SOMBER “A state of partial or total darkness� The exploration of transitional locations and the feelings experienced We were given the title of Non-Place for our Community Project brief. Non-place can have many different connotations spread over many themes such as religion, myths, mystery. The exploration of transitional locations and the emotions felt within those spaces was an idea we both wanted to explore. A Transitional Location is a space that has been created for convenience such as an underpass, walk way or bridge. These places have been designed and constructed to make journey times shorter and safer, but then why do people decide not to use them? Individuals will purposefully divert from their fastest route so that they can avoid these spaces. We wanted to explore the reason why.
Bond Street Underpass
mo e t s e g ron
and st t s e d l “The o nd is ki of man
Station Underpass
e wanted to plan a route which would involve us coming in contact with these locations but would also allow us to reach specific locations the fastest way. The two marker points which we wanted to intersect during the journey were Temple Meads station, Clarke Woods Timber Warehouse (along Silverthrone Lane) and Motion Skatepark. We chose this route for various reasons, one being that it is a usual route for many people travelling to Temple Meads Station but also because there are many transitional and dilapidated locations which many people would choose to avoid. We planned the route and took photos of key locations in the day time, this was so we would remember the position we would want the camera as well as for comparison between day and night.
Lit Container
DEATH OF DUSK The sun resigns, bleeds out the vestiges – remnants of the day. Exsanguination edges into twilight: red-brown hangs upwards darkens blue-brown, blue-black, death-black, disquiet – furtive, like ghoul-ridden fog. A somber moon assumes its role, gushing silver-white lymph upon the muted scape a prequel of supernatural undertones to chill the scene, ice the spine, kill the brain we have unnerved the very firmament. But now a shadow closing down the globe: dinosaurian cloud shrouds the moon glaze.
claims the late hour – declared in a dying crow caw. I, the hidden owl nemesis of claustrophobic minds awake! for mammal flesh – fresh, jerking out its warmth in dance of death. Rock-still I perch in sculptured oneness with my crooked night-tree, emanating nocturnal allure. Together we scowl together we play the dark upon the land and sky and mind while you lie as dead in your box - Mark R Slaughter
Graffiti Wall
e wanted to plan a route which would involve us coming in contact with these locations but would also allow us to reach specific locations the fastest way. The two marker points which we wanted to intersect during the journey were Temple Meads station, Clarke Woods Timber Warehouse (along Silverthrone Lane) and Motion Skatepark. We chose this route for varies reasons, one being that it is a usual route for many people travelling to Temple Meads Station but also because there are many transitional and dilapidated locations which many people would choose to avoid. We planned the route and took photos of key locations in the day time, this was so we would remember the position we would want the camera as well as for comparison between day and night. - All photos were taken with a Nikon D300S
Avon Street Underpass
is the most powerful force. The light can never truly it.
When it shines upon the dark, it becomes surrounded by shadows... are just a lesser form of darkness�
- E. Decaf
Bristol United Press
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k r a d t a Wh ges a s s a P “