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Nichols College Volume 2 • Issue 1 • Summer 2006









Advancing Academic Knowledge summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine

Volume 2 • Issue 1 Summer 2006

Nichols College M

m an agi n g









Dorothy Millhofer A D V A N CEME N T


ON CAMPUS Comings and Goings Kids 2 College Going Global: Trip Offers Nichols Students Worldly Lessons 10 Stepping Out: Meghan Rose and Jamie L. Sommers Intern in Washington, D.C. 12 Fischer Institute Celebrates 25 Years, Part 1 COVER STORY 14 Advancing Academic Knowledge 14 Professional Journeys 15 Kuppy Makes a Difference 16 The Scholarship of Teaching

Susan Veshi CO V E R

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Alan Reinhardt Susan Veshi Dorothy Millhofer CO N T R I B U T O R S

Kerry Barnes ‘05, Crystal Bickford, Brianne Callahan, Tom Cararo, James Conrad, Jim Douglas, Len Harmon, Frank Lovell ‘71, Libba Moore, Elizabeth Monaco MBA ‘00, Debra Murphy, Diane Perry, Bill Pieczynski, Rachel Faugno, Selena Reich ’00, Alan Reinhardt, Meghan Rose ’07; Jamie Sommers ’07; Bill Steglitz, Leo Tonevski, Stephanie Tunnera, Ed Warren, Joanne Williams

FEATURES 18 All in the Family 19 Bill Steglitz Retires 20 Homecoming 22 Class of 2006 Challenged to Aim High 24 Dynamic Duo: Kim and Anthony Sattler MBA ’05 25 Toward a Nichols History 26 Sports Highlights ALUMNI 30 A View from the Hill 31 Alumni Relations Reports… 32 Class Notes 33 Catching up with Ray Faucher ’56 42 Catching up with Dave Foley ’01 44 Nichols Remembers THE LAST WORD 47 Peace Chaplaincy (Parenthetically Speaking)


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P r e sid e nt

New Heights in Faculty Scholarship


ichols College faculty are driven not only by a passion to teach but by a desire to learn. They understand that their effectiveness as professors—and the fulfillment of their responsibility to students—depends on an ability to grow and adapt and explore their disciplines.   Under the umbrella of professional development, Nichols

faculty pursue opportunities to advance scholarship in areas such as teaching, discovery, integration and application. Such experiences allow faculty members to stay active

Debra M. Murphy PhD

and current in their fields, benefit students through enriched curriculum design and classroom instruction, and give the College exposure to enhance its academic reputation. The ability of the College to offer these opportunities is exceedingly important in attracting and retaining dedicated and dynamic professors. Nichols College faculty today are fortunate to have ample resources to deepen their knowledge, collaborate with colleagues through professional associations, pursue publication opportunities, and develop more effective teaching methods, thanks to the generosity of Bob Kuppenheimer. A 1969 graduate of Nichols, Kuppy recognizes the unique contribution faculty make to the educational experience of students and the effort it takes to maintain a competitive edge in the arenas of higher education and business. His own educational experience, coupled with his gratitude to Nichols, has led him to make a significant investment in the ongoing professional development of faculty. Over the past five years, Kuppy’s funding has supported faculty participation in a number of endeavors, including national and international conferences, presentations and research projects, resulting in increased visibility for the College. For instance, Edward Warren, PhD, professor of history, studied at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, to prepare for a course on business, government and regulation. Stephen Saravara, JD, chair of the Criminal Justice Management Program, has used his membership in the American Society for Industrial Security to help develop the CJM curriculum. Jack Armstrong, professor and chair of accounting, has presented papers at conferences all over the world. And Colleen Colles, associate professor and chair of the Sport Management Program, has just taken her professional involvement to a new level: she was recently elected chair of the Sport and Recreation Law Association. In this issue of Nichols College Magazine, we salute Kuppy’s role in the professional development and continuing education of our faculty. His investment has not only opened doors to worlds previously inaccessible to faculty, it has reinvigorated their sense of pride and purpose in teaching and learning.

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


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Comings and Goings Robert W. LaVigne fills the director of buildings and grounds position vacated by Paul Newman MBA ’01. LaVigne most recently worked at Brown University as associate director of the physical plant, and in that position, implemented the department’s computerized maintenance management system and administered a building audit program which provided short and long range plans for facilities maintenance, renovation and modernization. Prior to that position, LaVigne worked as assistant director of service response, where he managed Brown’s work control center, which annually processes over 90,000 service calls and 30,000 work orders. LaVigne earned an MBA in organizational leadership from Johnson & Wales University and a bachelor’s in business administration from the University of Rhode Island. William Steglitz MBA ’85, associate professor of math and chair of the math department for 20 years, retired this past June from full-time teaching. (See feature in this issue “Bill Steglitz Retires”) Sy Brule is the new director of public safety with Security Services, Systems & Technology, Inc., which replaced Guardsmark LLC on June 1st as our campus security vendor. Most recently, Brule was assistant director of campus safety at Emmanuel College. Prior to that, he was a security supervisor at Vance Security and director of security at Schneider Automation. In addition, Brule was chief of police for the Town of Harvard, Mass. where he received a commendation for outstanding service. c o n t i n u e d on page 4

It’s Official On April 21st in Orlando, Florida, Associate Dean of Business Libba Moore received International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education’s (IACBE) international business program accreditation from Dr. Robert Myers, chair of the IACBE Board of Commissions. IACBE measures the effectiveness of business education through outcomes assessment.

Hands-on Advice On Tuesday, April 25th, Nichols Marketing Seminar class presented recommendations to the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI—Eastern Massachusetts) for increasing membership and brand awareness. Professor Lawrence Downs and NARI representative Ray Wiese, President of the Wiese Company, are seated center. Professor Karen Goncalves is standing far right.

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Call Her Madame President There’s another female president on campus, and her name is Kristin Mason. Once again, Mason will lead Nichol’s Students Government Association (SGA), the governing body of the student community that has jurisdiction over club activities, social events, student conduct, residence hall living, and other aspects of student life. (L to R): SGA Officers: Vice President Robert MacCallum; President Kristin Mason; Treasurer Nicole McEachern; Secretary Karin Anderson

Muscling Away Trash On Earth Day Nichols Rotaract Club rolled up their sleeves to clean up the French River in Dudley on Saturday, April 22nd. The Club partnered with the the Webster-Dudley Rotary and the French River Connection to help celebrate Earth Day. (L to R) Rotaract members Holly Higgins & Corey Ververis get down and dirty.

Spring Honors Nichols College held its 2006 Academic Honors Ceremony on Sunday, April 9th in a packed Auditorium. Dr. Libba Moore welcomed guests; opening remarks were made by Dr. Karen S. Tipper. Assistant Professor of Economics Hans Despain congratulates Andrew Perna on receiving the Professor Keith Corkum Endowed Scholarship in Economics.

Welcome Alumni 2006! Maura Fregeolle, Shannon Johnston, Meghan Collins, and Erica Mello show the gifts they received at the Senior Dis-Orientation Brunch sponsored by the Alumni Relations Office. s usm um m emre… r 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


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Comings and Goings c o n t i n u e d f ro m p a g e 2

Tracey McCormick has joined Sodexho Dining Services as Nichols catering director. McCormick was director of food & beverage at the Publick House in Sturbridge, where she oversaw an 800 seat facility and staff of over 100. In addition, McCormick managed all events held at Bullard’s Tavern in Old Sturbridge Village. In 2004, Tracey co-founded “Women in Wine,” an annual charity to benefit Abby’s House in Worcester, Mass. To better reflect additional responsibilities, effective July 1st, Heather Barbour’s title has changed to director of student activities & orientation and Patricia Allen’s title has changed to director of residence life & judicial affairs. Stephanie Tunnera has accepted a sports information director position with Boston College and is being replaced by Kristen DiChiari, who most recently held the position of assistant director of sports information at Brown University. In addition to her responsibilities for press releases and game notes, DiChiari maintained the athletic website for all assigned sports and special projects. DiChiari received a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications from Rhode Island College in 2002. Kristan Mallet has accepted the position as Nichols field hockey coach. She joins us from Cathedral High School where she coached both varsity field hockey and softball. She took the field hockey team to the Western Mass. semi-finals in 2005 and 2003 and to the quarter-finals in 2004. Mallet graduated from Springfield College in 1994 with Bachelor of Science degree in physical education.

Fels Put College Within Reach The Fels Family Foundation has agreed to sponsor the Pipeline to Postsecondary Education program for 25 Bartlett students. “This is a great opportunity for our students to experience the college atmosphere both academically and socially,” says Bartlett Junior-Senior High School Principal and Nichols alumnus Michael F. Hackenson ’76. “I want to thank the Fels and President Debra Murphy for partnering in education with us.” Nichols initiated the program to motivate low-income, academically underprepared students and demonstrate the accessibility and relevance of college.

Bison Athletes Honored On March 29th, Nichols athletes and Dudley elementary school received a UniverCity Partnership Award for Excellence by fostering a monthly Bison Reading Program that helps 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders build a connection between reading and athletics. Director of Athletics Charlyn Robert congratulates Kathryn Mitchell (women’s basketball) and Robert McDonagh (football) as they received the award on behalf of Nichols Student-Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC).

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Scholarship in Honor of Hal Chalmers (L to R) Dr. Brian McCoy congratulates Hal Chalmers—Elk Scholarship winners for 2006, Klara Mnacko of Webster, Mass. and Christopher Melendez of Dudley, Mass. The scholarship was named in honor of Hal Chalmers, a 1935 Nichols College graduate who stayed on as a coach and then, as athletic director through the mid 1970s. The scholarship was started by Chalmer’s wife, Rose, and is now supported by the local Elks. It’s awarded yearly to local students who have financial need.

Frank Guest Speaker Congressman Barney Frank spoke to Nichols faculty on “The Role of Higher Education in Massachusetts” at a Harvest House dinner on April 2nd which was hosted by Nichols Trustee Robert B. Kuppenheimer ’69 and President Debra M. Murphy.

Nationwide Exposure

Wild at Heart Nichols College senior Sean Aldrich wrote the cover story for the February 2006 issue of Numismatist, a magazine for coin collectors. Entitled “Wild at Heart,” Aldrich writes about Nevada’s new state quarter which depicts wild horses galloping in front of snow-capped mountains, an appropriate tribute to a state that is home to approximately 31,000 wild horses. Aldrich’s first published article, “The Medallion That Fueled a War,” was also published by Numismatist in November 2002; it won the Ray Byrn Literary Award for Research.

On March 6th, Koren Zailckas, author of Smashed, addressed Nichols students in Davis Hall. Part of the program was taped and re-broadcast on ABC’s 20/20.

Ss u m m e r 2 0 0 6 ● N i c h o l s C o l l e g e M a g a z i n e


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Kids 2 College

by K e rry B arn e s , admissions co u ns e l or


iving back to the local community has always played an important role in our campus. Over the past five years, the Office of Admissions has had the opportunity to work closely with sixth grade students at the Webster Middle School by acting as liaisons/teachers for the Kids 2 College program. Kids 2 College is an educational program designed to teach sixth grade students about college. The program’s curriculum emphasizes interactive, handson activities that reinforce the program’s premise: higher education is something you can achieve, if you plan ahead. Throughout the eight week program, students participate in question and answer sessions about college life, explore personal career options, listen to guest speakers and engage themselves in creative presentations about their chosen careers. The in-depth program not only keeps students busy but also gives them an opportunity to begin talking about the college process. Some question if sixth grade is too early to begin talking about college; however, research has shown that “sixth grade is a critical point to begin making decisions that affect a child’s future education and a time when many students begin to question the value of a high school diploma.” (Kids 2 College 2006 Handbook) This year many members of the Nichols College community played an active role in the Kids 2 College program. Students were spellbound as Professor Rick Hilliard described his many careers. Professors Wayne-Daniel Berard and Tim Liptrap engaged students in mock classes. Nichols College students Rob MacCallum and Heather Schiloski worked as student

First seated row (L to R): Teaching Assistant Cheryl Manchuk; Nichols junior Rob MacCallum; Webster teacher Ms. Cormier; Nichols President Debra M. Murphy; and Kids 2 College coordinator Kerry Barnes

teachers, each developing a distinctive curriculum to contribute to the program. The connections made during this year’s program were tremendous. The Nichols College members not only made an impact on students while they visited, but many have remained mentors to the Kids 2 College graduates. We look forward to continuing the program next year, as it showcases all that Nichols has to offer.

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Nichols football defensive lineman, Perry Bonnett, with (L to R) James Colburt; Allen Butkiewicus; Brandon Cummings; Travis Rosario; and Kyle Kozlowski.

Going Global

Trip Offers Nichols Students Worldly Lessons “


oday’s business organizations need managers with global awareness and cultural sensitivity,” says Dr. Libba Moore, associate dean of business. So, on May 14th, Nichols students, faculty, staff, and friends headed to Europe for a whirlwind 11-day visit to London, Paris, and Amsterdam. “This trip was designed to strengthen their cultural intelligence,” she says, “and it most certainly did.” Staying Connected

An important part of the trip was experiencing first hand how much the internet and its many spun-out technologies have created a more flexible world. “Forget snail mail,” says Moore in amazement. “I didn’t see one student buy a postcard. They kept in touch with family and friends by practicing instant communications via international phone cards or internet cafés.” And forget travelers checks—ATMs, widely available throughout Europe, ensured that Nichols students got cash fast. Some travelers already knew each other well before the trip. Alicia Consolmagno, Alex McCullough, and Claire Scrafani met last year as freshman in the LINC program (Learning In the Nichols Community), lived on the same floor in Shamie Hall, as well as attended three classes together. There was also pre-trip preparation for five students who took a 3-credit independent study course with Moore, including Erica Adams, Jacqueline Henderson, Robert MacCallum, Alison Peters, and Kyle Ryan. They researched European areas of interest and wrote papers on: the Eiffel Tower; Windsor Castle; Vincent Van Gogh;

Students in front of the Basilica of Sacré Coeur in Montmartre: Alicia Consolmagno; Alison Peters; Ryan Cahill; Kyle Ryan; John Fraioli; Erica Adams; Alex McCullough; Rob MacCallum; Jackie Henderson; Claire Scrafani

Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands; and the levies of Netherlands. In addition, independent study students read The Diary of Anne Frank to prepare for a visit to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. “Seeing the Anne Frank house was one of the most moving experiences,” comments Consolmagno. Its Secret Annex has the only remaining authentic traces of the German Jews who were in hiding from July 1942–August 1944, including the original wallpaper with pictures of movie stars in Anne’s room. Moore adds that the house was particularly emotional because, “It was just sixty years ago.” More joyful trip highlights included

a Eurostar high-speed train transfer from London to Paris (under the English Channel) and two boat tours—an evening tour of the River Seine in Paris and a dinner cruise around the canals of Amsterdam. Besides the 18 Nichols travelers, there were a dozen, or so, non-Nichols travelers in the tour group. Richard Hilliard, associate professor of management, emeritus, was amazed at how close the non-Nichols travelers got to our students. “Many of them fell in love with our fun-loving students,” he adds. “The bonding was fabulous, and at the end of the trip, there were many sad tears of farewell.”

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


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“The highlight of my trip was probably just traveling with an amazing group of people,” says criminal justice major Erica Adams. I liked London and Amsterdam the best. London has great architecture and a rich history; Amsterdam is laid back, and the canals were absolutely beautiful. I’ll never forget my 2006 summer trip overseas, and I hope to travel again!” MIS major Ryan Cahill reflected on how young the U.S. is compared to Europe. “Most of the buildings were hundreds of years old.” In addition, Cahill noted that Europeans are environmentally minded. “From the houses to the cars, no one uses more than they need. There are few mansions, and I think I saw one Chevy Tahoe the whole trip. Most Europeans use fuel-efficient diesel.” Business major Robert MacCallum sums up his experience: “What amazed me was how each country has such different attitudes. We had lots of free time to see the sites, and that’s when we learned the most. The tour was ‘out of this world!’”

Professor Libba Moore with students at an outdoor cafe in Amsterdam

Henderson; Adams What could have been a disaster, turned out, for many, to be the highlight of the trip. Although the group thought they were taking a train from Paris to Amsterdam on Sunday, the end of the line was the small town in Essen, Belgium. As Nichols waited for the tour company to send a bus to the rescue, a local canteen opened up just for the group. Says Douglas, “As with most trips, the unexpected and unplanned can be the most fun. We challenged each other in darts, foosball and billiards, and time flew by.” Hilliard agrees that this moment was serendipitous, adding: “It was magical.”

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

MacCallum; Ryan; McCullough

“One of the most rewarding parts of the tour, for me,” said Williams, “was watching our students figure out how to read a subway map. They were fearless.”

Alicia Consolmagno has a Montmartre artist draw her likeness

“Paris is such a romantic city,” says Library Director James Douglas (Left). One highlight for him occurred on top of the Eiffel Tower as he watched a British student propose to his girlfriend. (Center) Ryan Cahill; (Right) Crystal Bickford.

Several toured Aalsmeer, home to the world’s largest flower auction. It has no fewer than 13,000 varieties of flowers and plants on sale in a building the size of 250 football fields and remains a central location in world trade because its electronic trading system synchronizes logistics between buyers and growers.

Students wait for a train in Amsterdam. (L to R) Back: Jackie Henderson, Kyle Ryan, Alison Peters, Alex McCullough, Erica Adams, Claire Scrafani, John Fraioli Front: Rob MacCallum, Alicia Consolmagno.

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


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Stepping Out Meghan Rose and Jamie L. Sommers Spend a Semester in Washington, D.C.


uppenheimer roommates Meghan Rose and Jamie L. Sommers came back from their Washington, D.C. internships bedazzled by the cherry blossoms, touch by the monuments, masters of DoD acronyms (that’s Department of Defense), and changed for life. Their Spring 2006 semester in our nation’s capital was sponsored by the Fischer Institute as a way of encouraging Nichols students to explore public policy and social and cultural issues, and Rose and Sommers most certainly gained a new found respect for government and public service. They participated in The Washington Center’s program with over 1300 college and university students from around the world and were fortunate to be accepted into the Norm Mineta Internship Immersion Program, named in honor of the 14th U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Norman Y. Mineta. It turned out to be a professional experience beyond their wildest dreams. They worked a 36-hour week and received full scholarships covering: program fees; fully-furnished housing in Arlington, Virginia; a weekly stipend of $250; and roundtrip transportation. Most important is the fact that these two exceptional Nichols students had the personal drive to seize the opportunity. Both understood that a Washington, D.C. internship would be a differentiator in today’s competitive job market and that the contacts and knowledge gained from it would be priceless. And both worked at the Depart10

ment of Defense which employs approximately 2.9 million people. “The Washington Center internship program is a natural extension of what we do well here at Nichols,” says Director Len Harmon, “deliver a practically oriented learning opportunity. The blend between academic and experiential learning is a great fit for our students.” “This internship has been a life-altering event for me,” says Rose. “I have grown in ways I never imagined possible.” Sommers believes that living and working in Washington, D.C. made all the difference because it allowed them to experience the pulse of a big city, to volunteer, and to “visit many remarkable sites.”

Jamie and Meghan flash the peace sign in front of the White House

cruitment division on marketing tasks and helped to organize and prepare for a nationwide meeting of recruiters. Later, Rose lucked out with a rotation at the Pentagon in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy; “I was honored to prepare the deputy secretary’s schedule for two weeks.” She worked in the same hallway as the Secretary of the Navy and was in an office Learning by Doing directly above the Secretary of Defense Rose interned with the Department Donald H. Rumsfeld. of the Navy in the Office of Civilian Sommers interned in Civilian Force Human Resources located in the WashManagement with the U.S. Air Force ington Navy Yard. She worked in a rewere she reviewed major policy initiatives and help develop plans for communicating these policies to a workforce of over 142,000 stationed on bases throughout the world. In addition, she helped redesign the Force Management Division’s websites by reviewing online education, training and recruiting material for civilian employees; identifying redundant material; and assessing web marketing strategy. As interns, Rose and Sommers were not gophers for getting coffee Meghan Rose, ex-U.S. or making photocopies. In fact, they Secretary of Transportation were treated as equals, their projects Norm Mineta, and Jamie were meaningful, and their opinions Sommers at the closing banquet and input taken seriously. At a large March 20th meeting on the

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

deployment of a National Security Personnel System, Rose describes how she was shocked when the meeting leader asked for her opinion. “Whew!” she laughs at her fast thinking; she responded with a well-received comment based on knowledge recently acquired from Professor Art Duhaime’s Operations Management class. Worldly Thinking

Rose and Sommers had many opportunities to acquire a deeper understanding of current political issues. They attended a Presidential Lecture Seminar every Monday afternoon, which included taking tours and listening to many influential speakers, such as: Jahangir Karamat, ambassador of Palestine; Kevin Klose, president of the National Public Radio; and Michael Johanns, secretary of the Department of Agriculture. Rose and Sommers were also challenged to think outside the box in their 3-credit Global Markets and International Business Strategies course, a wonderful complement to their Nichols business curriculum because it looked frankly at the growing worldwide interdependence of suppliers, product markets and business competition. Weekly assignments included discussing news articles about global business issues, and as a result, Rose and Sommers got hooked on daily doses of the Washington Post and CNN! In addition, each completed market entry research for a U.S. franchise opportunity —Rose on taking Build-A-Bear® into Turkey, and Sommers on taking Burton Snowboarding Gear into the Ukraine. There were many glorious perks, including a private showing of the Washington National Zoo’s Panda bears and a Congressional Breakfast in the United States Capital Building.

Keeping It Real

Rose and Sommers also volunteered at DC Cares where they worked at a battered women’s shelter, the House of Ruth, caring for young children who were in residence. “Some of these children were hurt, as well,” says Rose, “and it broke my heart to see the devastation on their young faces. Most of them were just toddlers.” Sommers was deeply touched by a Pentagon welcome home ceremony for wounded soldiers recovering in Walter Reed Hospital. “As the soldiers and their families went down the halls,” she says, “they got an enormous cheer from over a hundred Pentagon employees. After that, I went downstairs to the Red Cross station and donated blood for U.S. military hospitals. I was very fortunate to attend such a moving ceremony and to be able to personally thank our brave soldiers.” Transitioning from Student to Employee

While in Washington, D.C. for the annual March conference of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Dean of Student Services Dr. Brian McCoy made sure to say “Hi from the Hill!” and took Rose and Sommers out for a burger. “When Jamie and Meg shared with me what they were doing in their in-

ternships,” says McCoy, “I was really impressed by the nature of the work and the level of responsibility and accountability each of them had.” His advice to the duo: “You’ve already tasted what life is going to be like after graduation, so don’t rush through your senior year. Take time to enjoy every bit of it.” At the end of the program on May 1st, Rose and Sommers attended an awards banquet at the National Press Club with the founder of the program, Norm Mineta and his wife. “It was wonderful to meet the person who has made this whole experience possible,” says Sommers. And life just got bigger: both have been offered positions in Washington, D.C. after graduation. Sommers is seriously considering working for the government and moving to the Capital. “Unlike my home in Grafton, Mass., Washington, D.C. is such a diverse city,” she says. “I was exposed to all different types of wonderful people from all over the world.” Rose prefers Boston, but still thinks the internship was “an opportunity of a lifetime.” Her resume now prominently lists her Washington, D.C. internship before her other work experience at Sun Stop Tanning and Marylou’s Coffee.    One of the best things a Nichols student can do before graduation is to develop the skills and contacts needed to obtain a great job. Rose and Somers took a hard look at the paths they are going to take in life and did just that. They promise to keep us posted.

In a military Hummer on the Mall

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine



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The Fischer Institute Celebrates 25 Years by D ian e P e rry


he Fischer Institute’s 25th Anniversary Celebration began with Nichols Trustee Robert B. Kuppenheimer ’69 officially opening the Nichols College Art Show which was held in the Library on Sunday, April 2nd. Organized by Professor Karen Tipper, herself an artist, the show was a wonderful success and featured works by Nichols students, faculty, as well as local artists. On Thursday evening, April 6th, Fischer Institute friends met to reminisce about the past and discuss plans for the next 25 years. Photo albums filling a nine foot display table jogged memories of the more than 850 public policy symposiums and special topic events since 1981 and an untold number of cultural arts programs. “It was an honor to help plan and celebrate the Institute’s 25th Anniversary,” says Director Len Harmon. “Clearly the Institute has become an integral part of the Nichols experience, and I look forward to being its steward as we embark on the next 25 years.” As well as noting that the Institute is the beneficiary of great leadership provided by Dean McCoy and President Murphy, Harmon gives special thanks to former director Roger Carney for the countless hours he has spent transferring “institutional memory” and to Dr. Edward Warren for his dedication to and passion for the Institute’s mission.

of Administration Sue Tellier, and CIO Kevin Brassard • Advisory Board Members: Dr. Leslie Brooks, former Institute Director Roger Carney, Dr. Edward Clarke, Dr. Keith Corkum, Alfred Cotton, Dr. Thomas Duncan, Dr. Angelyn Konugres, Burke LaClair, Jerome Priest, Dr. Edward Warren and Charles Zabriskie • Alumni Associates: Andrea Becker ’96, Michael Canty ’91, Tom Devine ’89, Mark Diefenderfer ’83, and Brad Lovoi ’85.

Attending Thursday and Friday sessions were: • Institute Staff: Director Len Harmon and Assistant Diane Perry • President’s Council: President Debra Murphy, Dean Alan Reinhardt, Dean Brian McCoy, Vice President

Two prominent speakers were featured in the 25th Anniversary program. On Friday afternoon, April 7th, Joshua Muravchik, resident scholar of the American Enterprise Institute, presented “60 Years of the UN, Does it Matter Anymore?” Later that evening, after


Fischer Institute Director Len Harmon; Nichols Trustee Robert B. Kuppenheimer ‘69; Professor Karen Tipper

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Bob Fischer

Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean, Alan Reinhardt; Nichols Trustee Charlie Zabriskie; senior Paul Caprera Institute Director Len Harmon and Assistant Diane Perry

President Debra Murphy with Director of Spiritual Life and Chaplain Wayne-Daniel Berard

Former Institute Director Roger F.X. Carney; Alumni Associates Mark F. Diefenderfer ’83 and Michael Canty ‘91

an anniversary reception and dinner in the Auditorium, political satirist P.J. O’Rourke used his insightful wit to address 90 Institute members and friends on the state and art of the practice of “modern conservatism.” O’Rourke graciously answered questions from the audience and in “Bob Fischer style,” extended conversation and ideas further at the Guest House until well past midnight. “Bob Fischer would be smiling with deep satisfaction regarding the appropriateness and quality of the programming for the celebration of his unique creation,” comments former Director Carney. Nichols students must attend seven cultural events a year and 28 cultural events to graduate. Boxed are a few statistics compiled from available attendance records. Well over 30,000 students, friends, and community members have

ATTENDANCE Academic Year

# Events
































Fall 99–Sept.2002


attend Institute events to date. In addition, our percent of students who graduate with an excess number of cultural credits has increased from 19% in 2001 –2002 to over 30% in 2005–2006, and this demonstrates the relevance of Institute programs. In the next issue of the Nichols

College Magazine, we will share Dr. Edward Warren’s knowledge of the past in a Part II feature. Many “Thanks!” to all the individuals who have made the Institute what it is today—a bridge to the community and a hub for credible and serious intellectual discussion.

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


Adv a n c i n g A c a d e m i c K n o w l e d g e

Professional Journeys by A l an R e inhardt , V ic e P r e sid e nt for A cad e mic A ffairs & d e an


n the fall of 2000, when Bob Kuppenheimer’s gift in support of scholarship and professional development was announced to the faculty, the response was immediate. Up until then, the annual budget contained only limited funds for these purposes, about $6,000. Now there would be $150,000, plus supplemental frequent flier miles (“Kuppy miles”) as well to be used to pay for air travel. Faculty quickly began making plans and requesting funds for a wide variety of extraordinary professional journeys. The gift was not only generous, but timely as well. The Faculty Senate and the Dean’s office had recently collaborated to develop a new annual review procedure that included a component that examined and measured each faculty member’s scholarship. Now there would be funds available to help faculty meet this expectation and allow them to pursue the most interesting and challenging opportunities. Furthermore, the faculty Rank and Appointments Committee adopted a new model for scholarship when faculty are reviewed for reappointment, promotion, and tenure, one endorsed by the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the body that accredits our business programs. In response to this new emphasis on scholarship and available funding to support it, the faculty began taking on a variety of new, exciting projects. Research has been accomplished not only in locales across the United States, but in places such as Belgium and Cuba as well. Professional papers have been presented at many national conferences and also at international conferences in Canada, Italy, Greece, and Scotland. Curriculum development in disciplines such as criminal justice, political science, history, and mathematics, has been impacted by faculty participation in important professional conferences and programs. As never before, as a result of Bob Kuppenheimer’s support, the Nichols faculty is fully connected to the world of ideas. And simultaneously, the world is finding out about the Nichols faculty.


Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Kuppy Makes a Difference


obert “Kuppy” Kuppenheimer ’69 still dreams about Dr. James Conrad’s blue book exams. While the memory may only offer a glimpse of Kuppy’s time at Nichols, it speaks to the unquestionable impact of faculty: “I’m not sure you recognize it as you’re going through it,” says Kuppy, “but ultimately your college experience is defined by your professors.” Over the years, Kuppy, who has been lauded as a gracious and industrious supporter of Nichols, has worked to advance his alma mater’s “tradition of excellence.” His presence can be felt in any number of ways—through renovation projects such as Kuppenheimer and Alumni halls, scholarship support, alumni relations, admissions recruitment, and even through his financing of Professor Conrad’s efforts to chronicle the history of Nichols. But it’s his interest and investment in professional development that has earned him particularly high marks among the Nichols faculty. Kuppy’s respect for Nichols professors runs deep. He marvels at their ability to bring subjects to life in the classroom and the influence they’ve had on his career and life. “Nichols faculty members in the late ’60s were representative of a new generation of professors who worked hard and took their charge seriously. They made a difference,” he says. Now Kuppy is making the difference. He established a generous fund at the College to support faculty teaching, research and professional development. The fund helps faculty members to

keep their teaching fresh and relevant and to get Nichols exposure in the business and academic arenas. It has afforded the faculty rare opportunities to explore their fields of study as well as effective teaching methods and has been an important tool in helping Nichols to attract and retain the best faculty members—those who are devoted to students and to the classroom experience. “The ability of faculty members to advance their knowledge impacts students and the quality of a Nichols education in many ways,” says Kuppy. “I was grateful for the guidance and mentoring I received from Nichols faculty and wanted to give back to their professional development.” Jack Armstrong, professor and chair of accounting, praises Kuppy for “stepping up” to help. “Most colleges struggle with professional development for faculty because there is minimal support,” says Armstrong. “Kuppy attended a Faculty Senate meeting and in less than a week, he made a five-year commitment to fund our professional activities.” Thanks to Kuppy’s grant, Armstrong is making national and international connections, pursuing and presenting his research on federal currency, and gaining insight from colleagues on various ways to deliver course content. For newer faculty members in pursuit of publication, Armstrong says, Kuppy’s support offers opportunities to link up and collaborate with high profile researchers at professional conferences. Colleen Colles, assistant professor and chair of sport management, is able to further her interest in sport administration, gender equity and the legal as-

“Kuppy attended a Faculty Senate meeting and in less than a week, he made a five-year commitment to fund our professional activities.” J a ck Armstrong

pects of sport management as well as discover resources to enhance the curriculum. She has been particularly active in the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and the Sport and Recreation Law Association (SRLA). “NASSM has international members and covers issues that are not in textbooks,” she says. “This is a great way to find out what’s happening in places like Canada and Asia. Sport has become global and membership in professional associations is the best way to keep current.” Colles’s understanding will continue to deepen this year as she becomes chair of the SRLA—national exposure facilitated by Kuppy’s support. She is grateful for his many contributions, including his help with her research on the Jock Taxes, taxes incurred by professional athletes on income and bonuses. “He was knowledgeable about the subject and provided good information,” she relates. Through his generosity, Kuppy is ensuring that Nichols faculty continue to strengthen their mission and maintain a tradition of excellence. And in his quiet and humble way, he is helping to define the best possible college experience for today’s students.

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Adv a n c i n g A c a d e m i c K n o w l e d g e

The Scholarship of Teaching


he hallmark of Kuppenheimer’s faculty professional development gift is the opportunity it affords Nichols faculty to pursue innovative or unconventional scholarship. It opens up possibilities for faculty participation in professional organizations that ensure professional competency, and these activities contribute to the currency of knowledge. History Professor and Chair Thomas G. Smith is just one of many faculty members who have benefited from the gift. “Kuppy is a godsend to our mission,” says Smith, who recalls a time when there was little investment in faculty. “He’s willing and able to support our work, both morally and financially, and the faculty is most grateful he recognizes the importance of academic excellence.” Smith has used monies to complete meticulous research on his growing passion for environmental history. His fascination with Republican Congressman John Saylor was first evident in a scholarly article he published in


Pennsylvania History called “Voice for Scenic Rivers: John P. Saylor of Pennsylvania.” Saylor was a driving force behind critical environmental legislation in post-WWII America. “Although Saylor’s not a household name, he was an important player in preserving American wilderness,” Smith says. Saylor believed that the wilderness was intrinsic to America’s “spiritual health”—that our concepts of democracy, love of country, conservation, and independence are shaped by our wilderness experiences. Smith’s desire to write a book on Saylor took seed as he networked with peers at annual meetings of The Organization of American Historians (OAH) and The American Society for Environmental History (ASEH). Such conferences help Smith connect with experts in areas adjacent to his current research specialty and to seek-out colleagues within his own, as well as other institutions. ASEH, in particular, seems to be a place where Smith rekindles the magic that got him interested in history in the first place. Smith’s investigation led him to The John P. Saylor Collection housed in the Special Collections and Archives Department of the Patrick J. Stapleton Library at the Indiana University of

Herefords grazing in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Pennsylvania. He also reviewed Saylor correspondence found in the Sierra Club’s records held at the University of California at Berkeley and the Wilderness Society papers housed in the Denver Public Library. He eventually traveled to Darby, Montana to interview Saylor’s close friend, Stewart Brandborg, director of the Wilderness Society. Smith laughs as he recalls accepting an invitation to stay as a guest at Brandborg’s cabin, not knowing he would have to trek two miles up an isolated logging trail to reach the one room cabin with no heat, no electricity, and no noise—accept that is, for the occasional trumpeting of elk! Opportunity Knocks

Smith first pitched the idea of a Saylor biography to Cynthia Miller, director of the University of Pittsburgh Press during the 2002 annual ASEH meeting in Denver, Colorado. It’s not unusual for editors to attend conferences looking for manuscript ideas, and ASEH’s mission to foster publication in the field of environmental history gives special attention to a dialogue between humanistic scholarship and environmental science. Smith’s book, Green Republican:

Tom Smith (in hammock on left) relaxes in Brandborg’s wilderness cabin in Montana

Hiking in Gila National Wilderness, New Mexico

John Saylor, his wife Grace, with young George Bush, Sr.

Tom Smith and wife, Sandra, at the north rim of the Grand Canyon

John Saylor and the Preservation of American Wilderness was published in June of this year. It assembles the remarkable story of the leading congressional conservationist of the twentieth century, who at the height of the 1950s and 1960s federal dambuilding program, blocked efforts to erect hydroelectric dams whose waters would have invaded both Dinosaur National Monument and the Grand Canyon. And that’s not all: During the energy crisis of the early 1970s, Saylor denounced attempts to open the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, and he was the House architect of the Wilderness Act of 1964 and the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968. The scholarship of teaching doesn’t mean simply teaching well, and Smith is a great example of how the process of learning is essential to both teaching and research. He takes seriously his obligation to conduct scholarly research and publication to make himself a more informed teacher. Along with our students, our professors are the heart and soul of Nichols, and the Kuppenheimer gift challenges the Nichols professoriate to fuel their collective desire to know. If Nichols academic programs and projects are going to be competitive, they need friends who understand that teaching is scholarly work.

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I t ’ s A l l in th e F ami l y at

Monaco Restoration

O “

ur business reflects what’s best about my family,” says Controller Elizabeth Monaco MBA ’00. Monaco Restoration, Inc. in Southbridge is one of the top structural restoration businesses in the Northeast, and her father, Paul Monaco, is the mortar that keeps the family business together. Paul Monaco started the business in 1989, and it’s grown by word of mouth with architects and engineers who want to work with someone they trust. It now employs 70+ workers and has recently moved its office to 60 Mill Street in a masterfully restored space that left intact important architectural features. Some recent projects include: Casa Del Mar Resort in Aruba; The Waves Mansion in Newport, Rhode Island; and an eight year, $40 million terra cotta roof repair and replacement on the Capitol Building for the State of New York. As President, Paul misses the days when a “handshake was better than a contract.” “I’m excited that my kids are taking over, but they have to be very care-

The replicas at Dudley Municipal Complex


(L to R) Outside 60 Mill Street, (Front) Cousin Lauren Monaco stands next to Elizabeth Monaco (Second Row) Brothers Mario and Lorenzo Monaco stand next to cousin Sergio Monaco (Back) President and founder Paul Monaco with brother Billy Monaco

ful,” he says. “Every time a business is handed down, that’s when it fails.” “He’s making us start at the bottom,” says Elizabeth, who was expected to learn the craft of masonry. Right now, her biggest challenge is promoting change and innovation by moving from QuickBooks,

the number one small business accounting software, to Timberline, a construction estimating software. By giving a clear voice to the family legacy, Paul Monaco hopes to provide a formula for success to those who follow him.

Monaco Replicates Nichols Civil War Tablets


wo Civil War tablets, dating back to 1881, have hung in Academy Hall for the past 125 years. On May 11th, the College announced on that it would donate replicas to the Town of Dudley using the expertise of Monaco Restoration, Inc. of Southbridge. President Paul Monaco contributed $10,000 towards the cost of reproducing the tablets in honor of his daughter Elizabeth Monaco, who received her Nichols MBA in 2000. While finance Professor Louise Nordstrom was one of Elizabeth’s favorite teachers, she acknowledges that her operations classes have been particularly helpful in managing the family business. Elizabeth and Paul Monaco delivered the Tennessee marble replicas to the lobby of the Dudley Town Hall on Friday, May 26th, just in time for Memorial Day. To find out more about Monaco Restorations, Inc., check out:

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Bill Steglitz Retires


t doesn’t take a mathematician to calculate the ways Bill Steglitz has contributed to the life of Nichols College. In the 38 years he has been affiliated with Nichols, he has been a professor, department chair, student, alumnus and coach. He has also been involved in admissions recruitment and taught mock classes to prospective students. He encouraged his wife and two sons to attend Nichols. And in his younger days, he was director of the Daniel and O’Neil residence halls. “School work has been my life,” he comments, in a blatant understatement. In June, Steglitz, associate professor of math and chair of the math department for 20 years, retired from full-time teaching. During his tenure, he has taught every aspect of math, and was responsible for transforming math from a service department supporting the business disciplines at Nichols to a full-fledged specialization. His influence at Nichols is pervasive, having continually served the College with distinction on the Faculty Senate and on a multitude of committees. And on several occasions, he has been the “face” of Nichols, his image representing the faculty in marketing and development materials. Steglitz has been cited as an Outstanding Teacher and credits his effectiveness to his rapport with students. “I never met a student I didn’t like,” he says. He cultivated his own special style of math instruction and developed in his students a healthy respect for “scary” subjects such as statistics and calculus. “A little sports, a little humor, a lot of math, and we got through it,” he says. His impact as a professor stretched

beyond the day program; he maintained a heavy teaching load in the continuing education and MBA programs. His way with numbers aside, Steglitz is widely known for his love of the New York Yankees. Through his work with admissions, many students were already aware of his predisposition before coming to Nichols. Invariably, “I’d show up on the first day of class and be staring at 26 Red Sox caps,” he jokes. “I’d ask them if they wanted their deficiency grade now or later!” He says he encountered a few Yankee fans in his classes along the way but doesn’t think he was responsible for converting any Red Sox fans, “except maybe during exam time,” he says, adding “It was all in good fun.” Of the many changes Steglitz has witnessed at Nichols since 1968, he has been most impressed by the curriculum redesign, more effective recruiting techniques, enhanced physical plant and increased emphasis on fundraising. One

of the most significant changes, however, was the enrollment of female students. “This was a tremendous step and broke down several barriers,” he says. “Generally speaking, women under 25 work harder. This makes male students work harder.” Steglitz was instrumental in launching the women’s athletic program at Nichols and coached softball for two years, including its first game. A 1985 graduate of the MBA Program, Steglitz has also played a major role as an alumnus of the College. He served as president of the Alumni Association for six years and in 1993 received the Ken Thompson Service Award. Despite the many ways Steglitz has left his mark on Nichols, teaching remains the closest to his heart. He earned emeritus status as a faculty member in May and hopes to return soon to the place he says he’ll miss the most: the classroom. “I wish I could get in there tomorrow and push some chalk.”

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


Homecoming 2006 EVENT SCHEDULE

Join classmates, fellow alumni, faculty, staff, and family for a Fall Fest that has something for everyone! Show your Bison pride by wearing green, black, and white to Homecoming!

Friday, October 13th Green, White, Black … Welcome Back! This event is only available to Golden Bison (Nichols alumni that are or have already celebrated their 50th reunion). The following is the schedule of events.

10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

12:00 p.m.

8:30 a.m. 9:25 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.

Breakfast and Registration (Lombard Dining Hall) Attend a Class As Scheduled Greetings from President Debra M. Murphy (Auditorium) Lunch (Lombard Dining Hall) Professor Liptrap Speaks on Current Issues (Davis Hall) Campus Tour with Student Ambassador

If you are interested in playing golf while you visit the Hill, please call the Webster Dudley Golf Club at (508) 943-4538 for tee times. 6:00 p.m.

Alumni Awards Ceremony / Hall of Fame Induction (Auditorium)

Saturday, October 14th 8:45 a.m. 9:30 a.m.

Breakfast with the President (Auditorium) Join President Debra M. Murphy as she recognizes the Class of 1956 for their 50th year reunion. We will also be recognizing the alumnus/a that traveled the farthest and class agents or class scribes that are in attendance. Registration (Vendetti Field) Check in, and check out the “Who’s Here” sign-in board.

12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

Reunion Class Photos (Eaton Foyer) Please be prompt as photos will be done from older reunions to more recent graduates. Campus Tour (leaving from Alumni Hall) Men’s Soccer (Soccer Field) Come cheer on the Nichols College Bison as they compete against the Newbury College Knights. Family Fun (Vendetti Field) Children can enjoy the moon bounce (weather permitting) and then partake in a pumpkin painting contest. A clown is ready to paint faces and create balloon characters. Sodexho – Concession Stand (Registration Tent) Menu includes roasted turkey legs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, jumbo hot dogs, veggie burgers, Texas chili, and an assortment of beverages. Tailgating Open in Lot M Please have a picture ID available. Campus Tour (leaving from Athletic Center) Football (Vendetti Field) Show your Bison pride as Nichols challenges the Plymouth State Panthers. Tailgating in Lot M Closes

* All events are tentative

Class Reunion Socials Class of 1956 – 50th Reunion – Ray Faucher, Art Fries, Tom Keith, and Dick Schachet have planned a wonderful evening for all classmates at the Sturbridge Host Hotel. If you would like to attend or have questions, please contact Ray at (860) 963-8989 or Class of 1991 – 15th Reunion – Lisa Mongillo Andriole has planned an evening for classmates at Waterfront Mary’s. If you would like to attend or have questions, please contact Lisa at

Hotel Information Mention Nichols College when you call to make a reservation for a special discount at a hotel listed below. Hampton Inn 736 Southbridge St. Auburn, MA (774) 221-0055


Hampton Inn 328 Main Street Sturbridge, MA (508) 347-6466

Sturbridge Host Hotel 366 Main Street Sturbridge, MA (508) 347-3943

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Southbridge Hotel & Convention Center 16 Optical Drive Southbridge, MA (508) 765-8000

Homecoming 2006 R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M

First Name: _____________________________________ Last Name: _____________________________________ Class Year: _______ Street: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________________ State: ________ Zip: _____________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________ Family members and guests (additional names can be written on a separate piece of paper): Name: _______________________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________

Alumni Awards Ceremony / Hall of Fame Induction, Friday, October 13th ALUMNI/GUESTS ($40)

# Attending:




CHILDREN under 10 yrs. ($20)

# Attending:




1956 ALUMNUS ($25)

# Attending:






President’s Breakfast, Saturday, October 14th Space is limited! (no charge)

# Attending:


_______ _______

Payment Information Check ____

American Express ____

Discover ____

MasterCard ____

Visa ____

Card #: ____________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ___________ Name on Card: __________________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________________________

Due to limited seating, we highly recommend you respond ASAP. All registration forms and applicable fees must be received no later than September 18, 2006. Please use envelope provided! All payments are nonrefundable after September 25, 2006. If paying by check, please make it out to Nichols College with “Homecoming” in the memo. If you have any questions, please call toll free (866) 622-4766 or email

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


Class of 2006 Challenged to Aim High by R ach e l F a u gno


he Class of 2006, amid the glorious pomp and circumstance of a traditional Nichols commencement, were praised for their accomplishments and challenged to continue to reach for their dreams. Karen F. Munroe, the first valedictorian to earn a degree entirely through the Graduate and Professional Studies program, told classmates that she is living proof that “it is never too late to realize your dreams.” After thanking her husband, who “had faith in me even when I doubted myself,” she asked the audience to consider the meaning of success. “To me, success means to like what you are doing,” she said, “to wake each morning and want to go to work and face the challenges of the day.” Quoting Michelangelo, she added, “Our greatest danger is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we reach it.” Munroe was followed by Senior Class President Aliya Ewing, who likewise urged classmates to accept challenges and aim high. “My father often says that the same sun that melts butter hardens clay,” she said. “It is up to us not to melt in the face of challenges, but to grow firmer in our determination.” She also reminded classmates of the many “real-world” experiences that are integral to a Nichols education. “People ask us if we’re ready for the ‘real world,’” she said, “but a Nichols education is as ‘real-world’ as it gets. We have been properly prepared for the real world we’re about to become a part of.” Her


Magna cum laude general business major Shauna R. Baxter stands with her family

next comment drew loud cheers: “The real question is: Is the real world ready for us?” President Debra M. Murphy delivered the commencement address, in which she acknowledged the bittersweet emotions that flowed throughout the occasion. Quoting T.S. Eliot, she noted, “… to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” Although commencement marks the end of one chapter of students’ lives, she told the audience, another exciting chapter is about to unfold. “I have watched students develop new skills, character, and knowledge bases,” she said. “You have earned the College an incredible reputation for producing students with a strong work ethic, who are appropriately dressed and professional.” Going forward, she advised graduates to be guided by six principles: 1) Set goals. 2) Treat everyone as you want to be

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

President Murphy gives the Commencement address

treated. 3) Be prepared for the necessity of lifelong learning. 4) Laugh a lot. 5) Seize opportunities. 6) Be open to change. Drawing on her own experience, Dr. Murphy recalled that within six months of joining Nichols as vice president for academics, she was asked to become president. “Was I nervous? Yes. Was I unsure? Yes. Did I wonder if it was the

President Murphy congratulates Senior Class President Aliya Ewing

James Michael Ferola II is surrounded by family and friends. “It seems like I moved in yesterday (to Nichols),” Ferola says. “I had a great time and made life-long friends. This is for my family.”

right thing to do? Yes. But I took the chance, and this has been the best job of my life,” she said. “Life will present each of you with opportunities. Take the chance. Your Nichols degree has prepared you to seize the opportunities,” she continued. Dr. Murphy also suggested that students be guided by the example set by John F. Blais, Jr., and Gerald Fels ’66, who received honorary doctorate degrees in Business Administration. “As you proceed, I can offer you no worthier examples of all that is fine, courageous, creative, ethical, and gener-

ous than this year’s two honorees, Dr. Jack Blais and Dr. Jerry Fels,” she said. Blais is the founder and president of BlaisCo, LLC of Framingham, Massachusetts, a holding company specializing in high-technology firms. Fels is executive vice president and a director of The Commerce Group, Inc., as well as president and chief operating officer of The Commerce Insurance Company and Citation Insurance Company. In her conclusion, Dr. Murphy noted, “We will continue to build the reputation of the College, understanding that you have entrusted us with main-

Honorary degree recipient Dr. John F. Blais, Jr. with Board of Trustee Chairman Robert J. Vaudreuil, President Debra Murphy and trustee James W. Coghlin, Sr. ’67

Jose G. Lora hugs his son Xavier after receiving a general business degree— magna cum laude and the Dr. Quincy H. Merrill Award

taining the high quality of your Nichols degree. We are embarking on the coming decade and ready to embrace the challenges, which will lead us to our 200th-year celebration in 2015. Hopefully, each of you will return to the Hill for the bicentennial.” Services concluded with the awarding of 23 associate’s degrees, 234 bachelor’s degrees, and 77 master’s degrees to the proud and elated Class of 2006.

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine



imberley and Anthony Sattler sat across the table from me at The Whistling Swan restaurant in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Neither Kim nor Anthony hail from Sturbridge, but both have spent a considerable amount of time there while working on their MBA degrees with Nichols College. While many Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) students need to rely on their families and/or spouses for additional responsibilities and support while pursuing a degree, the Sattlers, instead, decided to complete the MBA program together. However, this was not the first degree program they had completed together as full-time working adults. The couple enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program at Becker College in September of 2000. They took the same classes and spent all their free time proofing each others’ work and discussing their courses. Apparently, their working together in this capacity was a recipe for success, and the couple married in 2002, about half way through their Junior year. Without missing a beat, and once again with Kim’s encouragement, the newly married couple entered into the Nichols College MBA program in September of 2003. They joined a group of cohorts that met each week in Sturbridge, comprised of working adults like themselves. The group came from diverse backgrounds and professions, something that both saw as an “added benefit” to their education as every cohort had new insights and experiences to share with their class each week. Kim and Anthony explain that the cohort model was part of what motivated 24

Dynamic Duo: Kim and Anthony Sattler MBA ‘05 B y S e l e na R e ic H Assistant Director of Advising

them to continue working full time while pursuing their graduate degrees. Although both enrolled in an online course to accelerate their program,

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

both agree that the face-to-face experience with professors and cohorts added value and meaning to their learning and provided them with networking opportunities. They particularly enjoyed the additional time with their cohorts during the weekly four-hour study group sessions that were part of the accelerated program that Nichols College offers for both undergraduate and graduate courses of study. When asked about the strengths of the program, they both respond enthusiastically that they “really enjoyed the faculty…these professors brought so much of the real world into the classroom…they were excited about teaching…they pushed us, but they made it fun!” Of particular note, they mentioned Jack Thomas, professor of management. Kim and Anthony graduated from Nichols College MBA program in 2005 with high honors. And while it has been more than a year since they graduated from the program, the cohorts still get together for an occasional dinner, and frequently, Professor Thomas joins them as well. “Overall,” says Anthony, “Nichols College has been a great experience with great people. The education I received has certainly helped me with my professional success.” Adds Kim, “The program was convenient and prepared me for my future.”

Kimberley Sattler is a business analyst for Farm Credit Financial Partners, Inc. located in Agawam, Massachusetts. Anthony Sattler is senior director of produce merchandising and supply chain for C & S Wholesale Grocers in Hatfield, Massachusetts.

Toward a Nichols History by jam e s c . C onrad , J r . , P h D Professor Emeritus of History


lmost two years ago, I was selected by the College to write a history of Nichols from its beginning in 1815 to 1995. I’m extremely pleased and honored to work on this project. It is a fascinating challenge that will illuminate nearly two hundred years of a proud history. The history of the 1995 to 2015 period may be added as part of the institution’s Bicentennial Celebration in 2015. This is being made possible through the funding of Robert B. Kuppenheimer ’69. My research and writing are divided into two logical historical segments: Nichols Academy and Nichols College. Nichols Academy: The Spring on the Hill, 1815–1931, is virtually done. In this part of the Nichols history, I focus on a number of topics including the Universalist Academy of Amasa Nichols, the character of the Nichols “scholars,” the motivations of the people who supported Nichols Academy, the young women who went to the Old Academy (frequently more women than men attended), sports at Nichols (the Academy had an active baseball team prior to the Civil War) and the heated argument in the post Civil War period regarding “public [high school] education or the rural way [the Academy].” This era later saw the return to Dudley of Hezekiah Conant (called the second founder of the Academy) and the unfortunate events that caused the Academy to stop admitting students in 1909. Necessary details and insights for Nichols Academy come from “Minutes” of Trustee Meetings from 1819 to 1874, Nichols Academy Catalogues, “Town Reports” when Nichols Academy was serving as Dudley High School (1871– 1909) and accounts of graduations and alumni celebrations during the Conant era from 1874 to 1902. Other resources include histories of New England acade-

The first Nichols Academy building by folk artist Tom Menard.

mies, numerous examinations of secondary education in 19th Century New England, as well as newspaper accounts of local events after 1870. I am now beginning the history of Nichols College which starts with Nichols Junior College in 1931. The College history is based on important resources contained in the Nichols Archives, published accounts and other related sources. It also relies on information to be provided by a relatively brief but important historical questionnaire to be sent to all Nichols alumni(ae) beginning this

fall. These completed questionnaires will become part of the “Nichols College History Project” which will catalog and preserve all responses. They will be reviewed for use in the formal history. Alumni may be contacted for further elaboration, possibly through interviews. Photographs of significant moments in the College’s history are welcome. All material will remain the property of the History Project in the College Archives. We look forward to hearing from our alumni.

History Project questionnaires will be sent to Alumni by classes. The tentative schedule for questionnaire mailings follows: September 15, 2006

Classes of 1931–1960 (Junior College)

October 15, 2006

Classes of 1961–1970 (Nichols College of Business Administration)

November 15, 2006

Classes of 1971–1985 (Nichols College)

January 15, 2007

Classes of 1985–1995 (Nichols College)

February 15, 2007

Classes of 1995–present (Nichols College)

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine



high l ights


2 0 0 6

By S tephanie T u nner a , SI D SOFTBALL n two seasons, head coach Steve Ross has turned the Nichols softball program around. In 2005 the team finished with an 8-20 record and just missed conference play by one game. This past spring, the Bison finished the regular season at 20-16, a 12-10 CCC record and the first 20 game win season since 1996. Two pitchers, sophomore Lauren Person and freshman Kaitlyn DeVincentis, will be returning. Nichols came back from Spring Break in Florida with a 6-4 record. The Bison dropped two non-conference games to WPI but picked up three straight conference wins vs. Eastern Nazarene (two games) and one victory vs. UNE on March 25th in a 5-3 nine-inning battle. The Bison had a four-game conference win streak with one victory over Roger Williams, two against Wentworth, and one win over Gordon, and a five game win streak as they took two from


CCC Honors



Jen Dudney – Honorable Mention Ashley Bannon – Honorable Mention


Sal Gesamondo – First-Team Catcher John Kostas – First-Team Pitcher Jesse Bruinsma – Honorable Mention Outfielder


Alex Arsenault – First-Team 1st Singles; Second-Team 2nd Doubles Dayna Ankstitus – Honorable Mention 2nd Singles; Second-Team 2nd Doubles

Women’s Lacrosse

Stephanie Tenczar – CCC Second-Team

Softball coach Steve Ross with Sophomore Female Athlete of the Year Christina Palmerino and women’s soccer coach, Katie Brothers

Jen Reagan (field hockey and softball)– Senior Female Athlete of the Year with softball coach Steve Ross

Regis and two from Worcester State before splitting with Salve Regina. A key game in the season ended up being a make-up game against Gordon College on March 21st. Nichols entered the game down 4-3 in the third inning. With the game tied at 8-8, Person broke her hand in a collision on the field. The Bison would win the game, but with the tournament on their minds, the team lost its number one pitcher. Nichols came into the tournament as the sixth seed and played Gordon

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

in a preliminary round game 7-6, as senior Jen Dudney hit a grand slam to spark the offense. In the next round, Nichols played Curry College at New England College and came home with a 7-1 loss in the two-game elimination tournament. On May 5th, the Bison saw the season end in a 9-1 five inning loss to Roger Williams and finished the season at 21-18. In 2006 one of the most important players on the field was sophomore Lauren Person. Person is the starting


pitcher and one of the top hitters on the team. She finished the season with a 14-7 record, picked up three saves, struck out 66 and pitched 130 innings in 28 appearances. She had an ERA of 4.15. If she was not on the mound, Person was usually the DH. Person was the third leading hitter with a .320 average with 31 hits, 16 runs scored, nine doubles, four home runs and 29 RBI. She was second on the team in on-base percentage (.431) and third in total bases with 52. For the second straight season, Jen Dudney took one for the team. A natural outfielder, Dudney played shortstop again for the Bison as sophomore Joanne Brignoli missed the season due to an injury. Dudney, who was named to the CCC honorable mention team, still led the team in batting average (.395), runs scored (28), hits (45), doubles (15), and total bases (79). She also was second in home runs (5), third in RBI (17), and number one in on-base percentage (.469). Her 15 doubles is now a new school record for single season. Dudney has one more year and could return to the lineup for her final season in her preferred position—centerfield.

Head Coach Mike Wilson congratulates catcher Sal Gesamondo for receiving the Male Senior Athlete of the Year award

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Junior catcher Ashley Bannon has developed into one of the most feared hitters in the Bison lineup. Bannon, who was named to the CCC honorable mention team, hit third for the Bison and had a .347 average. She led the team in at bats (124) and was second on the team in runs (22), hits (43), total bases (68) and RBI (27). She led the team in home runs with six and had a .944 fielding percentage from behind the plate. BASEBALL In other spring action, the baseball team also made the CCC tournament, despite a dismal start to the season. The Bison opened up with a 1-10 record but bounced back to finish the season at 15-22 and 11-9 in the CCC. Nichols was ranked sixth in the CCC tournament and traveled to Quincy, MA to face Bison nemesis, Eastern Nazarene pitcher Brad Mountain. In the first round game, Nichols ended a threegame losing streak to the Crusader lefty as the Bison picked up a 13-6 victory. Chris Kirschner sparked the offense as he hit his first career home run. John Kostas picked up the victory on the mound as he went five innings. The next day, Nichols lost to Endicott, 8-2, as the Bison had only three hits in the game. Nichols was then bounced out of the tournament by Eastern Nazarene in an 18-4 result. Offensively, Nichols relied on the senior trio of catcher Sal Gesamondo, Sean Glavin and Adam Feeney. Gesamondo was named a first-team all-conference player and more amazingly, played every game for the Bison. He led the team in batting average (.408), at bats (130), slugging percentage (.515), hits (53), RBI (33), doubles (9), total bases (67) and sac flies (5). Defensively, Gesamondo caught seven players attempting to steal and had a .980 fielder percentage. He had a total of 29 multiple hit games in four years and 19 in his senior

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Bryan Meuse, Junior Male Athlete of the Year stands with Football Head Coach Bill Carven. Meuse holds NCAA plaque for leading the Nation in Div. 3 in tackles last fall

season. He also put together an eight game hit streak this past season that went from April 8th to April 15th. Feeney, who missed most of last season with a shoulder injury, bounced back in an impressive manner. He was selected to the CCC honorable mention team. Feeney, a second baseman, led the team in on-base percentage (.509) and set a new school record for most walks in a single season with 43. He had a .300 batting average and was fourth on the team in hits with 33. Two other seniors made contributions as well. Senior outfielder Jay

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Leonard will forever be remembered for hitting a grand slam in his junior season to give Nichols a win over Curry in the CCC tournament. It proved to be his only collegiate home run! Leonard stepped up playing solid defense in right and center field in all 37 games this season. He also hit .242 with 29 hits, 15 runs and 20 RBI. Leonard finished his career with 16 multiple hit games. Senior Matt Lipsett was a utility player who played in 20 games and hit .222. Freshman Jesse Bruinsma enjoyed a successful rookie campaign. He was third on the team in batting average (.333), slugging percentage (.398) and hits (36). He was second on the team in stolen bases (9) and third on the team in total bases with 43. Other key returning players include Parker Riley who hit .255 with 27 hits and 22 RBI. Utility player Chris Kirschner played in 21 games and hit .276 with 16 hits and 15 RBI. Two key players that had an impact on the season include freshman Phil Costello and sophomore Brett Bergeron. Costello hit .271 and Bergeron tied for most doubles with nine this season. Freshman John Carroll (Louisville, KY) and junior Robbie Arnold shared duties at third. The pitching staff remains intact as junior John Kostas, junior Gary Dalton, sophomore Jamie Kimberly, freshman Keith Lyon, freshman EJ Henderson, freshman Jim Fritz, freshman reliever Andrew Besegai, freshman middle reliever Tom Bozek and Scott Anctil, who also plays football, are all back next in 2007. Kostas went 4-0 as a junior but struggled early this season. He bounced back by capturing four straight victories in the last half of the season and finished with a 4-5 record. He led the team in innings pitched with 47.2, strikeouts with 53 and walks with 38. Kostas is expected to return


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Shannon Johnston (Major Charles M. Hopkins Award for student athlete who best exemplifies study, sports and spirit); Katie Mitchell (Hal Chalmers Memorial Athletic Award given for dedication and sportsmanship); Jim McCabe (Dan Cardin Memorial Award-awarded for integrity and leadership); and Athletic Director Charlyn Robert

for his final year of eligibility and will anchor this strong returning corps of pitchers. MEN’S TENNIS The men’s tennis team struggled this spring. Under second-year head coach Paul Brower, the team finished 1-7 in the CCC and 2-9 overall with only one senior on the roster. The lone senior Alex Arsenault had a successful senior campaign as he was chosen as a first-team all-CCC player in singles and a second-team all-CCC in first doubles. Arsenault won six matches in the number one singles spot. He teamed with junior Dayna Ankstitus at the number one doubles spot. The duo earned CCC second-team honors and notched five matches together. Ankstitus did well at number two singles as he earned honorable mention along with second-team all-CCC honors for doubles. He won three single matches, took five of the nine matches to three sets and then captured six double matches, five with Arsenault.

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

WOMEN’S LACROSSE The women’s lacrosse team finished the year 3-12 overall and 1-8 in the CCC. Despite the record, the future looks bright as the Bison did not have one senior on the roster. Nichols captured its first win in an 18-0 victory over Pine Manor in the second game of the season. Sophomore Jackie Henderson had four goals as did junior Andrea Lane. Sophomore Stephanie Tenczar had three goals. Sophomore Erica Adams had nine saves in the win. The next victory came on April 13th against Elms as Nichols captured a 13-9 win and Tenczar had five goals. The Bison then fell to Lasell in a close battle, 12-9, as Tenczar led the team in scoring again with three goals. The recovery time was quick as Nichols won its third game of the season in a 14-3 win over Regis College. Tenczar had four goals and Adams, in her first game not in goal, had two goals.


MEN’S LACROSSE The men’s lacrosse team under second-year head coach Tom Fasolo finished the season with a 1-10 record. The Bison struggled offensively as they never seemed to replace the loss of three offensive players from the previous season. Nichols only win came against New England College in a 12-10 thriller. Nichols outscored NEC 4-1 in the final period to seal the victory. Sophomore Peter Smyth finished the day with seven points—four goals and three assists. Smyth led the team in scoring as he notched 18 goals and 14 assists in

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10 games. Mark Buckley, a junior midfielder, was the second leading scorer with 19 goals and four assists, while junior Tim Clark was third with 10 goals and three assists. GOLF The golf team did not get much time on the course this spring due to the inclement weather. On April 13th, Nichols placed seventh at the Western New England College Invitational at Veterans Golf Course in Springfield, Mass. The top individual for Nichols was senior Matt Ricci, who shot an 80 along with teammate Nick Slocum. Nichols placed seventh in the 33rd Sophomore Athlete of the Year guard Chris Vallee with Men’s Basketball Head Coach Dave Sokolnicki

Annual Lou Flumere Invitational on April 19th. The top individual for Nichols was Nick Rienert in 21st place as he shot a 79 at Stow Acres Country Club. In a loss against Wesleyan on April 18th, Reinert shot a 78 and Ryan Murphy shot an 81, but Nichols lost the overall team battle, 307-339.

Women’s Soccer coach Katie Brothers, Women’s Basketball Coach Lynne Cinella, Mary Lynn Skarzenski (Freshman Female Athlete of the Year), Anthony Monte (Freshman Male Athlete of the Year), Ice Hockey Coach Lou Izzi

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A View from the Hill

By Frank Lovell ’71, President, Nichols Alumni Board of Directors


rom a business breakfast in Worcester to the theater in Boston to spaghetti in Sarasota, Nichols College alumni receptions come in a variety of forms. But they are all ideal opportunities for alumni to connect, reconnect, learn about Nichols, network and stay involved. I’ve had the distinct pleasure of meeting many of you at these important gatherings throughout the year and would like to share some of my experiences. In the fall, John Davis ’72 hosted an event at the Colony Club in Springfield, Mass. President Debra Murphy updated more than a dozen alumni and guests on the growth of Nichols College. During a question and answer period, we learned that the College’s two most popular business specializations are sport management and criminal justice management. While vacationing in Florida this winter—something I used to dream about before retirement—I attended alumni receptions in Sarasota and Naples. Don Schmid ’63 hosted the Sarasota event at a great restaurant, Marie’s Italian Kitchen, where more than 20 alumni and guests relived their Nichols days. President Murphy, who was scheduled to attend, was snowed in by an unexpected storm (February in New England!), so I updated alumni on some of the changes taking place on the Hill. And, along with my fellow trustee, Phil Collins ’66, we discussed the success of the College’s sports teams. I enjoyed meeting so many alumni who have retired or moved there for all or part of the year. In Naples, another loyal alumnus, Ken Beyer ’60, arranged a special evening at Il Bellagio. In attendance was Joe Cofield, vice president for advancement, who came to Nichols last July after serving in fundraising capacities at institutions such as Brandeis, Babson and UMass. At the event, I was very pleased to meet with Marianne Gruskin, widow of Matt Gruskin ’54, who recalled how only a few years ago, Matt and his classmates had celebrated their 50th class reunion on the Hill. Matt is sorely missed but fondly remembered for his dedication and loyalty to his alma mater. Come April, I attended “Wicked” at the Boston Opera House with about 30 other Nichols alumni. The theater production, which is a musical parody of the “Wizard of Oz,” was well received by the audience. Thanks to our alumni director, Brianne Callahan, for organizing such a fun cultural event.


Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Lovell wishes ’06 grads the best

The Business Leadership Breakfast held at the Worcester offices of The Protector Group offered a wonderful view of the city and its hills. But the main event of the morning was an address by President Murphy on the topic of leadership. Dr. Murphy discussed the meaning of leadership and fostered an understanding of the qualities needed to lead successfully. This was an effective venue and format for meeting Nichols alumni, and we hope to build on its success next year. Attending alumni receptions has been a gratifying experience for me. Over the past year, I heard great stories about Nichols and the friendships that were made and continue to flourish. Our lives may be hectic, but I’d like to think that we’re never too busy to share a memory with a former classmate or preserve our place in the Nichols family.

Alumni Relations Reports... By Brianne Callahan, Director of Alumni Relations


o welcome the Class of 2006 to the Nichols College Alumni Association, the Alumni Relations Office hosted its second annual Senior Dis-Orientation Brunch on May 5th. Our newest alumni were greeted with an official toast and received several alumni gifts, as well as words of advice from Frank Lovell ’71, president of the Alumni Board of Directors. More than 60 alumni attended the business breakfast held on May 2nd, at the Protector Group in Worcester, Mass. The event, which featured an update from President Debra Murphy, was one of the most well attended off-campus events in Nichols College history, according to our records. I would like to sincerely thank those who joined us and especially our co-hosts: Bob Vaudreuil ’77, Jim Coghlin ’67, Dennis Gorman ’78, George Kustigian ’81, Chris McCarthy ’92 MBA ’97, Jim Paulhus ’81, and Joe Salois ’98. Due to the success of this event, we are hoping to hold business breakfasts in the fall and spring. On May 11th, Chris McCarthy ’92 MBA ’97 and his wife, Kim McCarthy ’92, hosted a wine tasting reception at Coral Seafood in Marlborough, Mass., featuring wines from The Vin Bin. The event received rave reviews from the more than 20 alumni in attendance who commented on the delicious food and wine selections. Several participants suggested we hold this event twice a year! The Student Alumni Society has played a critical role in the events taking place on and off campus this year. Through these opportunities, students are honing the skills they learn in the classroom and contributing to the success of events such as the Worcester business breakfast and the Annual Alumni Golf Tournament. They are eager to meet alumni so please introduce yourself at the next event. The alumni reception calendar for 2006–2007 has been established. Please check the back of the magazine for a list of

events. Alumni receptions are a wonderful opportunity to meet with alumni and classmates in the area while hearing about what is taking place on the Hill now. Homecoming 2006 is on its way! Mark your calendar now for Friday, October 13th and Saturday, October 14th. This year we are celebrating reunion classes ending in a 1 or 6. The schedule of events and registration form has been published in the middle of this magazine. I am pleased to announce and congratulate this year’s Alumni Award recipients: Outstanding Alumnus

Thomas Niles ’63, Senior Advisor for Boston Residential Group, LLC (This award will be presented at President’s Leadership Society Dinner on Friday, October 20th.) Alumni Achievement

Arthur Fries ’56, Owner of Individual Disability Insurance R. Joseph Salois ’98, President of Atlas Distributing, Inc. Ken Thompson Service Award

Robbie Munce ’99 MBA ’01, Owner/ Operator of Munce’s Superior Petroleum Products, Inc. Honorary Alumnus

Kenny Gray, a 39-year veteran of the Nichols College Buildings and Grounds Department 2006 Hall of Fame Inductees

Oliver Birckhead ’42, Kendra Cestone ’97, Michael Downing ’79, Jen (Kinsman) Donovan ’98, Matthew Fox ’01, and Kenny Gray (honorary). We hope to see you at Homecoming 2006 or an upcoming event! The Alumni Relations Office is here to help you, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you need anything or have questions.

President Murphy thanks Dick Scheffler ’63 for his hard work coordinating the Nichols College Annual Alumni Golf Tournament held July 15th at the Webster Dudley Golf Club

Keep Us Posted! To better serve alumni, the College must be able to maintain an up-to-date database. Please keep us informed of any changes in name, address (home, work and email) and place of employment so that we can keep you informed of all Nichols happenings or events taking place in your area. We are also interested in summer/winter address changes, especially those who winter in Florida, so that we may plan locations for alumni events. Another important reason to keep the Alumni Relations Office posted is to help us reconnect classmates who have lost touch with each other and call the office for current information. Let us better serve you by keeping us updated on where you are and what you are doing. Please call us at (866) 622-4766 or or update your information online through

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class notes Please send your news directly to your Class Scribe. If you do not have a Class Scribe, news may be forwarded to Digital images are preferred, but please do not crop them! The higher the resolu-

tion the better—300 dpi (dots per inch) is best—and no less than 100 KB in size. Digital images may be sent directly to the Alumni Relations Office—classnotes@ Prints may be sent to: Nichols College, Alumni Relations Office, P.O. Box 5000, Dudley, MA 01571.

1940 Class Scribe Richard McLellan 3436 Button Bush Dr. Zellwood, FL 32798 (407) 886-5539

Yesterday, I received a phone call from Ed Carlson—he’s the one who gave the presentation at Homecoming last year on behalf of our class. He told me he had received a letter from “young” (that’s the way we always knew him) Jim Conrad who asked him for a copy of his presentation to be placed in the archives. Needless to say, Ed was overjoyed and very much pleased it had made such a fine impression. I told him he had every right to be pleased; it was really outstanding. Ed said he has been busy as can be. He is heading up a fundraising program for his church and is also consulting on a $10 million fund drive for Mount Ida College in Newton. I believe Ed served as treasurer and president of the college, which was started by his father. Just recently, Ed’s son retired as president. In our days it was known as the Mount Ida School for Girls. (Times have changed and so have the names). I received a phone call from my roommate, Epworth Moulton, who was visiting Tampa for a couple of weeks. We general-


Members of the class of 1950: Bill Sprague, Bob Risk, Al Hanlon and Alden Ingraham

ly try to get together for lunch, but for the last two years, he has been unable to make the date. He says he is doing well. A note from Bob Taft indicated that he is busy taking care of his wife who has been having physical difficulties for some time. As for me, I am still involved with Habitat for Humanity, the local golf association and a couple of fundraisers, one for the hospital and the other for a local charitable club of retired guys.

1948 Class Scribe Stanley Finn 70 Franklin St. Northampton, MA 01060-2039 (413) 586-0886

Fred Levitan ’50 and Bob Collingwood ’50

sented to her by the class of 1950 during our 55th Homecoming Reunion. If any of our classmates didn’t get a copy, please contact me, and I’ll see to it that you are sent one. Have a great summer, and send me any news you would like to share.

1950 Class Scribe


Robert Risk 309 Conestoga Rd. Wayne, PA 19087-4009 (610) 688-8242

Class Scribe

Another three months just shot by. The last issue of the Nichols College Magazine had a great cover featuring President Debra Murphy along with the bison that was pre-

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Clem Dowling 53 Morningside Ave. Waterbury, CT 06708-2028 (203) 574-3522

Catching up with… Ray Faucher, ’56 Thompson, CT

Employment: Retired—President and Chairman of the Board for Superior Cake Products Inc. I think I could go on forever about what Nichols taught me, but the greatest three lessons I learned from a faculty/staff member were: 1) On an English mid-term exam, Mr. Luke Binder passed out a blue book and an essay in which we were to correct spelling, grammar, and punctuations. There was a lot of rewriting going on with everyone except Martin Neslusen. He aced the exam because there were no flaws with the essay. So, the lesson learned is never, ever, take anything for granted. 2) I worked for Bazzie my last year at Nichols, when he came down with bursitis in both arms at the end of January. I took over buying and running downtown for provisions. When I did the scheduling of workers, I was paid 75 cents an hour. He was about to come back to work, when Hal Chalmers died, and Bazzie was asked to be a pallbearer. That aggravated his shoulders again. At the end of graduation ceremonies, Bazzie sought me out, handed me an envelope, and thanked me for helping him out. Later I opened the envelope, and in it there were two crisp hundred-dollar bills. What a generous man! That was a lot of money in ’56, and I learned that people are kind and caring. 3) One cold morning it was close to class time, and when I arrived, there were no parking places to be found. I had to park in front of Conant Hall. There Mr. Labaugh, a law professor, had my car blocked in. After class I removed the stones in front of the car and drove across the lawn. Mr. Labaugh turned me in to the disciplinary committee. Thanks to President Conrad, I was able to get away without any penalty. I learned it is always better to know someone high up to get you through the rough spots in life. My Nichols degree helped me… There are sooooooo many ways my studies at Nichols helped that it is hard to single any one out. With the right tools, which Nichols provided me and my brother Skip ’50, the opportunity to meet the everyday challenges and overcome them were met. Those challenges were met by other challenges time after time. On celebrating my 50th reunion… Rabbi Dick Schachet, Tom Keith, Art Fries, and I are working hard to make this 50th class reunion the best ever. I hope all of my classmates will seriously consider returning to the Nichols campus to see all the changes that have been made. You will be very impressed. Jot down the dates of October 13th and 14th. Join the festivities, reacquaint yourself with your old classmates, and relive your college days. I bet we have a lot to talk about. I am looking forward to attending. My classmates would be surprised to learn how shy and reserved I was. That changed when my lovely wife, Barbara, and I had six children. That made me put my Nichols lessons learned to work. This was a success, because I put them all through college, including my son, Pete, who graduated from Nichols in 1981. I am now retired and enjoying life with Barbara and my family, as well as boating and fishing. A word to the students: The times you spend at Nichols are special times. Take it seriously. The lessons learned here will be with you throughout your careers. Nichols prepares you to meet the perils in business and deal with them. Each one will make you sharper in solving future problems, as they arise. Take your studies very seriously. Enjoy the fun times on campus, and take advantage of opportunities given you. They are as much a part of your learning experience as your studies and will make memories that will last even 50 years later.

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1954 Class Scribe William Gallagher 7122 Oak Fairway Tulsa, OK 74132

I am happy to announce the birth of my first grandson, who weighed 9 ½ pounds. In June, I will be starting my 49th year in the practice of chiropractic medicine. Earl Prolman has informed me that he is in his 45th year with New York Life Insurance Co. He also mentioned that this past year he has been in touch with Dick Clinton, who also resides in Naples, FL. Earl further mentioned that Don Dyer, a New Hampshire politician, was in his office for a nice chat.

years later. We are now grandfathers and great grandfathers, and have lived a lifetime. How nice it would be to go back to the Hill at Homecoming, greet each other and break bread together. I am excited about it. So why not plan on joining us—make your hotel reservations now in Sturbridge. We will have a great time reminiscing. It will be foliage season, another great reason to join us with your family. I hope to see all of you then!

1957 Class Scribe Kent Tarrant 45 Valley View Dr. P.O. Box 496 Hampden, MA 01037-0496 (413) 566-5130

1956 Class Scribe Arthur Fries 225 Via San Remo Lido Isle Newport Beach, CA 92663-5511 (949) 673-7740

Dick Schachet writes: Recently I had the pleasure of traveling from Portland, OR, to Seattle for the Nichols Northwest reunion. About 15 of us broke bread together, heard about what has been happening and what we plan on for the future at the school. The changes have been extraordinary. When we all discussed what brought us to Nichols and what we gained there, each one of us said we had to attend a second chance school. Indeed that was true about me, but we all graduated and went on to be better students and went on to other higher education institutions. Each has a minimum of a bachelor’s degree; some have a master’s, and one of us has two doctorates. So, in effect, Nichols changed our lives. I have always felt a debt to the school, my professors and my classmates. It is for this reason that I have always felt a loyalty to our alma mater. So now, fellow classmates, it is 50


1959 Charlie Howe ’62 writes: Once again Ken Beyer ’60 treated us to a wonderful mid-winter get together in Naples, FL. It’s always nice to spend an evening with Ken and John Girvin; we did miss Chuck Putnam this year. For the first time, Nichols had a gathering in Sarasota this year which I had hoped to get to, but since it was on back-to-back nights with Naples, I found it hard to fit into my schedule. I had been in contact with Bob Gould who said that he planned to attend. For any of you who have not attended one of these socials, it is a really nice evening. Generally, President Debra Murphy is in attendance and keeps us all up to date on the Hill happenings. This spring, my wife, Kate, and I attended a Lady Bison softball game in Cape Coral. What a fantastic group of gals! This was part of their spring trip and put them up against some pretty stiff competition from around the country; by the way, they won! Please send all class updates to your Class Scribe.

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

The men’s team was also in Port Charlotte this spring; we’re hoping to see them next year. I had a wonderful letter and follow-up conversation with Steve Gerber, who is CEO of Gerber Wealth Management LLC, a firm specializing in insured tax-free bonds and retirement planning. Since moving to Beverly Hills 33 years ago, Steve has been very active in civic affairs. He is president of the Cellar Club, one of the oldest men’s social clubs in Los Angeles, and is the acting president of the Thalians at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills. As a side note, he is also a club and sports society columnist. Steve is married to actress/ entertainer Barbara Luna who starred on Broadway at age six as Enzio Pinza’s daughter in over 1,000 performances of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “South Pacific.” That was followed by a five-year Broadway run in the “King and I,” co-starring Yul Brynner. Her credits in Hollywood are too many to mention. I can’t believe that it was over 47 years since we had last spoken to one another. Talking about our old football days (Steve sent an old newspaper article and picture that included myself, Bill Hogan, Steve, Alan K. Greene, John Gfeller, John Huxster ’58 and Harold Levi—what a group!), we wondered whatever happened to our quarterback Rocky, Billy Welch, and Mike Donnelly. The only thing that stands out in my mind about the ’59 season was getting beat up and pounded by two of the biggest lineman that Dean College ever had. When I got off the phone with Steve, it was almost as we never missed a beat, considering all the years. I had a call from Charles P. Gruet ’60, who is now living in Tennessee. During our conversation, we found that we had mutual friends in Connecticut. He tried his best to convince me that Tennessee was a fantastic place to live, and maybe I should consider leaving Florida. I told him about my conversation with Steve; hopefully we can get a few more people to do some networking, and then, we would really have something going.

Ken Beyer ’60, John Girvin ’59, Charlie Howe ’62, and Dick Makin ’62 with wives and friends at an alumni reception in Naples, FL

1962 Class Scribe Charlie Howe May-September 383 North 3rd St. Surf City, NJ 08008-4926 October–April 17468 Cornflower Ln. Punta Gorda, FL 33955 (941) 575-8150

Kate and I attended another wonderful mid-winter gathering in Naples, FL, hosted by Ken Beyer ’60. Dick Makin, who along with his wife spent some time with Paul Zimmerman and his wife, Debbie, on the east coast (these guys are really into golf ), and I represented our class. Missing, but not forgotten, was JT who did not arrive in Florida until March. It was certainly nice to see John Girvin ’59, who, along with Ken, are full-time Naples residents and sometime tennis partners. In his spare time, Ken is a referee for tennis matches. I can’t imagine arriving on the court, looking up at this imposing figure on the high chair and actually trying to play the game of tennis. I’m sure that John McEnroe might even have reservations about a questionable call made by Ken. We missed Hugo

Pagliccia ’63 this year, whose son, as we understand it, is dealing with some serious medical issues. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Hugo and his family. I had a call from Charlie Shinn who lives in Greenville, NC. He still travels to Maine each year to get together with his forestry buddies. Hopefully, by next issue, we’ll have a picture. We talked about the wonderful program that Dr. White taught and, most of all, the close knit group of forestry students that were a part of that program. I just read an article about the National Forestry competition and I remember well the Woodman’s Weekend Championships that were hosted by the Nichols Foresters. It was as demanding an activity as any sport, and to watch them practice for the events—wow! I had a nice note from Pete Judd. He and his wife spent the winter sailing the Bahamas. They had a safe voyage back to Dataw Island, SC. I’m hoping that in October on our trip south, we can catch up with Pete and Patti. It’s been a long time since we’ve shared a six pack. In his note, Pete said that he invited Paul Zimmerman to his men’s golf tournament in April. There were 12 flights consisting of six two-man teams. Each team played five nine-hole matches within their flight. Pete said that they had a blast and won their flight, and

that it was great seeing Paul and showing him the Island. (What Pete failed to mention to his “buddies” at the local golf course was that he was bringing in a ringer from Stuart, FL.) Nice going guys! Bob Colombo wrote that life is good in South Carolina. They sold the Vermont vacation home and now summer in the mountains of North Carolina. His email address is I had hoped that more of you would write, call or email. I know that Mr. Westover would be rolling over in his grave reviewing my writing skills, but I need you to at least give me something to write. You might want to read some of the class of ’59 notes. I’ve had some really nice letters and calls from some of the classmates that I started out with on the Hill as a freshman. I’m sure that you’ll recognize some of the names. With unlimited calling and word processing, there is no reason not to be in touch. My cell number is (609) 494-5450 (12 months a year). You might be interested to learn that one of your classmates has just moved close by. Reminder: 45th Class reunion will be in the fall of 2007. Keep in touch. Kate and I are back on Long Beach Island, NJ, for the summer. Florida is a nice place to live, but not from June to September. A closing note, on our way north we visited my oldest son and family in Virginia Beach. One of the joys of the visit was when my 7-year-old grandson took me outside and handed me a lacrosse stick, and said, “Pop, let’s do some stickin’.” Till next time. John Frantzis, a long-time figure at Quassy Amusement Park in Middlebury, CT, was inducted into the New England Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (NEAAPA) Hall of Fame on March 30th. Growing up, Frantzis had worked in various departments of his family-owned park, and during his high school years, he ran rides and helped book outings during the off season. After graduating from Nichols, he was drafted into the U.S. Army (1962– 1964), serving a tour of duty in Korea. He obtained his teaching certification at Western Connecticut State College and taught sixth grade for a year. He later returned to

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a l u mni Quassy to assist his brother, the late George Frantzis Sr., with the family operation, and started a coin-operated game business which not only boosted the park’s arcade operation but developed into a solid route business. Frantzis is an active member of NEAAPA, and a member of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions, the Greek Orthodox Church in Waterbury, the Elks, and the YMCA. He and his wife, Deborah, reside in Middlebury. They have three daughters, Emily, Jennifer, and Julie, as well as seven grandchildren. His daughter, Julie, manages the park office. Quassy Amusement Park, now in its 98th year of operation, features more than two dozen rides and attractions, an interactive water play area, and a beach, arcade and restaurant.

1963 Class Scribe Bruce I. Haslun 16 Gilder Point Ct. Simpsonville, SC 29681

Hey y’all, we’ve moved! Yup, further south, if you can believe it, to Simpsonville. It’s almost exactly seven miles south of Greer. There is more garden area for my tomatoes, herbs and flowers. Been here a month, don’t have the computer hooked up yet and ya know what? I don’t care! I was working in the garage at the old house about two days before the move and a car pulls up at the end of my driveway, and the driver starts to put something in the mailbox. I yell, as we do down here, “Hey, wha’s up?!” Guy gets out and ambles up. It’s Dave Schemm ’61, a forestry guy. After Nichols, he did the Marine Corps and automatically joined the “Honorable Society of Nichols Military Veterans (HSNMV),” started with Weyerhauser in ’63 and “just kinda stuck with them.” We sat down and talked about old times and old guys. He remembers big John Miles ’60 fondly; they played football together. He, Jenness Robbins and another Nichols


alumnus (sorry, my notes got lost in the move) do serious hunting for elk and grizzly bears every fall. Semi-retired now, he has a house here in the upstate and another at Kiawah Island. I promised Dave that as soon as I got settled, we’d get together for lunch. More next time. Next up comes Bill Pieczynski. No, don’t look him up in the yearbook. Bill is director of the Nichols Fund, and he’s visiting around the country, but not looking for money—I promise! He is just saying, “Thanks!” Had a really delightful evening at our new house hearing about what goes on in Dudley these days. This is a guy who, I promise you, if he comes to your area, you should welcome into your home. He’s a good guy, and we should be glad Nichols has attracted people like him (and Brianne!) Lastly, I received a call from Ross Chambers. A good friend of his who lives in Greer, SC, is in a serious health crisis, and Ross is thinking of coming to see him. Can we get together while he’s here? Oh, and by the way, Sandy Strop and Pete Brusman also know the Greer guy. Can we all get together? I am glad we moved. We now have enough room for all. The pantry is stocked and, more importantly, the bar too! Come on down! If this reunion comes off (and I survive it!), there’ll be more next time. Meantime, got to run. I promised my wife I’d have six more cartons unpacked by tonight. P.S. I just made up the HSNMV. But you know, maybe we should call it the “Colonel James Conrad Contingent.” Anyone who has served in one of the five branches, get in touch! Maybe we can correspond with our fellow grads and students who are still in? Let me know your thoughts.

1964 Class Scribe Warren Bender 3604 Kingsley Dr. Myrtle Beach, SC 29588-7714 (843) 215-1277

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

George Pagnotta ’63 is planning a marriage for September of this year, and it’s his own! We all wish him nothing but the best for many years to come. Otherwise, all is quiet here in Myrtle Beach now that the annual Harley rally is over. They literally take over the whole 35-mile strand and leave us with quite a lot of “greenbacks,” thank you very much!

1965 Since retiring from the Erie Times News in 2001, Charles E. Evans volunteers with the church, Shriners Hospital and the Coast Guard. He has been traveling a lot and tells us “life is good.”

1967 David B. Jones of Punta Gorda, FL, writes that he and his wife, Mary, continue to support the College and cheered along the Nichols baseball team during a match in Charlotte County, FL. In other news, David says he is about halfway done building an RV-10 airplane. This is a four-place aircraft which will be equipped with a totally modern glass cockpit.

1968 Class Scribe Frank Cianflone c/o Maxiglide Box 415 Stow, MA 01775 (978) 897-2317

Don Wright writes: All is well in south Florida. I’m currently in command of a Hatteras Motor Yacht that winters at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, FL, and summers in New England, staying at the Town Docks in Falmouth, MA. When I’m not aboard, I’m with my wife, Gail, at our home in Fort Lauderdale enjoying life in Florida. The campus changes look great and you are to be congratulated on a wonderful

turnaround...but who would have expected any less from the administration of the finest business college in the nation. Have a great summer!

1969 Class Scribe Robert Kuppenheimer 4627 Tremont Ln. Corona del Mar, CA 92625

The trustees of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) have elected Edward J. Palmerino as the Institute’s new vice president for finance and treasurer. Palmerino has served as the Institute’s controller since 2001. He will oversee all of the purchasing, accounting, and business systems for the Institute, as well as internal audit and facilities management. Palmerino joined HHMI as an assistant controller in 1986 to hire and train the accounting and finance staff. Among the technological and operational changes introduced by Palmerino are the implementation of the first major computerized accounting system and the electronic storage of invoices and tax returns. He ensured that the Institute’s financial systems were Year 2000 compliant, and has developed procedures to ensure that the Institute’s spending meets the government’s requirements for a medical research organization. He also coordinated the borrowing of taxexempt bonds to finance the construction of the Institute’s new Janelia Farm Research Campus.

1972 Class Scribe Donald Jaeger 8 Lord Joes Lndg. Northport, NY 11768-1571



Gregory Pogue has been named associate vice president for Human Resources at the University of San Diego. Mark Golden writes: On April 1st, I opened a new store called R.U. Ready Hurricane Supply. I don’t sell shutters, Florida’s answer to aluminum siding. I sell flashlights, batteries, lanterns, battery operated radios, TVs (even color TVs), fans, MRE (meals ready to eat), bottled water, generators, and other product lines. I test marketed these lines for two months at a local market and found wonderful acceptance. My tag line is “it is never too early to be prepared…only too late.” I am already advertising on West Palm radio and newspapers. I plan on advertising in papers back up north to allow family and friends of Floridians to purchase gift certificates in case another hurricane hits. According to reports, this year is going to be another hectic one. Come winter, the advertising will be reversed allowing Floridians to purchase “care packages” of most of the same items for winter storm power outages. “Old timers” like me can remember when power was lost and Chief George Cressey of the Nichols College Fire Department kept lights on with generators so finals could be taken.

Class Scribe

1977 John Calcagni will head Conning’s investment accounting and reporting team, having formerly held the same position at Citigroup Insurance Investments. Additional new staff will expand Conning’s expertise in high yield, emerging market and private placement bonds. These additions will enhance the company’s ability to offer an expanding suite of product offerings.

Please send all class updates to your Class Scribe.

William Fraser 12915 Letando Ln. Cypress, TX 77429-3554 (281) 376-5922

Mark Willis and family are doing well down in Marietta, GA. He writes: I am presently employed by Yamaha Motor Corporation, and my wife of 22 years is a schoolteacher in Cobb County. We have two sons, Justin, who is attending Kennesaw State University, and Travis, a sophomore at Kennesaw Mountain High School. We recently took a trip to the UK over the Thanksgiving holiday. Where has the time gone? Most of us are going to hit the big 50 this year; seems like yesterday we were at Nichols. I’m looking forward to coming up for my first Homecoming in almost 30 years. Just let me know when. My email address is, and my telephone number is (404) 704-6698. Ann Coolidge is teaching business and accounting courses at Sandwich High School on the Cape. Her son, Matthew, is in the MBA program at Boston College and her other son, Nathan, is a member of the Men’s Olympic Field Hockey Team and is coaching at Virginia Commonwealth. Collidge’s husband, Bob, is an instructor at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant.

1979 Karl Mayer, the Marblehead-Swampscott YMCA youth and family director, took the helm of the Children’s Island summer day camp. Mayer, a lifelong Marblehead resident, joined the Y staff in 2000 as youth sports director, and he quickly built and expanded offerings and participation in after-school, summer, and sports-specific programs. He has also operated his own commercial-based fishing business for the last 12 years and hopes to convert his love for the ocean into marine awareness programs at Children’s Island.

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


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David Rice has been named vice president and general manager of SelectStaff, a division of Select Staffing Solutions, Inc., in Framingham, MA. He resides in Medway with wife, Nicole; and three daughters, Taylor, Kaetlin, and Sydney. Joseph G. Sova was promoted to senior vice president and senior banking officer at Fidelity Bank. Sova is responsible for business development and commercial loan portfolio management. As the new banking team leader, his additional responsibilities include commercial credit portfolio oversight, training, and personnel development. Sova received a master’s degree from Assumption College and is working toward an additional degree from Stonier Graduate School of Banking at Georgetown University. He resides in Sterling, MA, with his wife, Victoria, and three children. Sova chairs the Business Education Enrichment Foundation at Monty Tech Vocational High School. He sits on the board of directors of several community organizations, including the North Central Massachusetts Development Corporation, Fitchburg State College Foundation, LUK Crisis Center, Inc. (board treasurer), the Fay Club, and the Boys and Girls Club of North Central Massachusetts. Charles V. Paszkewicz has been named vice president for managed assets at Middlesex Savings Bank. Paszkewicz will be responsible for commercial loan workout in the credit administration department, partnering with commercial bankers to resolve or restructure troubled loan relationships. He also manages liquidated commercial assets for purposes of loss recovery. Paszkewicz has worked in various capacities within collections and managed assets for Middlesex Savings Bank since 1997. His previous responsibilities included the collection of consumer installment, home equity, overdraft protection and collateral loans, cash items, and fraud prevention. Paszkewicz lives in Uxbridge, MA, and is a member of the Turnaround Management Association, as well as a volunteer for community events such as managing the Babe Ruth baseball team and refereeing football games.

Class Scribe


Michael Donehey (508) 376-5469 (phone) (509) 376-5043 (fax)

1985 John (Jay) Accorsi, head football coach at Rowan University, was recognized by the Maxwell Football Club as the Tri-State Coach of the Year. He attended a dinner and award show with the likes of NFL MVP Shaun Alexander, Indianapolis Head Coach Tony Dungy, Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno, and New England Patriots Teddy Bruschi, Vince Young, and Bert Bell. In four seasons as head coach, Accorsi has guided Rowan to a 38-9 record. They have won three conference championships and have made three appearances in the NCAA Division III Championship during his campaign. He has been named the New Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC) Coach of the Year three times (2002, 2004, and 2005). This season, Accorsi directed Rowan to an 11-2 overall record, and its 15th NJAC Championship. Rowan made its 12th appearance in the national tournament and advanced to the semifinals for the second consecutive year. In 2004, they compiled

Jay Accorsi (left) receives Tri-State Coach of the Year

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

a 10-3 record, captured the conference championship and reached the national semifinals. Rowan finished the 2003 season with a 7-3 overall record. In 2002, Accorsi guided the team to the conference title and the NCAA Championship Tournament. Prior to Rowan, Accorsi was an assistant football and baseball coach at Nichols College from 1989–93. At Nichols, he assisted the athletic director and was dorm director while working on his master’s degree. He has a master’s degree in sports science from the U.S. Sports Academy and an MBA from Rowan University. Accorsi resides in Mullica Hill, NJ, with his wife, Nancy; daughters, Gabrielle and Rachel; and son, Jack. Robert Paulsen Jr., has been promoted to vice president of commercial loans for Country Bank in Ware, MA. Paulsen has 20 years of banking experience, working at several different banks in Worcester County. Before joining Country Bank, he was vice president and commercial lender at TD Banknorth. Paulsen resides in Rutland where he coaches youth sports and teaches religious education. He serves as vice chairman of Alternatives Unlimited Inc., treasurer of Paxton Youth Soccer, vice president of the Worcester Historical Museum, and is on the Rutland Zoning Board of Appeals. He is also involved with the Worcester Chamber of Commerce.

1987 Cathy Bates-Lapierre has recently accepted a position as vice president for human resources at Ledge Light Federal Credit Union in Groton, CT.

1988 Class Scribe Diane Bellerose 90 Lebanon St. Southbridge, MA 01550 (508) 764-6077


president of his senior class, and later served on the New London Board of Education. Tom Devine writes: I would like to say that I am the Battalion Commander of the 726th Finance Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard. Units of the 726th FB have been and will be mobilized in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraq Freedom and NATO Operations in Kosovo. I am very excited to be in command of such fine soldiers and citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. My future plans are uncertain, but I am ready wherever they take me. Devine attended the 25th Anniversary of the Fischer Institute and has always been a very active participant in Institute happenings.

Class Scribe Allison Kierce 1804 Shawan Ln. York, PA 17402 (717) 757-3949

John “Wheels” Kierce celebrated his 40th birthday this year with a surprise party over Memorial Day weekend in Cohasset, MA. A few fellow Nichols alum were present, including Mike and Gina (Mattero) Cooney; Chris Brazzano and his wife, Rebecca; Kim ’87 and Stacey Kiely ’89; and of course, all the Kierce family alums: Dave and yours truly, Ali (Vaughan) Kierce; Dan Kierce ’91; and Maria Kierce Osborne ’97. Remember during the 1989 talent show when John popped out of a trunk donning a blond wig and holding a bunch of bananas as Chris Brazzano, Mike Cooney, Dave Kierce and Steve (Moose) Marlin ’87 danced around him to the strains of “Day O”? There were no blonde wigs or bananas at the party, but a good time was had by all. I look forward to hearing from my 1989 classmates. Shannon Heap was one of seven athletes inducted into the New London High School Football Hall of Fame. Heap, who played from 1982–1985, was a three-year letter winner in football and captained the team in his senior year, when he was named to the Day’s All-Area Team. He was also vice

1990 Kathleen Marcum MBA, president and CEO of Millbury National Bank in Millbury, MA, has been named one of two new members to the 2006 Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. (This was misprinted in the last edition of the Nichols College Magazine.)

1991 Class Scribe Donna Small 4905 Bay Harvest Ct. Clemmons, NC 27012-8245 (336) 712-1053 (home) (336) 692-5157 (cell)

Robert F. Sheltz married Denise DeSimone in West Hartford, CT, on October 1, 2005. He works for Travelers Insurance in Hartford, and she is currently a clinical social worker. The couple visited Aruba on their honeymoon and reside in Avon.

1993 Class Scribe John J. Lareau Tax Manager Greenberg, Roseblatt, Kull & Bitsoli, PC (508) 791-0901

Devin B. Haughey is currently a property and casualty insurance broker/notary public for the Eastern Insurance Group LLC, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Eastern Bank. He resides in Worcester with wife, Alisa, and son, Dylan.

1994 Class Scribe Danielle Troiano 553 Grafton St. Shrewsbury, MA 01545 (508) 845-6604

Tammy Cardillo was asked to be the godparent of Liam Henry Quinn, the second child of Scott Quinn ’93 and his wife, Carol. The newest Quinn was baptized in Fort Mills, SC, at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church on March 26th. Tammy was ecstatic in taking on this responsibility and very much honored to do so. Bill and Sue Daly are proud to announce the birth of their fifth child, a son, Carter Penn Daly. He was born August 5, 2005, weighing 6 lbs. 3 oz.

Tammy Cardillo holds godson Liam Henry Quinn

1992 Lisa (Dolan) Larson and Todd Larson celebrated their first wedding anniversary on May 7th, in San Francisco. They are both employees of Amica Insurance and reside in Attleboro, MA. summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


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Carter Penn Daly The Dalys welcome baby Carter

and measuring 18 inches in length. Carter was welcomed home by siblings: Shane (9), Emma (7), Lily (5) and Brady (2 ½). The Daly crew lives in Foxboro, MA. Meg (Reardon) Walsh and her husband, Mark, welcomed a baby boy, Owen Henry Walsh, into the world on December 15, 2005. He joins his 3-year-old brother, Sheamus John. Meg is presently employed with the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Yarmouthport, MA, where she has worked for the past eight years. James Holmes and Cheryl Webster were married September 3, 2005, at First Community Church in Southborough, MA. He is employed by Cumberland Farms as an assistant warehouse manager, and she is employed by Howes Temco Inc. as an administrative assistant. After a honeymoon to California and Las Vegas, the couple resides in Westborough. Patrick J. Dolan of Belmont, MA, has been named vice president of the Commercial Banking Group at Middlesex Savings Bank. In this position, Dolan, who is based in Concord, is responsible for managing and developing a portfolio of commercial banking and loan relationships in his region. He assesses the financial and operational


needs of clients and prospects to deliver the most appropriate business products and services, while maintaining appropriate levels of profitability and risk. He has over 16 years of experience in commercial and consumer lending, and has been with Middlesex Savings Bank since 2004. He previously worked for Citizens Bank as a commercial banker. He is a chartered financial analyst and is involved in Belmont youth sports. Middlesex Savings Bank, a $3.4 billion financial institution, is one of the largest independent community banks in Massachusetts.

1995 Class Scribe Chris Saengvanich 700 Princeton Blvd. Apt. 29 Lowell, MA 01851

Scott S. Sullivan MBA was promoted to vice president at the Citizens Financial Group. He served as the finance and accounting manager and the senior risk manager for Citizens Capital Inc., a Boston-based private equity firm providing customized mezzanine and equity capital to later-stage

Nichols College Magazine â—? summer 2006

privately held businesses in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest. Sullivan will continue in his finance, accounting and compliance responsibilities for Citizens Capital Inc., which also includes management of all fund investments. He is also a certified treasury professional, and manages Citizens Capital Inc.’s operations and management. Prior to joining Scott S. Sullivan Citizens Bank in 2001, he has held positions at Investors Bank and Trust and Framingham Savings Bank. Sullivan is a native of West Springfield, and now resides in Acton with his wife, Marianne and their son, Stephen. Karen Piechota and Barry Paquin were married in May. She is employed by the College of the Holy Cross. Bill Collins joined Talent Retriever LLC, of Burlington, MA, a recruitment process outsourcing firm, as business development director. Collins brings eight years of business development experience in the recruiting field to the firm. He was most recently vice president of business development for TAC Worldwide, which was acquired last year by Crystal Inc. from Kyoto, Japan, and now is the fifth largest staffing firm in the world. Prior to joining TAC, Collins served as the director of business development for Sapphire North America, the third largest IT staffing company in the United States. He managed a $35 million book of business at Sapphire and was regularly recognized as a top producer and honored with three Presidents Club awards. Collins lives in Winchester Bill Collins with his wife, Martha, and daughter, Emily. Robert and Yvonne (Sala) Gibilisco are proud to announce the birth of their son, Robby, who was born on December 17, 2005. Yvonne is currently working at AirTran, and her husband owns a lawn care business.

1996 Class Scribe Gary Watson 25 Lakeside Ave. Webster, MA 01570 (508) 943-5504

Christopher Peck and Michelle Mannino, who were married in October 2003, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Makayla, on January 29, 2005. The Pecks currently live in Foxborough, MA. Christopher is a certified public accountant and assistant controller of Lo-Jack Corporation in Westwood. Scott McLellan and Heather Rutledge were joined in marriage in North Haven, CT, on April 22nd. They live in Holbrook, MA. Scott is the grandson of Richard McLellan ’40. Brian Fish writes: I have recently made the leap of turning my hobby into my occupation. I have a business in Maine called Oh Yeah Comfy Inc., and we sell top quality beach chairs. A few years ago, I broke a couple of cheap beach chairs at the beach and decided that I needed a better chair. A design concept popped into my head, and I began building a prototype. After working all of the bugs out, I put the chair on the market, and it has gained increasing popularity. We have become one of the best selling beach chairs on the internet on sites like, 4thebeach. com and our own site, Levon and Cheryl Knowles have twin daughters, Alexandra Grace and Sara Marie, born on November 2, 2004. The Knowles family resides in Pawling, NY.

1997 Class Scribe Colleen (Reilly) Saengvanich 700 Princeton Blvd. Apt. 29 Lowell, MA 01851 (978) 970-1139

Dick McLellan ’40 and his wife, Millie, stand with their grandson, Scott ’96 and his bride, Heather

Joseph Pirrone of Norwalk, CT, announced his engagement to Angela Ruggiano. A December 2nd wedding is planned. He is a financial consultant with New Canaan Group. Thomas E. Grochowski of Webster, MA, announced his engagement to Sadye Beth Anderson. A September wedding is planned. He is a shift supervisor for the Department of Youth Services in Westborough. John Pileggi and Laura Chesebrough were married in Scarborough, ME, on April 8th. He is a CPA and internal audit manager at Liberty Mutual in Boston. She is self employed as a private music teacher. They are living in Norwood, MA. Wendi (Weaver) Tomasetti and Paul Tomasetti are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Kylie Marie, on November 19, 2005, weighing 6lbs. 8oz. Wendi is a claims training coordinator at NGM Insurance Company in Auburn, MA. Paul is a business unit manager at Jabil Circuit in Billerica.

John Pileggi and Laura Chesebrough

1998 Class Scribe Emily (Seiferman) Alves 100 Forbes St. 1st Floor Riverside, RI 02195

Carrie Labelle was married to John LaRoche in July. Amy J. DeSimone and her husband are expecting their third baby. Also, she recently became an RN.

Kylie Marie Tomasetti

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


a l u mni Catching up with… Dave Foley ’01

Redyn Mary Munce

Tewksbury, MA

Employment: IT Consultant—The Amaral Group, LLC Greatest lesson I learned from a Nichols faculty/staff member was...I learned many things from my professors and coaches at Nichols. The biggest of those would be the ability to be innovative and a creative problem solver. In most of Professor Downs’ business cases, the text book answer wasn’t always the best one, and sometimes it was a creative solution that was best. From both sports and school, I learned how to manage my time, work on a team and be a leader within that team. Between presentations and business cases, I was put into real world business situations that gave me experience before I started. My Nichols degree helped me to think outside the box and to take a holistic approach to problem solving. Far too often you see decisions being made without regard to how the outcome will affect all parties within an organization. Nichols gave me the background to understand how all aspects of a business works and how they are all interdependent. As an IT consultant, I am often in meetings with directors from all entities from a company, and it is a lot easier to please them all when you have a knowledge of what each does and how it affects the person sitting next to them. On celebrating my 5th year reunion…I can’t believe it has been five years! I think back on my Nichols years so fondly and so often that it doesn’t seem that I am that far removed. I am looking forward to seeing how the College has grown and improved in the last five years, and I am hoping to catch up and reminisce with my classmates at the reunion. My classmates would be surprised to learn that…I have the summer job that won’t end, and I still work for the Boston Red Sox. I am a security supervisor now for the team and work with and around the players and their families on a daily basis.



Class Scribe

Class Scribe

Tony Volpone

Andrea Sacco

Robbie and Holly Munce announce the birth of their daughter, Redyn Mary, on April 5th, weighing 6lbs, 5oz and measuring 17 inches long. Ron and Nicole (Dec) Marek announce the birth of their daughter, Jordan Elizabeth, on January 13th. They are currently living in Glastonbury, CT.

Julie (O’Brien) Barker, MEd was recently named “Teacher of the Year” by Chancellor Charter School, which is located in Palm Beach County, FL. She is now in the running for the South Florida regional award. Laurence T. DeCaro wed Nicole Marie Cicalo at Our Lady Church in Park Ridge, NJ, on July 23, 2005. He is currently employed as a general manager for CVS.


Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Jordan Elizabeth Marek

Andrew Shea was promoted within Tenet Healthcare to controller of a new hospital in Frisco, TX. He and his wife, Shauna ’99, and two children, Emily and Matthew, reside in Plano. Jason Latimer of Clarkson, MI, married Cynthia Salinis in a May wedding. He is employed in the automotive sales department at Joe Lunghammer Chevrolet in Waterford. Maria (Mallozzi) Bergeron was married in 2004 and currently lives in Massachusetts. She was recently promoted to unit manager in the commissions department at a financial transfer agency. Patrick James Nigro of Wakefield, MA, announced his engagement to Lesley Ann Junko. He is employed at Sports Images Inc. in Woburn, and she is employed at Keane Inc. of Boston.

2001 Class Scribe David Twiss (978) 979-7658

Steven Malcolm announced his engagement to Michelle Mezic. An October wedding is planned. Kevin McNelly of Danvers, MA, was named an associate of the Financial Planning Center in Danvers, MA. John R Gaffney II and Maureen Casey of Quincy, MA, were married in May. He is employed as an office manager at Air Cleaning Specialists in Hanover. She is employed as a senior associate at Vitale Caturano & Co. in Charlestown. Paul Newman MBA and his wife, Janet, are pleased to announce the birth of their new baby, Conor James. Weighing in at 8lbs. 11oz. and 21 inches long, Conor was born on May 22nd.

2002 Class Scribe Princess Tucker Payroll Manager Connecticut College (860) 961-2743 (cell) (860) 848-1471 (fax)

Patrick O’Brien is expecting his first child, Riley Patrick O’Brien, on November 2nd. Heather Bassett recently announced her engagement to Shawn Pike. The happy couple is planning the wedding for June 2007. She works at Mountain Dearborn & Whiting Law Firm, and he works at JPI Property Management. Please join me in congratulating the couple. Sean O’Hara announced his engagement to Leah Roth on November 4th. The wedding date has been set for January 2007. Please join me in congratulating the happy couple.

The town of Palmer has recently hired Valerie J. Bernier as its new accountant. Valerie currently resides in Wales and plans to keep her job in town working nights. Matt LaFountain was promoted to market analyst and retail pricing coordinator at Imperial Distributors Inc. of Auburn. LaFountain joined Imperial in 2005 as a planogram analyst and previously held a position as a merchandiser for Best Buy. In his new position, he will be responsible for benchmarking the effect of Imperial’s HBC and GM planograms on retail sales and profits. LaFountain married Liz Rocco in June.

2003 Class Scribe Kim Serino Confluent Surgical Inc.

Meghan Helen McKenna and Peter M. Lynch ’02 are engaged to be married October 8th. She is employed by IMS Medical, and he is employed by Daimler-Chrysler. Lisa Gonyea is an assistant to the dean for student life and the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards at the College of the Holy Cross. Jude Augusta and Kristin Ciccarelli announced their engagement. A November 11th wedding is planned. He is the director of partner development at Sedo in Cambridge, MA, and she is the director of programming and events at the Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord. Augusta also holds a juris doctorate degree from Seton Hall University.

Amy Laurette Fregeolle recently wed Christian John Patrissi. She is employed as a sales and marketing coordinator for Enterprise. Bryce Chaffee of Essex, VT, and Elizabeth Murtie were united in marriage on March 11th. He is employed by Burlington Country Club. Brian K. Germain retained his seat on the Board of Selectman for the Town of Dudley. Germain served on the Dudley Board of Selectman for three years, one year as chairman. He has also been on the Planning Board, Central Massachusetts Regional Planning and Dudley Conservation Commission. Germain has also been involved on a number of campaigns for congress, state senate and state representative. He has been a financial analyst with Commerce Insurance for 13 years and previously worked with Hanover Insurance as a controller in the building industry. Germain has been a board member at Why Me Inc. and the Webster-Dudley Rotary Club, serving as president for one year. He is a member of the Webster-Dudley Boys and Girls Club and has been a coach for basketball and baseball many years. Last year he volunteered to coach the Dudley Middle Schools boys’ team when there was no funding to hire a coach. He is married and has a son who is currently attending Shepherd Hill Regional High School.

2005 Class Scribe Michelle Brown

2004 Class Scribe Erin Chenette 87 Tory Fort Lane Worcester, MA 01602 (781) 939-1723

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


N ichols

remem ber s

in memoriam Dutton R. Alden, ’35 Dutton R. Alden of Cataumet, MA, died in May. Alden was born and raised in Hyde Park. While living in Whitinsville, he worked for the Blackstone Valley National Bank, becoming the president and then chairman of the board. He was an avid boater and fisherman and had formerly owned the Red Top Bait and Tackle in Buzzards Bay. He was a member of the Pleasant Valley Country Club and the Whitinsville Golf Club and was a life member of the Grand Lodge of Masons. A fan of performing arts, he also enjoyed golf, tennis, and being outdoors. He especially enjoyed his two grandchildren. Alden retired to his former summer home in Cataumet in 1985. His wife, Louise, died in 1997. He is survived by two daughters, Ann Ware and Marion LaCasse; a sister, Betty Mitman; and two grandchildren.

Charles Henry Scott ’37 Charles Henry Scott died on May 7th. Born in Providence, Scott served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He founded Scott Motors in 1947 and became the first Volkswagen dealer in Rhode Island in 1957. He was past president of the R.I. Dealers Association. Even after retiring, he enjoyed nothing more than sitting in the showroom at Scotts Motors and offering a friendly greeting to his old customers. Scott had a life-long love of boating and was an active member of the Barrington and Bristol yacht clubs. He was on the vestry of St. Michaels and Grace Church in Rumford, and St. Johns Episcopal Church in Naples, FL, where he and his wife had a home for many years. Scott is survived by his wife of 64 years, Harriet; two children, Bill ’66 and Martha; four


grandchildren, Kimberly Weiss and husband, Jeff, Brad, Kiana, and Kendall; and three great grandchildren, Fletcher, Oliver, and Charles Spencer Weiss.

Norman M. Puffer ’38 Norman Puffer died on September 16, 2005.

Joseph L. Cawley, ’39 Joseph L. Cawley of Bristol, CT, died February 16th. He was the owner/operator of Bristol Hardware Company. Cawley served in Europe during World War II, where he held the rank of captain in the Third Army. He is survived by his wife, Georgine; three sons and two daughters-in-law, Frederick, Michael and Teressa, and Peter and Leslie; five grandsons, Liam, Tyler, Peter, Geoffrey, and James; a sister, Laurine Phelan; and many nieces and nephews.

William R. Roop II ’41 William R. Roop died on June 28, 2005.

Hubert Farrow ’44 Hubert Farrow died in December 2005. Farrow was a licensed insurance consultant in Red Bank, NJ, for many years before retiring in 2005. In 1973, he received a Community Service Award from the State of New Jersey, County of Monmouth Board of Realtors, for his many achievements: founding president and director of Red Bank Recreation Commission; president

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

and director of Red Bank Chamber of Commerce; drector of Red Bank Community Appeal; scout master of the Sea Scout Ship, North Star; vice president and director of the YMCA and chairman of the YMCA Annual Fund Drive; trustee and treasurer of the First Presbyterian Church of Red Bank and vice chairman of the Executive Committee for construction of the church; and founding president and director of Operation Friendship, an international student exchange program. Farrow has also been affiliated with the Society of Risk Consultants, Society of Environmental Insurance Professionals, Agents Advisory Committee, and originating chairman of the New Jersey Agents Catastrophe Committee. He was also the author of many publications regarding the insurance business and has lectured on these topics in recent years. Farrow leaves his wife of 61 years, Ann; three children, Bruce, Douglas, and Nancy; and seven grandchildren.

Richard S. Ramsbotham ’47 Richard S. Ramsbotham of Oxford, MA, died March 3rd. Ramsbotham worked as a draftsman-engineer for Whitin Machine Works for over 20 years. He was a World War II Army veteran and served as a staff sergeant and MP in the Pacific theater. He is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Richard and Susan; daughter, Sheryl Turner; three step-children, Bruce Bellows, Nancy Fisher and Sally Leclare; grandson, Michael; and six step-grandchildren.

r ea m INnichols M emori me m b e r s Raymond E. Williamson, Sr. ’49 Raymond Eliot Williamson of Greenwich, CT, died on January 16th. A graduate of Drummer Academy, Williamson was a longtime member and master with the Masons, a member of the Shiners, and the former owner of Towne Cleaners in Greenwich. He is survived by his brother, Irving; three sons, Ray Jr., Robert, and Roger; and seven grandchildren, Katie, Sarah, Margaret, Raymond III, Gregory, Curtis, and Jack. He was predeceased by his former wife, Patricia; brother, Leslie; and stepmother, Evelyn.

George L. Mugler ’52 George L Mugler died on April 14th in Dunkirk, NY. Mugler worked with his late brother, Milton, in Buffalo Nut Shops, a family owned business that imported, processed, and distributed nuts. The business was sold in the 1970s, and he then was warehouse manager for United Office Supply in Niagara Falls. He is survived by his wife, Jean; daughter, Elizabeth Bronnenkant; a son, Michael; six grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Robert D. Carlson ’54 Robert D. Carlson of Brunswick, ME, died on March 24th. He worked as a field auditor for Traveler’s Insurance Company. Most recently, he was the controller for Camp Onaway in Hebron, NH. Carlson was an active member of First Parish Church UCC and a member of the church choir. He participated in many special programs, including the choir tour of England and Scotland. While living in Bristol, he was a member of the First Congregational Church, coached the church basketball team and was a member of the

choir and the Him Singers. He was also a Life Member of the Older Members Association of the Bristol Boys Club. He is survived by his wife, Elaine, of 49 years; a son, David; daughter and son-in-law, Karen and J.R. Stockwell; two sisters and brothers-inlaw, Barbara and Richard, and Sally and Jerry; a sister- and brother-in-law, Paul and Anita Parsons; and several nieces and nephews.

Thomas H. Howarth Jr. ’54 Thomas H. Howarth Jr., of Lake Worth, FL, died November 3, 2003. He was born in Southbridge, MA, and he and his wife of 42 years, Maureen, raised their family in New Jersey and Texas before moving to Lake Worth ten years ago. After graduating from Nichols Junior College, Howarth earned his wings in the Navy and served as a decorated helicopter pilot, when he was befriended by a penguin named Charlie in the Antarctic, which explains his affinity for penguins. Howarth’s career in the aviation industry began when he was general manager of several helicopter companies along the Texas Gulf Coast. He was the owner/operator of Helicopter Concepts before moving to Florida. In Florida, he owned Aviation Power Supply Inc. from which he retired in 2003. For the last several years, he also worked at the Lake Worth Country Club where he will be sorely missed by his coworkers and fellow golf enthusiasts. Howarth is survived by Maureen and their family including two sons, Thomas and his wife, Angela, and Kevin; and two daughters and sons-in-law, Maurita and Jose Correja, and Lisa and Matthew Schwartz; five grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; and many nieces and nephews.

Duncan Rodger McInnes ’57 Duncan Rodger McInnes died on April 8th. In addition to Nichols Junior College, he attended Cardigan Mountain School in Canaan, NH, and the Proctor Academy in Andover. He was employed for over 25 years in the corporate headquarters of GTE Sylvania. McInnes was an incredible sportsman who excelled in sailing and racing and taught kayaking and wind surfing for many years. He also enjoyed stunt kite flying and was a member of Kites Over New England and the American Kiting Association. He is survived by his wife, Julia; a son and daughter-in-law, Robert and Marie; a daughter and her companion, Mary McInnes and Robert Walters; four grandchildren, Andrea, Lauren and Cameron McInnes and John Robert Walters; a sister and brother-in-law, Susan and Rene Sorel; a mother-in-law, Mary Ellen; two sistersin-law, Barbara McInnes and Nancy and her husband, Dirk Giesberger; three nephews, Pierre Sorel, John and Geordie McInnes; a niece, Sally; several cousins; and his beloved dog, Cocoa.

Robert Sadler ’57 Robert Sadler of East Falls, PA, died in January. For more than 10 years, until last summer, Sadler wrote a boxing column for the weekly Philadelphia New Observer newspaper. He contributed sports articles to several publications, including Runner’s World, Boxing Illustrated, and locally to the Germantown Courier, the Catholic Standard and Times and the Jewish Exponent. He was honored in 2003 at the Annual Salute to Philly Boxing Awards Dinner. Sadler owned shoe stores in Cleveland, St. Paul and Minneapolis, when he started writing a column for the local newspaper. As an active race walker, Sadler won the 3,000-meter race at the Delaware Senior County Games four times

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and walked the Philadelphia Distance run five times. He also enjoyed walking part of the Great Wall of China. Sadler’s first wife, Jane Brownlie Sadler, died in 1970. He is survived by his second wife, Margaret; daughter, Lisa Chapman; son, Steven; and four grandchildren.

Joseph Ensign Lovejoy ’63 Joseph Ensign Lovejoy of Wenham, MA, died in February. He was the greatgrandson of the man who founded the Simsburybased company in 1836 that evolved into the EnsignBickford Company. For the past 27 years, Lovejoy served as the chairman of EnsignBickford Industries Inc., a privately owned company that makes explosives used in aeronautics and defense applications. Lovejoy helped create one of the world’s largest explosive companies when one of EnsignBickford’s companies merged with the Norwegian company, Dyno Nobel ASA. He was also a national director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and a past president of the Boys & Girls Club of Boston. He also served on the boards of the Shore Country Day School and Proctor Academy, which his children attended.

Robert Reever ’64 Robert Reever died on February 24th. Reever worked as a tax accountant at Anderson Little in Boston. He also worked for the Purity Supreme supermarket chain, where he was a vice president from 1969 to 1993, when he retired due to health problems. Reever was a boating enthusiast and owned a powerboat named Serendipity. He is survived by his wife, Jane; two children, Robin LaPolla and Derek; two grandchildren, Kristin and Kevin; and a brother, John Standish.


David Wefferling ’71 David Wefferling of Lopez Island, WA, died on April 29th. Wefferling loved outdoor activities such as kayaking, skiing, and hiking. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; his children, Leif and Keir; and a brother and sister-in-law, Lewis and Deborah.

Bradley A. Little ’73 Bradley A. Little of Manalapan, NJ, died May 17, 2005. He was a CPA and the division president of the New Jersey Division of Centex Homes, where he worked for 15 years. He was also a member of the N.J. Society of Certified Public Accountants. Little is survived by wife, Ellen; two daughters, Renee D’Accardi and Laura Little; a sister, Barbara Johnson. His daughter, Laura, a senior at Boston College, participated in the Boston Marathon on behalf of her father and cancer research. She ran as a member of Fred’s Team, raising funds for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. The team is named for New York City Marathon founder Fred Lebow, a cancer victim. She has begun a campaign to raise $4,500 for Memorial Sloan-Kettering, which includes selling candy at the college and a writing letters to her father’s coworkers. “He loved watching and talking about sports everyday,” she said. “He came to all my events, and he started following BC events.”

Thomas George Sarhanis ’74 Thomas Sarhanis died on May 14th. As a young man, he was active in the youth group at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Brockton, MA. From 1966 to1972, he served as a sergeant in the Marine Corp. Reserves. In 1974, he moved to Cape Cod, where he

Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

taught high school business and managed departments in various grocery stores. In 1984, Sarhanis purchased a Pepperidge Farm Biscuit division business, which he diligently grew and expanded. He was recognized on numerous occasions for his achievements in sales and marketing, and enjoyed simple pleasures, including travel, fine dining, walking and the movies. He especially enjoyed spending time with his children, granddaughter, and dog, Molly. An ardent Red Sox fan, Sarhanis was also an avid nature lover who appreciated Cape Cod beaches, tropical islands, and the scenic highways of New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. He leaves his wife, Sophia; three children, Chrissa Maria Kaselis, Jonathan Thomas, and Mara Nicole; his mother, Irene; two brothers, Andrew and George; a sister, Marina Selby; a granddaughter; and many aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins.

Genevieve B. Wiater ’98 Genevieve B. Wiater of Dudley, MA, died February 22nd. She worked in the accounting department of the former American Optical Company in Southbridge for many years. She was a member of St. Andrew Bobola Church, the St. Anne and Holy Rosary Sodalities and the Black Tavern Historical Society. Wiater leaves two sisters, Irene and Helen; a niece, Diane McGrath and her husband, Kenneth; and one nephew, Michael Robillard.

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Peace Chaplaincy (Parenthetically Speaking) By Wayne-Daniel Berard


’d like to write about my favorite spiritual symbol. It’s not a cross, not a mahgen (star) of David or a lotus opening. Rather, it’s a set of parentheses. That’s right; this: ( ) An odd sort of spiritual symbol, I grant you, but take a closer look at it. Don’t just glance; sit with this page for a minute or two and rest your eyes on it (or, better, in it). After all, one function of a spiritual symbol is just this, to serve as a centering point for one’s spirit, something that speaks to the observer of the depths of that symbol’s content, even to inspire. Many have lost themselves for hours in contemplation of the cross; Jewish mystics visualize the star as they meditate; Buddhists see the entire process of enlightenment embodied in the gently opening petals of the lotus and its revealed center. So look at the parentheses. What do you see? Nothing? Just empty space? Look a little longer. Quiet your breathing a bit as you do so. Don’t try. Just be there, inside those gently arched impressions, those open gates. Do you start to sense it? The emptiness, it isn’t so empty. There’s a resonance to it. Potential ready to become. Become what? Whatever possibilities you bring to it. Remember that seemingly empty stainless steel ring at the cotton candy vendor’s? Doesn’t look like there’s anything within those parentheses, but pass that ordinary cardboard inside the rim and watch the color and flavor appear, seemingly out of the empty space. When I was asked to assume the duties of director of spiritual life and chaplain

at Nichols, we were all faced with just that sort of empty space. Father Conrad Pecevich, longtime College chaplain and a beloved, effective figure on campus had been reassigned to a pastorate. Anyone who’d had contact with Father knew that no one could take his place, as he was irreplaceable. So we were left with a space, a set of parentheses. As I mentioned, it’s long been my favorite spiritual symbol. So my decision was to trust it, to trust the potential it enabled, the spirit of an openness bounded in soft curves (like space/time) rather than limited by sharp corners (like a fence or a definition). There’s a story in mystical Judaism that before the creation of the universe, only one thing existed: God. So when God decided to make other things, first God had to withdraw back upon God’s self a little, to create room for the possible. Sounded like a good idea to me. So rather than trying to create a new spiritual universe at Nichols (composed, of course, largely of me, me, me!), I decided just to set up parentheses here and there in campus life and see what filled them; not to “do” and “make,” as much as to “let” and “allow.” A dear spiritual friend used to say of God’s work, “Great expectations; no specifications.” There’s also another word for it: trust. Trust not just in God but in God’s images and likenesses that fill our campus. One early set of parentheses was constructed of the phrase “Chaplaincy Group.” One day during the 1:30 p.m. break, an empty classroom filled with people from across the campus community—selfdescribed as Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Unitarian, Mormon, Seekers,

Spiritual-Rather-Than-Religious, students, faculty, staff—all gathered to help enable the spiritual at Nichols. Members of this group along with other volunteers planned a memorial service for one of our students, Kelly Proctor. The two arms of the parentheses opened to all who loved him, and even that absence was, in our hearts, full. There is another aspect to parentheses; they set things apart. The parenthetical is definitionally humble; it knows it’s not the main show (Nichols is a secular school). Parentheses are, however, incredibly important. They call us aside; there’s an intimacy about them (“between you and me…”), a quiet and a restfulness. We’re all so busy, so overburdened with stress and noise, from within and without. The parentheses of the spiritual says, “Come to me and rest,” and “Don’t just do something; sit there.” An essential truth, I think, is that people look to religion and spirituality for what they are not getting “out in the world,” in their everyday life. Thus when the stress of the holidays loomed, Chaplaincy offered an “Interwoven Retreat Day,” various times of prayer, scripture study, and a quiet luncheon which people could weave into their busy

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day as they wished. The Quiet Luncheon became a regular feature of Nichols life; weekly, members of the community can share a meal without the necessity of making conversation, while someone reads aloud. The Luncheons close with a brief meditation (ahhh). One begins to understand why the Torah’s word for “holy,” kodosh, literally means “set apart.” Parenthetical. Parentheses likewise have an unusual dual nature: they definitely set off a bit of space between their boundaries, but then leave that space open to be whatever it will be: ( ). Parentheses are a lens, establishing a frame, yes, but inviting the maximum entrance of light at the same time. As a director of spiritual life, an interfaith peace chaplain will try to do the same. The shape of such Chaplain-

cy’s efforts, its programs, its services, the college chapel itself, all offer a framework of expectation; God’s images and likenesses, their own divine energy and very human interests, provide the specifications. And so between a pair of purposely non-denominational parentheses, groups such as Catholic Campus Ministry Club, Campus Ambassadors for Christ, and Chavurah Nichols can find the space and light to thrive; within the bounded space of a truly interfaith chapel, all companions in the infinite process which is God, may recognize their own, and their shared, light. Meister Eckhart, the medieval Christian mystic, described God as “a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” A piece of that Limitless Circumference—such is a parenthesis.

Gifts of Bequests Generous Nichols College alumni, parents, spouses, faculty and friends choose to make a difference for future students and faculty by including Nichols College in their will. It is never too early to include the College in your estate plans. Bequests are easy to make through your will, and charitable bequests to benefit Nichols reduce the size of your taxable estate and may provide significant estate tax savings. You can choose to direct your gift to be used as an outright unrestricted gift to Nichols College, or you might choose a restricted gift to establish a scholarship, support a professorship or benefit a particular area of the College. A permanently named and endowed gift will provide income in perpetuity for your designated purpose. We recommend that you consult with your attorney, and ask that you call Vice President of Advancement Joe Cofield to discuss your wishes. And we encourage you to let us know if you are including Nichols College in your estate plans, so we can properly recognize your generosity. For more information, please contact Joe Cofield, vice president of advancement, at (508) 213-2428 or


Nichols College Magazine ● summer 2006

Take a piece from different ends of that Great Circle, Western, Eastern and everything in between, set them as an open, inviting gate to campus spirituality, and perhaps we can all come to realize, in our quiet and even in our rush, our own centrality to God, who loves non-denominationally, and who creates the most amazing colors and flavors just by moving in what may sometimes seem our emptiness. “Taste and see,” the psalmist says. In other words: ( ) *. Wayne-Daniel Berard, PhD, peace chaplain, is professor of English, director of spiritual life and chaplain of the College. * your name here

Maximize your Charitable Giving and Reduce Your Taxes on Stock Options If you have non-qualified stock options granted by your employer, you might be facing a good news /bad news situation. Given the market’s recent perfomance, the current price of your company’s stock may be significantly higher than the exercise price of your stock options. That’s the good news. The bad news is that the sale of your stock options is taxed as income, not as capital gains, no matter how long you’ve had the options. To turn this into a win/win situation, why not consider making a direct gift to Nichols College? This will help Nichols by maximizing your charitable gift to assist with critical goals such as building student scholarship funds, refurbishing our campus, and attracting and retaining the best and brightest faculty and will save you money on taxes. For more information please contact Joe Cofield, vice president of advancement, at (508) 213-2428 or

S tay C onn e ct e d ! Take a Trip Down Memory Lane Let us bring you back to some of your favorite moments! • Homecoming 1950 • The wild bunch • The women’s softball team crowned state champions! • The senior class play Your alma mater and classmates want to keep in touch with you! Sign up for the alumni email newsletter Nichols & Sense by sending your email address to:

summer 2006 ● Nichols College Magazine


Nichols College Alumni Receptions The Nichols College Alumni Association invites you to attend any of the alumni receptions on our 2006–2007 calendar. Reminisce with classmates, meet alumni in the area, listen to recent developments taking place on the Hill, and visit with a representative from the College.

September 18, 2006 September 27, 2006 September 30, 2006 October 5, 2006 October 24, 2006 February 26, 2007 February 27, 2007 March 1, 2007

Hartford, CT Springfield, MA West Point, NY Boston, MA* Greenwich, CT Naples, FL Palm Beach, FL Sarasota, FL

March 13, 2007 March 14, 2007 April 2, 2007 April 18, 2007 April 19, 2007 May 15, 2007 May 17, 2007 June 7, 2007

Newport Beach, CA Seattle, WA Long Island, NY Rochester, NY Buffalo, NY* Worcester, MA* Providence, RI Worcester, MA

For more information, visit our website at *Business breakfasts All dates and locations are tentative.

On May 2nd, over 60 alumni attended a business breakfast with guest speaker President Debra Murphy held at The Protector Group in Worcester, MA. The following alumni in the front row were the hosts for this special event: Joe Salois ’98, Jim Coghlin ’67, President Debra Murphy, Bob Vaudreuil ’77, Jim Paulhus ’81, Dennis Gorman ’78, George Kustigian ’81, and Chris McCarthy ’92 MBA ’97.

PO Box 5000 Dudley, MA 01571-5000

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