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2012-2013 Graduates Form 6

Words of Wisdom


To all F.6 Graduates,



Dear F6 Graduates past 6 years was on academic the in t en sp u yo e tim the of for Most y think they are most important knowledge and skills, and you ma e. What is not so apparent is the imtru furthering your study, which is s and habits that we tried to cultivate de portance of non-academic attitu u ahead of others in your careers. t yo in you, for they are what will ge ponsibits that will get you ahead is res ha the g on am t os em for d an st Fir you to hand in your home ing ess pr t or eff ch mu t en sp bility. Teachers developed a habit of submitting ve ha u yo so ing do by If e. tim you go work on boss will rate you highly. When finish ur yo lly, tua nc pu ms ite ed uir req l to ed to find that many people fai out to work, you may be surpris e. lat their work on time and is often eer is courtesy, which when incar ur yo lp he ll wi t tha bit ha d The secon way you dress and act. In most the e lud inc uld co y sel loo d ete terpr proper uniforms and greet ar we to ve ha nts de stu , ng Ko schools in Hong they dress too casually for their rk wo to t ou go y the en wh Yet lose their teachers. they come across. The may not e on y an ess dr ad ely rar d an s job lose in the race for promotion. jobs. However, they may easily ople. Our many extracurpe th wi le ng mi to ess gn llin wi The third is your de among you. In the work itu att s thi op vel de to aim s tie ball ricular activi sure. Have lunch together, play lei at s ue ag lle co ur yo n joi do place, uce high quality work at od pr to nt cie uffi ins is It s. vie games, watch mo decide on whom to promote, it to s ha y an mp co a n he W ce. for the work pla u get along with other people, yo ll we w ho r ide ns co nly tai cer will ip. leadership builds on relationsh ponsible, courteous and res Be a. ide the t ge u yo t bu , on I could go on and ospect. Wish you every sucpr r tte be ch mu a ve ha ll wi u yo sociable and ool from time to time. cess and see you around the sch Kwok But Principal












ways—good“Experience life in all possible mer-winter. bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, sum n’t be afraid of Experience all the dualities. Do experience you experience, because the more come.” have, the more mature you be Osho From Miss Lo




曾志堅老師 中學文憑試的專家顧 問(此人兄亦是美國 A-Level 考試的設計 者)被記者問及對文 憑試積極的評價時, 曾 感慨道:「香港的 家長和學生太喜歡入 大學和考試了。」 攝影師出身的名導演 張藝謀,回憶當年( 60 至 70 年代)學 攝影,坦言自己其實 習 沒計劃過要當甚麼甚 麼 的,就只憑一股勁 兒,就只是想學!( 當時他還在工廠上班 。) 在講求實利的社會, 我們每做一件事、學 一樣東西,全不了跟 某一個目標緊扣,這 本沒甚麼不對。但有 些時候,若果我們不 計較結果,回歸事情 再 的本質,細味那過程 ,那將是另一種風景 ! 關艷玲老師




時間太快 光陰轉眼 走過

時間過去 天真雖已不再

誰會介意 一起折返

朋輩友愛 總不變改

期盼永遠 師生友誼不變

難以計算 他朝可再相見

容我說句 I Love Sing Yin

藏我腦裡 Forever Sing Yin

Repeat * *回憶匆匆藍校已別離 回到過去 方可水庫再聚 情不可返 男校今天快別離 懷緬過往 無盡細味 一起打過的硬仗 班房中放聲大唱 艱辛失意雖再漫長 再照亮 有你才是我保障 一起輸過的敗仗 荊棘中教曉倔強 慌張失意給我力量 這太陽 永伴隨導引方向* 沿途無懼障礙再攀上

齊來傳頌這舊有夢想 承傳奇妙故事 雖再崎嶇也永未停下 延綿無限理想 感激這溫暖如像我家 今天雖已經下課 追憶起那天犯錯 都不需再追究為何 那樣傻 有你陪伴我走過 悲傷苦惱的是你 歡欣舒暢的也是你 光陰飛快超過預期 縱別離 永伴隨是這憶記 遙遙長路快樂滿希冀 齊來延續信念與憶記


Editorial Board :

6A Cheung Fuk Hin Herbert 6C Lam Tsz Kin Jacky 6D Tsui Sai Hang Donald 6E Sit Kwan Ho Matthew 6E Wong Ka Chun Nicholas

2012-2013 Sing Yin Secondary School F.6 Graduation Dinner Committee


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