Top 5 Strength Training Programs for 2015

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Introduction to Report Benefits of Strength Training Little Know Benefits that are Profound! Top 5 Strength Training Programs  Ultimate Athleticism by Max Shank  Muscle Gaining Secrets by Jason Ferruggia  No Nonsense Muscle Building by Vince Del Monte  The Critical Bench Program by Mike Westerdal  The Jump Manual by Jacob Hiller Bonus Resources 1. Staying Motivated 2. Reach a Goal—Reward Yourself! 3. Famous Strength & Fitness Quotes 4. Free Fitness Log Sheets About the Author Disclaimer

BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



INTRODUCTION TO REPORT Hi my name is Nick and welcome to this free report on strength training! The goal of this report is to help you decide which of the top five strength training programs is for you. When you go to a site that offers a product you’re often blasted with a major sales pitch. You have video to watch or a long sales page to read, or both! So in this report I pulled out the important information for you. In each program below I cover information about the person behind the program and the benefits of that program. Additional information about the program has also been added. So this report saves you time and money. Saves you Time—By not having to figure out what the top five programs are and by having all the important information at your fingertips in one place for your decision making. Saves you Money—By not having to invest in a bunch of programs trying to find out which one is best for you…this report will help you narrow down your choices. I wish you the very best with your strength training goals! Best Regards, Nick Nichols PS--If you find this report to be helpful, please feel free to pass it along using the “share” buttons below. Thanks!

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BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



BENEFITS OF STRENGTH TRAINING First it’s worth reviewing the physical and mental health benefits that can be achieved through strength training that include: 

Improved muscle strength and tone – to protect your joints from injury. It also helps you maintain flexibility and balance.

Weight management and increased muscle-to-fat ratio – as you gain muscle, your body burns more calories when at rest

Greater stamina – as you grow stronger, you tire less easily

Better pain management

Improved balance and the ability to get around

Improved posture

Decreased risk of injury

Improved sense of wellbeing – resistance training can boost your selfconfidence and mood

Increased self-esteem

Enhanced performance of everyday tasks

And lastly, when you’re fit, you feel good and you look GREAT!

BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



LITTLE KNOWN BENEFITS THAT ARE PROFOUND! No matter what age we are, we’re all getting older! So what are some of the little known benefits of strength training as we age? Arthritis Relief Tufts University recently completed a strength-training program with older men and women with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis. The results of this sixteen-week program showed that strength training decreased pain by 43%, increased muscle strength and general physical performance, improved the clinical signs and symptoms of the disease, and decreased disability. The effectiveness of strength training to ease the pain of osteoarthritis was just as potent, if not more potent, as medications. Similar effects of strength training have been seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Better Diabetes Control More than 14 million Americans have type II diabetes—a staggering threehundred percent increase over the past forty years—and the numbers are steadily climbing. In addition to being at greater risk for heart and renal disease, diabetes is also the leading cause of blindness in older adults. Fortunately, studies now show that lifestyle changes such as strength training have a profound impact on helping older adults manage their diabetes. In a recent study of Hispanic men and women, 16 weeks of strength training produced dramatic improvements in glucose control that are comparable to taking diabetes medication. BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



Osteoporosis Fracture Reduction Post-menopausal women can lose 1-2% of their bone mass annually. Results from a study conducted at Tufts University, which were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1994, showed that strength training increases bone density and reduces the risk for fractures among women aged 50-70. Reduction in Falls and Broken Bones As people age, poor balance and flexibility contribute to falls and broken bones. These fractures can result in significant disability and, in some cases, fatal complications. Strengthening exercises, when done properly and through the full range of motion, increase a person's flexibility and balance, which decrease the likelihood and severity of falls. One study in New Zealand in women 80 years of age and older showed a 40% reduction in falls with simple strength and balance training. Helps Combat Depression Strength training provides similar improvements in depression as antidepressant medications. Currently, it is not known if this is because people feel better when they are stronger or if strength training produces a helpful biochemical change in the brain. It is most likely a combination of the two. When older adults participate in strength training programs, their selfconfidence and self-esteem improve, which has a strong impact on their overall quality of life. Improved Sleep Quality and Less Insomnia People who exercise regularly enjoy improved sleep quality. They fall asleep more quickly, sleep more deeply, awaken less often, and sleep longer. As with depression, the sleep benefits obtained as a result of strength training are comparable to treatment with medication but without the side effects or the expense.

BY NICK NICHOLS Š -- --All Rights Reserved



Reduce Heart Attack Risk Strength training is important for cardiac health because heart disease risk is lower when the body is leaner. One study found that cardiac patients gained not only strength and flexibility but also aerobic capacity when they did strength training three times a week as part of their rehabilitation program. This and other studies have prompted the American Heart Association to recommend strength training as a way to reduce risk of heart disease and as a therapy for patients in cardiac rehabilitation programs.

Now that we have reviewed the benefits of strength training it’s clear that being involved in a strength training program can vastly improve your quality of life!

TOP 5 STRENGTH TRAINING PROGRAMS At this point you may be wondering how the top five programs were selected from the hundreds of strength training programs on the Internet. Selection was based on a formula that looked at the number of sales, testimonial integrity, complaints, marketplace competition, and site rank. From that criteria came the following top five.

BY NICK NICHOLS Š -- --All Rights Reserved



Ultimate Athleticism By Max Shank

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Max Shank’s Story When I started my journey I wasn't athletic at all. In fact, when I was 18, I was unable to do a single pull-up or bench press 95 pounds--and worse, I couldn't even come close to touching my toes. Truth be told I was a rather pathetic excuse for a man; weak and riddled with sore, stiff, inflexible joints. I knew that I needed to make a change, so I tried everything. Over the last 10 years I’ve tried tons of different training methodologies including, but not limited to, Crossfit, Kettlebells, Bodybuilding, and Powerlifting – without a single method getting me the results I truly wanted. I am competitive and do not accept anything below excellence in my endeavors. My good friend Brian once said in reference to my competitiveness that, "Max would beat a six-year-old at tea parties." Guilty as charged, but this unquenchable thirst to be the best at everything is what helped me find out what movements, philosophies, and training styles have the highest carryover to other activities–allowing me to finally have it all. In the past 5 years I have excelled in competition at several very different sports, largely due to overall athleticism. From Muay Thai, and Jiu Jitsu to Highland Games World Championships, this has been a product of smart training and planning. This success has allowed me to travel the world to teach other coaches and athletes how to do the same. BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



Benefits of Max’s Program  Revealed--How a few simple movements will give you a grip that could crush a potato and help keep your elbows healthy  Discover the simple key to gaining the endurance you need for YOUR sport  Understand the easiest way to cut through all the programming confusion and set up your workouts for ultimate efficiency and success  How to convince your nervous system it’s safe to give you up to 50% more strength instantly!  Learn the fastest way to improve your posture and flexibility  Discover the two muscle groups you need to be focusing on to unlock all of your athletic potential Notable Testimony "Ah, if only I knew what Max knows when I was his age 8-10 years ago!!!!!!" "I really have lots of positive things to say after finishing reading Max Shank's Ultimate Athleticism. First off, as he approached me to preview his book, I agreed as I told him he always appears to train and conduct himself above board. I was not disappointed in this book. This book is a very interesting departure from others designed for the general population in as much as it is definitely for the advanced intermediate and above, and it espouses a level of programming reminiscing of true physical education. I enjoyed reading this book, and it really fills an interesting niche in our learning landscape." Dr. Charlie Weingroff, DPT, ATC, CSCS Former Head Strength & Conditioning Coach, Philadelphia 76ers, NBA Former Lead Physical Therapist, United States marine Corps Special Operations Command

BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



Product Description Ultimate Athleticism--Is a series of e-manuals, streaming video files and access to the private membership website. No physical product will be shipped. After you order, you will get instant access all product components via download and membership access. The format for all e-books, guides, and workbooks is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and Microsoft Excel, which can be viewed on MAC or PC.

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BY NICK NICHOLS Š -- --All Rights Reserved



Muscle Gaining Secrets By Jason Ferruggia

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Jason Ferruggia’s Story I was born with zero special talents or gifts. Today I have many skills that I have developed through thousands of hours of committed practice. But nothing comes naturally to me. Think of any activity under the sun; from lifting weights to the art of conversation. Without relentless dedication I suck at each and every one of them. I’ve failed over and over again. I’ve made countless mistakes. I used to be frail, fat, weak, insecure, unproductive and depressed. That’s how I spent the majority of my childhood, growing up in small town New Jersey. I was painfully shy and always struggled to fit in. I nearly failed or got kicked out of every school I ever went to. While attending Arizona State University in the early 90’s I got tuberculosis from a foreign exchange student. The doctor said if I waited one more day to come in my lungs would have filled with fluid and I would have drowned. I had to be on bed rest for six months. While I was home doing nothing I decided to study for my first personal training certification since fitness had become an obsession over the previous few years. It took me a lot of years and a ton of work but I finally got my shit together. After countless wasted hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars pissed away I finally learned what kind of training and nutrition protocols work for genetically cursed skinny-fat guys like me. BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



I gained 38 pounds of muscle, overcame all my insecurities and depression, built up several successful businesses, found freedom and started living my dream. I’ve been featured in Muscle & Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, ESPN, CBS, Fast Company, and Details. I can help you to also rise above and defy the norm. I can help you completely transform your body, mind and life. And it won’t take you anywhere near as long as it took me. Because you can learn from my mistakes and experiences. And because I was born with zero gifts or talents. If I can do it anyone can.

Benefits of Jason’s Training Program  Specifically designed to enhance your testosterone production  Designed for skinny-fat “hardgainers”  See significant results in as little as 60 days!  Learn the precise set and rep schemes for the fastest results  You’ll be shown how a slight adjustment to the bench press can make it twice as effective  No living at the gym—Only takes four workouts a week at 45 minutes each  Learn the secret weapon exercise for incinerating ugly body fat  Discover the #1 factor responsible for fast muscle growth—that’s overlooked in most programs

BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



Notable Testimony Kyle Gained 21 Pounds of Muscle “Jay, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. My entire life has moved on to the next level and I feel like I owe it all to you. You’ve provided me with so much determination it can’t be expressed in words. I gained 21 lbs of mass and lost an equal amount of body-fat using program!” --Kyle Matthews

Product Description Muscle Gaining Secrets is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the bonus reports onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. Use This QR Code

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BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



No Nonsense Muscle Building By Vince Del Monte Link to Training Program: No-Nonsense-Muscle-Building-Info

Vince Del Monte’s Story Meet “Vince Del Monte,” the only Fitness Guru who has been coined The Skinny Guy Savior. He earned this name by dedicating his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls – helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies. In the end his students transform themselves to “Live better, Look better & Know better!” Vince has transformed thousands of lives of the skinny, scrawny wimpy individual with a perfect mix of encouragement, humor, no BS, inspiration and fun with his popular bestselling “No-Nonsense Muscle Building” system. Vince has the most popular “skinny to muscular” transformation stories in the world. He was the poster boy of the “I can’t gain weight or get the girl” story. Vince became known as “Skinny Vinny.” He was 140-150 pounds at 6 feet tall. The nickname didn’t die; it stuck with him all through college. He tried everything to gain weight any way he could, never reaching past 149 lbs., dripping wet. He went through the battles to gain like no other. As a former competitive long distance runner, Vince used running to survive the embarrassment and insecurity he suffered from being too skinny. He formed an identity for himself as one of those lean, mean, running machines. Vince studied Kinesiology and received an Honors Kinesiology degree from the University of Western Ontario. After college, he found a mentor who “told him to burn all of his fitness magazines and stop wasting money on supplements to gain weight.” Vince’s life started to change. He gained some weight, got muscles and then met the girl of his dreams – whom he calls his B.M.W. – Beautiful Marvelous Wife! BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



Vince helps thousands of individuals with “muscle unfriendly genetics”; make a plan to create new habits and commit to it. He helps with motivation, confidence, and teaches the basis for training smarter not harder – individuals see muscles within 2 weeks, not 2 months! They eat better and have a more balance life. And in the end, each individual becomes a better man or woman all while reaching his or her goals. Vince is the Author of “No-Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets to Insane Muscle Gain.” The book has sold more than 80,000 copies in more than 120 different countries. He is also a WBFF Professional Fitness Model. Vince continues to compete in the fitness-modeling world and has won the Canadian Fitness Model Championships. In June 2008, he competed again and placed 3rd at the World Fitness Model Championships. In 2011 Vince become a WBFF Pro Fitness Model and competed at the 2011 WBFF World Championships. He enjoys the natural bodybuilding and fitness lifestyle, and continues to practice what he preaches to challenge himself and inspire his readers.

Benefits of Vince’s Training Program  Discover the #1 most critical muscle building ingredient you can't grow without.  Learn exactly how to eat and which foods naturally build slabs of muscle on your body.  Side step the top 20 ways to screw up in the gym.  Maximize the top 9 little known muscle building secrets for hyper-drive muscle gain.  Gain 10 pounds in 2 weeks (Did I stutter? This is no lie!)  Learn exactly how to absolutely optimize 7 of your body's most powerful muscle growth and fat burning hormones.  Steal two of my closely guarded 29-week weight training routines. BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



Notable Testimony After being told that I could not run for five weeks, my cross country season had come to an end. I became interested again in lifting weights and bulking up. So I did some research and came across Vince Del Monte’s name. It turns out he was also a runner and transformed his body drastically in a short amount of time. I became inspired and my desire to have a better body kept me determined to reach my goals. I worked out hard for 4 days a week (2 upper body, 2 lower body) no longer than 90 minutes at a time and tried to limit my cardio. I took in a massive 4,000-6,000 calories daily until I reached my goal… (I’m still not there yet… want to get up to 190-“solid muscle” after Track Season). Anyway, my strength gains were tremendous when I followed Vince’s No Nonsense Muscle Building workouts and the changes that took place have made me more confident in myself. After this transformation, I have realized that in the future, I am very interested in a career exercise and nutrition —Thanks for being an inspiration Vince… you’ve changed my life forever. Now I am a member of the 2010 Gahanna Lincoln Track Team (running healthy at 156 pounds, and looking to compete in the 1-mile run).” Tony G, Gahanna, Ohio

Product Description All products are digital and available for immediate download upon payment.

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Link to Training Program: No-Nonsense-Muscle-Building-Info BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



The Critical Bench Program By Mike Westerdal

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Mike Westerdal’s Story So… is it really possible for a guy who couldn’t bench 100 pounds… to transform himself into a powerful, muscular lifter that recently benched over 452 pounds? Well, I’ll let you be the judge. Take a look at my pictures. The one on the left is a picture of me in my senior year of high school. I think it’s pretty obvious that I didn’t really lift weights. In fact… I had really bad asthma and was hospitalized a lot as a child. So true story… I went from not even being able to lift 100 pounds… to literally being able to bench press OVER 400 pounds. The picture on the right is after I started learning and using the bench press secrets I want to share with you. In fact, between high school and college… I packed on over 75 pounds of muscle mass! Sure… it took a little time. Because it took me a few years to learn and to know everything that I used… and everything that helped me.

BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



But here’s the important thing, if you learn the simple secrets I’m about to reveal… you can confidently add weight to your bench, pack on some solid, rockhard muscle mass, and NEVER have to worry about being small or feeling weak again! Take it from me personally, you can do this too! When I started lifting weights and working on my bench press… it literally changed my life for the better. I actually walked on a D-IAA college football team and became a starting outside linebacker my junior and senior year. You’ll never believe it… but I actually had the strongest bench press on the team my senior year… hitting 405. I’m not saying this to brag. I just want you to open your mind to the possibilities. Because it doesn’t matter where you’re starting… it only matters where you want to go! Like I just mentioned… as a freshman in high school… I couldn’t bench press 100 pounds. Over time, I stuck with it. I learned things as I went along… and kept putting new tips and techniques into practice. But the training style I used back then caused me to plateau at 300 lbs on the bench press. I stayed there for over a year. When I learned the advanced bench press secrets I’m going to show you (the same secrets that are in the Critical Bench Program)... my bench press soared to 365. I Made More Progress In 11 Weeks than I Had Made In The Entire Previous Year! When I started the program for a second time… I added another 50 lbs to my max… reaching 435. I logged every workout I did in college that got me to a 400 plus pound bench press. And honestly, like magic… the more my bench increased… so did my muscle mass and strength. And as my muscle mass and strength went up… so did my self-esteem and my confidence. I carried myself better… I felt better about myself. I was more outgoing. I felt more powerful. It allowed me to get a job as a personal trainer. I wrote for the big-name Muscle Magazines. I even played some football in Europe after college. I can honestly say that I owe so much of my life to the simple fact that I was able to dedicate a lot of time and effort to learning how to bench press RIGHT… and get bigger and stronger.

BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



I’m not trying to paint this out to be magic. I just want to show you what’s possible when you set your mind to achieving something… and then you follow a step-by-step plan.

Benefits of Mike Westerdal’s Training Program  Will help you increase your bench press by up to 50 pounds in 10 weeks… while packing on muscle in the process.  Even if you have long arms, shoulder pain, wrist pain or sub-par genetics like me, this program is a guaranteed way to help you build a 200, 300 or 400 + pound bench press.  You’ll join over 10K other people that have been amazed with the results they’ve gotten from Critical Bench Program.  Learn the only way to train so that you avoid over training.  Discover the single biggest secret to training for strength and size. Remember… muscle gains are directly related to strength gains. As you get stronger… your muscles will get bigger.  Learn the single biggest mistake lifters make when trying to increase their bench press.  Find out why your technique is so important. If you adjust your form like I show you…. you'll see a significant increase in the amount of weight you lift… without changing anything else.  Learn why you can't believe supplement ads.  How a lifting buddy can assist you to perform classic training methods like forced reps, ½ reps, negatives, & speed work.  Why spending more than an hour in the gym per day is counter-productive.  The simple exercises you can use that will actually help you increase your bench press in a lot less time. BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



 Leverage secrets that can multiply the effectiveness of your bench.  Why the bench press can shock your muscles into growing faster and easier than anything else you do. Notable Testimony

Product Description The Critical Bench Program 2.0 is a completely downloadable series of e-manuals, audio, and video files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you'll get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer. The format for all manuals, workbooks, checklists, etc, is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

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The Jump Manual By Jacob Hiller Link to Training Program: The-Jump-Manual-Info

Jacob Hiller’s Info Jacob has trained high school, college, NBA, Olympic athletes, and professional dunkers. He has been developing vertical jump explosion techniques for over 10 years and training coaches and athletes to maximize their potential. He has consistently helped athletes to gain 40 inch or more verticals. Jacob Hiller’s vertical jump training guide “The Jump Manual” has become widely recognized as one of the most effective and comprehensive manuals of its type. It has drawn the attention of ESPN, Men’s Health, Sports Illustrated, and FadeAway.

Benefits of the Jacob Hiller Training Program  Learn to Jump 10 Inches Higher in 12 Weeks  Discover the 9 Essential Variables of an Explosive Vertical  Understand the Science of Optimal Results  Learn the LAWS of Vertical Jump Improvement  Muscle Gains DO NOT Happen During Training  Creating a Portable Nutrition System  Optional Equipment for Vertical Jump Drills BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



 Use the Jumpers Forum!  Pre-Workout Stretching and Warm-Ups  Explanation of the Max Explosion Workout Notable Testimony "I recommend the Jump Manual to any athlete who is serious about maximizing their quickness and vertical explosion. I have seen the program work time and time again. It's an intense regimen but there are tremendous gains to be had." - Brandon Peterson Former Strength and Conditioning Coach from Utah Valley University.

Product Description All course content is digital and downloadable at the time of purchase.

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Bonus Resources Staying Motivated Consider these factors that motivate people to begin and stick with their exercise program. Then identify which ones motivate you. 

Pleasure. People often really enjoy strength-training exercises; they find them less taxing than aerobic workouts and love the results.

Health and fitness benefits. Strength training increases muscle mass and bone density. It makes you feel strong and energized, alleviates stress and depression, and gives you a better night's sleep. And it can help prevent the onset of certain chronic diseases or ease their symptoms.

Improvements in appearance. Lifting weights firms the body, trims fat, and can boost metabolism by as much as 15%, which helps with weight control.

Social opportunities. Exercising with friends or family gives you a chance to visit and chat while you work out.

Thrills. People who start strength training later in life often find that they are willing and able to try new, exciting activities, such as parasailing, windsurfing, or kayaking.

BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



Reach a Goal—Reward Yourself Making any major lifestyle change can be trying. A great way to motivate yourself to keep with the program is to properly celebrate your achievements. This may be as important as setting goals and visualizing success. When you accomplish one of your short-term or long-term goals, make sure that you reward yourself well! 1. Buy yourself new workout clothes or shoes. 2. Make plans with good friends to see a movie or go hiking. 3. Go on a weekend getaway. 4. Treat yourself to a new piece of exercise equipment. 5. Plan a dinner at your favorite restaurant. 6. Get tickets to your favorite theater production or athletic event. 7. Pamper yourself with a massage, manicure, or pedicure. 8. Enroll in a class, such as ballroom dancing, yoga, or pottery making.

BY NICK NICHOLS Š -- --All Rights Reserved



Frequently Asked Questions on Strength Training 1. How often should I do strength training? New guidelines from Health and Human Services suggest strength training on 2 or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms). Be sure to give your muscles at least one day of rest between workouts. 2. When I do the knee extension to a full stretch, even with minimal weight, my knees make the most awful noises and also hurt (with sharp pains). If I don't go all the way, my knees are noisy but don't hurt. So should I persevere with the full stretch, or would I be better off not trying to stretch completely? First, you should discuss your knee symptoms with your physician and follow his or her recommendations. In the meantime, you might do the exercises with reduced weight (maybe even use no weight) and through a reduced range of motion—whatever it takes for you to do the exercises without pain. Don't worry about the noises, but do avoid pain. Then progress slowly, cautiously increasing both the range of motion and the amount of weight you're lifting. Over time, you should be able to strengthen your legs and improve your flexibility. 3. Why can't I make my own weights for working out? Many suggestions exist for "home-made" weights, ranging from lifting one-pound soup cans (harmless for you and the soup, but it won't build muscle), to lifting buckets or gallon jugs filled with sand. Please do not improvise! Plastic jugs and buckets are not made for strength training: they're not designed to hold that much weight and the handles are designed for carrying, not lifting. They could easily break and injure you, not to mention impede your ability to perform an exercise with proper form and through the full range of motion. 4. Is it true that muscle weighs more than fat? If so, will I gain weight when I start strength training if I don't go on a diet? Unless you increase the amount of calories you are eating, it is very unlikely that you will gain weight or become bulky. Here's why: one pound equals one pound regardless of whether the pound is fat, muscle, or some other substance like butter or steel. Muscle is denser and therefore takes up a smaller amount of space per pound than fat. Some scientists estimate that the "space" that one pound of muscle occupies is about 22% less than one pound of fat! If you begin strength training and continue to eat the same number of calories, you may lose some weight because you're burning additional calories while exercising. The important thing about strength training is the change in body composition. BY NICK NICHOLS Š -- --All Rights Reserved



You will gain muscle and most likely decrease body fat even if your body weight stays the same. In our experience, people might drop a size or two after they have been strength training for a couple of months because their body shape has changed for the better. If your goal in starting strength training is to gain weight, we recommend you also increase the number of calories you are consuming. Try adding an extra fruit, vegetable, low-fat dairy and/or whole grain serving to your daily diet. 5. What is the proper way to breathe during strength training? Exhale during the most strenuous phase of the movement—often referred to as "exhale on the exertion." Inhale during the less strenuous phase. It is also important to inhale and exhale fully between each repetition. However, the most important thing is simply to breathe regularly. Most people assume that they are automatically breathing when in fact they are actually holding their breath. Take a moment to focus on your breathing during your next strength training session and during other strenuous activities such as climbing up the stairs. You may be surprised to find that you are actually holding your breath. 6. I have a medical condition. Can I still do strength training? Most likely you will be able to participate in strength training; however, this is a decision you must make in consultation with your doctor or health care provider. Discuss your specific conditions and goals with your physician so that he or she can make any necessary recommendations. Research has shown that individuals with chronic but stable medical conditions including osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, HIV/AIDS, and the frail elderly can benefit significantly from strength training. It is important to start conservatively and progress slowly. Consider working with a qualified fitness instructor, at least for a few sessions, to make sure your exercise form is correct. Pay attention to your body. Strength training should never cause pain. Feeling good is an indication that you are exercising properly.

BY NICK NICHOLS Š -- --All Rights Reserved



Famous Strength and Fitness Quotes “No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training… what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” – Socrates

“The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in combat.” – Navy SEAL’s

“Remember this: your body is your slave; it works for you.” – Jack LaLanne

"Pain is weakness leaving the body” – Unknown

"Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn

“Go Hard, or Go Home” – Unknown

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – Muhammad Ali

“Just do it” – Nike

“A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time – pills or stairs.” – Joan Welsh

“The pain you feel today is the strength you’ll feel tomorrow” – Unknown

“The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times” – Bruce Lee

“Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase.” – Joseph Pilates

“If your dog is fat, you’re not getting enough exercise.” – Unknown

“When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no ‘I’ll start tomorrow.’ Tomorrow is disease.” – V.L. Allinear

“If it weren’t for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn’t get any exercise at all.” – Joey Adams

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” – Edward Stanley

“The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.” – Anthony Robbins

“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless.” – Herophiles

Free Fitness Log Sheets These are in a downloadable, printable PDF format. Just follow the link… Download Log Sheets Here BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



About the Author During my 30 year career I was a chemist, environmental scientist, consultant, and technical writer. In my spare time I worked on projects in aquaculture, hydroponics, aquaponics, and renewable energy. In addition, I have also been an adjunct professor at two local colleges teaching Biology and Mathematics. Now I am retired and writing this from an island in South East Asia where I live. My lovely wife has been with me for forty years and we have four awesome children who are spread around the globe. I have always loved researching and writing on various topics, and if you happen to join one of the programs in this report, I will receive a small commission that will be used to help supplement my retirement—and for that, I thank you! Lastly, about seven years ago I started writing true stories that have mostly happened to myself or my family. To my surprise they are now being read in 150 countries. Here’s the link if you’re interested… I wish you the very best with your strength training program and your future endeavors! Sincerely, Nick Nichols PS—If you have any comments or suggestions for this report you can Email me at:

Again, if you found this report to be helpful, please feel free to pass it along using the “share” buttons below. Thanks!

BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



About the Links in this Document The Internet being the Internet, things change all the time, so at the time of publication all links in this document were live and accurate. If a site changes its link or content, it is beyond my control. However, if that does happens try to search on the keywords for the information you need and maybe you’ll discover the new link or find something similar that is useful. OR—there may be a revised report at you can check there as well. Best Regards, --Nick

BY NICK NICHOLS © -- --All Rights Reserved



DISCLAIMER NOTICE: You Do NOT Have the Right to Resell this Report. However, You DO Have the Right to Share or Give this Report Away so Long as the Contents Remain Unaltered and the Copyright is Retained. This PDF and supplementary material was created to provide specific information regarding the subject matter covered. Every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this material however neither the author nor the publisher are responsible for any errors, omissions, or incorrect interpretations of the subject matter. Information contained within this material is subject to local, state, federal and international laws. The reader is advised to consult with a licensed professional for legal, financial, health, and other professional services. The reader of this material assumes all responsibility for the use of this information. The author and publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained within these materials. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals. Check with your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information. Users of our products, services, and web sites are advised to do their own due diligence when it comes to making decisions and all information, products, and services that have been provided should be independently verified by your own qualified professionals. Our information, products, and services in this report or on web sites should be carefully considered and evaluated, before reaching a decision, on whether to rely on their information. You agree that our company is not responsible for the success or failure of your decisions relating to any information presented by our company, or our company products or services. This document is copyrighted by Nick Nichols.

Attribution for Cover Photo

Photo taken by Walt Stoneburner and is titled Construction Photo location: BY NICK NICHOLS Š -- --All Rights Reserved


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