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Design Journal.

STUDIO AIR N I C K L O V E 5 4 2 5 1 1 //



[A]ny serious “rethinking� of architecture at the start of this century cannot be undertaken without upsetting the structure and emphases of the traditional profession, [&] traditional typologies. Vidler, Anthony (2000).




Design Journal.

STUDIO AIR N I C K L O V E 5 4 2 5 1 1 //


A0 00

Introduction & Previous work

Content Page//

Page 07

Futuring// A1Design


Page 10 Part B//

Part A


Design Computation//


Page 24 Part C//

Page 55

Page 110



Computation Generation// Page 38




Learning Outcome//

Page 48

Page 48




Nicholas James Love

I was born in London but moved back to Melbourne at a young age. From day dot I’ve always been interested in some form of making. From toy contruction sets to car restoration there has consistantly been a project underway in the shed. During highschool’s later years this interest translated into a focus of built form. So here we are now. Back in year ten I thought there was simply nothing better than the work of Murcutt, Godsell and Katsalidis. University introduced me to Koolhaas and that ws great too. I do however I feel that there a more progressive and exciting things on the parametric horizon. So for now, I’m looking torwards them. I deeply enjoyed Virtual under the tutorship of Dave Lister. I dont have any black and white creative photos of me & my assignment due to the terentail rain on presentation day. Instead I’ll share a few happy snaps taken over the page. Things aside from architecture consists of photography, moments with friends and getting out of the city as much as possible. I have back packed through Europe & Asia which resulted in countless scars, adventures and new friendships. I will always hold fond ties with Coppenhagen as we lived with locals for two and a half months. I have already told them that myself and two others are designing an instalation for the desolate wharf across their river. They laughed. I find it rather exciting to be sitting on the cusp of a new period in our industry and I look forward to proving my Danish friends wrong in studio air this semester.


Previous work





Design Futuring// Week One


Design Futuring. Towards sustainability

The last decades of the twentieth century have been exponential times. While much of this advance, invention and development has been beneficial our consumer ethos and appetite for excess is unsustainable. The natural realm is passed the point where merely reducings our emmisions and recycling a little more will allow it to support us. It is on us as architects and creative minds a like to furture proof new builing typologies and practices that will ensure longevity and not exploit eco systems. As stated by Fry, design futuring has two main tasks, slowing the rate of defuturing and redirecting towards more sustainable living practices. He suggests that the creative industry must re-evaluate current practice and delve into what the essentials of sustainablity are. Our digital age really assits us with doing this if we learn to embrace new design methods. B.I.M and other forms of modellilng allow us to refine all elements of a structure to give maximum efficiencey. However we should look beyond on this to new materials that hold less embodied energy. The broader result of this is that our living routines must evolve. It should no longer be okay for 1500 kilograms of metal to be need to transport a 70 kilogram human. The same principal aplies for oversized suburban residential typologies. Densification must present an affordable and attractive option to the degenerate urban sprawl that occurs in Melbourne today. On a global scale precedents of the old european walking city should not be overlooked as they commonly present the roots of a sustainable urban plan, all we need to do is develop new age forms to apply to it. Relating back to the car analogy, if it is possible for cars to have automated sytems such as parking & winfshield cleaning, why is this self maintenance capability not so common in th ebuilt world. As architects much of what we will study tomorrow is already history. Our career work must be focused on motives of sustainable renewable practice, looking forward to new material technology systems that are adaptible, reusable and efficient to produce.


Figure set 001



Meteorosensitive Pavillion. HygroSkin was a collaboration between Achim Menges, Oliver David Krieg and Steffen Reichert. It is a research project that looks into the climate responsivness in facade systems. The pourus nature of wood is made use of to form a structure that is able to self regulate. When in thin profile wood is vunerble to airborne moisture and will contact and expand. This phenomenum is widely know throught the construction industry however only recently have projects such as HygroSkin and a few other alike chosen to exploit this. This example was chosen over others due to the way that it translates the characteristics of wood into something more applicible to architectural discourse. unlike some other meteorosensitive instalations the pavillion is occupiable able to to control and maintian a micro climate by ventelating or sealing itself. It is ideas such as this that are really pushing for future sustainibility as similar systems exist that make use of complex and energy consuming mechanical systems.

Occupiable// Futured//Natural Oscillation//


Figure set 002


Hyper Membrane// By HYBRIDa

During the week I attended the Growing Smarter Material Systems Symposium II at the RMIT Design Hub. One of the presented projects was Hyper Membrane by HYBRIDa Architects. The membrane structure spans about twenty meters and currently resides at the Design Hub Museum in Barcelona. It was constructed after a 2.4 million euro government grant for the 7th European research project. HYBRIDa had been researching and prototyping systems similar to this but did not have the capital for a 1:1 prototype. The system is consists of single ‘S’ form components that make up a complex interwoven lattice. Due to actuators within the lattice the membrane holds muscular abilities and is able to flex or release. The result of this is a completely malleable structure that can adapt to limitless architectural and environmental contexts. Environmentally it may be hunkering down to avoid wind damage or exposing one side to the southern aspect of European sun. Architecturally the membrane was presented by HYBRIDa in examples that formed the facade of organic form high rise structures. Despite this my favourite example of possible applications is presented on page eighteen. I find the structual qualities of Hyper Membrane relevent and think that something so flexible would have a lot of potential within any design context.

Free form// Malleable//


Figure set 003


Hyper Stadium// By HYBRIDa

Depicted here is a possible extension of HYBRIDa’s Hyper membrane. The structure has been applied to a medium scale stadium and regulates the level of shelter for occupants. During the Growing Smarter Material Systems Symposium the director of HYBRIDa Jordi Truco presented and animation of the system opening and closing and it was rather spectacular. As shown above the membrane was not restricted to open or closed but also had a gradual continuum between booth extremes, as shown above. This type of application feels like it could hold an incredible amount of potential if it can be produced and constructed in a sustainable manner. Another thing that I find exciting is that after seeing a 20m built form of the Hyper membrane it is not hard to imagine this stadium concept being built. it doesn’t seem far fetched or too theoretical. One of the main things I feel that I may draw from this is the structual character of the interwoven carbon composite system. The way that it takes load and still remains flexible is quite an interesting quality, maybe it would be possible to allow this as a continual kenetic motion which could be translated into electricty//

Figure set 004




Algorithmic Task// Week One


Octi block array.

The algorithmic task this week was a simple array of a lofted curve. While exploring through grasshopper functions I discovered the octi block command. Feeling creative I decided that an array of this grid form would be far more interesting. After entering an array series why too large my comptuer almost melted. Shown above is a minimal portion of what was formed. As an overall system it could make an interesting facade or partition feature.



Coppenhagen, Nick Love 2012// 24

Coppenhagen, Nick Love 2012// 25


Design Computation// Week Two




Design Computation//

Since the turn of the millennium architectural culture has pushed for a step away from compositional design. Use of the digital in architecture has moved from being a documentation tool to a much more powerful computational tool. Within the first decade of the twenty first century digital design was essentially design that occurred in and out of the digital realm. A formal idea was either computerised or a simple curve linear surface was computed and then detailed. This is often referred to as digitised design or computerisation and while it held it merits it no longer is seen as a truly creative digital practice. Generative design endorses a whole new approach to the design process where algorithmic programming for a set of outlines and variables is done & formal composition come from the computation of this. Through this approach it is possible to script for material innovation, climatic variables and new tectonic methods. While humans are both creative and analytical thinkers, this methods employs the faultless and thorough manner of the computer to run monotonous data & processing, a task that would commonly render the human mind bored, distractible therefore resulting in errors. The systematic of computation is hugely beneficial in programing building performance simulators. Material qualities, microclimate functions and all aspects of a buildings operation can all be mapped and tested before contruction to maximise efficiency and passive sustainability. Computation based practice promotes an integrated design approach which allows further flexibilty towards the later stages of a design project. Due to the modelled nature, paramaters can be tweaked withought the need to redesign the entire work. This approach involves conceptualisation and critera design and detailing in early stages as once these are resolved the final built form can be computed in a reletively small amount of time. This frees up a design team for greater material and tectonic innovation. Complementing this is a flowing correlation between conception and construction through the use of modern fabrication machines. CNC, 3D printing and laser cutters are all able to produce accurate tangible forms of anything modelled digitally. Benefits for this are numerous as prototyping and model making is more automated and accessible resulting in more refined and thourough design solutions.


Figure set 005


Although this project is reletively old I still find it both relevant and interesting. The project was undertaken to explore ways to facilitate hyper desification in Warsaw, Poland. It is clearly a computed design as a biomimicing form has been applied to a typical domino plan structure. ISAW explores the notion of two speperate programes coexisting side by side while being mutually independant. I chose to inlcude this precedent for different reasons. Upon first glace I found the thresholds between the two areas rather provocotive. While brainstorimng for conceptual ideas our group discussed a change of state for patrons to experience and while this is a very direct translation the iSAW programe depicted this well. Furthermore he manner that people can freely traverse the space created by the bioform is brilliant. This is something I want to explore further in part B.



Traverse// Biomimicry//



Morphogenetic latice.

The occupyible nature of this form is what made think it was a relevant precedent. This latice seems to be a step closer to what I am wanting to achieve in the design component. Here members of Kokkugia has taken a planar hexagnoal latice and given it a set of parameters. A specific number of interactions between the two surfaces is defined by a variable integer. As well as this, the pourosity of the surfaces can be adjusted. The main thing I plan to draw on from this research project is that manner that two surfaces form meeting points as controlled by a variable. I think it is incrediby relevant to the occypiable mesh our group intends on producing. One thing however is that I feel that a non-Euclidean free radical form will be more fitting instead of hexagonal surface pattern. Ways to compute this kind of form is my next objective. It may be possible to occupy a three dimensional Brep with random points and then program free agents to commute between them. This may create the dramatic and higly random releationship that is inteded. Shown below are the primitive mesh forms that were used.

Occupiable// Mesh//


Figure set 007


Shellstar Pavillion// By MATSYS

Figure set 008

Shellstar Pavillion was Commissioned for Detour, an art and design festival in Hong Kong in December 2012. MATSYS implemented algorithms to maximise strucural enclosure while minimsing material use. The designer worked with the intent of the project being a small scale monument for the festival. Form finding was the intial design step in scritping this solution. Designers at MATSYS used vecotrs to project planr surfaces vertically to create formal enclosure. This is shown above. Surface optimisation was undergone next to ensure that the smaller planar form were able to warp to the overall curve of the larger system. this was done suing Python scripts. During fabrication each individual cell is labelled and sent to a fab lab for production. Essentially The Shellstar Pavillion is a large scale version of the virtual environments curriculum. It has been chosen as a precedent to show that this compositional approach to design is still implemented within a profssional scale. While this is practice that our LAGI entry want to steer away from, I do hold an appreciation for the aesthetics on the project. There is one element that may be relevant to our design intent. The manner that the arched structual forms congregate to dissperesed point is noteworthy and shall be drawn upon.

Congregation to point// 34


Design Intention//

Our group has met multiple times and even though it is early we are starting to conceive possible design directions we can look at. Motives of oscillation, flexibility have been explored through various precedents and we feel that these all have potential in sum. Further research will be needed however we have made the call to not think compositionally or formally. Our aim is to come up with the parameters and design typologies we want to address, then let generative computational methods produce the formal iterations//


Hydrokinetic// Tech


Hydrokenetic power generation converts the kenetic occilations of waves into useable energy. This complies will with the motives of flexible forms and natural occilation that i have been looking at. I feel that I’m starting to have an idea of what sort of parameters I what to involve within my later design. Depicted here are Wave Snakes. Their systems are of a serpentine form and float on the surface of a water body. As they kink and flex liquid inside the structures create alternating pressures which then drive hydrolic motors. A current built example is that of Pelamis that is currently operating off the coast of Portugal.



Algorithmic Task.

Shown here are some of my week two algorithmic tasks. I did go back and revisit a week one tutorial as a wanted to explore the piped voronoi cell commands. Over the page is a tunnel like form that used Pframes to splice up a lofted surface. I also started to explore the rendering capabilities within Rhino. Having a photography background helped hugely with this as lighting angle, focal lengths and view port composition all came intuitively//





Composition/ Generation// Week Three


Composition/ Generation//

Generative forms are redefining the nature of architecture. The power of the digital is transcending the limits of the human formal intellect as they are able to articulate much more than the human brain is willing to. One use of the computer is simply a tool to advance realization, produce complex forms and assist with documentation and presentation. Often referred to as computerization, ideas are conceived non digitally then translated through CAD to be detailed and refined. While the majority of digital architects could quite safely be sectioned into this category, it is widely accepted that this manner is not considered to be digital design. On the other hand are those that believe that real digital creativity only comes through a generative approach. Here scripting, programming and algorithmic thought are the elementary kit of parts for conjuring form. Computational methods are able to negotiate vastly more complex situations and create sophisticated solutions that are still fully aware of the initial scripted constraints. buildability, climatic response, material tendencies and formal adaptability are all common parameters which can be defined on outset to ensure a successful solution. Within the current industry many of these projects are undergone as design based research however we are seeing more and more being translated into built form. This shift from Composition to Generation has seen repurcussions of change throughout the industry. Architects are now writing programs to use to explores the versatility of space defined by rule based logic and the actual make up of a design firm is changing. There are four ‘ways in which these designers are organised: the internal specialist group, the external specialist consultancy, the computationally aware and integrated practice, and the lone software developer/designer.’ Peters (2013) Various design firm fall into differnet catergories andnwithouth going into them all it is important to notice that industry sharing and collabrotation through social and digital media gives widespread access to knowledge and expertice of any of the four types of practice. Online community culture and a free approach to intellectual property accelerates the spread of knowledge, methodology, ideology and codes. There are however limitations and concerns for A generative approach. Front loading and planning ahead formally can contrain a projects creativity. Major changes can be detrimental as they may result in the need to complettely re-script an algorithm. The coherence between authors can be problematic as deducing from an unfamiliar deffinition can be incredibly difficult. However these concerns are not something to detrimentally impede the progress of computatonal design. The results of generative architecture is the unprecedented notion that architectural discourse is entering an period that may not be either formally or rationally defined. Personally, I feel that our era is similar to the precusors of Modernsim during the 1890’s in that something revolutionary and complettely unseen before in architectural discourse is on the cusp of revolutionism how we approah built form.


Figure set 010


Sao Paulo bridge// Robert Stuart-smith

Figure set 011

The bridge was design to provide a foot link between commercial offices and a high end retail mall. the formal attributes of this project came about purely through the structual needs of the bridge span. As seen in the figures oppostie load and material stress modelling was undergone to define where additional support was needed. The result of this were the four forms are both structually integral and homogenous with the entire bridge structure. As a personal note I really appreciate the material considerations in the design. A composite polymer/fibre was specified in the project due to it’s local abundance and ability to take up the complex forms. This is such an important thing as materials sourced from distant producers contain large embodied resources in their transit. Such thinking is vital within projects to keep ecological impacts to a minimum//



Playground in Berlin// Marysol Kraviez & Wu Difeng.

Figure set 012


Shown here is a masters project from Dessau Institute of Architecture. It was chosen to be presented in the Parametric Biennal in Beijing. The desingers have explored a geometries ability to play on it’s occupants perception of space. The design constist of twoparametirc shapes. The overlying undulated structure and the entanlged tecnticles that work to interferre and corrupt it. The way that people pass thorugh the structure promotes interaction of various sorts. The continual tenticle form inside obstructs and rediticts routes, while also playing with views and light. The designers intent in this was to propose the question to occupants of where they really are. While being very philosophical in explanation I think the radical formal composition is a well executed gesture. While it does seem a little pathogentic i do feel that the interwoven nature of the tentciles is something to look back to//


Parco dei Pini// Proliferation of networks.

Figure set 013


This project is difficult to define. It’s original is an Italain institutional publication which was unable to be translated this making it’s dicussion rather difficult. There is one element though that I find incredibly relevent to the design direction I am considering. The way that network paths are occuring across a reletively unorganised plane is similar to what I want to founding parameters of our LAGI entry to consist of. From enduring loose tranlations I able to assume that points of interaction were mapped across a widespread urban system. These points were then computed to form a generative banner/ wall that surrounded the area.



Conclusion// Part A.

Part A has brought discussed many relevant aspects of contemporary Architectural discourse. Design futuring is an essentain design consideration to make halt the unsustainable manner that society opperates in. We as Architects must look for new innovation in materialology, tehnology and methodology that will allow built structure to be sustainable. This is most likely to be achived through proper digital practice and design computation. Where structures and processes can be simulated ad refined to ensure maximum opperating, contruction efficiency and occupant effeciency. This can also be accounted for within the early design process through algorithmic thinking and generative design. minimising material use, ensuring buildablity and amoung many more are all parameters that can be scripted into the very roots of a design. From the research I have been able to develop a reasonably clear idea of what my design approach may contain. Our group plans to use kinetic wave motion to creatie power as it is passive and ties in well with coppenhagen’s long maritime culture. This technology is going to be incorporated into a point congregating mesh system that will be structually flexible and occilate from the kinetic wave motion and the human occupation of its form. We are commiting to not thinking formal though and our mesh system is going to be generated by algorithmic. This is going to be a leading element of research as we will need to compute multiple iterations. Our rough idea is of setting points then using free agaents and walker scripting to execute formal generation of a mesh like system.

‘A naturally oscillating mesh system aided by human interaction creating electrical energy through kinetic motion’



Learning Outcomes// Part A.

During the Part A stage I feel that I have probably ladvanced the most with regards to my coputational skills. Before this semester Only had a very limited understnding of Rhino through Virtual and had never been exposed to Grasshopper before. The algorithmic tasks along with weekendly research initiatives definitely helped consolodate my thinking towards Parametric Architecture as a discourse of its own. I know that I have picked up a lot more than what I write about and am keenly looking forward to getting stuck into some more advanced computation within part B. What I want to further develop is my programming ability in regards to creative more random and free form iterations. I want to push to step away from the typical commands of Rhino and Grasshopper.



Bibliography// Part A

Vidler, Anthony (2000). ‘Review of Rethinking Architecture and The Anaesthetics of Architecture by Neal Leach’, Harvard Design Magazine, 11, pp. 1-4, p. 3 Figure set 001 - HYBRIDa (2013) Digital Images from: HYBRIDa, Source <

hypermembrane-hibrida/#prettyPhoto> Accessed Thursday March 27th 2014. - Achim Menges, (2013) Digital Images taken from Achim Menges, HYGRO METEROSENSITIVE PAVILLION. Source <> Accessed 24th March 2014.

Figure set 002 - Achim Menges, (2013), Digital images from Achim Menges, HYGRO METEROSENSITIVE PAVILLION. Source <> Accessed 19 March 2014. Figure set 003 HYBRIDa (2013) Digital Images from: HYBRIDa, Source <> Accessed March 27th 2014.

Figure set 004 HYBRIDa (2013) Digital Images from: HYBRIDa, Source <> Accessed March 27th 2014.

Figure set 005 MATSYS (2013) Digital Images from MATSYS, Shellstar Pavillion. Source <> Accessed March 26th. Digital Images taken from KOKKUGIA, iSAW. Source <> Accessed 20th March 2014. Digital images taken from KOKKUGIA , Morphogenic Latice. Source<> Accessed March 19th 2014. Figure set 006 KOKKUGIA (2007) Digital Images from KOKKUGIA, iSAW. Source <

iSAW> Accessed 20th March 2014.

Figure set 007 KOKKUGIA (2009) Digital images from KOKKUGIA , Morphogenic Latice. Source<> Accessed March 19th Figure set 008 MATSYS (2009) Digital Images from MATSYS, Shellstar Pavillion. Source <> Accessed March 26th 2014.

Figure 009 PELAMIS (Date Unknown) Digital image Pelamis Wave. Source< news/142/Pelamis-Wave-Power-awarded-MRCF-grant-funding> Accessed 19th March 2014. Peters, Brady. (2013) ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design, 83, 2, pp. 08-15 Figure set 010 Kraviez, M & Difeng, W (2012) Digital Images from Arch2o. Source<

playground-in-berlin-marysol-kraviez-wu-difeng/#prettyPhoto> Accessed 27th March 2014. - SMITH, Robert S (2012) Digital images taken from Robert Stuart-Smith. Source< http://www.robertstuart-smith. com/rs-sdesign-sao-paulo-bridge-design> Accessed 22nd March 2014.

Figure set 011SMITH, Robert S (2012) Digital images from Robert Stuart-Smith. Source<> Accessed 22nd March 2014. Figure set 012 Kraviez, M & Difeng, W (2012) Digital Images Arch2o. Source<> Accessed 27th March 2014. 52



Design Journal.

STUDIO AIR N I C K L O V E 5 4 2 5 1 1 //




Content Page//


Research Field//


Page 60

Technique Proposal// Page 92

Studio Air


Case Study 1.0// Page 62


Learning Outcomes// Page 106



Case Study 2.0//


Page 70

LAGI Brief// Page 108


Technique Development//


Page 76


Technique Protoypes// Page 84

Part C// Page 110


Page 00


Design Focus//


Our design intentions are focused towards the idea of a occupiable & naturally oscillating mesh system. The mesh will generate energy through elements that translate this kinetic movement into electricity. We want to create a destination that Danes will commute to and use as a place to sit socialize and subconsciously engage with our renewable energy system. Our main focus is not the raw electrical efficiency of the design but it’s power to communicate, represent and stimulate renewable energy discourse. We feel that this is a far more beneficial purpose than putting extra power into the grid as it will promote further discussions and initiatives. To achieve this we plan on floating the flexible system on power generating buoys that will translate the natural wave motion into the mesh structure.


To design toward our mesh system I have chosen to explore Tessellating material systems. This system involves computing a singular piece and then applying it in plural to a specific form. An advantage of this is that the computed design can be easily dictated by the capabilities and performance of the design component. Thus reducing the chance of an un buildable structure as result of over ambitious form finding. This interest in tesselation stemmed from the Kokkugia Morphogenic lattice that was presented in Part A. The lattice in this system comprises of hexagonal structural pieces that exist on two vertical separated planes but converge on each other to define occupiable space. I do feel that our group will deviate from the tesselation material system further down the design process as notions of bio mimicry and organic forms have been discussed in our meetings. For now though we shall continue with this.




Case Study 1.0// Voussoir Cloud. Figure one. Voussoir Cloud by IWAMOTO SCOTT is located in the southern California Institute of Ar-

chitecture Gallery in Los Angeles. The design is made up of a system of vaults that are all constructed from a light weight wood material component system. Our group has chosen to delve into this precedent due to it’s pillar like structural system. This is because we seeit is an element that could be possibly translated into the mounting points for the buoys that support our occupiable mesh. The folowing iterations have been completed between the three group members, thus displaying a rich assortment of different algorithmic tendencies. //image < Cloud>



Our group has decided to produce series of selection criteria in which to judge and record the potential success of each of our iterations. The three members have all decided to follow slightly different iteration exploration styles so the resulting work will display greater diversity. The idea behind this is that it will enable a broader scope of design directions to follow in our further developments. Outlined below are our iteration criteria. They are all aspects that we believe will be mandatory traits for an occupiable mesh system. To briefly run through the criteria. Atypical refers to the likelihood of a similar idea being presented by another group in the studio. This is something we completely want to avoid. Points for buoys refers to the potential location for point load forms that could be set onto the top of a buoy. Occupiable is a vital criteria as having the space for patrons to pass through it is essential to our intention. Fabrication is our impression of how hard the form would be to construct using the methods that we have access to. This excludes any 3D printing processes as it is less challenged by complex form. Occilation capability is included to show our interpretation of wether of not the iteration may be able to move with fluidly.






















Iteration Selection.



Our group worked through the iterations presented discussing potential and limitations of each. A general consensus was that the cellular/ biomimicry iterations would make an interesting space to pass through while also holding formal characteristics that could be used to create points capable of accomodating a buoy. Shown on the page opposite are the four preferred iterations. We felt that this exercise was rather successful as a varied assortment of iterations were produced. This most likely occurred through all the group members working at separate work stations while doing this. The act of an entire group all sharing a desktop and conceiving the iterations together seemed like an unporductive idea. We felt that it may constrain our individual algorithmic ambitions. Another aspect noticed was that when selecting the four iterations we were also influenced by our inate aesthetic judgements of each. Personally I look fondly to the flowing organic forms and will admit that my assessment of such form may have been slightly biased. None the less it is all part of the process.


Iteration Selections//



Case Study 2.0 Green Lava Void 70

Figure set two. Shown here is Green Void by LAVA in Sydney. This project was chosen for

the reverse engineering case study because it was felt that the organic form could be adapted well to the mesh system. It also seemed quite approachable as mesh relaxing has been substantially explored in the algorithmic sketchbook. The initial step for this case study is going to be forming a mesh in which to manipulate with the Kangaroo plug in. Next, attempts will be made to set the outer edges as anchor points and then develop the iteration further.


R.1// R.2//

R.4// R.3//




R.6// R.7//


The early attempts on the page are all a little wrong. the first step was to draw a simple curve that branched off itself then apply the Exoskeleton to generate a cylindrical mesh around it. A few faults appeared in the elbow where the cylinders didn’t meet properly. These gaps were further amplified once the iteration was linked to Kangaroo. This is occurring because the points being picked up as anchor points. To work against this the node & elbow size of the exoskeleton was adjusted and also the inputs to the naked vertices and decompose mesh functions were flattened. A strategy that can assist with these symptoms rather than addressing the root problem is weaver bird’s mesh smoothing. The final three iterations on this pages show how programing is moving closer to the case study. 73






01 Initial backbone.

edges 03 Naked 02 Surrounding 04 Simulated exoskeleton. as achors. spring physics.


The iterations shown on the page are a result of going back and re setting the line work used to create the exoskeleton. The previous line work was being problematic because of their less refined arrangement. For good quality anchor points to be set, the exoskeleton must be neat and arms must perpendicular to the main backbone.This was tweak quite a lot to arrive at the displayed solution. On a whole though the strategy to get here was logical and came about without any real head aches. Personally I really do appreciate the flowing organic aesthetic that the spring functions on kangaroo can form. As a group we plan to move the algorithmic side of this case study forward to try and encompass a larger scale form with more variation in the exoskeleton’s backbone. 75


Technique Development. RESOLVED ALGORITHM.



The selection criteria that our group is abiding to has evolved since the B.2 iterations. We are now starting to consider the socio public side of the design as it is a vital aspect of our intention. We want people to see our proposal as a destination to go to and a real cultural icon. While extrapolating this into quantitative criteria may seem a little far fetched the process of doing so does force us to ponder our innate thoughts design potential. This selection process will occur in the same manner as B2 where all the iterations will be presented followed by a refined group and then the final selections.




Technique Development. ITERATION PAGE ONE 78



Technique Development. ITERATION PAGE ONE 80


B4 B4.1//

Selected Iterations. B4.2//









The four iterations shown here are the examples that hold the most potential and align with the design idea coherently. All of the above were conceived by adapting the reverse engineering algorithm we created. The initial skeletal form was made by an array of movable 3d boundaries that were all randomly populated. From here the seed and population of each boundary was adjusted until a desirable spread of points was produced. Next Delaunay edges was used to form line work between the point. The line work was sometimes tweaked and simplified to reduce intersections that may get too complex. An exoskeleton was then applied to the line work followed by Kangaroo’s spring simulators. In the case of a rough simulation, Weaverbirds mesh smoothing functions were implemented to refine some surfaces. Our group decided that B4.4 should be the form that we continue to develop. We thought it was fluid and organic while not being overly complicated. It also holds traits that we think will be able to be strategically programmed.



Technique Prototypes. Fabrication Explration.



Sketch Model// This sketch model was constructed to explore the arrangement and structure of our internal structural system as well as the placement of the design on the site. The intention is that the mesh system is going to be integrated onto the skeletal form while still keeping it’s tensile properties. There are some concerns though about the liklehood of this design idea working without a whole lot od head ache. It seems that a mesh system made up of a structual material will probably not want to conform to the organic form given to it.



Ball & Socket Skeletal System// This system was modelled from the idea from joints within organic bodies. The ball and socket joint allows for universal movement and is not limited by that axis that most mechanical joints confine. This is ideal for our system as a fluid range of movements will be key to ensuring oscillation. This model was sent of to the FAB LAB where it’s quality was approved. Our group was told that it would be ready for Tuesday however when we arrived to pick it up we were notified that the print had actually failed due to poor mesh quality. The situation was both tense and frustrating however our only option was to push forward with our sketch model exploration. It would have been ideal to present a working 3d print in the interim presentations though.



Mesh Component 01//

This model is a proposed singular component of our mesh system. The idea was that a uniform shape would result in a streamlined and simplified construction process. Each of the components have joinery points where they are flexible and can create a fluid connection with the next piece. To boost our energy generator we looked into way that the component could renewable systems. This example shows an option for a mini wind paddle turning a generator within the component. While on a singular scale the output would be dismal, a system consisting of 1000’s of these could generate significant watts.



Mesh Component 02 & Tectonics//

Shown here is the tectonic exploration I undertook in attempt to produce a system interlocking components. The primary form was scaled to 200% and 50% to create three components that were compatible with one another when arrayed or arranged in series. The idea of this flowed on from the previous component prototype in that making a uniform structural component would ease construction and also allow for the material constraints to be computed into a form that would account for these. The piece was formed by producing a mould for the shape out of plasticine. A solution made up of diluted super glue, fiberglass resign, plaster of Paris, water and PVA glue was then poured into the mould and cured. The result of this was incredibly strong and could have a lot of potential. Our next move is to use digital fabrication to replicate it.


Mesh System// Made out of cable ties, this sketch model was incredibly flexible and could easy resist permanent deformation when crushed. It’s properties made us wonder about the possibility of a self supporting mesh that did not need the structural skeletal system we outlined before. Doing would greatly reduce the complexity of our design however it does open up new structural risks in terms of mesh collapse or subsidence.




B6 SiT


Design Proposal//

From the very outset our group has consistently discussed the importance of the social agenda of our design. We believe that our relatively un refined parametric skills hold the inherent risk of designing an arbitrary object with interesting formal qualities but no real intention & little relevance to it’s goal. It has been our upmost intention to avoid ending up with such a design. We also believe that a structure as progressive as this holds much larger potential than producing a few kilowatts of clean power. You could say an underlying tone within our group that power generation falls subservient to the opportunity of the site to be a social hub that day in day out presents and educates the dire need for futured design. SiT prompts sustainable and renewable discourse and continues to keep it in the forefront of societies agenda. In doing this we hope that the practice of common renewable power will elevate itself from the already neutralizing city of Copenhagen to a broader more influential international scale. To achieve this SiT must remain a constantly relevant icon even if architecture, style and taste one day transcend it.




Maritime life is embeded deep within Danish culture. Having personally lived in Copenhagen during the summer months I learnt that aquatic lesuire is a common past time. The Habour Wharf by BIG is a very relevant precedent for our proposal. Similar to the Harbour Wharf we want our deisgn to be a social hub.


Design Research. CONTEXT & PRECEDENT. 94

Figure set three.

Eletrical systems//

Due to our design process operating on two different scales both our main form and component subsystems have adopted individual power generation techniques. The original intention (an occupiable mesh that occilates through wave motion to create power through hydrokinetic bouys) is still our main intent however alterior ideas where concieved when designing the mesh components. The idea is that the components that line the floor programme support piezo cells while the ceiling components are of a larger scale and house wind turbines. I will admit to having slight reservations about over complicating our form so the imlementation of the sub power systems will need to be re assesed later on to ensure they do not seem like an after thought.

On main form//

In component//

In component//

Figure set four.













B6 Note//

This spread has been put together to briefly outline how our design proposal has come about. Consisting of an organic form that is then fabricated through the tesselation of design sub components. The programme of SiT is to be defined internally by the strategic layout of components. Figure five.

Organic form.

Site is to be excavated.


Vertical limit//

Vertical boundries//


Tesselated components.


SiT -

COMPONENT STATERGY This diagramatic render shows how promgramme is defined by varying tile systems within the mesh. The walkable transit areas of the mesh have a denser composition to sitting areas and the over hanging structure.



SiT -

D E S I G N P R O102P O S A L


SiT -

D E S I G N P R O P104O S A L



Learning Outcomes. CONCLUSION//


In our interim review the main piece of feedback we received is that there is too much going on in our proposal. In retrospect I will admit that I complettely agree. Our group met and quickly decided that the power generating sub systems that were added to the sub component seemed like a tacky after thought. We have already decided to cull these from our further developments. While the sub components will still be necessary we will work to refine them into a much straight forward structural piece. Additional feed back was that the internal skeletal structure probably would not be needed as most meshes can be structual if theare well design and can account for both compression and tension within their structure. For the grop this is great news as we were having reservation about how to neatly integrate the two systems without loosing the design idea behind the engineering. What we plan on doing is creating strcutal components that are part of the mesh to ensure that its from is still upheld but in a way that in camoflauged to the components around it. Another point of feedback is that we should look more closely into where all the intended of our spaces will reside. We hadnt really looke dinto this yet because we figured it was a task reserved for part C. Nonethe less it is a good point to ponder as the success of making our system a social hub will strongly rely of how well the spaces can be used and transited between. One of the critics also mentioned that we may not need to make all points occilate. In the case of areas that a programmed for stable activities it may not be ideal to have a structure that is moving. We abstracted this idea into and brilliant strcutal oppourtunity in that a point that inst attached to the bouy could be loud bearing and therefore taking the weight of bouys around it. This could potentially increase the occilation rates and therefore energy production of other bouys. Another important ting to mention is the radical development of my algorithmic skill set uring part B. I feel that i have started to develop a style of parametic form, that being these flowing & organic example that have been displayed throught this journal. II think this interest has stemmed from my personal apreciation that while they are computed they dont seem clunky and digitised like many other designed examples. A thought that I oftern consider outside studio air is how this type of design could be translated into successful examples of built form for humans. Over Part C our group aims to really refine the composition of our sub components as well as the programme for occupants within our form.

Learning Objectives 01 Developing the ability to make case for proposals. 02 A personalised repertoire of computational techniques. 03 Skills in varous three dimensional media. 04 Understanding of computational geometry, data & programming. 106


Figure one. <Accessed Figure two. Figure three. Figure four. LAGI, Energy Hand Book, Competition supplement, Source< http://www.> Accessed 1st May 2014 Figure five. 107

LAGI Design Brief//

- Consist of a three dimensional sculptural form that has the ability to stimulate and challenge the mind of visitors to the site. The work should aim to solicit contemplation from viewers on such broad ideas as ecological systems, human habitation and development, energy and resource generation and consumption, and/or other concepts at the discretion of the design team; - Capture energy from nature, convert it into electricity, and have the ability to store, and/ or transform and transmit the electrical power to a grid connection point to be designed by others. Consideration should be made for artfully housing the required transformer and electrical equipment within the project boundary and restricting access to those areas for the safety of visitors to the site; - Not create greenhouse gas emissions and not pollute its surroundings. The work must not impact the natural surroundings negatively. Each entry must provide a brief (approx. 300 words) environmental impact assessment as a part of the written description in order to determine the effects of the project on the natural ecosystem and give reference to a mitigation strategy addressing any foreseeable issues; - Be pragmatic and constructible and employ technology that can be scalable and tested. There is no limit on the type of technology or the proprietary nature of the technology that is specified. It is recommended that the design team make an effort to engage the owners of proprietary technology in preliminary dialogue as a part of their own research and development of the design entry. The more pragmatic the proposals are, the greater the likelihood will be that one of them may get built; - Be well informed by a thorough understanding of the history, geography, details of the design site, and the broader contexts of Refshaleøen, Copenhagen, and Denmark; - Be safe to people who would view it. Consideration must be made for viewing platform areas and boundaries between public and restricted areas; - Be designed specifically to the constraints of the design site at Refshaleøen as shown in the Location Plan LAGI Art Generator, Design Competition. (2014) Source <> Accessed 21st July 2014 108



Design Journal.

STUDIO AIR N I C K L O V E 5 4 2 5 1 1 //



“The opportunity of the site to be a social hub that day in day out presents and educates the dire need for futured design.� - SiT


C0 C0

Design Alteration//


Content Page// Part C

Page 114 LAGI Requirements//


Design Direction//


Tectonic Elements//

Page 116


Learning Outcomes//

Page 186

Page 188



Page 124

Biblio graphy// Page 190


Final model// Page 142


Design Proposal// Page 160




Design Alteration.


After receiving feedback in the mid semester tutorial presentations the group accepted that it will be necessary to copletely rethink our formal design proposal. The ideaology & narrative of the design as appraised and will continue onwards. The main point put forward by the critics was that there was too much going on in our proposal. The element seen as having the most potential such as the skeletal spine system while parts such as the energy generating systems that made up the mesh were completely arbitrary. The main hesitation towards our design is that the mesh structural system that was proposed seems over complicated. This is to the point where it is inefficient and almost unfeasible. In the coming few days we plan to take a step back from the SiT proposal and reconsider possible new directions for the theory behind it.



// Rethink fabrication & develop algorithm to suit this. // Rethink structural system. // Simplify form. // Consider LAGI submission.



Design Direction. Simplfying form & sectioning//

In searching for new directions to pursue it was rather important that our group realised that thinking formally would restrict our design development. This had occurred in part B as we became very fond of the sinuous organic form that resulted from kangaroo physics simulators. Doing this meant that we drastically over looked the future complexities that the prototype and fabrication process would present. Simply form finding was no longer an option so we worked to generate a more basic gesture in which to run our algorithmon. In doing this we consciously assessed and analysed each gesture for nuances that may prove difficult when fabricating. The notion of sectioning as a fabricating technique was also put forward around this time. We felt that this idea held a large amount of potential and worked to explore possible opportunities. Additionally the hydrokinetic generators were discarded at this time. It was put forward that the site was actually re-claimed land therefore excavating it would prove to be horrifically inconsiderate to the LAGI brief.



After discussions both within our group and with our tutors we opted for a section based strategy as the way forward. During this period after mid semester presentation it seemed like a backwards step had been made. This however proved to be beneficial as it allowed us to view our design from a distance and consider new approaches that were vast alternatives to our original mesh idea. We found that sectioning presented many opportunities and overhauled both our material considerations and even our energy creating system. Using wood as a material to replicate our form was suggested and fondly accepted. In doing this the material properties of our choice then prompted new ideas into oscillation caused by occupants. The original proposal was that the greater system would oscillate and that small subsystems were to be structural. Our new thinking completely juxtaposed this in that oscillating would occur on a more local scale while structure would come from the greater system as a whole. The following pages with present the process in which this developed.



Strategy Conversation.

Through tangible media & Psudo-coding.

In group meetings pseudo-coding and hand sketching algorithmic strategies were very effective . While it is a digitaly focused subject we were able to assist our productivity in scripting and modelling if we used a tangible media to first present and discuss ideas. It was here where we conceived the first notions of sectioning our design instead of meshing it. Some of the sketches and pseudo- codes are shown here to help present our initial ideas that we were then to go on and compute. Additionally there were also some elements of the detailing process that were discussed with aid of sketch before developed parametrically. The reason these are all included is because I personally feel that it is important to note that no every single gesture of this assignment has been digital & that it is still important to embrace the finer nuances of a hand drawing where possible. It is most likely that we made use of this medium because in the excited nature of meetings hand drawings were virtuous, quick and accessible. Additionally they were able to keep up with the rapid projection and development of concepts whereas moving to a computer to script an idea might prove to be slightly more clunky & heavy handed as result of our greener parametric skills. Despite this the most part of our conceptualisation, development and realisation was all computational based.




Algorithm Adaptation.

Adapting to Sectioning//

In the revised design the scripting needed to work towards fabrication was much more basic. It was also helpful that the formal algorythims were already written. The new statergy revolved around PFrames running along a line deduced from the centroids of each closed curve. This gave a base in which to section the polysurface that made up our form into the multiple ribs that were required. From here the curve formed by the intersection of the PFrame and the polysurface was extruded by a SDL function perpendicular to the curve. One of the most beneficial things about this was that the number of curves along a segment as well as the length of their extrusion could all be controlled. This became to quite a powerful thing as it was possible to refine and tweak all individual sections. A downfall in this is that during the rush to submit to the LAGI competition a few areas of tread spacing were overlooked resulting in some localised issues concerning accessibility. Shown below is a simplified polysurface that displays the step of the later commands of out algorithm. In keeping this part of the design simple it was hopped that more time would be allowed for thus resulting in a more feasible design proposal. 120


C1Development. Simplifying form//

As the previous form was extrapolated on an internal line pattern the process of simplifying would begin with reducing the members within this. Since sectioning was going to be the method of fabrication it was important that the general form followed a uniform projection. By considering this multiple arrays of sections would be made along the entire form so reduce the likelihood of awkward & non perpendicular cuts. In exploring the various algorithmic strategies that are available to section we realised that it was much easier to cut a NURBS or polysurface than a mesh. Initially this was proving to be a difficult complication until it was realised that it is possible to convert between the two in Rhino. Formally gestures began with a simple elongated ‘X’ shape. In working with this for a day or two with now pleasing results we realised how arbitrary it looks. Further form computation was undergone through a line work generator that I personally scripted. Another group member also made it apparent that the LAGI competition requirements dictated that the design must acknowledge the pre existing bus stop and ferry dock on the site. This notion helped us greatly as we finally had some guiding parameters to work into the form. From this point we moved forward with much better direction & soon came to deduce an internal skeleton that would be suitable to build a more considered from.

Rib development//

At the same time as this members of the group were developing strategies on the energy generation and construction of the rib component. The aim was to develop this to a point where sliders could control the form via the parameters and restrictions that the part would define. To do this parameters limited the extruded sections mentioned previously to the minimum size, height and density along each of the segregated parts of the design. This ensured that the ribs would not over populate the structural spine running above them or that their tread would not be too small for humans to step on. However through the variable we developed it was difficult to restrict the gap between components. This resulted in group members having to be diligent and deft when adjusting parameters.









200 FEET




Tectonic Elements. Socio Hull// 124



Materal Consideration.

Socio Hull//

Stratgegic material choice was to be crucial in allowing our occilating design to fuction as intended. Although an obvious choice was thin ply wood the group felt that it would be important to explore other options before deciding to move forward with timber.


HYPER MEMBRANE was presented as a precedent during Part A of the journal. In the prototype presented below HYBRIDa constructed the form our of multiple components made from a carbon fibre/flexible resign composite material. The flexible properties of the construction were presented at RMIT’s Smarter Materials symposium earlier this year. If a material similar to this were to be used in our design the flexibility and durability would most likely be better than a supported wood system. However the energy and chemical compounds that go into the production of the material result in much higher embodied pollution and energy in comparison with reclaimed wood. Additionally, composite materials are not cheap & even in the small profile shown in HYPER MEMBRANE material costs were upwards of 1.5 million euros. This cost would be exponentially larger considering the profile and quantity of the pieces that would be required for our system.


C 2 Flexibilty

Durability Embodied Energy Cost Reclaimed Recycled




Spine & Rib Development Socio Hull//

Footing detail. Nts//



It was due to it’s material properties & reusability that laminated thin ply timber was confidently chosen as our dominant construction material. Our on going search for oscillation was a key consideration when looking into how materials may perform in terms of flexibility, ductility, elastic potential and durability. It could be said that our material choice also leaned toward timber for aesthetic & narrative reasons. This included its relation to the vernacular’s heavy use of Nordic Boreal pine as well as the context of the site being an old ship builders yard. It was more of a happy coincidence that our sectioned design began to look like an abstraction of the bulkheads of a pre industrial ship. Members of the group were pleased with this as it felt like an endearing nod towards the sites history without being cliche a & analogy based.

Energy Generation//

Energy is to be generated by making use of the flexible properties of timber and how it will oscillate when subject to human interaction. This will all be facilitated by designing and fabricating a component to convert the kinetic movement into electricity. The groups idea was that as patrons would pass between each rib a weight load would be applied to it causing an expansion. As a patron moved off it the rib would contract. This oscillating movement was to be harnessed within the integrated spine component and converted into electricity. We have not found many ideal precedents however we have spoke with electrical engineering students who have helped us conclude that our system could just make use of faradays law of change in flux. Faradays law defines how a current will be created when a magnet moves through a copper coil. Evidently it is rather basic physics and almost all electricity generation stem from this. The amount of current created depends on a few variables such as the rate of change and the number of flux lines determined by the power of the magnet. The diagrams below depict the oscillation and how patrons will interact with the site.

Occilation diagram//

Section with patrons NTS//







Design Path.



Socio Hull Strategy. Psudocode//


Generate Linework Form

Apply an Exoskeleton

Relax Form (Kangaroo Mesh Relaxing)

Brep Edges

Convert to Polysurface

Trim Entry/Exits (Anchor Points)

Apply Section via PFrames Pipe Line Mesh Thicken to Suggest Material Sweep with 3 sided polygon

Determine Width of Segments & Gaps (Populations of Curves)

Social Hull 133


Spine Prototypes. Structral component//

The component show above was aimed at exploring the material properties of thin ply timber and how its flexibility could be maximised when subjected to high temperature and water. The curve seen above was only achieved after being soaked in boiling water for a period of about ten minutes. This process worked well but once dry the material regained its original rigidity therefore being completely unable to oscillate or change form. Member of the group stratergised on how to gain more out of the material. Two things main ideas were put forward, one that the bending should align with the grain in the wood and two that if the wood was perforated it may reduce the rigid bond between the fibres and allow for greater flexibility.






Spine Prototypes. Form & Light Control//

In order to increase the flexibility of the wood a series of perforations were made. The first attempt at this is shown in figure one. Here it is possible to see that the spacing in between the cut out is slightly larger. Due to this the wood did not flex well and instead became quite brittle. A revised prototype was sent to the FabLab with finer and more delicate cut outs. The results of this next prototype was brilliant and really quite fascinating. It became apparent that it was possible to control the form and resting position on the shape through the placement of the perforations. It was felt that this passive control would be incredibly help full in dictating the curve of the components that made up our event areas as it was in these spots where we would need a wider span. The perforations also created to a rather elegant light pattern that would also change as patrons moved through the site. In retrospect this prototype was grew to be integral to some of the finer nuances in our design. While they may not be strongly expressed in the schematic stage that we achieved they would be hugely beneficial if the project were to ever go ahead to the construction stage//




C2Protoypes. Structural component//


Shown here is the groups first attempt at digitally forming the integral structural piece that would support our system. The accepted idea at the time was that it was necessary to include a hinge like element within the component to allow the wood to oscillate up and down. When thinking about the further it was realised that a design such as this would fail due to the lack of support to hold the timber hull piece in the right position. Instead the form would droop and rest in a tear drop shaped equilibrium. Another flaw to this first attempt was the absence of any form of electrical generator.



Our fourth prototype was developed during the period where our LAGI Competition entry was finalised and presented. Due to the restricted amount of time the group had to put together the board a slightly arbitrary component was design. Despite this a few technical notions were developed and refined. The solenoid housings and rope placement was decided during this time. We initially had the rope skirting the outside of the wood form however soon realised that the circumference would always be constant no matter what deformation the flexible hull experienced. In order to convert the material oscillation into the system above the ropes would have to run as close to the central vertical axis as possible. In answer to this we made sure all moving or dangerous parts were not exposed to patrons and ran the ropes down to either side of the main walking section of the shell. It was felt that this would actually create quite an interesting experience for patrons through the somewhat playful gesture of guiding pathways via rope. Similar to that of an adventure playground of suspension pedestrian bridge. Even thought this was the component submitted to the competition all member of the group strongly agreed that further development and refinement was need in order to get the component acceptable for the final journal and presentations.



Tectonic Proposal. Hull Component//

There were numerous important developments in the final proposal for our hull component. Firstly the structural spine system was improved to facilitate the solenoid at an angle more similar to that of the vertical deformation of the material. This would work to reduce resistance and drag loads as the movement of the rope would now be resolved over fewer moments. The timber used in the flexible hull was also doubled over itself to improve structure within the top of the hull. It would also provide a more secure medium to attach itself to the lower plate of the spine. This solution also considered possible repair work that may need to be done in the future as replacing failed sections would be a relatively task. In diagrams on the opposing page it is possible to see how multiples of this system are arrayed and form their own structural system. In addition to this columns may be needed to share the weight load. 140




Final Models. Socio Hull//

The fabrication of the Socio Hull models was a rather tense period. Models submitted the week before the presentation were still guaranteed on being finished before the Part C presentations. Each group member was delegarted a different scale or detail to produce a model of. These include and site & context model, a section of about 20 ribs and a functional prototype of one single component. Working across these three scales the group felt that the resulting models would provide a comprehensive representation of our final design solution. Corresponding with the Fablab 3D printing services was proving to be tiedious so members decided to look for other fabricating companies. The context and site model was printed by Neo-Veo in South Melbounre and the structural prtotype was printed at Scotts in Parkville. The final results of the three models are presented in high resolution full page spreads in the coming pages. To avoid interupint the graphic display they will be discuessed in detail here.


Site Model 1:800 Context.

The First noticable thing about this model is the atypical scale. This cam about through a comprimise between a 1:500 model and the host that was going to be near of $300 AUD. The model was then scaled dow to a size that could still show it’s form and context well while at the same time be affordable. Additoinally there was an element of structral integrity involved as a 1:1000 would not be able to show the hollow/occupiable interior. This model portrays the contextural and formal qualities of Socio Hull well however due to the scale current 3d printing technology is unable to print the individual components. As well as this it does fail to show the function of each of our components, hencse the need for more detailed scales. Another thing that was realised when the model was placed on the luan ply site model is that the scale of the powder rpint was a little bit wrong. The intention and actually size of the site is about 25% smaller than what the print represents. If it were to be done again a larger site plan would also be used to show it relationship with the rest of Coppenhagen.

Section Model 1:25 Experience.

The main intention of the 1:25 section model was to present the layout of each individual componet and the experience an occupant may have while passing through them. Unfortunatley the FabLab ran out of the plywood material we intended to use, instead substituing it for boxboard. The result of this was a materially aesthetic vastly different to what we intended. Also the boxboard material did not curve with as much integrity as the plywood resulitng in a clunky and staggered cruve around some of the components. Despite this the section model does work well to convey the design intent behind socio Hull and also begins to show how our component system works.

Functional Prototype 1:25 Function.

The functional prototype was undoubtably the most usefull model in showing our energy generating idea & the tectonic development we undertook to develop it. Unfortunately the sping used in the dsystemon presentation day was too stiff to be easily operable. despite this the kinetic movement of the system and how it was translated into eletrical energy within the solonoid could easily be understood. To further refine the prottype the physical spine connections between each could be further developmed however the knowledge to do this is that held by a structural engineer so therefore a specialist would need to be consulted.



Site Model. Socio Hull//




Socio Hull//




Section Model.




Socio Hull//




Section Model//




Functional Prototype//








Functional Prototype// 158



Final Proposal. Sociohull//



Social Context. SOCIO HULL CPH.


After living in the suburb of Norrebro in Copenhagen for a number of months I gained a first hand experience to the Danish way of life. Through high density architecture the Danes have adapted communal space as their main domain for leisure and relaxation. Rather than hosting an event in a private yard, gatherings are taken to the public realm. In addition to this alcohol laws permit public drinking resulting in a well behaved and responsible culture. The photos shown on this page are photos of my Danish friends over the summer months. From this experience our group worked to integrate our LAGI design solution into this way of life. The thinking behind the gesture was that it would help justify Socio Hull as a popular leisure destination for Danes in their leisure time. The group also felt that Copenhagen’s interaction with out site must be long term, the same was as Copenhagen’s’’’’ interaction with sustainable discourse is long term. In summary a intention the group had from the very start was to make the site a hub & socially [ for many generations to come.


New City Life.

DANISH ARCHITECTURAL PRESS Our Group undertook research into the urban planning and socio public stratergies of the Copenhagen council. We discorved that the council has been working to redevelop the public domain into a pedestrain endorsing zone since the early 1960’s. We found it incredibly ahead of time that this level of forward thinking traced back fifty years. We religiously studied a publication called A New City Life which released by the Danish Architectural press in 2006. throughout the publication are reviews on past stratergies and also proposals for future developments. without summarising the whole book it is quite easy to state the parts of the book that were intergal t our design. The classification and difference between movement and staying space prompeted thinking into how we could possibly tweak our form to prompt walking the necessary pedestrian trnsit throughtout our form. Alongside this the idea of staying space being vital to public culture and well being outlined the need for public green space on the site. Shown acroos the page is a matrix used to assess current public spaces in Coppenhagen. The matrix was discovered mid semster and used to prompt development and refinement in our design from that point on. It was agreed that the security and protection aspects of the matrix seemed slightly less relevant to the LAGI submsssion. this resulted in a stronger focus on the remaining nine points.

Creating thoroughly enjoyable spaces is highly dependant on utilizing the qualities, attractions and special opportunities found in and around city spaces. It is Vital to create city spaces on a human scale. With fine details, good materials and good street furniture. Good city space must also provide opportunities to enjoy positive aspects of the local climate. Finally, city space should offer good experiences, fine views and interesting sensory impressions. Last but not least and it almost goes without saying: all qualities should be part and parcel of beautifully conceived architectural unity. Gehl, Et Al. (2006) New City Life, The Danish Architectural Press, page 106


Figure 00 165

Public leisure




Public leisure







Design Intent. SOCIO HULL CPH.





With a design brief such as LAGI it is very easy to compute something that may generate electricity. As stated in Part B, the members involved in the Socio Hull project felt that the intention of our site should extend beyond realms deeper than just kilowatts. It was felt that while the site had the ability to help with supplementing grid power it also held far greater potential of educating and prompting sustainable discourse. If Socio Hull was seen by those living in Copenhagen as a relevant and socially accepted entity it could become talking point and icon of renewable initiatives. This would be a huge asset for the city in regards to its carbon neutral by 2025 goal. To execute this and ensure that Socio hull does not become obsolete was the challenge faced by our group. From research into the urban fabric of the city it was deduced that public leisure and community space was a quintessential part of daily life. The group hoped to tap into this and provide a new surface to Danes to base this on. This was done by presenting it as an inviting social hub while accommodating its ongoing events and gatherings. To ensure that the site upheld the longevity that sustainable discourse need an organising body was suggested to operate marketing, events & media presence. 171


Socio Hull.


While it is an normally aspect of a more traditional & anologue design process the group undertook some brief research into the histroy and context of the site. It is now recclaimed land from what once was one of Copenhagen biggest ship building companys. This idea of the ship hull and bulk head form tied in unintentially with the entire form of our design and worked to pay a sublte hamage to the sites past. Nowadays the area is used for festivals and events, this is a vital element of the site that culd help integrate Socio Hull inot the cultral fabric of the city. An intended event domain has been scripted into the form for facilitate this in the sites future events. 173


Socio Hull.



Event Space.

Being able to accommodate the events and performances that occur on the prexisting site was seen to be a gesture that would give socio Hull the kickstart in occupancy and daily interection needed to produce energy. The Socio Hull event space was aimed at making a domain that was of a human scale and intimate while still being able to host a large number of people thus producing substancial levels of electricity..

Marine Access//

Access and transit between the site and the main center of Copenhagen was regarded as very important when considering program within the final site. Socio Hull provides a jetty coherent with the rest of the form to ensure that arrival and initial engagement with the site is not via an arbitrary council installed barge or dock. It is important the this pint access is attractive and accessible in helping the Hull become a common leisure destination for the community.



Socio Hull.




Socio Hull. 178



Socio Hull.




Column Proposal.

Post Presentation considerations//


Additional Structure//

Although the response to the Part C presentation was rather positive the structural feasibility of some of our elevated sections was deemed to be a little bit to daring. To assist the structural performance of the spine the group went back and detailed a typical column component that could be used in any place where additional structure might be needed. The column is seamless and cohesive with the form of Socio Hull and it is assumed that most patrons will pass on through it withoutht noticing the additional sructure. Through the renders displayed the entre design actually seems incrediby feasible & buildable. Additionally, it was felt that the columns dont take away from the design intent or seem like an afterthought.



Scale & Detail.


Footing Detail. Nts//


In the Socio Hull Part C presentation the consideration taken to the spacing of the components failed to safekly resolve the gaps. This has since been revisited and now stand with a much safer tread distance. It is important to note that the length of each of the components is effectivly un restrained. one piece of wood may be a couple of meters long& suspended bu multipe spine parts. The ability to do this give the system adaptibilty and the means to make use of any size of availble recycled material. Also displayed on this pages is the group proposal for fixxing the no occilating members to the ground plane. 185


Socio Hull.

Is an interactive oscillating space that harvests the kinetic energy of visitors in addition to fostering their creative sustainable ideas. SOCiAL HULL recognises that the long-term rise of sustainable technologies and practice is inherently linked to education and the strength of community networks (social capital). As such, community engagement is SOCiAL HULL’s guiding principle. Visitors experience the structure through a series of sectioned ribs, which oscillate much like a sway bridge. Composed of architecturally formed recycled plywood timber, these ribs reference the historical significance of the area as a former shipyard. The ribs conjoin to form a structure that initially presents itself as a serious of mysterious passageways fit for the adventurous adult of child alike. These passageways then propagate into a series habitable nodes that programmatically function as educational & event spaces. The energy of visitors is harvested as both tangible electric energy and metaphorically through the energy of idea generation. SOCiAL HULL is envisioned as a space for a variety of formal events including public lectures and discussions, music concerts (for example Distortion Music Festival) and markets, in addition to everyday leisure activities. SOCiAL HULL aims to support Copenhagen’s long-term commitment to sustainability (carbon neutral by 2025) through providing ongoing, flexible events based relationship with the city. The oscillating structure utilises the structural properties of locally sourced recycled timber sheeting. The natural tendency of this material to flex when subjected to perpendicular forces compliments the requirements of an oscillating platform system. The rope and spring system used to harvest the kinetic energy are the lungs that allow the ribs to breathe and animates the system.


L.A.G.I Requirements. Socio Hull// 186

Technical Abilities.

In harnessing the kinetic energy of the suspended timber ribs, SOCiAL HULL adopts the use of ‘permanent magnet linear generators’ (PMLG). The generators use a neodymium magnet within a copper solenoid which transfers kinetic energy into a changing current (flux) that inturn outputs a voltage. In estimating SOCiAL HULL’s energy generating capability, we assume that every visitor will interact with 50% of the structure’s 200 ribs, with two PMLG’s affixed to each rib. One PMLG produces approximately 100W when activated, which can vary depending on the frequency and magnitude of force applied. As a result, SOCiAL HULL has the potential to generate 20kWH of power per visitor to the site, which is four times the average amount used by one person per day in Copenhagen (as specified by City of Copenhagen, ‘Copenhageners Energy Consumption’, 2008).

Environmental Impacts Statement.

SOCIO HULL’s design has low embodied energy due to the use of reclaimed timber. This timber is sourced from local building sites and ship yards (for example ply bracing & formwork) thus reducing carbon emissions that would have come from the production of new materials. The structure harvest human kinetic energy and converts it into electricity. This electricity is then used to power all services associated with the site such a lighting for events. Excess energy is to be directed back into the grid. The notion of having a charging point for electric cars is also an option for further site developments. As such, the overall system results in no net release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. One of the most vital elements of the future success of the site is having a committed, motivated and responsible organising body to manage it. The group would ensure that operation, events and maintenance is to follow eco friendly practice. While also putting forward further initiatives to keep the site active and relevant to everyday routine in Copenhagen. A sustainability plan will be implemented regarding all public events at the site. Cycling will be promoted and efficient public transport access to the site is to be provided during events (via the ferry). Composting systems and community garden prospects will be established on site a means to educate and involves the public in greener living. Additional initiatives would include fundraising and donations, a rubbish and recycling program, sustainability focused events and establishing prominent media & social media presence to further increase Socio Hulls’ importance and popularity.


C6 Post Presentation//

Learning Outcomes.

Overall the feedback received the the Socio Hull Part C presentation was relatively positive and praised the functionality of the system. A few issues were raised in terms of the possible need for additional structural elements and the tread gap in between the individual hull components. Since the presentation the group worked to address these concerns and present a solution within earlier parts of this journal. To have the opportunity to spend another semester to further develop social hull would be ideal. If it were to happen the overall scale of the design would be looked at. This could present interesting new alternatives as the hull component that was designed is not restricted to the Socio Hull form and could applied to many urban situations with relative ease. Another aspect that was briefly explored towards the end of part C were perforations to control light within the structure. It was decided to leave the development of this out of our final presentation to avoid what happened in part B. These perforations if further developed could really add the to the occupant experience within Socio Hull by creating different zone qualities via parametrically fenestration. In terms of future ambitions, all members of the group are excited by the work produced and would love to see it taken to the next stage. If we are in the same country in two years time the plan is to re-submit the more refined Socio Hull to LAGI.


The scope of knowledge gained throughout the duration of the semester is one of the most rewarding aspect of Studio Air. From an outset of clunky parametric skills to where I stand now are two separate leagues. While working with Socio Hull I found it especially useful to psudo-code the steps I was planning to script. This was assisted by the intuitive command titles that Rhino uses meaning that plenty of times I was able to arrive at a component quite innately. We learnt the inherent risks of form finding design and how not being able to step back and asses the project direction can result in un feasible design solutions. Our group was to deal with this in the later period of Part B. The result was many nights spent trying to tediously justify and fabricate something that was too overcomplicated. The strategy developed after this was taken from the lectures and its component based focus really allowed design work to move forward with ease. In future work it is definitely a scheme that would be implemented again. The source of the early over complication most likely came from the influx of ideas during group discussions. While this inability to stick to one core idea was detrimental to clarity and intent, it truly represented the great communication, solidarity and social rapport between group members. Working in a group of good quality & likeminded people was thus another highlight of the studio. Across the cohort it was great to see such a vast scope of ideas. It may be say to say that this level of diversity is something unseen in more traditional studios. I felt that this was a prime example of the creative liberty that parametric platforms enable.


This liberty also became a slight downfall when it came to the process of fabrication as some of our ideas refused to comply with the requirements of the FabLab. Hence the group quickly learnt that this manufacturing process was just as involved as the design process. None the less, the experienced gained into adapting the models will be taken into account within any future fabrication attempts.

Sustainable Discourse//

The chance to involve ourselves in renewable energy design exercise was a seriously rewarding exercise. Having such a open brief and an extensive source of resources really helped prompt a well researched and thoroughly considered design response. This social & sustainable ideology that Socio Hull investigated during the semester could easily be a way of thinking adopted across all platforms of design. Our argument that futured design can be accelerated if presented within the daily public realm does hold some truth and may be something to be pushed further once we are working in the industry. Personally, I was quite proud that our group’s work had recognized and responded to this from very early on in the semester.

Future// In terms of future endeavors, a class mate and I are currently working with the Rhino/Grasshop-

per platform over the semester break with a goal of producing our own parametric furniture. While this is a somewhat arbitrary use for the programs I feel that it will both expand and refine our parametric capabilities. Some thing that I have had on going thought about is parametric’s role & position within future architecture. I’m not sure of where else to put this thought other than here Does parametric formulated and computed approach have the potential to re-direct things, similar to the way the modern movement did? Or on the other hand, will the complexity and infinite possibilities just sideline it through a lack of approachability? In that case may it be compared with the orientalist movement? The need to address our ecological footprint is active on many other fronts. There is always the possibility that one of these might prove to be more effective. None the less I believe that Fry’s Quote below works well as a final note to what the past semester has underpinned. Furthermore It seems quite clear that, no matter the solution, the defutured way of life seen in the first world is to be largely reconsidered if we plan on sticking around. “Collectively, across all our differences, we human beings have reaches a critical moment in our existence... We are now at a point when it can no longer be assumed that we, en masse, have a future. If we do , it can only be by design against the still accelerating defuturing condition of unsustainablity.” Fry 2009



Bibliography Socio Hull//

- LAGI Art Generator, Design Competition. (2014) Source <> Accessed 21st July 2014 - Gehl, Et Al. (2006) New City Life, The Danish Architectural Press, page 106 - Photo Credit: Nick Love 2012 - Photo Credit: Nick Love 2012 - Fry T, 2009, Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice, Bloomsbury Press



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