October 31st, 2013

Page 1

! E E FR

Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

Want Ad Newspaper 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00

HOUSEHOLD LARGE 3 piece dark brown leather sectional daveno: nearly new, no marks, to large for our new house, paid $1200, sell for $750; 541-567-5182, Hermiston. WESTINGHOUSE 24 cu. ft. Side-by-side refrigerator/ freezer, $100; small kitchen cabinet, $10; 541626-3508, Umatilla. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ And they were all filled the with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:4

AUTOS & ACCESSORIES 1 SET of studded MS265/ 70R17, $500/ offer; 541922-8461, 541-922-2428. 4 TOYOTA Tacoma OEM Argent rims and caps: off a 2010, mounted on General Grabber AT2 snow tires, 245/75R16, used one season (probably 12,000 miles), $400 firm; 541-566-9123, Adams.


541-567-2230 www.thenickelonline.com 541-276-7039

October 31, 2013 Vol. 43 No. 44






2002 Agco Allis 5650 2 wd tractor,:48hp, 1428 hours, 12 speed, 2 remotes, $7800; 541-969-9635.

14 YEAR old mustang: brown, easy catch, easy ride, dances to music, $600; 541-561-5123.

1985 CHEVY Silverado 3/4 ton pickup: with Tommy lift utility bed, $5500; 541567-3283, Hermiston.

FANCY HAMSTERS: born August 26th, 4 girls, 9 boys, $5 each; 541-9222357, Irrigon.

16’ TANDEM axle trailer: electric brakes & winch, $650; Remington 870 Express 12 gauge, $300; 541-443-2002.

You Never Know What You’ll Find At A Collectors West Gun & Knife Show!

STUDDED TIRES on rims: fits 2003 Buick LeSabre, $300; 541-276-0264, Pendleton.

)&3.*450/ r /07 ĹŹ )FSNJTUPO $POG $FOUFS

2005 TOYOTA Tundra: with access cab, 120,000 miles, $11,500/ offer; 541-922-2627, 541-5710446.

4 )XZ t * UP )XZ


TWO PUREBRED Schnauzer puppies: one salt & pepper female, one white male, $450 each; two 3/4 Schnauzer, 1/4 Chinese Crested puppies, males, $200 each; if interested call 541-561-7094, Boardman. YORKIE PUPS: two litters of purebred, golds, traditional and parti’s, please look up colored Yorkies before calling, $400-$600/ offer; 541-969-8028, Pilot Rock.

32 400-watt high intensity shop lights: 220 volt, $25 each/ offer; Pend. Sanitary Service, 541-276-1271. FIREWOOD: 5 cord for $800 or $175/ cord delivered, Red Fir/ Tamarack mix; 541-215-9508, 541215-9281. HANDYMAN JACK/ hand truck, $30; semi chrome cargo step/ mud flap hangers, $75; antique wagon, $50; 541-454-2715.


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The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 2


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‘12 Subaru Impreza Tints, Cold Weather Pkg, Low Miles Stk#89A . $17,995 ‘12 Dodge Caravan Stow N’ Go, Like New, Only 27K Stk#37A . $19,998 ‘12 Scion XB Like New, 6,700 Miles Stk#T177A ......................$HARP! ‘11 Toyota Corolla Sport Pkg, Local Trade, 35k Mi Stk#25A $15,995 ‘11 Toyota Camry LE 23k Miles, Bought New Here Stk#171B .$HARP! ‘10 GMC Acadia AWD SLT Pkg, Nice Stk#07A ............MUST SEE! ‘09 Dodge Journey V6, Low Miles, Clean Stk#30A ............. AWD!! ‘09 Kia Rio 4 Door, Gas Miser Stk#12 ............................. 20k Miles ‘08 Hyundai Elantra 1 Owner, Local Trade, 76k Miles Stk#07B . $9,995 ‘08 Ford F150 X Cab 4x4, Work Truck Stk#57A ................... $9,985 ‘08 Toyota Prius Sporty Economy Hatchback Stk#007B ... $12,988 ‘08 Scion XB Low Miles, High Style, Great Value Stk#28 .. $14,995 ‘07 Toyota Camry Hybrid 1 Owner, 81k Miles Stk#............CLEAN! ‘07 Toyota Avalon XLE Leather, Loaded Stk#34A ............. $14,495 ‘07 Toyota Tundra 4x4 Double Cab, 1 Owner Stk#T168A . $15,887 ‘07 Buick Lucerne CXL Leather, Loaded, 1 Owner Stk#80A .. $12,995 ‘06 Dodge Durango SLT V8, 4WD, Low Miles Stk#58 ...... $12,895 ‘06 Chevy Trailblazer LS 4x4, Super Clean, 4Dr Stk#91 ... $12,795 ‘06 Scion TC 5 Spd, Panoramic Roof, Spoiler Stk#29 ....... $12,995

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 AUTOS & ACCESSORIES




1984 CHE­VY van: ex­tend­ ed top with couch bed in rear, needs al­ter­na­tor, $400 or best off­er/ trade; 15’x8’ trail­er frame, elec­ tric brakes, $150; 1959 Chev­ro­let pick­up bed and 3/4 ton axle, best off­er; 541-983-2603, Meacham.

2000 F350 7.3 Su­per Crew: 6” lift and new Toyo Mt 35’s, Lar­iat with leath­er, tow pack­age, 5th wheel, 220,000 miles, nev­er chipped, all stock, $9500, pos­si­ble trade for side-by-side or oth­er of­ froad toys, equal or great­ er val­ue; 541-571-5798, La Grande.

FOR SALE: 2 male Chi­hua­hua pup­pies, 3 months old, $100; 541564-8614, Her­mis­ton.

HUGE LIQUIDATION auction of the Wooden Nickel: 2218 SE Penn, La Grande, on Saturday, November 16th, at 10am. This is Cash’s last sale, selling off the treasures Lee Gandy accumulated over decades in his pas­ sion for buying and sell­ ing. The store and the warehouse will be sold off, including most of the fixtures. Antiques, musi­ cal instruments, game consoles, tools, furniture and a whole lot more. See www.clark-auctions. com for details; Clark & Daughter Auctions, Roger Clark, Auctioneer, 541910-0189, Adina Fergu­ son, Auctioneer, 541-8058410, La Grande.

CLAS­SIC 1967 Old­smo­ bile Vis­ta Cruis­er sta­tion wag­on: origi­nal ex­cept for wheels, tires, and paint, new brakes, en­gine over­ hauled a few hundred miles ago, has cruised to East and West Coast, it’s a driv­er, $10,000 or best off­er; Mau­ry 541-3980974, En­ter­prise. 1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. 1998 WIL­DER­NESS 28’: ful­ly self con­tained, car­ pet and vi­nyl, needs work on re­frig­era­tor, new tires, $3000 or best off­er; 541701-4243, 541-656-8739, Pen­dle­ton. FOR SALE: Ford au­tomat­ ic trans­mis­sion, with trans­ fer case, mar­ried, E40D 4X4, fits 1988-1997, $450; Har­ley Da­vid­son golf cart, runs ex­cel­lent, has steer­ing wheel, $450; 509-261-1536, Lex­ing­ ton. ’63 BUICK RIVIERA Project car, dismantled & sanded to steel, 401 Nail­ head, finned brakes, fully electric, Magnum wheels, no air, $2500. 509-6281806. TriCities.

1990 FORD Rang­er 4X4: man­u­al trans­mis­sion, 2.9 liter, stan­dard cab long bed, ex­tra set of mount­ ed tires, 140,000 miles, winch mount in bed, grill guard, great con­di­tion, $2250; 541-561-1696, Lex­ing­ton. Email your classified ad to classnickel@eotnet. net 2005 DODGE CUM­MINS 2005, 3/4 ton, reg­u­lar cab, Cum­mins, 6 speed man­u­al, ST, 4X4, B&W hitch, 128,000 miles, all stock, tak­en care of, clean straight body, not a farm pick­up; call for more in­ for­ma­tion 509-286-6767, El­to­pia, WA. STAGE 5 Edge Jam­mer: 150hp in­jec­tors for 2nd Gen 24 valve Cum­mins tur­bo die­sel, un­der 20,000 miles, $900 new, will sell for $500; 541-571-3880, Stan­field. FORD TRUCK: F-150 ex­tend­ed cab, 160,245 miles, 20” tires, with 4.6 en­gine, great shape; 509301-1923, Wal­la Wal­la. FULL SIZE pick­up camp­ er: good con­di­tion, you haul, $150 or best off­er; call bet­ween 10am-7pm, 541-215-9559, Pen­dle­ ton.

1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. FREE COL­ORED kittens: 9 weeks old and 3 months old; call 541-720-8478, Her­mis­ton. FREE FE­MALE lla­ma; also 8 week old Do­ber­ man pup­pies, black and tan, $150; 541-571-6909, Her­mis­ton. 8 WEEK old Box­er pup­ pies: 1 fe­male, 1 male, ready now, 1st shots, fawn col­ored, ask­ing $300 each; 541-5714388, Ir­ri­gon. TOY AUSSIES Toy Australian Shepherd pups, ready to go now. 2 black tris, 2 blue merles, quality! 541-938-6800. www.drycreekranch.uselk ing1@pocketinet.com MiltonFreewater. AKC LONG­HAIRED Dox­ ies and non reg­is­tered Dox­ies: ex­treme pie­bald and dap­ples, $100-$300; 541-969-8028, Pi­lot Rock. AUS­SIE PUP­PIES: 2 girls $175, 2 boys $150; call Duane 541-969-7901, West­on. BLUE HEEL­ER pup­pies: good stock dogs, $200; 541-376-5575, Hep­pner.

CRAFT/ FLEA mar­ket: No­vem­ber 2nd, Col­um­bia Grange Hall, Di­ag­on­al Rd., Her­mis­ton. All you can eat: break­fast $5, from 7am-10am; po­ta­to bar $3.50, from 11:30am2pm; call Pat 541-5675706, Doris 541-5678663. AUC­TION NO­VEM­BER 2nd: Ford 7.3 TD du­al­ ly, Kia Se­do­na, Na­tive Par­fleche, job site stor­ age unit/ trail­er, Griz­zly trap, con­struc­tion tools, an­tiques; bids, 208-5030235, pho­tos at www.ti­ger­ auc­tion­eer­ing.com FLEA MAR­KET/ Craft: No­vem­ber 2nd, 7am4pm, Col­um­bia Grange, Her­mis­ton. Break­fast, ta­ bles filled with all kinds of items, from can­dy to tow­ els, books to jewelry, mis­ cel­la­ne­ous ga­lore. Come and see; 541-567-8663. Cus­tom lo­go design at The Nick­el.


‘06 Suburban 1500 V8, 92k Miles Stk#21B ........................ $14,495 ‘05 Ford F-150 4x4 XLT, Supercab, 5.4 V-8 Stk#022A ....... $16,979 ‘05 Toyota Avalon Limited, Leather, NAV, 85k Mi Stk#61A $14,995 ‘04 Mercedes-Benz 320 AWD Wagon, Loaded! Stk#T265A .. $11,700 ‘02 Cadillac Deville DHS Loaded Stk#50A ............................. $4,950 ‘00 Dodge Intrepid Only 82k Miles! Clean Trade Stk#41A ... $4,595 ‘00 Ford Mustang Great Running Fun Car, Auto Stk#22A ... $5,995 ‘00 Nissan Frontier 4x2, Auto, Clean, Tool Box Stk#71B .... $8,995 ‘97 Ford Crown Victoria V8, Runs Great Stk#58C ... MAKE OFFER ‘95 Dodge Neon 4cyl, Auto, Great MPG Stk#52C ................ $1,495 ‘88 FORD F-350 DIESEL, DUALLY Stk#T098C .................... $5,450

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124 S. Ely St. 509-783-3690

MISCELLANEOUS FIRE­WOOD: RED Fir, Ta­ mar­ack, $180/ cord, will de­liv­er; 541-561-5342. HCS DIN­NER/ AUC­TION Tick­ets are on sale for 2nd An­nual Her­mis­ton Chris­tian School din­ner/ auc­tion. No­vem­ber 15th, 2013, in new mul­ti pur­ pose build­ing, Her­mis­ton Chris­tian Cen­ter, 1825 W. High­land Ave­nue. Cost $10/ per­son for bar­ be­cue tri-tip din­ner and auc­tion ad­mit­tance (sil­ent and live auc­tions). Doors open 5:30pm; call 541567-3480 to pur­chase your tick­ets. LAD­DER Lou­is­ville, 24’, Type A1, 300 lb., must sell, original price, $259, sell for $150; 541-571-0702, Hermis­ ton. METAL FENCE posts: good con­di­tion, 6’ and 8’ lengths, $2 each; 541571-0702, Her­mis­ton. WINTER HAWK CONSTRUCTION No job too big or too small, new con­struc­tion, res­i­den­ tial, com­mer­cial, all types of re­mo­del­ing, kitch­en & bath­rooms, con­crete, pole barns, ad­di­tions, decks, & more, in­surance and dam­age claims, li­censed & bond­ed, CCB #97838, 541-922-3292. NEW IN box: nev­er used, black Ver­i­zon IPhone 5, 16GB, cost $699, Sim card has been re­moved, a new blank Sim card can be ob­tained free of charge from Ver­i­zon just by call­ing and re­quest­ing one, phone comes with “Get­ting Start­ed” guide, sell­ing for $500 or best off­er; 541-571-4226, Stan­ field. 1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. 1977 11’ camp­er: air con­ di­tion­er, good shape, $950; lad­der rack for old­er GMC, $100; snow blade for Crafts­man rid­er, $80; 4 stud­ded tires with wheels, P195/75R14, $120; 541-379-0429, Her­ mis­ton. 1989 CHE­VY pick­up/ suburban hood; Ford en­ gine 200, CID; Cam­aro hatch 92 RS, $100; 1998 Che­vy pick­up, 3/4 ton, 4X4, needs work, $950; 5th wheel hitch, non-slid­ ing, $75; Mi­nol­ta of­fice cop­i­er EP2080, make rea­ son­able off­er; wine bar­rel racks, $20 each; 541922-9251, Uma­til­la. BAS­KET­BALL TOUR­NA­MENT No­vem­ber 22nd-24th, adult coed to en­try a team, $175 en­try fee; 541-9692490, Mis­sion, Or. WEST­ING­HOUSE 24 cu. ft. Side-by-side re­frig­era­ tor/ freez­er, $100; small kitch­en cab­i­net, $10; 541626-3508, Uma­til­la.


In the gar­den of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love.” Baha’u’llah, Founder of the Baha’i Faith. $$$ AC­CESS law­suit cash now: In­jury law­suit drag­ging? Need $500$500,000+ with­in 48 hours? Low rates. Ap­ply now by phone! 1-800568-8321. www.law­ca­pi­ tal.com

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 AUTOS & ACCESSORIES


FORD/ CHE­VY parts: 1957 Ford hood, $185; 1957 front bump­er, $125; 1958 left rear door with glass, $195, or take it all for $400; 1969-1972 Che­vy pick­up right hand door with glass, $145; late 1930 to ear­ly 40’s GMC pick­up hood, $150; in­dus­tri­al strength 1952 Dodge 1 ton util­i­ty trail­er, $395; Burt 541-454-2715, Ar­ling­ton.

MINI DOX­IES for sale: very, very cute, short haired, 8 weeks old, 1st worm­ing and shots done; 541-377-6441, text or leave mes­sage, Her­mis­ ton.

SNOW TIRES & wheel: Win­ter­trax Sig­net, 205/60R16, $350 or best off­er; 541-571-7010, Board­man. 4 TOYO­TA Ta­co­ma OEM Ar­gent rims and caps: off a 2010, mount­ed on Gen­ er­al Grab­ber AT2 snow tires, 245/75R16, used one sea­son (prob­ably 12,000 miles), $400 firm; 541-566-9123, Adams. ZERO DOWN PYMT O.A.C ’08 Malibu LS; ’08 Impala LT; ’05 Elantra GT; ’01 F250; Fast Cars, 509380-4500. TriCities. CAR LOT busi­ness for sale: Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter Hwy, ap­prox­imate­ly 18,000 cars pass lot each day, great sales, small down, take over lease; 541-938-0198. FOUR 2006 Ram 2500 OEM 8-hole chrome steel rims: very good con­di­tion, $100 firm; 541-566-9123, Adams. HANCOCK SNOW tires, P215/ R15195, with steel rims, 90%, studs still good, $350; call even­ ings, 541-561-1077. JUST RE­DUCED price to $3999: 2002 Chrys­ler 300, load­ed even with leath­er heat­ed seats, 134,000 plus miles, see at 140 SE 11th St., Ir­ri­ gon, will car­ry bal­ance with $2000 down; call 541-922-0343. ONE SET of stud­ded MS265/70R17, $500/ best off­er; 541-922-8461, 541-922-2428, Ir­ri­gon. STUD­DED TIRES on rims: fits 2003 Buick Le­Sa­ bre, $300; 541-276-0264, Pen­dle­ton. 2005 TOYO­TA Tun­dra: with ac­cess cab, 120,000 miles, $11,500 or best off­er; 541-922-2627, 541571-0446, Uma­til­la.

your busi­ness is “our” busi­ness! Call a sales rep­ re­sen­ta­tive to­day! BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­chase play­ ground equip­ment, books, sup­plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, I’d be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-571-8551. FAN­CY HAM­STERS: born Au­gust 26th, 4 girls, 9 boys, $5 each; 541-9222357, Ir­ri­gon. ONE 10 month old fe­male Min­Pin/ Chi­hua­hua; 541571-6812, Ir­ri­gon. TWO PUR­EBRED Schnauz­er pup­pies: one salt & pep­per fe­male, one white male, $450 each; two 3/4 Schnauz­er, 1/4 Chinese Crest­ed pup­pies, males, $200 each; 541561-7094, Board­man. YORKIE PUPS: two lit­ters of pur­ebred, golds, tra­di­ tion­al and par­ti’s, please look up col­ored York­ies be­fore call­ing, $400-$600/ off­er; 541-969-8028, Pi­lot Rock. 1 YEAR old male Ger­man Short­hair: Tick col­or­ing, he is reg­is­tered and has ex­cel­lent blood­lines, not a fin­ished hunt­er, but has been start­ed and could be amaz­ing with some more time and work, all seri­ous off­ers will be con­ sid­ered; 541-805-4039, La Grande. 1989 25’ Lo­gan goose­ neck stock trail­er, $2500; 541-567-3986, Her­mis­ ton. 8 WEEK old pur­ebred Pit­ bull pup­pies, ask­ing $200 each; 541-314-3936. AKC GER­MAN SHEPHERD AKC Ger­man Shepherd pups, black & tan, and sable, had shots, can de­ liv­er; 541-856-3497, 541975-3843, Haines. AKC LAB pup­pies: $350 fe­males, $300 males, ready November 1st; 541561-5548, Her­mis­ton.

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 3






HAND­Y­MAN JACK & hand truck, $30; semi chrome car­go step and mud flap hang­ers, $75; an­tique wag­on, $50; Burt 541-454-2715, Ar­ling­ton.

1985 CHE­VY Sil­ver­a­do 3/4 ton pick­up: with Tom­ my lift util­i­ty bed, $5500; 541-567-3283, Hermis­ ton.

HER­MIS­TON EM­BLEM Club Holi­day Ba­zaar: Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ber 16th, 10am-4pm, set up at 8:30am, 445 E. Main St., Her­mis­ton. Ta­bles for $10; con­tact An­gel Smith at 541-314-2607 or Jane Kraak at 541-567-7004. Lunch avail­able.

FOR SALE: 25 Pow­der Riv­er 5’ pan­els, plus 2 Pow­der Riv­er gates, $70 each; 541-571-4226, Stan­field.

TWO HORSE trail­ er: straight load: 66”Wx117”Lx79”H, like new tires, $850; 541-2153340, La Grande.

RAF­FLE TICK­ETS Or­der at American Print­ ing; 53 W. Beebe Ave., Her­mis­ton, 541-5678073. Some re­stric­tions ap­ply. 16’ TAN­DEM axle trail­er: with elec­tric brakes and winch, $650; Rem­ing­ton 870 Ex­press 12 gauge, $300; 541-443-2002, Pi­ lot Rock. BAS­KET­BALL TOUR­NA­MENT No­vem­ber 22nd-24th, mens to en­try team, $175 entry fee; 541-969-2490, Mis­sion, Or. FIRE­WOOD FOR sale: 5 cord for $800 or $175/ cord de­liv­ered, Red Fir/ Ta­mar­ack mix; 541-2159508 or 541-215-9281, Pi­lot Rock. BUY IT FOR LESS! At Har­ding Ave­nue An­ tiques, 820 E. Har­ding Ave., Stan­field. 10am5pm, on Fri­day & Sat­ur­ day. New mer­chan­dise just in, lots of collectibles and gift ideas for the holi­ days for all ages to en­joy. Christ­mas goodies will be in store starting on No­vem­ber 8th-9th. Seri­ ous­ buy­ers can call for ap­point­ment to shop an­ y­time; call 541-449-1129 ask for Bet­ty. Thank you for shop­ping with us. FREE FIRE­WOOD, if you cut down and clean up af­ter 2 ma­ple trees; four vin­tage slot cars; one plung­er and rac­ing ac­ ces­so­ries; Pet Mate dog bed, like new, green in col­or, 34”Lx27”Wx11”H; Brinks Home Se­cur­i­ty safe, 13”x13”x17”; com­ peti­tor weight bench plus weights, great shape; 1”x17”x23” green mar­ble; 541-567-7371, leave a mes­sage, Her­mis­ton. 35¢ COL­OR COP­IES Eve­ry Thurs­day at Amer­i­ can Print­ing; 53 W. Beebe Ave., Her­mis­ton, 541567-8073. Some re­stric­ tions ap­ply. TAEK­WON­DO SPE­CIAL! 50% off 1st month for new stud­ents. Been gone a few months? Re­turn and get 2nd month free. Ask about pri­vate less­ons; 541-720-7706, Chief Mas­ ter Loney, 234 Main St., Her­mis­ton.


TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 26 years ex­peri­ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for the right price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­sion, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­e­ gon. JEEP: 1978 C-7 258 en­ gine, 258 cu. in., new with 50,000 mile war­ran­ty or 5 years on­ en­gine, winch and snatch block air com­ pressor, and new tires & rims, with tool chest full of tools; 509-301-1923, Wal­ la Wal­la. 1991 SIL­VER­A­DO 2500 ex­tend­ed cab: 4 wheel drive, 5.7 liter, V8 en­gine, 138,000 origi­nal miles, 4 speed trans­mis­sion, over­drive, one own­er, no smoke or an­i­mals, was $5800, now $5000; 503410-9710, Her­mis­ton.

MINI STOR­AGE auc­tion: Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ber 16th, 2013, 10am, at Ir­ri­ gon Mini Stor­age, 1400 Hwy 730. Units to be sold: #68 #78 Jer­ry Ash­ by; #39 Bar­bara Beard; #20 Joyce Dell­heim; #15 #40 Cin­dy Dias; #59 #61 Rob­in Haacke-Prath­er; #64 Rus­sell Menne; #121 Ro­bert Vance. Cont­ents in­clude wash­er, TV, paint gun, tools, fish­ing, pres­ sure wash­er, doll house, toys, fur­ni­ture, an­tiques, wheel chairs, tires, house­ hold goods, mis­cel­la­ne­ ous.

ZERO DOWN PYMT O.A.C ’08 Malibu LS; ’08 Impala LT; ’05 Elantra GT; ’01 F250; Fast Cars, 509380-4500. TriCities.

YARD SALE: Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ber 2nd, 10am5pm, 250 West Washing­ ton, Ir­ri­gon. Tons of kitch­ en stuff, dish­es, cook stove, crock pot, grid­dle, wash­er, dry­er, mens clothes, wom­ens clothes, va­cuum clean­er; 541980-1661.

NICE 1994 F250 Club cab: 2X4, long box, XLT pack­age, tur­bo die­sel, 5 speed, 5th wheel hitch and tool box in­clud­ed, 102,000 miles, $6595; 541-310-9617, Pen­dle­ ton.

1984 27’ Fleet­wood built mo­tor­home: on Ford F350 chas­sis with 460, air, gen­era­tor and awn­ing. Buy at auc­tion No­vem­ber 2nd. Ab­sen­tee bids 208503-0235, pho­tos at www. ti­ger­auc­tion­eer­ing.com

up to


METAL FENCE posts: good con­di­tion, 6’ and 8’ lengths, $2 each; 541571-0702, Her­mis­ton.

GAM­ING SHOE: Play­ day, Sun­day, No­vem­ber 3rd, 12pm, eve­ry­one wel­ come, Col­um­bia Riv­er Eques­trian Cen­ter; 541922-2704.

WE CATER! Holiday Parties, Receptions, Private Dinner Parties, etc. Call for details and to schedule 541-276-8500

Enjoy Chef Rob’s (formerly Raphael’s chef)

food at your next event! 233 SE 4th Street, Pendleton www.facebook.com/SundownGrillandBarBQ



0% Interest All Models

Dinner will be served from 2:00pm till 4:00pm Sunday, Nov. 3rd. Davie’s Garden and Memorials will all be open for you to see and enjoy.

Much love to all, Dave

NEW HOLLAND 216 Hydraulic Double Rake: good condition, gauge wheels, $7,900; call Tom, 509-380-7596


We are having a Community B.B.Q. in remembrance of our special love for David “Davie” Stephens. He is missed so much in the community, he gave so much to the entire area. The food is all FREE. Just bring a chair and a coat if needed.

Thanks to the community for their help and support in all that’s been done. I appreciate all your love through this extremely hard time. Elephant’s Trunk staff and myself can never thank you enough. Please come, eat, relax and enjoy.

1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230.

http://www.bonneysag.com OPEN MON - SAT

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 4

PETS & LIVESTOCK AKC WIRE­HAIRED Point­ ing Grif­fons: 4 boys, 4 girls, cham­pion lines, calm, quiet, no shed; con­ tact for pic­tures, BJKrem­ zar@gmail.com, 541962-5063, El­gin.

Employment Section

ARTY AKC Ger­man Wire­ hair Point­er: does it all in the hunt­ing world, very good dis­po­si­tion, and smart, $400 stud, r­e­fer­ enc­es upon re­quest; call Rick 541-377-3801, Pen­ dle­ton. BRED EWES for sale: (Club lamb ewes), $400 each or best off­er; 541786-1208, Union.





GOOD­WILL SEEK­ING pro­cess­ing work­ers: a full time temp and full time per­ma­nent po­si­tion avail­ able, in­quire at Her­mis­ton Good­will store, 740 W. Her­mis­ton Ave.

PART TIME Ad­min­is­tra­ tive As­sis­tant: must have com­put­er skills and key­ board­ing ex­peri­ence, hours Mon­day-Fri­day, 1pm-6:30pm, pay $11.85/ hour, job lo­ca­tion is Ar­ling­ ton, Or­e­gon, ap­ply to­day; 541-567-1123, 541-2764070, www.ex­press­pros. com

NOW HIR­ING! Full time Ware­house La­bor­ers, pay $10.75/ hour, must be able to lift 50 lbs. or more, able to pass crimi­nal back­ ground check and drug screen­ing pro­cess, all shifts avail­able, ap­ply to­ day; 541-567-1123, 541276-4070, www.ex­press­ pros.com


PART TIME bi­lin­gual of­ fice as­sis­tant: 1-2 years ex­peri­ence re­quired, ba­ sic of­fice du­ties, pro­fi­cient in MS Of­fice, Word, Ex­cel and Out­look, job lo­ca­tion is in Board­man, Or­e­gon, hours Mon­day-Fri­day, 1pm-6pm, pay $12/ hour, ap­ply to­day; 541-5671123, 541-276-4070, www.ex­press­pros.com

WORK AT home: jobs avail­able, earn as much as $25,000-$50,000, someth­ing for eve­ry­one, do more jobs at one time, easy to fol­low in­ struc­tions, man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­nies sup­ply ma­te­ri­ als, send self ad­dressed, self stamped en­vel­ope, #10 self ad­dressed en­vel­ ope to AC En­ter­pris­es, P.O. Box 281, Echo, OR, 97826.

HIR­ING FARM equip­ment op­era­tor/ ir­ri­ga­tor: some ex­peri­ence re­quired, weld­ing, elec­tri­cal, trou­ bleshoot­ing and mul­ti task­ing, must have valid driv­ers li­cense with clean record, job in­cludes ben­e­ fits; 541-376-8444. HELP WANT­ED Her­mis­ton School Dis­trict is cur­rent­ly seek­ing quali­ fied ap­plic­ants for the po­ si­tion of Of­fice As­sis­tant at Ar­mand Larive Mid­dle School. Bi-lin­gual/ bi-lit­er­ ate in Eng­lish and Span­ ish re­quired; for more in­for­ma­tion and how to ap­ply vis­it our web­site at http://www.her­mis­ton. k12.or.us/em­ploy­ment suc­cess in business starts with ad­ver­tis­ing in the Nickel! Call us today! THE NICK­EL Want Ad News­pa­per: East­ern Or­ e­gon’s most suc­cess­ful want ad news­pa­per! Over 30 years in the area! We are look­ing for a Pen­dle­ ton area de­liv­ery driv­er, one day a week, re­li­able, valid driv­ers li­cense, must be a team play­er and work well with peo­ple; ap­ply in per­son, 1055 N. First St., Her­mis­ton.

HELP WANT­ED: make $1000 per week mail­ing brochures from home! Help­ing home work­ers since 2001! Gen­u­ine op­ por­tun­i­ty, no ex­peri­ence re­quired, start im­me­diate­ ly; www.need­mail­ers.com FULL TIME Cus­tom­er Serv­ice Lo­gis­tics Ad­min­is­ tra­tive Po­si­tion: re­spon­si­ ble for re­ceiv­ing cus­tom­er or­ders, ship­ping of or­ders and main­tain­ing in­ven­tory lev­els to fill or­ders. Re­ quest/ gath­er/ an­a­lyze, freight quotes/ costs. Cus­ tom­er serv­ice: tel­e­phone, fax, and email re­sponse to cus­tom­er in­qui­ries. Re­ view freight and stor­age bills and code for A/P. Fil­ ing, pro­fi­cient in Ex­cel, Word and Out­look. Must be ex­treme­ly de­tailed ori­ent­ed and high­ly or­ gan­ized in an ex­treme­ly stress­ful en­vi­ron­ment. Job lo­ca­tion is Board­man, Or­e­gon, pay $14/ hour, Mon­day-Fri­day, 8am5pm, ap­ply to­day; 541567-1123, 541-276-4070, www.ex­press­pros.com

Cus­tom lo­go design at The Nick­el. PRO­DUC­TION La­bor­ers need­ed: no ex­peri­ence need­ed, must be able to pass crimi­nal back­ ground check and drug screen­ing, all shifts avail­ able, pay va­ries, job lo­ca­ tions are Pen­dle­ton and Board­man, Or­e­gon, ap­ ply to­day; 541-567-1123, 541-276-4070, www.ex­ press­pros.com SEARCH­ING FOR an­ yone in­ter­est­ed in tak­ing their life to the next lev­el and work­ing for a For­tune 500 com­pa­ny, by be­com­ ing an Aflac In­surance Agent; con­tact at 541720-4369. HIR­ING: EQUIP­MENT op­ era­tor, for Hep­pner area, $20.58/ hour, or DOE, we pay va­ca­tion and holi­ day pay; fax re­sume to 541-676-5189 or email to bru­ceyoun­glog­ging@ live.com

NOW HIRING for new Whey Plant in Boardman, OR.

Equal Opportunity Employer.

To apply, visit Tillamook.com/ careers

FULL TIME & part time help want­ed: no ex­peri­ ence re­quired, Her­mis­ ton/ Uma­til­la/ Stan­field; call 509-943-3351 or 503608-0661. GOOD­WILL SEEK­ING pro­cess­ing work­ers: a full time temp and full time per­ma­nent po­si­tion avail­ able, in­quire at Her­mis­ton Good­will store, 740 W. Her­mis­ton Ave. HIR­ING FARM equip­ment op­era­tor/ ir­ri­ga­tor: some ex­peri­ence re­quired, weld­ing, elec­tri­cal, trou­ bleshoot­ing and mul­ti task­ing, must have valid driv­ers li­cense with clean record, job in­cludes ben­e­ fits; 541-376-8444. PART TIME Ad­min­is­tra­ tive As­sis­tant: must have com­put­er skills and key­ board­ing ex­peri­ence, hours Mon­day-Fri­day, 1pm-6:30pm, pay $11.85/ hour, job lo­ca­tion is Ar­ling­ ton, Or­e­gon, ap­ply to­day; 541-567-1123, 541-2764070, www.ex­press­pros. com

WORM GROW­ERS need­ ed great in­come po­ten­tial in your ga­rage. We buy worms! Fast mul­ti­pli­ers! Free 24-hour in­for­ma­tion, w w w. e c o l­o­ g y­ t e k . c o m 208-762-2414. CAR LOT busi­ness for sale: Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter Hwy, ap­prox­imate­ly 18,000 cars pass lot each day, great sales, small down, take over lease; 541-938-0198. ES­PRES­SO BUILD­ING Drive thru coffee build­ing with equip­ment, $45,000, 10’x16’, ful­ly equipped for cof­fee, es­pres­so, and deli items. Pass­es all State of Or­e­gon Build­ ing and Health Codes. Buy­er’s re­spon­sibil­i­ty to check codes in their area. Es­pres­so build­ing can be picked up in Mil­ ton-Free­wa­ter, Or­e­gon. De­liv­ery and in­stalla­tion are avail­able. For pho­tos and equip­ment list, email: ad­min@mid­val­ley­res­taur­ ant.com, or call 541-9382300. RES­TAU­RANT AND house for sale: both $150,000, old Kid­di Ko­ rner, La Ca­ba­ña build­ing; 541-567-1101, 541-7201929, Her­mis­ton. WORM GROW­ERS need­ ed great in­come po­ten­tial in your ga­rage. We buy worms! Fast mul­ti­pli­ers! Free 24-hour in­for­ma­tion, w w w. e c o l­o­ g y­ t e k . c o m 208-762-2414.

DAY CARE QUAL­I­TY CHRIS­TIAN day care and pre­school: have open­ing now avail­ able, call for de­tails; 541567-0609, Her­mis­ton.

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BULLS FOR rent: vet checked, year ar­ound avail­abil­i­ty, cost ef­fec­tive, black, and red; bulls avail­ able now; 541-567-2319, please leave mes­sage, Her­mis­ton. DAN­DE­LION KEN­NEL Your dog de­serves to board with us. No more “heavy heart” when you trav­el. A sec­ond home filled with love; 541-9698434, dan­de­lion­ken­nel. com DOG CON­TAIN­MENT sys­tem: enough wire to out­line 2 acr­es, 1 col­ lar, ex­tra bat­tery, ask­ing $125, or best off­er; call 541-567-2665. DOG­GY DOO’s Groom­ ing: kind and pro­fes­sion­ al, small to large dogs, call Su­zanne for ap­point­ ment and pric­es; 541314-3515, Her­mis­ton. GER­MAN SHORT Hair pup­pies: 6 week old, both par­ents are good hunt­ ers, $250; 541-314-5556, Board­man. HOL­LAND LOPS: 4 months and old­er, point­ed white, bro­ken blues, torts, blues, $25-$35; 541-4491200, Stan­field. HOUSE/ AN­I­MAL sit­ting: Go­ing to be gone for a few days or weeks & need someone to wa­tch your house & feed your an­i­mals? Re­li­able ref­er­ enc­es, rea­son­able rates, Her­mis­ton/ Stan­field area; call Lloyd 541-626-1296. HUS­KY PUP­PIES for sale: three fe­males, blue eyes, one grey/ white, two black/ white, $350; call or text 541-571-3892, 541-314-0310, Her­mis­ ton. JACK RUS­SELL pup­pies: born 9-2-13 in Her­mis­ ton, 2 fe­males, 1 male, reg­is­tered pur­ebred 80% white, dew­clawed & tails nipped, cur­rent on shots, great ar­ound child­ren and oth­er pets, $500 each; call Wil­liam at 541-701-7428 or email at tier­hog1@ya­ hoo.com ONE 10 month old Jer­ sey Hol­stein cross heif­er, halt­er broke, $850; one Hol­stein heif­er, preg­nant, also halt­er broke, $1350; were daugh­ters show cows, now liq­ui­dat­ing; 541-567-6053, Her­mis­ ton. AL­FAL­FA HAY Big bales, 62 tons of fine stemmed, good qual­i­ty, no rain, al­fal­fa hay; 541443-2800, Pen­dle­ton. PUP­PIES: 1/2 Hus­ky/ 1/4 Ma­lam­ute/ 1/4 Ger­man Shepherd, 3 boys, 7 girls, 4 girls and 2 boys black, 1 sable girl, 2 girls and 1 boy white, pric­es $200$300; call or text 541969-7187, Athe­na.

MISCELLANEOUS FIRE­WOOD: CUT and split, Lo­cust or Ma­ple, $150/ cord, you haul; 541449-3411, Stan­field. PRE-HOLI­DAY BA­ZAAR Over 250 items and most hand craft­ed by us. 150 items priced un­der $10. 11 hand-tied quilts, wom­ ens and kids hand knit­ted slip­pers, em­broidery dish tow­els, home­made bread and jams and some jew­el­ ry. “Blue Wil­low” dish set from 1966. One of a kind west­ern styl­ing barnwood items. One barnwood item is a 9-place gun cab­ i­net with two large bot­tom draw­ers, it is made from 100 year old boards in a 2-piece con­struc­tion, $300 firm. Shak­er style cab­i­net, two shelf corn­ er table, an­tler bas­ket, ce­dar wel­come sign and a bead-board clothes hamp­er. Braid­ed horse hair rope (17’ long), horse col­lar/ hames mir­ror, small trunk and a “horn” steam­er trunk. Three barnboard framed old prints and a cut metal elk 3 coat rack, and much, much more. Free cof­fee, cook­ies, and a small gift to the first 20 peo­ple, who bring a friend on Fri­day. No ad­mis­sion charge, no deb­its, no checks, cash only! No­vem­ber 1st-2nd, from 8am-5pm, Ken and Reta Al­ford, 615 NE 8th Place, Her­mis­ton, fol­low E. Jen­nie Ave., at Les Schwab, off Hwy 395, go to the end of Jen­nie Ave., turn right, go to the end of the St., to the bal­loons on 8th Place. From motorhomes to garden gnomes, The Nickel has what you’re looking for! SEA­SONED FIRE­WOOD: Red Fir, $180/ cord, lim­it­ ed off­er; 541-571-8499, Her­mis­ton. TEXAS HOLD’EM Her­mis­ton Sports Boost­ ers Texas Hold’em Fun­ drais­er, Sat­ur­day, No­ vem­ber 30th, 2013, John Walch­li Farms, 79937 S. Ed­wards Road. So­cial 5:30pm, tour­na­ment 6:30. Play­er en­try $100, nonplay­er $25. Food and bev­ er­ag­es pro­vid­ed, must be over 21, tick­ets avail­able at East­side Mar­ket; for in­for­ma­tion or tick­ets call Jack Bel­ling­er, 541-5712360. Maximum 1st place $2400 gift card. THIR­TY TWO 400-watt high in­tens­i­ty shop lights: 220 volt, $25 each or best off­er; Pen­dle­ton Sani­tary Serv­ice, 541-276-1271. CLEAN BURN/ STOR­AGE BAR­RELS $18 burn, $23 seal­able with lids; 541-443-9091, 541-443-2553, Pi­lot Rock. “LET YOUR eye be chaste, your hand faith­ful, your tongue truth­ful and your heart en­light­ened.” Baha’u’llah, Found­er of the Baha’i Faith ROUGH CUT LUM­BER & FIREWOOD House logs, beams, poles, post, stays cus­tom cut­ting, spe­cial­ty lum­ber; Camas Prair­ie Wood, 541-443-2032, 541-9699663, Pi­lot Rock. 40’ STOR­AGE con­tain­er for sale; 541-567-2833. ACE JEW­EL­RY & Loan: pawn brok­er li­cense #PB0399, we buy and sell fire­arms, gold jew­el­ ry, and coins, lay­a­way now for Christ­mas, 80876 N. Hwy 395, Her­mis­ton; 541-289-1223.

Business Directory

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 PETS & LIVESTOCK


THREE BLACK white face cows, sev­en months bred, $975 each; four black white face cows, three years old, to calve March, $1175 each; 541571-7219, Her­mis­ton. BUY­ING ALL class­es of horses; also buy­ing sheep and goats; J.A. Bennett Live­stock, 541-523-6119, 541-519-2802. THE NICK­EL gets the re­ sults you want! TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ou­ sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­ es 541-454-2995, leave mes­sage. PUREBRED Boxers, 11 weeks, double registered, tails/ dewclaws done, 1st & 2nd shots/ exams, wormed. 509-876-7407. WallaWalla. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-985-6262, Former­ ly Gary Seal Livestock. * AIREDOODLE PUPPIES * Oorang Airedale + stan­ dard Poodle, hybrid hunt­ ing dog or an awesome family/ guard dog. They are all black with soft curls, (they won’t shed), and will be big. Tails docked, dew­ claws removed, wormed & up to date on shots. Approved homes only & I will not ship these sweet little fuzzbheads. Fe­ males $425, males $400. Located in Yakima, call or text, 509-307-6912. GERMAN Rottweiler puppies, raised in fam­ ily home, Champion par­ ents, $1000 each. Call 509-607-4386. Yakima. AKC LONGHAIR Dachs­ hund, 2 chocolate & 1 red male pups, ready on 23rd, $400. 509-967-0161. TriCities. BLUE MERLE Australian Shepherd puppy, male, $300. 509-551-3959. TriCities. GERMAN WIREHAIR PUPPIES AKC Champion lines on both sides, born 9/11/13, tails, dewclaws, vet checked, first shots, wormed. Males $700, females $800. 509-8767828; 509-520-9043. ENGLISH Shepherd pup, 3-1/2 month old male, started on obedience & house training, beautiful black & tan, exc blood­ lines, he has been well socialized & exposed to lots of different animals, $200, cost is negotiable depending upon the situ­ ation. Call 541-571-3700. Hermiston.OR.

WHAT ARE you do­ing Sat­ ur­day? His Design Thrift & Gift is open 10am-4pm, down­town Echo, do­na­ tions wel­come. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-215-5807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. BLUE MOUN­TAIN Stove Service: Is now your lo­cal Avo­lon deal­er, along with Lopi and Fire­place Ex­trod­ nair, come see us for all your wood, gas, and pel­ let stove needs; Mil­tonFree­wa­ter, Or­e­gon; 541938-5394. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­chase play­ ground equip­ment, books, sup­plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, I’d be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-571-8551. BUY­ING COINS: I am in­ ter­est­ed in buy­ing old­er coins. If you have coins for sale, or if you have ques­tions about coins; please call, 541-9225224, Uma­til­la. CAT­FISH IS A FRYIN’! Tuesdays and Sat­ur­days, 5pm-8pm, at the Chuck­ wag­on Cafe, 2 miles north of Hermiston on Hwy 395; 541-567-6329. CORDS OF wood: split Ta­mar­ack wood, $225 per cord, de­liv­ered; 541-3145864, Ir­ri­gon.

CUB CA­DET HD-2554 shaft drive, 25hp Kohl­er, hy­dro-stat, as new, less than 50 hours, al­ways stored in­side, 54” mow­er deck, 30” hy­dro­till­er, ro­to­ till­er, with dual di­rec­tion timed, 42” snow blow­er, mul­ti-di­rec­tion chute, front mount com­plete with weight and tire chain, al­ most $10,000 new, only $5500 or best off­er; 541786-0361, La Grande. DUAL SPORT Street le­gal Su­zu­ki DRZ400, ex­cel­lent con­ di­tion, new Bridges­tone tires, 55+ mpg, FMF pipe, Pro Tap­er bars, cov­er & more, well main­tained, adult rid­den, $4000 or best off­er; 541-786-0361. FIRE­WOOD: SEA­SONED Red Fir/ Pine mix, $180 plus, de­liv­ery; 541-5718499, Her­mis­ton.

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BAS­KET­BALL TOUR­NA­MENT No­vem­ber 15th-17th, Jr. High boys and girls to en­try a team, $175 en­try fee; 541-969-2490, Mis­ sion, Or.

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The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 5

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The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 6 HORSES RE­AL­LY WELL bred 4 year old filly: not broke, Leana’s heavy duty Bian­ cus stud, you buy, you train, comes with 2 ton of hay, $800; 541-571-4226, Stan­field. THENICKELONLINE.COM You can also find us on Facebook.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039







1963 FORD pick­up: with flat bed, $500; 541-4291684, Her­mis­ton.

GRASS HAY for sale by the ton or bale; 541-5711738, Her­mis­ton.

1972 CHE­VY 4X4: 1972 Chev­ro­let C10 4X4, new GM create mo­tor, one own­er, $5995 or best off­ er; 541-938-3052, 509520-3019, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter.

1999 CASE back­hoe: 590 su­per L, 4X4, Ex­ten­d-a­hoe, 4 in 1, 5300 hours, very nice con­di­tion, $27,000 or best off­er; 541-276-5648, 541-3776363, Pen­dle­ton.

1956 CHE­VY wag­on: 4 door, no mo­tor/ trans­mis­ sion, $3500; 1967 2 door hard top Che­velle, 327 en­gine, au­tomat­ic, pow­ er steer­ing, $3500; 1991 GMC 1 ton du­al­ly, cab and a half, 454 au­tomat­ ic, load­ed, nice truck, ma­ roon/ sil­ver, with top­per, 4X4, $5000; 541-5619688, 512-938-2486.

ELK BURG­ERS & Bi­son burg­ers: hot and jui­cy with fries. Big 1/3 lb. lean meat, low-fat, low-cho­ lest­er­ol, but high flavor! “Tastes like beef”, many say. The Chuck­wag­on Cafe, 2 miles north of Her­ mis­ton on Hwy 395, 541567-6329, Mon­day-Sat­ur­ day, 6am-8:30pm.

8 PUREBRED Rottweiler pups, born Sept 30th, 3 males, 5 females, $500. We have both parents on site, mom is AKC, & dad is UKC, so we were unable to register them. If interested pls call 509460-1014 or 509-4911074. Se habla espanol. Tri-Cities.

1984 JAM­BOR­EE 26’ mo­tor­home: (460 F-350, nice, runs good), good tires, awn­ing, gen­era­tor, air con­di­tion­er, sell­ing at auc­tion No­vem­ber 2nd; 208-503-0235 for ab­sen­ tee bid­ding,pho­tos at www.ti­ger­auc­tion­eer­ing. com

EVER CON­SID­ER a re­ verse mort­gage? At least 62 years old? Stay in your home & in­crease cash flow! Safe & ef­fec­ tive! Call now for your free DVD! Call now 888716-6978.

AKC REG LABRADOR PUPS Reg AKC Labrador pups with master hunter blood­ lines. Both parents hunt. $600 with $250 deposit to hold. Dewclaws removed, 1st shots from vet, 1 golden male, 3 choco males, 2 females. Ready Nov 25th, just in time for Christmas. Call 509-4310887. Cowiche.

PROTECT YOUR SYSTEm!! NOw SChEdUliNg SPRiNklER wiNTERizaTiON Commercial & Residential

TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 26 years ex­peri­ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for the right price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­sion, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­e­ gon.

Blow-Out Sprinkler System Special Starting @ $45

1973 DODGE Dart: 489 posi track, body is in good shape, all em­blems in great shape, $600; 541310-0941, Athe­na.

Terra Verde

Landscape & General Contracting Big or Small We Do It ALL!


541-567-8660 • 541-300-9500

Bonded & Insured CCB# 158270 • LCB# 8156/14823 EIN# 46-0488359

660 NE North St. Hermiston, OR 97838 www.terraverdelandscape.web.officelive.com

1989 TOYO­TA Cam­ry: good mo­tor, bad trans­ mis­sion/ re­place­ment in truck, $500 or best off­er; call 541-571-3740, Her­ mis­ton.

DID YOU KNOW? Her­mis­ton has the lar­gest 2nd hand store, that off­ers qual­i­ty used fur­ni­ture, an­ tiques, movies, lo­cal art, and much, much more. Con­sign­ment is also of­ fered and low­est cost es­ tate liq­ui­da­tion; Come to KC Art & Col­lect­i­bles, 167 E. Main, Tues­day-Sat­ur­ day, 10:30am-6pm, 541289-1800.

1993 GEO Track­er: 2 door, soft top, runs, $1000 or best off­er; call 541-571-3740.

FIRE­WOOD: SEA­SONED Red Fir/ Pine mix, $180 plus, de­liv­ery; 541-5718499, Her­mis­ton.

• 80364 N Hwy 395 • Hermiston OR, 97838 Nav., Heated & Cooled Leather, Back Up Camera

Five Star Price



Rates as low as

2.49% OAC

‘11 cHEvy siLvErado crEW 4X4

Like New Tow Package, Bedliner!

Five Star Price

All Wheel Drive!


‘11 cHEvy travErsE 2 Lt aWd



Back Up Camera!!


Only 18k Miles!

‘13 Kia souL

3rd Row, 2nd Row Captains, Bose Sound

Five Star Price

DOBERMAN puppies for sale, $350. Tails are docked & dew clawed, 8 weeks, dewormed & 1st shots. Call 509-420-3750. TriCities.

GI­ANT IN­SIDE mov­ing sale: Sat­ur­day-Sun­day, No­vem­ber 2nd-3rd, start­ ing 9am, 135 W. Jen­nie Ave., Her­mis­ton. An­ tiques, fur­nitures, clothes, pic­tures, lots of mis­cel­la­ ne­ous.

Financing Available!! Trades Welcome! We Buy Cars!


‘10 acura ZdX advancE

AKC REG dogue de Bor­ deauxs or French Mas­ tiffs, 12 wks old, 1 male, 2 females, very sweet & beautiful, $1200. 509786-3409. Prosser.

MOVING SALE: Sat­ur­ day, Oc­tob­er 26th, and Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ber 9th, 8am-4pm both days, 2400 NW Over­look Dr., Her­mis­ton. Din­ing room table and chairs, hutch, roll top desk, bar, pots, pans, dish­es, kitchen items war­drobe, pa­tio fur­ ni­ture, camp­ing tent, air mat­tress, sleep­ing bags, mo­tor­cy­cle hel­mets/ jack­ ets, men/ wom­en clothes, shoes, boots, work bench, power tools, tool set, gar­ den­ing hose, pet car­ri­er, dog house, much more, come and look!

Bluetooth, Alloy Wheels! Like New!!

Five Star Price



Only 13k Miles!

‘11 JEEp grand cHEroKEE 4X4

Moonroof, Back-up Camera, Bluetooth!

Heated Leather!

Five Star Price



‘12 vW passat s

Bluetooth, Factory Warranty

Alloy Wheels!

Five Star Price



‘11 Honda accord EX-L

Heated Leather, Moonroof, Bluetooth, 6 CD!!

Only 18k Miles!!

Five Star Price



‘08 MaZda cX-7 aWd

Nav! Heated Leather! Moonroof! Wow!

Fully Loaded! Grand Touring!

Five Star Price



Shop Online @ www.FiveStarHermiston.com

‘12 nissan aLtiMa 2.5 s

Push Button Start, Dual Exhaust, Like New!!

Five Star Price



Only 24k Miles!

‘08 MErcury MountainEEr aWd Heated Leather, Tow Package, Nice!!

Five Star Price


‘08 Ford EdgE sEL aWd

‘07 Ford EscapE XLt 4X4

Bluetooth, SYNC 6CD, All Wheel Drive

Five Star Price



6 CD, Pwr Seat, Running Boards!!

Five Star Price

1 Owner!


Alloy Wheels, Rear Spoiler, Tinted Windows!




Only 69k Miles!



‘05 nissan Murano sL aWd

‘08 pontiac grand priX

Five Star Price


3rd Row Seating!

Alloy Wheels, Power Seat!!

Five Star Price



83 Chevy Reg Cab 2500 Local Trade, Runs and Drives!........................... $895 99 DoDge gRanD CaRavan eS 2nd Row Captains, Loaded. ................... $3,995 99 Chevy S-10 blazeR 4x4 122k Miles, Alloy Wheels, Runs Great!. .... $4,495 03 vW Jetta glS Moonroof, Alloys, 5 Spd Manual!............................ $4,995 03 DoDge gRanD CaRavan SpoRt Quad Seating, Local Trade, Nice! ..... $5,495

Local Trade In

‘12 toyota coroLLa LE

Cruise, Pwr Options, Warranty

Five Star Price

Like New!!



‘03 Ford EXpEdition EddiE bauEr 4X4

Only 81k Miles, 3rd Row, 6CD!

Heated/Cooled Seats!



Leather! 5.4L V8! Tow Package!

Five Star Price

06 Chevy Impala lt Alloy Wheels, Pwr Seat, Nice Car ........................ $7,995 04 Chevy tahoe lt 3rd Row Seat, Heated Leather! ............................ $10,995 09 FoRD FuSIon Se Moonroof, Bluetooth, Premium Wheels!............... $11,895 08 ChRySleR SebRIng ConveRtIble 40k Miles, Alloys, Nice!.............. $12,995 12 FoRD FuSIon Se Alloy Wheels, Pwr Seat, 6 Disc CD!..................... $14,995

Back Up Camera!



Five Star Price



‘08 Ford Focus sEs

Microsoft SYNC, Bluetooth, Premium Wheels!!

Five Star Price

‘01 Ford F-150 supEr crEW Lariat


‘07 nissan Murano sL aWd

Bose 6CD Sound! All Wheel Drive Pwr Seat

Five Star Price

Only 65k Miles!



‘06 cHrysLEr sEbring

4 Cyl, Alloy Wheels, Nice Car!

Only 75k Miles!

Five Star Price



12 hyunDaI Sonata glS Bluetooth, XM Radio, Warranty! ................. $15,895 06 FoRD exploReR lImIteD 4x4 Low Miles, Leather, DVD, Nav, Moonroof... $16,895 12 toyota CamRy le Low Miles, Bluetooth, Pwr Seat, Like New!!... $16,995 Rates as low as 12 FoRD eSCape Only 23k Miles, All Wheel Drive, XLT!! ................... $18,895 2.49% 09 Chevy SubuRban lt 4x4 DVD, Leather, Tow, Back-up Sensors!! .. $24,995 OAC

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 7

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

AKC REG Chocolate Lab puppies, 5 females & 3 males. Have had 2nd set of shots & wormed. Both parents on site, $400 each. Call 509-366-0165 or 509-366-4474. Bent­ onCity. MINI LABRADOODLES Stunning mini Labradoo­ dle puppies, mature at 40 lbs, angel soft hair. Ready 11/1/13. 541-519-1725. dollhousedoodles.com Baker-City.OR. AKC ENGLISH Bulldogs, $1500 male, $2000 fe­ male. Call 509-318-9345 for more details. TriCities. FOR SALE: 2 male Chi­hua­hua pup­pies, 3 months old, $100; 541564-8614, Her­mis­ton.

FREE COL­ORED kittens: 9 weeks old and 3 months old; call 541-720-8478, Her­mis­ton. FREE FE­MALE lla­ma; also 8 week old Do­ber­ man pup­pies, black and tan, $150; 541-571-6909, Her­mis­ton. 8 WEEK old Box­er pup­ pies: 1 fe­male, 1 male, ready now, 1st shots, fawn col­ored, ask­ing $300 each; 541-5714388, Ir­ri­gon. TOY AUSSIES Toy Australian Shepherd pups, ready to go now. 2 black tris, 2 blue merles, quality! 541-938-6800. www.drycreekranch.uselk ing1@pocketinet.com MiltonFreewater.

AUS­SIE PUP­PIES: 2 girls $175, 2 boys $150; call Duane 541-969-7901, West­on. BLUE HEEL­ER pup­pies: good stock dogs, $200; 541-376-5575, Hep­pner.

FAN­CY HAM­STERS: born Au­gust 26th, 4 girls, 9 boys, $5 each; 541-9222357, Ir­ri­gon.

PAIN RE­LIEF Back pain, arth­ri­tis, joint pain, sports in­ju­ries, near­ ly any kind of pain. You have got to try this amaz­ ing rub-on pain treat­ment! This for­mu­la is Doc­tor rec­ om­mend­ed, smells great and re­al­ly works! Call for free sam­ples, 541-9105287 or Pain­Re­lief­Geek. com FIRE­WOOD FOR SALE Most­ly Ta­mar­ack, $160 per cord, Pen­dle­ton area; $190 per cord, Stan­field/ Her­mis­ton area, split and de­liv­ered; call Rob 541276-0351. MAKE MON­EY! Sell that item in the Nick­el! HER­MIS­TON SEN­IOR CEN­TER Meals are served eve­ry Tues­day & Thurs­day. Sen­ ior Cen­ter is lo­cat­ed at 435 W. Orchard Ave., “on the fair­grounds”. Meal pric­ es: 50 plus adults, $3.50; adults un­der 40, $4. Thrift shop open 9:30am-1pm. Meals on Wheels call 541-567-3582. HITCHEN’ POST: 80752 Hwy 395, Her­mis­ton. Shop early for the holi­ days. Lots of crafts, fab­ ric, quilts, crochet items, wood crafts, spic­es, and herbs & specialty items, lamps, toys, handmade moc­ca­sins, glass­ware, jew­el­ry and much more, great gifts, come check us out, 10% off with this ad, we’re here Wed­nes­ day-Sun­day, 9am-4pm. HOME­MADE PIES $10 each, ap­ple, black­ber­ ry, huck­le­ber­ries, pump­ kin, peach; Gran­ny Vick­ ie, 541-419-9057, Get ‘r done. IN­VA­CARE BATTERY op­ er­at­ed hy­drau­lic pa­tient lift: ex­tra bat­tery, 4 and 6 point slings, $2000; 541215-0598, Uma­til­la. IT’S HUCK­LE­BER­RY PIE SEA­SON! The Chuck­wag­on Cafe, in Her­mis­ton, is now serv­ing slic­es or whole pies; 541567-6329. KIM­BALL MID­WEST mag drill: brand new, nev­er used, great for truck, trail­ er and ag re­pair, $1100; 509-366-3793, Hermis­ ton. LOU­I­SI­ANA WHOLE hog smoker: dual pel­let feed­ er, with extensions to hold dou­ble amount of pel­lets, with about 200-300 lbs. of pel­lets, used very lit­tle, bought for $4000, su­per deal at $2500, with pel­ lets; call 541-567-5863 or 541-561-6001. FAST CASH! Do you need fast cash? I have it! I will con­sid­er all, big or small items, homes to cars, boats, RV’s, ATV’s, and etc.; 541-5717660.

2002 HONDA AC­CORD EX, $7100 Low miles, 81,000, very clean, au­tomat­ic V6, pow­er wind­ow/ seats/ & door locks, AM/FM, 6 CD ster­eo, leath­er seats, air, tilt & cruise; also have origi­nal alu­mi­num Hon­da rims, will sell for ad­di­tion­ al $200; 541-910-6010, Is­land City. 2004 AUDI A4: 1.8T au­tomat­ic, sport pack, 88,000 miles, 4 door, leath­ er in­teri­or, some wear and tear, sell­ing for $8000 or best off­er; please con­tact 541-656-8420, Her­mis­ ton. BE­FORE YOU trade or sell your rig: see what Alan Mc­Kin­ney Swain Au­to­mo­tive Group will buy it for! Con­sign­ments wel­come also; 541-5717355, Her­mis­ton. CLAS­SIC 1977 AMC Pac­ er for sale: new au­tomat­ic trans­mis­sion, brakes, tires, tags, etc.; 541-3770383, Pen­dle­ton. DE­SERT AUTO & RV: new con­sign­ment sales lot, 8857 Hwy 395 North, Her­mis­ton, 541-5618314. We are look­ing for an in­ven­tory. See and talk to Jack. 2011 KIA FORTE EX Exc cond, 41k miles, 18,000 miles left on facto­ ry warrany, Bluetooth, sta­ bility control, 6 spd auto, pearl white, $11,900. Call/ text 509-948-2504, Able Body Massage-Gil.

D4 CAT 7U: hy­drau­lic blade, runs good, good un­der­car­riage, $6500 or make off­er; Stuart Bon­ ney 541-567-2833, Her­ mis­ton.

14 YEAR old mus­tang: brown, easy catch, easy ride, danc­es to mu­sic, $600; 541-561-5123, Uma­til­la.

1988 MIT­SU­BISHI pick­ up: 6 cy­lin­der, 5 speed, 28 mpg, brand new tires, $1500; 541-567-6053, Her­mis­ton.

AL­FAL­FA HAY 2-tie for sale; also grass alfalfa avail­able, some de­liv­ery avail­able, qual­i­ty guar­ anteed; 541-571-5775, Her­mis­ton.


Bad Credit Repos Bankruptcy Let Me Get You Financed!

‘12 FoRd FusioN se ‘12 FoRd FoCus seL 4 Cyl, Great Fuel Sunroof, Loaded, Mileage Great Gas Mileage




$15,888, $999 Dwn, 2.89% @ 84


MO O.A.C. Mos oac




$15,888, $999 Dwn, 3% @ 84 Mos oac

‘11 NissaN Cube ‘12 Kia FoRTe eX Lots of Room for the Family!


Loaded With Lots of Options



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MO O.A.C. oac




$13,995, $500 Dwn, 3% @ 84 Mos oac

‘07 CheVy impaLa Ls ‘03 ToyoTa RaV4 Clean, Nice Car Auto, A/C, CD, PW, PL, Cruise Control







‘08 FoRd FoCus se ‘10 NissaN VeRsa 1.8 s Great Mileage, Auto, Loaded




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Prices above do not include tax, license or document fees.


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Prices include steel roofing and siding, 40lb. snow load, 1 overhead door and 1 man door. Prices do not include tax, delivery, concrete or permits.




800-833-9997 509-426-2100


(541) 276-2774

BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­chase play­ ground equip­ment, books, sup­plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, I’d be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-571-8551.

HAM­LEY’S PAYS cash for old sad­dles, guns, bits, spurs, and oth­er Old West stuff; 30 Court Ave., Pen­dle­ton, Or­e­gon 97801; 541-278-1100, op­ tion #1.

2001 LIN­COLN Nav­i­ga­ tor: 3rd row seat­ing, air con­di­tion, runs good, $2500/ best off­er; 541701-1558, Ir­ri­gon.

1972 FORD F250 Hi­boy Sport Cus­tom: 428 built mo­tor, tri y head­ers, MSD sys­tem, ca­no­py, plus much more, $7500 or best off­er; 541-963-2277, La Grande.

25 Hwy 11, Pendleton Pendleton’s Locally Owned Tire Store!

MINI DOX­IES for sale: very, very cute, short haired, 8 weeks old, 1st worm­ing and shots done; 541-377-6441, text or leave mes­sage, Her­mis­ ton.

FREE CAR WASH MONTH­LY! In­quire at J&K War­e­hous­ ing, vari­ous siz­es avail­ able, in busi­ness over 30 years, on-site security; call 541-567-3667, Her­ mis­ton.

SCHOOL­ING HORSE Show: Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ ber 2nd, 9am, Col­um­bia Riv­er Tack and Eques­ trian Cen­ter. Buckles, Rib­ bons, Show Bucks; 541922-2704.

We Do Oil Changes

AKC LONG­HAIRED Dox­ ies and non reg­is­tered Dox­ies: ex­treme pie­bald and dap­ples, $100-$300; 541-969-8028, Pi­lot Rock.

1997 CHE­VY Cam­aro: runs very good, looks great, clean in­teri­or, V6 en­gine, 5 speed, man­u­al, pow­er steer­ing/ brakes, de­pend­able, $2975/ off­er; 541-567-8705, Hermis­ ton.


Winter e Over Is Around Chang The Corner! $50

1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230.

HAND­Y­MAN NEED­ING work: pain­ting, land­scap­ ing, in­teri­or/ ex­te­ri­or work, any job big or small, 30+ years ex­peri­ence, ref­er­ enc­es avail­able; 541-5719004, Her­mis­ton.




AKC REGISTERED German Shepherd pup­ pies, East/ West German working line, hip & health guarantee, pure black or sable, $1000. 509-8378494, 509-840-4550. Tak­ ing deposits to hold pups, ready Oct 28th. www. kolibrivineyard.com Sun­ nyside.





The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 8

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Halloween Safety A to Z Everything you need to know for a supremely fun and safe Halloween.

Always Be Accompanied By An Adult. om

T hel c Den


Our Families serving YOur Families and Our COmmunitY Buy Costumes That Are Made Of Flame Retardent Material.

If There Is No Side Walk - Walk Facing Traffic.

Elmer’s Irrigation

Costumes Should Not Drag On The Ground Or Be Too Dark To See.


Quicky Lube

(541) 567-5572


80527 Hwy. 395 Just North of Sears

Jackets Should Be1-800-900-3975 Worn If It’s A Cool Night. Downtown Hermiston

541-564-0661 81600 HWY 395 N HermistoN or

A Cell Phone Should Be Carried In Case Of An Emergency.

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541-567-3975 • 1-800-900-3975

239 e. main Street


Keep Your Pets Safe & Don’t Let Them Wander Off.

Cycletown’s Honda - Yamaha

255 S. Hwy 395 • Hermiston, OR

Don’t Get Into A Car With Any Stranger For Any Reason. Covering Hermiston, Pendleton, Umatilla, Boardman, Echo, Walla Walla and Surrounding Areas

Ashley Ochoa

Advertising Consultant (541) 567-2230 ashnickel@hotmail.com

Eat Dinner Before You Go Trick Or Treating. Eastern Oregon Mobile Slaughter


541-567-2011 Follow Your Parents’ Rules.


www.hondayamahacycletown.com Open Tues-Fri • 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-5pm

Leave A Porchlight On...If No Porchlight Do Not Approach House. Preferred Property inc.

Go Slow Drivers!! Be On The Lookout For Kids!

Return Home Before It Gets Too Late Or Too Dark. Preferred Property inc. Management

Randy Randall • (541)561-4710

Leave A Porchlight On...If No Porchlight Do Not Approach House.

HARLEY SWAIN harleyswainsubaru.com 1-800-307-9696 • (541)-567-9696

Travel In Groups. The More People, ...The Better.




Lezlee Gunsolley • (541)561-5507

Make Sure You Have A Parent Check Your Candy Before Eating!

Mr Insulation Co., Inc. (541) 567-2348

1-800-522-2308 • 541-567-6461 1550 N 1st Street • Hermiston, OR

Unfamiliar Animals, Pets, Houses & People Should Be Avoided.

Universal Realty

985 N. First St. Hermiston, OR

541-567-8303 www.hermistonuniversalrealty.com

Never Enter A Strangers’ Home!

541-567-2119 • 80364 N Hwy 395 • Hermiston OR, 97838

1215 N. First St. • Hermiston 541-564-9297

Serving Eastern Oregon & Washington for over 35 years!



Diesel Oil change experts


Obey Traffic Laws & Signals.

Visit Only Houses You Know Or Are Familiar With.

541-567-2129 Wait For Your Parent Or Group...Don’t Run Ahead!

Gary Culp Machine (541) 567-3881 Have A Flashlight For When It Gets Dark.


Props Such As Swords Or Wands Shouldn’t Be Used As Weapons.

Younger Children Should Hold An Adult’s Hand.

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Finally got him to part with all the stuff he hasn’t used in years? We can get it sold before he changes his mind! The Nickel! We get results! 541-567-2230. ESTATE SALE FRI, SAT, 9AM-5PM Estate sale; Antiques; Vin­ tage; Mid Century; Retro; Furniture; Collectibles; Jewelry; Tools; House­ hold. Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. New arrivals: Mid cen­ tury: lighting, Tulip chairs, Bookshelves, Bar stools, Artwork, Pottery, Plant­ ers, Clocks, Mid century tables & drapes; Chairs; Side tables; Planters; Bernina sewing machine; Sewing table; Shabby chic chairs; 1950s chrome table; Upright freezer refrig; Flexsteel sleeper sofa; La-ZBoy chairs; Burnished cherry match­ ing twin beds; Redwing crocks; Vintage Christ­ mas Tom & Jerry set; John Deere Christmas ornaments; Laurel Burch trays; Cheap videos games: Christmas: Trees, ornaments, lights, Dept 56; 1960s drapes; Retro jewelry; Large desk with French legs; Artsy side table; Heaters; TV/ VCR combo; Vintage slide rule; Craftsman tools; Pendleton Wool; Boxing gloves Cabbage Patch doll; Retro jewelry; Porta­ ble air compressor; Mens Fedoras; Slate top cof­ fee/ end tables; Hydraulic Jack; Betty Crocker cook books; Vintage attache; Mobile phone; Vintage bar stool; Wine rack; Bak­ ers rack; Affordable prom dresses $10- $35; Girl Scout uniform & badges; Ladies boots 6-7.5; Art work; Drop leaf table; Franciscan Desert Rose oak 4 poster bed; Yard tools; Dvds; Cds; Vintage magazines; Books; Fur­ niture: & more! We buy estates & liquidate the contents. Hours: Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. New ar­ rivals every week. We’re on Facebook. ET Estate Sales & Liquidation, 1315 George Washington Way, Richland, by Denny’s, 509-539-9775. GREAT BUYS: 2004 Kia Se­do­na; 1994 26’ mo­tor­ home; 1994 Ford flatbed with 7.3 liter die­sel 4x4; 1987 Ford F-250 with ca­ no­py/ 460. Auc­tion, No­ vem­ber 2nd, Clark­ston, WA. Ab­sen­tee bids 208503-0235; pho­tos at www. ti­ger­auc­tion­eer­ing.com



F-250, MALIBU’s, Elantra GT, Saturn: good/ bad/ no credit, $0 down, ask how; Fast Cars, 509-380-4500, Kennewick.

1987 CHEV­RO­LET Cus­ tom De­luxe 10 truck: 83,206 orig­i­nal miles, 2 wheel drive, sin­gle cab, spray-in bed­lin­er, di­a­ mond plat­ed truck box, new ra­dio/ CD/ USB play­ er, $1000 or best off­er; 541-589-3320, Pen­dle­ ton.

THIR­TEEN 5â€? ball and spring main line, $70 each: five 6â€? clamp main line, $70 each; nu­merous ris­ers, fit­tings, con­nec­tion, $1100 for all, or make off­ er; 541-571-4226, Stan­ field.

MISCELLANEOUS NEED YOUR old sad­dle re­paired or re­stored? Ham­ley’s has an ex­cel­ lent sad­dle crafts­man do­ing re­pairs and res­to­ra­ tions; 30 SE Court Ave., Pen­dle­ton, 97801; 541278-1100. ON DE­MAND: junk and trash re­mov­al, in­door/ out­ door, yard de­bris, scrap, free es­timate; 541-2318630. PUB­LIC NO­TICE Auc­tion of cont­ents, 7 stor­age units at Stan­field Stor-N-Lok, 710 W. Coe St., Stan­field, Or­e­gon, No­vem­ber 16th, 2013, at 2pm. Cont­ents of each unit to be sold as one piece. #49 Fran­cis­co Por­ til­la; #78 Syl­via Fer­gu­son; #68 Mir­an­da Smith; #63 An­to­nio Vies­cia; #34 Blan­ di­na So­bot­ta; #18 & #86 Je­sus & Michelle Mu­noz. RE­I­KI CLASS­ES are be­ ing of­fered at BMCC: on November 2nd-3rd. In Re­ i­ki I, you learn about the heal­ing en­er­gy that re­duc­ es stress and pro­motes re­lax­a­tion. This heal­ing en­er­gy may be used with hu­mans, an­i­mals, plants, and crys­tals. In Re­i­ki II, you will learn how to send this heal­ing en­er­gy long dis­tance. Please con­tact the school to reg­ister at www.bluecc.edu SAVE 65% & get 2 free gifts when you or­der 100% guar­anteed, de­liv­ ered–to- the-door Oma­ha steaks: Fam­i­ly Val­ue Com­ bo now only $49.99, or­der to­day; 1-888-737-6752, use code 45069KPN or www.Oma­ha­Steaks.com/ val­ue07 SAVE ON ca­ble TV/ In­ter­ net/ digi­tal phone. Pack­ag­ es start at $89.99/ month (for 12 months.) Op­tions from all major serv­ice pro­ vid­ers; call Ac­cell­er to­day to learn more, call 1-888717-2469.

F-250, MALIBU’s, Elantra GT, Saturn: good/ bad/ no credit, $0 down, ask how; Fast Cars, 509-380-4500, Kennewick. FOR SALE: 1996 Sub­aru Leg­a­cy, 152,000 miles, good shape, needs some work, $1600 or best off­er; 541-567-1475, Her­mis­ ton. QUAL­I­TY Up­hol­stery: fur­ni­ture, auto, boat, truck, 78596 Hill­top Dr., Board­man, OR.; Brent 541-481-2782. RE­DUCED TO $3999, plus cost of de­tail­ing: 2002 Chrys­ler 300, 4door, load­ed, leath­er heat­ ed seats, moon­roof, looks and runs like new, see at Amer­i­can Serv­ic­es, 1301 Hwy 730, down­town Uma­ til­la, 509-374-7916. SAVE MON­EY! With cou­pon books at Rick’s Car Wash; 620 E. Main, Her­mis­ton. WANT­ED: SMALL die­sel pick­up, pre­fer Toyo­ta but will con­sid­er oth­er makes, all con­di­tions con­sid­ered, have cash will pay a fair price; 503-805-2684, Por­ tland. we buy & sell used & scrap ra­dia­tors. Auto Kool, 305 N. first, Her­mis­ ton. 541-567-0334. ’99 FORD Econoline F150 Mark III, wheelchair access with Ricon lift, $3100 obo; Jazzy Power chair, $1500; Freedom Lift CarGoMate scoot­ er lift, $1500, both for $2500; Standers Security bed assist pole & curved grab bar, $175 obo. 509952-1790. Yakima.

SCRAP GOLD! PAY­ING CASH NOW! For silver dol­lars, sil­ver coins, silverware, gold coins, gold jew­el­ry; KC Art & Col­lect­i­bles, 167 E. Main St., Her­mis­ton, Tues­ day-Sat­ur­day, 10:30am6pm, 541-289-1800.

1984 CHE­VY van: ex­tend­ ed top with couch bed in rear, needs al­ter­na­tor, $400 or best off­er/ trade; 15’x8’ trail­er frame, elec­ tric brakes, $150; 1959 Chev­ro­let pick­up bed and 3/4 ton axle, best off­er; 541-983-2603, Meacham.

SHARI‘S BER­RIES: or­ der mouth-wa­ter­ing gifts for any oc­ca­sion! 100% sat­is­fac­tion guar­anteed, hand-dipped ber­ries from $19.99, plus ship­ping & han­dling. Save 20% on qual­i­fy­ing gifts over $29; vis­it www.ber­ries.com/ sen­sa­tion or call 1-888695-4188.

CLAS­SIC 1967 Old­smo­ bile Vis­ta Cruis­er sta­tion wag­on: origi­nal ex­cept for wheels, tires, and paint, new brakes, en­gine over­ hauled a few hundred miles ago, has cruised to East and West Coast, it’s a driv­er, $10,000 or best off­er; Mau­ry 541-3980974, En­ter­prise.

TERRY LEE Lowe 1959-2007, looking for friends or family for health reasons; call Debbie 208420-0399.

ONE SET of stud­ded MS265/70R17, $500/ best off­er; 541-922-8461, 541-922-2428, Ir­ri­gon.

Window Tinting & Auto Detailing

541.289.3200 START YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING NOW!! Special Full WindoW Remote StaRt tinting caRS starting at




starting at



1995 JEEP Wran­gler: price re­duced, $4000; call 541-561-6096 or 541561-4966, Her­mis­ton.


CHRISTMAS Bazaar, Walla Walla Senior Cen­ ter, 720 Sprague St, (9th St, near Super 1 grocery). Sat, Dec 7th, 9am-3pm. Crafts; Large tv; Washer & dryer set (raffle); Big silent auction. Bake sale. Turkey dinner, $6. 509572-3775.

WELL BROKE 12 year old Ap­pa­loo­sa geld­ing: 15 hands, $950; 10 year old bal­dy geld­ing, 16 hands, well trained, would be a good 4-H horse, $750; also look­ing for a pros­pec­ tive bar­rel horse; 541276-1986, Pen­dle­ton.

SELL YOUR crafts- ta­ bles available now. Walla Walla Senior Center Christmas Bazaar, Dec 7th. 509-572-3775.

ZERO DOWN PYMT O.A.C ’08 Malibu LS; ’08 Impala LT; ’05 Elantra GT; ’01 F250; Fast Cars, 509380-4500. TriCities. 1994 FULL size Ford Bron­co Ed­die Bau­er: 5.8 liter, V8, au­tomat­ic, re­built en­gine & trans­mis­sion alu­ mi­num wheels, 33â€? tires, Pioneer stereo, $3000; 541-561-6582, Her­mis­ ton.


1999 NEW Holland HW300: 2900 hours, newer 14’ header, great condition, $26,900, call Tom at 509-380-7596. AL­FAL­FA HAY Big bales, 62 tons of fine stemmed, good qual­i­ty, no rain, al­fal­fa hay; 541443-2800, Pen­dle­ton.

1998 JEEP Cher­o­kee Clas­sic: 4.0 en­gine, pow­ er wind­ows, air con­di­ tion­er, cruise, au­tomat­ic, 160,000 miles, in good con­di­tion, $2950 or best off­er; 541-377-1844, Pen­ dle­ton. 8’ PICK­UP bed­lin­er, best off­er; 541-922-5733, Uma­ til­la. F-250, MALIBU’s, Elantra GT, Saturn: good/ bad/ no credit, $0 down, ask how; Fast Cars, 509-380-4500, Kennewick. F-250, MALIBU’s, Elantra GT, Saturn: good/ bad/ no credit, $0 down, ask how; Fast Cars, 509-380-4500, Kennewick.

for great re­sults in your busi­ness, try a dis­ play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­la­tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­ row, & Gil­liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­ tact an sales rep­re­sen­ta­ tive at our of­fice. You will no­tice the dif­ference im­me­ diate­ly! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

Experience The Cleary Advantage! # " ! # " ! # ! ! !

Hermiston, OR 81814 Hwy 395 North 541-922-2885 CCB# 115247 Building pictured is not priced in ad. Crew travel required over 50 miles. Local building code modifications extra. Price subject to change without notice.

Built on your level site.

Let us turn our Nickels into your dollars! Call us today! 541-567-2330.

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GREAT BUYS: 2004 Kia Se­do­na; 1994 26’ mo­tor­ home; 1994 Ford flatbed with 7.3 liter die­sel 4x4; 1987 Ford F-250 with ca­ no­py/ 460. Auc­tion, No­ vem­ber 2nd, Clark­ston, WA. Ab­sen­tee bids 208503-0235; pho­tos at www. ti­ger­auc­tion­eer­ing.com


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re-buy available Maximum 120 entrants Pay Out - 50% Maximum 1st Place: $2400 Gift Card

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 10

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039




2005 MO­NA­CO Dip­lo­ mat die­sel push­er: 40’, 27,000 miles, 4 slides, 350hp; 541-571-7791, vmeade@ma­chme­dia. net, ODL#1412, Her­mis­ ton.

REM­ING­TON 742 30-06, $300 or best off­er; Rock Is­land 1911 10mm, 2 mag­ a­zines, with 800 rounds of am­mu­ni­tion, $800; 509778-1886, Pen­dle­ton.

APOL­O­GIES: DUE to ill­ness, last weeks sale was can­celed. Moved to this wee­kend. North Star Stor­age, Hwy 395 N., Her­ mis­ton, Fri­day-Sat­ur­day, 25th-26th, 8am. Round ped­es­tal table with 2 leaves, 4 chairs; cook­ ware of all kinds; love­ly sofa; lots of min­iatures; lots of cups and sau­cers; white drop leaf table with 2 chairs; nice bed­ding and pil­lows; some Gone With The Wind chi­na; lots of Christ­mas decor in­clud­ing chi­na; ma­ple desk, un­fin­ished drop front desk; several lamps; sew­ing ma­chine; vin­tage doll bed; bar stool; lots of pic­tures; beau­ti­ful side table; pig col­lec­tion; hand­ made quilt; lots of box­es still to be un­packed that we don’t know what is in them, come to the sale Fri­ day & Sat­ur­day to find all kinds of nice stuff!

OR­E­GON RE­INED Cow­ horse As­so­cia­tion is proud to spon­sor the Ivai Sul­li­van Soft­ness & Dem­ on­stra­tion work shop: host­ed by An­der­son Land & Live­stock, at the new 7UP ar­e­na, lo­cat­ed in Pen­dle­ton, Or­e­gon. Sat­ ur­day, No­vem­ber 9th, at 10am. Free to all spec­ta­ tors; for more in­for­ma­tion call 541-303-3558.

Please be advised that The Nickel is not affiliated with any other publica­ ton in our area, including ones that use “Nickel” in their name. If you have any questions please call us directly at 541-5672230.

GREAT CHRIST­MAS gift! Cus­tom Leo­nard Oster ranch sad­dle, high can­ tle, wade slick fork tree, stir­rup leath­er lace up, square skirts, full bas­ket stamp with corn­er ac­ cents, flat plate rig­ging sets low, fits horses well, ap­prox­imate­ly 16” seat, to build new would be about $3500, good con­di­tion, I have owned since new, pho­tos avail­able, $1800; 541-263-0458, Wal­lo­wa.

5TH WHEEL skirt­ing: like new, with snaps, up to 32’, $300; 541-905-9455, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter.

GUIDED SAL­MON, Wal­ leye, and Steelhead fish­ ing trip avail­able; www. be­lowthe­boat­guides.net or call 541-701-7536.


0 down 1.9% 36 mo. MongooSE 70 Sale Price

MXU 300


Sale Price

$79.95 MO



Ages 6 & Up, Electric Start

Shaft Drive, Liquid Cooled, Speedo Racks, High/Low Transmission

MongooSE 90

MXU 450i IRS

0 Down $3999 mth, 7.9% 60 mths*

Sale Price

0 Down $7995mth, 7.9% 60 mths*

Forward/Reverse Auto Trans, Electric Start, Front & Rear Brakes

0 Down $5999 mth, 7.9% 60 mths*

MXU 150

Sale Price



Sale Price

$125.00 MO




VENDORS WANTED! Tack Sale at Eastside Equestrian Center, Sat, Nov 23rd, 2013. Space with one table is $25, ad­ ditional tables are $15. For info call Jana at 509727-9044. TriCities. BRONC SAD­DLE: Bro­ ken Ar­row, new ser­ies, 16 3/4, eve­ry­thing in­clud­ ed, been on less than 30 horses, $1600; 541-4291684, Her­mis­ton.

TACK SWAP Sat, Nov 23rd, 2013, 10am-2pm, at Eastside Equestrian Center (27th & Washington), Kenne­ wick. Training, Show, and Packing Tack and cloth­ ing. For info call at 509727-9044. TRAILS WEST 3 horse slant: tack room, new tires, good cond­tion; 541278-9536, Pendl­ton. TWO DECK­ER pack sad­dles with pack bags, $350; 541-278-9536, Pen­ dle­ton.



FOR SALE: 2011 lift­ed Dodge Hemi, ask­ing $32,000 or best off­er; 541-969-6843, Pen­dle­ ton.

AL­FAL­FA GRASS, $250/ ton; wheat straw, $3/ bale; de­liv­ery avail­able; 541571-8275, Her­mis­ton.

’02 GMC Yukon XL suv, SLT trim, auto, 4 wd, great cond, $4750. 509521-3390. Tri-Cities. 1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. 2000 INFINITY QX4 suv, 4 wd, 195k miles, 2nd own­ er, loaded, leather, sun­ roof, power everything, Premium touch screen sound system, very well maintained, $3600 obo. 509-727-3334. TriCities. ’07 GMC 2500 HD 4x4, ext cab, 94k, 6.0 gas, loaded, navigation, DVD, CD, Sirius ready, $19,600 obo. 509-588-4314; 509521-0119, ask for Terry. Benton CityWA. 2000 F350 7.3 Su­per Crew: 6” lift and new Toyo Mt 35’s, Lar­iat with leath­er, tow pack­age, 5th wheel, 220,000 miles, nev­er chipped, all stock, $9500, pos­si­ble trade for side-by-side or oth­er of­ froad toys, equal or great­ er val­ue; 541-571-5798, La Grande. 1990 FORD Rang­er 4X4: man­u­al trans­mis­sion, 2.9 liter, stan­dard cab long bed, ex­tra set of mount­ ed tires, 140,000 miles, winch mount in bed, grill guard, great con­di­tion, $2250; 541-561-1696, Lex­ing­ton. 1985 CHE­VY Sil­ver­a­do 3/4 ton pick­up: with Tom­ my lift util­i­ty bed, $5500; 541-567-3283, Hermis­ ton.


0 Down $9500 mth, 1.9% 36 mths*

UXV 500i 4X4

Sale Price

33 hp Fuel Injected, Auto Trans, Reverse & High/Low Gear, 4x4

0 Down $12500 mth, 8.9% 60 mths*

MAXXER 450i 4X4 2012

0 Down $18500 mth, 6.9% 60 mths*

UXV 500i SP $210

CAN­TI­LEV­ER LUM­BER RACKS Ex­tra heavy duty, 14’ high uprights (127 quant­i­ty), 48” arms (580 quant­i­ty), 32” on cen­ter, per upright, $300 each, and arms at $30 each; call Man­dy at 541-398-0111 or 541426-4141, En­ter­prise. D8 CAT with doz­er; D6 Cat with doz­er; D4 Cat with doz­er; D7 Cat with doz­er; Far­mall Su­per C trac­tor; Grey­hound bus mo­tor­home, nice! Stuart Bon­ney 541-567-2833, Her­mis­ton. 1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. JOHN DEERE 7700 com­ bine: with straw chop­per; 541-437-8181, El­gin. ENG­LISH WAL­NUTS: no sprays or chem­i­cals, lo­cal­ ly grown, $1.50 per lb.; 541-922-4553.

UM­QUA WOOD stove, al­ most new; bath­room sink van­i­ty; 6’ five shelf stor­ age; roll top desk; oil paint­ ings; pow­er wash­er; 541881-9259, Her­mis­ton. WINTER HAWK CONSTRUCTION No job too big or too small, new con­struc­tion, res­i­den­ tial, com­mer­cial, all types of re­mo­del­ing, kitch­en & bath­rooms, con­crete, pole barns, ad­di­tions, decks, & more, in­surance and dam­age claims, li­censed & bond­ed, CCB #97838, 541-922-3292. WANT­ED: RAIL­ROAD lan­terns, globes, locks, keys, badg­es, signs, Chi­ na, sil­ver, pa­per, wax seal­ ers, cash; 541-276-3506, Pen­dle­ton. HO-HO-HOMEMADE Pies, bread, jam; Gran­ ny Vick­ie, 541-419-9057, Get R’ Done! EQUA-LIZER 4 pt sway control & load leveler trailer hitch, 1000 lbs max tongue weight, 10,000 max trailer weight, used 3x, new $749.99, selling for $300; 9’ two piece fold­ ing loading ramp, for elec­ tric wheelchair/ scooter/ etc, $200; Harbor Freight, 800 watt power generator, ran less than 1 hour, $50. 541-571-4885. Umatilla. WEL­COME TO THE HAT ROCK STORE Win­ter hours 10am-7pm, or af­ter; 541-567-0917.

$135.00 MO

Great For The Sand or Mountains, Best All Around ATV. 4X4 w/ Low Range, High/Low Reverse Trans

0 Down $13500 mth, 7.9% 60 mths*

MXU 500i LE 4X4

Free Wench Oversized Tires

Sale Price



0 Down $13400 mth, 7.9% 60 mths*

Sale Price



Lots of Accessories, Sports Package, Wench

1998 CORN husk­er 48’ 3 axle alu­mi­num grain trail­ er: 6’ walls, new air ride sus­pen­sion, tires 60%, brakes 80%, good tarp, scales on trail­er, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, $28,500; 541276-4231, Pen­dle­ton.

WHITE 32” corn­er cad­ dy: sil­ver fin­ish, mod­el #C12900A-32SW, new in box, $800 new, ask­ing $450; 541-969-3333, Pen­ dle­ton.

Sale Price

$185.00 MO


AGCO AL­LIS 5650 2002 Agco Al­lis 5650 2 wheel drive trac­tor, 48hp, 1428 hours, 12 speed, 2 re­motes, $7800; 541969-9635, Pen­dle­ton.

THE IONE Le­gion Auxil­ iary An­nual Fall Holi­day Ba­zaar: Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ ber 16th, 9am-3pm, at the Ione Le­gion Hall. Break­ fast rolls and cof­fee from 8am-11am. A $5 lunch of homemade soup, rolls and dessert avail­able at noon. Ven­dors are en­ cour­aged and spaces are lim­it­ed, ta­bles are $10; for in­for­ma­tion call Becky Riet­man at 541-422-7230 or 541-720-2040. All pro­ ceeds go to­wards Legion Hall re­pairs.

JAZZY POWER chair, $1500; Standers Security bed assist pole & curved grab bar, $175 obo; ’99 Ford Econoline F150 Mark III, wheelchair ac­ cess with Ricon lift, $3100 obo. 509-952-1790. Ya­ kima.


Front & Rear Brakes, Utility Racks & Auto Trans w/ Reverse Electric Start

JOHN DEERE 7’ wide hoe type drill: with al­fal­fa op­tion, good condition, $300; 541-969-9635, Pen­ dle­ton.



Best Deal Around


0 Down $21000 mth, 6.9% 60 mths*

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Since 1963 KYMCO has sold over 10 million vahicles Worldwide to a loyal following of satisfied customers

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PENDLETON 901 SW. EMIGRANT 541-276-7909 HERMISTON 200 S. FIRST ST. 541-567-6850

Now is the time to get your flu shot From your local Bi-Mart pharmacist. We now have high dose vaccine for people over 65, Quadrivalent nasal mist for ages 11 - 49, Regular seasonal shots for ages 11 an up! “Medicare and most insurances accepted”

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 FARM & GARDEN


FOR SALE: al­fal­fa hay, 4th cut­ting, 110-115 lb. bales, lit­tle rain, $11/ bale, 2 string; 541-561-7265, Her­mis­ton.

FORD TRUCK: F-150 ex­tend­ed cab, 160,245 miles, 20” tires, with 4.6 en­gine, great shape; 509301-1923, Wal­la Wal­la.

STEVE’S PIPE STRAIGHT­EN­ING And Re­pair. 2” & 4” alu­mi­ num ir­ri­ga­tion pipe straight­ ened. Pipe straight­ened to lay flat, eas­i­er to move, 2”-6” pipe press re­pair; 541-786-1128 or 541963-5494, La Grande.

STAGE 5 Edge Jam­mer: 150hp in­jec­tors for 2nd Gen 24 valve Cum­mins tur­bo die­sel, un­der 20,000 miles, $900 new, will sell for $500; 541-571-3880, Stan­field.

JACK O’Lantern pump­ kins, miniature pumpkins, decorative gourds and variety of winter squash available. Call 541-5671609. Hermiston. OR. HAND­Y­MAN NEED­ING work: pain­ting, land­scap­ ing, in­teri­or/ ex­te­ri­or work, any job big or small, 30+ years ex­peri­ence, ref­er­ enc­es avail­able; 541-5719004, Her­mis­ton. HAY FOR SALE $210-$240 a ton, load­er on site, small bales; 541276-5455, Pendleton. WANT­ED: JUNK bat­ter­ ies: car, truck, Cat, also golf cart bat­ter­ies, cash paid, pick ups avail­able: 541-571-2981. TI­MOTHY GRASS hay: 2 string and 3x4 mid size bales, $220/ ton, good horse hay, de­liv­ery avail­ able; 541-571-8275, Her­ mis­ton.

FULL SIZE pick­up camp­ er: good con­di­tion, you haul, $150 or best off­er; call bet­ween 10am-7pm, 541-215-9559, Pen­dle­ ton. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 26 years ex­peri­ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for the right price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­sion, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­e­ gon. JEEP: 1978 C-7 258 en­ gine, 258 cu. in., new with 50,000 mile war­ran­ty or 5 years on­ en­gine, winch and snatch block air com­ pressor, and new tires & rims, with tool chest full of tools; 509-301-1923, Wal­ la Wal­la. 1991 SIL­VER­A­DO 2500 ex­tend­ed cab: 4 wheel drive, 5.7 liter, V8 en­gine, 138,000 origi­nal miles, 4 speed trans­mis­sion, over­drive, one own­er, no smoke or an­i­mals, was $5800, now $5000; 503410-9710, Her­mis­ton.

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 11



REG­IS­TERED 5 year old AQHA geld­ing for sale: $2000 or best off­er, bred and trained at B-bar-B in Pi­ca­bo, ID. Sire is Mr. Pep­py H Chex. Dam is Rose N Chex Bub­bling; 541-786-1208, Union.

2008 REV-XP 800R Sum­ mit X: 154”, very clean, 1388 miles, si­lenc­er, $6500; 2002 Sum­mit 700, 154”, very clean, si­lenc­er, V-Force 3 re­eds, 3315 miles, $2500; $8500 for the pair; 541-398-1601, Athe­na.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-985-6262, Former­ ly Gary Seal Livestock. TEN­NES­SEE WALK­ING horses: sales, in­for­ma­ tion, foals to grand dams, fin­ished moun­tain trail mounts to rid­able brood­ mares; $250-$5000; 541567-6787, Uma­til­la.

2008 YA­MA­HA Apex: 150hp, 1700 miles, new bat­tery, ex­cel­lent con­di­ tion, $5500; 541-5616298, Her­mis­ton. ear­ly to bed, ear­ly to rise! Work like heck and “ad­ver­tise!” Call the clas­ si­fieds to­day to place that ad! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039.

Good Samaritan Ministries Counceling Center Currently offering the following support groups: Tuesdays 4pm - 5:30pm Studying the Miracles of Jesus (In Depth) Tuesdays 6pm - 7:30pm Love is a Choice (Codependency) Tuesdays 6pm - 7:30pm General Support Group (New Topics every 6 weeks) Day & Time TBA Fundamental Christianity (A Bible Study) Call to sign up!


HOUSEHOLD MON­TAG ELEC­TRIC/ wood stove, best off­ er; 541-983-2603, Meacham. LARGE 3 piece dark brown leath­er sec­tion­al da­veno: near­ly new, no marks, to large for our new house, paid $1200, sell for $750; 541-5675182, Her­mis­ton.




270 WEATHER­BY: has wood in­lay, with Leu­pold gold ring scope, jew­eled ac­tion, ful­ly ad­just­able trig­ ger, Maus­er M98 ac­tion, $800 or trade; 541-3771425, Pen­dle­ton.

2007 MO­NA­CO Sa­fari Chee­tah die­sel push­er: 4 slides, gor­geous, only 5200 miles; ODL #1412, 541-571-7791.

FNS 40 cal­i­ber: new in case, with three clips and hol­ster, $600 cash; 541561-5347, Board­man.


1251 6th Street • Umatilla • (541) 922-4453

1998 1999 2002 1999 1996 1994 2003 1997 1995 2003 2007 2001 1997 1995 1999 1993 2001 1991 2004 1999 1996 2000 1996 1998 1999 1992 1995 1992

2012 6X12 en­closed car­ go trail­er: V-nose, sin­gle axle, like new con­di­tion, fold down rear door, side door, $4000; 541-3145434, leave mes­sage.

After Hours (541) 922-4535

Chevy 1/2 Ton (4x4 PU, Canopy).................................... $4995 Dodge Ram 1500 (4x4, Canopy) ..................................... $4995 Chevy Malibu (Low Miles)............................................... $4895 Toyota Camry................................................................... $4795 Ford Ranger (X-Cab, 4x4, Canopy) ................................ $4695 Chevy 3/4 Ton (X-Cab, 4x4, Auto, Air)............................ $4395 Buick Regal (4 door)........................................................ $4195 Dodge Ram 1500 PU (X-Cab, Auto)................................ $4195 Dodge Dakota (Auto, Canopy, 4x4)................................ $3995 Ford Focus (4 Dr, Auto Air)............................................. $3995 Ford Crown Vic (Runs Great) ......................................... $3995 Kia Sportage (4x4, Air, Low Miles) .................Reduced $3795 Ford F-150 (Auto, 6 Cyl) .................................................. $3795 Chevy Camero (T-Top, V6, Auto, Air) ............................. $3495 Plymouth Voyager Van (Auto, Air) ................................. $3395 Chevy K5 Blazer (Auto, 4x4)........................................... $3195 Saturn SC Series (3 Dr, Coupe) ...................................... $3195 Jeep Cherokee (6 Cyl, 4x4) ............................................. $2995 Hyundai Accent (4 Cyl, Auto) ......................................... $2995 Olds Alero (4 Cyl, Auto) .................................................. $2895 Ford Ranger (Auto, V6) ...................................Reduced $2695 Ford Windstar Van........................................................... $2695 Ford Ranger (V6, Auto) ................................................... $1995 Ford Windstar Van........................................................... $1995 Kia Sportage (4x4, Air) .................................................... $1995 GMC Suburban (4x4, 3rd Row Seat) .............................. $1995 Chevy Lumina (Auto, Air) ............................................... $1995 Ford Explorer (Air, 4x4)................................................... $1495 Partial List • More Cars Coming This Week!

through the month of november only! *any size classified *two per household *Must be prepaid.

Don’t wait!! Call or stop by the nickel today!!

1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston • 541-567-2230 Hours: Mon-Fri • 8:30am - 5:00pm



The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 12

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The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 13

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• Open SundayS at 11aM

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 14

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

Real estate Guide

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.”









PRICE REDUCED: 4 bed­ rooms, 1 bath­room stick built home in Stanfield, next to schools, lots of up­dates, on a great corn­ er lot, $105,000; call for show­ing, 541-561-7185.

4 BED­ROOMS, 2 1/2 baths, 2 liv­ing rooms, 1546 Mis­ty Dr., Her­mis­ ton, $172,000; also a 2 bed­rooms, 2 bath, man­ u­fac­tured home liv­ing room, 101 Bo­nan­za, Echo, $57,000; 541-2150122.

2.5 ACR­ES: Ply­mouth, WA., Col­um­bia Riv­er view, prop­er­ty wa­ter in and pow­ er avail­able, sep­tic ap­pro­ val; 541-379-1380, could car­ry a con­tract.

2 PLUS acr­es for sale: off Rav­en Lane, in Her­mis­ ton, wa­ter rights in­clud­ed by own­er; 541-571-9709, 509-521-6060.

61 ACRES: Hwy 395, one mile south of Uma­til­la; Bon­ney 541-567-2833, Her­mis­ton.

light in­dus­tri­al: 5.1 acr­es and 13 acr­es, good ac­cess to Hwy 395, has shared well, good area for home, shop & sep­tic, corn­er lot, pow­er/ phone close. Own­er con­tract pos­si­ble. Bon­ney; 541567-2833. Her­mis­ton.

1-2 BED­ROOM house in Stan­field: large back­yard, good lo­ca­tion, wash­er/ dry­er hook­up, large stor­ age, $565/ month; 541567-8179.

RE­DUCED TO sell quick­ ly! Beau­ti­ful 5 bed­room, 2 bath home: near­ly 2900 sq. ft., mas­sive mas­ter bed­room with re­treat and huge walk in clos­et, oth­er 4 bed­rooms are large with 2 walk-in clos­ ets, cup­boards ga­lore in kitch­en with large pan­try, in coun­try on 1.06 acr­es, huge fenced-in yard, lots of trees, $165,000 or best off­er; 541-720-2829, Her­ mis­ton.

COUN­TRY HOME: 19 acr­ es, house, full base­ment, ga­rage, two shops, barn, horse ar­e­na, $348,000; 541-377-7787, Pendle­ ton. TA­VERN FOR sale at Ri­ eth: com­mer­cial build­ing can also be used for oth­er busi­ness, $140,000; 541377-7787, Mel­ine.

Residential-Commercial-Storage Rentals



P.O. Box 89 398 E. Ridgeway, Hermiston 541-567-4663 • 541-564-2011


HOME & ACREAGE FOR SALE Close in 8.73 acr­es with a 3 bed­room, 2 bath home, plus a full base­ment, over 4000 sq. ft. to­tal, zoned R2, can be split into 3 more home sites, 1000 sq. ft. shop, plus over 2000 sq. ft. equip­ment shed, $350,000, own­er will car­ry with a large down; 541-520-9654. ATHE­NA: 2 story home, built 1991, 3 bed­rooms, 3 baths, at­tached ga­rage, 7/10 acre lot, forced air heat/ air conditioning, and wood heat, new car­pet, up­ dat­ed ap­plianc­es & heat­ ing sys­tem, $170,000; 541-310-8465.

3 Bed­room: 1 1/2 bath, full base­ment, new fur­nace, new wind­ows, at­tached ga­rage, 609 SW 10th St., Pen­dle­ton, $80,000; call for ap­point­ ment, 541-567-7983, Her­ mis­ton.

ATHE­NA: 2 story home, built 1991, 3 bed­rooms, 3 baths, at­tached ga­rage, 7/10 acre lot, forced air heat/ air conditioning, and wood heat, new car­pet, up­ dat­ed ap­plianc­es & heat­ ing sys­tem, $170,000; 541-310-8465.

303 acr­es, in­cludes: 125 acr­es cir­cle, 100 acr­ es rock quar­ry, 33 acr­es sand and gravel sites, all per­mits and ir­ri­ga­tion wa­ ter rights. Nice log home, 6000 sq. ft. shop, buf­fa­lo cor­rals; Bon­ney 541-5672833. Her­mis­ton.

BEAU­TI­FUL HOUSE! Over 2400 sq. ft., fully re­ mo­deled, gran­ite coun­ters through­out, large city lot, large shop, 3 bed­rooms, 2.5 bath­rooms, plus bo­ nus room, huge house ga­ rage, $255,000; 541-7014408, Her­mis­ton.

38 acr­es: zoned R-I, in city lim­its, good view, own­ er con­tract pos­si­ble, must sell; Bon­ney, 541-5672833, Hermiston.

FOR SALE by own­er: 3 bed­rooms, 2 bath man­u­ fac­tured home, on corn­er fenced lot, new roof, new heat pump, all new­er ap­ plianc­es in­clud­ing wash­ er/ dry­er, nice car­pet, newer shed, gar­den spot and pa­tio, West Park Ele­ men­ta­ry area, $123,000; if in­ter­est­ed call 541-2899033, Her­mis­ton.

AMAZING DEAL! 29.54 acres near Whitebird, Idaho, $55,000. Please call 509-430-7641.

MAKE MON­EY! Sell that item in the Nick­el!

RE­DUCED TO sell quick­ ly! Beau­ti­ful 5 bed­room, 2 bath home: near­ly 2900 sq. ft., mas­sive mas­ter bed­room with re­treat and huge walk in clos­et, oth­er 4 bed­rooms are large with 2 walk-in clos­ ets, cup­boards ga­lore in kitch­en with large pan­try, in coun­try on 1.06 acr­es, huge fenced-in yard, lots of trees, $165,000 or best off­er; 541-720-2829, Her­ mis­ton.

Hermiston ProPerty management

541-567-0990 2372 N. 1st St., #A, Hermiston

4 bed 1 bath home

Single car garage. No pets or smoking. 135 NW Butte Dr. - $795 month + $1,000 deposit

2 bed 1 bath duplex

W/D hook-ups. No pets or smoking. 645 NE 3rd St. - $600 month + $500 deposit

2 bed 1 bath upstairs apartment New paint & carpet. W/D hookups. No pets or smoking.

535 W. Standard - $695 month + $600 deposit

2 bed 1 bath apartment

On site laundry. W/S/G paid. No pets or smoking. 625 NW Spruce. - $650 month + $600 deposit

umatilla 2 bed apartment

On site laundry. View of Columbia River. No pets or smoking. 1100 5th St. - $575 month + $500 deposit

2 bed 1 bath home with river view

HUD approved, Tenant responsible for yard care. No smoking, pets on approval. 120 5th St. - $600 month + $500 deposit

iRRigOn 1 bed 1 1/2 bath home

5 foot chain link fenced yard with lockable gate. Fireplace with insert. Garage. Patio with lily pond. Next to Marina. Free irrigation water. Has mud room and other amenities. No smoking, pets on approval. $300 pet fee. 420 NE 8th St. - $600 month + $800 deposit

BOaRdman 2 bed 2 bath doublewide mobile home No pets or smoking.

78601 Mtn View - $625 month + $600 deposit

Habla Español Same building as Century 21

resiDentiaL 3 bed 2 bath country setting $895 a month, $1,000 dep Hermiston

3 bed 2 bath double car garage nice master suite $875 a month, $875 dep Hermiston 3 bed 2 bath home fenced yard, south hill $1,000 a month, $1,000 dep Umatilla 2 bed 1 bath home $525 a month, $525 dep Boardman 1 bed, all utilities paid $500 a month, $500 dep Power City 2 bed 1 bath, all utilities paid $600 a month, $600 dep Power City 2 bed 1 bath MH Country setting with fenced yard $690 a month, $690 dep Hermiston


For Lease: Up to 16,000 sq.ft. of warehouse space in a secured industrial park, call for more information Hermiston

FOR SALE in Ar­ling­ton Or­e­gon: 2 bed­rooms, 1 bath house, 1/3 acre, 2 out build­ings and car­port, new paint & car­pet in bed­ rooms, new­er paint in kitch­en, din­ning and liv­ing rooms, new li­no­leum in kitch­en. New­er wind­ows, lam­i­nate floors in liv­ing and hall, ja­cuz­zi walk in tub, wood­stove & forced air oil fur­nace, large wa­ ter falls and room for your fa­vor­ite flow­ers, $89,000; 541-454-2042. FOR SALE or rent: 4+ acr­ es, com­mer­cial­ly zoned, con­tract pos­si­ble, 1 1/4 mile south of Uma­til­la on Hwy 395; Bon­ney 541567-2833. FOR SALE: stick framed house, 2 bed­rooms, one bath, $39,000 or best off­er; for information call 509-947-7400. HER­MIS­TON: CLEAN 3 bed­room, 1 3/4 bath­ rooms, 2 car ga­rage, shed, ga­ze­bo/ hot tub, au­tomat­ic sprin­klers, $119,000; 541-314-3338. HOUSE FOR sale in Pen­ dle­ton, Or­e­gon: 1101 SW 28th St., corn­er lot near new hos­pi­tal, pre­sent­ly beau­ty sa­lon; 541-2760928. HOUSE FOR sale in Pen­ dle­ton: Mc­Kay neigh­bor­ hood, $143,500, 3 bed­ room, 1 1/2 baths, 1431 sq. ft., large fenced yard, gar­den area, 378 sq. ft. ga­rage, 1822 SW 44th; 541-969-9831 or 541276-7238.

NICE 3 bedroom house for sale in Hermiston area; 541-561-5515. VIEW LOT 2/3 plus acr­es, scenic view, near new hos­pi­tal, Mc­Kay school, man­u­fac­ tured home/ stick, city util­i­ties, pow­er at street, $58,000; call 541-2764055, Pen­dle­ton. class­nick­el@eot­net.net

PRICE REDUCED: 4 bed­ rooms, 1 bath­room stick built home in Stanfield, next to schools, lots of up­dates, on a great corn­ er lot, $105,000; call for show­ing, 541-561-7185.

MANUFACTURED HOMES 1975 DOUBLEWIDE mo­bile home for sale in Cove, OR. 3 bed­rooms/ 2 baths, many up­dates have been done, in­clud­ ing all new wind­ows, ask­ing $5000 or best off­ er, needs to be moved ASAP; view pic­ture on­line at la­gran­de­nick­el.com 541-786-0769 Cove 2 & 3 bed­room units in Pen­dle­ton park: for sale or rent, fi­nanc­ing avail­ able O.A.C.; call for view­ ing and pric­ing, 541-2767632. ’07 MARLETTE, 1620 sq.ft, must move. $30,000. Can be delivered. 503932-7544. FOR SALE by own­er: 3 bed­rooms, 2 bath man­u­ fac­tured home, on corn­er fenced lot, new roof, new heat pump, all new­er ap­ plianc­es in­clud­ing wash­ er/ dry­er, nice car­pet, newer shed, gar­den spot and pa­tio, West Park Ele­ men­ta­ry area, $123,000; if in­ter­est­ed call 541-2899033, Her­mis­ton.

AVAIL­ABLE SOON 3 bed­room man­u­fac­tured home, south Her­mis­ton, $750; 3 bed­room home, close to Mc­Nary Golf Course, $600/ month; 3 bed­rooms, 2 bath man­u­ fac­tured home in coun­try set­ting, Her­mis­ton, $695/ month, ref­er­enc­es and de­ pos­it re­quired; 541-9224518. HOME FOR rent: South Hill, Uma­til­la, 3 bed­rooms, 2 baths, plus of­fice/ den, fenced back­yard $800/ month, ref­er­enc­es and de­ pos­it re­quired; 541-9224518. 1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. ROOM FOR rent: in Her­ mis­ton, fur­nished and sat­el­lite TV, month to month, neigh­bor watch, and quiet, close to town or freeway; call Rick 541314-3761. THREE BED­ROOM, 2 bath man­u­fac­tured home in Her­mis­ton, $800/ month, $800 de­pos­it, no pets; 541-571-6909. UMA­TIL­LA DU­PLEX: clean, small, 1 bed­room, stove, re­frig­era­tor, wa­ter paid, per­fect for sen­iors, no pets, no smokers, $435/ month, 1st and last months, $200 se­cur­i­ty de­ pos­it; call for ap­pli­ca­tion 541-567-7678. 3 BED­ROOM, 1 bath in Uma­til­la: $800/ month; call Pat­ty at 541-7203019. A BEAU­TI­FUL new­ly re­ mo­deled 2 bed­room, 1 bath du­plex for rent in Her­ mis­ton: eve­ry­thing brand new, car­pet/ kitch­en/ bath, new paint, ap­plianc­ es, wash­er/ dry­er hook­up, a must see, no smok­ing/ pets, wa­ter/ sew­er/ gar­ bage paid, $850/ month, $850 de­pos­it; 541-5719406, 541-567-0181. APART­MENTS FOR rent in Uma­til­la: 2 bed­rooms, 2 baths, $525 rent, $400 de­pos­it; please call 541667-7364, ask for Luis. PEN­DLE­TON Com­mer­ cial of­fice space for rent: in Pen­dle­ton on S.W. Fraz­er, easy ac­cess, great lo­ca­tion, 3 dif­fer­ent size units to choose from; call 541-477-3113 for more de­tails.




ONE BED­ROOM house: steps from Ir­ri­gon mar­i­na, ir­ri­ga­tion well, fire­place in­ sert, fenced lot, ga­rage, $600/ month; 541-5674663.

STOR­AGE: SAVE mon­ ey on your stor­age unit or RV space at Stan­field Self Stor­age. Best rates in area. Ful­ly fenced facil­ i­ty with elec­tron­ic ac­cess gate (24 hour ac­cess), and vid­eo sur­veil­lance for ad­ded se­cur­i­ty. Several unit siz­es and large RV spaces. Month­ly in­voic­ ing; 541-969-6634.

TWO BED­ROOM, one bath apart­ment: car­ port, pri­vate pa­tio, $695/ month, 730 W. Stan­dard Ave., Her­mis­ton; 541567-4333.

TOWN­HOUSE VIL­LA Apart­ments: 1100 S. Hwy 395, Her­mis­ton. 2 bed­ rooms, 1 1/2 baths, fresh car­pet and paint, large mas­ter bed­room, wash­ er/ dry­er hook­up, heat­ed pool, wa­ter/ sew­er/ gar­ bage, start­ing at $620 per month, no smok­ing, no pets, no HUD; 541-5671851 for more de­tails. TWO BED­ROOM apart­ ment in Her­mis­ton: sin­gle ga­rage, wash­er/ dry­er hook­ups, $550/ month, util­i­ties in­clud­ed, $500 de­ pos­it; 541-720-8354, 541701-4837. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $280 per month, in­cludes WiFi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage, & elec­tric, large re­crea­tion room with full laun­dry mat, 6 bath­rooms and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205.

MOVE-IN SPECIAL! Courtyard Apart­ments in Her­mis­ton, 2 bed­rooms, $500/ month for 3 months, with $200 se­cur­i­ty de­pos­ it, and 1 bed­room $450/ month for 3 months, $200 se­cur­i­ty de­pos­it, up­grad­ ed build­ing and land­scap­ ing; call Ste­ven 541-6569441.

2 BED­ROOM, 1 bath: Blue Moun­tain Apart­ ments, 975 W. Ridge­way, wa­ter/ sew­er/ gar­bage paid, pet friend­ly; info@ gra­finv.com, of­fice hours, 1pm-5pm, Mon­day-Fri­ day, 541-567-6480, Her­ mis­ton.

STOR­AGE UNITS for rent: 10’x10’, $45; 5’x10’, $25; 541-626-9743, Ir­ri­ gon.

FULL SERV­ICE prop­er­ ty man­age­ment com­pa­ ny. We have rent­ers for your home and we have homes for rent; please call Her­mis­ton Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment to­day, 541567-0990. FUR­NISHED STU­DIO for rent: week­ly $165, month­ ly $535, util­i­ties in­clud­ed, no de­pos­it, pets okay, HBO, ESPN, etc.; 541276-4711, Ro­deo City Inn, Pen­dle­ton. FURNISHED STUDIOS: all utilities/ cable, starting at $150 and up per week; call Tillicum Inn Annex, Umatilla, 541-922-3236. MINI STORAGE stor­ age for rent: 10x12, $40/ month, and 8x20 stor­ age, $65/ month, gated, light­ed, se­cure; 541-5676065, Her­mis­ton. STU­DIO APART­MENT for rent in Pen­dle­ton: $650 move in, $325 per month af­ter that, wa­ter/ sew­er/ gar­bage/ elec­tric­i­ty paid; 541-910-0231.

3 BED­ROOM, 1 bath in Uma­til­la: $800/ month; call Pat­ty at 541-7203019. UMA­TIL­LA DU­PLEX: clean, small, 1 bed­room, stove, re­frig­era­tor, wa­ter paid, per­fect for sen­iors, no pets, no smokers, $435/ month, 1st and last months, $200 se­cur­i­ty de­ pos­it; call for ap­pli­ca­tion 541-567-7678.

STU­DIO APART­MENT: small, $300/ month plus de­pos­it, 401 NW Bail­ey, Pen­dle­ton; call for ap­pli­ca­ tion, 541-377-2425.

3 BED­ROOM, 1 1/2 bath old­er dou­ble­wide for rent in Her­mis­ton: $600 per month, first and last months, plus $200 clean­ ing de­pos­it, sen­ior dis­ count, no smok­ing, noroperty pets; call bet­ween 2pm6pm, 541-561-6145.

BUSI­NESS OF­FICE space: 1200 sq. ft., $700/ month; also of­fice space, $395, util­i­ties paid; 509947-3117, Her­mis­ton.

UMA­TIL­LA DU­PLEX: clean, small, 1 bed­room, stove, re­frig­era­tor, wa­ter paid, per­fect for sen­iors, no pets, no smokers, $435/ month, 1st and last months, $200 se­cur­i­ty de­ pos­it; call for ap­pli­ca­tion 541-567-7678.

ONE BED­ROOM house: steps from Ir­ri­gon mar­i­na, ir­ri­ga­tion well, fire­place in­ sert, fenced lot, ga­rage, $600/ month; 541-5614663. SE RENTAN 2 cuartos para personas solas en Stanfield; 541-701-6957.

BRAND NEW 2 bed­room, 1 bath du­plex: no smok­ ing/ pets, $825/ month, first, last, and se­cur­i­ty de­pos­it; 503-580-1510, Stan­field.

SUND­I­AL APART­MENTS 2 & 3 bed­room apart­ ments avail­able, small pets okay with ad­di­tion­al de­pos­it, wash­er/ dry­er hook­ups in 3 bed­rooms, call for spe­cials and pric­ es; pro­fes­sion­al­ly man­ aged by Nor­ris & Ste­vens, Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Serv­ic­es, 541-564-8006, Her­mis­ton.

OCEAN CAR­GO stor­ age con­tain­ers: vari­ous siz­es, se­cure stor­age, on ground de­liv­ery. “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers.” In­sta Stor, Inc. 509-765-1376. www. in­stas­tor.net

2 & 3 bed­room houses for sale; 541-567-5319, Frost Prop­er­ties.

541-567-3981 or find us on the web at www.her­ mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ ment Inc.

STU­DIO Apart­ments: cen­tral­ly lo­cat­ed in town, Her­mis­ton, $400/ month, $200 de­pos­it, wa­ter/ sew­ er/ gar­bage paid, laun­dry facil­i­ty on site; Lin­da 541806-4553, or Mary 541993-0751.

Secure Property Management

We Offer Our Owners Less Stress, More Freedom Competent Trustworthy

20 Years of Experience

No Sign up Fee’s

985 North First St Hermiston, OR



Residential 3 Bedroom 2 Bath On 1 acre with large shop $1,250 a month

Commercial 295 E Main, Hermiston Nice office spaces for lease Move in discount available Office Spaces Available, Umatilla Starting at $350.00 a month Call for more information Check out our website at www.securepropertymanagement.net Licensed Certified Property Management

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 15



PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981


$650 - 2 Bed 1 Bath House - 216 Walla Walla $485 - 2 Bed 1 Bath Apt - 1330-505th St., #12, #5 $775 - 3 Bed 1.5 Bath Townhouse - 360 Dean Ave., #D 1/2 Off 1st Full Month Rent $775 - 3 Bed 1.5 Bath Townhouse - 250 Raymond, #D 1/2 Off 1st Full Month Rent $735 - 2 Bed 1.5 Bath Townhouse - 360 Dean #C 1/2 Off 1st Full Month Rent $575 - 2 Bed 1 Bath Apt - 395 Dean #A

herMiston $1,100 - 4 Bed 1 Bath House - 817 W. Juniper $1,050 - 3 Bed 2 Bath House - 520 Patsy Ct. $600 - 2 Bed 1 Bath 4-Plex - 290 NW 12th #B $625 - 2 Bed 1 Bath Duplex - 530 W. Hartley $500 - 2 Bed 1 Bath Apt - 743 W. Tamarack $500 - 2 Bed 1 Bath Apt - 150 W. Jennie #B5 $575 - 2 Bed 1 Bath Apt - 645 SE 4th #4A, 3C $425 - 1 Bed 1 Bath Apt - 800 E. Main, #5 $868 - Commercial Unit 1315 sq. ft. - 155 E Hurlburt Call For Price - Commercial Space Approx 500 sq. ft. 1055 S. Hwy 395 Suite #303 Call For Price - Commercial Space Approx 1,000 sq. ft. 1055 S. Hwy 395 Suite #101 $819 - Commercial Unit, 1,356 sq.ft. - 158 E Main St. $80 - 12 x 20 Storage Units - 1195 N. 1st Pl., #7, 11, 16, 21 $20 - 10 x 9 Storage Units - 245 NW 11th St. $1,000 - Commercial Office w/ Shop Space & Store Front 1150 W. Hartley, #A, H Call For Price - Commercial Space with Separate Offices Suite 323, 1055 S. Hwy 395 1835 N 1st Pl., Gated Storage Units 12x10 $55, 12x12 $65, 12x15 $75, 12x44 $195, 12x30 $130 $1,200 - 3,000 sq.ft. Shop, 3 Bay Door With Office 1835 N 1st Pl

stanfield $800 - 3 Bed 2 Bath MFG Home - 180 Elizabeth $500 - 2 Bed 1 Bath Apt - 245 Coe, #C2

*Call for Move-in sPeCial details (On Select Units)


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 16 HOUSEHOLD


2 OLD­ER dry­ers: Fri­gi­ daire and May­tag, good work­ing con­di­tion, $50 each or best off­er; new­er Bosch dish­wash­er, $50 or best off­er; 541-377-1844, Pen­dle­ton.

VA­CA­TION HOME se­cur­i­ ty serv­ice. Go­ing away on va­ca­tion or long­er winter stay? Be con­fid­ent all is well back home. Will tend pets, wa­ter plants, and check da­i­ly that your prop­er­ty is as se­cure and un­dis­turbed as you left it. $10 for da­i­ly checks, $25 for more fre­quent vis­its plus mile­age. Relax and en­joy your time away from home. Se­cur­i­ty pro­ vid­ed by a re­li­able and re­spon­si­ble old­er cit­i­zen, ref­er­enc­es pro­vid­ed upon re­quest; call/ text 541720-1362 and get the serv­ice set up now.

$$ CASH $$ Will­ing to pay cash for your un­want­ed ap­pliances work­ing or non-work­ing; call or text 541-701-1313. YARD SALE: Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ber 2nd, 10am5pm, 250 West Washing­ ton, Ir­ri­gon. Tons of kitch­ en stuff, dish­es, cook stove, crock pot, grid­dle, wash­er, dry­er, mens clothes, wom­ens clothes, va­cuum clean­er; 541980-1661. SHARE YOUR Nickel with a friend! NICE WOOD stove with pipe, $400 firm; 541-5719485, Umatilla.

LAU­RA’S HOUSE­KEEP­ING Serv­ing Uma­til­la coun­ty, ef­fi­cient, re­li­able, ref­er­enc­ es; 541-910-0925. GOT A prob­lem with leaves? Call me for help and re­mov­al; 541-5618057, Her­mis­ton.

WE CATER! Holiday Parties, Receptions, Private Dinner Parties, etc. Call for details and to schedule 541-276-8500

Enjoy Chef Rob’s (formerly Raphael’s chef)

food at your next event! 233 SE 4th Street, Pendleton www.facebook.com/SundownGrillandBarBQ

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 SPORTS & EQUIPMENT



WA­TER­FOWL GEAR: Col­um­bia Bu­ga­boo pak boots, warm, size 8, $25; ex­tra large Pet­port­er dog car­ri­er with pad, $40; La­ crosse cam­ou­flage cus­ tom chest wad­ers, size 7 boot, $50; duck de­coys with weights, bag, 2 do­ zen Aq­ua­keel, $30/ do­ zen; 1 do­zen weight­ed keel, $40; mis­cel­la­ne­ous items, cash only; 541922-4803, Ir­ri­gon.

2012 HEART­LAND Big­ horn 5th wheel: 38’ stor­ age ga­lore, 4 slides, like new; 541-571-7791, ODL #1412, Her­mis­ton.

FOR SALE: 25 Pow­der Riv­er 5’ pan­els, plus 2 Pow­der Riv­er gates, $70 each; 541-571-4226, Stan­field.

WE BUY motor homes: C’s, B’s & A’s. 2000 & newer. RussDeanRv.com 877-297-5117, in the Pas­ co Autoplex.

SHED HAY! 2 string, approx. 100 lb bales, feeder- $6/ bale;, orchard grass- $10/ bale; other varieties available (alfalfa grass/ alfalfa). Loading included. 509394-2387. Wallula.

1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. SIG SAU­ER P290 9mm; las­er, ex­tra clip, hol­ster, stor­age case, less than a year old, has had only one clip shot through it, $500 or best off­er; 541969-6948, He­lix. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­chase play­ ground equip­ment, books, sup­plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, I’d be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-571-8551. www.thenickelonline.com TAEK­WON­DO SPE­CIAL! 50% off 1st month for new stud­ents. Been gone a few months? Re­turn and get 2nd month free. Ask about pri­vate less­ons; 541-720-7706, Chief Mas­ ter Loney, 234 Main St., Her­mis­ton.

PICK­UP CAMP­ER: 9 1/2’, S&S, 1988, air, ful­ly selfcon­tained, very good con­ di­tion, $2500 or best off­er; 541-437-5352, El­gin. SPOT­LESS CLAS­SY 1995 22’ PROWL­ER Fan­cy mir­rored cab­i­nets, bunk, bed, sofa, di­nette, CD/ ra­dio, sky­light, great floor plan, set up for TV, air; call af­ter 7pm, leave mes­sage, 541-534-4651, El­gin. 1982 20’ Prow­ler pull trail­ er: new li­cense, new tires & re­frig­era­tor, new bat­tery and wa­ter pump, very good con­di­tion, eve­ry­ thing works good, $2950; also a 2002 Ta­hoe De­ luxe 29’ 5th wheel, clean and in good shape, low KBB $13,000, high KBB $17,500; 208-553-8315, Pen­dle­ton. 40’ SPORTS­MAN Park Mod­el RV: 3 slides, com­fy liv­ing. Uses: mov­ing to N. Da­ko­ta, if you’re down­siz­ ing, for col­lege stud­ent, a moth­er-in-law home, for farm hand, etc., $22,500 cash or $7000 down and take over pay­ments ($237/ month); 541-5719185, Hep­pner. WE BUY motor homes: C’s, B’s & A’s. 2000 & newer. RussDeanRv.com 877-297-5117, in the Pas­ co Autoplex.


Look Whats NeW at 541-922-1213 81600 HWY 395 N HermistoN or

OPEN Mon - Sat

METAL FENCE posts: good con­di­tion, 6’ and 8’ lengths, $2 each; 541571-0702, Her­mis­ton. GRASS HAY for sale by the ton or bale; 541-5711738, Her­mis­ton. 1999 CASE back­hoe: 590 su­per L, 4X4, Ex­ten­d-a­hoe, 4 in 1, 5300 hours, very nice con­di­tion, $27,000 or best off­er; 541-276-5648, 541-3776363, Pen­dle­ton. D4 CAT 7U: hy­drau­lic blade, runs good, good un­der­car­riage, $6500 or make off­er; Stuart Bon­ ney 541-567-2833, Her­ mis­ton. AL­FAL­FA HAY 2-tie for sale; also grass alfalfa avail­able, some de­liv­ery avail­able, qual­i­ty guar­ anteed; 541-571-5775, Her­mis­ton. THIR­TEEN 5” ball and spring main line, $70 each: five 6” clamp main line, $70 each; nu­merous ris­ers, fit­tings, con­nec­tion, $1100 for all, or make off­ er; 541-571-4226, Stan­ field. AL­FAL­FA HAY Big bales, 62 tons of fine stemmed, good qual­i­ty, no rain, al­fal­fa hay; 541443-2800, Pen­dle­ton. AL­FAL­FA GRASS, $250/ ton; wheat straw, $3/ bale; de­liv­ery avail­able; 541571-8275, Her­mis­ton. JOHN DEERE 7’ wide hoe type drill: with al­fal­fa op­tion, good condition, $300; 541-969-9635, Pen­ dle­ton. JOHN DEERE 7700 com­ bine: with straw chop­per; 541-437-8181, El­gin.

HORSES LUCKY ACR­ES Fenc­ing, Inc.: Pan­els, gates, shelt­ ers & more! 12’, 1-5/8”, 15 ga. 5-rail: pan­el, $105; 6’x6’ bow fate with horse­ shoe latch, $195; 12’, 13/8”, 15 ga. 5-rail: pan­el $95; 6’x6’ bow gate with horse­shoe latch, $165; 12’x12’, 3 sided horse shelt­er: fra­me­work only, $800; ply­wood in­sert­ed, and gal­van­ized roof tin pro­vid­ed, $1400. Pro­ ducts are safe, du­rable and de­signed to last. Made with heavy gauged gal­van­ized steel tub­ing, will not rust! De­liv­ery avail­ able! Pick­up avail­able in Le­wis­ton or Fruit­land, Ida­ ho; www.luck­ya­cres.net 208-746-1228. NO TIME, must sell: 14 year old Quar­ter Horse geld­ing, sor­rel, 15.2 hands, big and strong, ranched and roped off of, put him to work, sac­ri­fice $900 or best off­er; 541980-5519, Her­mis­ton. TWO HORSE trail­ er: straight load: 66”Wx117”Lx79”H, like new tires, $850; 541-2153340, La Grande. 1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. GAM­ING SHOE: Play­ day, Sun­day, No­vem­ber 3rd, 12pm, eve­ry­one wel­ come, Col­um­bia Riv­er Eques­trian Cen­ter; 541922-2704. RE­AL­LY WELL bred 4 year old filly: not broke, Leana’s heavy duty Bian­ cus stud, you buy, you train, comes with 2 ton of hay, $800; 541-571-4226, Stan­field. THENICKELONLINE.COM You can also find us on Facebook. SCHOOL­ING HORSE Show: Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ ber 2nd, 9am, Col­um­bia Riv­er Tack and Eques­ trian Cen­ter. Buckles, Rib­ bons, Show Bucks; 541922-2704.

YARD & GARAGE SALES ESTATE SALE! FRI, SAT, 9AM-5PM: Estate sale; Antiques; Vintage; Mid Century; Retro; Furni­ ture; Collectibles; Jew­ elry; Tools; Household. Fri & Sat, 9am- 5pm. New arrivals: Mid cen­ tury: lighting, Tulip chairs, Bookshelves, Bar stools, Artwork, Pottery, Plant­ ers, Clocks, Mid century tables & drapes; Chairs; Side tables; Planters; Bernina sewing machine; Sewing table; Shabby chic chairs; 1950s chrome table; Upright freezer refrig; Flexsteel sleeper sofa; La-Z-Boy chairs; Burnished cherry match­ ing twin beds; Redwing crocks; Vintage Christ­ mas Tom & Jerry set; John Deere Christmas ornaments; Laurel Burch trays; Cheap videos games: Christmas: Trees, ornaments, lights, Dept 56; 1960s drapes; Retro jewelry; Large desk with French legs; Artsy side table; Heaters; TV/ VCR combo; Vintage slide rule; Craftsman tools; Pendleton Wool; Boxing gloves Cabbage Patch doll; Retro jewelry; Porta­ ble air compressor; Mens Fedoras; Slate top cof­ fee/ end tables; Hydraulic Jack; Betty Crocker cook books; Vintage attache; Mobile phone; Vintage bar stool; Wine rack; Bak­ ers rack; Affordable prom dresses $10-$35; Girl Scout uniform & badges; Ladies boots 6-7.5; Art work; Drop leaf table; Franciscan Desert Rose oak 4 poster bed; Yard tools; Dvds; Cds; Vintage magazines; Books; Fur­ niture: & more! We buy estates & liquidate the contents. Hours: Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. New ar­ rivals every week. We’re on Facebook. ET Estate Sales & Liquidation, 1315 George Washington Way, Richland, by Denny’s, 509-539-9775. WOM­EN’S Assocation of Uma­til­la Pres­by­te­rian Church An­nual Christ­mas ba­zaar: se ven­da co­sas usa­das, No­vem­ber 8th9th, 2013, 9am-4pm, from Hwy 730 turn on Pow­er­ line Rd, proceed about 3 blocks to the Ba­zaar sign, the Ba­zaar is be­ing held in the Church Fel­low­ship Hall.

ride & Staff invite Now Owner Shanon McB Main for a great you to Shanon’s Place on people who care homestyle meal served by h and dinner Open for breakfast, lunc m-2pm Sunday Monday - Saturday & 7a st service We guarantee friendly, fa mosphere in a comfortable family at Da ily Saturd ay Sp ec ia lS ! Friday O u r t a v Q e B Batter ed r n *** Boneless B f June’s H e h C Fish-N-Ch alibut Pork ribs &lam Chowder! ips! “ Fa m o u s ” C

erts delicious Homemade dess Now Serving: Caramel apple Cheesecake Brulee ate Hazelnut & Our Exceptional Chocol

coming soon • Beer & Wine Service the “Hot Corner” astercard • We Accept Visa & M 508 E. Main

Shanon’s Place on Main fort Local Flavor • Casual Com

Hermiston 541-567-2804

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 17

Halloween Safety A to Z Everything you need to know for a supremely fun and safe Halloween.



A. B


Umatilla Or

s la

Full Service Glass Shop • Full Service Glass Shop •

k & Co. G r u 721 6 St.

Full Service Glass Shop • Full Service Glass Shop •

Always Be Accompanied By An Adult.

Your Glass Shop Of Choice

Buy Costumes That Are Made Of Flame Retardent Material.


1110 6th Street, Umatilla


Costumes Should Not Drag On The Ground Or Be Too Dark To See.

If There Is No Side Walk - Walk Facing Traffic.

1411 6th St. Umatilla OR (541) 922-3001 www.harvestfoodsnw.com

Jackets Should Be Worn If It’s A Cool Night.


1510 6th St., Umatilla

Keep Your Pets Safe & Don’t Let Them Wander Off.



Eat Dinner Before You Go Trick Or Treating.

Leave A Porchlight On...If No Porch Light Do Not Approach House.


ToTal Image Salon 541-922-0886 • 541-571-0789 1300 6th St. Suite B • Umatilla Make Sure You Have A Parent Check Your Candy Before Eating!

Store #1817

165 1/2 W. Coe Ave, Stanfield


Follow Your Parents’ Rules.


WindoW Washing service

“Windows are no pane for Freddy’s” 34 SW Emigrant, Pendleton 541-276-9318

Go Slow Drivers!! Be On The Lookout For Kids!

Antiques And Art On Main 509-953-8746 221 S. Main, Pendleton Across from Hamley’s Steakhouse

Have ATHURSDAY Flashlight For& SATURDAY When 9-8 It •Gets 9-6 • FRIDAY SUNDAYDark. 11-5

1350 N. First St., Hermiston


Never Enter A Strangers’ Home!

Twice Is Nice Community Thrift Store

130 6th Street & B Street


Obey Traffic Laws & Signals. OregOn POwer SPOrTS 541-276-2100 515 SE Dorion Ave., Pendleton Mon - Fri 9-5:30 Sat 9-12 • Sun Closed

Props Such As Swords Or Wands Shouldn’t Be Used As Weapons.

30 S.E. COURT AVE. • PENDLETON • 541-278-1100


30 S.E. Court Ave. Pendleton



Classified Ads

365 sW 1st st., Pendleton

Return Home Before It Gets Too Late Or Too Dark.


Call Kelly or Trina

Don’t Get Into A Car With Any Stranger For Any Reason.

A Cell Phone Should Be Carried In Case Of An Emergency.

Store #2492

2203 SW Court St., Pendleton



Stay In Well Lit Places When Trick-Or-Treating

The Stratton Agency One Responsible Source™

435 SW Dorion Ave. Pendleton, OR 541-276-2302 1475 N First St. Hermiston, OR 541-289-3300

Travel In Groups. The More People, r ...The Better.

CrOSS O STOP, inC. A TruCk “The Biggest Little Stop in the West” d Truck Hwy 730 - Exit 1 S Umatilla Oregon 541-922-3297

Unfamiliar Animals, Pets, Houses & People Should Be Avoided.

Carlson’’’ s Umatilla Drug 821 Sixth Street Umatilla OR 541-922-3281

Visit Only Houses You Know Or Are Familiar With. Dr. Paul Jubb, OD Over 25yrs Experience

541-567-5283 1350 N. First St., Hermiston (Located in Walmart Vision Center)

Wait For Your Parent Or Group...Don’t Run Ahead!

541-966-6464 132 South Main, Pendleton

Younger Children Should Hold An Adult’s Hand. 541.289.3200

se habla español 255 s. hwy 395, hermiston

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 18 SERVICES RICK’S TREE Serv­ice: win­ter trim­ming spe­cial 20%, 20 years ex­peri­ ence, trim­ming or re­mov­ al, rea­son­able rates, no job too big or too small; 541-626-8523. AP­PLIANCE RE­PAIR All major brands, fast, friend­ly and af­ford­able serv­ice; please call 541701-1313. CAR­LOS TREE Serv­ic­ es: 15 years ex­peri­ence, trim­ming or re­mov­al; 541561-9414, 541-656-6094, if not avail­able leave mes­ sage. AC­U­PUNC­TURE AB­Cof­Or­e­gon.com, Her­ mis­ton 541-289-8088, Pen­dle­ton 541-276-0723. HAND­Y­MAN NEED­ING work: pain­ting, land­scap­ ing, in­teri­or/ ex­te­ri­or work, any job big or small, 30+ years ex­peri­ence, ref­er­ enc­es avail­able; 541-5719004, Her­mis­ton. BUSI­NESS CARDS at the Nick­el! Come check out the dif­fer­ent varieties you can choose from!

YARD & GARAGE SALES MINI STOR­AGE auc­tion: Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ber 9th, 2013, 10am, at Ir­ri­gon Mini Stor­age, corn­er of West Third and Hwy 730. Units to be sold: C13 Ear­ nest Glover; F17 Gold­ie Gu­tier­rez; A45 and A6 Mar­i­lyn Mc­Clane-Frut­ter. Cont­ents in­clude house­ hold goods, wheelchairs, pres­sure wash­er, toys, cloth­ing, tool box, fur­ni­ ture, an­tiques, and mis­cel­ la­ne­ous. WOM­EN’S Assocation of Uma­til­la Pres­by­te­rian Church An­nual Christ­mas ba­zaar: se ven­da co­sas usa­das, No­vem­ber 8th9th, 2013, 9am-4pm, from Hwy 730 turn on Pow­er­ line Rd, proceed about 3 blocks to the Ba­zaar sign, the Ba­zaar is be­ing held in the Church Fel­low­ship Hall. place it wise­ly! Our clas­si­fieds will al­low you to reach the lar­gest au­di­ence pos­si­ble with­out us­ing a lot of your ad­ver­tis­ing budget; call us at the Nick­el to­day and place your clas­si­fied ad, 541-567-2230, Herm­ iston.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 WANTED



WANT­ED: run­ning school bus for bi­ble bus, do­nat­ed pre­fer­ably or cheap; 541370-4818.

A-OK UP­HOL­STERY is run­ning a spe­cial on boat tops, side cur­tains, and boat cov­ers. Men­tion this ad and get 10% off when you pick up your boat. So stop by and see us! 541276-6315.

THOMP­SON RV is East­ ern Or­e­gon’s lar­gest RV deal­er: fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed for 40 years; browse our in­ven­tory on­ line at www.thomp­sonrv. com, or call us at 800459-4836, Pen­dle­ton.

WORK WANT­ED: flow­er bed cleaned, yard raked, bush­es trimmed; call 541314-3444. WANT­ED: CHILD crib, rea­son­able price, 541571-4601, Her­mis­ton. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­chase play­ ground equip­ment, books, sup­plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, I’d be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-571-8551. THE NICK­EL Want Ad News­pa­per: East­ern Or­ e­gon’s most suc­cess­ful want ad news­pa­per! Over 30 years in the area! We are look­ing for a Pen­dle­ ton area de­liv­ery driv­er, one day a week, re­li­able, valid driv­ers li­cense, must be a team play­er and work well with peo­ple; ap­ply in per­son, 1055 N. First St., Her­mis­ton. WANT­ED: OLD wrist/ pock­et watch­es, clocks, watch­mak­er tools, parts, Ro­lex, Ome­ga, Ha­mil­ton, Brei­tling, Il­li­nois, Mili­tary, etc.; 509-545-9929, 509528-1387.

“Trick or Treat on Main” 3:00pm - 5:00pm


1565 N 1st Street • 395 Mall Hermiston (541) 567-5050

WANT­ED: SMALL die­sel pick­up, pre­fer Toyo­ta but will con­sid­er oth­er makes, all con­di­tions con­sid­ered, have cash will pay a fair price; 503-805-2684, Por­ tland. the spi­der looks for a mer­chant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. Don’t let this hap­ pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­el to­day! 541-5672230, 541-276-7039.

• Late Models • Low Miles • Best Prices

541-278-CARS 903 SE Court Street • Pendleton Oregon 97801 1996 GMC Sonoma

1998 VW Cabrio

2011 Ford Fusion SE

4x4, Auto

Convertable, Low Miles

Like New, 16K Miles, Auto




1994 F250 SuperCab

2012 Ford Fiesta

2007 Dodge Grand Caravan

Turbo Diesel, 5 Speed

Great Gas Mileage, Low Miles

Auto, 7 Passenger, Stow-N-Go, Low Miles


Old­er Rang­er bass boat, 175hp, Tur­bo II propeller, bow mount elec­tric, trail­ er, $4000; 541-276-7731, 541-379-2471, Pen­dle­ ton. BOAT & trail­er: 17’, 1971 Ar­row­glass, 50hp Merc out­board mo­tor, 12 volt troll­ing mo­tor, bat­ter­ies, gas cans, etc. Bi­mi­ni top, new up­hol­stery on seats, fish­finders, an­chors and life jack­ets, very good con­di­tion, $1350; 541933-8938 or can be seen at 585 E. Cal­i­for­nia Ave, Ir­ri­gon. DU­RA­BOAT-CAMO Weld­ed alu­mi­num, 12’, 18hp Evin­rude, fold down seats (new last year), nav­i­ga­tion lights, bilge pumps, oars, fish find­er, horn, fire ex­tin­guish­er, etc., reg­is­tered thru 2014, ready to fish and/ or duck hunt, $1250; 541-7014255, Her­mis­ton. Finally got him to part with all the stuff he hasn’t used in years? We can get it sold before he changes his mind! The Nickel! We get results! 541-567-2230. WOOLDRIDGE ALASKAN JET ’06 17’ Wooldridge Alas­ kan jet sled, 128 hours, 2007 90 hp Yamaha jet, 8 hp Yamaha High output kicker, GPS guided Minn Kota with 2 wireless re­ motes, Humminbird 987C GPS fish finder, full can­ vas enclosure, anchor with 2 anchors, plus ex­ tras, $16,750. 509-5213909. TriCities. place it wise­ly! Our clas­si­fieds will al­low you to reach the lar­gest au­di­ence pos­si­ble with­out us­ing a lot of your ad­ver­tis­ing budget; call us at the Nick­el to­day and place your clas­si­fied ad, 541-567-2230, Herm­ iston.

1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. WIN­NE­BA­GO: 24’, 1978, new 350 en­gine, $2500 or best off­er; 541-314-3338, Her­mis­ton.

1999 SAFARI Zanzibar, 38’ motorhome, 49,970 miles, Cat Magnum Diesel powered, every option loaded, clean, stored in climate controlled shop, $49,000; Darrell 541-276-2516 or 541-969-9354, Pendleton. WIN­TER IS com­ing! Time to get your RV trail­er skirt built. By the pro­fes­sion­als at A-OK Up­hol­stery. So stop by and see us or give us a call; 541-276-6315. ’10 COUGAR KEYSTONE Going South for the win­ ter? This travel trailer has what you need, 29’, huge slide, walk around queen bed, closed off bath with shower, tv, cd, dvd, elec­ tric awning, generator & tons of storage, comfy couch & 2 swivel chairs plus dinette. Mint cond!, $19,900 obo. 509-5548971 or 509-460-0820. TriCities. 36’ CLASS A motor home, ’02 Intruder by Damon, 502 Chevy with Allison trans, Onan 5500 genera­ tor, leveling jacks, 2 ACs, self aligning satellite dish, rear camera, 2 slide-outs, $34,500 obo. 509-5826275; 509-521-0645. TriCities.

HOUSEHOLD 12’ PRE-LITE Christ­mas tree: paid $550, ask­ing $250; brown sofa, $50; 4 burn­er gas down-draft cook top, $100; dou­ble white sink with fau­cet and spray­er, $50, or best off­er on each; 541-561-7265, Her­mis­ton. AN­TIQUE 1880’S white sofa and chair: re­stored, $2500 firm; 541-9225666, Ir­ri­gon. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­chase play­ ground equip­ment, books, sup­plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, I’d be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-571-8551. BROAN TRASH com­pac­ tor with bags: build-in or free stand­ing, $250; 541922-0390, Uma­til­la. FOR SALE: sol­id wood desk, $30; two 25” col­or TV’s, $25 each; leave mes­sage 541-701-0407, Her­mis­ton. HOT TUB: 6-per­son, works, has one fix­able leak, $200; hearth pads, 4’x4’ and 4’x5’, $50 each; Dean­na 541-667-8537, Her­mis­ton. 1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. STOR­AGE: SAVE mon­ ey on your stor­age unit or RV space at Stan­field Self Stor­age. Best rates in area. Ful­ly fenced facil­ i­ty with elec­tron­ic ac­cess gate (24 hour ac­cess), and vid­eo sur­veil­lance for ad­ded se­cur­i­ty. Several unit siz­es and large RV spaces. Month­ly in­voic­ ing; 541-969-6634. UP­HOL­SERT­ED Re­clin­er chair: light brown fab­ric, good shape, $75; 541567-2586, Her­mis­ton.

SPORTS & EQUIPMENT RUG­ER #1, 300 Win Mag, $725; Mar­lin 336-CB, 3855, oc­ta­gon bar­rel, $750; Brown­ing Win, mod­el 52, 22LR, $875; Winchester mod­el 12 16 gauge, re-is­ sue, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, $475 or best off­er; Win­ chester mod­el 12, Heavy Duck 12 gauge, 3” mag, re-blue, plain bar, $575 or best off­er; 541-786-0361. ARMA LITE AR-30 in 338 Lapua magnum with 3 mags, $1600; Ruger stainless/ synthetic M77/ MK II in 338 Win mag, $650; Ruger stainless/ wood mini 14 Ranch in .223, $700; AWI Feather takedown rifle in .45 ACP with dot scope, $700; Lusa 9mm PDW (SP89 clone), $700; Springfield M14/ M1a Squad Scout in 7.62/308, $1600; Leupold custom shop VXR-Scout, 1.5-5x33 with ARMS mount system, $624; H&R handi- rifle in 204 Ru­ ger, $175; Benelli Super Nova pump shotgun, in 31/2” factory camo, $320; Schmidt- Rubin K-31 in 7.5x55, $350; Browning double auto Twelvette semi-auto in 12 ga, $700; Norinco matching num­ bers SKS with 6 mags, original pre-ban folding stock & Tapco FDE stock, $475; Browning model 11 semi auto 12 ga, $250. All prices obo, cash only/ no trades. Call or text Dave at 509-899-4951. Ellens­ burg.


Rug­er 280-3x9 Leu­pold, $750; 264 Winchester Mod­el 70-3x9 Leu­pold, $950; 223 WSM Mod­el 70 3x9 Leu­pold, $750; 28 gauge over/ un­der, CZ, $800; Colt AR-15 SP-1, Snip­er scope, $2000; 541-379-2471, Pen­dle­ ton. SHOTGUNS Benelli 12 ga, ultra light, like new, $800; 12 ga Weatherby, over/under, like new, $700. 509-4402867. 270 WEATHER­BY: has wood in­lay, with Leu­pold gold ring scope, jew­eled ac­tion, ful­ly ad­just­able trig­ ger, Maus­er M98 ac­tion, $800 or trade; 541-3771425, Pen­dle­ton.


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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 HOUSEHOLD


MON­TAG ELEC­TRIC/ wood stove, best off­ er; 541-983-2603, Meacham.

FIRE­WOOD: RED Fir, Ta­ mar­ack, $180/ cord, will de­liv­er; 541-561-5342.

LARGE 3 piece dark brown leath­er sec­tion­al da­veno: near­ly new, no marks, to large for our new house, paid $1200, sell for $750; 541-5675182, Her­mis­ton. PED­ES­TALS FOR front load­ing wash­er & dry­er: slate/ pewt­er gray col­or, pur­chased for $250, sell­ ing for $100 each firm; 541-571-7374. 2 OLD­ER dry­ers: Fri­gi­ daire and May­tag, good work­ing con­di­tion, $50 each or best off­er; new­er Bosch dish­wash­er, $50 or best off­er; 541-377-1844, Pen­dle­ton. $$ CASH $$ Will­ing to pay cash for your un­want­ed ap­pliances work­ing or non-work­ing; call or text 541-701-1313. YARD SALE: Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ber 2nd, 10am5pm, 250 West Washing­ ton, Ir­ri­gon. Tons of kitch­ en stuff, dish­es, cook stove, crock pot, grid­dle, wash­er, dry­er, mens clothes, wom­ens clothes, va­cuum clean­er; 541980-1661. NICE WOOD stove with pipe, $400 firm; 541-5719485, Umatilla. 12’ PRE-LITE Christ­mas tree: paid $550, ask­ing $250; brown sofa, $50; 4 burn­er gas down-draft cook top, $100; dou­ble white sink with fau­cet and spray­er, $50, or best off­er on each; 541-561-7265, Her­mis­ton. AN­TIQUE 1880’S white sofa and chair: re­stored, $2500 firm; 541-9225666, Ir­ri­gon. visit our website: www. thenickelonline.com BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­chase play­ ground equip­ment, books, sup­plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, I’d be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-571-8551. BROAN TRASH com­pac­ tor with bags: build-in or free stand­ing, $250; 541922-0390, Uma­til­la. FOR SALE: sol­id wood desk, $30; two 25” col­or TV’s, $25 each; leave mes­sage 541-701-0407, Her­mis­ton. HOT TUB: 6-per­son, works, has one fix­able leak, $200; hearth pads, 4’x4’ and 4’x5’, $50 each; Dean­na 541-667-8537, Her­mis­ton. 1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. STOR­AGE: SAVE mon­ ey on your stor­age unit or RV space at Stan­field Self Stor­age. Best rates in area. Ful­ly fenced facil­ i­ty with elec­tron­ic ac­cess gate (24 hour ac­cess), and vid­eo sur­veil­lance for ad­ded se­cur­i­ty. Several unit siz­es and large RV spaces. Month­ly in­voic­ ing; 541-969-6634.

1977 11’ camp­er: air con­ di­tion­er, good shape, $950; lad­der rack for old­er GMC, $100; snow blade for Crafts­man rid­er, $80; 4 stud­ded tires with wheels, P195/75R14, $120; 541-379-0429, Her­ mis­ton.

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 19





1984 CHE­VY van: ex­tend­ ed top with couch bed in rear, needs al­ter­na­tor, $400 or best off­er/ trade; 15’x8’ trail­er frame, elec­ tric brakes, $150; 1959 Chev­ro­let pick­up bed and 3/4 ton axle, best off­er; 541-983-2603, Meacham.

1986 KA­WA­SA­KI 750 twin: body ex­cel­lent, mo­ tor needs some work, $106; 541-276-0764.

HOUSE­KEEP­ING/ Clean­ ing: I will clean for $20/ hour, Pen­dle­ton, Pi­lot Rock/ sur­round­ing ar­eas; Michelle 541-215-3228.

FOR SALE: 2 male Chi­hua­hua pup­pies, 3 months old, $100; 541564-8614, Her­mis­ton.

WANT IT! BUY IT! Sell it! it’s all in The Nick­el.

Busi­ness cards from The Nick­el. V-STAR: 2005 Ya­ma­ha 1100 V-star clas­sic mo­ tor­cy­cle, only 6000 miles, only $4500; 509-3011923, Wal­la Wal­la.

RICK’S TREE Serv­ice: win­ter trim­ming spe­cial 20%, 20 years ex­peri­ ence, trim­ming or re­mov­ al, rea­son­able rates, no job too big or too small; 541-626-8523.

1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230.

Business Directory

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 20

Lawn Care

B.D. EntErprisEs, llc Removal Specialist

Professional lawn maintenance, trailers, grass, weeds, yard care

Bryon Demos - Owner


E-cigs / suppliEs

Essence Emporium E-Cigarettes • E-Juices • Accessories Vapor Lounge • Free WiFi


PO BOX 92 • Hermiston, OR 97838 bdemos@hermiston.or.us

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

(541) 571-4624

massage therapy

The Knot Doctor Massage Therapy By Appointment Only

Dawn Samson, LMT #7878

M-Th 10am - 6pm • F 10am - 7pm • Sat 10am - 5pm 1055 S. Hwy 395 Ste. 333 • Hermiston, OR 97838

property management Hermiston ProPerty management

541-567-0990 2372 N. 1st St., #A, Hermiston

295 E. Main St. Hermiston, OR 97838 Habla Español Same building as Century 21

Office: (541)289-6122 Cell: (541)561-5122 undoknots@yahoo.com


storage Need Storage?

M & M Storage - Personal Storage Units (10x20, 10x10, 5x10)


Steel Structures • Pole Buildings • Concrete Metal Siding • Vinyl Siding • Windows P.O. Box 1154 Hermiston, OR 97838

CCB #73234

Local: 541/567-5100 Fax: 541/ 567-4400



• • • • •

FREE WiFi - Surf the web while doing laundry FREE Coffee - In the morning Watch TV on our HDTVs Clean and Well Maintained Save time and money with our large selection of washers and dryers 315 SW 11th St (Corner 11th & Orchard), Hermiston Hours 7am-10pm 7 days a week Try ‘s Newest Large Capacity Front Load Washers


Specializing In Replacing Windows & Doors (541)567-2348 • (541)276-0097 • 1-800-265-2348 Stop by our Showroom! 30599 Lauback St • Hermiston w w w. m r i n s u l a t i o n . i n f o mrinsulation@eotnet.net • CCB#97049 • Member N.e.o.h.B.v

B & C Outside & RV Storage - RVs, Campers, Vehicles, Trailers & Misc. items

AUTOS & ACCESSORIES CLAS­SIC 1967 Old­smo­ bile Vis­ta Cruis­er sta­tion wag­on: origi­nal ex­cept for wheels, tires, and paint, new brakes, en­gine over­ hauled a few hundred miles ago, has cruised to East and West Coast, it’s a driv­er, $10,000 or best off­er; Mau­ry 541-3980974, En­ter­prise. 1/2 PRICED FRI­DAY SPE­CIAL! Through the month of November only! Any size clas­si­fied ad. Two per house­hold. Must be pre­ paid. Don’t wait, call or stop by The Nick­el this Friday! 541-567-2230. 1998 WIL­DER­NESS 28’: ful­ly self con­tained, car­ pet and vi­nyl, needs work on re­frig­era­tor, new tires, $3000 or best off­er; 541701-4243, 541-656-8739, Pen­dle­ton. FOR SALE: Ford au­tomat­ ic trans­mis­sion, with trans­ fer case, mar­ried, E40D 4X4, fits 1988-1997, $450; Har­ley Da­vid­son golf cart, runs ex­cel­lent, has steer­ing wheel, $450; 509-261-1536, Lex­ing­ ton. ’63 BUICK RIVIERA Project car, dismantled & sanded to steel, 401 Nail­ head, finned brakes, fully electric, Magnum wheels, no air, $2500. 509-6281806. TriCities. FORD/ CHE­VY parts: 1957 Ford hood, $185; 1957 front bump­er, $125; 1958 left rear door with glass, $195, or take it all for $400; 1969-1972 Che­vy pick­up right hand door with glass, $145; late 1930 to ear­ly 40’s GMC pick­up hood, $150; in­dus­tri­al strength 1952 Dodge 1 ton util­i­ty trail­er, $395; Burt 541-454-2715, Ar­ling­ton. ONE SET of stud­ded MS265/70R17, $500/ best off­er; 541-922-8461, 541-922-2428, Ir­ri­gon.

MISCELLANEOUS HCS DIN­NER/ AUC­TION Tick­ets are on sale for 2nd An­nual Her­mis­ton Chris­tian School din­ner/ auc­tion. No­vem­ber 15th, 2013, in new mul­ti pur­ pose build­ing, Her­mis­ton Chris­tian Cen­ter, 1825 W. High­land Ave­nue. Cost $10/ per­son for bar­ be­cue tri-tip din­ner and auc­tion ad­mit­tance (sil­ent and live auc­tions). Doors open 5:30pm; call 541567-3480 to pur­chase your tick­ets. METAL FENCE posts: good con­di­tion, 6’ and 8’ lengths, $2 each; 541571-0702, Her­mis­ton. WINTER HAWK CONSTRUCTION No job too big or too small, new con­struc­tion, res­i­den­ tial, com­mer­cial, all types of re­mo­del­ing, kitch­en & bath­rooms, con­crete, pole barns, ad­di­tions, decks, & more, in­surance and dam­age claims, li­censed & bond­ed, CCB #97838, 541-922-3292. NEW IN box: nev­er used, black Ver­i­zon IPhone 5, 16GB, cost $699, Sim card has been re­moved, a new blank Sim card can be ob­tained free of charge from Ver­i­zon just by call­ing and re­quest­ing one, phone comes with “Get­ting Start­ed” guide, sell­ing for $500 or best off­er; 541-571-4226, Stan­ field. 1989 CHE­VY pick­up/ suburban hood; Ford en­ gine 200, CID; Cam­aro hatch 92 RS, $100; 1998 Che­vy pick­up, 3/4 ton, 4X4, needs work, $950; 5th wheel hitch, non-slid­ ing, $75; Mi­nol­ta of­fice cop­i­er EP2080, make rea­ son­able off­er; wine bar­rel racks, $20 each; 541922-9251, Uma­til­la. WEST­ING­HOUSE 24 cu. ft. Side-by-side re­frig­era­ tor/ freez­er, $100; small kitch­en cab­i­net, $10; 541626-3508, Uma­til­la.

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FREE COL­ORED kittens: 9 weeks old and 3 months old; call 541-720-8478, Her­mis­ton.

SNOW TIRES & wheel: Win­ter­trax Sig­net, 205/60R16, $350 or best off­er; 541-571-7010, Board­man.

FREE FE­MALE lla­ma; also 8 week old Do­ber­ man pup­pies, black and tan, $150; 541-571-6909, Her­mis­ton. 8 WEEK old Box­er pup­ pies: 1 fe­male, 1 male, ready now, 1st shots, fawn col­ored, ask­ing $300 each; 541-5714388, Ir­ri­gon. TOY AUSSIES Toy Australian Shepherd pups, ready to go now. 2 black tris, 2 blue merles, quality! 541-938-6800. www.drycreekranch.uselk ing1@pocketinet.com MiltonFreewater. AKC LONG­HAIRED Dox­ ies and non reg­is­tered Dox­ies: ex­treme pie­bald and dap­ples, $100-$300; 541-969-8028, Pi­lot Rock. AUS­SIE PUP­PIES: 2 girls $175, 2 boys $150; call Duane 541-969-7901, West­on. BLUE HEEL­ER pup­pies: good stock dogs, $200; 541-376-5575, Hep­pner. MINI DOX­IES for sale: very, very cute, short haired, 8 weeks old, 1st worm­ing and shots done; 541-377-6441, text or leave mes­sage, Her­mis­ ton. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­chase play­ ground equip­ment, books, sup­plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, I’d be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-571-8551. FAN­CY HAM­STERS: born Au­gust 26th, 4 girls, 9 boys, $5 each; 541-9222357, Ir­ri­gon. 1989 25’ Lo­gan goose­ neck stock trail­er, $2500; 541-567-3986, Her­mis­ ton. TWO PUR­EBRED Schnauz­er pup­pies: one salt & pep­per fe­male, one white male, $450 each; two 3/4 Schnauz­er, 1/4 Chinese Crest­ed pup­pies, males, $200 each; 541561-7094, Board­man.

4 TOYO­TA Ta­co­ma OEM Ar­gent rims and caps: off a 2010, mount­ed on Gen­ er­al Grab­ber AT2 snow tires, 245/75R16, used one sea­son (prob­ably 12,000 miles), $400 firm; 541-566-9123, Adams. ZERO DOWN PYMT O.A.C ’08 Malibu LS; ’08 Impala LT; ’05 Elantra GT; ’01 F250; Fast Cars, 509380-4500. TriCities. CAR LOT busi­ness for sale: Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter Hwy, ap­prox­imate­ly 18,000 cars pass lot each day, great sales, small down, take over lease; 541-938-0198.

MISCELLANEOUS $$$ AC­CESS law­suit cash now: In­jury law­suit drag­ging? Need $500$500,000+ with­in 48 hours? Low rates. Ap­ply now by phone! 1-800568-8321. www.law­ca­pi­ tal.com


In the gar­den of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love.â€? Baha’u’llah, Founder of the Baha’i Faith. HAND­Y­MAN JACK & hand truck, $30; semi chrome car­go step and mud flap hang­ers, $75; an­tique wag­on, $50; Burt 541-454-2715, Ar­ling­ton. RAF­FLE TICK­ETS Or­der at American Print­ ing; 53 W. Beebe Ave., Her­mis­ton, 541-5678073. Some re­stric­tions ap­ply.

FOUR 2006 Ram 2500 OEM 8-hole chrome steel rims: very good con­di­tion, $100 firm; 541-566-9123, Adams.

16’ TAN­DEM axle trail­er: with elec­tric brakes and winch, $650; Rem­ing­ton 870 Ex­press 12 gauge, $300; 541-443-2002, Pi­ lot Rock.

HANCOCK SNOW tires, P215/ R15195, with steel rims, 90%, studs still good, $350; call even­ ings, 541-561-1077.

BAS­KET­BALL TOUR­NA­MENT No­vem­ber 22nd-24th, mens to en­try team, $175 entry fee; 541-969-2490, Mis­sion, Or.

JUST RE­DUCED price to $3999: 2002 Chrys­ler 300, load­ed even with leath­er heat­ed seats, 134,000 plus miles, see at 140 SE 11th St., Ir­ri­ gon, will car­ry bal­ance with $2000 down; call 541-922-0343. STUD­DED TIRES on rims: fits 2003 Buick Le­Sa­ bre, $300; 541-276-0264, Pen­dle­ton. 2005 TOYO­TA Tun­dra: with ac­cess cab, 120,000 miles, $11,500 or best off­er; 541-922-2627, 541571-0446, Uma­til­la. 1956 CHE­VY wag­on: 4 door, no mo­tor/ trans­mis­ sion, $3500; 1967 2 door hard top Che­velle, 327 en­gine, au­tomat­ic, pow­ er steer­ing, $3500; 1991 GMC 1 ton du­al­ly, cab and a half, 454 au­tomat­ ic, load­ed, nice truck, ma­ roon/ sil­ver, with top­per, 4X4, $5000; 541-5619688, 512-938-2486. 1989 TOYO­TA Cam­ry: good mo­tor, bad trans­ mis­sion/ re­place­ment in truck, $500 or best off­er; call 541-571-3740, Her­ mis­ton.

FIRE­WOOD FOR sale: 5 cord for $800 or $175/ cord de­liv­ered, Red Fir/ Ta­mar­ack mix; 541-2159508 or 541-215-9281, Pi­lot Rock. BUY IT FOR LESS! At Har­ding Ave­nue An­ tiques, 820 E. Har­ding Ave., Stan­field. 10am5pm, on Fri­day & Sat­ur­ day. New mer­chan­dise just in, lots of collectibles and gift ideas for the holi­ days for all ages to en­joy. Christ­mas goodies will be in store starting on No­vem­ber 8th-9th. Seri­ ous­ buy­ers can call for ap­point­ment to shop an­ y­time; call 541-449-1129 ask for Bet­ty. Thank you for shop­ping with us. FREE FIRE­WOOD, if you cut down and clean up af­ter 2 ma­ple trees; four vin­tage slot cars; one plung­er and rac­ing ac­ ces­so­ries; Pet Mate dog bed, like new, green in col­or, 34â€?Lx27â€?Wx11â€?H; Brinks Home Se­cur­i­ty safe, 13â€?x13â€?x17â€?; com­ peti­tor weight bench plus weights, great shape; 1â€?x17â€?x23â€? green mar­ble; 541-567-7371, leave a mes­sage, Her­mis­ton.

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 21 YARD & GARAGE SALES




HUGE LIQUIDATION auction of the Wooden Nickel: 2218 SE Penn, La Grande, on Saturday, November 16th, at 10am. This is Cash’s last sale, selling off the treasures Lee Gandy accumulated over decades in his pas­ sion for buying and sell­ ing. The store and the warehouse will be sold off, including most of the fixtures. Antiques, musi­ cal instruments, game consoles, tools, furniture and a whole lot more. See www.clark-auctions. com for details; Clark & Daughter Auctions, Roger Clark, Auctioneer, 541910-0189, Adina Fergu­ son, Auctioneer, 541-8058410, La Grande.

2000 F350 7.3 Su­per Crew: 6â€? lift and new Toyo Mt 35’s, Lar­iat with leath­er, tow pack­age, 5th wheel, 220,000 miles, nev­er chipped, all stock, $9500, pos­si­ble trade for side-by-side or oth­er of­ froad toys, equal or great­ er val­ue; 541-571-5798, La Grande.

250 AMP Ho­bart weld­er: on a trail­er with leads, very good tires, runs and welds ex­cel­lent, $950/ off­er; Stihl chain­saw, O4­ 1AV Su­per Pow­er­head, with 34â€? Sand­vik bar and new skip tooth chain, runs very well, $275 firm; 300 gal­lon fuel tank, with steel stand, best off­er; 541215-2034, West­on.

AL­FAL­FA GRASS, $250/ ton; wheat straw, $3/ bale; de­liv­ery avail­able; 541571-8275, Her­mis­ton.

Cus­tom lo­go design at The Nick­el. CRAFT/ FLEA mar­ket: No­vem­ber 2nd, Col­um­bia Grange Hall, Di­ag­on­al Rd., Her­mis­ton. All you can eat: break­fast $5, from 7am-10am; po­ta­to bar $3.50, from 11:30am2pm; call Pat 541-5675706, Doris 541-5678663. AUC­TION NO­VEM­BER 2nd: Ford 7.3 TD du­al­ ly, Kia Se­do­na, Na­tive Par­fleche, job site stor­ age unit/ trail­er, Griz­zly trap, con­struc­tion tools, an­tiques; bids, 208-5030235, pho­tos at www.ti­ger­ auc­tion­eer­ing.com FLEA MAR­KET/ Craft: No­vem­ber 2nd, 7am4pm, Col­um­bia Grange, Her­mis­ton. Break­fast, ta­ bles filled with all kinds of items, from can­dy to tow­ els, books to jewelry, mis­ cel­la­ne­ous ga­lore. Come and see; 541-567-8663.

HOME MAINTENANCE CENTER Hwy. 395 North • Hermiston 541-567-7534 8:00 to 5:00 M-F Sat 8:00 to 1:00

Wood Stoves Pellet Stoves In Gas Stoves Stock & Stove Pipe Blue Mt Heating Pellets White Bag

195 225


Per Ton Brown Bag Per $ Ton

Green Mtn. new BBQ Grills

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1990 FORD Rang­er 4X4: man­u­al trans­mis­sion, 2.9 liter, stan­dard cab long bed, ex­tra set of mount­ ed tires, 140,000 miles, winch mount in bed, grill guard, great con­di­tion, $2250; 541-561-1696, Lex­ing­ton. JEEP: 1978 C-7 258 en­ gine, 258 cu. in., new with 50,000 mile war­ran­ty or 5 years on­ en­gine, winch and snatch block air com­ pressor, and new tires & rims, with tool chest full of tools; 509-301-1923, Wal­ la Wal­la.

LAD­DER Lou­is­ville, 24’, Type A1, 300 lb., must sell, original price, $259, sell for $150; 541-571-0702, Hermis­ ton. six ways to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­ mis­ton, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­nick­el@eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­site and place it, www.the­nick­e­lon­ line.com


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The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 22




























2007 PROWLER 300RL





RV STK#123159

YORKIE PUPS: two lit­ters of pur­ebred, golds, tra­di­ tion­al and par­ti’s, please look up col­ored York­ies be­fore call­ing, $400-$600/ off­er; 541-969-8028, Pi­lot Rock.

1993 GEO Track­er: 2 door, soft top, runs, $1000 or best off­er; call 541-571-3740.

2002 HONDA AC­CORD EX, $7100 Low miles, 81,000, very clean, au­tomat­ic V6, pow­er wind­ow/ seats/ & door locks, AM/FM, 6 CD ster­eo, leath­er seats, air, tilt & cruise; also have origi­nal alu­mi­num Hon­da rims, will sell for ad­di­tion­ al $200; 541-910-6010, Is­land City. 2004 AUDI A4: 1.8T au­tomat­ic, sport pack, 88,000 miles, 4 door, leath­ er in­teri­or, some wear and tear, sell­ing for $8000 or best off­er; please con­tact 541-656-8420, Her­mis­ ton. BE­FORE YOU trade or sell your rig: see what Alan Mc­Kin­ney Swain Au­to­mo­tive Group will buy it for! Con­sign­ments wel­come also; 541-5717355, Her­mis­ton. CLAS­SIC 1977 AMC Pac­ er for sale: new au­tomat­ic trans­mis­sion, brakes, tires, tags, etc.; 541-3770383, Pen­dle­ton. QUAL­I­TY Up­hol­stery: fur­ni­ture, auto, boat, truck, 78596 Hill­top Dr., Board­man, OR.; Brent 541-481-2782.


1 YEAR old male Ger­man Short­hair: Tick col­or­ing, he is reg­is­tered and has ex­cel­lent blood­lines, not a fin­ished hunt­er, but has been start­ed and could be amaz­ing with some more time and work, all seri­ous off­ers will be con­ sid­ered; 541-805-4039, La Grande. 8 WEEK old pur­ebred Pit­ bull pup­pies, ask­ing $200 each; 541-314-3936. AKC GER­MAN SHEPHERD AKC Ger­man Shepherd pups, black & tan, and sable, had shots, can de­ liv­er; 541-856-3497, 541975-3843, Haines. AKC LAB pup­pies: $350 fe­males, $300 males, ready November 1st; 541561-5548, Her­mis­ton. AKC WIRE­HAIRED Point­ ing Grif­fons: 4 boys, 4 girls, cham­pion lines, calm, quiet, no shed; con­ tact for pic­tures, BJKrem­ zar@gmail.com, 541962-5063, El­gin. ARTY AKC Ger­man Wire­ hair Point­er: does it all in the hunt­ing world, very good dis­po­si­tion, and smart, $400 stud, r­e­fer­ enc­es upon re­quest; call Rick 541-377-3801, Pen­ dle­ton. BRED EWES for sale: (Club lamb ewes), $400 each or best off­er; 541786-1208, Union. BULLS FOR rent: vet checked, year ar­ound avail­abil­i­ty, cost ef­fec­tive, black, and red; bulls avail­ able now; 541-567-2319, please leave mes­sage, Her­mis­ton.


Sat, Nov 9th 9:00am

Airport Facility, Walla Walla WA

Estates of Michael R. Stevens, Juanita Ramey & Cities of College Place, Walla Walla & Columbia County Surplus









STK#133303, 133306, 133256


1973 DODGE Dart: 489 posi track, body is in good shape, all em­blems in great shape, $600; 541310-0941, Athe­na.

2001 LIN­COLN Nav­i­ga­ tor: 3rd row seat­ing, air con­di­tion, runs good, $2500/ best off­er; 541701-1558, Ir­ri­gon.




1997 CHE­VY Cam­aro: runs very good, looks great, clean in­teri­or, V6 en­gine, 5 speed, man­u­al, pow­er steer­ing/ brakes, de­pend­able, $2975/ off­er; 541-567-8705, Hermis­ ton.

29,990 ONLY! 2,990


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 AUTOS & ACCESSORIES


1-888-903-2773 broadmoor-rv

PRE-HOLI­DAY BA­ZAAR Over 250 items and most hand craft­ed by us. 150 items priced un­der $10. 11 hand-tied quilts, wom­ ens and kids hand knit­ted slip­pers, em­broidery dish tow­els, home­made bread and jams and some jew­el­ ry. “Blue Wil­low” dish set from 1966. One of a kind west­ern styl­ing barnwood items. One barnwood item is a 9-place gun cab­ i­net with two large bot­tom draw­ers, it is made from 100 year old boards in a 2-piece con­struc­tion, $300 firm. Shak­er style cab­i­net, two shelf corn­ er table, an­tler bas­ket, ce­dar wel­come sign and a bead-board clothes hamp­er. Braid­ed horse hair rope (17’ long), horse col­lar/ hames mir­ror, small trunk and a “horn” steam­er trunk. Three barnboard framed old prints and a cut metal elk 3 coat rack, and much, much more. Free cof­fee, cook­ies, and a small gift to the first 20 peo­ple, who bring a friend on Fri­day. No ad­mis­sion charge, no deb­its, no checks, cash only! No­vem­ber 1st-2nd, from 8am-5pm, Ken and Reta Al­ford, 615 NE 8th Place, Her­mis­ton, fol­low E. Jen­nie Ave., at Les Schwab, off Hwy 395, go to the end of Jen­nie Ave., turn right, go to the end of the St., to the bal­loons on 8th Place. From motorhomes to garden gnomes, The Nickel has what you’re looking for!


Lance Truck Campers #1 Selling Camper in USA 26 Years Running



9145 St. Thomas Dr. Pasco, WA Just off Exit 7


FIRE­WOOD: CUT and split, Lo­cust or Ma­ple, $150/ cord, you haul; 541449-3411, Stan­field.

America’s Favorite Camper

12 &+$5*( '($/(5 35(3 12 &200,66,21 6$/(60(1


35¢ COL­OR COP­IES Eve­ry Thurs­day at Amer­i­ can Print­ing; 53 W. Beebe Ave., Her­mis­ton, 541567-8073. Some re­stric­ tions ap­ply.




TAEK­WON­DO SPE­CIAL! 50% off 1st month for new stud­ents. Been gone a few months? Re­turn and get 2nd month free. Ask about pri­vate less­ons; 541-720-7706, Chief Mas­ ter Loney, 234 Main St., Her­mis­ton.

** On approved credit, 10% down, 84 months. *See dealership for details. Vins posted at dealership. All prices plux tax, title, license and a negotiable documentary service fee up to $150 may be added to each sale. Expires 11-06-13.

ORDER YOURS TODAY! 11 Models to Choose From

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 23

The Nickel - October 31, 2013 - Page 24

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


eadquarters Ford Truck H cks Over 380 Tru rom! to Choose F 0’s, F350’s F150’s, F25 iles! 4x4s, Low M ed! Fully Equipp

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Air, Cruise, Tilt, PL, PW MP3 Capable, SYNC®, 36 MPG (HWY)

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2014 FOrD FOCuS SE

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STK# H5884A


‘12 nissan Altima Auto, Loaded

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Downtown Hermiston 541-567-3291


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