nicholas darin
carlo pelliccia fellowship application
contents experiencing the nolli map: a study of the z-axis drawing studies areas of interest presentation format drawing experience experiential sketches analytical sketches hard-line drawings logistics about me
experiencing the nolli map: a study of the z-axis
Rome, the eternal city. It is a city best experienced through its tight thoroughfares, piazzas and civic/religious
buildings. Unique to Rome is its rich history as the center of the Roman Empire and as the home to the Catholic Church. All throughout the city are traces of it’s history, whether it be churches from the Baroque Era or the ancient city walls, the city presents itself as a treasure chest of history. Also unique to Rome is its rich culture and cuisine. Italy is a country that prides itself on its culture, cuisine and “la vita bella” (the beautiful life). A sunny afternoon stroll through Campo de Fiori will reveal Romans out and about, having an espresso, sharing a meal, or enjoying a glass of wine. The Roman people take great pride in how they present themselves to the world, dressing exceptionally even if it is just to go out for a quick walk. Part of what makes Rome so special, is the social interactions and lifestyles that the city itself physically encourages.
This study will build on my fall 2015 research studio in which I proposed a series of residential colleges here
at The University of Virginia. My proposal densified the Carrs Hill area of campus aiming to create new residential colleges centered around urban spaces. These urban spaces and the paths between them mimic the streets and piazzas of Rome. The goal was to create a more desirable student life here on campus and promote healthy lifestyles and social interaction currently lacking in many of the residential colleges at UVA. Students traveling to grounds from Hereford College must ride on a bus or face a time consuming and dangerous walk to central grounds. This proposal seeks to bring everything together and consolidate the campus instead of continuing the current pattern of “sprawl”.
My initial proposal for this “densified” series of residential colleges was conceived of and designed at a larger
scale. The next step in this project is to really understand the implications of this “density” and how it will impact the lives of those who inhabit these spaces. Critical to this study will be the study of scale, proportion, adjacencies, usage and time (how these spaces change throughout the course of the day). Learning directly from the inhabitants, architecture and public spaces of Rome, I will conduct a study in which I analyze some of Rome’s most famous public spaces. I will then document what makes these spaces so special from an experiential perspective, and then from an analytical architectural perspective.
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I will use Giambattista Nolli’s Map of Rome as a point of departure for this study. It is one of the best
demonstrations of Rome’s unique urban fabric depicting a series of dialectical conditions that highlight solid vs void, figure vs ground, and public vs private spaces. By examining the Nolli Map one can start to understand the history of the city, the proximity of spaces to one another, how people move throughout the city, the relation of indoor public spaces (typically churches) to outdoor public spaces and many other significant urban conditions. Although the Nolli Map successfully documents and abstracts this information, there is one condition that it cannot and does not document. That is the ‘z-axis’, the third-dimension. In this sense, the Nolli Map lays out a blueprint for the city, but does not provide the viewer any information as to the qualities of these spaces or how they are used.
This study will analyze the z-axis of the Nolli Map. A series of both analytical and experiential drawings will
be used to document these conditions. The experiential drawings will capture the life of these spaces. The analytical drawings will provide a metric to the height, width and depth of some of these spaces. The analytical drawings will directly represent the areas studied in the experiential drawings. The drawings will help us to understand both the experiential qualities of a space, and then have the blueprint that explains how this space was created.
The purpose of this study is to provide a tool to help us understand some of Rome’s most complex and
wonderful urban spaces. From there we can apply the lessons learned from this study to design problems of our own. As I started to densify the Carr’s Hill area of campus here at UVA, I constantly found myself asking numerous questions. What is a good width for this passageway? Is this too tall or imposing for this area? Is this public space to large? Where will people congregate in a space of this size? Which way will people walk through this space? These are the kinds of questions that I will be able to answer with more confidence after conducting this study.
To conduct this study, I will focus on four areas of interest. I will first record the use of the spaces by day and
by night, how people interact with the space, how people interact with each other within the space, points of interest within each space and then photograph typical social interactions happening within the space. I will then pick areas in which to conduct the experiential drawings and create a series of vignettes. After these have been completed, I will create one large analytical sketch for each area. This drawing will demonstrate in a measured manner, the spatial logic of the spaces captured in the vignettes.
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drawing studies
these preliminary drawing studies start to document the relation of the z-axis to the nolli plan below scale figures really help to show the scale and usage of the spaces common to both of these spaces is a strong relation between the outdoor public space and the indoor public space, in both instances a church and its adjacency to the piazza beyond
piazza navonna
piazza della rotunda Nicholas Darin 5
drawing studies
these preliminary drawing studies start to document the relation of the z-axis to the nolli style plan below in these studies I created an experiential sketch to capture the human perception of the space an analytical sketch then extrudes the associated geometries over the nolli plan only extruding the geometry depicted within the cone of vision of the experiential sketch
drawing studies
this experiential sketch captures the space between campbell hall and the fiske kimball library the sketch to the left shows the extruded geometries within the cone of vision of the experiential sketch a series of experiential sketches at different times of day can start to show how the use of these spaces change throughout the day
as the drawings develop, layers of information can be added to examine the implications of public vs private and solid vs void in the z axis Nicholas Darin 6
drawing studies
this experiential drawing captures life on the lawn on a typical afternoon the use of scale figures and nonarchitectural elements starts to demonstrate how people use and interact within the space
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drawing studies
this analytical drawing depicts the geometries captured in the experiential drawing in axonometric projection this drawing starts to inform the viewer as to the scale, proportion and overall configuration of the space previously depicted in the experiential sketch Nicholas Darin 8
areas of interest
4) piazza di spagna 2) piazza navonna 3) piazza della rotunda
1) campo de fiori
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1) campo de fiori Campo De Fiori is unique in the way in which it changes throughout the course of a typical day. There are many restaurants, cafes, bakeries and bars around the perimeter of this piazza. Campo De Fiori functions as a market and meeting place during the day and transforms into a popular nightlife destination once the sun goes down.
2) piazza navonna Piazza Navonna is a popular piazza in Rome’s historic city center very close to both Campo De Fiori and Piazza Della Rotunda. Piazza Navonna boasts a handful of restaurants, bakeries and cafes around its perimeter as well as some famous fountains, an obelisk and the church of St. Agnese. It is a popular spot to see street performers, artists, citizens and tourists alike. Unique to Piazza Navonna is its elongated shape which mimics the ancient circus which it is built atop.
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3) piazza della rotunda One of the most famous areas in Rome’s historic city center, Piazza della Rotunda is the piazza which hosts the Pantheon, regarded by many as one of the most significant works of architecture ever created. It is also one of the most highly regarded public spaces in the city blossoming with street artists, performers and musicians. It is bustling during the day with citizens and groups of tourists. At night the site is popular among romantics in the city and also boasts a large number of restaurants and cafes around its perimeter.
4) piazza di spagna Piazza di Spagna is another one of Rome’s most significant public spaces drawing crowds of citizens and tourists daily to see and interact with the famous Spanish Steps. It functions very differently than the other areas of interest I have noted as it acts similar to a theater or stage set. It is popular by both day and night and is a popular spot to catch a nice view of the city from above.
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dots, lines and arrows to be represented with strings and pins as exhibit is pinned up in gallery
to be drawn on smaller format landscape sheets 9”x12” format
to be drawn on 24”x36” sheet landscape format, axonometric drawing highlighting Nolli Plan and extruded wedges representing cones of vision documented in the experiential sketches
experiential sketches
analytical sketch
presentation format
drawing experience experiential Sketches
the pantheon this drawing attempts to capture the presence of the massive columns of the pantheon in relation to the public space beyond Nicholas Darin 13
the pantheon this drawing is a study of the relationship between light and scale inspired by the sketches of louis kahn Nicholas Darin 14
the baths of caracalla this drawing captures the immense scale and current condition of the remains of the baths of caracalla Nicholas Darin 15
the baths of caracalla this drawing of the old showers in the baths of caracalla seeks to capture the material presence of the ruins and the brick and show how the material ages and works structurally Nicholas Darin 16
sant’ivo alla sapienza this drawing captures the clarity, harmony and serenity of the courtyard that creates a powerful entry sequence into the church Nicholas Darin 17
palazzo vecchio this drawing captures the experience of approaching the massive medieval tower of Florence’s Palazzo Vecchio from the urban space inbetween the Uffizi Gallery
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pazzi chapel this drawing examines the facade of the pazzi chapel while showing it in its context next to the church of Santa Croce
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fondazione querini stamplia this drawing seeks to capture the detailing of this door designed by Carlo Scarpa
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trajan’s market this drawing is demonstrating the beautiful and honest use of brick in generating a space in the upper level of the entry hall at trajan’s market Nicholas Darin 21
drawing experience Analytical Sketches
doge’s palace this drawing is studying the relation between the underlying geometries and the details of the exterior of this building Nicholas Darin 22
ara pacis museum this composition is analyzing the plan of this building as well as showing an overall spatial configuration and a detail of the curtain wall system
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san carlo alle quattro fontane this drawing is a study of the undulating Baroque facade designed by Bernini
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arch of septimius severus this drawing is studying the proportion of this triumphal arch at the end of the roman forum
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palazzo dei conservatori this drawing is a study of the proportions and details employed in this facade Nicholas Darin 26
parco della musica this composition is studying overall adjacencies, sections, material usage and experiential qualities of Piano’s work Nicholas Darin 27
sant’ivo alla sapienza this drawing is a study of the geometrical configuration in plan of this church
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castel vecchio this drawing is studying the incredible details of carlo scarpa’s architecture
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trajans market this drawing is studying the details in the modern installations and exhibits at the site of the ruins of trajans market
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tempietto this drawing is studying the relation of this pure building in relation to the courtyard in which it is placed Nicholas Darin 31
santa maria novella this drawing is a study of the proportions and details of the facade of this renaissance church
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villa rotunda this composition is analyzing the geometrical configurations of villa rotunda as well as capturing an experiential view
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neue nationalgalerie this composition is studying some of Mies’ famous details as well as an experiential view of the gallery Nicholas Darin 34
drawing experience Hard-Line Drawings
feasting hall this drawing is a study in material and construction and how drawing can inform the tectonic qualities of design
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feasting hall this drawing is a study in material and construction and how drawing can inform the tectonic qualities of design
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feasting hall this drawing is a study in material and construction and how drawing can inform the tectonic qualities of design
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feasting hall this drawing is a study in material and construction and how drawing can inform the tectonic qualities of design
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feasting hall this is a set of drawings for a culinary institute and feasting hall
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santa maria del fiore this is a set of drawings that was part of a larger investigation of Brunelleschi’s Dome
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brunelleschi’s dome this drawing is a study into the geometry and construction techniques used in the building of Brunelleschi’s Dome
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foreign studies center this drawing is an axonometric representation of a proposal for a mixed use foreign studies center in Rome
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mies’ esso station this drawing is an exploded axonometric studying Mies Van Der Rohe’s Esso Station in Montreal, Canada
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Logistics Schedule
The project will last for a duration of four weeks. Each week will focus in on one area of interest. Week 1) Campo De Fiori Week 2) Piazza Navonna Week 3) Piazza Della Rotunda Week 4) Piazza Di Spagna Each week will be broken down as follows Day 1) Preliminary Investigation of Site -Walk through -Photographing the site -Observations of how people interact with the site by day and by night -Selection of areas in which vignettes will be drawn and locating these points on a map -Defining physical extents of area to be investigated -Notes on types of spaces bordering the public spaces, i.e. restaurants, cafes, churches, etc. Day 2) Start of Vignettes -Focus on capturing the activity of people and how they are interacting with these spaces Day 3) Vignettes Day 4) Vignettes/ Start of Analytical Sketch -Capturing the geometries in a more rigorous manner through an axonometric drawing highlighting the areas being depicted in the vignettes Day 5) Analytical Sketch Day 6) Analytical Sketch Day 7) Finishing Details In the event of rain or inclement weather, certain tasks can be done inside such as hatching, line-weight work, or research
Budget Figures are estimates based on current values Airfare via Aer Lingus departing from JFK (New York) to DaVinci (Rome) $900-1200 Transportation taxi, bus, metro, etc $300 Housing $1000-1500 for monthly apartment rental Drawing Supplies Drawing board, drawing papers, sketch pads, pencils, etc. $300 Misc. Unexpected expenses $500 Rough Estimate = $4000.00-$5000.00 Nicholas Darin 44
About Me I first started developing an interest in drawing in middle school where I drew frequently in art class. After taking a few art courses in high school and furthering my interest in drawing, I decided to pursue a career in architecture. I was accepted to the school of architecture and planning at The Catholic University of America where I quickly developed my drawing skills and fell in love with drawing. I was fortunate enough to study abroad in Rome, Italy in the spring of my junior year where I drew almost every single day. It was during this experience that I developed strong freehand sketching skills and started to experiment with different types of analytical and experiential sketching. I took a year off from school after graduating in May of 2014 and worked for over a year at Patriquin Architects in New Haven, CT. While there I worked on many different projects and started to learn the day to day operations of an architecture firm. In the meantime, I applied and was accepted to the school of architecture here at The University of Virginia where I am currently a Master of Architecture candidate. In my free time I enjoy spending time with family and friends, cooking, hiking, cycling, racquetball, woodworking, drawing and building things. I come from a close-knit family and I am of Italian Heritage. I have distant relatives who still currently live in Italy that I was fortunate enough to visit when I was traveling abroad. It would be with great pride for me to return back to Italy to do the thing that I like to do so much, draw.
Thank you for your time and consideration to see more of my work, please visit my website,
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