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capacity he only had two people to report to, himself and his wife. He and Sue are now retired, and home is in Londonderry, New Hampshire. He further states during his Navy and business career he has had residence in six states. He and Sue have been married for 56 years and they have three grandchildren.
He has very pleasant memories during his years at Nichols. He was a proctor at Conant for two years. He recalls replacing Mike Gilroy ’64 on his dry-cleaning route his senior year and knew who the “clothes horse” students were. He and his buddies spent many weekends on “Lake Chug” and became friends with many of the locals. Phil states he is blessed as a result of family, his business and Naval career, and his time at Nichols. Again, what a pleasure to hear from Phil.
During Homecoming 2022, we had the wonderful opportunity to enjoy lunch with our current Class of 1965 Scholarship recipient, Megan Brown. Also with us at lunch at the Lombard Dining Hall were my wife Mary Ellen, Bill Pieczynski, VP for advancement, Susan Veshi, associate VP for advancement, and Brent Broszeit, assistant VP of development. Meg is a senior at Nichols, majoring in corporate finance, with a minor in economics. Meg recently married her husband, Pete, an Army PFC currently stationed at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Meg is in the National Guard, also a PFC. Her hometown is North Brookfield, Massachusetts.
Our class could not have had a more talented recipient; she is a leading student in her class.
Although her husband is far away, she looks forward to the day they will be reunited. Meg is more than well on her way to graduation this coming May. With a brilliant academic position at Nichols, her vibrant personality, obvious intelligence, and an astute busness maturity well beyond her years, she is more than prepared for success. Meg’s future business target is in cybersecurity, hopefully in Washington. A current phase heard on campus is “Nichols is on the move!” Megan is a prime example! College President Glenn Sulmasy presided over the President’s Society Dinner in October, honoring Dave Lombard ’65 and his lovely wife Susan. The dinner venue was the new, and very impressive Lombard Dining Hall. The building is truly remarkable, spacious, sensibly appointed, and gorgeous! A far cry from our days on the Hill. Most importantly, the food is more than just good.
The evening was devoted to Dave and Susan with a re-dedication of the facility. Dave spoke from the heart. Dave and Susan (a Colby graduate) have done so much for Nichols. They have donated time and treasure to our alma mater. We, the Class of 1965, are so fortunate to have had Dave as a classmate. Without question, where would Nichols be if without Dave Lombard? Dave is a devout, true son of Nichols!
Until next time, again, thanks for the memories!
Class Champion: Phil Collins 703-627-9924 pecollins10@aol.com
Class Champion: Robert "Kuppy" Kuppenheimer 4627 Tremont Lane Corona del Mar, CA 92625-3130 rkuppy@gmail.com
Class Champion: Jim Mulcunry mulcunryjl@charter.net
Class Champion: Mark Alexander mark1alex12@gmail.com
Class Champion: Jay Reese wjayreese@gmail.com