Boosts Response Rates By Blogging For SEO And The Reader (Better Than SEO) Blogging has become a standard for many different types of online presences today. If you are promoting your own web site the chances are that you already have a blog of maybe more than one that you share about the main events and chances of your main site. This is an accepted way to promote your online properties and is considered to be a "white hat seo" method that can help you get the word out about your product, service, affiliate program or even your own personal web site. Just like getting visitors to a web site, you must consider how to get traffic to your blogs to make sure your message gets read. Link building can be effective, but there are some things that can be done in the content creation process that will really help too. When most authors are writing they simply focus on the topic and speak to it, the best that they can. However, if you are expecting real reader interaction with your content, it may take a little more than just topical content. There are some easy tricks that can be used to engage your readers and get more response from your efforts. Below you will find some sections that outline some of the easiest way to get more response from your online writing instantly. These rules may seem simple, but if you begin implementing them in your writing you will be amazed at the changes they can make in the effect of each piece of content that you publish! 1. Use A Relative and Enticing Title Yes, make your title sexy! You simple have to grab your reader or it is not worth writing. Yes you may want to sprinkle in some keywords, but it is much more important to engage the reader than simply stuff keywords. The point is that the title is what will be showing in google results, on any rss aggregator site, and in category and author bio pages all over the internet, so they have to speak to the reader to get clicked in the first place. 2. Deliver On Your Promise When you make a statement or a promise in your title you must follow up on it in your content. This not only builds trust with the reader but it makes the flow of your article logical and easy to read. Even though
your article, post or piece of content has given the reader sometimes it is nice to offer more. Especially if you are an online marketer giving the reader something for free really sweetens the pot, if you are eventually be asking for a cash purchase. 3. Link To External Sites It can really help a blog if the writers are consistently linking out to other relevant sites. When you link out from your blog, don't always link to your stuff, link to anything that is relevant. These links get noticed and in some cases automatically displayed on other blogs. Many other bloggers are interested in who is linking to them and these free links can turn into useful business relationships too. Nothing but good comes from linking to other sites and Google even picks up on these links to check the relevancy, so make sure to mix up your external links and you will be rewarded. 4. Call To Action After you have provided the information in your article it is important to ask the reader to take whatever action it is that you desire. If you are trying to get people to download an ebook about seo and you have given them some tips on the topic, you can link to it and have a headline like "Don't Leave Yet, Download the Free SEO eBook First" would be a good call to action. They can be much more subtle. For example you may simply say "if you liked the article about arbor day, go plant a tree today to do your part". When you write something there should be a point and after the point there should always be a call to action even if all it is, is you asking for readers to comment below. 5. Learn More About Online Marketing This is my call to action to you. The list of tips above, are powerful if used correctly. You will see more response from your online writing, more conversions and more traffic to the links in your articles if you follow these simple steps. However, if you are looking for even more, more ways to drive direct traffic, boost your blogs popularity and how to put all the pieces of internet marketing together, there are a couple of websites that I think will be a big help. The first and foremost is the Webmaster Business Plan web site. This site offers some great content including how to articles, videos and audio podcasts for webmasters, all free no email required.
Another great site for new internet marketers that are ready to start building an email list is the free WordPress autoresponder web site. This one you do have to give up an email address, but you will be blown away by all the functionality of this totally free list building tool that installs on a WordPress blog in about 10 seconds! The last web site I wanted to share with you is called link building ninja and this is offering some killer internet marketing tips and tools that help online marketers automate the link building process. The link building ninja team does have an email list but they also post fresh content on how to get more return on your internet marketing efforts frequently. I truly hoped that you have enjoyed the information shared in this document. I would love to hear your feedback or simply say hello. If you would like to contact me, just hop on over to my home page and click the contact button. To Success, Nick Simpson –
P.S. Don’t Forget To Read The Free Traffic Tornado Article And Download the Free PDF files that show you how to really explode the traffic to any web site you want!
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