Nichols College Fall-Winter 2010 Magazine

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Volume 5, Issue 2 | Fall / Winter 2010 | Annual Report


The changing face of Nichols





Transitional lens As a graduate, trustee, and former chairman of the board of Nichols College, I’ve maintained a strong association with the institution over the past 40 years. And, through my involvement with the board of Nichols Academy, it’s even fair to say that I have a connection to the past, present and future of Nichols. My experience with the College from these vantage points has prepared me well for my current role as interim president. I am familiar with the challenges and opportunities facing Nichols, but more importantly, I am committed to finding a visionary and effective leader who can recognize the proud history of this institution, build on its accomplishments and set a course for continued progress. To that end, we have assembled an impressive Presidential Search Committee with representation from the trustees, alumni, faculty, staff and students, and we have contracted with the firm of Witt/Kieffer to direct the search. Our goal is to conduct a participatory and painstaking process to

Your Success Is Our Business

ensure we find the right match, and our hope is to announce the next president of Nichols College in the spring. In the meantime, it’s not just “business as usual.” The Nichols community is fully focused on maintaining the momentum of recent achievements. One exciting project is the transformation of Alumni Hall to a new campus center. Alumni Hall, which was built in 1948 and dedicated to the memory of the 18 Nichols alumni who lost their lives in World War II, has been the center of many activities at Nichols, but we all agree it has seen better days. The reconstructed Alumni Hall will serve a variety of purposes and offer a modern facility for the co-curricular and social interests of our students. This building project will be viewed as a defining moment for Nichols and an ideal opportunity to galvanize support for the changing face of the College. (You can read more about the new campus center on page 7.)

EDITOR Susan Veshi ON CAMPUS EDITOR Dorothy Millhofer

Working on the day-to-day operations of the College and helping to plan for a secure future during this transitional time, I have a new-found respect for the dedication of the faculty, the support of the staff and the motivation of our students. I am determined to see that Nichols remains in good hands and fulfills its potential as a premier business school.

Gerald Fels '66, DBA (Hon.) '07

CONTRIBUTORS Brianne Callahan, Julie Errico, Hillary Haynes, Christine Jankowski, Walt Peters, Bill Pieczynski, Ronald Powers, Len Suprise DESIGN Patricia Korch PRINTING Finlay / Bloomfield, CT COVER ILLUSTRATION Juster Pope Frazier LLC Architects Northampton, MA NICHOLS COLLEGE

PO Box 5000 123 Center Road Dudley, MA 01571-5000 508-213-1560 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m., M–F Periodicals postage paid at Webster, MA, and additional mailing offices. NICHOLS COLLEGE MAGAZINE

(UPSP 390480) is published three times a year by Nichols College, Dudley, MA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Advancement Office NICHOLS COLLEGE

PO Box 5000 Dudley, MA 01571-5000


Volume 5, Issue 2 | Fall/Winter 2010 | Annual Report



2 | Water blogged 2 | Degree in three 2 | Fischer Institute enters fourth decade of programming


10 | 12 | 12 | 13 |

Homecoming 2010 View from the Hill Class Notes


Catching up with: Jenness Robbins ’62

15 | Catching up with: F E AT U R E S

4 | Building momentum 8 | Smith tackles ‘civil rights

Brad Child ’70

16 | Catching up with: Roberto Alvarez ’73

19 | Nichols Remembers

on the gridiron’ in upcoming book as new Stansky Professor AT H L E T I C S

9 | Polocrosse anyone? Nichols sophomore trades rackets in summer



Cover: Rendering of the new student center by architects Juster Pope Frazier LLC




Water blogged Join Ed Baia ’12 on his adventures with Semester at Sea as he blogs his experiences aboard the cruise ship MV Explorer. Baia, Nichols’ second student to participate in the program, is taking courses and soaking up the sun and culture in a whirlwind tour of 12 different countries. Baia began his journey on August 26 from Halifax, Nova Scotia, and is studying consumer psychology, globalization, emerging markets, and global studies. On August 30, he writes, “… So far the introduction to each class has been very

interesting as they all relate to life experiences we will have in the port and the examination of the different cultures we will be visiting rather than on facts and stats.” In an entry dated September 8, Baia describes part of his day in Spain: “The next visit was to Cordoba, where we spent the afternoon walking around and visiting the city that is full of both artifacts from Islamic and Christian religions. The Mezquita Mosque is truly one amazing compound to see, one of the most interesting things to see is the Roman artifacts that are blended in with the Islamic Mosque. One of the things you would never expect to see in each other.”

To read more and follow Ed Baia on his “once-in-a-lifetime experience,” visit

Degree in three Nichols College is offering an opportunity for students to earn a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration degree in three years. The custom-designed 3 Year Program allows graduates to earn 121 credits, the same number of credits as the traditional four-year program, and offers participants



the added benefit of saving on tuition costs. “The program offers unique economic and professional advantages for motivated students who want to be academically challenged,” says Tom Cafaro, vice president for enrollment and marketing. “Students receive a quality Nichols education but get a career jump on the competition.”

1980 With a new director, Blanche Milligan, taking the helm this summer, the Robert C. Fischer Policy & Cultural Institute enters its fourth decade of providing stimulating programming in public policy issues and cultural enrichment. Tracking records show that between the academic years of 1999-2010, the Institute has organized over 731 events with a total attendance by students at 42,755, by local residents at 7,198, for a grand total participation of 49,953. Over 26 percent of members in the Class of 2010 exceeded the 28 cultural credits required for graduation. When Milligan, who most recently served as the executive director of the Northeast Cultural Coop in Amherst, N.H., joined Nichols in late June, she began work on the Institute’s fall schedule. “As I get to know the college community, I will reach out to the best speakers available in their fields to help enhance the curriculum and engage the public in what we are doing here at Nichols,” she says. She brings to her role experience with the New Hampshire Humanities Council, the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia, the Southeast Regional Education Services Center, and the American Stage Festival, as well as her academic credentials: a B.A. in art history from Moore College of Art and an M.A. in English from the Bread Loaf School of English at Middlebury College. Milligan is making a renewed effort to connect with local community groups and collaborate with faculty and staff. For example, the Nichols’ Sept. 15th Constitution Day speaker, Professor Richard A. Hesse from the Franklin Pierce Law Center, addressed the Black Tavern Historical Society the next morning. Also, Milligan hooked the Bison Book Club into reading The Book of Salt by Oct. 4th Institute speaker Monique Troung. There’s a neighborly advantage to Milligan’s face-to-face meetings. She made a connection with the Dudley Library to collaborate on programs and author visits. She also met with the Dudley Woman’s Club, discussed the Club’s participation in the Nichols celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Women’s History Month next March, and then, joined the Club as a member. This fall, the Institute’s programs offer an array of subjects, from a discussion about hot issues in New England politics with former state representative Cheryl Jacques, to an illustrated talk on political cartoons with Richard Minear, author of the book: Dr. Seuss Goes to War. Other notable speakers include Lou Imbriano, CEO of TrinityOne Worldwide and former VP and chief marketing officer of the New England Patriots, and film director/activist Jen Marlowe. Rounding out speaking events are musical performances, a poetry slam, Cajun dancing… something for everyone.


~ 2010

Fischer Institute enters fourth decade of programming 1980-1984: THE EARLY YEARS  Institute of American Values established, promoting free enterprise message built around balanced, quality programs and events  Robert C. Fischer comes from Olivet College in Michigan to direct the Institute  Inaugural program in Nov. 1981 sets a high mark: George Gilder, Dr. Russell Kirk, Robert Crandall and Governor George Romney

1984-1986: ROUNDING OUT & FITTING IN  Common calendar developed  Cultural enrichment program with modest budget added  Cultural credit program started

1986-1996: THE MATURE PROGRAM  Network expands as Fischer connects with Worcester as an “Ambassador of Good Will,” president of the Worcester Economic Club and member of the Worcester Committee on Foreign Relations  Alumni Associates group grows strong, have yearly retreats  Advisory Council expands to include regional and national leaders  Bridge to Washington, D.C., created with internship program  Publications take hold: Sovereign Citizen, Civil Reflections

1996-1999: TRANSITION & CHANGE  Keen interest of Fred Currier, a Michigan-based pollster for presidential campaigns, results in gift to move Institute to a newly renovated facility (renamed the Currier Center following Currier’s death in 1999)  Bob Fischer dies in March 1998 and is remembered as a great facilitator, bringing together all kinds of people

1999-present: A NEW ERA  Former Dean of Students Roger Carney is named director and moves performance arts under the same roof as public policy; Carney retires in 2004  Len Harmon transitions as director; implements online cultural credit option  Institute continues as a “bridge to the community”; broadens and defines Nichols’ academic and social life  Blanche Milligan takes the helm in 2010  Program attendance tops 50,000

Blanche Milligan, new director of the Fischer Institute



Building momentum This spring, Nichols College will break ground for a new campus center, one of six new buildings to be added to the campus in the past five years...



As Nichols approaches its bicentennial in 2015, the learning and living landscape is transforming to increase capacity, improve function and enhance appearance. Campus growth and renewal is changing the face of Nichols.

Ca m p us res identia l When the College began to see record-breaking enrollment returns on recruitment investments, it sought to build on its strong bones and classic charm as a quintessential New England village to accommodate a new and larger generation of students. A needs assessment revealed that the College had sufficient classrooms and dining, athletic and library facilities to handle the increase. What was needed was additional living space. Robert LaVigne, associate vice president for building and grounds who began in March 2006, remembers a time when the buzz word was “beds.” “We need beds, beds, beds, beds, beds,” he recalls of the administrative directive. “It was all about beds for about two years.” He had been on the job for less than a year when he converted his department to a mini construction company. The College added three modular units, North, South and Center halls; built the apartment-style Copper Beech I and II; renovated Olsen Hall; and created more beds in Remillard and Budleigh halls. In just three summers, Nichols added 248 beds to campus, representing a one-third increase to the total of 975 beds. Today, with a student body comprised of some 85 percent residents, LaVigne contends, “We have maximized every inch of living space.”

sity for 22 years before coming to Nichols, also has an eye for what gives a college presence. Copper Beech I and Copper Beech II on Center Road and the grassy area in between is a good example. “When you arrive on campus, you know you’ve arrived,” LaVigne says of the Copper Beech quad. “It brings density to the campus. The students love it. They’ve had several events in the area, including the fall extravaganza.” The area has also been prepped to add a stage to serve as a possible concert venue. One of the aims of campus renewal has been to put “more green on campus and a little less asphalt,” says LaVigne. Trees play a big role in the transition, and LaVigne and his crew have planted 100 in the past three years. “On all of the good campuses, the walks are lined with mature trees. We are planting new trees for future generations.” He points to Budleigh Hill as the epitome of distinction at Nichols, saying, “This is the diamond in the rough, a beautiful area of the campus with the most mature trees.” Budleigh Hill has been “reinvented,” according to LaVigne, with a cobblestone walkway, seating areas, period lighting and a handsome new home for the Forestry Program marker inscribed with “19541970, The Best Damn Group That Ever Lived.” Wanting to preserve the history of the area, the College also removed a

The gra s s is a lways gre en e r Maintaining a bird’s eye as well as a worm’s eye view of the campus environs, LaVigne, having worked at Brown Univer-




12-foot wide road in front of Budleigh and replaced it with an 8-foot wide walking path that prohibits vehicles (except emergency vehicles). Another visible change was the renovation of the Campus Common. In 2009, with a grant from the Fred Harris Daniels Foundation and a private donation, the College was able to replace the walkway surrounding the Common, create new pathways from the library to Davis Hall, add pedestrian amenities, such as street lamps and benches, and install an irrigation system to maintain newly planted trees and landscaping.

Use r fr ie nd ly Keeping students on the right path at Nichols doesn’t only mean providing moral guidance. Some of the finer points of campus renovation have provided optimal safety and access to students. “One of the things I first noticed when I came here was the campus was not pedestrian friendly. It certainly had more of a vehicular feel to it. Cars came first, pedestrians came second,” LaVigne says. Examining foot traffic patterns throughout campus, he championed the redesign and reconstruction of campus walkways. With the north-south access clearly defined by Center Road, the College looked to improve the east-west connection. Budleigh Hill, which sits at the center of residential and athletic life, serves as a gateway. “Whether students are athletes or they just want to work out, they have to get across

Budleigh Hill. We’ve never provided an easy way for them to do that.” Last year, Shamie and the residence halls on the west side of Center Road were connected to the Athletic Center with a set of stairs, lighting and a direct pathway. This summer, a walkway was added between the Auditorium and Budleigh Hall to access the athletic areas. Says LaVigne, “We’ve connected the athletic areas with the west side of campus. It’s been a big hit with the students.” Reshaping the campus for growth, function and appearance has revitalized the nearly 200-year-old school. New buildings, fresh landscapes and attention to even the slightest detail have ensured that the face of the College, like its students, will always remain youthful.

I haven’t been back to campus in 20 years and I think the changes are great. It’s clear that the College has put time, effort and thought into the design of the buildings and campus.

Milt Hallowell '50

Today, with a student body comprised of some 85 percent residents, LaVigne contends, “We have maximized every inch of living space.”



Alumni Hall reborn

A new campus center, constructed on the site of Alumni Hall, was the centerpiece of a Campus Master Plan that was approved by the College’s Board of Trustees in 2009. “A top priority for the Board is creating a learning and living environment that supports Nichols mission and promotes the curricular and co-curricular pursuits of our students,” said Chairman John H. McClutchy, Jr. “The reconstructed Alumni Hall will serve several of these purposes.” At 26,600 square feet, the new facility will occupy the same footprint as its predecessor but will double the space. The building will house office space for residence life, student activities and career services; classrooms; meeting/work space for clubs; an alternative food service; the post office; bookstore; and the radio station. Also under consideration is a trading room to engage students and faculty in the world of finance. The College plans to break ground for the project this spring with an expected opening date of Fall 2012 and expected cost of nearly $7 million.

The campus looks tremendous, a good blend of old and new buildings. Nichols is very welcoming and vibrant.

Tom Hopkirk '70

By any measure… The changing face of Nichols College can be demonstrated in a number of ways:

7 residence facilities added/significantly renovated

248 student beds added (34 percent increase)

73 period lamps installed 100 trees planted 1,627 plants/shrubs planted 33 benches/picnic tables added 7,500 feet (1.42 miles) of new or refurbished walks

23 classrooms renovated (85 percent of inventory)

700 irrigation heads installed

“We’ve connected the athletic areas with the west side of campus. It’s been a big hit with the students.”



Smith tackles ‘civil rights on the gridiron’ in upcoming book as new Stansky Professor In 1961, during the height of the Civil Rights Movement, the Kennedy Administration made a bold move against segregation when it pressured the owner of the Washington Redskins – the only team in the National Football League without a black player – to integrate. At the center of the drama were two protagonists: George Preston Marshall, the irascible Redskins owner who vehemently resisted integration; and Stewart Udall, the relentless secretary of the interior under President John F. Kennedy who ultimately forced Marshall’s hand. In his new book, Washington Blitz: the Redskins, the White House and the Showdown over Integration (working title) to be published next year, Nichols Professor Thomas Smith will present this tale of political maneuvering, racial tension and high stakes professional sports that pit conservatives against liberals in a debate over whether the U.S. government overstepped its authority by interfering with a private business. He does so as the newly appointed Robert E. Stansky Distinguished Professor. The professorship is the first fully endowed at Nichols and was created through the generosity of Robert Stansky ’78 to recognize the College’s commitment to the highest quality teaching as well as an individual professor’s contributions to advancing the Nichols mission. Smith is the second recipient of the rotating position, which enabled his predecessor, Finance Professor William Lasher, to finish work on the sixth edition of his financial management textbook and to sponsor a group of eight students specializing in finance to attend the RISE IX financial forum at the University of Dayton. “This is an honor for my past teaching, my past research, and my past service to the College as well as for the projects I have in hand,” Smith says of the distinction. Senior Vice President and Provost Alan Reinhardt, PhD, agrees: “Tom is an incredible draw for students. He also performs a great deal of traditional research and service to Nichols. He truly exemplifies the ideal of teaching, scholarship and service.” Smith has been given release time and funding to pursue his research and writing of the book and to create activities and opportunities for students to learn outside the classroom, such as travel to historical locations. He is also envisioning the broader implications of his work and its value to the Nichols educational experience. “We’re exploring the idea of introducing a sports history class in 2011,” he says. “This would be a good vehicle to show the many ways that sports mirror U.S. society.”



The controversial tug-ofwar between the Redskins and the White House is a fitting example and appeals to Smith on several levels. “Three of my interests – sports, modern U.S. history, and Stewart Udall – all came together in this one topic,” says Smith. He had written on the subject Thomas Smith has been a memin an article called “Civil ber of the Nichols faculty since Rights on the Gridiron” 1975. He is the author of two which was published in the books: Green Republican about Journal of Sport History in Republican environmentalist 1987. The book idea was John Saylor; and Independent, prompted by Beacon Press co-written with Robert Brower, after the publisher spotted about Lewis Douglas, FDR’s a reprint of the article on budget director and U.S. in 2002. In it, sador to Great Britain. He has Smith chronicles the series of written extensively on Stewart volatile and highly publicized Udall, secretary of the interior for events that ended with the Kennedy Administration, and Marshall’s grudging acquieswas instrumental in getting him cence when Udall threatened to speak at Nichols in 1986. to deny Marshall the use of D.C. Stadium – for which he had just signed a 30-year lease – for discriminatory hiring practices because it was constructed with public funds. “It’s tough to write about a guy like [Marshall]. He doesn’t have many redeeming features,” says Smith. Though Marshall, who suffered a debilitating stroke in 1963, may always be vilified as the last owner in the NFL to integrate his team, he was also a pioneer, says Smith. “He proposed splitting the league into two divisions with a season-ending championship game, now called the Super Bowl. He also suggested the player draft and roster limitations and helped bring about several rule changes.” As a grand showman, Smith adds, Marshall also introduced the half-time extravaganza because he believed football was a pageant similar to the “gladiator shows” of ancient Rome. Smith feels the book will have widespread appeal because it deals with human emotions that teach lessons about racism and the stupidity of bigotry. But of all the lessons he’d like to convey to readers, Smith says he hopes one thing will be clear: “a history book can be interesting.”


Polocrosse anyone? Nichols sophomore trades rackets in summer


ports fans often times think they’ve seen and heard it all, from rugby to jai alai, from badminton to cricket. But sophomore Dan Young, who spends his summers playing polocrosse in his native Ireland, has opened up a whole new world of sport to Nichols College. Young, an All-The Commonwealth Coast Conference men’s tennis singles selection in his rookie season last year at Nichols, has spent the last six summers across the pond training in polocrosse, which is pretty much what it sounds like: a combination of polo and lacrosse, or essentially lacrosse on horse. Developed in Australia prior to World War II, polocrosse progressed from an indoor workout for horses to a game with an established rulebook by 1939. The game spread to South Africa by the 1950s and to England in 1978 and the formation of the UK Polocrosse Association in 1985. Young’s father, David, brought the sport to Ireland in 1990, and now as the 2011 World Cup approaches, the event is set to be hosted in England and outside Australia for the first time since the tournament’s inception in 2003. Polocrosse is gaining in popularity globally, and Ireland has 10 clubs alone. Currently eight teams have been invited to the 2011 World Cup, including Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Young plays for the Horetown Club in Foulksmills, Co. Wexford, and is the primary attacker on the field, or Number 1 position. The game is played with two teams of six playing three vs. three for six chukkas, or periods. After each chukka, the teams alternate players on the field. An average score is around 20 points, but according to Young, can go as high as 30.

His tennis style is much more defensive and won Young 13 singles matches last season as Nichols posted the best record in program history and advanced to the TCCC semifinals for the first time. Young thwarted conference foes to go a perfect 8-0 during TCCC matches, never once going to three sets. Head Men’s Tennis Coach Paul Brower says of Young, “He anticipates very well and is one of the strongest players mentally that I

“It’s really, really fun. You can’t describe it. You’re going so fast on a horse and it’s combining hand-eye coordination skill.” “Polocrosse is one of the most exciting sports,” says Young. “It’s really, really fun. You can’t describe it. You’re going so fast on a horse and it’s combining hand-eye coordination skill.” Young described the stick as being similar to a lacrosse stick but having a deeper net and a bigger head. “You can swing it all over the place and it won’t fall out as easily as a lacrosse stick,” he explains. There is little contact in polocrosse, which is called “The King of the One Horse Sports,” because, unlike polo, players ride only one horse. This caused some trouble for Young’s team in the most recent national event. “We didn’t do so well because our horses got injured,” he says. “That’s a big part of it, keeping your horse healthy. It’s a lot of work.” As the Number 1, Young must bounce the rubber ball, about the size of a softball, on the ground before attempting to score through upright goalposts in the ground. In the attacking third of the field, he is only defended by his opponent’s Number 3 player.

have ever worked with. He has a very creative all-court game where he uses his defensive style to generate great offensive opportunities and is a very aggressive finisher.” Though Young has been riding horses since he can remember, he wasn’t interested in the typical equestrian activities. “I don’t know some of the terms about riding. My dad knows all the equestrian terms. I know how to ride playing

polocrosse,” he says. “It’s something different than jumping or dressage. I like jumping, but dressage is kind of slow. Jumping’s exciting. I don’t like doing something that’s not exciting.” This past summer, Young split his time between playing polocrosse and breaking horses for his dad. But his tennis game hasn’t seemed to suffer, as the sophomore won the fourth singles flight at the Holy Cross Invitational in early September and succumbed in three close sets at Wesleyan University long after darkness fell and the lights came on the Robinson Courts. His sights are set on a TCCC tennis championship come spring, and past that, a couple of things come to mind. One is using his sport management degree to become the general manager of the New York Knicks, his favorite team. The other includes training to represent Ireland in a future polocrosse World Cup, possibly in 2015.








A balmy weekend was the backdrop for Homecoming 2010 on September 24 and 25 as alumni returned to the Hill to show their Bison pride. The third annual Ice Hockey Alumni Golf Tournament at Dudley Hill Golf Club kicked off the festivities on Friday and generated more than $4,000 to support the ice hockey team. On Friday evening, alumni, family and friends gathered for the Alumni Awards and Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner. The President’s Breakfast on Saturday provided an opportunity for reunion classes and Nichols volunteers to be recognized, and on Saturday


Creating OppOrtunities 2 0 1 0






Dear alumni, Friends, parents, Faculty and staff of nichols College, the theme of the 2009-2010 annual appeal, creating opportunities then…and now, reflects the enduring commitment of nichols College to provide today’s students with a dynamic career-focused experience, the same as i had some 40 years ago. though nichols has changed since then, the College remains true to its mission of developing tomorrow’s business leaders. the donors recognized in this annual report play a critical role in making that happen. Your gifts help provide nichols students with the tools for success – a relevant business curriculum, new facilities, increased academic resources, technology upgrades, scholarships, and many opportunities to learn and lead in and out of the classroom. i have been proud to serve as the president’s society chair in the 2009-2010 fiscal year, and i am pleased to share these accomplishments of the college:

~ raised a total of $3,364,939 in restricted and unrestricted gifts

~ received a generous $2 million commitment from brothers John ’72 and steve ’80 Davis

~ Kicked off the reunion Challenge resulting in 10 classes reaching the $25,000 goal

~ generated more than 50 new president’s

society members through the matching gift support of an anonymous donor.

thank you for your continued support to nichols and its students. i look forward to continuing my support of nichols with you, to create even more opportunities now, and in the future.

Ed Donahue ’72

this report reflects gifts to nichols College from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010.

Ed Donahue ’72 2009-2010 President’s Society Chair Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Vitruvian Exploration, LLC The Woodlands, Texas

“Thank you for

your continued support to Nichols and its



President’s Society scholars’ society Gifts of $25,000 or more Fred C. and Katherine B. andersen Fdn. Keith t. anderson ayco Charitable gift Fund randall V. and Donna Becker Oliver W. Jr. and Jane t. Birckhead patricia a. Clark Fred Harris Daniels Fdn. irene e. and george a. Davis Fdn. John H. and robyn Davis stephen a. and ramona Davis Mary C. DeFeudis gerald and Marilyn Fels richard B. and sarah Hardy Hyde/Dexter-russell Charitable Fdn. robert B. and nancy Kuppenheimer peter L. and Madeline Lynch raymond C. pecor Jr. Martin J. and shelly power

trustees’ society Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 James W. sr. and nancy Coghlin Community Fdn. of Western Mass. Fidelity Charitable gift Fund george F. and sybil H. Fuller Fdn. thomas J. and Denise B. Hall Kurt r. and Carolyn Harrington Barry D. Hogan John H. Jr. and Janet McClutchy thomas H. and ann niles robert e. and Kathleen stansky robert J. and sheila Vaudreuil

president’s green Circle Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Mrs. Herman F. Becker Howard K.O. Jr. and andrea Chong richard p. Clinton robert F. Dorsey James L. Dunbar raymond p. Faucher Jimmy gahan Charitable Fdn. Jeff r. and Kristin Johnson Leo V. Marshall nuveen investments Lovett C. peters alan r. peterson Charles a. petrillo alvah O. rock sodexo inc. & affiliates united Way of Central Massachusetts Webster Five Fdn.

president’s gold Circle Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Constantine alexander Wayne J. archambo Jonathan D. Blake Charles p. Burnett iii Frank r. Burns Jr. John B. and Maria Dirlam William D. Fowler David g. Hale Michael a. Jones Joshua green Fdn. inc. William F. Keats Lorna D. stearns Masakazu sugiyama Wachovia Fdn. Charles Jr. and star Zabriskie

president’s silver Circle $1,000 to $2,499 edward J. abell iii

* Deceased

Laurie p. albert Marty allen Brent J. andersen richard M. and Marie angers Bank of america Bruce r. Barton anthony J. Baudanza r. Donald Bean iii Marc D. and andrea C. Becker David g. and ellen J. Bedard alice C. Belden robert Q. Benowitz Brenda M. Bianculli richard a. Blankley Donn e. Bleau Boston Fdn. Kevin F. Brassard robert a. and Janet Bullard george s. Butler thomas r. Cafaro tammy a. Cardillo armand J. Carrano eugene p. Cenci ross H. Chambers stephen p. Chernock Jr. Chevrontexaco William s. Cleary gordon e. Clement James L. Jr. and Benita Conrad roger p. Crandall paul W. Cutler Henri M. David Jr. george e. deredon albert J. Digregorio* edward a. Dixon edwin B. Donahue William F. Dore Jr. David C. Duhamel susan M. Duhamel peter M. and sherry e. engh richard L. english raymond F. essig Jeronimo esteve-abril terence M. Farrell thomas e. Franzese Michael W. Frisbie Cecil M. gabbett iii steven C. and patricia Lyons gallo peter F. garrell Leo L. gaudette Dwight W. gesswein goldman sachs James F. goulet Marianne e. gruskin samuel r. Haines David s. Hammond Hanover insurance Co. John M. Harrison Bruce i. Haslun raymond W. Hencir patricia a. Hertzfeld richard L. Hilliard Calvin a. Hills Jr. Christine Holmes Bradley s. Hvolbeck Kenneth B. ingraham Jonathan H. and rosemarie ives Johnson & Johnson roy t. Johnson Jean D. Jones and Dale Harger Lafayette Keeney Judith Keyser Kelly Kincannon gregory B. King richard C. Knoener robert H. Kullas Heidi e. Kunkel Jack C. Lambui Christopher g. Langlois robert LaVigne

Lockheed Martin Corp. thomas s. and terri t. Lodge David F. and susan D. Lombard thomas a. Loricco Francis J. Lovell Michael a. Lukasek John D. Macphail robert p. Macpherson Jr. William K. Mahler Jr. richard C. Makin edward p. Mazzetta Christopher W. and Kim M. McCarthy Dr. Brian t. and Monique a. McCoy Lee a. Mcnelly Frank a. Michienzi robert e. and sylvia Miller stephen W. Miller robbie p. and Holly M. Munce Munce’s superior inc. John a. Murphy Jr. edmund J. Murrah Horace s. nichols William F. O’Connell Jr. Matthew B. O’Connor Keith a. and Dena O’Hara suryakant M. patel MD ernest pekmezaris Walter t. peters William C. pieczynski shlomo pinkas Jerome priest earl s. prolman Leslie H. read alan J. reinhardt David W. rodgers Lloyd M. roth Charles e. sage r. Joseph and Joanne salois robert t. sanford richard W. scheffler Frank C. schroll Jr. Martin schwab William r. scott peter F. sennott richard F. shields thomas g. sleasman edward J. socha Henry p. st. Cyr state Farm Cos. Douglas s. stirling Mark a. sweeney Kent tarrant susan K. tellier Joseph p. tokarz William M. treffinger edward trenkmann Jr. robert V. trudel george t. tucker Walter urtz Dominic C.* and suzanne r. Varisco george a. Vaughan Jr. Michael J. and Joan Vendetti James D. Wagner alexander s. Walker W. Bruce Wallin paul J. Washburn Jr. John F. White george e. Withington Jack e. Zacks paul e. Zimmerman

president’s society now Classes 2000-2004: gifts of $500 Classes 2005-2010: gifts of $250 Leonard K. Harmon




Milestones nichols College gratefully acknowledges the generous support and leadership of these individuals, corporations and foundations that have reached the following milestones in their individual cumulative giving to nichols. We appreciate their significant financial commitment to nichols and our mission of developing tomorrow's business leaders.

Alumni Donors CLass Of 1937 President’s Silver Circle Alexander S. Walker Supporters rene D. Daniels *

robert W. Jewell Robert A. Mattia Robert W. Needham Charles poladian Philip R. Smith James M. Strong Jr. Lawrence S. Student #

CLass Of 1949

Fred C. and Katherine B. andersen Fdn.

Supporters Thomas R. Gross # Bernice Sheldon #


CLass Of 1940

gerald and Marilyn Fels

anonymous robert B. Kuppenheimer

Hilltoppers’ Club george F. McKisson sr. Robert D. Taft # Supporters Richard A. McLellan # epworth s. Moulton

President’s Gold Circle William D. Fowler President’s Silver Circle Gordon E. Clement Lafayette Keeney # Hilltoppers’ Club Arnold D. Cramer george M. Kevlin Frederick a. Mock Jr. John L. sullivan Jr. Charles D. Watrous Supporters Dudley A. Hawley Jr. robert C. Luse robert a. Martel


CLass Of 1941 Academy Associates John H. Vanderveer Jr. # Hilltoppers’ Club De Loss Blackburn Allen F. Diefenderfer Jr. # Stephen V. Lewis H. austin Mitscher

CLass Of 1950

Frederick p. Currier * John H. Davis stephen a. Davis george F. and sybil H. Fuller Fdn. David F. and susan D. Lombard


$2,500,000 irene e. & george a. Davis Fdn.


$750,000 george i. alden trust Fred Harris Daniels Fdn.

$500,000 Oliver W. Jr. and Jane Birckhead raymond shamie * stoddard Charitable trust

$400,000 Keith t. anderson randall V. and Donna Becker Martin J. power arthur J. remillard

CLass Of 1939

CLass Of 1942 Scholars’ Society Oliver W. Birckhead Jr. Hilltoppers’ Club robert g. adams John D. Kurtz Supporters philip C. gould *

CLass Of 1943

James W. Coghlin sr. richard B. Hardy Hyde/Dexter-russell Charitable Fdn.

Hilltoppers’ Club Charles S. Jones Supporters Morton I. Levine


CLass Of 1947

Davis educational Fdn. roger Lavoie *

Mary C. DeFeudis James L. Dunbar raymond C. pecor Jr. Francis W. robinson Jr. *

Academy Associates Charles W. Ebert Jr. Hilltoppers’ Club Howard L. Bickford Kendall M. Dolbeare robert W. smith Supporters Donald p. Barry Wilbur F. Charter Bernard J. Gevry


CLass Of 1948

Mrs. Herman F. Becker Commerce insurance Co. albert J. Digregorio * John B. Dirlam robert C. Fischer * robert r. gurnett * peter L. Lynch John H. McClutchy Jr. thomas B. Mcilvain Jr. Lovett C. peters irvin a. shiner * united Lens Co. inc. robert J. Vaudreuil Webster Five Fdn.

President’s Silver Circle Horace S. Nichols Academy Associates Albert L. Wyer Hilltoppers’ Club Walter e. Bennett Sumner F. Bissell Lewis B. erwin Jr. Robert A. Green # Townsend T. Mink # Charles a. pappas Supporters Donald A. Baker Nicholas S. Constantine Peter C. Friend *


$200,000 Howard K.O. Chong Jr. norman B. Wenk Jr. *


* Deceased # Donor to nichols College for 20 or more consecutive years names in bold indicate nichols College donors for five or more consecutive years

President’s Silver Circle Jeronimo esteve-abril Walter T. Peters # Edward Trenkmann Jr. Hilltoppers’ Club Allan P. Dunn # Charles L. Foote Jr. Albert W. Hanlon Jr. alden L. ingraham Homer W. Jones Jr. Frederick J. Levitan William C. Loughran David P. Michaels Archie E. Mitchell Jr. # robert risk Jr. John a. Veazey Wilbur W. Whedon Supporters Robert H. Bacon Robert L. Collingwood David P. Graham Milton L. Hallowell # John B. Jenkins richard C. Kosse William T. Lawson # John M. McCullum richard n. Wedmore Robert M. Zangler III

CLass Of 1951 President’s Green Circle James L. Dunbar President’s Silver Circle Stephen W. Miller # Academy Associates James E. Coley III John H. Flagg Jr. Hilltoppers’ Club Thomas W. Bartsch Jr. William A. Haskell # edwin W. Hawley John p. talbot Supporters Robert W. Butler Holmes V. Tracy Jr.

CLass Of 1952 President’s Silver Circle Robert A. Bullard # Frank C. Schroll Jr. robert V. trudel


IN JIMMy’S MEMOry hen their son, Jimmy, a nichols College junior, was killed in the station nightclub fire in 2003, Jim and Carol gahan promised “to create something positive, beneficial and lasting” to keep his spirit alive. through the Jimmy gahan Charitable Foundation, their goal was to endow three funds – one of which was to reward the academic and co-curricular achievements of a nichols student. “We’ve accomplished quite a bit, but we’re only part way to what we had hoped to accomplish,” says Jim gahan, owner of Falmouth antiques. at nichols, their quest was aided with an initial gift of $25,000 from Jerry ’66 and Marilyn Fels, and each year the James C. gahan iV endowed scholarship gets stronger with a contribution from the gahan Foundation, which raises some $30,000 a year through a golf tournament and silent auction to support its endeavors. the gahans have also continued Jimmy’s passion for music by funding improvements to WnrC radio, where Jimmy co-hosted “Jim and Mikey’s power Hour,” such as a renovated station, new equipment, a signal boost and enhanced music library. the gahans are planning far into the future to ensure their efforts honor Jimmy’s memory in perpetuity. they are determined to keep their promise.


Academy Associates Frank p. Duffy Hilltoppers’ Club Gilbert R. Anderson Jerre C. Budd Robert B. Magnus Jr. # James H. McManus Jr. Gilbert W. Parks Frederick L. Pratt Donald s. putnam Supporters Herbert O. Bascome Daniel E. Berman Charles C. Haggerty everett F. Jewell Leo S. Maniatty David R. Peil

CLass Of 1953 President’s Silver Circle Jack C. Lambui Hilltoppers’ Club Charles W. Dragon # David J. Landau Francis L. Lemay # John P. Melvin Lyman W. phillips Jr. Howard A. Raphaelson arthur a. ristau Jr. edson C. taylor Supporters george H. Hull William W. Koerner #

Edward J. Schroeder II William H. spring

CLass Of 1954 President’s Green Circle richard p. Clinton President’s Silver Circle Robert Q. Benowitz Earl S. Prolman Hilltoppers’ Club Louis J. alberico James E. Burnet III # Donald J. Dyer John r. Houghton Edward A. Hunt Jr. e. anthony infante * John J. McCabe Jr. Supporters Robert A. Brilhart Bruce S. Buttinghausen Franklyn H. Kilby Donald E. Schafer richard B. shanklin Donald r. siegel Davies Tainter Jr. #

CLass Of 1955 President’s Gold Circle Charles P. Burnett III President’s Silver Circle roy t. Johnson Leslie H. read

Academy Associates Donald e. gugelman John n. Katori robert F. Wagner Hilltoppers’ Club robert H. Kemp Louis W. Kinzer Jr. Fred K. Lindsay Carlton s. Littell edgar s. Murray iii Frederick W. neilsen Jr. Supporters george a. Barbieri averell D. Litt edward H. Matthiack Ronald J. Swenn

CLass Of 1956 President’s Green Circle Raymond P. Faucher # President’s Silver Circle Richard L. English # Lloyd M. Roth Academy Associates Jerold M. sidman Hilltoppers’ Club John p. Durney Arthur L. Fries # W. t. Keith Supporters David C. Bidwell Richard A. Clarenbach Richard D. Coe




Jack r. Kalman Joseph a. Mendez richard D. strahman Glenn M. Terrill

CLass Of 1957 President’s Silver Circle George S. Butler Cecil M. Gabbett III Kent Tarrant Walter Urtz Hilltoppers’ Club Frederick W. Chase Jr. Philip K. McNiff allen J. scherer Jr. Supporters Elliot M. Altman DDS richard s. Beck Donald Claprood Wayne C. earley andrew M. Fisher David W. Hawley Martin D. Leach Jr.

CLass Of 1958 Hilltoppers’ Club Steven M. Fisher # Charles F. Lewis III # William C. Mollet * William C. schmertz

CLass Of 1960 Hilltoppers’ Club Kenneth B. Beyer robert t. evertsen paul s. Friedlander Kerry D. O’Brien John Pepe peter D. shapleigh Supporters John t. appleton richard r. Clemence Bruce S. Collett Joseph V. giomblanco Charles p. gruet sr. Philip Van Campen

CLass Of 1961 Academy Associates richard D. Marsden Hilltoppers’ Club William E. Dillmeier Jr. Warren C. Rowe Jr. # stephen H. smith p. thomas Van schaick Supporters peter K. Carpenter William T. Corbett William M. Dannehy Douglas s. Hall

Corporations 1%

Giving by Source richard F. skelly Thomas G. Small seth F. Wakeman Supporters Eugene B. Collard Jr. # William K. Dunbar iii Harold p. Jurgens andrew p. Levin edmond s. Millere albert W. redway ii David r. umba tasi Vriga Henry E. Woods

CLass Of 1959 Scholars’ Society Raymond C. Pecor Jr. President’s Green Circle Leo V. Marshall President’s Silver Circle James D. Wagner Academy Associates Morgan J. Knudsen Hilltoppers’ Club richard r. garcin John a. girvin L. Robert Gould # Douglas J. Mace Frederick L. Pease # elliot p. putnam Howard J. rubin Supporters Kenneth Banks terry r. Chatfield J. Michael Donnelly C. Sanford Tuttle Gary A. Webber

/ \

Parents, Friends, Faculty & Staff 3%

Foundations 17%

Alumni 79%

Bruce e. MacDonald John A. Turro Jr. Peter M. Zona

CLass Of 1963 Trustees’ Society Thomas H. Niles President’s Green Circle Alvah O. Rock President’s Gold Circle William F. Keats President’s Silver Circle Eugene P. Cenci Ross H. Chambers William S. Cleary # Raymond F. Essig # Bruce I. Haslun Bradley s. Hvolbeck Richard W. Scheffler # Academy Associates James H. Feindel # Robert J. Sharp # Bruce I. Siegal Hilltoppers’ Club Robert Abrams # John L. Anderson Peter M. Brusman Paul R. Chapdelaine Donald W. Hick Jr. # Wilkinson B. Marvel edmund s. shepard Louis A. Stroller Henry a. taylor iii arthur B. tozzi Paul A. Virostek # ross M. Weale Supporters george V. euler Robert G. Falkenstein Henry H. Hart # Frans J. Keesing Hugo pagliccia Jr. George A. Pagnotta Jr. Frederic J. Potter IV Charles R. Smith peter H. smith

CLass Of 1964 Paul Z. Haus Jr. Colson O. simmons William s. Weikert

CLass Of 1962 President’s Green Circle Alan R. Peterson President’s Silver Circle Calvin a. Hills Jr. Kenneth B. ingraham Richard C. Knoener Richard C. Makin George E. Withington # paul e. Zimmerman Academy Associates William S. Edmunds Charles N. Howe Langdon H. Wait Hilltoppers’ Club robert L. Colombo R. Allen Elliott Fernando a. Figueras Jenness L. Robbins # Supporters george D. Bartlett John H. Bowles Michael L. Daley nelson D. Durland Barclay Henkle

President’s Green Circle Howard K. O. Chong Jr. President’s Silver Circle Henri M. David Jr. edward p. Mazzetta Academy Associates paul L. Ceccarelli robert D. Craig Jr. David C. Ebacher # Hilltoppers’ Club Leonard s. adler Robert E. Beckwith Warren C. Bender K. Dexter Cheney David C. Doe philip B. Donnelly Robert M. Fenn II # Robert H. Gascoyne # Carl F. gilbert Donald g. March Edward W. Nichols Henry H. Peterson David B. ruddock James F. shields Richard A. Spugnardi # Carl e. swenson Jr. steven a. thorn Daniel P. Tomassetti Richard L. Williams


Colonel Conrad Bequest Society nichols College is grateful to the members of the Colonel Conrad Bequest society – individuals who have documented a bequest to nichols through their estate or who have remembered nichols through a planned gift. norris abbott ’51* Oliver W. Birckhead Jr. ’42 robert a. Bullard ’52 eugene p. Cenci ’63 Donald e. Chalmers ’59* William s. Cleary ’63 Frederick Currier * Henri M. David Jr. ’64, Chair alfred r. Fishel ’41* William gunther ’43 David g. Hale ’75 Charles n. Howe ’62 Herbert F. Kaupe ’43* robert H. Kime ’65 robert B. Kuppenheimer ’69 ronald p. noyes ’65* Martin J. power ’78 Michael J. runyon ’67 rabbi richard i. schachet ’56* richard W. scheffler ’63 robert a. stewart ’48* Davies tainter Jr. ’54

Supporters William F. Bufalino richard K. Corsini William J. Dyer Rufus S. Frost III ronald J. LeClair Stanley G. Matthews Cortlandt R. Montross # James A. Oates William C. Richwagen William R. Wright III #

CLass Of 1965 President’s Silver Circle Richard A. Blankley # David F. Lombard John D. Macphail David W. rodgers Charles e. sage Robert T. Sanford # Richard F. Shields # george a. Vaughan Jr. Academy Associates Charles E. Evans # thomas H. Flaherty Charles t. Kaull Jr. Benjamin A. Minardi III ronald L. schmitt Hilltoppers’ Club Henry M. aldrich Jr. Robert L. Ansalone William L. Archer Sr. arthur C. assad Bruce A. Demoranville Sr. Lew p. gelman Thomas C. Hiller Robert H. Kime Herbert I. Losee III Geoffrey E. Meyer David t. Murphy James e. robinson

David A. Rowe Barry B. segal Bennett J. Wiley Supporters David a. Bates Joseph s. Beresik Kenneth G. Burr Jr. John W. Canetta Daniel r. Clark Ward B. DeKlyn Jr. robert W. grady robert C. Hagendorf Daniel M. Hastings # george r. Lazar Wayne e. nigro thomas D. pearsall John F. platt Charles L. Potter robert g. Wilson

CLass Of 1966 Scholars’ Society Gerald Fels # President’s Silver Circle stephen p. Chernock Jr. David s. Hammond William r. scott Henry P. St. Cyr # W. Bruce Wallin Academy Associates thomas J. Bergin Jr. Peter G. McGivney Jesse J. rulli Hilltoppers’ Club Bradford C. Babb # stephen t. Carter sr. John H. Cavanaugh sr. phillip e. Collins John Cygielnik Robert A. Eckardt Charles V. eggleton Jr. Mark a. Fursman Jon s. gilbert e. paul Herbert Roger P. Holden John e. Lockwood richard F. Moran James B. Moriarty James D. Murray CPA a. Barry paletta Kenneth C. scott Joseph s. smalarz Bernard L. smith Jr. ralph a. stuart John D. Watson Supporters Dennis r. arsenault David H. Blake robert a. Feinstein thomas H. Fisher Barry r. gibbs robert e. Heald Stanley Henshaw III robert C. Koch John C. Mason John F. sweeney stephen B. Wingate

CLass Of 1967 Trustees’ Society James W. Coghlin Sr. Barry D. Hogan President’s Silver Circle Bruce R. Barton Dwight W. Gesswein Raymond W. Hencir # Jonathan H. ives robert H. Kullas Edmund J. Murrah Ernest Pekmezaris #

this report reflects gifts to nichols College from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010.

Academy Associates William E. Fredericks David B. Jones Charles n. piazza Joseph M. price Hilltoppers’ Club samuel r. Bailey iii David g. Butterworth Paul M. Clough # William C. Dean Jr. Charles H. Detwiller III John S. Ferro Charles H. Foster Jr. Robert F. Howe Jr. peter H. Johnson Donald s. parsons Michael t. pelletier Michael J. Runyon # Mark g. scolnick george e. Vogel William L. Voitk Peter H. Walker Supporters Alan S. Close # Robert R. Coykendall Frank L. Grzyb # Mark s. Harris John t. Kurposka Gary G. Mattila gary a. penniman sanford perlman everett J. ramsdell Jr. thomas J. riley Jr.

CLass Of 1968 President’s Green Circle Charles A. Petrillo President’s Silver Circle John M. Harrison William M. treffinger Academy Associates James e. Comer paul a. rasmussen Richard K. Robertson William L. Shaw # Hilltoppers’ Club Kenneth alton Jr. Michael G. Ash Frank p. Cianflone robert F. DeFonce stewart L. eaton William R. Fox # Jeffrey p. gould tom Jones paul B. shay Richard T. Speath # Jack G. Wille Supporters Robert M. Champagne # James L. Conwell Horacio Daubon Jr. Bernard F. Foley Jon H. Haggerty # richard a. Harris Fredrick P. Magnus Joseph a. Manning iii David P. Mooter # gordon e. Muldoon peter K. smyrl Byron W. tomlinson E. M. Wolcott Jr. #

CLass Of 1969 Scholars’ Society Robert B. Kuppenheimer #




A FAMILy’S LEgACy rateful for the education he, his late brother Louis “skip” ’50, and his son peter ’81 received at nichols College, ray Faucher ’56 started a family scholarship as a way of giving back. the retired owner of superior Bakery inc. endowed the Faucher Family scholarship in 2004 to help a deserving and motivated student from Faucher’s hometown of thompson, Conn. While Faucher was not a scholarship recipient himself (“the tuition was only $500 back then,” he jokes), he understands the financial burden facing today’s students, having raised six children with his late wife, Barbara. “the scholarship was a way to give somebody a chance to get an education,” he says modestly. endowing the fund was also a way to perpetuate the Faucher name. Faucher warmly recalls his nichols experience, especially meeting students while working for the legendary Bazzie at the snack bar. “i made a lot of ice for them,” he says, “to ‘cool down’ their beverages on the weekends.”


Trustees’ Society Thomas J. Hall # President’s Gold Circle Jonathan D. Blake # Michael A. Jones # Masakazu sugiyama President’s Silver Circle armand J. Carrano roger p. Crandall Lee A. McNelly # george t. tucker Academy Associates John M. Hills Daniel W. Ivascyn robert D. Keller James W. Kerley Peter F. Lofgren Robert H. McPhee robert L. savage Hilltoppers’ Club Richard H. Bauzenberger Edward L. Beatty Jr. russell L. Birchall J. Douglas Cameron Peter A. Lunsford Douglas e. MacMillan Donald A. MacQuarrie # thomas C. purple William J. shaughnessy Jay sherwood Bruce e. splaine David C. Weyant # Supporters Chester W. Boyd iii Kendall W. Burrill robert W. Davis Vincent P. Giracca # William F. gruber Alfred T. Hargrave # David L. Krasnov James a. Maguire Jr. robert K. Mann Robert J. Meagher Paul A. Riblet Walter Y. robb Jr. Gilbert G. Rochon #

Matthew a. sparks David K. thomas

CLass Of 1970 President’s Silver Circle peter F. garrell Douglas S. Stirling # Academy Associates ronald p. Marshall David E. Stuart # Hilltoppers’ Club Willi J. Benoit Bradford C. Child AAI William F. Clifford Thomas E. DiGiuseppe george W. goodell Jr. thomas e. Hopkirk geoffrey D. Kane Charles J. Mangini Cpa Robert M. McIlvain Jr. # richard g. Merrill Frank Mickel Brian M. Mullen Frank r. petrillo John A. Ritacco Peter A. Scandone Bruce t. underwood Supporters Edwin D. Berry III Philip A. Boucher # Bruce B. Brown Jr. David r. Carroll Henry J. Ciak # John J. giordano iii Leonard J. Lazure paul g. Leonard rodney p. Macphie Jr. William p. Mattei Thomas J. McCaughey # Donald J. Miceli James J. Mulcunry iii Robert G. Smet Robert C. Toth Joseph J. Yablonski

* Deceased # Donor to nichols College for 20 or more consecutive years names in bold indicate nichols College donors for five or more consecutive years

CLass Of 1971 President’s Silver Circle Kelly Kincannon Francis J. Lovell # Robert P. MacPherson Jr. William K. Mahler Jr. Martin schwab Peter F. Sennott John F. White # Academy Associates Thomas T. Klebart Douglas A. Newman John g. steepy Hilltoppers’ Club Donald e. allison Jr. Edward W. Bellerose David W. Cuffe Bradley M. Damon Leo F. Furfey Daniel L. Linden Kevin F. O’Connor Sr. Stephen J. Piascik # gary r. Walsh Supporters Richard H. Alley r. Craig Fowler Wendell O. ingraham David E. Irons John J. Mulder Jr. Bruce John r. powers richard st. Onge richard F. Weaver

CLass Of 1972 Scholars’ Society John H. Davis # Trustees’ Society John H. McClutchy Jr. President’s Silver Circle Edwin B. Donahue James F. Goulet Jack e. Zacks Academy Associates Steven L. Boynton # richard M. DeCrosta CFp


Hilltoppers’ Club richard a. Bacon Robert B. Coleman robert L. gaucher * J. paul H. gauvin James P. Grainger anthony J. toloczko Henry B. Wainer Supporters Donald S. Labonte # graham W. MacDonald stephen McDermott Barry s. pedell Bruce a. Victor

CLass Of 1973 President’s Green Circle robert F. Dorsey President’s Silver Circle Donn E. Bleau samuel r. Haines gregory B. King Academy Associates Roberto O. Alvarez ronald e. plasse Hilltoppers’ Club Jeffrey L. allen Ronald J. Barry David F. Biron Michael C. Bousquet Bradley W. Boyd # Thomas J. Craig Jr. timothy a. Cronin arthur Z. greenseid Francis B. Keefe Victor A. Pelletier gregory pogue David J. renaud royal F. turner Jr. Supporters Peter F. Allan Barry A. Clapp Joseph s. Colodin James r. Dillon arthur L. Keenan stephen a. McKeown Stephen W. Page # William J. Reese III

CLass Of 1974 Scholars’ Society Peter L. Lynch Trustees’ Society Kurt R. Harrington President’s Gold Circle Frank R. Burns Jr. President’s Silver Circle Joseph P. Tokarz Academy Associates Ronald E. Osimo Hamlin a. pakradooni Hilltoppers’ Club William H. Bradford edmond r. Breton William H. Collins II Stephen P. Estaphan # richard e. Flagler Jr. John J. Healy Jr. Henry r. Keene Jr. robert t. Mcnally peter p. Ostrokolowicz robert J. Waskiewicz Supporters Kurt E. Grimmelmann CFP # robert J. Hirsch Robert J. Keating Edie Kirk

Joseph M. Krosoczka John R. Kustigian timothy J. O’Connor David B. Steinberg

CLass Of 1975 President’s Gold Circle David G. Hale President’s Silver Circle Marty allen Thomas E. Franzese John a. Murphy Jr. Academy Associates Norman R. Fougere Jr. Hilltoppers’ Club tyler p. Benson F. Wick Dudley John P. Maffeo Brian F. simmons Supporters William g. Boris Clarke r. Chandler Stephen M. Chick Paul E. Dona Janice a. Ducharme thomas W. ellis richard M. Ferraro richard W. Friedman richard a. Harrington John R. Klys thomas J. Komorek robert g. schmitt Jr.

CLass Of 1976 President’s Silver Circle anthony J. Baudanza Academy Associates David a. French William p. Lefebvre Hilltoppers’ Club David A. Blanchard Jon s. Blohm Conrad p. Letourneau John J. Levandowski David pailler Bruce H. russell robert B. saunders Supporters Joseph F. Bullan george M. Burliss Jonathan F. Curtis Paul J. Gannon Joseph J. Kozlowski Frank F. Krogul angela g. Maffeo elaine a. Morrison

CLass Of 1977 Trustees’ Society Robert J. Vaudreuil President’s Silver Circle George E. deRedon # Academy Associates Michelle B. austin Ronald P. Carlson # Peter S. MacLeod Hilltoppers’ Club ann Marie Breton Cpa peter D. Deary Michael Keefe James E. Mahar James B. ryder David A. Zalewski Supporters Gary J. Cascio anthony s. Kusek Michael K. Malone Fred S. Mezynski # Don W. White Jr.

CLass Of 1978 Scholars’ Society Martin J. Power Trustee’s Society Robert E. Stansky # President’s Silver Circle terence M. Farrell Thomas A. LoRicco William F. O’Connell Jr. Thomas G. Sleasman Academy Associates Brian W. Calabro Stanley J. Casillo # naren M. patel eric a. rosen Hilltoppers’ Club Linda J. Butler Cpa robert a. Butler Joseph F. Fillo Frank S. Paradis Supporters Michael J. Bassett Marcia a. Behrens roger J. Berube J. Stephen Boyce ann F. Coolidge Joseph p. Dacri iii James A. Dupre Marc P. Dupuis # Brian J. Fitzgibbons thomas p. gajewski Kevin M. Hackett Donald A. Henderson Jr. neil M. perry raymond H. prunier Judith M. Sarkisian Christopher J. sommerhoff Frederick p. tiberii

CLass Of 1979 President’s Silver Circle thomas s. Lodge Academy Associates Malcolm C. allen Jr. thomas a. Callahan Jr. Charlene M. French Timothy P. Garrison Christopher M. roberts Stephen F. Wentzell Hilltoppers’ Club Kenneth S. Baker John t. Barton Jr. Mark J. goretti Gary S. Guglielmello Robert R. Nault Joanne O’Malley David M. Parkinson roger e. pontbriand Stephen J. Stagliano John B. szugda Michael W. Young Supporters Guy J. Barbieri thomas r. Borzino gary D. Davis John M. Doherty Jr. Jeffrey s. Freeman Leon p. Jezierski Jr. stephen a. Krosoczka Cpa Donald J. Lee gregory e. Mason edward g. poirier Jr. ronald J. tremblay

CLass Of 1980 Scholars’ Society stephen a. Davis




Academy Associates James C. Norcross # William J. robinson Joseph g. sova Hilltoppers’ Club paul M. Calvi James p. innamorati eugene J. Kerrigan Kurt M. Rothschild James H. stewart Allan D. Walker Jr. Supporters Wilfrid B. Cournoyer Michael r. D’angelo andrew W. Higgins randy M. Jacques Charles e. Kennedy stanley V. Oleksy Mark a. phillips Miles B. sherburne

CLass Of 1981 Scholars’ Society Keith t. anderson President’s Gold Circle Wayne J. Archambo President’s Silver Circle Marc D. Becker Leo L. gaudette Michael J. Vendetti Academy Associates Daniel J. perron Hilltoppers’ Club Steven M. Alferes Steven E. Antos Todd J. DaCosta Edward P. Deary Joseph C. Kubiak Jr. Christopher J. McQuade robert J. radford Van D. Thomas Supporters paul C. Baker phD Charles F. Bechert Mark a. Cleverdon Matthew C. Corcoran norman a. Deslauriers george K. Haddad robert C. Kubiak W. Michael Mastricola James p. McCarthy Olga Pappas Joseph pastore Charles e. patterson Dominic J. pingitore Jr. amy L. ruzbasan

CLass Of 1982 President’s Silver Circle Heidi e. Kunkel Academy Associates Allen W. Dillaire Bruce W. Dillaire Hilltoppers’ Club anne H. Berzins peter a. Boltruczyk William F. Bouvier # David a. Dipilato Richard H. Dodakian # James M. graham Randy L. Heitin Michael D. palmer Joseph M. petty rick stimets Jeff tasse Supporters Kimberly a. Cleverdon sandra L. Crory Marie A. Cutillo ellen M. Duggan Linda J. Freitas Lisa L. Landgren Dean J. Largesse Janis L. Largesse nancy a. Meloni Mary a. shaw Deborah C. Sherman David r. smith paul J. stansky

CLass Of 1983 Scholars’ Society Donna Becker # Randall V. Becker # President’s Silver Circle edward a. Dixon Academy Associates Thomas C. Baker # Hilltoppers’ Club John H. allen Michael L. Donehey Theodore J. Dumas Beverly M. Milano Cpa Supporters Jeffrey M. Bercume ann Marie Canty nancy J. Hillis Bruce r. Johnson ronald p. Laliberty Michael N. Lussier susan g. Muckle William J. niedziela george F. soderberg ii todd M. Zeidenberg

CLass Of 1984

Top 5 Classes Dollars Raised: Class of ’72 Class of ’81 Class of ’80 Class of ’66 Class of ’69

$239,745 $230,892 $212,513 $156,985 $94,506

Participation: * Class of ’62 Class of ’69 Class of ’65 Class of ’50 Class of ’63

28% 26% 24% 24% 23%

* Classes with 50 or more alumni of record

President’s Silver Circle paul W. Cutler Academy Associates Lisa C. Baker # Hilltoppers’ Club rosario J. Bacarella richelle M. Brown Mark K. Bryant tracy e. Coppinger Bruce S. Dodge # Charles F. Estaphan # Jeffrey B. Ferrara Robert A. Hoey CFP # David M. LaFleche Charles s. nikopoulos Robert E. Pierce William a. potter Lisa M. scott

Gayle P. Teixeira Louis E. Testa III Dawn M. Vayo Supporters W. Brian Capshaw David t. Claprood James M. gleason stephen neffinger Michael s. pantos tammy C. rawls steven M. shiner

CLass Of 1985 President’s Silver Circle Alice C. Belden Academy Associates robert C. Derubeis Hilltoppers’ Club susan a. Bacarella adam L. Barmakian salvatore a. esposito robert a. Wheaton Supporters Franklin g. Boisvere Jr. Kathleen e. Claprood robert J. Cournoyer Melanie J. Footer roy t. grafton Lawrence J. Kerwin iii Barry L. Kromer Patricia M. Motyka norma L. pauli paul F. sczepanski Nyree G. Valdes

CLass Of 1986 President’s Silver Circle David g. Bedard Academy Associates richard W. anderson Hilltoppers’ Club Robert J. Amico Lawrence a. Bassett Donald e. Chalmers Laurence B. King Cheryl A. Kopas Paul G. Wigglesworth susan K. Zimonis Supporters David D. Barlar Amy L. Bartram nathan r. Benjamin Jr. Kenneth p. Bergeron Jr. Leigh M. Cashmore Jeremy B. Coullard # Linda a. Freund Marybeth S. Hood David P. Lynch Kelly a. Marcimo Anne-Marie A. Moulin # Diane M. Page # Maureen T. Shields # Cynthia t. truax Brian E. Zippin

CLass Of 1987 President’s Silver Circle ellen J. Bedard Michael A. Lukasek Academy Associates James C. Brown William J. guilmart Jr. Cynthia a. ickes Sharron R. McCarthy Hilltoppers’ Club robert D. Babcock Jr. Robert D. Conrad


William M. Demers Craig S. Johnston Bruno Mazzotta Karen a. Mazzotta paul L. pomerleau Jr. Janet M. Wornham Supporters Margaret L. Babbitt alan r. Cashmore Mark g. Foster theresa e. Haggerty sheila J. Kusek Christine L. Laporte Bruce P. Lawrence Barbara L. Mahoney Cheryl A. Milas patricia a. sanchioni

CLass Of 1988 President’s Silver Circle Susan M. Duhamel Academy Associates Andrew M. Foley Peter J. Rowden Hilltoppers’ Club gina F. Babcock Michael J. DeBlieux David L. ivanovich Jr. scott a. Jeamel Susan M. Ricard Supporters Jocelyn L. Bouvier # patricia L. Burdick elisabeth a. Cangemi Wayne M. Correia tammy M. Hearnlaye Jean M. Kirby timothy J. Kirby Laura C. LaBrack alice L. Lazure Dana M. Luzzo Eric A. Tashlein Stephen D. Westerlind James Wissler

CLass Of 1989 President’s Silver Circle Steven C. Gallo Judith Keyser Patricia A. Lyons-Gallo Academy Associates robert e. O’Connell iii Hilltoppers’ Club annette M. Chalmers Joseph a. Coderre Lisa J. Devine # Thomas A. Devine # george e. Humphrey allison V. Kierce David J. Kierce eric J. Kimes David L. Kirchthurn Jan A. Kopas Kevin p. LaBonville William M. Lavin stephen C. Morris Martha Plotczyk Donald J. Vaughan Supporters Karen e. Belton tammy J. Ford Kyle C. Haggerty William a. Leary Jr. Karen C. Magnuson-Bernard Lisa A. Montigny James Pastore Dennis g. schremser

/ Endowment 1%

Giving by Purpose Unrestricted 28% Restricted 8% —

Capital Gifts 63%

gary M. shultz nathan K. smith Suzanne R. Sriberg

CLass Of 1990 President’s Green Circle Jeff R. Johnson President’s Silver Circle Brenda M. Bianculli Sherry E. Engh Michael W. Frisbie Academy Associates stephen s. Buchalter Hilltoppers’ Club Judy g. Baker Dawn i. Carlo Francis J. Carlo paul D. Chlapowski Carl a. Conlon Darrin J. DiNapoli robert J. russell andrew r. schilke Supporters Lata a. Banavali Virginia M. Carmignani Kimberly M. Casasanto Joseph M. Casper Dennis D. Doherty Lance e. Forgit Kennison n. gale Jr. thomas B. Hardy David C. Kane Kenneth J. Kunst Cheryl L. Melendy earl D. Melendy peter t. nightingale Lisa J. sabacinski p. richard Wall

CLass Of 1991 President’s Gold Circle Lorna D. stearns President’s Silver Circle r. Donald Bean iii David C. Duhamel Academy Associates David g. Butler Hilltoppers’ Club richard F. Bernier patricia J. Cantara esq. Christopher E. Girardin Joseph P. Raposa Kenneth r. snell CFa, CFp Supporters Leslie a. Bailey paula J. Fontaine Kimberly L. Jobbagy Richard G. Juneau William r. Lannon Heather s. Mahall Daniel J. priestman richard p. smith Jeremy a. Warren

CLass Of 1992 President’s Silver Circle Christopher W. McCarthy Kim M. McCarthy paul J. Washburn Jr. Academy Associates Keith t. Hofbeck Hilltoppers’ Club sarah r. Mitchell John G. O’Connell Supporters robert J. Bergantino Carolyn J. Burke anne C. Carney Denis E. Casaubon Rebecca A. Coffin Dale L. gurek shannon D. gurek Lisa M. Larson Clifford D. Whynott Jr. Donna M. Whynott

CLass Of 1993 President’s Silver Circle Matthew B. O’Connor Academy Associates Lisa p. Cone Hilltoppers’ Club Leslie M. Doody scott J. Quinn Mark a. reino William J. steglitz Cpa Kathleen B. turgeon Supporters emily n. Blum Cathleen a. Coonan Jeffrey r. Doucette Deborah L. Farrell elizabeth a. george William a. george Erik C. Godaire Jeffrey r. guyette thomas J. Kaczynski Matthew r. Kerzner Barbara A. Larson # Holly L. Madsen robert t. Manning Joan M. Meagher Colleen M. Menis sandra e. regan

CLass Of 1994 President’s Silver Circle Tammy A. Cardillo Frank a. Michienzi Academy Associates Christopher M. Maher




Hilltoppers’ Club William r. Carven Jr. Christopher paradise Supporters Kirk p. Burnham Josephine A. Canty Carol A. Clouthier Jason L. goldaper Lisa a. Jakubowski Donna M. Macnaughton Joseph J. pasquale Julie E. Pike sharon L. schleyer Christopher E. Starczewski Jude a. tomasino Daniel e. Wisniewski

CLass Of 1995 President’s Silver Circle Edward J. Abell III Hilltoppers’ Club Heather M. Mullin Kathy A. Segui Supporters Joseph S. Bourdeau sallie K. guskey pamela M. Laferriere Clifford a. Livernois Joseph a. Mazzarelli Mary ellen perez Scott S. Sullivan Christopher F. tuohey Matthew p. Volpert

CLass Of 1996 President’s Silver Circle Andrea C. Becker Hilltoppers’ Club Hilary L. Doncaster Kevin J. Fournier robert C. Vayo Supporters Michael J. Cote israel r. Cruz Jr. Patricia R. Doyle Michael Fitzgerald audra gouin Cheryl A. Knowles Levon W. Knowles Lee ann M. Kozlowski Danette M. Mazzarelli Patricia M. Stockwell Michael L. Yanosy

CLass Of 1997 Academy Associates anthony J. Laganelli robert e. McKenna Hilltoppers’ Club Jon D. Anderson L. David Fox stanley D. Franklin ronald s. Liston David J. Sokolnicki Supporters Mary Ellen A. Bohdiewicz John p. Mahan Jr. Charles a. Marble John L. pileggi Jr. Kelly a. salvati Mark J. smith

CLass Of 1998 President’s Silver Circle r. Joseph salois Mark a. sweeney Hilltoppers’ Club Douglas C. Curving

Brian e. Miller alan s. peppel Brooke E. Sokolnicki Supporters James e. Bond Jane e. Brewer anne C. ethier glenn F. racicot William K. Vasbinder Robert E. White Jr. stuart D. Williamson

CLass Of 1999 President’s Silver Circle Holly M. Munce Robbie P. Munce Academy Associates anonymous patrick s. Curtis Hilltoppers’ Club Christina M. Fox pamela a. McHugh alice V. Miller Supporters Lisa M. antonson Harold C. greenlaw

CLass Of 2000 President’s Silver Circle Brent J. andersen Christopher G. Langlois Hilltoppers’ Club Jacqueline Y. Du Maureen C. Moore Supporters Julie M. Barker Lori a. Bitar Lisa n. Blackwell Cynthia e. Curtis Diane g. Delvy Melissa a. Jameson sean J. Jameson nellie r. Kosakowski anne M. Mahan edward F. Manion Jr.

CLass Of 2001 Academy Associates Kelly D. RothKugel Hilltoppers’ Club ronald J. Brown Jr. Barry C. Cringan Warren s. ehrlich Debra M. Harmon Joan e. Hawkins Supporters Michael L. Clifford Matthew J. goulet nao n. nishimura Susan C. Ouellet David J. twiss

CLass Of 2002 Academy Associates Jane t. Domings Hilltoppers’ Club Michael e. Doyle sara e. gillespie Thomas W. Gorski III Heather pike Supporters Jeremy L. Barker Kevin G. Johnson Paul J. Karam arlette M. Lynch Karen F. Munroe

* Deceased # Donor to nichols College for 20 or more consecutive years names in bold indicate nichols College donors for five or more consecutive years

Justin t. ryan Joseph B. shea

CLass Of 2003 Hilltoppers’ Club Michelle A. Fasold Ryan J. Fasold erica n. nyhaug Supporters albert a. DiDomizio Kathryn M. Ewen Sandra M. Giroux

CLass Of 2004 Academy Associates Amy S. Oman Hilltoppers’ Club Joshua a. Bachand Supporters Maryann Costello Keith R. Robichaud Carl p. Zieminski Jr.

CLass Of 2005 Hilltoppers’ Club Kerry M. Barnes glenn D. Hand Supporters elizabeth a. Castle Kyle M. Castro adam K. smith alina B. Wreczycki

CLass Of 2006 Supporters gerald W. Buono iii Brendan M. Hall gregory D. Johnson Kristin M. Ward

CLass Of 2007 Hilltoppers’ Club William J. Domings Supporters Kristine V. Bird James C. Dunne Lori a. smith ashley a. stockbridge

CLass Of 2008 Hilltoppers’ Club Cynthia L. Brown Kristen M. Harmon Supporters scott a. antonson William F. Borowski Lucinda a. renaud Christopher F. santoro

CLass Of 2009 President’s Society Now Leonard K. Harmon Hilltoppers’ Club Justin r. Dolan Supporters Diane J. Perry

CLass Of 2010 Hilltoppers’ Club Kate O’Hara Supporters eric Cremer richard Walters iii


Other Donors COrpOratiOns President’s Green Circle Nuveen Investments sodexo inc. & affiliates President’s Gold Circle Wachovia President’s Silver Circle Bank of America ChevronTexaco goldman sachs Hanover insurance Co. Johnson & Johnson Cos. Lockheed Martin Corp. Munce’s Superior Inc. State Farm Cos. # Amasa Nichols Society Microsoft new York Life prudential Academy Associates ING Quabaug Corp. rogers Corp. Webster First Federal Credit union Hilltoppers’ Club american Optical Co. ameriprise Financial services inc. Computer associates intl. Dudley House of pizza eagle Cleaning Corp. Fidelity Investments FM global the Hartford Hospira iBM Jimmy’s pizza Mass Mutual MetLife sanofi-aventis pharmaceuticals shoreline Business solutions inc. the travelers Cos. inc. United Technologies Corp. Unum Provident Corp. Verizon Supporters aetna ge gilbane Building Co. Huguenot Development Corp. John Hancock Mutual Life insurance National Grid northwestern Mutual Life raytheon Co. Saint-Gobain Corp. tas t pizza

faCuLty/staff President’s Silver Circle Laurie p. albert Andrea C. Becker Kevin F. Brassard Thomas R. Cafaro James L. Conrad Jr. # Peter M. Engh Sherry E. Engh Patricia A. Hertzfeld Richard L. Hilliard robert LaVigne Brian T. McCoy William C. Pieczynski Alan J. Reinhardt Richard W. Scheffler edward J. socha Susan K. Tellier

Tribute gifts nichols College received gifts in honor/memory of these individuals and named funds: John Ansalone robert L. ansalone Joseph S. Blumberg ’95 edward J. abell iii Gregory J. Cannon ’80 edward a. Dixon Donald E. Chalmers ’59 patricia a. Clark shlomo pinkas Class of 1954 Endowed Scholarship robert Q. Benowitz James e. Burnet iii Marianne e. gruskin (in memory of Matt gruskin) John r. Houghton edward a. Hunt Jr. new York Life earl s. prolman Davies tainter Jr. Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship george s. Butler Frederick W. Chase Jr. Donald Claprood Wayne C. earley Cecil M. gabbett iii philip K. Mcniff Kent tarrant Walter urtz Col. James Conrad Memorial Endowed Scholarship James L. Jr. and Benita Conrad Johnson & Johnson Cos. Leslie H. Brooks Professor Keith Corkum Endowed Scholarship in Economics Keith t. anderson edward J. abell iii thomas r. Cafaro Dean Robert H. Eaton Memorial Scholarship stewart L. eaton Marilyn and Gerald Fels Scholarship gerald and Marilyn Fels Fuller Scholarship george F. and sybil H. Fuller Fdn. James C. Gahan IV Scholarship thomas r. Cafaro Jimmy gahan Charitable Fdn. amy s. Oman Edwin Hubbard Faculty Scholarship andrea C. Becker thomas r. Cafaro thomas K. Duncan patricia a. Hertzfeld Presdent’s Society Now Leonard K. Harmon Academy Associates Marie F. Beardwood John n. Katori edward J. Kolek Jr. Kenneth Korch patricia B. Korch Cynthia J. Lafortune richard Woods Hilltoppers’ Club John A. Armstrong Kerry M. Barnes Craig Brady Leslie H. Brooks Cynthia L. Brown William r. Carven Jr.

this report reflects gifts to nichols College from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010.

thomas t. Koller Joanne p. newcombe Kathleen M. piniarski alan J. reinhardt richard W. scheffler thomas g. smith Professor John Katori/Class of 55 Scholarship Bank of america randall V. and Donna Becker Brenda M. Bianculli William H. Bradford Donald e. and annette M. Chalmers norman a. Deslauriers Bruce W. Dillaire John B. Dirlam Leslie M. Doody stephen p. estaphan John s. Ferro norman r. Fougere Jr. L. David and Christina M. Fox steven C. and patricia a. gallo raymond W. Hencir Cynthia a. ickes Daniel W. ivascyn roy t. Johnson John n. Katori Joseph J. Kozlowski John t. Kurposka Christopher M. Maher Frederick W. neilsen Jr. Charles s. nikopoulos gary a. penniman gregory pogue Martin J. power Jesse J. rulli Masakazu sugiyama David C. Weyant Janet M. Wornham Robert T. Kennedy ’42 William C. pieczynski Alexa Latteo and Debra Davis eric Cremer Christine Holmes Kristina p. Matias ariel F. O’Hara J. philip O’Hara Kate O’Hara Keith a. and Dena O’Hara richard Walters iii Donald M. Leonard Jr. ’76 robert B. saunders Ronald P. Noyes ’65 Melissa noyes Dr. Debra M. Townsley Douglas s. stirling Dr. Daniel Van Leuvan Scholarship alan J. reinhardt

Kimberly a. Charbonneau Colleen M. Colles E. Bates Craver Lawrence D. Downs rayanne Drouin Thomas K. Duncan Christopher E. Girardin nicholas gorgievski Jeffrey A. Halprin Dora L. Kac Thomas T. Koller elizabeth Lambert paul e. Lambert sr. Jesse Limanek Timothy J. Liptrap Melissa D. Michalak Dorothy J. Millhofer




John E. Moore Libba G. Moore Mark Naigles Joanne p. newcombe evelyn nieszczezewski Louise Nordstrom Katherine C. Poplawski Jason a. price Edward J. Romano Dawn C. Sherman David J. Sokolnicki pauline sroczynski Leonard F. suprise Mary A. Trottier Susan D. Veshi Edward G. Warren Sarajane Warren Supporters robert J. abruzzo robert algieri Marcia a. Behrens richard Bird Pauline Borden Brianne s. Callahan Lisa J. Campbell andrew B. Craver thomas C. Davis James D. Douglas James C. Dunne Jay giroux Karen A. Gorski Thomas W. Gorski Jr. Hillary L. Haynes pamela W. Hollander Christine G. Jankowski nicole LaCourse Kenneth M. Lapan William r. Lasher Louis F. LoBue Patricia M. Motyka paul J. perry Kathleen M. Piniarski Cathy racicot Betin Robichaud Donald sandstrom Kathy M. sandstrom Joseph B. shea Lori a. smith Thomas G. Smith Jacquelyn a. stevens Lauria e. tiberii Debra M. Townsley Maryellen V. Watson Cynthia C. Williams steven J. Wojnar

fOundatiOns Scholars’ Society Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Fdn. # ayco Charitable gift Fund Fred Harris Daniels Fdn.

irene e. & george a. Davis Fdn. Hyde/Dexter-Russell Charitable Fdn. Trustees’ Society Community Fdn. of Western Mass. Fidelity Charitable gift Fund George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Fdn. # President’s Green Circle Jimmy Gahan Charitable Fdn. Lovett C. peters Fund Webster Five Fdn. President’s Gold Circle Joshua Green Fdn. Inc. President’s Silver Circle Boston Fdn. Jonathan & rosemarie ives Family Fund Academy Associates Comer Family Fdn. Flagg Fdn. inc.

friEnds Scholars’ Society Jane t. Birckhead patricia a. Clark Mary C. DeFeudis Richard B. Hardy # President’s Green Circle Lovett C. Peters united Way of Central Massachusetts President’s Gold Circle Constantine Alexander John B. Dirlam Charles Zabriskie Jr. President’s Silver Circle richard M. and Marie angers Janet Bullard CFa, CFp Benita A. Conrad Albert J. DiGregorio * William F. Dore Jr. Marianne E. Gruskin Christine Holmes Jean D. Jones Harger Susan D. Lombard robert e. Miller phD Suryakant M. Patel MD shlomo pinkas Jerome priest Dominic C. Varisco * Joan Vendetti Amasa Nichols Society american insurance administrators inc. Hilltoppers’ Club Karen adair Linda J. andersen Daniel atwood richard F. Brown edward Ciesluk raymond p. Faucher Jr.

gift Clubs Scholars’ Society Trustees’ Society President’s Society Green Circle Gold Circle Silver Circle President’s Society Now Amasa Nichols Society Academy Associates Hilltoppers’ Club Supporters

Gifts of $25,000 or more Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 Graduates of the Last Decade Classes of 2000–2004: $500 Classes of 2005–2010: $250 Gifts of $500 to $999 Gifts of $250 to $499 Gifts of $100 to $249 Gifts of $1 to $99

* Deceased # Donor to nichols College for 20 or more consecutive years

Louise Kurposka Walter Maly Kristina p. Matias Medical Center of northeast Conn. John D. nordstrom Melissa noyes ariel F. O’Hara J. philip O’Hara Mary Lou reid-robinson John rice george shuster John sullivan John g. sully Paul M. Veshi Supporters anonymous robert B. aucoin irene V. augustyn anthony J. Bakopolus DMD evelyn Baldyga steve Banas Jr. robert Bazydlo Debra a. Berube Lorraine Biadasz Heath D. Boote Douglas e. Bryer peter L. Carella DMD Kevin F. Carey Debbie Champoux Kazia Chlebica grace D. Chojnacki Barbara a. Cobb Missy Colburn Milton Cordeiro norman Czyzewski aline M. Douillette Chrystal Douillette Jacqueline Duval Omer Duval Francis Dziembowski pauline Dziembowski John n. eastberg Martina r. gorski-strong Julie r. greiner r. J. gryb Michele L. grzyb stanley grzyb Lois M. Hucksam June s. ingram Cynthia M. iwanczuk theresa a. Jankowski Helen Johnson Francis J. Kaczmarek Judith D. Kingsbury richard J. and Diane C. Konieczny robert e. Kroll Leonard Kuzawa ann Laskowski Wayne Lawson Marcella Leite Marcia Leverone Loda Lewandowski richard Majercik Margaret Marrier Massachusetts aCe national network of Women Leaders Joan Matte Joseph Mayotte Julia D. McDonough sarah Moskos george J. Murray Jr. richard F. parslow audrey i. pfeffer Marlene plaza Bertrand g. poirier Jr. William F. popek Herbert g. raymond Madeline r. robidoux Carol rukat


A PrOFESSOr’S TrIBuTE hen randy Becker ’83 MBa ’96 learned that the professor John Katori/Class of ’55 scholarship was shy of the $25,000 goal needed to endow the fund, he challenged his fellow nichols College accounting graduates to take action. Becker and his wife, Donna ’83, generously agreed to match donations received in honor of one of the school’s most beloved professors. “professor Katori gave his all to help students succeed in the accounting profession throughout his long and illustrious teaching career,” says Becker.


thanks to the effort, $11,000 has been raised by more than 30 accounting graduates from class years spanning 1955 to 1999. to maintain the momentum, the Beckers announced that they will continue to match gifts, dollar for dollar, until December 31, 2010. the College hopes to begin to award the scholarship annually to a deserving student specializing in accounting next fall. Becker feels that helping to raise funds for a scholarship in professor Katori’s name is a fitting way to recognize “one of the giants of the nichols accounting program.” “i think the world of him for helping ignite the passion for business in my heart,” he says. Helen rukat edward L. rutkowski richard samborski arleen sharp Frank shennett raymond siekierski Marjory simmons napolean simpson Jean a. skiff Leonard spooner Charles and norma a. sroczenski selwyn H. stearns stacie t. sujdak amy szygiel pamela J. turner Jace Wadsworth shawn M. Walles Lina Watson Lee Williams Helen a. Wojciechowski Frederick e. Wojick Woodstock academy g. Frank Young David Zdrok Karen a. Zona

parEnts (Current and past) Scholars’ Society Oliver W. Birckhead Jr. President’s Green Circle Mrs. Herman F. Becker Charles A. Petrillo President’s Silver Circle Laurie p. albert Marc D. and Andrea C. Becker Thomas R. Cafaro Leo L. gaudette Lee A. McNelly Keith a. and Dena O’Hara David W. rodgers paul J. Washburn Jr. John F. White

Academy Associates thomas H. Flaherty John n. and Barbara Katori Cynthia J. Lafortune Hilltoppers’ Club Leslie H. Brooks robert L. Colombo William L. ewen David gaudreau OD Jeffrey p. gould Debra M. Harmon Roger P. Holden James e. robinson Dawn C. Sherman rick stimets Supporters David O. ahern James C. Dunne Thomas W. Jr. and Karen A. Gorski robert guyette Barbara A. Larson Dennis g. schremser peter K. smyrl Debra M. townsley Joseph J. Yablonski

Nichols Boards & Volunteers BOard Of trustEEs John H. McClutchy Jr. ’72, Chairman Constantine alexander randall V. Becker ’83 MBa’96 Jane t. Birckhead James W. Coghlin sr. ’67 John H. Davis ’72 Mary C. DeFeudis robert F. Dorsey ’73 asuman goksel

thomas J. Hall ’69 Kurt Harrington ’74 robert B. Kuppenheimer ’69 David F. Lombard ’65 peter L. Lynch ’74 robert e. Miller, phD senator richard t. Moore robbie p. Munce ’99 MBa ’01 thomas H. niles ’63 Martin J. power ’78 r. Joseph salois ’98 Debra M. townsley, phD, ex-officio Dominic C. Varisco H ’10 * robert J. Vaudreuil ’77 William J. Weyand ’66

trustEE EMEriti Howard K.O. Chong Jr. ’64 John B. Dirlam H ’09 gerald Fels ’66 richard H. Hardy H ’90 Lovett C. peters H ’04

BOard Of adVisOrs David F. Lombard ’65, Co-chair stephen a. Davis ’80, Co-chair Mark B. alexander ’72 Wayne J. archambo ’81 ted avlas Bruce r. Barton ’67 r. Donald Bean iii ’91 David g. Bedard ’86 alice C. Belden ’85 Jonathan D. Blake ’69 Leslie H. Brooks Janet Bullard robert a. Bullard ’52 tammy a. Cardillo ’94 Joseph J. Carlone eugene p. Cenci ’63 Bradford C. Child ’70 aai James L. Conrad Jr. William p. Daly Jr. ’94




Henri M. David Jr. ’64 John B. Dirlam edward a. Dixon ’83 edwin B. Donahue ’72 David W. Fleming ’57 Brian p. Foley ’75 anthony M. Fruci ’94 Leo L. gaudette ’81 Lew p. gelman ’65 Jeffrey p. gould ’68 samuel r. Haines ’73 David g. Hale ’75 richard B. Hardy John M. Harrison ’68 raymond W. Hencir ’67 Henry Howard ii ’69 Bradley s. Hvolbeck ’63 Jeff r. Johnson ’90 Jean D. Jones Harger John Kauker Francis B. Keefe ’73 James W. Kerley ’69 rosalie p. Lawless thomas s. Lodge ’79 Francis J. Lovell ’71 Michael a. Lukasek ’87 John D. Macphail ’65 timothy e. Madden ’95 Leo V. Marshall ’59 ronald J. Masiello ’77 Christopher W. McCarthy ’92 MBa ’97 Lee a. Mcnelly ’69 Keith a. O’Hara alan s. peppel ’98 philip pettinelli ’71 J. arthur rizy Jr. ’57 alvah O. rock ’63 Lloyd M. roth ’56 Craig a. sanden ’65 sherwood a. schaub Jr. ’64 richard O. shea ’74 george shuster Kenneth r. snell ’91 CFa, CFp William J. steglitz ’93 Cpa Kent tarrant ’57 Juan M. Velutini ’84 Michael J. Vendetti ’81 george e. Vogel ’67 Henry B. Wainer ’72 robert n. Weibel ’88 John F. White ’71 MBa ’79 Charles Zabriskie Jr.

aLuMni BOard Of dirECtOrs robbie p. Munce ’99 MBa ’01, President Mark B. alexander ’72 Julie a. Cedrone ’02 William H. Collins ’74 richard DeCrosta ’72 Michael Downing ’79 Christin evangelista adams ’07 ryan J. Fasold ’03 Christopher g. Langlois ’00 MBa ’04 Francis J. Lovell ’71 paul newman MBa ’01 scott Quinn ’93 shaun richard ’08 David J. twiss ’01 gary M. Watson ’96 MBa ’02

CLass aGEnts Charles s. Jones ’43 robert a. green ’48

robert s. Blumberg ’49 F. edgar Mooney Jr. ’50 thomas W. Bartsch Jr. ’51 Francis L. Lemay ’53 robert Q. Benowitz ’54 Kent tarrant ’57 John a. turro Jr. ’62 William F. Keats ’63 John H. Hinchliffe iii ’64 ronald J. LeClair ’64 arthur C. assad ’65 r. towner Lapp ’66 Michael J. runyon ’67 Henry Howard ii ’69 Douglas s. stirling ’70 Francis J. Lovell ’71 glenn a. anderson ’73 William H. Collins ii ’74 Kelly F. Harris ’78 Barry F. Fowler ’79 robert a. Hoey ’84 CFp Franklin g. Boisvere Jr. ’85 robert D. Conrad ’87 Lisa M. O’Meara ’91 Keith t. Hofbeck ’92 sandra Barbar ’93 sandra C. Desourdy ’94 audra gouin ’96 Michael D. Damici ’97 Holly Munce ’99 robbie p. Munce ’99 Michelle a. Fasold ’03 ryan J. Fasold ’03 ibrahima K. Kourouma ’04 Melissa a. Jackson ’07

CLass sCriBEs richard a. McLellan ’40 stanley e. Finn ’48 robert risk ’50 thomas W. Bartsch ’51 roger M. parker ’52 William B. gallagher ’54 arthur L. Fries ’56 Kent tarrant ’57 Charles n. Howe ’62 Bruce i. Haslun ’63 Warren C. Bender ’64 Frank p. Cianflone ’68 robert B. Kuppenheimer ’69 Donald a. Jaeger ’72 Craig r. edwards ’76 William s. Fraser ’78 Michael L. Donehey ’83 rosemary Mamakos ’84 John p. Donahue ’85 susan K. Zimonis ’86 Diane L. golas ’88 allison V. Kierce ’89 Donna M. small ’91 John J. Lareau ’93 Danielle a. sprague ’94 Christopher p. saengvanich ’95 gary M. Watson ’96 Colleen B. saengvanich ’97 emily a. alves ’98 anthony M. Volpone ’99 andrea J. sacco ’00 David J. twiss ’01 Kim J. Krumsiek ’03 erin L. Chenette ’04 Michelle L. Brown ’05 erica a. Mello ’06 ashley a. stockbridge ’07 Kristin M. spinner ’08

Memorial gifts nichols College received gifts to acknowledge the passing of these individuals this year: Barbara J. Faucher Karen adair anonymous robert B. aucoin Margaret L. Babbitt Debra a. Berube edward Ciesluk John n. eastberg raymond p. Faucher Jr. raymond p. Faucher Cynthia M. iwanczuk richard Majercik Medical Center of northeast Conn. george J. Murray Jr. Bertrand g. poirier Jr. John rice Madeline r. robidoux Debra M. townsley Frederick e. Wojick Woodstock academy Hortense Gottfried John J. Healy Jr. Philip C. Gould ’42 steve Banas Jr. Oliver W. Birckhead Jr. William F. Dore Jr. William C. pieczynski Mary Lou reid-robinson Jean a. skiff John g. sully Herbert F. Kaupe ’43 William C. pieczynski Dominic C. Varisco H ’10 Missy Colburn John B. Dirlam Marcia Leverone William C. pieczynski arleen sharp

The Nichols College Office of Advancement works to ensure the accuracy of the Donor Honor roll. If you note an error, please contact us at 866-622-4766 or Also, please let us know if you would like your name to be listed differently in future issues. Thank you.

evening, alumni socialized at “Homecoming on the Range” at the Southbridge Hotel and Conference Center. In sports, the men’s and women’s soccer teams prevailed against Western New England College and Gordon College, respectively, but the football team suffered a loss to WENC. Throughout the weekend, the reunion classes of 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1980, 1985, 1990 and 2010 celebrated at events on and off campus, and the Class of 1965 was honored for reaching their $25,000 goal in the 25 by 2015 Reunion Challenge.

Each year, Nichols College celebrates the achievements of alumni in their service to the College, their professions and their community as well as their prowess as student-athletes. The College applauds and honors this year’s recipients.

Alumni Awards Outstanding Alumnus Award Robert J. Vaudreuil ’77, former chair of the Nichols College Board of Trustees Alumni Achievement Award Jeronimo Esteve-Abril ’50, chair of the board of Bella International Corp., Bella Retail Group, Commercial Finance Corp., and Quality Investment Corp. Alumni Achievement Award J. Paul H. Gauvin ’72, president of Henri Enterprises Inc. Ken Thompson Alumni Service Award Robert Risk, Jr. ’50, class scribe and facilitator of class engagement Honorary Alumnus Award Charles Zabriskie, Jr., former member of the Nichols College Board of Trustees, an associate advisor of the Robert C. Fischer Policy and Cultural Institute, and a member of the Nichols Board of Advisors.

Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees Gary S. Buma ’76, Baseball Anthony J. DePasquale ’98 ’MBA ’01, Baseball and Basketball Lisa (Benson) Summers ’05, Women’s Soccer LeVar Gary ’02, Football, Lacrosse, Track Christopher J. Galligan ’92 MBA ’96, Basketball




A View from the Hill Robbie Munce ’99 MBA ’01 President, Alumni Board of Directors


would like to take this opportunity to thank President Debra Townsley for her service to Nichols over her tenure. Nichols has certainly been transformed from the institution we knew to the institution we now know. The Alumni Board of Directors wishes her all the best in future endeavors. A presidential search committee has been formed. In the interim, Nichols is in great hands with Gerald Fels ’66 and the Board of Trustees The Alumni Board of Directors was busy this spring and summer. We’ve been able to bolster our ranks with the addition of new members spanning several decades of alumni. We’ve also reconfigured our committees to work more efficiently

and better represent the alumni of Nichols College. The committees include Citations, Constitution, Events, and Nominations. Our fall meeting was held prior to the Annual Alumni Awards Ceremony and Athletic Hall of Fame Induction during homecoming weekend. The event is our greatest opportunity to say thank you to those who have helped the College and those who have excelled in their fields. On behalf of the Board, I would also like to announce that nominations are open for the position of president of the Alumni Board of Directors. Nominations should be submitted to the Alumni Relations Office by March 1 for consideration by the Board of Trustees Advancement Committee. If you are interested in this position, please submit your biography along with a mission statement as to why you would best represent the alumni. Approved candidates will then be voted on by the current Alumni Board of Directors at its summer meeting. The new president-elect would begin his/her threeyear term at the fall meeting in 2011. If you have questions, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 866-622-4766 or

Nichols launches online community In 2011, you’re invited to log on to Nichols’ new online community. The website offers members a range of services, including the ability to update contact information, submit a class note, find classmates and donate and register for events online. “This online community brings our service to alumni to a whole new level,” says Brianne Callahan, director of alumni relations. In addition to its interactive features, the website provides a calendar of upcoming receptions, event coverage, campus highlights and alumni spotlights. Alumni will also benefit from access to career services. To take full advantage of the offerings on the new Bison community, membership is required. Stay tuned to your email for details.



1940 Class Scribe: Richard McLellan 3436 Button Bush Dr. Zellwood, FL 32798-9620 407-886-5539 From the Class Scribe… The guys in the Class of ’40 are getting along in years, and when one attempts to inquire as to what they are doing, the answer is often "nothing." However, here is a report on six of them. We learned that Paul Finan passed away on May 23, 2009. Paul was a veteran of World War II, serving in the U.S. Coast Guard. He retired in 1982 as president of Terryville Trust Co. He was the widower of Marcella Ward Seelye Finan. He was an avid bowler and golfer and was a member of the Black Hall Country Club and the VFW in Lyme, CT. Ep Moulton has been in St. Petersburg, FL, near his son’s home, for a couple of years and has adjusted to the area and climate (quite a change from Windham, ME). He is in "great shape” from doing water aerobics five mornings a week and working out at the gym for an hour, three days a week. He even mows his son's lawn on Saturdays. He says, "It’s hell to grow old, but I am very happy." Bob Taft is another work-out guy. He lives in Murrells Inlet, SC, and works out three days a week, walking a half-mile each way to the gym and spending an hour there. He's no longer doing much yard work, but busies himself by assisting his wife, Dot, who is somewhat relegated to a wheelchair. They drove north earlier this summer, but he says that will be their last trip, driving anyway, back to New England. I believe Ed Carlson is still involved with education, one way or another. He was not only president of Mount Ida School

for Girls (now co-ed), but also was connected to Flagler College in Florida. He lives in Medfield, MA, in the summer, and in Florida in the winter. I tried to make connections with him but had no success. Bud Miller is in Auburndale, VA, having retired from the Department of the Navy as a controller. He and his wife are still enjoying the monthly cotillions they have attended for a number of years. George McKisson has cut down his golf game to a ninehole league, when he plays. This summer he and his wife stayed close to home, as one of their sons passed away due to cancer. Normally, he is in Minnesota and snaring a fish or two in one place or another, and of course, slapping the white ball around. He is doing well, though he is learning to live with macular degeneration. My wife, Millie, and I are still pleased to have lived 30 years in Zellwood, FL, about 25 miles due north of Orlando. Golf was a long-time activity, but the socalled ravages of time have kind of put the activity in the “back seat” of late. I’m still involved with Habitat for Humanity, though I’ve yet to hammer a nail in my 17 years of service. I also mentor five kids for an hour each week at the local elementary school. Time goes mighty quickly. I bet all would like to return to see the many changes that have taken place at Nichols through the years, but Old Father Time seems to figure each of us is better off staying where we are. The youngest of us just hit 90 and the oldest is almost 93. And all of us have a great love and affection for Nichols College.

1948 Class Scribe: Stanley Finn 70 Franklin St. Northampton, MA 01060-2039 413-586-0886 When reading about the ability of Kristin Andrews ’10 to play


“Moonlight Sonata” and “Fur Elise” on the piano in the summer edition of Nichols College Magazine, Stan Finn called the Alumni Relations Office and said it reminded him of when he played those exact songs on the piano in the library and at Bazzie’s when he was a student.

1949 Stan Jones ’50 writes, “The summer 2010 Nichols College Magazine was great, but noticeably absent was any report from the Class of '49. Now, these fellows are considerably older than me (Class of ’50), but I feel obligated to share news of the Mayor of the Hill of 1949. How can you forget Joe Corsiglia? Impossible! Joe is alive and well on Cape Cod. He and his wife, Joanne, have their share of aches and pains – as we of the over-80 crowd do – but Joe is always his cheery self. He just had a knee replacement so he’s slowed down a bit this summer, but only a little. Joe and I went to high school together in Gardner, MA, and then to Nichols. We both served in the army and, interestingly enough, twice ran into each other in Korea in 1952. Joe was in sales in the NYC area and I was in sales nationally. We both retired and lived about a mile apart on the Cape. Political royalty like Nichols mayors should be reported on regularly. Walt Peters, where are you?”

of all the effort, planning, and work they put into the homecoming events and celebrations led by Brianne Callahan, director of alumni relations. Top honors for everyone connected to the weekend. The weather was just right and we had 14 from our class, again #1 in participation! Friday night’s dinner was great, and afterward the party moved to the hotel rooms. Oh, what tales! The halftime recognition at the football game was terrific, and the Class of 1950 made a splash with our entrance. Some of us were in a golf cart, some walking, and thanks to Bill Loughran, we walked out to confetti shot in the air! The classes and fans loved it! At Saturday night’s reunion party at the Southbridge Hotel and Conference Center, Walt Peters presented Al “Peanuts” Dunn with a plaque for his loyalty in attending so many reunions, coming all the way from California. Otis Vaughn arrived in his RV from Arizona. Fred Levitan presented beautiful green coffee mugs to us with the Nichols logo and names of classmates who were attending. Other attendees included Art Nielsen, Alden Ingraham, Milt Hallowell, Charlie Foote, Al Hanlon, Dave Graham, Homer Jones, and Bill Abel. It was great to see everyone, and a grand time was had by all!

195 1

1950s 1950 Class Scribe: Robert Risk 309 Conestoga Rd. Wayne, PA 19087-4009 610-688-8242 From the Class Scribe… Homecoming 2010 – what a time! The weekend was filled with seeing old classmates, creating great memories, and sharing great stories (some I had never even heard before). The hardworking staff and administration of Nichols can be proud

Class Scribe: Tom Bartsch 303 Archer Mead Williamsburg, VA 23185-6582

195 5 John Katori addressed the Nichols College foresters during their reunion weekend in June. Katori, who taught introductory accounting to the forestry majors, discussed the memorable contributions made by the woodsmen and concluded: “In my 43 years of teaching at Nichols College, there were two

Catching up with Jenness Robbins ’62

With his great-grandfather establishing the family business, Robbins Lumber Company, in 1881, it was only fitting that Jenness Robbins be a forestry major at Nichols. After graduating from Nichols in 1962, he went right back to working for the company whose trucks he’d figured out how to drive by age 10. Robbins served as the company’s president for 24 years before selling it to his brother and business partner, Jim. During Robbins’ tenure as president, land base was increased from a couple thousand acres to the approximately 30,000 the company now possesses. Also, in the 1990s, several different technological advances substantially increased company efficiency and product quality. Robbins Lumber Inc.’s software method has gone on to be implemented in mills across the country, serving as a model in interactive technology. To date, the company is a vertically integrated forest products firm producing about 25 million board feet of top quality Eastern white pine lumber and byproducts in its mill. Robbins, who still serves as a consultant to Robbins Lumber Inc., has dedicated himself to a wide variety of community services, including serving as president of the board of directors of Waldo County Healthcare Inc., and former president of the Northeastern Loggers Association. He’s also been honored with the Albert Nutting Award for Outstanding Leadership in the Forest Products Industries. This past summer, Robbins was one of the 35 plus members of the Nichols foresters to return to the Hill for their first reunion. He currently resides in Searsmont, Maine, with his wife, Carol. They have six children and 14 grandchildren.




Catching up with Brad Child ’70

Since graduating in 1970, Brad Child has enjoyed a successful career in the insurance industry, working for some of the biggest firms in the world. He started his career at Aetna as a casualty underwriter, working in various offices in Boston and Cincinnati. Following 19 years at Aetna, he went south to Fort Myers, Fla., working for Sedgwick James, the third largest insurance broker in the world. He continued working with the company even after they were acquired by Marsh, the world’s largest insurance broker. Child and two colleagues then formed their own company, Insurance Management Co. LLC. The firm quickly developed and became the third largest in southwest Florida. The group sold the company three years ago to Lykes Insurance Co., and until last year, Child stayed on as a consultant, officially retiring in October 2009. Child grew up locally in Woodstock, Conn., and though his older siblings went to UConn, he knew he wanted a different path. “I wanted to get my degree in business, but I didn’t want to go to a big school like my siblings did. I wanted a smaller, more focused school, and Nichols was the obvious choice,” he says. Child credits Nichols with giving him the tools to be a great leader and teacher throughout his career. “The personal relationships I built with professors allowed me to successfully mentor and foster employees into good leaders.” Despite not even taking the SATs due to service in Vietnam, Dean Robert Eaton accepted Child to Nichols, where he excelled in the classroom, finished top in the management major and earned the Zeta Alpha Phi Trophy for Excellence in Management. He was a charter member of the College’s Board of Advisors, and celebrated his 40th reunion at Homecoming 2010. Child resides in Fremont, Ohio, with his wife, Betsy.

visits to the beach were great. Youngest son, Douglas, spent time with us following a month of rehearsals for an eight-day, eight-play festival at the LaGuardia Performing Art Center in Queens, NY. Doug is the artistic director of the Internationalist Theater Company, which introduces foreign playwrights and directors to U.S. audiences and produces shows in Europe. Doug, who had been living in Paris for the past year, relocated to Sydney, Australia. Kate's son, Bryan, a teacher at Niagara Community College and artist in Buffalo, NY, has been nationally recognized for his porcelain work. We will be off to Florida in early October, so give us a call if you’re in the area. And now a closing reminder: a smile is a sign of joy, a hug is a sign of love, a laugh is a sign of happiness, and a friend like me? That's a sign of good taste. Till next time!

1963 Class Scribe: Bruce I. Haslun 16 Gilder Point Ct. Simpsonville, SC 29681 From the Class Scribe… Seems as though the biggest news of this quarter is the hugely successful “stump jumpers” first ever reunion on the weekend of June 12. Dave Shemm called as soon as he got back from the Hill and told me that he teamed up with Frank Sweeney ’60 and Jenness Robbins ’62 for a “terrific homecoming!” Like everyone returning in recent years, they were amazed at how much the campus has changed physically. The foresters were invited to live in the dorms, and found their accommodations a bit more posh than the rooms they remembered decades ago. Lots of kudos and compliments to the Alumni Relations Office, who made everyone feel welcome. There are high hopes among the “furry forest fellows” that this

will be an annual event. John Turro also returned for the foresters’ weekend. He started out in that discipline, but rolled over to business when Nichols went to a four-year school. He had a lunch with Mike Vendetti and John Katori ’55. I also recently caught up with Bruce Seigal over lunch. He tells me that he hopes to spend time in West Springfield, MA, with old roommate, John Miles, before summer runs out. I hope to report in the next issue about that reunion. It was great to hear from Ray Essig who still lives in Ho-HoKus, NJ, with his wife, Linda. (Why would anyone want to leave a town called Ho-HoKus?!) Ray is retired after 32 years at Prudential and plays mucho golf. They do some traveling, including trips to visit children and grandkids. Last time I saw Ray, we were both beginning careers in insurance. My son was just learning to walk. My son, now 48, is in insurance at The Hartford. Lot of water down the Schukyl, Ray! This summer, for better or for worse, I re-upped as your class scribe. Now what I need is a lot more phone calls, snail mail, and email from all of you. I promise you that all of us are interested in you. Let me lead by example. In mid-June I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I told three close classmates. I now get a call about every other week, “just to touch base,” “to see how you’re doing,” and if I’m “getting along okay?” They care about me. I care about them. We all care about you. Keep in touch, y’all.

1964 Class Scribe: Warren Bender 3604 Kingsley Dr. Myrtle Beach, SC 29588-7714 843-492-6727 From the Class Scribe… Well another summer slides by and, boy, was it a hot one here in the South. You Yankees didn't escape it either, but now I'm look-




groups that gave me the most pleasure and satisfaction, the accounting majors and you, the best group to ever attend Nichols College.”

1956 Class Scribe: Art Fries 917 Jordan Court Nipomo, CA 93444-6625

1957 Class Scribe: Kent Tarrant P.O. Box 496 Hampden, MA 01036-0496 413-566-5130 From the Class Scribe… For those of you who don’t know, Denis Cronin passed away on April 21, 2010. At our 50th reunion, Denis told of his September 11, 2001 experience at the World Trade Center. Luckily, he managed to escape from the tower where his office was located and said it was incredible in the true sense of the word. He saw people on the tops of the towers holding hands and jumping, witnessed kindness and a willingness to help in every face he passed, and would never forget the roar that filled the city when the towers came down. Deny also served in Vietnam as an army ranger. He was a loyal alumnus and will be missed by us all. I’d also like to officially announce that the Class of ’57 topped the $25,000 goal in the

25 by 2015 Reunion Challenge and earns a matching $25,000! Let’s give ourselves a big pat on the back for establishing a scholarship fund that will live in perpetuity. If anyone has any interest in serving on the scholarship committee, please let me know. If you want your future contributions to go to the scholarship fund, please indicate accordingly.

195 9 A message from Charlie Howe… I heard from Buzz Bardsley, who inquired about some of his classmates, some of whom I was able to contact. However, we need a new email address for Moe Knudsen. Buzz is in Danbury, CT. Life has been good and involves visits to his kids: Walker, a graduate of Middlebury and a sergeant with the Oakland, CA, Police Dept.; Fletcher, a Penn grad who works as a LEED certified builder in NYC; Clymer, also a Middlebury grad and a lawyer in Philadelphia; and daughter, Sayler, a UVM grad and brand manager at Polo Ralph Lauren in NYC. All are married and all but Sayler have children. Buzz is off to California in October for a week of wine drinking and golf. His hobbies are biking on a 1200cc Triumph that he rides to Marcus Dairy in Danbury on sunny Sunday mornings when you all are in church praying for Col. Conrad's forgiveness (sounds like Buzz) and trying to hit balls

Members of the 1950 graduating class gather at Homecoming 2010 for their 60th reunion.



straight at the driving range to justify going golfing. You can email Buzz at He sent me a great picture for my wallet.

1 9 60 s 1962 Class Scribe: Charlie Howe May-September 212-22nd St. Surf City, NJ 08008-4926 October- April 17468 Cornflower Ln. Punta Gorda, FL 33955 941-575-8150 From the Class Scribe… Bill Dillmeier ’61 requested that I mention the 50th reunion for his class in the fall of 2011. Hopefully, someone will step up to the plate and volunteer to organize a gathering. Bill did it for the 40th, but is only interested in attending this time. He reminds classmates that this will be the anniversary of the first class to graduate from Nichols College with a four-year degree. You owe it to yourself to be part of the weekend! Good to hear from Lang Wait, who has lived in Acton, CT, since 1972. In 1980 he started a computer consulting business that is still going strong. He says that although he has not seen any '62 alumni since graduation, he is planning to attend our 50th reunion. Ken Ingraham writes that he moved from Connecticut to North Carolina in 1959. He has two sons and two granddaughters. He retired in 2001 and joined the Sons of the American Revolution, as well as the North Carolina Civil War Roundtable, where he previously served as president. Both organizations keep him busy traveling to various historic sites. He also serves as treasurer for the local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Health. Last year he and wife, Jane, visited Dick Marsden '61

and wife, Nancy, in Syracuse, NY, on the way to the Thousand Islands at Alexander Bay. I dined with Rich Knoener '62 at the Grist Mill in Farmington, CT, and discussed some fond memories of our days at Nichols and in Conant Hall. He recently made contact with Henri David '64, whom he hadn't seen since 1970, at Old Black Point, CT. Paul Zimmerman and wife, Deb, celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary, a marriage which began in 1961 in Paul's senior year at Nichols. They have lived in Montclair, NJ, Wolfeboro, NH, and on Webster Lake. Now they enjoy a wonderful lifestyle on Lake Winnipesaukee in the summer and in Stuart, FL, in the winter. They enjoy boating, hiking (not Paul), golf, and lots of travel. Paul stays very active managing apartment buildings in New Jersey and shopping centers in New Hampshire. He loves being hands-on, always fixing and improving things! They have two daughters: Heidi lives in Truckee, CA, with her boys, Mason (8) and Millien (10); and Heather lives in Talkeetna, AK, with son, Talon. Paul and Deb are both healthy and in good shape. Congratulations from all of us. How about a Barn Party in Webster (or Blue Bell) to celebrate your 50th? I had a nice chat with Ken Beyer '60, who lives in Naples, FL, with his wife. For over 10 years now we have either gotten together at an alumni gathering, which Ken organized and sponsored for many years, or just talked on the phone. Ken and John Girvin '59 see one another on the senior tennis circuit. Ken returned to the Hill for homecoming this year. John Lewis writes that he is still selling real estate in North Jersey. He and his wife get away to Ocean City, NJ, each October. Kate and I had a great summer on Long Beach Island, NJ, which was a revolving door of children and grandchildren who were with us for six weeks. Daily


Catching up with Roberto Alvarez ’73

Roberto Alvarez’s journey to Nichols College began over 1,500 miles away in Cuba, where he lived until he was 12 years old. Following a brief stay in Miami, Fla., through a program by St. Louis Church, Alvarez was brought to Webster, Mass., and attended Bartlett High School. At Bartlett, he excelled in the classroom as well as on the basketball court, where his play earned him a scholarship to Clark University. Unfortunately, a knee injury put an end to his basketball career and scholarship to Clark. Determined to still go to college, Alvarez searched through Rotarian scholarships, and was able to receive one which allowed him to attend Nichols. When Alvarez finally got to Nichols, he didn’t waste any time focusing on his studies and achieved a great deal of academic success. “I was always very serious about school,” says Alvarez. “Nichols didn’t have a lot of followers when I attended. Most of the students were leaders and had a mindset of being able to successfully run a business, and learning with them helped prepare me for what I accomplished post-graduation,” he adds. His hard work earned him the Clarence McKeen Trophy at graduation, which is awarded to the student for excellence in marketing. His long journey to Nichols may have been over, but his life journey was just beginning. Despite working for IBM for 32 years, Alvarez recently completed his 17th move to his current residence in Duluth, Ga. Following graduation in 1973, he began work at IBM, following his brother, who began working with the company 10 years prior. He was initially placed in the company’s year-long training program. “I viewed training as if it were my MBA degree,” Alvarez says. Following training, he served in various capacities, beginning with salesperson for the Worcester territory, to branch manager in Philadelphia, regional manager in Atlanta, general manager of Caribbean operations, and eventually general manager of IBM Chile. “Most people in the Webster-Dudley area tend to stay in the area because they are very family oriented. For me, working for a corporation like IBM, when your boss moved, you moved,” Alvarez says, referring to living in Atlanta three different times, Philadelphia five different times, and Latin America for six years.


ing forward to the nicest time of year here in Myrtle Beach. It usually lasts right through Thanksgiving, and swimming is not out of the question. Lila and I just returned from a national parks trip in Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, and the Grand Tetons, with stops in Park City and Jackson, WY. Our tour started in Rapid City, SD and ended up in Salt Lake City, UT. Coming up is a trip to New York for Lila's 50th high school reunion, a week-long visit from 15 high school friends, and a trip to Virginia Beach to meet up with Bob Falkenstein ’63 and his wife, Elaine, from California, who are visiting their son and newest grandchild. We will then share some much needed R & R with Bob Hood ’66 and his wife, Kathleen, who are coming for three weeks on their way south to their new place in Titusville, FL. They plan to still enjoy the summers at their home on Candlewood Lake in Connecticut. I recently agreed to stay on as class scribe so, if you get and read Nichols College Magazine, which comes three times a year, please drop me an e-mail, phone call, snail mail, or pony express and just say "read your class notes" and then I won't bother you with a future email asking for info. If you can do that, you might as well give me some info for the next issue at the same time. Nothing is too trivial for me at this point. Please! Have a "full" fall, enjoy the weather, stay healthy and travel safe because "The Beat Goes On."


Though retired from IBM, Alvarez still takes on some projects. “I think some of my old classmates would be shocked to know I’m semi-retired, and that I’m not working till I die,” laughs Alvarez. Since IBM, he’s spent two years as North American sales manager for Eastman Kodak and now runs a small consulting business where he advises very small, mostly start-up companies on their marketing strategies.

Class Scribe: Robert Kuppenheimer 4627 Tremont Ln. Corona del Mar, CA 92625-3130

Alvarez was able to take a drive through campus last December, where he was stunned by how different it looked since he was a student. “I’ll be honest, I got a little lost!” he reflects. He hopes to make it back to campus and spend some time catching up on all the changes that have taken place over the years.

Lee McNelly became a proud grandfather on Aug. 28, 2010, with the birth of grandson, Damien Kolbe Barge, born to his oldest daughter, Kristen.



Donn Bleau ’73, and his son, Jason, at Pebble Beach

1970s 1973 Donn Bleau’s son, Jason, surprised him with a golf trip to Pebble Beach and Spyglass. For the record, Donn shot 79 at Pebble Beach.

1976 Michael Bird recently retired from the Mass. State Parole Board after 33 years of service and is working part time for the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office.

1980s 1 9 81 Don Gorczynski was promoted to training store manager for Gap Inc., under the Old Navy brand. He also acts as substitute district manager in times of need. Recently his team was recognized for their efforts in lead-

ing the district in Operation Care and Comfort, a donation drive for the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. In addition to working for Gap Inc., he is chairman of the Charlton, MA, Cultural Council and a published nature and wildlife photographer.

and Columbus Avenue. Most recently, he accepted a role as SVP at KeyBank in Portland, ME, and has purchased a new home on the West End. Steven and his wife, Kari (Ramsdell) ’85, just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a trip to South Beach and Key West, FL. Kari has been working at TD Banknorth as a VP in project management for the past six years. Their oldest son, Sean, works for TD Bank in the asset recovery division in Falmouth, ME. Their youngest son, Ryan, just graduated from Elon University and is a marketing coordinator for the NY State Society of CPAs in NYC.

Sacred Heart University and teaches fifth grade in Andover, CT. Lisa’s oldest daughter, Emily, will be attending St. Joseph's College in West Hartford this fall. On a more somber note, her house burnt to the ground on April 10, 2010. They were under construction during the summer hoping to be back in before school started. Wow, Lisa, hope you’re settled in soon.

1988 Class Scribe: Diane Golas 90 Lebanon St. Southbridge, MA 01550-1332 508-764-6077

198 3 Class Scribe: Michael Donehey 508-376-5469 (phone) 509 376-5043 (fax)

198 4 Class Scribe: Rose (Cummings) Mamakos 3 Woodland Ave. Kingston, MA 02364-1029

(Top L to R) Noah Becotte, Shane Okenquist, and Bailey Burpee. (Bottom L to R) Haley Becotte, Julia Brynn Okenquist, Avery Phair, Jeremy Okenquist, Zachary Phair and Brady Burpee.

From the Class Scribe… Steven Byrnes reports that in 2009, after 22 years working for Bank of America, he moved to Manhattan, where he worked for Capital One. He lived on the Upper West Side on 97th Street

1985 Class Scribe: John P. Donahue 10 Corsham Drive Medford, NJ 08055-8434 609-257-8191

1986 Class Scribe: Susan Zimonis 18930 Misty Lake Dr. Jupiter, FL 33458 561-707-8781 (cell) From the Class Scribe…

Lee McNelly ’69 (far right) and family welcome baby Damien.

Summer must have been a busy time for everyone, since I received an update from only one of our classmates. Lisa (LeBlanc) Robinson wrote that she received her master’s degree in teaching at

1 99 0 s 1991 Class Scribe: Donna Small 4905 Bay Harvest Ct. Clemmons, NC 27012-8245 336-712-1053 (home) 336-692-5157 (cell)

199 3 The following families vacationed together in Brewster, MA, for July 4th: Shawn Phair ’92 and wife, Laura; Mary (Mikas) Burpee ’92 and husband, Brian; Michael and Bernadette (Charbonnier) Okenquist; and William ’94 and Chrissy (Misiaszek) Becotte.




We’d like to hear from you! Please send your news directly to your class scribe. If you do not have a class scribe, news may be forwarded to Digital images are preferred, but please do not crop them! The higher the resolution the better – 300 dpi (dots per inch). Digital images may be sent directly to the Alumni Relations Office – Prints may be sent to: Nichols College Alumni Relations Office P.O. Box 5000 Dudley, MA 01571.

1994 Class Scribe: Danielle Sprague 20 Stagecoach Rd. Leominster, MA 01453 508-845-6604

199 7


Webster Five Cents Savings Bank appointed Robert McKenna as a trustee/director of the bank. McKenna is senior vice president, treasurer and chief accounting officer at Commerce Insurance Co. He was elected as a corporator of the bank in 2007.

Class Scribe: David Twiss 978-979-7658 (cell)



Katie ( Brothers) Karter MBA ‘06

199 8 Class Scribe: Emily (Seiferman) Alves

2 000 s 200 0

Thomas David and Caitlin Foley

Class Scribe: Andrea Sacco

Asher Laliberte ‘07 with his wife Miranda

From the Class Scribe… Barbara Powell married Bradley Crawford on May 27, 2010, in Hawaii. The couple resides in Inman, SC, and both work in Greenville. Barbara has been with Resurgent Capital Services since February 2004 and Bradley has worked for Jeep Chrysler Dodge since March 2005. Daniel Joseph Jameson

2003 Shane Szydlo was named head coach of the Pride, a new cooperative football program formed with three high schools in northeastern Connecticut – Putnam, Tourtellotte and Ellis Tech.

From the Class Scribe… Robyn (Noble) D'Addario welcomed her second son, Nathan John, on Feb. 6, 2010. She was also promoted to assistant EC manager at New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc., whose CEO, Rob DeMartini, spoke at the Nichols College graduation in 2009. Jude Tomasino received his second master’s degree, a MEd from Cambridge College. He works for the Community College of Rhode Island in transfer admissions and articulation. He also teaches as an adjunct instructor in business administration. He was elected to the New England Transfer Association’s Governing Board and presented at its 39th annual conference.

Dave Foley, his wife, Colleen, and three-year-old daughter, Cailin, welcomed Thomas David, on Feb. 25, 2010.

2006 Class Scribe: Erica Mello

Barbara Powell ‘00 with husband Bradley Crawford

Sean and Melissa (St. Onge) Jameson welcomed their second son, Daniel Joseph, on June 2, 2010. Sean owns and operates Jameson Landscaping Co., and Melissa is a middle school math teacher.

Katie (Brothers) Karter MBA was promoted to principal of Winter Wyman's HR contracts group.

2007 Asher Laliberte married Miranda Hughes on June 26, 2010. Andrew Perna was in the wedding party. Andrew Perna and Christine

Biran Meuse ‘07 with his wife Maryleigh

Resendes were married on Sept.18, 2010, and Asher was in the wedding party. Bryan Meuse was married last January to MaryLeigh.

2008 Erica Adams has been named head women's lacrosse coach at Pine Manor College.

2010 Class Scribe: Katelyn Vella


Peter C. Friend ’48, of Newport, Maine, died Aug. 26, 2010. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps as a nose gunner on a B24 during World War II. In 1964, he founded the motorcycle division of Friend and Friend Inc., where he worked until the time of his death. He is survived by his children, Cooper and Anne; three grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and brother, Gilman. He was predeceased by his wife of 58 years, Beverly. Roger E. Worden ’50, of Cumming, Ga., died July 13, 2010. He served in the U.S. Navy Reserves and was the founder and owner of Quick Flight Stair Co. He also hosted equine-assisted services for people with special needs at his farm, which inspired the creation of Driving Magic Inc., a therapeutic carriage driving program for people with disabilities. Worden is survived by his wife, Judith; sons, David and John; two granddaughters; and one stepson.

served in the New Jersey National Guard and was a member of the Florida Sons of the American Revolution. He is survived by his two daughters, Laurie Jo and Kelly; and brother, Stephen. He was preceded in death by his wife, Joanne. John J. Dyer, Sr. ’70, of Shrewsbury, Mass., died Sept. 1, 2010. He was a salesman in the metal building construction industry for more than 40 years. Since 1988, he has been a sales executive in the Northeast for Varco Pruden Buildings of Evansville, Wisc. He leaves his wife, Joanne; son, John Jr.; and two brothers, Joseph and William.

Richard E. Benham ’51, of West Hartford, Conn., died June 16, 2010. He worked with the Transportation Department of Hartford Insurance Co., retiring in 1992. He was a member of the Universalist Church of West Hartford, The Old Guard, the West Hartford Lions Club and Wyllys-St. John Lodge #4 A.F. & A.M. Besides his wife of 54 years, Vallette, he is survived by three children, Richard, Jeanette, and Margaret; three grandchildren; and brother, John.

Roger P. Bicknell ’74, of Fort Myers, Fla., died June 6, 2010. Bicknell served in the U.S. Army Reserves for four years. His career included serving as food and beverage director of the Sheraton Hotel in Washington, D.C., establishing the food and beverage operations at a new hotel in New Hampshire, and serving as dining hall manager at Yale University. In Hamden, Conn., he owned a real estate company and later taught a food and beverage course at Connecticut State Vocational Technical Schools. In Florida, he worked as a photo technician for Walgreen's. Survivors include his companion, Judy Sharp; daughter, Robyn; a granddaughter; five brothers, William, Norman, John, David, and Neil; and former wife, Gertrude.

George S. Dates ’63, of Port Charlotte, Fla., died June 20, 2010. Dates was the trust officer and vice president of the Newton Trust Bank of Newton, N.J., where he served for many years before venturing into real estate and tax preparation services. He

Jason M. Rodgers ’93, of Fitchburg, Mass., died July 15, 2010. He worked for Netstal Plastic Injecting Mold Machine Co. from 1995-1998. In 1998 he moved to Colorado with Husky Injection Molding Systems of Bolton, Ontario, until 2000. He is survived

by his parents, David ’65 and Karen; and sister, Torri. Former Nichols Chairman of the Board of Trustees Albert J. DiGregorio H ’85, of Southbridge, Mass., died Aug. 13, 2010. He was a U.S. Army Air Corps veteran of World War II, serving as a 1st Lt. B-24 Bomber Pilot in the North Apennines, Rhineland, Balkans and PO Valley. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross Air Medal. DiGregorio was the president of the United Lens Co. Inc. in Southbridge for many years and served as chairman of the board until the time of his death. Throughout his life, he served the Central Massachusetts community in a multitude of capacities including serving as the president and treasurer of Fileno Realty Co., honorary trustee and past treasurer of Old Sturbridge Village, director of the Shawmut Bank, N.A., advisory director of the Don Orione Home in East Boston, and member of the Optical Society of America and the Optical Manufacturers Association. He leaves his wife of 65 years, Doris; two daughters, Lynne and Lisa; three grandchildren; four brothers, Raymond, Richard, Leonard, and Ronald. He was predeceased by two brothers, Armand and William.



Your Success Is Our Business

A win-win situation by Julie Errico

If you are interested in seeing a customized illustration of a charitable gift annuity, please contact Bill Pieczynski, vice president for advancement, at 866-622-4766 or



hen David Hale ’75 first learned of the new Nichols gift annuity program, he saw it as an opportunity to contribute to Nichols in a significant way. From being a chairman of the President’s Society, a member of the Nichols hockey alumni association, and a charter member of the Board of Advisors, to his current service on the Board of Trustees, Hale is continually looking for a way to make a difference through his involvement at Nichols. Hale, who took an early retirement from Polaroid and currently works as a mortgage loan officer, says signing up for the program was a win-win situation and provided him with several benefits. He will be able to claim a tax deduction right away and also get a guaranteed annuity at retirement or a specified age. The College benefits because it is then able to use his funds to continue to provide a quality education to students. Because he also turned over stock options, he avoids paying capital gains taxes as well. Hale was motivated to enroll in such a program not only because of the financial benefits but also his desire to continue being part of a growing institution. “I truly believe that in the past 10 years during Debra Townsley’s tenure, every part of Nichols College has shown significant improvement whether in its facilities, faculty, curriculum, athletics, or administration.” Hale also recognizes Nichols’ value as one of the most affordable business colleges in the area. “I think the Nichols brand has certainly gained in its recognition and its value,” he adds. In addition, Hale says it’s a sound investment. “Out of all of the financial advisors I spoke to about the gift annuity program, none had any issues with it at all. Donating to Nichols is no different than buying stock in a company that is in a growth pattern. I hope that other alumni will think about the college when they are reviewing their estate plans. For me, financially and personally, I just saw it as the right thing to do.”


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2000: Halloween

P.O. Box 5000 Dudley, MA 01571-5000 Your Success Is Our Business

Coming to a City near You … Join us at an upcoming alumni reception! These special events encourage alumni to network, socialize, and catch up on the recent happenings at Nichols. Be sure to check your email and mail for your invitation.

SAVE THESE DATES IN 2011: February 1: Phoenix, AZ February 5: Men’s Hockey Alumni Game February 16: Sarasota, FL February 17: Naples, FL

Receptions are being planned in these areas: > Boston, MA

> Greenwich, CT

> Dudley, MA

> Hartford, CT

> Worcester, MA

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