Natural Health

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Allergies And Your Unique Nutritional Requirements The practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health are now using use the latest non-invasive scanning technology. This helps them to develop a full profile of your health status, including allergies, nutritional deficiencies, toxin levels and much more. This information is then used to build a truly effective holistic health programme uniquely tailored to your needs! Call The Centre now to hear how you can benefit! 01730 233 414

In these winter months, we need to ensure that we give our systems the nutrients that they need in order to be in tip-top shape. But squeezing nutritional value out of every meal doesn’t necessarily make for tasty meals! That’s why the expert holistic practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health are giving you a very healthy salad to try: not only is it full of goodness, but also it has a very low calorie density. Enjoy!

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Winter/Spring 2008

African Plant Fights Fat

An Healthful and Delicious Salad

NaturalHealth Magazine Homeopathy The safest route for children? Cosmetic Risks Everything You Need To Know


• ½ cup organic cold-pressed virgin olive oil • 2 TBSP balsamic vinegar • 1 heaping TBSP (or large dollop) honey • 1 small clove garlic • Pinch of sea salt • Black pepper to taste • Handful of fresh, organic coriander

Asthma Your Essential Guide To Winter


• Mixed salad greens, to fill medium-sized salad bowl • 2 sharon fruit, peeled and chopped (may substitute ripe pears) • ½ cup cubed organic mild cheddar cheese (un-pasteurised if possible) • 1 small apple, chopped fine


• Blend all dressing ingredients until creamy and set aside. • Fill medium-sized salad bowl with mixed salad greens. • Add in persimmons, cheddar cheese and apple. • Toss well with dressing

Natural Health Magazine

Soft Drinks A Timeline Of Effects Revealed

Alcohol Could It Protect You?

Welcome to the winter edition of Natural Health Magazine, from NutriVital Health.

Take care of yourself. It’s important that you make time for yourself to relax and enjoy yourself. Set aside regular time slots for things like deep breathing, yoga, acupuncture, meditation (ask at The Centre for details on Transcendental Meditation).

NutriVital Health is a holistic natural healthcare company at the forefront of complementary medicine technology, offering natural health services

Consider supplementation: Chromium (if you have sugar cravings), Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids, Vitamin E and EFA’s (both omega 3 and 6), and Vitamin B Complex may all be useful. Vaginal dryness can be helped with 600mg of Vitamin E but takes at least a month to work. It can also be applied topically.

in London and Petersfield and providing business services and training to clinics internationally.

The purpose of this free publication is to provide you with an entertaining and informative snapshot of topical issues in natural health that may be of value to you. The articles within have been inspired by recent experiences in our clinics or by new information from the natural health community. First of all though, it is vital to remember that there are a number of very simple, clear and inexpensive steps that we can all take to improve our health. It is easy to get excited about the latest story of how some activity or substance affects one’s health by some percent in a sample of 40-year-old men. This kind of research makes great headlines but it is usual ly of only marginal importance to actually managing your own health. So our advice is to read and digest the interesting snippets in this and other publications, but to try not to get distracted from the fundamentals. If you have any health challenges, or if you simply want to maintain the best of health, our experience of treating thousands of people over the last twelve years has shown that the most important things you can do are: Be aware of emotional factors that influence your habits Get regular sunlight exposure Drink water Avoid toxins Eat the right fats (generally, these are fats that you would have come across in pre-industrial times e.g. fish oil, coconut oil, olive oil, butter) Cut out sugar Make sure your diet includes fresh foods and raw foods Exercise Get plenty of sleep

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Natural Health Magazine

Black Cohosh. This can be very helpful with hot flushes, sweating, insomnia, anxiety and low libido. It works on the hypothalamus to help control body tem perature and helps lift ones mood by raising serotonin. Take our herbal mixture 3 months on and 1 month off (although it’s not suitable for those with a history of liver disease). St John’s Wort. The combination of St John’s Wort and Black Cohosh can be very effective for women who experience depression, irritability and fatigue. St John’s Wort can also help to relieve other menopausal symptoms such as headaches, palpitations, lack of concentration and decreased libido. DongQuai. This is another great herb that can help with hot flushes. Take 600mg a day. (Contra indicated for those on Warfarin and a doctor should be consulted for those on anti-depressants). Natural progesterone. This can be the answer for many women but it is only available on prescription. To find out more contact The Natural Progesterone Information Service (NPIS). Symptoms of menopause can be extremely distressing and disruptive. The Centre For Integrated Health treats many menopausal clients through natural means, with great success. The steps we describe in this article are the basic general steps we recommend for every woman. The Asyra bio-energetic screening system we use and our remedies work alongside everything else that we have mentioned here to help the body find its own natural balance. For more information on what we do at The Centre For Integrated Health, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01730 233 414.

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Managing The Symptoms of Menopause The symptoms of menopause can be truly debilitating. The most common symptoms, to name a few, include hot flushes, night sweats, fatigue, headaches, irritability, insomnia, depression, vaginal dryness, brain fog, and the inability to concentrate. So it’s hardly surprising that many women go to their doctors to find relief in the form of Hormone Replacement Therapy. But now the risks associated with long term HRT are becoming common knowledge. This can only add to a woman’s anxiety. Here at The Centre For Integrated Health we do everything we can to help women through this natural stage of their lives without HRT. Our modern day lives are full of factors that exacerbate symptoms of menopause. Women juggle busy family lives with stressful working commitments; their bodies are constantly trying to deal with toxins (from things like air pollutants, electro magnetic frequencies, and processed foods); and excess exposure to oestrogenic substances can be tricky to avoid. Oestrogenic compounds are found in meat (which is often hormone fed), in dairy products, in pesticides, in soft plastics used in food wrapping (which can seep into the food), and in plastic bottles. Oestrogen is also used in the contraceptive pill and in HRT. This alters the fine balance between our oestrogen and progesterone levels, leading to oestrogen dominance. There are, however, some basic steps you can take to help alleviate menopausal symptoms naturally: Physical exercise. Vigorous physical exercise will work wonders in the short term (alleviating hot flushes) and long term for most symptoms. If vigorous exercise is not for you then taking a 15-20 minute walk every day (preferably quite a brisk walk) will help with every aspect of menopausal symptoms. Adjust your diet. Include tofu, beans or chickpeas in your daily diet (approximately equivalent to 50 a day); enjoy a good quality Miso soup every day; and eat seeds daily – flax, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin (these can be ground in a coffee grinder and then sprinkled on other foods if you don’t enjoy them on their own). Also, since low blood sugar levels can trigger hot flushes, keep your blood sugar balanced by grazing rather than gorging and choose low GL, non-sugary foods. Eat Organic whenever you can (this applies especially to dairy and meat products); and drink at least 1and a half – 2 litres of water every day.

And how can you make changes that stick? Here are some pointers that can help you to overcome the natural tendencies we all have towards inertia and the familiar: Focus on developing good habits rather than eliminating the bad habits you wish to overcome. Commit to 30 Days. If you make it through the first month, the habit will feel much more natural. Consistency is key, and the more often you engage in the habit the better. Start Simple. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself or give yourself the opportunity to perceive a failure. Be realistic when setting your targets and stick to them! Use “But” Statements. If you start to think something negative about the habit, counter it with a “but” statement. For instance, “I’m no good at exercising,” becomes “I’m no good at exercising, but I’m just starting out and I’ll get better each day.” Form a Trigger. Think of something you can do right before the habit so that it will “trigger” you into autopilot. So, if your habit is to go to bed ear lier, washing your face and brushing your teeth can be the ritual you use to trigger your earlier bedtime. Do it now! When the time comes to act on a new habit, get started straight away If you wish to find out more about exactly how we can assess your current health status and assist you in achieving optimum health, don’t hesitate to contact The Centre For Integrated Health on Petersfield 01730 233 414 or visit Enjoy reading this free magazine, and we hope that it provides you with some tips that will contribute to your good health. Our very best wishes, The NutriVital Health Team


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Natural Health Magazine

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Lost Treasure – Silver: A Natural Antibiotic

Homoeopathy For Children

The ancients used to store their water in silver vessels. The American settlers would put a silver dollar in their milk containers. Until 70 years ago, colloidal silver was the mainstay of antibiotic treatment. That was until cheaper antibiotic drugs began to be produced.

Ever since German doctor Samuel Hahnemann introduced homeopathy 200 years ago, paediatricians have favoured homoeopathic treatment for a wide range of conditions including infections, allergies, mental and behavioural disorders, and other miscellaneous disorders (such as headaches and gastritis). But why should homeopathy be the first port of call for the treatment of children?

Then, in the late 1970s, interest in silver was rekindled. A research unit stumbled upon silver while searching for an effective treatment for burn victims. They found that silver was not only incredibly effective as a germ fighter, but could be used over large areas of the body and is non-toxic and non-stinging - even to the eyes. Biomedical research has since shown that no known disease-causing organism – bacteria, virus or fungus – can live for more than a few minutes in the presence of even minute traces of metallic silver. And because silver seems to kill mechanically or electrically, bacteria don’t develop a resistance to it as they do to modern antibiotics. In 2008, silver is used in bone surgery and in 70% of US burns centres. NASA uses a silver water purification system for its space shuttles, as do the Russians. Most of the top airlines use silver water filters to curtail waterborne diseases. Silver disables the enzyme that all viruses, fungi and one-celled bacteria use to metabolize oxygen.

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Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. And unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which also destroy beneficial enzymes, colloidal silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact, as they are radically different from the enzymes of primitive single-celled life. Colloidal silver is the name given to microscopic particles of silver, held in a liquid suspension. It is tasteless, odourless and non-stinging to sensitive tissues. It may be taken orally, and can be applied directly to cuts, scrapes, open sores and warts. It may be used as a rinse for acne, eczema and other skin irritations. It can be gargled, dropped into eyes and ears, and atomized and inhaled into the nose or lungs. Colloidal Silver is available from NutriVital Health for £7.95. Please call 01730 233 414 for more information or to place an order. Although there are other manufacturers, if you chose to buy elsewhere, please be sure that the colloidal silver is not suspended in protein. Very few if any brands indicate there is protein. If it is a very high PPM (parts per million) – e.g. over 20, it probably is in protein. Also beware that we do not recommend the use of home-made colloidal silver. If you have a chronic problem then your system is out of balance, and the best treatment is to tackle the root of the problem, holistically. The experienced practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health (01730 233 414) can help.

Natural Health Magazine

Safe Medicine: Any medicine administered to children should be mild and free from harsh effects, if possible. As their bodies are still developing, interference from harsh drugs – or the development of any kind of conditioning to harsh drugs – can cause problems in the short and long term. Homeopathics are natural and 100% non-toxic. They do not hamper digestion, lower resistance power, or produce allergies – even if taken for long-term. Effective & Quick Treatment: As a child’s system is more sensitive than that of an adult and has not been conditioned to harsh drugs and antibiotics, they respond more quickly to homoeopathy. Builds Body Resistance: Recurring infection in is often due to a lowered resistance power resulting from some other root cause. Homoeopathic treatment is based on the ‘Constitutional Approach’: it treats the disease at the root level rather than treating symptoms. This will stand a child in good stead to fight further infections without assistance. Child Friendly! Homoeopathics are available in a number of forms, making them easy to administer. They are never bitter and cause no nauseous feeling. For these reasons, anybody wanting his or her children to grow with natural, safe, nontoxic, effective and quick acting medicine, should investigate homoeopathic treatments. To discuss homoeopathy further or explore whether it can help you or your child, call The Centre For Integrated Health today on 01730 233 414.

Natural Health Magazine

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Soft Drinks – A Timeline Of Effects Revealed

Kiss Me; But Don’t Shake My Hand!

In 2005, white bread was overtaken by soft drinks as the number one source of calories in the average western diet. The consumption of a soft drink results in a number of reactions in the body. You may be interested to read , as an example, what happens when you drink a Coke:

A recent report warns that the risk of infection from the shake of a hand is far greater than that from a kiss.

Within the first 10 minutes, 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. This is 100 percent of your recommended daily intake (the only reason you don’t vomit as a result of the overwhelming sweetness is because phosphoric acid cuts the flavour)! Within 20 minutes, your blood sugar spikes, and your liver responds to the resulting insulin burst by turning massive amounts of sugar into fat. Within 40 minutes, caffeine absorption is complete. Your blood pressure rises, and your liver dumps more sugar into your bloodstream.

The report also noted that regular hand washing might be more effective than drugs in preventing the spread of respiratory viruses such as influenza and SARS. Germs that cause stomach infections such as salmonella, E. coli, staph bacteria, campylobacter and norovirus can circulate directly from person to person via hand contact.

Around 45 minutes, your body increases dopamine production, which stimulates the pleasure centres of your brain. This is the exact same physical process as that which is stimulated by heroin!

Of course, they are a part of normal ecology so you shouldn’t be afraid of them. But simply washing your hands well with soap and water will help you break the chain. Try to avoid antibacterial soaps. They kill both good and bad bacteria, which contributes to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Furthermore, the active ingredient in most antibacterial products is triclosan, which doesn’t only kill bacteria and inhibit bacterial growth, but has also been shown to kill human cells. So kiss and avoid shaking hands! Other benefits of kissing include the release of oxytocin (a hormone which has a calming effect on the body); and a doubling of calories burned for the duration of the kiss compared to your normal basal metabolic rate!

After 60 minutes, you’ll start to have a sugar crash.

In a recent study, it was shown that sugar is more addictive than cocaine: rats that were given cocaine regularly and then presented with the option of switching to sugar. It turned out that not only would they choose sugar over cocaine, but they would also work harder for sugar! There’s also a whole horror list of the effects of other substances that are found in these types of soft drinks (including benzene, sodium benzoate, phosphoric acid, aspartame and caffeine) but we won’t go into it here! Of course, you should not chastise yourself for the occasional soft drink (nor should anybody else chastise you, for that matter!). The holistic practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health have the philosophy that education is a key step to help clients make health decisions that count. Page 16

Natural Health Magazine

Is Your Car In Better Shape Than You? When it comes to our cars, we tend not to think twice about a regular service and annual MOT. But how many of us take the same precaution with our bodies? A visit to The Centre For Integrated Health for a (non-invasive) full system screen is a great opportunity to do just that. A simple consultation and screening will look into your vitamin & mineral levels; food sensitivities; hormone balance; organ function; and lifestyle factors. Individually tailored treatment plans and carefully prescribed remedies will help map out the road to optimal health! Call today to find out more on 01730 233 414.

Natural Health Magazine

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African Plant Fights Fat Hoodia, a bitter-tasting cactus-like plant that grows in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa, may soon take a large bite from the $40-billion yearly market for weight loss products in the United States. The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert have been eating the hoodia plant thousands of years – not to lose weight, but to stave off hunger pains when food was scarce. It works by tricking the brain into believing that the stomach is full. Although a South African study in the 1960s found that animals fed with the plant lost weight, it was another 30 years before the active ingredient was identified and its appetitesuppressing qualities realized. That active ingredient has now been licensed to English pharmaceutical company Phytopharm. To date, the company has spent over £10 million on research, and trials have been promising: obese volunteers given hoodia ate about 1,000 calories less a day than those in the control group. There are hoodia products currently on the market, but before you rush out to buy them, be aware that they may contain as little as 0.01 to 0.1 percent of the active ingredient claimed, and therefore will have no effect. There are also counterfeit products available and products containing harmful fillers. Phytopharm is in the process of growing enough hoodia to meet market demands, and they plan to have their meal-replacement hoodia products on supermarket shelves in 2008.

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Did You Know ? Although hoodia appears to have no side effects, it has an unmarketably bitter taste; so we can expect any product containing the plant to contain an array of chemicals and sweeteners to make the products palatable. Unfortunately, these kinds of additives do have side-effects. Luckily, there are other highly effective natural methods of appetite management which do not involve expensive pharmaceutical products, such as the awareness of factors such as macronutrient balance, food density and glycemic index. Weight issues may also be the result of some undetected problem such as poor absorption of nutrients, high toxic load, organ imbalances, hormone balance or allergen sensitivity. A more healthful and long-term approach to the slimmer and healthier you exists not in radical transformations, diets and pills; but in informed and manageable changes of habit. The practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health, Petersfield use the latest screening technologies to identify exactly what factors are relevant for you so that they can help map out a clear way forward. Call today to speak to a practitioner on 01730 233 414.

Natural Health Magazine

Winter coughs come in three different varieties: Dry Coughs. These are the tight, tickly, irritating onesones. Loose Coughs. These are the gooey but more satisfying ones. Spasmodic Coughs. These are explosive and uncontrollable! There are natural remedies specific to each of these, so if you suffer from coughs, contact The Centre For Integrated Health to find out how best to treat your cough!

What can you do to help your system clear the blockage and fight the infection? The holistic practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health suggest the following:


• Consumption of hot liquids can help speed up the movement of your cilia (as can an hot bath) • A hot compress to the face for five minutes a few times a day will increase circulation to the sinuses • Hot foods such as horseradish or wasabi mustard can help • Dust your bedroom and sleeping with your head elevated • For the brave, sinus irrigation has been helping people for thousands of years • Equally, avoiding viruses is effective treatment! Natural Health Magazine

The latest screening technology now used at The Centre helps identify areas of deficiency within your system so that practitioners can work with you in an informed fashion to make the changes that really matter to your health. To discuss how you and your family may be able to experience better health year-round, don’t hesitate to call The Centre For Integrated Health on 01730 233 414.

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Beating Sinus Infection

Obesity Linked To Bad Bones

Antibiotics are commonly used to treat sinus infections, but a new study has found that they may work no better than a placebo. And as we all know, taking antibiotics unnecessarily is not only bad for your body, but resistances to medications can develop.

Excess body fat may contribute to poor bone health, according to a new study of 115 18 and 19 year-old women. This finding adds to the growing list of obesityrelated health problems, which already includes an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other problems.

In the study, researchers followed around 200 patients with sinusitis. Of the 100 who received an antibiotic, 29 percent had symptoms that lasted 10 days or more. Another 107 received a placebo, and 34 percent had similarly lasting symptoms. This difference is considered statistically insignificant. The effectiveness of a nasal steroid spray for sinus infections was also tested in the study, and found to work the same as the placebo (except among a group of patients with milder The researchers suggested that the antibiotic did not help the sinus infections because it couldn’t penetrate the pus-filled sinus cavities. The unnecessary prescription of antibiotics has led to enormous problems with drug resistance. Antibiotics were recently found to be ineffective against ear infections and bronchitis as well. The researchers say the results should encourage more patients to forgo antibiotics for sinus infections. Sinus infections occur when the mucous membranes in your nose and sinuses become irritated by a cold, an allergy, pollutants or exposure to dry or cold air. This leads your membranes to become inflamed while stimulating your mucous glands to secrete more mucus than usual. As mucus accumulates in your sinuses, it can easily become infected. Although becoming cold does not lead directly to illness, if there is a causative organism present – perhaps dormant in the sinuses – the cold air will weaken your immune function in the area, giving the organism a good chance at winning the battle against your system. So it’s important to stay warm at this time of year.

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Steps that practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health recommend you can take to generally strengthen your immune system include:

• Eliminating consumption of sugars • Eating: good quality krill or fish oil, coconut oil, good quality unrefined carbohydrates, and garlic • Sleep and exercise

Natural Health Magazine

In the study, researchers conducted threedimensional bone scans of women with normal body fat (less than 32 percent) and high body fat (greater than 32 percent). Women with high body fat had bones that were 8 percent to 9 percent weaker than those with normal body fat. Obese children, whose bones are still developing, researchers said, are in particular danger of a lasting negative impact on their skeleton. Animal studies have found that obese rats produce more fat cells than bone cells in bone marrow, which may explain the weakening. However, it’s known that if a person’s dietary habits lead them to become leptin-resistant, two things can happen: firstly there can be miscommunication about where to store fat. Some of it will be stored in the abdomen and liver, which throws the liver’s function offkilter and contributes to the breakdown of muscle and bone, causing weakness and osteoporosis. Additionally, calcium starts being deposited in the bloodstream rather than bone.

Natural Health Magazine

In the UK, about 28% of women and men aged 16-24 are overweight or obese and 76% of men and 68% of women aged 5564 are overweight or obese. The good news is that exercise – running, jumping, and doing other types of active play – not only helps combat obesity but improves bone mass in kids and adults. Dietary changes that can help support your bone health include increasing omega-3 fats and decreasing omega-6; increasing vitamin K intake; getting more sunshine (increasing vitamin D); and getting more calcium from milk. Obesity, overweightedness, and bone problems can all be the result of other factors such as hormone imbalances or absorption problems. The experts at The Centre For Integrated Health can use the latest non-invasive screening technology to identify the root of the problem, to help map out the most efficient path for your excellent health. Call now to find out how they can help you on 01730 233 414.

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The Asthmatic’s Guide To Winter


Temperature influences asthma more than any other environmental or weather factor, according to researchers at Harvard University. Cold air has the effect of cooling and drying of the bronchial airways, which can trigger an asthma attack.

You’ve probably heard about assorted dangers relating to the use of cosmetic products. But surely you’re protected. How seriously should you really take this? And what can you do to protect yourself?

And the cold virus is able to replicate at much higher levels in the lung cells of asthma patients, according to researchers at The University Or Southampton! The virus was able to reproduce itself at up to 50 times the normal rate in lung cells taken from asthma patients. This is bad news, given that the lungs of an asthmatic are already irritable and more reactive than those of non-asthmatics. The number of children being affected by asthma is dramatically increasing, with asthma now considered the most common cause of childhood hospitalization and school absences (an estimated 14 million school days lost per year). With the arrival of winter, the estimated 6 million children who suffer from asthma face numerous triggers of the disease. So the cold, wet weather that we can expect from the coming months will no doubt be of concern to anyone who is affected by asthma.


What can a person who is prone to asthma do not only to avoid an attack, but also to feel confident that they are taking steps to protect themselves? The expert natural health practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health have provided the following tips:

• Try to avoid cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine (a common ingredient in decongestants and multi-symptom products). It can dry out your airways and has the potential to cause palpitations when combined with some asthma medication. • The hours around 3 and 4am are frequently reported to be problematic. Ensure that your bedroom is warm and dust free; and use home remedies like a vaporizer or humidifier to hydrate the air.

The average woman uses 12 toiletries every day. This equates to direct contact with approximately 175 chemical compounds a day. Of course, many of the 175 compounds will be safe! But if even one or two are toxic and you apply them every day, then you could be setting yourself up for a wide range of health problems. In North America – the largest consumers of cosmetic products – cosmetics are the least regulated products on the market under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act. No pre-market safety testing, no review, and no approval is necessary. FDA officials have found that many cosmetic manufacturers don’t have enough data on safety tests; and when they do have data, they generally refuse to disclose the results. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health found that 884 of the chemicals available for use in cosmetics have been separately reported to the government as toxic substances. Pretty scary! Products for men and infants are included in all of this. Last year a group called Campaign for Safe Cosmetics warned consumers that several popular, big-name children’s bath products contained cancer-causing petrochemical 1,4-Dioxane.

• Be sure to drink plenty of liquids. Page 8

Natural Health Magazine

Meanwhile, UK organisation Chemical Safe Skincare have put two widely used cosmetic chemicals high on the “Must Avoid” list: parabens and phthalates. Both chemicals have been linked to disruption of normal hormone function and increased cancer risk.

Natural Health Magazine

Parabens are antimicrobial preservatives used in deodorants, creams, body sprays, and many other cosmetics. Phthalates are found in deodorant, perfume, nail polish, and hair spray. Their use has also been linked to lung, liver, and kidney damage. The most important step to take is to become healthier. This will be reflected in your appearance. Call The Centre For Integrated Health to discover how you can develop lasting beauty and eliminate the need for expensive and toxic cosmetic products. Call 01730 233 414 for more information


The dangers are real and potentially severe. What can you do, Following these steps will help you protect yourself:

• Read ingredients carefully, watching for the chemicals named above, particularly parabens and phthalates. • Generally, choose products that contain fewest ingredients. • Handle cosmetics in a way that prevents bacterial contamination. • Source product ranges designed with no harmful chemicals in – the practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health can recommend some. Page 13

Home Remedies

Honey Lemon Cough Syrup A research study has determined that children that get a dose of honey cough less and sleep better than those that get cough medicine with dextromethorphan (the ingredient in most over-the-counter products for coughs). So for those of you who prefer effective (and delicious) natural remedies to harsh and often less effective drugs, the holistic practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health have provided a recipe for a lemon and honey syrup. Honey not only soothes, but it kills bacteria. And lemons, aside from being full of vitamin C, help promote health by quickly alkalinizing your body. This syrup will keep for 2 months in the refrigerator.

To soothe a cough, take 1/2 teaspoon for a 25 lb. child and 1 teaspoon for a 50 lb. child, about 4 times a day, or as often as needed. Adults can take 1 tablespoon doses. (Remember that honey, if eaten in large amounts, will increase your insulin and leptin levels, which can lead to poor health. Parents are advised not to give honey to any child under the age of 1 year; infants younger than that are at risk for botulism from honey). For further details of how you and your family – especially infants – can experience better health safely and naturally, don’t hesitate to contact The Centre For Integrated Health on 01730 233 414.

The following natural – and in some cases, delicious – home-made remedies will be of use to asthmatics and anyone feeling under the weather in the winter months: Garlic Juice: extract juice from garlic. Mix 10–15 drops in warm water drink. Mix licorice and ginger together. Take ½ tablespoon in 1 cup of water. Drink a glass of 2/3 carrot juice, 1/3 spinach juice, 3 times a day. Make a paste using ginger, turmeric, black pepper, cumin and honey. A teaspoon a day of this mixture is very useful in keeping the chest clear. Create a liniment using eucalyptus oil, cinnamon oil or clove oil with a base oil sesame would be the best for those with dry or infection type asthma or mustard for those with congestion type asthma – and apply to the chest. Cook a papaya for 40 minutes and take the syrup 4x daily Taking these simple steps should help any asthmatic or cold-sufferer relax enjoy the winter months. Call The Centre For Integrated Health now to book a consultation to see what steps you can take to treat root causes of your asthma; and to train your breathing habits using the latest capnotraining technology – 01730 233 414.

PREPARATION: Put a pint of honey in a pan on the stove on very low heat (Do not boil honey as this changes its me dicinal properties) Take a whole lemon and boil in some water in a separate pan for 2-3 minutes to both soften the lemon and kill any bacteria that may be on the lemon skin.

• Do not underestimate your asthma condition. Many patients feel better in warm weather of summer so by the time winter rolls around they often see less of a need to take precautions. Keep your prescriptions to hand.

Let the lemon cool enough to handle then cut it in slices and add it to the pint of honey on the stove.

• Wear a scarf or facemask over the nose and mouth to warm the air you are breathing… And don’t wear damp clothes!

Let mixture cook on warm heat for about an hour.

• If you take exercise, stick to swimming in an indoor heated pool. Be aware of the possible effects of chlorine. Salt-water pools are ideal.

Then strain the lemon from the honey making sure all lemon seeds are removed. Let Mixture cool, then bottle in a jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator. Page 12

Natural Health Magazine

• Stay healthy and use appropriate home remedies (practitioners at The Centre For Integrated Health can recommend) – call 01730 233 414 for more information. Natural Health Magazine

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Could Alcohol Protect You From Colds?

Brandy, whiskey, wine and other alcoholic beverages have long been recommended as “just the thing” to treat a cold. It’s generally believed that alcohol may help to temporarily relieve cold and flu symptoms. However, recent reports suggest that alcohol could make you less likely to become ill in the first place! In, 1993 a study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon found that moderate drinkers had increased resistance to colds. A second study conducted in 2002, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, also found protective effects of alcohol: in the study of 4,300 adults, those who drank eight to fourteen glasses of wine per week (red wine in particular) had up to a 60 percent reduced risk of developing a cold. The researchers suggested that the wine’s antioxidant content might have been responsible for the beneficial effect. The media have been splattered with red wine in recent years, all reporting high levels of antioxidants and positive effects on cholesterol levels. We all know the downsides of drinking alcohol. As most of us are painfully aware, drinking too much alcohol in the short term produces side effects – the hangover. This is caused by acetaldehyde (a chemical that alcohol breaks down into), which has toxic effects on many tissues and organs in the body and can also cause mental and emotional disturbances. Alcohol is also a neurotoxin – it can poison your brain; it can cause serious disruptions to your hormone balance; it contains a lot of sugar; and it has been linked with several types of cancer. So, of course, we should drink in moderation.

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Natural Health Magazine

The real question – and the bone of contention – is: do some alcoholic beverages really contain unique medicinal properties? Or is it wishful thinking? Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that is found in berries of many varieties (including the skins of grapes). Aside from being an antioxidant, resveratrol lowers your “bad” LDL cholesterol while raising “good” HDL cholesterol; and it decreases the production of a protein that plays a major role in the development of heart disease. Resveratrol was also found to extend the life span of yeast cells by up to 80 percent, and researchers are hoping to prove that the molecules will have similar effects on worms, fruit flies and even humans. The presence of grape skins (and so resveratrol) puts red wine into a family of compounds known as polyphenols, which combat damaging free radicals in your body. This is only applicable for red wine, as the amount of resveratrol in white wine and other liquors is minimal or non-existent. The reason that alcohol in general has been linked with health benefits is that it positively impacts your absorption of resveratrol. But clearly that has little benefit unless you happen to be eating berries while you drink. While there are clearly negative consequences to consuming alcohol of any kind, red wine does get high levels of resveratrol into your blood where it performs its magic. So if you drink red wine, rest assured that there is some good; but do be aware that the arguments presented in the media are not balanced! The real key to improving your immune system – and limiting the damaging effects of alcohol consumption – is to make small but consistent changes to the dietary and lifestyle habits that really matter. Call The Centre For Integrated Health today to see how you can feel better year-round.

Natural Health Magazine

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