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2023 Honorary Alumni Award
In 1985, the Alumni Board initiated the practice of naming honorary alumni to publicly recognize members of the Nichols community who have given devoted service to the school.
Head of School Chris Burner presented John Darby P’19,’21,’23 with the 2023 Honorary Alumni Award at the 131st Commencement ceremony.
Darby was honored for his dedication to this school, which rivals that of its alumni. Along with his wife Candy, a member of the class of 1984, the two have shepherded three children through Nichols, the last graduating in the class of 2023.
Joining the Nichols School Board of Trustees in 2017, Darby offered to lead an enrollment task force, serve as a member of the Facilities, Endowment, and Finance committees, chairing Finance since 2020, as well as join the Executive committee as treasurer. John and Candy served as auction co-chairs in 2020 and then again in 2021, helping take Derby Day to Nichols Night. Finally, Darby assisted in coordinating the Class of 2023 Senior