Jan Lewin-Cadogan

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Jan Lewin-Cadogan

Jan Lewin-Cadogan:

Jan Lewin-­‐Cadogan is a ceramicist who lives in Carmarthenshire with her husband and son. When not making experimental glazes or ge>ng dirty with clay, she gardens, walks her two daA dogs, reads, makes bread and takes Bme out to walk along the coastal paths of West Wales taking photos of the landscape. Jan trained at West Wales School of the Arts in Carmarthen and Graduated in 2008 with a First class BA (Hons) in Ceramics and since then has been experimenBng with various clays, glazes and techniques to discover her own unique and individual style. She started exhibiBng her work in 2008. Jan's works are priced between £28.00 and £95.00 and represent fantasBc value! Great presents, even if they are for yourself!

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