1975 – 1982] magic sam [1975 – 1982]
283. Magic Sam. No 6.Darlington, NSW: An Absolutely Furious Production, [1982]. Edited by Ken Bolton and Sal Brereton. Contributors include: Laurie Duggan (“Adventures in Paradise”), Erica Callan, Robert Kenny (Christian Doom), Sal Brereton, Pam Brown (interview), Luke Davies, John Jenkins, Tom Thompson, Alexandra Seddon, Stephen K. Kelen, and Denis Gallagher. Quarto [280 x 205] [224] pages stab bound into plain card covers with silkscreened dust jacket. $120.00
282. Magic Sam. No 5.Darlington, NSW: An Absolutely Furious Production, [1978].Edited by Ken Bolton, Salk Brereton and Anna Couani. Contributors include: Sue Wray, Philip Hammial, Anna Couani, Alan Jeffries, Tom Thompson, Stephen K. Kelen, Julie Powell, Kris Hemensley, John Tranter, Sal Brereton, Denis Gallagher, Joanne Burns, Erica Callan, Eduard Battarde, Rae Desmond Jones, John Jenkins, and Ken Bolton. Quarto [260 x 205] [168] pages in illustrated card covers. $120.00

mail art - assembly book [1979 – 1980]
284. Post-Modern Writing Nos, 1, 2 & 3. All published. Edited by Nigel Roberts and Michael Wilding. [Darlington/ University Of Sydney], 1979-1980. For such a recent magazine, Post-Modern Writing is fugitive to the point of rarity. Contributors submitted their own printed sheets, and were in turn sent their own collated copies of the magazine. Inevitably the distribution was unusually specific though in its own way strangely dispersed. Each issue contains important work by Australian writers, as well as by those visiting, or of an acknowledged influence from afar. Because of the mail art nexus, the magazines also contain significant offerings from the ranks of that wider genre.
[No 1] Contributors include: Jonah Raskin, Louis Johnson, Jack Lindsay, John Montgomery, Michael Wilding, John Tranter, Nigel Roberts, Geoffrey Carlisle, Frank Moorhouse, Eric Beach, Rae Desmond Jones, Margaret Randall, Kate Llewellyn, Damian Sharp, and Billy Jones. [20 pages stapled, mixed foolscap & quarto, roneo and other copy]

[No 2] Contributors include: Damian White, Bill Gaglione, Bob Beale, Opal Louis Nations, Nigel Roberts, Paul Shakey Brown, Richard Deutch, Jon Silkin, Vicki Viidikas, Thomas Fitzsimmons, Sue Hampton, Billy Jones, Nicholas Mansfield, Chris Aulich, Gregory Stephenson, David Albahari, Michael Dransfield, John Montgomery, Margaret Randall, Michael Wilding, Alastair Fowler, Richard Tipping, and Rudi Krausmann [28 pages stapled, mixed foolscap & quarto, roneo and other copy]
No 3. Contributors include: Cliff Smyth, Wanda Coleman, Brian Turner, Thomas Fitzsimmons, Michael Wilding, Cornelis Vleeskens, Colin Talbot, Bill Jones, Jane Zageris, Richard Tipping, Dorothy Featherstone Porter, Chris Mansell, πO, Michael Andre, Rod Moran, Nigel Roberts, Opal Louis Nations, Rae Desmond Jones, Margaret Randall, John Montgomery, Lucio Saffaro, Ania Walwicz, Neil Murray, Darmanto/Harry Aveling, and Billy Marshall- Stoneking. [34 pages stapled, foolscap photocopy].
A fine set. $120.00

Rear Post-Modern Writing No3. See item 284.
makar press [1972]
mixed concrete [1993 – 94]
289. Mixed Concrete No 1. Richmond East/Melbourne, Vic: Paper Virus Press/Collective Effort Press, December 1993. Edited by Tony Figallo. Contributors: Jas. H. Duke, Lindsay Clements, Lloyd Jones, Thalia, Peter Murphy, Alex Selenitsch, Pete Spence, Norma Pearse, ∏.O., ACR, Ernie Althoff, Lauren Williams, Julie Clarke, Cornelis Vleeskens, and Tony Figallo. Octavo [210 x 150][56] pages sewn into illustrated wrappers. $35.00
285. Poster. St. Lucia, Qld: Makar, [1972]. Promotional poster for the Makar magazine and the first three numbers in the Gargoyle Poets Series. Hand set and hand printed from metal on the Shapcott Press. [580 x 325] Fine. $150.00
286. Four poetry postcards. St. Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, 1974– 1975. Printed on the “Shapcott Press” in the Department of English at the University of Queensland and sent out as a treat with subscription renewal for Makar. The four cards are: “The Child Tries To Pick Up The Hose By Its Waterstream” by Norman Talbot, “Grasshopper” by Norman Talbot, “Back And Beyond” by Peter Annand, and “Finished Poem” by Michael Dugan. On various coloured card [150 x 110] with conventional postcard guidelines (stamp address lines etc.) on reverse. All fine. Uncommon. $50.00

chris mann [1949 – 2018]
287. The Rationales. [Elwood, Vic.]:NMA Publications/ Post Neo, 1986. Pocket size [150 x 110] [16] pages, perfect bound on the top edge, notebook style. A very fine copy. $25.00
288. Working Hypothesis. Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Arts, 1998. “Deconstruction/Poetry/Music”. A selection of texts from one of Australia’s better known experimentalists, prepared while Mann was Fellow at Bard College, New York. Crown octavo [185 x 125] [105] pages perfect bound into printed wrappers. A fine copy. $25.00
290. Mixed Concrete No 2. Richmond East/Melbourne, Vic: Paper Virus Press/Collective Effort Press, June 1994. Edited by Tony Figallo. Contributors: Jas. H. Duke, Amanda Stewart, Eric Beach, Ooni Peh, Jeltje, Ashley Higgs, Richard Tipping, Albert Rotstein, Peter Sulllivan, Lindsay Clements, Lloyd Jones, Thalia, Peter Murphy, Alex Selenitsch, Pete Spence, Norma Pearse, ∏.O., ACR, Ernie Althoff, Lauren Williams, Julie Clarke, Cornelis Vleeskens, and Graham Parker. Octavo [210 x 150][56] pages sewn into illustrated wrappers. $35.00
mok [1969]
291. Mok. Adelaide, SA: 1969. No 4. Edited by Richard Tipping and Rob Tillet. Contributors include: Russell Deeble, Andrew Prowse, Sweeney Reed, Linda Harry, Brian Medlin, Peter Hicks, Raphael Smith, Mal Morgan, Michael Dugan, Rosemary Richards, Simon Bronsky, and Martin Fabinyi. Octavo 205 x 170] 48 pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $40.00

from Mok No 5, 40th Anniversary Facsimile Edition, 2009. See item 292
mok [2009]
292. Mok. Melbourne Vic: Artpoem/The Narrows, 2009. No 5. Edited by Richard Tipping and Rob Tillet. 40th Anniversary facsimile edition. one of fifty copies numbered and initialled by tipping. Vicki Viidikas, John Goodall, Nigel Roberts, Bill Beard, Alison Hill, Toy Dorgon, Kris Hemensley, Peter Bruce, Simon Bronsky, Terry Gillmore, Martin Fabinyi, Frank Starrs, Garrie Hutchinson, and Rob Tillet. Small quarto [280 x 215] [36] pages stapled into printed card wrappers. In a plastic string tied wallet with 5 x A3 + 9 x A4 stapled photocopies of contemporary press coverage. As issued. $50.00
montsalvat [1979]
293. Poster: Montsalvat Poetry Festival (1979). “Designed by ‘X’”. Offset lithography in two colours, with later handcolouring. [755 x 510]. Some creases and a little edge wear, but no real sign of use. $65.00
kathleen monypenny [1894 – 1971]
One innovative project was the publication of the Australian Rhyme Sheets and Australian Broadsheets, of which four are held in Australian libraries.

They combined verse, in simple clear typography, and artwork, and were produced in the style of the English broadsheets popularised in the first decades of the twentieth century as an accompaniment of the private press movement by, for example, the Cuala Press, Dublin, and Nonesuch Press and St Dominic’s Press in England.23 Mortlock relates how he was approached in early 1931 by Kathleen Monypenny (1894–1971), then with the Mitchell Library to produce the Rhyme Sheets which were released in April 1931 with a very positive notice in the Sydney Morning Herald. “Harrie P. Mortlock and the Beacon Press”, Mark J. Ferson (Script & Print, Vol 35 No 2 June 2011, pages 80-98).
kathleen monypenny
294. Australian Rhyme Sheets. Sydney, NSW: Beacon Press, [1931]. Three examples, each with verse by Kathleen Monypenny: “Brush Not The Butterfly” with decorations by G. Ridley; “The Plains” also decorated by G. Ridley; and “The Dancers” decorated by Ellen Gray. Each 400 x 180, and each printed in colour at the Beacon Press. All recently mounted and glazed in fresh beechwood frames, these three wall poems are ready to hang. $300.00
See: Kathleen Monypenny, Songs Of The Lyrebird, designed and illustrated by Maisie Duloy, with a recollection by Marjorie Barnard, The Saturday Centre, 1975.
finola moorhead [1947 – ]
...the serendipitous gift of a notebook and the writing in 3 weeks in 1977 of A Handwritten Modern Classic whose first edition has a print-run of one. For all those apparently sane people who collect things, especially rare books this one is the very definition of unique. Start bidding. In 1985 it was published by Pete Spence, who opted in his concrete-poetic way to keep the hand-writing. ....it is the picture of a thirty-year old’s mind, which I recognise as mine. fm
first printed edition
295. A Handwritten Modern Classic. Fitzroy, Vic: “A Post-Neo Book” printed by Sybylla Co-operative Press, [1983]. Frontispiece portrait by Bernie O’Regan. Facsimile of the author’s holograph manuscript dated at its conclusion 17th December 1977. A manifesto on writing and the imagination, fuelled by the politics of the time. (Interesting to see that the title page notes in this facsimile “The Private as the Social Meeting Place 26.11.77” which was an issue of Etymspheres edited by Walter Billeter; this, along with O’Regan’s contribution, gives some insight into the milieu in which this work was written.) Octavo [201 x 147] 75 pages perfect bound into printed wrappers. (a reprint was issued by Spinifex books in 2013). A fine copy. Seldom offered in recent times. Scarce. $50.00
drusilla modjeska [1946 – ]
from modjeska, bail & garner
296. The Orchard. Chippendale, NSW: Pan Macmillan, 1994. NSW Premier’s Douglas Stewart Award for Non-Fiction, 1995. This copy a presented to the artist, Lina Bryans on her birthday, by Murray Bail, Helen Garner and Drusilla Modjeska. Crown octavo [195 x 120] 268 pages. A fine copy in like dust jacket. $75.00
philippe mora [1949 – ]
297. More Really Good Taste Art. Goulburn, NSW: South Hill Gallery, 2013. signed by the artist. Exhibition catalogue, the title of which harks back to Mora’s show at Clytie Jessop’s London gallery in 1971, “Really Good Taste Art”. Some twenty-five works reproduced in colour with extended captions as memoir and commentary. Octavo [210 x 150] [28] pages stapled into printed wrappers. As new. $25.00
peter murphy [1945 – ]
298. A Stab in the Dark. No place [Peter Murphy, 1975]. Twelve visual poems in a stapled xerographic gathering. “Conceptually evocative and visually stark statement focusing on the design of road markings on urban Australian streets.” (ADFA catalogue note.) Octavo [210 x 150][10] pages, stapled into illustrated wrappers. Early and rare. $40.00 new poetry [1974 – 1975]
gregory o’brien ken bolton [1949 – ]
302. Mannix & Culhane.[Adelaide, SA]: Little Esther Books, 2018. Poetry by O’Brien with colour illustrations by Ken Bolton. In an edition of a “few round dozens.” Octavo [205 x 135 ] [44] pages stapled in plain card wrappers with illustrated dust jacket. $65.00 off the page [1990 – 1991]
a complete set
299. Beyond Poetry. Brooklyn, NSW: Adamson, 1974-1975. Edited by Chris Edwards and Cheryl Adamson, with layout and production by Robert Adamson. All eight issues of this poetry foldout. [No 1.] Robert Duncan’s “Museum”; [No 2.]Poetry by Cheryl Adamson, Mark McGuire, John Millett and Max Williams; [No 3.] Visual poetry by ∏.O., other work by John Millett, Paul Desney, K.L. Macrae and Larraine Roche; [No 4.] Translations of Paul Eluard and Joyce Mansour by Henri Quin and Sylvia Kantarizis; [No 5] Visual poetry by ∏.O., other work by Chris Edwards, Sylvia Kantarizis, K.L. Macrae and Larraine Roche; [No 6.] Visual poetry by ∏.O., other work from Robert Adamson, Leith Morton, Kris Hemensley, and Sylvia Kantarizis; [No 7.] Translations of Osip Mandelstam by David Campbell and Rosemary Dobson worked up from preliminary translations by Natalie Staples; [No 8.] Poems by Bruce Beaver, David Campbell and John Millett. Each sheet 405 x 255 folded twice to form a six panel leaflet. Each fine. $150.00
carol novack [1948 – 2011]
300. Living Alone Without a Dictionary. St Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, 1974. Gargoyle Poet No 11. Her first book, poems written in a year. Octavo [220 x 140] 24 pages in illustrated foil wrappers. $20.00

gregory o’brien [1961 – ]
301. Dunes and Barns. Auckland, NZ: Modern House, 1988. Poems and drawings. one of a hundred signed and numbered copies. A work achieved with grant of a Frank Sargeson Fellowship. More than a chapbook. Octavo [205 x 135] [14] pages on art stock sewn into illustrated wrappers.
all five
303. Off the Page, Nos 1-5, edited by Nigel Roberts and Billy Marshall-Stoneking, and after Issue No 1, ∏.O. Balmain, NSW: Nigel Roberts, 1990-191. Issue 1 “Dummy Run”: Eric Beach, Richard Tipping, Myron Lysenko, Carl Rakosi, Geoff Goodfellow, Jenny Boult, Grant Caldwell and others. Issue No 2 “Morphic Resonance”: ∏.O. and work by Eric Beach, Jas H. Duke, Michael Sharkey, letters from Alan Wearne and Ken Bolton, ∏.O., Billy Jones, Kerry Loughrey, and Rudi Krausman. Issue Nos 3/4 “Orthophonic Curve”: Jas H. Duke, Chris Mansell, Neal Murray, David Eggleton, Nigel Roberts, Grant Caldwell, Billy Marshal-Stoneking, Tim Thorne, Myron Lysenko, Heather Cam, T.A. Whitebeach, Billy Jones, Martin Langford, Kerry Scuffins and others. Issue No 5 “Death & Taxes”: “In Memorium Jas. H. Duke”, “In Memoriam Roland Robinson”, Terry Whitebeach, Paul “Shakey” Brown, Grant Caldwell, Billy Jones, Louise Craig, Laura Hope-Gill, Nicole Beer, Robyn Mathison, Lauren Williams, Jolanta Janavicius, Michele Morgan, Marietta Elliot, Susanne Gervay, Jutta Sieverding, Adrian Wiggins, Lynn Hard, Poets Respond to the Tranter/Mead Anthology. Each issue is duplicated typescript and graphic stapled into card wrappers with a mounted photograph on the upper. The set. $200.00
nightclub poetry melbourne poetry cup[1989]
See Item 72.
304. [Fitzroy, Vic: Street Poetry Lab,] 1989. Reverse is advertising a Rochester Castle Hotel (Fitzroy) event “Spring Poetry Carnival—Melbourne Poetry Cup” to be held on September 16. A3 both sides. Minor creases. $25.00

otis rush [1987 – 1996]
otis rush
305. Otish Rush: New Writing, New Art & Reviews. No. 1 (Oct. 1987)-No. 12/ 13 (Dec. 1996). North Adelaide, SA: South Australian Publishing Ventures and Futures; Michael Zerman and Friends; Experimental Art Foundation, 1987-1996. Edited by Ken Bolton. All published. The creative continuation of Magic Sam. Bolton’s talent as an editor and stylist has always been of the first order, and this publication demonstrates that fact once again. As much for the way they are made as the contents and their arrangement in each number—Otis Rush was one of a kind, and a genuine alternative in the world of Australian literary magazines. Eleven volumes, each roughly demy octavo in illustrated wrappers, and each very good to fine. With related ephemera. $100.00

performance poetry [1985]
performance poetry
∏.O. [1951 – ]
306. Off the Record. Ringwood, Vic: Penguin Books Australia, 1985. An anthology of performance poetry compiled and introduced by ∏.O. With contributions by: Jenny Boult, Eric Beach, Pam Brown, Joanne Burns, Grant Caldwell, Jas H. Duke, Laurie Duggan, Kate Jennings, Steven Herrick, Dorothy Hewett, Susan Hampton, Rae Desmond Jones, Chris Mann, Billy Marshall Stoneking, Peter Murphy, Nigel Roberts, Gig Ryan, Alex Selenitsch, Leigh Stokes, Richard Tipping, Thalia, Ana Walwicz, among others. Small square quarto [210 x 210] 204 pages in illustrated wrappers. With extended play audio disc of recorded performances. Very good. $45.00

308. Fitzroy Brothel. Melbourne: Strawberry, 1974. ∏.O.’s first book. [32] pages stapled into printed wrappers. $50.00
∏.O. stephanie bennett
performance poetry
307. Off the Page & On the Stage: A Night of Performance Poetry, Jazz & Comedy. [Rozelle, NSW: N. Roberts, 1989.] Magazine cum programme to accompany the event at the Stables Theatre, Darlinghurst on Monday 18 December. Performers and performing poets included Grant Caldwell, Jenny Sheard (singing Eric Beach), Michael Simic, Geoffrey Hinchcliffe, Edwina Blush, Phil Marks, Racheal Richardson (sings Jas Duke), Nigel Roberts, Cabaret Doo Dah, and Billy Marshall Stoneking. Octavo [210 x 150][36] pages stapled into printed wrappers. $25.00
309. Shade. Annandale, NSW: Khasmick, 1974. Khasmick Poets No 1. Half and half Bennett and ∏.O. Poetry, concrete, calligraphy, and graphics. signed by both poets and dated 1974. Octavo [210 x 140] 48 pages in illustrated wrappers. Fine. $85.00
310. Emotions in Concrete. Collingwood, Vic: Flying Duck Enterprises in conjunction with Born to Concrete, 1975. Octavo [220 x 140] [10] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. Fine. $25.00
311. ∏.O. Revisited. Glebe, NSW: Wild & Woolley, 1976. The poet’s first substantial selection, derived from reworkings of Fitzroy Brothel, Street Singe, and πpoems, with a final section of previously unpublished work. Dedicated to Joan and ACR, with photographs by Terry Bennett. Octavo [220 x 140] 94 pages + adverts. Very fine. $40.00
312. ∏.O. Revisited. Glebe, NSW: Wild & Woolley, 1976. Reprint. Octavo [220 x 140] 94 pages + adverts. As new. $15.00
315. Panash. [Shepparton, Vic.]: Collective Effort, 1978. Poems and drawings. Octavo [200 x 125] 148 pages in illustrated wrappers. $35.00
316. The Fuck Poems. Melbourne: Collective Effort, [1982]. The best vintage of performance wine and it has improved with age. The “Hi Fuck” is given to Michael Vale’s graphic. [180 x 140] [16] pages, in printed card wrappers.
313. Humble ∏. Thornbury, Vic., Bird in the Hand Press, 1977. A hand numbered edition, printed letterpress on Abbey Mills Greenfield laid by the Cloister Press, Northcote. Octavo [220 x 160] [24] pages sewn into printed card wrappers.
317. Ockers - Re: The National Neurosis. [Melbourne: Collective Effort Press ?, 1983]. His epic ethnic invective against the Aussie bloke, completed and published in December, 1983. [22] pages, stapled into illustrated wrappers featuring the work of ∏.O. and, on the lower panel, Karen-Maree. Octavo [210 x 135] [20] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $45.00

314. Fitzroy Poems. North Sydney, NSW: Red Press, 1978. Note: NOT Fitzroy Poems (1989). A publisher’s retribution. Tom Thomson reproduces a hand written note from the poet which reneges on the arrangement to publish “Fitzroy stuff ”. Single f/cap quarto sheet folded twice to four panels[140 x 110]. Obscure, ephemeral and ultimately desirable. $40.00
318. Fitzroy Poems. Melbourne: Collective Effort Press, 1989. Poetry and graphics. Octavo [200 x 140] 144 pages in printed wrappers. A fine copy. $30.00
319. Spanish American Pie. Melbourne, Vic: Collected Effort Press, 1997. A6 No 10. A Spanish language translation of a selection of ∏.O.’s works, by Oscar Socías, issued to commemorate his participation in the VII Festival Internacional de Poesía en Medellín, Columbia. A6 [148 x 105] 32 pages stapled into rubber stamped hand coloured wrappers. A fine copy. $45.00
outsider [1990]
320. Meusia - Another World, by Heather V. Thomas. Ballarat, Vic: Lakeside Hospital, 1990. Edited by Brian Sardeson. The other world of Thomas’ imagination, populated with friends she gathered from the age of six. This work was the result of coming to terms with schizophrenia, and accepting the help that she had avoided. A brilliant mix of evolved fantasy decorated throughout with her vibrant artwork. Produced with the assistance of the Western Region School Of Psychiatric Nursing, and Ballarat Community Psychiatric Services. Small quarto [250 x 175] 35 pages stapled into card wrappers with design by Lyn Connellan. A very good copy. $40.00
ploughman[1973 – 74] fragment press
This, the first number of Ploughman’s Lunch, being the first item published by Fragment Press....
321. Ploughman’s Lunch No 1. Royal Exchange, Sydney: Fragment Press, September, 1973. Edited by Gary Oliver. no 60 of 275 numbered copies. Contributors: Anna Gibbs, Andrew Darlington, John-Peter Horsam, Margaret Male, Karen Hughes, Gary Oliver, and Chris Witty. Octavo [220 x 150] [24] pages duplicated typescript stapled into printed wrappers. $35.00
322. Ploughman’s Lunch: Poems & Poets. No 2. Royal Exchange, Sydney: Fragment Press, November, 1973. Edited by Gary Oliver. Contributors: Rae Desmond Jones, Stuart Flavell, Steve Kemp, John Edwards, Gary Oliver, Philip Hammial, Richard Coady, Robert C. Boyce, Alison Hughes, John- Peter Horsam. David Hall, Patrick Alexander, Norman Thompson, S.T. Cutler, and Jenny Johnson. Octavo [220 x 155] [32] pages [from 8 loose folds]duplicated typescript in illustrated card folder. $35.00
323. Ploughman Poems. Nos 3&4. Royal Exchange, Sydney: Fragment Press, January, 1974. Edited by Gary Oliver. no [13]of [39] numbered copies signed and numbered linocut “Ploughman’s Wife” bound in. Contributors: Anna Gibbs, Philip Hammial, Gary Oliver, Robert C. Boyce, Allan Lauchlin Roberts, Jenny Johnson, D.S. Long, Steve Sneyd, Alison Hughes, Rae Desmond Jones (first publication of “The Deadshits”), A.B. Ghosal, Joanne Burns, Mal Morgan, Tony Farrell, Gaby, Norman Thompson, Ken Bolton, Peter Murphy, Stuart Flavell, David Wakeham, Richard Coady, Rette, Patrick Alexander, Leith Morton, John Edwards, and Graham Rowlands. Octavo [215 x 160] 44 + pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $45.00

324. Ploughman Poems. Nos 3&4. Royal Exchange, Sydney: Fragment Press, January, 1974. Edited by Gary Oliver. no 181 of 210 numbered copies with a tipped linocut frontispiece .Octavo [215 x 160] 44 + pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $35.00
325. Newsletter/Flyer. [Wollongong, NSW: Alan Wearne, [2004].2 A4 sheets for two events 22 & 23 September. $15.00

new poetry [1976]
326. Hand coloured flyer. [Sydney, NSW: Poetry Society, 1976.] A4 one side only. $15.00

P76 [1983 – 2014]
328. P76. No. 2 [Darlington, NSW:] Rochford Street Press, Autumn [June], 1984. Edited by Adam Aitken, Mark Roberts. Contributors include: Gig Ryan, Alan Jeffries, Rory Harris, Chris Kelen, Jurate Sasnaitis, Philip Hammieal, Kate Lilley, Anna Couani, Rae Desmond Jones, Anna Munster, Cliff Smyth, Mark Roberts, and Ken Bolton. Adam Aitken reviews Ken Bolton’s Talking to You. Quarto [297 x 210] 81 + [6] pages duplicated typescript stapled into silkscreened jacket. $15.00
327. P76. No. 1 [Darlington, NSW:] Rochford Street Press, Spring, 1983. Edited by Adam Aitken, Mark Roberts. Poetry, Prose, Art, Reviews. Contributors include: John Forbes, Grant Caldwell, Chris Burns, Chris Mansell, Laurie Duggan, Les Wicks, S.K. Kelen, Mark Roberts, Adam Aitkin, and Robert Harris. Quarto [297 x 210] 50 pages duplicated typescript stapled into silkscreened jacket.
329. P76. No. 3 [Darlington, NSW:] Rochford Street Press, Summer [December], 1984/5. Edited by Adam Aitken, Mark Roberts, and a collective. Contributors include: Berni Janssen, Marcus Breen, J.S. Harry, Philip Hammial, Colleen Burke, Pam Brown, Ted Hopkins, Dorothy Featherstone Porter, Carmel Kelly, Amanda Stewart, Moya Costello, Susan Hampton, Cliff Smyth, and Amanda Stewart. Quarto [297 x 210] 111 + [2] pages duplicated typescript stapled into silkscreened jacket.


P76 [1983 – 2014]
330. P76. No. 5 “Special Recession Issue.” [Concord, NSW:] Rochford Street Press, 1991. Edited by Linda Adair and Mark Roberts. Contributors include: Chris Mansell, Myron Lysenko, Philip Hammial, Jenny Boult, Jurate Sasmaitis, Javant Biarujia, Martin Smith, and Graham Rowlands. Quarto [297 x 210] 45 pages duplicated typescript stapled into plain wrappers. $15.00
331. P76. No. 6 [Chatswood, NSW:] Rochford Street Press, Summer 1993/94 [in fact 2012]. Poetry, Prose & Reviews “The Lost Edition”. Contributors include: M.T.C. Cronin, Adrian D’Ambra, Rae Desmond Jones, Garry Dunne, Margaret Bradstock, and Joanne Burns. Commercially printed. Quarto [297 x 210] 63 pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $15.00

332. P76. No. 7 [West Chatswood, NSW:] Rochford Street Press, Summer, 2014. “Cornells Vlkeeskens Special Issue” Quarto [297 x 210] 86 pages, stab bound into illustrated card covers. Introduction by Mark Roberts. Preface by Pete Spence. A sampling of his best, and a deeply moving memoir by Jenni Mitchell. Quarto [297 x 210] 85 pages stapled into illustrated card wrappers.
banjo paterson [1994]
333. Sydney Morning Herald. Newsagent banner. 610 x 430 Saturday April 2, 1994. $25.00

poets’ ball [1981]
dorothy featherstone porter [1954 – 2008]

337. Bison. Sydney, NSW: Prism, 1979. Her second collection. This copy with the poet’s name and address (in her own hand). Laid in is “Driving To Your Place” a two page typescript poem circa 1982. Clean copy with one Tippex correction (movement of line ending) and again, with the poet’s name and address in her hand in ink on each page. Also is a Victorian Writers Centre postcard portrait of the poet by Vicki Jones. Typeset by the poet. Octavo [210 x 145] 54 pages in illustrated wrappers with artwork by Norman Ingram. Spine slightly darkened, else very good.
peter porter [1929 – 2010]
338. Poems Ancient & Modern. Lowestoft, Suffolk: Scorpion Press, 1964. His second collection. A very good copy with the publisher’s announcement laid in. this copy signed by the poet. Octavo [220 x 145] 65 pages in mottled blue cloth with dust jacket. $60.00
334. Poster: “Sydney Festival Poets’ Ball”. Held on Sunday 18th January 1981 at the Cell Block Theatre, East Sydney Tech. Announces the performances of Leigh Stokes, Joanne Burns, Richard Tipping, ∏.O., Dorothy Hewett, Margaret Roadknight, Eric Beach, Billy Marshall-Stoneking, Gig Ryan, Laura Molino and others. Screenprint [505 x 380] from two stencils by “D[runk] Persons” [ie. Ken Bolton]. One short tear, without loss, at lower edge, else clean and unused. (See Coalcliff Days, page 77.) $85.00
poet’s choice
335. Poets Choice. Edited by Philip Roberts. Lavender Bay, Bundeena and Sydney: Island Press, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979. Hand printed by Roberts with moveable type until 1976, when Southwood Press took over production. A fine project that illustrates the arc and range of poetic practice in that decade. All issued in printed wrappers but for 1978, which came in boards and dustjacket. Nine volumes. A very good set. $75.00 polar bear [1980]
336. Polar Bear. No 1. Darlinghurst, NSW: Nicholas Pounder, 1980. Contributors: Rae Desmond Jones, Reiner Kunz, Alan Wearne, Joanne Burns, Stephen K. Kelen, Graham Rowlands, Laurie Duggan, Anna Couani, Eric Beach, Dorothy Hewett, Gig Ryan, John Tranter, Richard Tipping, Robert Kenny, Carl Harrison-Ford, Leonie Blair, Dorothy Featherstone-Porter, Rudi Krausmann, ∏.O., Humphrey McQueen, and Nicholas Pounder. Quarto [260 x 205] 50 pages stapled into plain card wrappers with silkscreened dust jacket. A fine copy. $30.00
339. Words Without Music. Oxford: Sycamore Press, 1968. Sycamore Broadsheet No 4. Two poems. “Paroles sans Chant” and “Rondo Burlesque”. Single sheet [330 x 205] printed on both sides, folded twice to form six panels, printed letterpress in two colours on watermarked bond. A fine copy, $20.00
340. After Martial. London: Oxford University Press, 1972. This copy inscribed “For Geoffrey Dutton from Peter Porter, 29 x ’72”. Porter began translating Martial in 1963 and the earlier pieces from Poems Ancient & Modern are included here with thirty-two more. While the epigrams are Martial’s in subject matter and spirit, each is a naturalised English poem in its own right and is offered as a tribute to their great originator. Octavo [215 x 138] 48 pages. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. $50.00
jennifer rankin [1941 – 1979]
signed by rankin with a letter
341. Ritual Shift. St. Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, [1976]. The poet’s first collection. No 17 in the Gargoyle Poets series. this copy signed by the poet (a decidedly uncommon signature) with a three page autograph letter (c. 1978 from the artist, Edwin Tanner, laid in. Octavo [220 x 140] 24 pages stapled into printed wrappers designed by her husband, David Rankin. Book, fine; letter on good laid stationery, fine with folds for delivery, in worn addressed envelope. $50.00
rewording ‘87
342. Rewording ‘87: A Weekend of Poetry and Prose. University of Sydney, NSW: Poets Union of NSW, 1987. Barbara Brooks, Pam Brown, Anna Couani, David Kelly, Dorothy Porter, Sasha Soldatow, Amanda Stewart, Leith Morton, Martin Langford. Quarto: various papers from stencils [86] pages stapled into printed card wrappers.

jennifer rankin [1941 – 1979] john olsen [1928 –]
343. Earth Hold. London: Secker & Warburg, 1978. Poetry with illustrations by John Olsen. review copy with the publisher’s slip laid in. Quarto [290 x 220] 56 pages in brown cloth boards with dust jacket featuring an Olsen drawing. $40.00
adrian rawlins [1939 – 2001] martin sharp [1942 – 2013]
w. s. rendra [1935 – 2009]
presented to eric rolls
346. Indonesian Poet in New York. Melbourne, Vic. Research Publications, 1972. Translated from the Indonesian by Harry Aveling. Produced to mark the beginning of Rendra’s Australian tour by the Fellowship of Australian Writers in October of that year. Second edition. The first edition was issued in a small quantity by the Department of Indonesian and Malay at Monash University for a seminar on poetry of the South Pacific held at Macquarie University NSW in August 1971. this copy presented to eric rolls by the faw two days prior to publication. Octavo [215 x 140] 32 pages stapled into illustrated card wrappers. A few creases and slight darkening to lower wrapper.

rigmarole of the hours [1974]
347. Rigmarole of the Hours. No 1. Ivanhoe, Vic: Robert Kenny, August 1974. Edited by Robert Kenny. Contributors: John Jenkins, John Anderson, Finola Moorhead, Robert Harris, Kris Hemensley, John Tranter, and Walter Billiter. one of three hundred numbered copies. Octavo [210 x 150] [56] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers.

344. Mr. Fogg’s Music Hall Proudly Presents, Adrian, the Cabaret. [Bellevue Hill/Paddington, NSW: Roger Foley, 2002.] Poster/very large handbill by Martin Sharp, announcing a variety evening in memory of Rawlins. Artists and performers at the event include, Edwina Blush, Jeannie Lewis and Steve Blau, Austen Tayshus, Ellis D. Fogg, Jim Anderson (of Oz fame), Kavisha Mazzella, Nicolas Lyon, and Alistair Jones. Sheet [295 x 210] on heavy stock. Fine. $30.00
refrain [1992 ]
345. Refrain: Poetry Review. Melbourne, Vic: Australian Book Review, 1992. Essays by Bruce Beaver, Dorothy Hewett, Dorothy Porter, Robert Harris, Ruby Langford, Kevin Brophy (on performance poetry), Don Anderson, Jennifer Maiden, Laurie Duggan, Catherine Kenneally, John Forbes and others. Tabloid [450 x 290] 24 pages. $25.00
348. The Antipodean-Summer Postcard Series. Clifton Hill, Vic: Ragman Productions, [1975]. Rigmarole of the Hours No 6: Eight colour postcard poems in a printed envelope. 1: Laurie Duggan; 2: J.S Harry; 3: Ken Taylor; 4: Kris Hemensley; 5: Bernie O’Regan; 6: Robert Kenny; 7: Gerard Lee (prose); 8: Walter Billeter. Each unused and each fine, in only slightly worn envelope. $45.00
nigel roberts [1941 – ]
349. In Casablanca for the Waters. Glebe, NSW: Wild & Woolley, 1977. The poet’s first collection. a presentation copy. With photos by Rick Harris and Angela Korvisianos. Introduction by Robert Duncan. Octavo [220 x 145] 94 pages + adverts. A fine copy in illustrated wrappers.
nigel roberts
tadeusz różewicz [1921 – 2014] geoffrey thurley [1936 – ]
353. Green Rose. Darlington, WA : John Michael Group, 1982. Poems translated from the Polish by Geoffrey Thurley. With an introduction for Australians by Ethel Webb. Octavo [210 x 125] [64] pages in wrapppers with artwork by Robert Juniper. A fine copy. $30.00
gig ryan [1956 - ]
A deeply coherent ‘discontinuous narrative’ in verse of hallucinatory vividness and continual dry wit… martin johnston
354. Manners Of An Astronaut. Sydney, NSW: Hale & Iremonger, 1984. review copy with publisher’s notice laid in. Her second collection, in the most difficult and most desirable state — the hardcover, in dust jacket with brilliant artwork by Peter Ivor Wilson. Octavo [225 x 145] 80 pages. A fine copy. $40.00
scripsi [1981 – ]
350. Steps for Astaire. Sydney, NSW: Hale & Iremonger, 1983. signed by the poet. Review copy with publisher’s slip laid in. Octavo [220 x 145] 101 pages in illustrated wrappers. $40.00
351. Déjà vu Tours. Sydney, NSW: Hale & Iremonger, 1995. signed by the poet. His third collection. Review copy with media release laid in. Octavo[220 x 145] [101]pages in illustrated wrappers. $40.00
355. Scripsi. No 1 Vol 1. Winter, 1981. University of Melbourne, Vic: July 1981. Edited by Peter Craven and Michael Heyward. Contributors include: Alan Wearne’s (extract from The Nightmarkets), John Scott, Evan Jones, Laurie Duggan, Gig Ryan, Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Amanda Buckley, D. J. O’Hearn, and Peter Steele. Octavo [210 x 145] 72 pages stapled into printed wrappers. $25.00
alexandra seddon [1944 –]
356. Sparrows.Oxford: Carcanet Press, 1970. this copy inscribed to anna couani and ken bolton. Octavo [180 x 130] 31pages stapled into plain card wrappers with fixed printed green dust jacket. $35.00

laraine roche [1948 - ] tomato press
352. Child on the Rocks. Glebe, NSW: Khasmik Enterprises, 1975. this copy signed. Poetry and prose. Stefanie Bennett’s Khasmik commenced publishing in 1974 with a broad but innovative editorial policy that included concrete and visual poetics. By 1975 the press was registered as an all women publishing venture, and by 1976 was publishing women’s writing exclusively. This was Roche’s first and only book, and was issued at the same time as Gillian Hanscombe’s Hecate’s Charms. Printed by Tomato Press. Illustrated wrappers with author portrait and strong endorsement from Bennett. A little rubbed and with slight creasing to covers.
357. Green Feet. Darlington, NSW: Glandular Press, 1981. review copy with the slip of rigmarole books laid in. Produced to an almost Sea Cruise template, though typeset and photo offset on glossy paper. Format, binding, prelims and jacket pure Coalcliff. Small quarto [205 x 175] 58+ pages stapled into plain card wrappers with screenprinted dust jacket from a drawing by “D. Persons” [Ken Bolton] based on a photo by Owen Kilby. A fine copy. [not in mitchell ?] $40.00
see page 207 [1978]
chook chook [1978]
Chook Chook. Carlton, Vic: [1978]. The second in a quarterly series begun with See Page 207. Contributors include: Peter Murphy, Gary Oliver (on ∏O), Neil Murray, Donna Maegraith, Rory Harris, Jeltje, Patrick McCauley, Eric Beach, Billy Marshall Stoneking, Kate Ahearn, Gig Ryan, Susan Hampton, Brendan Hennessey, Thalia, Jas H. Duke, John Jenkins, Andrew McDonald, Larry Buttrose, and Morris Lurie. Quarto [270 x 210] [64] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. [not in mitchell] $65.00
great australian whiting [1978]
a planned series of three publications
358. See Page 207. Carlton, Vic: Waverley Offset Publishing Group [March, 1978]. Produced in time for the 1978 Adelaide Festival Writers Week. Coordinated by Kate Ahearn. Contributors include: Neil Emmerson, Billy Marshall [Stoneking], Tom Thompson, Eric Beach [with original amendments and additions to his poem] Kate Ahearne, Thalia, Walter Adamson, Jas H. Duke, Ken Smeaton, Patrick McCauley, Chris Long, Catherine Hoffman, Cathie Messenger, Neil Murray, Barry MacDonald, Sally Hook, Rosemary Edwards, Graeme Doyle, Marian Rennie, and Andrea Stretton. this copy from the library of cornelis vleeskens with his pawprint stamp. Quarto [270 x 215] 48 pages stapled in hand painted card wrappers. [not in mitchell] $65.00
359. The Great Australian Whiting. Carlton, Vic: Shepparton News, [1979]. Contributors include: Morris Lurie, Richard Deutch, Lyndon Walker, Les Wicks, Kate Ahearn, Andrew McDonald, Rory Harris, Barbara Giles, Rae Desmond Jones, Frank Moorhouse, Peter Murphy, Anne King, Gig Ryan, Cathy Messenger, Laurie Duggan, Larry Buttrose, Richard Tipping, Rosemary Nissen, and Paul Kelly. Quarto [260 x 210] [56] pages in illustrated wrappers. [not in mitchell] $65.00

alex selenitsch [1946 – ]
360. Toora Lee: 4 Pieces For Pedal Organ. Melbourne: [The Artist], 1973. Oblong printed envelope [260 x 110] holding four printed oblong cards. Early and uncommon. Some age toning to envelope, else fine. $50.00
361. Some-one. Mooroolbark, Vic: Post Neo Publications, 1985. “This is the fourth booklet in the series.” Each copy hand numbered. Octavo [202 x 145] 8 pages stapled into printed wrappers. Near fine. $40.00
alex selenitsch
362. Yarns & Threads: A Pattern Book. Heidelberg, Vic: Up to Something, 1990. Devised by Alex Selenitsch. Issued as a program for a performance of Yarns & Thread “an arts project building community in West Heidelberg and Rosanna”. Octavo [210 x150] [16] pages in card wrappers with illustrated dust jacket. Fine. (apparently not in mitchell.) $30.00
363. Magpie Song. [Melbourne, Vic: J. Ryrie], 1999. A poem by Alex Selenitsch with a woodcut by John Ryrie. one of 30 copies signed by poet and illustrator. Sheet [Arches] [420 x 220] folded to four panels [220 x 110]. Letterpress. In handmade printed envelope. Very fine.
$75.00 keith shadwick [1951 – 2008]
364. Windows & Mirrors. Bundeena, NSW: Island Press, 1977. Shadwicks poetry with drawings by Julie Clarke. this copy signed by both shadwick and clarke. Errata slip laid in. Octavo [200 x 145] 65 pages in printed wrappers. A fine copy. $60.00 sasha soldatow [1947 – 2006] tomato press

365. Ilustrates Mark Young, “A Season In Hell” — Patterns No Three. Glebe, NSW: Patterns, [1975]. Printed by Tomato Press. Single sheet [440 x 280] folded to four panels. Poem by Mark Young with two vigorous pen and inks by SS. Some insect damage and a few stains.

366. Adventures of Rock-n-Roll Sally. [Potts Point, NSW: by command of the artist, 1977.] Poster advertising a performance of Adventures Of Rock-n-Roll Sally at the Ivan Dougherty Gallery, 200 Cumberland Street, The Rocks, on 11 October, 1977. one of six copies designed and printed by gary lester. A very early event for this venue which opened that year. Precedes the best known poster (by Chips Mackinolty) by three months. Poster [760 x 555] screenprinted on heavy wove with two colours and a third added by hand filling the lettering. Some minor creasing and ageing, but less than would be expected. $120.00
sasha soldatow
367. What is this Gay Community Shit ? Sydney, NSW: Sasha Soldatow, 1983. This pamphlet sets out an important historical analysis of the early history of the Sydney Gay Mardi Gras, and the pursuit of the gay dollar to the detriment of the development of sexual politics which broadly challenges the power relationships in society. “I wrote What is this Gay Community Shit? in February 1983 after the Darlinghurst cops busted Club 80, a male fuck and suck joint or, as they were known in Oscar Wilde’s days, a common bawdy house. I published this pamphlet myself because it was impossible in the gay press of the time, or for that matter any other press, to discuss the issues I wanted to raise. In fact, the gay press then was part and parcel of the problem.” sasha soldatow. Typeset by Lyn Tranter and illustrated with cartoons by Jenny Coopes. Octavo [205 x 150] [12] pages in a loose gathering within illustrated wrappers. $25.00
sasha soldatow
pete spence [1946 – ]
368. Rock-N-Roll Sally, A Burlesque. Sydney, NSW: BlackWattle Press, 1990. A memoir and verse for performance. A class act that always shocked. Octavo [205 x 145] 32 pages in illustrated wrappers with art and design by Soldatow. With spoof wraparound band. A fine copy. $35.00
Pete Spence. Photo by Norma Pearse

370. Since Since.[Mooroolbark, Vic.]: Neo Books, 1984. His first stand alone publication, and the first [Post] Neo publication. “Printed in early 1984 in an edition of 250 this is No 209.” A single sustained sonic piece and an early example of Spence’s extraordinary virtuosity. “The first in a possible series.” Octavo [205 x 150] [8] pages stapled into printed wrappers with drawing by Jan Orr. Discolouration to poor paper, else a well preserved copy. $35.00

solstice reading [1977]
369. Poster: “Winter Solstice Poetry & Punk Night”. [Stephen K. Kelen. Darlington, NSW: 1977.] For one of two such events that Zen Kelen organised at this venue. Screenprint [575 x 450] from two stencils onto newsprint. No evidence of use—only one short tear without loss.
371. B ok ok K. No place: Neo Books, 1984. Wordplay. Oblong octavo SIZE [9] pages, rectos only held with staples and tape. $25.00
pete spencepete spence
372. Mampt/Croin. [Mooroolbark, Vic:] Post Neo Publications, 1985. “‘Mampt’ for Jan Orr ‘Croin’ for Pete Spence”. One of a 100 handmade numbered copies. Post Neo Publications were edited by Pete Spence. 110 x 82 in heavy art paper wrappers with printed label. 18 pages. Slight discolouration to card, else very good. $30.00
376. Five Poems. Melbourne: Nosukumo, [1986]. “Produced during Spring 1986 at Labassa”. one of 100 signed and numbered copies. [212 x 152] 20 pages sewn into card wrappers with dust jacket designed by the poet. $20.00
373. Jurassic Colosseum. [Melbourne, Vic]: Post Neo Publications, 1985. Artists book. Octavo [210 x 148] [10] pages in double folds, stapled into illustrated wrappers. $30.00

377. MWFo * oooC. [No place, the author, c. 1986.Stark monochromatic typographical invention. A4 [12] pages, rectos only, stapled into printed wrappers. $30.00
374. Granite Breath. Artists book. A4 [13] pages rectos only, stapled and taped into plain card wrappers with printed label. $30.00
375. The Carrionflower Writ. Issue 1, 1985. Melbourne, Vic: Nosukumo, 1985. Edited “at Labassa” by Javant Biarujia. Pete Spence, Alison Briars, Alvyn Davy, Judi Dyson, Ian Hance, Berni Janssen, Chris Mann, Massimo Modenese, David N. Pepperell, G. Maree Teychenné, Ann Weir. this copy inscribed by the editor to spence with thanks for his contribution—dated 20 September 1985. Broadsheet 994 x 440 folded to eight panels.
378. Zutgraffites. [Melbourne, Vic]: Post Neo Publications, 1986. A collection of word art dedicated to fellow practitioner, Graeme Cutts. The copy from the library of Cornelis Vleeskens, bearing his small pawprint stamp. A4 [10] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $35.00
379. Constellations. [Melbourne]: Post Neo Publications, [1988]. “Being 10 simple Constellations relating to Kircher’sdiagram on the problem of diversity in the Ars Magna Sciendi.” Visual poems adding up to twelve works by Spence if we include the pieces that decorate the two surfaces of the wrapper. Octavo [210 x 165] 5 stapled folds. Uncommon. $35.00
pete spence

380. Abregement: An Essay. Look! Poetry, 1996. Visual Poetry. Oblong A4, [20] pages stapled into plain card wrappers.
381. T()T (Envelope from Cornelis!). [1998 ?)A letter to Cornelis Vleeskens in the form of a poem and two drawings. Likely a response to receiving CV’s book, T()T (Earthdance, 1998). A4 single sheet folded to four pages. $25.00
382. Four Visual Poems, by Luisa La Fornara & Pete Spence. Geelong, Vic: Open Hand Press, 1999. Printed by Spence and David Dellafiora. A5 [4] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $20.00
383. Hnmwuhuh. [Geelong, Vic]: Look! Poetry! [1999]. Typographic visuals. 105 x 70 [10] pages stapled.
384. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVwxyz (Konigsberg-St.Kilda 1997). Geelong: Look! Poetry!, 1999. Visual Poetry. Printed by Spence and David Dellafiora at the Open Hand Press. A5 [12] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $25.00
385. Communicarte No 51. Poços de Caldas, Brasil: [insert in] Journal Da Cidade, 20-21 May, 1995. Edited byHugo Pontes. Mail Art. Broadsheet, displaying the work of international visual poets: Pete Spence, J. Medeiros, Almandrade, Fernando Aguiar, Bianor Paulino, Ricardo Corona & Eliana Borges, Geraldo Magela and Ricardo Alfaya. Single sheet [470 x 320] folded twice. Very fine. $35.00
386. Communicarte No 76. Poços de Caldas, Brasil: [insert in] Journal Da Cidade, 29 June, 1997. Edited by Hugo Pontes. Mail Art. Broadsheet, displaying the work of six international visual poets: Pete Spence, Davi Pereira, Mano Melo, Almandrade, Dorian Ribass Marihnho, and Fernando de Andrade.
pete spence
388. Communicarte No 99. Poços de Caldas, Brasil: [insert in] Journal Da Cidade, 29-30 May, 1999. Edited by Hugo Pontes. Mail Art. Broadsheet, displaying the work of seven international visual poets: Pete Spence, Irineu Volpato, Dmitry Butatov, Antônio Andrade, Constança Lucas, J. Madeiros and Artur Soares. Single sheet [470 x 320] folded twice. Very fine. $35.00
389. Communicarte No 126. Poços de Caldas, Brasil: [insert in] Journal Da Cidade, 29-30 September, 2001. Edited by Hugo Pontes. Mail Art. Broadsheet, displaying the work of four international visual poets: Pete Spence, Antônio Andrade, Paco Cac, Avelino de Araūjo, Constança Lucas, J. Madeiros and Artur Soares. Single sheet [470 x 320] folded twice. Very fine. $35.00
390. Communicarte No 142. Poços de Caldas, Brasil: [insert in] Journal Da Cidade 29-30 September, 2001. Edited byHugo Pontes. Mail Art. Broadsheet, displaying the work of international visual poets: Pete Spence, Antônio Andrade, Paco Cac, and Adrian Valdes. Single sheet [470 x 320] folded twice. Very fine. $35.00
391. Brain Cell Fractal. Tokyo: Ryōsuke Cohen, 2005 - 2007. Eight issues in envelopes addressed to participating Australian artist, Pete Spence. Sheets[420 x 300] rectos only. Each sheet unique in various inks, surfaces and onlays: rubber stamps, stickers, photos, postage stamps, signs, business cards, logos, drawings and cartoons. Each fine.
392. Rubber Stamp Working. 2006.Single narrow sheet [395 x 75] folded once. Titled and signed by the artist. $15.00

387. Communicarte No 94. Poços de Caldas, Brasil: [insertin] Journal Da Cidade, 31 December, 1998. Edited by Hugo Pontes. Mail Art. Broadsheet, displaying thework of five international visual poets: Pete Spence, Sérgio Almeida, Márcio Almeida, Fernando. Single sheet [470 x 320] folded twice. Very fine. $35.00
pete spence
pete spence
394. Mezzo. Clearwater, Florida [USA]: Avantacular Press, 2011. Visual poetics. A brilliant production by Andrew Topell in solid crisp monotones. [170 x 125] [24] pages sewn into illustrated wrappers. $30.00 leigh stokes [1953 – ]
395. Twenty Performance Poems & How To Use Them. East Wollongong, NSW: Rathole Press, 1981. The poet’s first collection. Cover artwork and printing by Ken Bolton and Sal Brereton and executed at their Coalcliff studio. Oblong quarto [295 x 207] 58 pages duplicated typescript in vivid silkscreened wrappers. $30.00
393. Original artwork for four collages by Pete Spence, all demonstrating incredible cutting skill and vision. Each 150 x 115 and each fine, initialled and stamped on rear “a pete spence kard”.
The four, $120.00
396. Bad Reviews. East Wollongong, NSW: Rathole Press, 1983. A parody of the form in fifteen sections with the book itself (Bad Reviews) as a text under consideration. An ingenious, almost Borgesian proposition involving the aesthetics and marginal literary styles of the time. Small quarto [243 x 170] [36] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $25.00 bobbi sykes [1943 – 2010]
397. Love Poems and other Revolutionary Actions. Cammeray, NSW: The Saturday Centre, 1979. First edition (a mass market edition did not appear until 1988). Octavo [205 x 145] 60 pages in printed wrappers. Very good. $40.00 randolph stow [1935 – 2010]
398. Eight Songs Shiraz. Tanunda, SA: Peter Lehmann Wines Limited, [1998]. Poems by Randolph Stow, originally written to accompany music by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies for the work “Eight Songs for a Mad King”. With eight paintings by Rod Schubert reproduced in full colour. Includes tasting notes for the Peter Lehmann Wines 1997 Eight Songs Shiraz. “Eight Songs Shiraz was born of our love of art and music and inspired by an operatic work, ‘Eight Songs for a Mad King’, first performed in the Barossa in 1993.” (The songs derive from tunes played by an extant mechanical organ owned by George III, tunes that he attempted to train bullfinches to sing.) Small quarto [205 x 200] [11] folds of good cream wove paper [200 x 400 folded to 200 x 200] hole punched and tied (secured with a paintbrush) in double folded heavy black card wrappers printed in gilt and reflective shadow halftone. A very good copy of a decidedly uncommon item. Only held in four public collections. $85.00

surfers paradise [1975 – 2009]
surfers paradise
399. Surfers Paradise. No 1. [Newtown, NSW: 1975.] Edited by Laurie Duggan and John Forbes. Contributors: Stephen Murray, Kris Hemensley, Chris Edwards, Angela Korvisianos, John Forbes, Laurie Duggan, Terry Larsen, Martin Johnston, F/cap [28] pages duplicated typescript stapled into illustrated wrappers. $75.00
Frivolous poetry we enjoy, but difficult frivolous poetry we resent.”christopher pollnitz
401. Surfers Paradise. No3. Petersham, NSW, NSW: [1983].Edited by John Forbes. Contibutors: Gig Ryan, Stephen K. Kelen, Chris Burns, Adam Aiken, John A. Scott, John Tranter, Martin Johnson, Dipti Sara, Ted Colless, Dave Kelly, Rod Gibson, Mark O’Connor, John Forbes, Laurie Duggan, Pam Brown, and Bobby Hull. A4, Rubber stamped title page, 30 pages stapled into silkscreened card wrappers by Mary-Anne Johnston. $75.00

400. Surfers Paradise. No 2. Erskineville NSW: Surfers Paradise Productions, March, 1979. “Steve McGarrett Issue.”Edited by John Forbes. in an edition of 25o copies only. Contributors: Stephen Kelen, Laurie Duggan, Martin Johnston, Mark O’Connor, John Forbes, Robert Harris, Philip Hammial, Michael Forbes, Gig Ryan, Nicholas Pounder, Chris Kelen, John Tranter, Alan Jefferies. Artwork by Tim Johnson and Frank Littler. F/cap [46] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers using photographs by Mark Ray. $75.00
402. Surfers Paradise. No 4. Newton, NSW: Spring, 1986.Edited by John Forbes. “Thanks to the Rochford Street Press for the use of their Gestetner, and to Jim Tulip and the University of Sydney English Department secretaries for the use of theirs.” Contributors: Ken Bolton, John Jenkins, Stephen K. Kelen, Ralph Hennessy, Adam Aiken, Arthur Drew, Judith Beveridge, John Forbes, Alan Wearne, Dipti Saravanamuttu, John Tranter, Michael Forbes, Chris Burns, Laurie Duggan, Gig Tyan, and Denis Gallagher. A4, rubber stamped title page, 40 pages duplicated typescript stapled into illustrated wrappers. $75.00
surfers paradise
sydney womens writing [1979]
403. Surfers Paradise. No 5. [Erskineville, NSW: Mick Forbes, 2009.] A posthumous issue assembled from the working editorial files. Contributors: John Kinsella, Louise Crisp, Alan Wearne, Pam Brown, Stephen K. Kelen, John Tranter, Laurie Duggan, Gig Ryan, and Ken Bolton. A4, 20 pages photocopied typescript stapled into illustrated wrappers by “Drunk Persons” [Ken Bolton]. $50.00
sydney womens writing [1979]
404. No Regrets: An Anthology of Some Sydney Women Writers. Darlington, NSW: Sao Press, 1979. “Edited by themselves.” one of 250 copies. Contributors. Micky Allan, Barbara Atkinson, Leonie Blair, Sal Brereton, Pam, Brown, Joanne Burns, Erica Callan, Lee Cataldi, Robyn Clark, Anna Couani, Gail, Susan Hampton, Diane King, Loma Bridge, and Maggie Wilson. The result of monthly workshops and readings begun in May the previous year. “Produced by Drunk Persons” [Ken Bolton and Sal Brereton] with dust jacket artwork by Anna Couani, and acknowledgement of financial assistance to the Poets Union (Sydney Cell). Quarto [260 x 204] [130] pages duplicated typescript on two papers (cream antique laid and pink bond), stapled into plain card wrappers with silkscreened dust jacket. Late original corrections to Loma Bridge’s text. A very good copy in dust jacket.

sydney womens writing [1980]
405. Poster. “No Regrets Reading.” [Coalcliff, NSW]; Drunk Persons. [Ken Bolton, 1980]. Advertising a reading by members of the Sydney Women Writers’ Workshop in Wollongong. See Coalcliff Days, page 84.A star studded line up, including Jane Ahlquist, Barbara Atkinson, Pam Brown, Anna Couani, Kathleen Berriman [Fallon], Moya Costello, Erica Callan, Maggie Wilson and Kate Richards. Held at the Federated Ironworkers Association, the event was a capacity evening, such was the vitality of the group and interest in an event such as this staged in the Steel City. Silkscreen on litho paper [510 x 380] from several stencils, and with the application of gilt aerosol. A fine unused example.
sydney womens writing [1980]
Artwork by Anna Couani

406. Syd’s Filmmakers & Poets Coop. Poster for a short lived venue for readings. Syd’s was popular for many things under Elaine Townshend’s brief regime, but poetry was in a lull, or perhaps happening on the other side of town. The ghosts of stalwart Greek communists, whose haunt this building was in its many years as the Atlas Club, would have approved of the poetry, its gestures and defiance. However, Darlinghurst as it extended from Oxford Street was approaching a new climate. [760 x 560] on heavy black fibrous card, screened once in an icy cold blue. Edges frayed with a few closed tears and insignificant scuffs on its surface. A moment solidly caught. $100.00
colin talbot [1948 – 2018]
407. Creek Roulette. Armadale, Vic: Contempa Publications, 1973. Poems, documents and photographs. His first book and the second book of the press. Typeset by Sally Dugan and designed by Robert Kenny. [260 x 200][20] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $35.00
tasmanian poetry festival [1985]
10 copies only
408. Fester–Text. Launceston, Tas: TFAW (North) Tasmanian Poetry Festival, 1985. Edited by Tim Thorne. A special publication for this, the first Tasmanian Poetry Festival which Thorne founded and directed until 2002. no 5 of 10 numbered copies, signed by each of the contributors: Kominos, Marilyn Arnold, Jenny Boult, Mollie Hildyard, Bruce Penn, Margaret Scott, and Geoff Goodfellow. Oblong f/cap [330 x 215] [6] pages from three sheets printed each side and stapled. Insect damage to the upper edge, and 1 cm of fore edge darkened. Obviously scarce. $50.00

ken taylor [1930 – 2014]
409. At Valentines: Poems 1966-1969. Armadale, Vic: Contempa Publications, 1975. one of seventy-five copies signed and numbered by the poet. In every respect, a standout book from the period and one for which he will be remembered. Designed by Robert Kenny. Octavo [215 x 145] 104 pages. A very good copy in printed wrappers.
410. Five, Seven, Fives: Travel Notes March 1984. Eltham, Vic: Fling Poetry, 1984. Chapbook with drawings by Jenni Mitchell. Octavo [205 x 145] [20] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $25.00
thalia [1952 – ]
411. Night Flowers. Melbourne: Collective Effort Press, 1988. A6 [154 x 98] [36] pages duplicated typescript and drawings with handprinted title page, stapled into hand printed wrappers. Modest, smart, and eyecatching. $25.00
albie thoms [1941 – 2012]
412. Marinetti. Handbill for a single showing of Albi Thoms’ 1969 film at the Dendy Cinema, Middle Brighton. Regarded as Australia’s first avant–garde experimental feature–length film. A Melbourne screening – For One Night Only. Thoms removed certain sections of the film to satisfy the Commonwealth Censor and gain a certificate to show it in Victoria, only to later reinsert the banned footage and present the film in its original form. Single sheet [260 x 205] printed in red ink on yellow paper.
413. Polemics for a New Cinema: Writings to Stimulate New Approaches to Film. Glebe, NSW: Wild & Woolley, 1978. hardcover. This copy with a large Wild & Woolley promotional postcard for the title laid in. Octavo [205 x 140] 428 pages in blue cloth with printed label. A fine copy—as new.
richard tipping [1949 – ]john tranter
414. Soft Riots. St. Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland Press, 1972. signed by the poet His first book. No 10 in the ground-breaking Paperback Poets Series. Slightly age darkened but otherwise untouched. Octavo [185 x 115] 70 pages perfect bound into illustrated wrappers with a candid snap by Scott Hicks showing the poet sharing a smoke with a dalmatian. $45.00
415. The Image: Four Poems. [St Lucia, Qld:] Makar,[1973]. Single sheet of good heavy wove [470 x 200] folded to eight panels. Set in Pastonchi italic and printed by Martin Duwell. A fine specimen signed by the poet. This is from a Makar insider’s collection and he has appropriately laid it into Makar Vol 9, No 1, July 1973—the issue that features “Keep Moving: An Interview with Richard Tipping”. Magazine and hand-printed keepsake each perfect. $50.00
416. Domestic Hardcore. St. Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland Press, 1975. signed by the poet. No 9 in the Second Series Paperback Poets, and Tipping’s second collection from this press. The scarce cloth issue. Octavo [183 x 115] 92 pages in typographic dust jacket. A fine copy.

john tranter [1943 – ]
417. Transit. Number One. Sydney: JohnTranter, September 1968. This issue includes work by Tim Thorne, Geoff Eggleston, Terry Gillmore, Robert Adamson, Nigel Roberts, Mark Pallas [John Tranter] Patrick Alexander, Bruce Beaver, John Tranter and David Rankin. [205 x 160] 36 pages stapled into printed wrappers. $25.00
418. Crying in Early Infancy: 100 Sonnets. St Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, 1977. Octavo [230 x 160] 58 + [6] pages. A very fine copy of the cloth issue in dust jacket, with Tom Shapcott’s review laid in. $35.00
419. The New Australian Poetry. St Lucia, Qld: Makar Press, [1979]. “The work of twenty–four poets from Australian poetry’s most exciting decade.” Typeset at Rat Graffix by Lyn Tranter, and this copy with the small pawprint stamp of the tireless Makar factotum Cornelis Vleeskens, and the flyer/order form designed by the Tranters as an insert for Surfers Paradise laid in. The scarce cloth edition. A near fine copy in dust jacket. $45.00
lyn tranter
420. Four Australian Poets. Chippendale, NSW: printed by Southwood Press for Pavilion Press Set, [1985]. Promotional booklet for the tour of the USA by four Australian poets: John A. Scott, Geoff Page, Dorothy Hewett and ∏.O. Note: Due to ill health, Hewett did not tour, and was replaced by Joanne Burns. Produced with the assistance of the Literature Board of the Australia Council, and the Cultural Exchanges Section of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Preface by Tom Shapcott and introduction by Lyn Tranter, principal of Pavilion Press, who organized the tour. With a loose insert giving Joanne Burns’ biography and publishing history.Printed wrappers. 28 pages. Very good. ` $25.00
vicki viidikas [1948 – 1998]
421. Condition Red. St. Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland Press, 1973. Paperback Poets No18. The small volume that announced her arrival as a poet. signed on the title page. Very good in bright red card wrappers.
422. Poster. Reading. Syllable/Backyard Press, 1992. A3 on one side folded once. $15.00

victoria bitter [1973] fragment press
423. Victoria Bitter One. Royal Exchange, Sydney, NSW: Fragment Press, 1975. Released in January of that year. Poems by Rae Desmond Jones, Ken Bolton and ∏.O. Three sheets [300 x 210] one side only, stapled.
Who, or what, is bunny melody ?
Victoria Bitter Two. Royal Exchange, Sydney, NSW: Fragment press, 1975. Released in March of that year. Poems by Rae Desmond Jones and Ken Bolton. With an editorial comment by Gary Oliver who raises the question, once again, “Who, or what, is Bunny Melody?”. Three sheets [300 x 210] one side only, stapled. The pair $50.00
visual poetics
424. Just Wot !? An Exhibition Of Visual Poetry. North Fitzroy, Vic: Artists Space Gallery, [1987]. Catalogue for an exhibition featuring the work of Bev Aisbett, Julie Clarke- Powell, Mimmo Cozzolino, Graeme Cutts, Jas. H. Duke, Anthony Figallo, Peter Murphy, Norma Pearse, David Powell, Alex Selenitsch, Pete Spence, and Thalia. Single sheet [420 x 295] folded 4 times to 16 panels showing samples of the work on show. $25.00
425. International Visual Poetry Exhibition. Programme. October 7-27, Oxford St. Café, Leederville, Western Australia. Australian participants: Pete Spence, Thalia, Nicholas Zurbrugg, Peter Murphy, Ruth Cowen, Graeme Cutts, Julie Clarke-Powell, Rosemary Edwards, John Waller, David Powell, Charles Roberts, Simon Gevers, Rob Finlayson, Michele Sharp, Claire Belton, Daphne Middleton, Patrick Cook, Albert Rotstein, Cornelis Vleeskens, Andrew Burke, and David Symons. Single sheet [297 x 210] folded once to four pages. $15.00
426. The Visualised Page: A Codex Of Visual Poetry, Rebuses & Interactive Script. [Geelong, Vic]: Field Study Production [2001].one of 70 copies only. “The Visualised Page offered the opportunity for Boundless Books students to contribute to the visual poetry debate. Developed as an assembling project, participants in the visual poetry community were invited to ‘visualise’ a page. The resulting pages, alongside the student contributions, have gone to form this book which transcends nationality and meaning through the international language of poetry.”—david dellafiora, from his introduction. Other than the students, established artists include, ACR, Denis Mizzi, Pete Spence, Cornelis Vleeskens, and David Dellafiora. The international cast is impressive: Clemente Padin, Keiichi Nakamura, Pascal Lenoir, and Guido Vermueulen. Octavo [210 x 150] [32] sheets, comb bound on various papers, often with stamps, stickers, onlays or original markings, and most signed and numbered. A fine copy.
visual poetics
427. Born to Concrete: Visual Poetry from the Collections of Heide Museum of Modern Art and the University of Queensland. Bulleen, Vic/St Lucia, Qld: Heide Museum of Modern Art /The University of Queensland, 2013. Curated by Heide Museum of Modern Art, Katarina Paseta, Linda Short,the University of Queensland Art Museum, Gordon Craig, Michele Helmrich; essays by Dr Anne Kirker, Alex Selenitsch. Octavo [205 x 165] 32 pages (16 pages of plates). A fine illustrated catalogue of this important exhibition. $20.00 cornelis vleeskens [1948 – 2012]
428. Sketches, By CV and Jenni Mitchell. Eltham, Vic: Fling Poetry, 1982. An account of the Fifth Poet’s Festival at Montsalvat. $30.00
429. Red Shift 9. Armidale, NSW: Fat Possum Press, 1980. Five poets: Paul Burns, Arthur Chaffey, C.E.G. Moisa, Julian Croft, and Cornelis Vleeskens. Single sheet [355 x 230] folded twice to six panels. $25.00
430. Black Satin: A Sequence of Lines and Spaces.[Melbourne, Vic: Fling Poetry, 1987.] A variant in hand titled black card wrappers and corrections in the text. With no statement of limitation (The “published” edition was limited to ten copies only.). Octavo [235 x 155] [12] pages stapled.
431. The Departure Lounge. Elwood, Vic: Post-Neo, 1987. In the early Spring of 1986 the author accompanied artist Jenni Mitchell on a painting trip to Broken Hill and its surroundings. This book is a response to that trip and the cover features one of Mitchell’s drawings. The in-text graphics are by the author and form part of the text. Octavo [214 x 150] [28] pages stapled into stiff art card wrappers printed in two colours. $30.00
432. Naked Dreams: Dutch Poetry In Translation. Melbourne, Vic: Post Neo Publications, 1988. Selected and translated by Cornelis Vleeskens. Introductory essay by Vleeskens, followed by a fascinating selection, that includes: Bernlef, Campert, Herzberg, Schierbeek, Vlek, van Ostaijen, Appel, Vinkenoog, Elburg, van Vliet, and Schippers. Octavo [210 x 150] [44] pages, stapled into decorated wrappers with the translator’s artwork. $40.00
cornelis vleeskens jeltje fanoy [van ooij] [1951 –]
433. Young Heroes: Performance Poetry From Amsterdam, selected and translated by Cornelis Vleeskens and Jeltje Fanoy. Melbourne: Fling Poetry, 1989. With illustrations by Hugo Kaagman. Poets include, Eddie Kagie, Diana Ozon, Steef Davidson, Cassie Wijle, Randell, Aja, Dorpoudste de Jong, Rob de Reus, Thomas White, and P. Josephs. Octavo [210 x 150] [28] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers.
cornelis vleeskens
434. 01 <<Vijf Teksten>> 40. Fling Dutch-Australian Broadsheet No 4. Clifton Hill, Vic, 1989. Single sheet of good wove [415 x 290] folded to six panels. $30.00
435. Earth My Faith. Clifton Hill, Vic: Earthdance Publications, 1993. A poet’s history, dreaming and complex ancestry. Decorated with the poet’s brushwork. Octavo [210 x 150] [20] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $40.00
alexander watt [1978 – ]
443. Accidentals.[Burra, NSW: Accidentals. Org], 2008. Twelve poems on a “poemcard”. Watt, a so called “commando poet”, would surreptitiously slip these sheets into the poetry shelves of unsuspecting booksellers thus effecting distribution. Single sheet of card [200 x 200] printed both sides. Handsomely done and a cute strategy. $20.00

436. The Wider Canvas.Cape Patterson, Vic: EarthDance. 1996. Poetry, prose and collage—“a retrospective” 1988-1996. Octavo [205 x 150]100 pages perfect bound into glossy card covers featuring a self-portrait. $30.00
437. Please Add To Too. Geelong, Vic: David Dellafiora & Pete Spence at the Open Hand Press, 1999. A collection of Vispo collaborations. Artists working with CV are: Sandra Valastro, David Dellafiora, Cynthia, Waz Sahr, Andrea McPherson, Pete Spence, and Karen Elliot.Octavo [210 x 150] [8] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers.
438. 10 Mighty Thin books published by his close friend, Pete Spence between 1998 and 1999 at Ocean Grove, Victoria. Garwen: Heron Songs (1998), Big Jolt Funk (1998), 50/50 (1998), Homage (1998), Foreshore (1998) Catch (1998)Jeaanzeehuis (1999), Salmon Wind (with Pete Spence, 1999) Manifesto (1999), and Set Pieces (1999). Each in stapled folds.
The ten $50.00
439. Broken Glass & Driftwood. [Melbourne] Earthdance/ Donnithorne Street Press, 2012. Octavo [210 x 150] [26] pages stapled into illustrated wrappers. $35.00
ania walwicz [1951 – ]
440. Street Poems.[Melbourne]: The Street Poetry Lab, [1980]. Three poems to this single sheet: “Street Poem”, “Shadow” and “One God”. Dated January 4, 1980 and advertising the Dial-A-Poem service. A4 creased and a little discoloured. $35.00
441. Writing. Clifton Hill, Vic: Rigmarole Books, 1982. Prose poems. Her first book, and the scarcest title of both author and press. this copy inscibed by walwicz to cornelis vleeskens. Octavo [205 x 127] 67 pages + adverts, perfect bound into pink card wrappers with three passport snaps of the poet. A very good copy.
442. Artloud. Issue 12-86. Leichhardt, NSW: Mori Gallery, [1986]. Features Walwicz’s “Crazy”. A4. 4 pages photooffset. $15.00
wattle grove press [1958 – 1968] rolf hennequel [1895 – 1971] rigby graham [1931 – 2015]
a unique state
444. Petra. Rigby Graham in Leicester. [Newnham, Tas.]: Wattle Grove Press, [1966]. An essay by Rolf Hennequel providing an historical survey and contemporary account of Petra, with illustrations by Rigby Graham. The work (and the ambitions of the press) are introduced by the colourful Maurice Willoughby. this is copy no 1/100 of the edition in a unique binding. Ten tipped prints, and five prints from blocks in the body. Text set in Coronet, Garamond and Ludlow Samson and printed by Hennequel on a Wayne platen. Small quarto [265 x 195] 20 folds for text and prints + 5 folds and a single leaf for mounted prints; silkscreened endpapers. Cancels at xv and xvi. All tied with yellow silk cords into a single fold of solid red calf, with a hand lettered title label (in Greek) on green solid calf on the upper. Other copies in this edition were issued in plain paper wrappers with a printed paper label in English. The first copy of the edition, and obviously special.
$150.00 archie weller [1957 – ]
445. The Unknown Soldier & Other Poems. Bassendean, WA: Access Press, 2007. Poetry. Foreword by John Harper– Nelson. a numbered copy from the limited edition. With endpapers and dust jacket design by Celian Whalley. A fine copy. $35.00
446. Newsagent banner. Sydney Morning Herald, 8 August 2006. “IT IS a vicious, below-the-belt skirmish in Australia’s poetry wars. The poet John Kinsella was due to speak about the writing of memoir at the Byron Bay Writers Festival last weekend. “Moving on from the past is essential” was the session’s title. He didn’t show. The past had caught up with him, resulting in his taking out restraining orders against two highly respected poets and Kinsella facing a possible defamation suit.” angela bennie.
Poignant ? Ephemeral ? A fine memento. 610 x 430 $50.00

women writers’show [1981]
447. Poster for a Festival of Sydney reading. Participating writers: Anna Couani, Joanne Burns, Moya Costello, Pam Brown, Ann Jarjoura, Jane Alquist, Kathleen Berryman [Fallon], Barbara Atkinson, Maggie Wilson and many others. Designed and printed by Ken Bolton—a Coalcliff production. Silkscreen from stencils in two colours. 510 x 380. A fine and unused example. $75.00

michael wilding [1942 – ] kit guyatt
xmas [1977] earthworks [1969 – 1980] chips mackinolty [1954 –
448. The Phallic Forest. No 2 of two prints (one for Michael Wilding, and one for director, Kit Guyatt) in canister returned from Sydney Film Co-op. Funded by the Experimental Film and Television Fund in 1970 - the budget was just over $2000.00. Actors included the poets, Robert Adamson and Nigel Roberts. The story of a lady who flees her failing relationship with a man. This short caused an uproar when it was released because of its sexual content and phallic images, but is considered a ground breaking film. Black and white, 16mm—37 minutes. Released 1972 and shown at the Co-op, St. Peter’s Lane Darlinghurst. With the script and costing breakdown dated October 15th, 1969, and a few snaps taken on location. A collection of short stories by Wilding with this as its title piece was published in 1978 - the rarely seen cloth
bound issue is included. $350.00 wollongong poets’ union [1980]
450. Poster: “Second Annual Christmas is a False Consciousness Eve Party”, by Chips Mackinolty et al. Darlington, NSW: Earthworks Poster Collective (The Tin Sheds Art Workshop, University of Sydney. Wasted Daze and Mental As Anything performing. Printed in colour inks, from multiple stencils. 580 x 450. A fine example. $275.00

xmas show [1983]

449. Programme and ticket for the 1980 Wollongong Poets’ Union Reading & Ball. F/cap sheet from stencils and handprinted ticket on card. A Coalcliff production.
The pair $35.00
This time of year usually carries some nostalgia and too much sentimentality, so let’s indulge in both. 1977 was a truly great year for anti-xmas festivity. The Tin Sheds on City Road was a-hopping and a-bopping. The Lean Sisters, from the Precipice of Simpleton Theatre, performed a Workers-Control themed santamime, the Crunk Boonk Xmashow, where Santa was portrayed as a rapacious profiteer who had already sold the rights to easter to god’s agent, Gabriel, before the previous year had ended, and his ‘helpers’ suffered mightily under his cruelly exploitative conditions of employment. After the fabulously didactic performance the audience danced on into the sweaty summer night to the music of the rockin’ all-girl band, Sheila. pam brown
xmas show
your friendly fascist
the ghosts of xmasses past
451. The Lean Sisters Present, from the Precipice of Simpleton Theatre, The Crunk Boonk Xmashow – A Santamime”. Poster: Darlington, NSW, 1983. “The Lean Sisters present from the Precipice of Simpleton Theatre...” Designed by Jenny Coopes and printed by Netta Perrett and Pam Brown at the “Tinsel Sheds”. Screenprint [325 x 430] from several stencils. A fine unused poster. $125.00
william butler yeats [1865 – 1939] ezra pound [1885 – 1972]
452. A Packet for Ezra Pound. [Sydney, NSW]: Xpmr (Amanuensis) Editions. 1973. An Exprimitur reprint. Made in Australia, and screened from the Cuala Press edition. “Yeats’s Packet for Ezra Pound presents one side of an intriguingly unlikely literary and personal friendship; Yeats, who lived with Pound more than once (first in Ashdown Forest, where Pound’s ostensibly secretarial status produced the drastic renovation of Yeats’s poetic style in his 1914 collection Responsibilities, and later in Rapallo during the late 1920s, the period of association with which Yeats’s ‘Packet’ is concerned), describes Pound as a man ‘whose art is the opposite of mine, whose criticism commends what I most condemn, a man with whom I should quarrel more than with anyone else if we were not united by affection.’” A wonderful Sydney printing by James Taylor. Crown octavo [220 x 145] 40 pages stapled into printed

wrappers with a Henri Gaudier-Brzeska profile of Pound.
453. Your Friendly Fascist. No 2. Edited by Rae Desmond Jones and John Edwards. Sydney South, NSW: [1971]. Printed on the Gestetner of the Socialist Youth Organisation in Surry Hills. Rae Desmond Jones, Billy Ah-Lun, Robert Carter, John Edwards, Bruce Hembrow, Patrick Alexander, among others. F/cap [12] stapled pages from stencils. $50.00
your friendly fascist [1971 – 1986]
Your Friendly Fascist
Ars Gratia Pecuniae

Rae Desmond Jones c.1975 Photo by Ken Bolton
454. Your Friendly Fascist Proudly Presents Another Load of Pig Crap. Edited by Rae Desmond Jones and John Edwards. Sydney South, NSW/London: [1972]. Robert C. Boyce, Mike Lenihan, Jenny Johnson, Span, Christopher Pollnitz, John Edwards, D.S. Long, Karen Hughes, David Mason, Stuart Flavell, B.E. Pilcher, Ann Watkinson, Peter Murphy, Joanne Burns, A.J. Cuff, Rob Andrew, John Peter Horsham, Patrick Alexander, Steve Sneyd, Larry Buttrose, Les Wicks, Rae Desmond Jones, and Peter Finch, among others. Folded f/cap [205 x 170] [22] stapled pages from stencils. $50.00
your friendly fascist
your friendly fascist

455. Your Friendly Fascist. Edited by Rae Desmond Jones and John Edwards. Sydney South, NSW/London: [1973]. Peter Murphy, Stuart Flavell, Patrick Alexander, Peter Finch, Graham Rowlands, Span, Andy Rose, John Peter Horsham, Robert C. Boyce, Larry Buttrose, Rae Desmond Jones, Billy Ah-Lun, Joanne Burns, Susan Straightarrow, and Karen Ellis, among others. Folded f/cap [205 x 170] [22 ] stapled pages from stencils. Cover artwork executed by Johnny Stephenson and Nagel Kent. $50.00

Your Friendly Fascist. No 12. Cover artwork by Andrew Whorhol. [Ken Bolton and Rae Desmond Jones.]
456. Your Friendly Fascist. No 11.Edited by Rae Desmond Jones, Paul Maher, Carol Novack and John Edwards. Darlington, NSW/London: [nd]. Graham Rowlands, Joanne Burns, Larry Buttrose, Gary Langford, D.S. Long, Ken Bolton, Philip Hammial, Peter Murphy, Billy Ah-Lun, Patrick Alexander, Carol Novack, Gary Oliver, Richard Coady, Stephanie Bennett, Steve Sneyd, among others. [210 x 170] [24] pages in oversized photocopied wrappers.
457. Your Friendly Fascist. No 12. Darlington, NSW: [1974] Edited by Ken Bolton. Production by Dostoevsky Bros. Authorized by B. Askin & S. Beckett. Contributors: Peter Murphy, Gary Oliver, Ken Bolton, D.S. Long, Patrick Alexander, Rae Desmond Jones, Carol Novack, Eric Beach, Gary Langford, “Avoril Fink”, among others. [205 x 170] [24] stapled pages from stencils with silkscreened cover. $50.00
your friendly fascist
your friendly fascist
458. Your Friendly Fascist. No 13. “Hail Our Leader Celebration Issue/Comprehending the Arseholes Issue”. Darlington, NSW: [1975]. Fraser seizes power. Larry Buttrose, Ken Bolton, Robert C. Boyce, Susan Straightarrow, Adrian Flavell, Steve Sneyd, Antigone Kefala, Joanne Burns, Claire O’Connor, John Peter Horsham, ∏.O., Patrick Alexander, Rollin Schlicht, and Eric Beach, among others. F/cap [14] stapled pages from stencils. $50.00
460. Your Friendly Fascist No 18.Edited by Rae Desmond Jones and John Edwards. East Wollongong, NSW, [1978]. Typeset by Lyn Tranter at Rat Graffix and printed offset. Cornelis Vleeskens, Nicholas Pounder, V. Glen Washburn, Ranald Allan, Stephen K. Kelen, Rae Desmond Jones, Eric Beach, John Jenkins, Peter Date, Billy Marshall-Stoneking, Philip Neilson, Peter Murphy, Philip Hammial, Chris Kelen, and Steve Sneyd, among others. F/cap [14] stapled pages. $50.00

459. Your Friendly Fascist. No 17. [1978]. “This issue edited by John Edwards in Ultima Thule”. Contributors: Cornelis Vleeskens, Nicholas Pounder, Graham Rowlands, Billy Ah-Lun, Steve Sneyd, ∏.O., Rollin Schlicht, John Edwards, and Stephen K. Kelen, among others.[16] stapled pages from stencils. $50.00
461. Your Friendly Fascist. No 21.”Contemporary Nadir Issue”. Edited by Billy Ah-Lun “Malaysia’s finest son”. Summer Hill, NSW: [1978 ?]. Art and production by Ken Bolton and Rae Desmond Jones. Printed by Drunk Persons at Bier Rhymes with Beer Press, Coalcliff, NSW. Contributors: Chris Kelen, Larry Buttrose, Jenny Boult, K.B. Lager, Paul “Shakey” Brown, John Edwards, Jenny Boult, among others. [260 x 205] [18] stapled pages from stencils.
your friendly fascist
462. Your Friendly Fascist No 22.”New Ones”.Summer Hill, NSW: [1978 ?] Edited by John Edwards and Ruth Saunders. Art and production by Ken Bolton and Rae Desmond Jones. Printed by Drunk Person at Bier Rhymes with Beer Press, Coalcliff, NSW. Contributors: Sue Hampton, Rory Harris, Kenneth Gaunt, Gig Ryan, Geoff Aldridge, Bruce Hembrow, Liliana Rydzynski, Chris Kelen, Graham Rowlands, Cornelis Vleeskens, Patrick Alexander, Trevor Corliss, Rae Desmond Jones, John Edwards, Billy Marshall-Stoneking, Denis Gallagher, and Jenny Boult, among others. [260 x 205] [24] stapled pages from stencils. $50.00

end catalogue



298 Victoria Street Kings Cross