Key information july 2016

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2016/17 edition

Key Information for Volunteers

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Contents 02 03 04 05 06 08 19 20 22 23 24 26 28 30 31 35


Contents This Manual Will Frequently Asked Questions Introduction Imperial College Union Your Role Diversity & Inclusion Volunteer Recognition: Imperial Plus The Union Reception Requesting Spaces to Use Organising Activities and Advertising Safety Finance Community Connections Volunteer Policies Record of volunteering experiences with the Union

Tell us what you think of this training publication Š 2016 Imperial College Union Version 1 -30 May 2016


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

This manual will:



Provide volunteers with an overview of the training available to them to support them in their role, explaining how to access further information

Identify Union Officer Trustees, Staff and key contacts who are able to provide help, support and advice to volunteers

3 Outline free services available at the Union Reception

4 Introduce essential information relating to safety and finances and the policies you should be aware of as a volunteer.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Frequently Asked Questions What are the contact details for staff and key volunteers who are elected in to positions at the Union? See the Key Contacts for Volunteers list

What support is available to me in my volunteer role? There is lots of support available, offered by staff and elected officers. See pages 9 14 for more details.

How do I book a room at the Union or at College? See requesting space to use on page 23

What services are available at the Union Reception? Read the Reception overview on page 22

What do I need to know about running an event? Helpful tips and things you need to know are on pages 24 - 25

What Union policies do I need to be aware of as a volunteer? A summary is provided on pages 31 - 34

How am I recognised for my efforts as a volunteer? You can find out more about Imperial Plus on pages 20 - 21

What do I do if I want to change or adapt my role? See page 16 for guidance on this.


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

Introduction If you’re looking at this booklet then you are one of the thousands of students who volunteer with and via Imperial College Union each year. Congratulations! This is a really great opportunity to give something back to your peers, the College or the local community and hopefully you’ll have an enjoyable and rewarding time doing it. Before going any further, there are a couple of important points to remember: AA You and your fellow volunteers are the most important part of the Union and the work you do is greatly valued by the Union and the College. AA You are also an ambassador for the Union and the College, so make sure you are well behaved at events and on the internet, including social networking sites or when volunteering in the community. AA You aren’t the only users of the Union’s resources and we have to ensure there are enough to go around. This is particularly applicable with use of spaces. There are lots of people here to help, so if you are unsure of anything please ask before you act!

The Purpose of this Booklet As a volunteer you’ll have access to many of the support services that the Union has to offer in order to help you carry out your role. In this booklet we’ll be showing you what these services are, how to use them, who are the useful points of contact, and the policies you should be aware of. You’ll find out about the training that is available to support you in your role, and what to do if you need help to fulfill the responsibilities of your role, to change roles or to step down from a position. If you are a Club, Society or Project officer, or have committee positions elsewhere within the Union, before being given access to these facilities you may be required to take a short validation quiz, which can be completed online at validation.

Why does the Union engage volunteers? The vision of Imperial College Union is to be recognised as leaders in student development and engagement, at the heart of the student community at Imperial. One of the ways in which we do this is through the provision of volunteer opportunities; indeed a vast amount of our organisational activities are delivered by volunteers.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Imperial College Union The Role of the Union

Union Commerce

Imperial College Union plays host to around 350 Clubs, Societies & Projects, with a membership that covers around half of the students at Imperial.

The Union also oversees the running of five bars and a nightclub, as well as a newsagent and a shop both located on the Sherfield walkway. Overall, the Union has an annual turnover of over £6 million.

The Union is also the hub of academic representation when it comes to educational matters and raising concerns with College departments and staff. In order to do this, all students are automatically a member of a Faculty Union for undergraduates or the Graduate Students’ Union for postgraduates. There is also a myriad of other volunteer roles at the Union, from ones with a welfare remit, to others which are key to administering the finances of Clubs, Societies & Projects. The Union provides volunteering opportunities to charities and supports and inspires students to tackle social action issues by lending their skills - and setting up their own - student social enterprise initiatives via our Community Connections programme.


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

Our website is also the most visited Students’ Union website in the country.

Who runs the Union? There are five Officer Trustees of the Union, including the President and four Deputy Presidents who are students elected annually to look after the Union. The Union is also supported by a team of permanent staff.

Principles of Volunteer Engagement In working toward and achieving Investing in Volunteers status, the Union’s Officer Trustees and staff developed our Principals of Volunteer Engagement; these outline the things that each team and individual will strive for in how we work with volunteers, and what you - as a volunteer - can expect. AA Volunteering with Imperial College Union will have a lasting, positive effect on volunteer’s lives. AA Every volunteer’s contribution will be recognised. AA We will empower our volunteers to be independent, critical thinkers who will bring benefits to their world. AA We will embrace the creativity and innovation of our volunteers. AA The Union will take innovative steps to diversify our volunteer base to be reflective of our membership. AA Every volunteer will have access to the training they need to carry out their role, gaining valuable knowledge and skills through these experiences. AA Every volunteer will have a knowledgeable and relevant person to provide advice and support. AA Tools, materials and expertise to support volunteers in their role will be readily available and easily accessible. AA The health, safety and welfare of our volunteers is always a priority. AA Volunteers are essential to so much of what Imperial College Union does - without you we would not be able to offer so many of the services and activities that we provide to the student today.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Your Role This Key Information booklet is only one small part of the training which is available to support you in your volunteer role. All the information regarding training is available on the Union website at, regardless of what your volunteer role is. Throughout the year, drop in sessions will be running at a variety of times and locations where you can come along and ask any question on anything connected to your volunteer role. There is more targeted training available depending on your role, some of which is mandatory. There are boundaries to each volunteer role, these are outlined in the detailed training materials about volunteer positions. This particularly applies to financial responsibility, signing of contracts and speaking on behalf of the Union. If you are unsure about the boundaries to your volunteer role you should seek guidance from the most appropriate contact as outlined in the Key Contacts section of this booklet.


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

It is important that your studies are put before any volunteer role. You should not be asked to undertake tasks which put your academic studies at risk or under pressure. If you experience any circumstance of this kind you should either contact the most relevant person to support you in your role, or follow the complaints procedure outlined in the Volunteer Policies section of this manual. See page 17 for more guidance.

Your Role

Induction sessions Each year the Union delivers a number of induction training sessions for our main groups of volunteers: Club, Society & Project Officers, Academic Representatives, Liberation Officers, Hall Wardens, the #helloicu crew and Pimlico Connection Tutors.. These induction sessions will introduce volunteers to the key responsibilities of their role, information about the Union and the hugely important role volunteers play and outline the support and further training that is available. Induction sessions also provide the opportunity to meet a member of Union staff who will become the first point of contact for the academic year should you have any questions or need help to overcome challenges that may arise.

Training manuals In addition to these initial induction sessions, there is lots of information which can be found online in our training manuals at www.imperialcollegeunion. org/training

Training Manuals include: AA Publicity AA Requesting Spaces AA Marshalling AA Mailman Lists AA Undergraduate & Postgraduate Representatives AA Finance Training Manuals AA Sponsorship AA Departmental Societies AA Running an Election AA Management Groups AA Minibus Driving

Autumn/Spring training programme In 2016-17 the Union will deliver a full training programme to support volunteers to fulfil the responsibilities of their role. These will be additional sessions to expand volunteer’s knowledge and skills to carry out the responsibilities of their role and to help meet their personal development goals.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Your Role

Training will be advertised online at where you will be able to reserve your place on the training workshops. If you have any additional training needs or if you are interested in delivering training yourself for the volunteers you are responsible for, please get in touch with the Student Development Team. Their details can be found in the Key Contacts list. all-volunteers/key-contacts-volunteers

Clubs, Societies & Projects For those who are involved in running a Club, Society or Project, two people from each Club, Society or Project are invited to participate in a short induction session. There is additional training via online training manuals and quizzes. Some of this training is mandatory depending on which role you are undertaking. For Chairs/Presidents the Principal Officers and Money In, Money Out and other Finance modules are mandatory. For Treasurers the mandatory modules are all those that are finance related. Sports team captains and fixture secretaries must complete Sports Management,


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

and anyone acting as a marshal at a large event must have completed the Marshalling training quiz. Anyone responsible for requesting spaces on College campuses must undertake the Requesting Spaces training quiz before they can request spaces in College.

Academic Representatives For Academic Representatives, induction sessions similar to the Club, Society or Project induction session will be taking place in the autumn. We recommend all Reps catch up with the person currently undertaking the role to handover any unresolved issues and ongoing projects. Make sure you get introduced to important staff members in your department or division. An Academic Representation Conference will take place later in the year.

Other volunteers If you feel you need support in your volunteer role you should contact the most appropriate person as outlined in the Key Contacts for Volunteers list.

Your Role

Support from elected officers The Union’s democratic structure is as follows: Board of Trustees

Union Council

Clubs, Societies & Project Board (Chaired by DPCS)

Education & Representation Board (Chaired by DPE)

Management Groups / Constituent Unions

Department Reps /AAO/ AWO’s

Clubs, Societies & Projects

Year/Course/Group Reps

Clubs, Societies & Projects Club, Society & Project Committee Members and volunteers can talk to their Chair/President/Captain. Chairs/Presidents/Captains can get advice and support from their Management Group or Constituent Union Chair/President or Treasurer.

Community & Welfare Board (Chaired by DPW)

Liberation Officers / Constituent Union Welfare Officers

Management Group or Constituent Union Chair/President or Treasurer can seek advice and help from the Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) or Deputy President (Finance & Services). All Management Group and Constituent Union Chairs/Presidents/Treasurers sit on the Clubs, Societies and Projects Board (CSPB).

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Your Role

The CSPB oversee all student run activities including Clubs, Societies and Projects. It determines policy governing the management, governance and finance of student activities and allocates funding to the various student run groups. CSPB is composed of the Officer Trustees and representatives from each of the Management Group Committees and Constituent Unions. It reports to Council through its Chair, the Deputy President (Clubs & Societies).

Liberation & Welfare Liberation Officers can seek advice and support from the Deputy President (Welfare), as well as the Education & Welfare staff team. Welfare Officers are supported by their Constituent Union President, who will be a member of the Community & Welfare Board (CWB), chaired by the Deputy President (Welfare). CWB acts as a forum for issues relating to community and welfare policy to be presented to the Union Council for debate. It also campaigns to promote communities and welfare policy passed by the Union Council. CWB allocates funding to the Constituent Unions to promote their aims and objectives as far as within the remit of the Communities & Welfare Board up to a value set by the Trustee Board in the Union’s yearly budget. CWB’s membership is the


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

Officer Trustees, one representative of each of the Constituent Unions, the Union Welfare Officers and one representative of the residents of Halls of Residence.

Academic Representatives Academic Representatives for their Year Group can seek support and advice from their Departmental Representative. Departmental Representatives can get similar support from their Academic Affairs Officer/ Academic & Welfare Officer, who in turn can get help and advice from the Deputy President (Education). Departmental Reps sit on the Education and Representation Board (ERB). ERB acts as a forum for issues relating to educational policy to be presented to the Union Council for debate and campaigns to promote educational policy passed by the Union Council. The membership of ERB comprises of the Officer Trustees, two representatives of each of the Constituent Unions and the Departmental Representatives.

If you are unsure who the most appropriate contact is for you in your volunteering role, do speak to the Union’s Reception staff on Level 2 of the Union building, or email

Your Role

Staff Support The Union is split into three directorates - Student Experience & Services, Student Voice & Communications and Finance & Resources, each with a number of teams sitting within them which is illustrated below. Contact details for staff within each team can be found within Key Contacts for Volunteers The Union’s staff structure is as follows:

Board of Trustees (inc. Officer Trustees, Student Trustees)

Managing Director

Student Experience & Services

Student Voice & Communication

Finance & Resources

Student Activities



Student Development

Education & Welfare

Admin, HR & Office/ Facilities


Marketing & Communications

Systems & IT

Retail Conference/Events

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Your Role

In relation to staff support, for Club, Society & Project volunteers, those who Chair Management Groups and Constituent Unions, the primary point of contact is the Student Activities Team (

For Academic Representatives and Liberation Officers, your primary point of contact is the Education & Welfare Team. Again, the Student Development Team can answer questions around specific training needs and Imperial Plus.

Other key contacts will be the Finance Department for any financial queries (

Any Community Connections or #helloicu crew volunteers can talk to the Student Development Team about their roles or any issues that come up.

The Student Development Team can answer questions around specific training needs and Imperial Plus (imperialplus@ The Deputy President (Clubs and Societies) and Deputy President (Finance & Services) are the main Officer Trustee contacts for Clubs, Societies & Projects.


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

Your Role

What are the necessary skills, attitude, experience and availability to volunteer with the Union? Volunteer opportunities at the Union are diverse and substantial with over 2500 volunteer roles available each and every year.

The vast majority of these roles are elected positions. As such, students wishing to stand for a position will have to demonstrate to those students who can vote that they have the sufficient skills, attitude and experience necessary to fulfil the responsibilities of the role. In order to get a full understanding of what the role entails, it is advisable to: AA F irst, read the role description for the position you’re interested in standing for AA Talk to the person who currently holds that position about their experience AA Ask them about the duties they undertake, the training they have attended, how many hours they volunteer and what availability is needed to fulfil the responsibilities of the role before you make a decision to stand. Typical role descriptions for Club, Society and Project officers can be found online at activities/thinking-running/club-societyand-project-principal-officer-roles

If there are specific skills or knowledge you need for the role that you do not have, have a look at the Union’s online training and volunteer training programme that could assist you. If you still have concerns about your ability to fulfil the responsibilities of the role or if you’d like to discuss any additional training needs you may have, please contact a relevant member of Union staff. All volunteers elected into a position are expected to uphold the Union’s values and policies.

Volunteering via Community Connections

All volunteer positions advertised through Community Connections contain an overview of the volunteer role and the skills, attitude, experience and availability required. When you are signed into the Union website (via the top right ‘login’ link) you will be able to click the ‘request more information’ link at the bottom of each page. You will then receive an automated email with additional information about the role and organisation, along with contact details of someone at the organisation with whom you can discuss the role in more detail. If you’d like to discuss any of the roles with a member of the Student Development Team, you can email or visit them at the Union.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Your Role

What to do if you want to change/adapt your role At the beginning of your term in office, you’ll be incredibly motivated and passionate about your role. You may have new plans or new ideas, or want to continue on your predecessor’s work. If at any point during your time as an elected officer volunteering with the Union you are unable to fulfil your responsibilities, you are able to resign. However, we hope this would be a last resort. First, discuss with the volunteer who oversees your area of volunteering e.g. Club, Society or Project Chair/President, Management Group Chair, Department Rep (or an Officer Trustee or member of staff) about the role you are in, and how you can change it to meet your own needs while also meeting your responsibilities. Having a discussion about any challenges you are facing or why the role isn’t what you had expected can really help to clarify what’s going on. They may be able to help you with more training/support for the role if there are things you find difficult, it might be possible to share some of your tasks/responsibilities with other volunteers or they could advise you on balancing and prioritising your responsibilities. On occasion, volunteers can become very busy with competing priorities juggling volunteering responsibilities, academic 16

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

commitments and life outside of Imperial. If you have any concerns in this regard and you do not feel you can talk to other volunteers, Officer Trustees or Union staff members, you may like to speak to our Student Adviser at the Union’s Advice Centre for free and confidential advice. You can email them at or drop in to the Union and ask to speak to them. If would still like to resign from your position, it would be really helpful to write a short ‘handover’ document for the volunteer who will eventually take on your role or to meet with them once they have been elected, if you are available.

Volunteering via Community Connections

The above advice applies to those students volunteering via Community Connections, although you should first discuss any concerns or difficulties you are having with your supervisor or manager at the charity or community organisation you are volunteering at. Alternatively, you are more than welcome to have an informal chat with a member of the Student Development Team who will be able to offer you advice.

Your Role

What to do if you think demands are unrealistic, outside of the scope of your role or you don’t have the necessary skills to carry out As a volunteer you are able to decline demands you think are unrealistic, outside of your role description and responsibilities or that you don’t have the necessary skills to carry out. If you are happy to complete a task but don’t possess the skills to be able to do so, there may be training that you can attend to acquire the knowledge/skills required – visit for our online training manuals and the What’s On calendar for training workshops Alternatively, talk to your peers to see if there is another volunteer who has carried out a similar task who you can ask advice from or shadow/buddy up with while you’re learning the ropes. All volunteers should be mindful of academic life and should not expect or make requests of others, or undertake themselves, tasks/activities which are detrimental to academic success. Declining tasks can be difficult to do - and is a general life skill - and you are more than welcome to discuss this with a lead volunteer for your area or discuss with a relevant member of Union Staff or Officer Trustee to gain advice on how you can approach this situation.

How can I develop and progress in my role as a volunteer? Volunteers are fundamental to everything the Union does and there are many opportunities open to volunteers to develop their skills and knowledge, taking on additional responsibility. First and foremost, all volunteers are encouraged to work toward Imperial Plus which will support you to record your skills gained and experiences as a volunteer that enhance your employability, whilst accessing free skills based training.

Clubs, Societies and Projects volunteers - next steps

There are both elected positions with Clubs, Societies and Projects and informal volunteering opportunities. Talk to those volunteers leading your student group about the positions available within the Committee that you could stand for. Existing Committee members may wish to stand for those roles with more responsibility such as Chair/President. Those positions with greater responsibility will vary between different Committees. There will also be the opportunity to become involved with the running of a Management Group who oversee and support groups of Clubs, Societies and Projects (particularly in terms of their finances) that have a similar purpose or interests. Similarly, you may be interested in leading your Constituent Union.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Your Role It is common for Clubs, Societies and Projects or Management Group/Constituent Union Chairs, Presidents and Treasurers to run in the Leadership Elections for Officer Trustee Positions.

Academic Representation volunteers - next steps

Year Representatives often stand again as a Year Rep, or stand in an election to become their Department Rep or Academic Affairs Officer. Department Reps, AAO’s and AWO’s may be interested in standing for the role of Deputy President (Education). Academic Reps tend to take on leadership positions, whether this is via the Union, in delivering a student led campaign or venture or in the local community.


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

Community Connection volunteers - next steps

There are likely to be a whole host of different volunteering opportunities within the organisation you are volunteering with. Do talk to them about your interests and motivations and the experiences you would like to gain.

Diversity & Inclusion Diversity & Inclusion The Union develops and maintains an environment that encourages all to contribute fully to the life and work of the Union and which is supportive of the dignity and self-esteem of individuals. Imperial College Union aims to create an environment in our venues that all students, staff and visitors feel safe, happy and protected in. The Safe Space Policy encompasses all Union-run venues and would involve adopting a zero tolerance approach to inappropriate behaviours towards any members, staff or other persons. The full policy can be viewed at www. policies/safe-space-policy We aim for all volunteers engaged in our activities to have fulfilling, enjoyable and beneficial experiences.

To enable us to do this, we would welcome you to meet with a relevant member of staff or Officer Trustee to discuss what additional support the Union can provide to you in order for you to fulfil your responsibilities to the best of your ability, or what alternative arrangements we may need to consider. Please see our Key Contacts for Volunteers list for details of staff, Officer Trustees and volunteers who can support you dependent upon your role. All volunteers are welcome to contact the Deputy President (Welfare) or our Disabilities Officer, both of whom have a remit specifically round supporting students with disabilities, for an informal discussion. Alternatively, if volunteers need information in alternative formats or would like to discuss their needs in relation to our online and in-person training the Union offers to volunteers, please get in contact with a member of the Student Development team.

We have eight Liberation Officers who are elected annually to represent minority groups at Imperial. Contact details for our Liberation Officers can be found in Key Contacts for Volunteers all-volunteers/key-contacts-volunteers

Supporting volunteers with disabilities

If you are a volunteer with a disability, additional support needs, a specific learning difficulty or an enduring physical or mental health condition, we will strive to do all that we can to support you in your role.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Volunteer Recognition: Imperial Plus

Imperial Plus is the Union’s volunteer development programme that recognises volunteering efforts, helping students to identify and articulate the skills and experiences gained through volunteering that graduate recruiters’ value and set you apart from your peers, whilst acknowledging the time you dedicate as a volunteer. Imperial Plus recognises the volunteering you already do as Club, Society & Project officers and Academic Reps, as well as those volunteering with a student project, Community Connections, College or Halls. It is flexible depending on the amount of volunteering you do.

All training workshops can be accessed by anybody recording their volunteer hours toward Imperial Plus. They’re free to attend, run throughout the year and you can reserve your place via the Union’s What’s On calendar. There are six Imperial Plus workshops: AA Negotiation & Persuasion AA Communication AA Problem solving AA Team Working AA Planning & Organising AA Personal Effectiveness

Gain the Volunteer Certificate in acknowledgement of the hours you volunteer - certificates are awarded for every 25 hours up to 100 hours, and every 50 hours between 100-500 hours! The Volunteer Accreditation goes one step further and recognises the skills you have developed alongside your


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

Volunteer Recognition

volunteering hours through short, reflective assignments following the training workshops. This is accredited externally by awarding body ASDAN and requires volunteers to log 100 hours of volunteering. Once a year volunteers are invited to apply to undertake a Volunteer Qualification, an ILM (Institute of Leadership & Management) Award in the Management of Volunteers, a valuable leadership qualification for any career path you choose.

requesting further information on volunteer roles and they will be able to confirm if they have begun volunteering in that role. All other volunteers can register to work toward Imperial Plus at For any questions relating to Imperial Plus, email

All volunteers elected in to their roles are automatically registered to work toward Imperial Plus, simply log in to eActivities and click the Imperial Plus tab. Those who volunteer via Community Connections will need to confirm they hold a volunteer position. An automated email is sent to all those students

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


The Union Reception What is the reception and where is it? The reception is where all services and support for volunteers is coordinated from. The centre is located on floor 2 of the main Union Building in Beit Quadrangle on the South Kensington campus.

Services provided in the Reception include: AA Six computers and scanning equipment AA Printing facilities (NB – clubs and societies can print from any College printer) AA Free telephone and fax services AA A pigeonhole for each Club, Society & Project (this is where mail is delivered) AA Document laminating AA Free first aid kits AA A range of bookable equipment AA Free mailing facilities AA Collection of minibus keys AA Minibus introductory sessions AA Purchase of Associate Membership


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

Contact Details Email: Ext: 020 7594 8066 (int x48066) Fax: 020 7594 8123 Web:

Opening Hours Monday – Friday 08:45 – 18:00 Open during holidays except during College Closure.

Requesting spaces to use For many activities you may want to use a room on campus. Depending on where you would like to book, there may be different processes in place. All the information about this and the various rules associated with using spaces is contained within Requesting Spaces training manual. This training and validation quiz is compulsory for anyone booking or requesting spaces. There are some rooms on the South Kensington campus that are managed by the College’s Conference Office rather than the Union. These rooms include the Great Hall, Queen’s Tower Rooms, the Seminar & Learning Centre and the Senior Common Room. If you wish to use these spaces then you should contact the Conference Office via the Student Hub. Many rooms on various campuses can be requested for Union groups and volunteers at no cost via the online request system, www. This is made possible through an agreement with the various College departments, as they are not obliged to let students use their spaces for nonacademic purposes. Imperial is fortunate enough to have many sports facilities, which can be booked for long and short term use by contacting the Sports Partnership Administrator.

Room booking requests can only be made as late as two weeks in advance of the date you would like to book because of the amount of time it takes to process the high number of requests and various necessary approval stages. Only request to book as many slots as you need. There are many groups seeking to use space. Similarly, if you have booked a room and you subsequently find that you will not need to use it, please cancel your booking. Please note that you cannot make room bookings in your department’s building through the student office.

AA You must book spaces you wish to use – under no circumstances should you just turn up and start using a room.

Room Etiquette Always leave spaces tidy, regardless of the state in which you found them. Make sure you return the furniture to the agreed room layout, again regardless of the format in which you discovered it. If you find a space in an unsatisfactory state then report it, otherwise you may receive the blame from the subsequent users. Treat spaces well, leave them tidy and don’t break anything. REMEMBER: What you do can affect every group’s use of a space.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Organising activities & advertising Organising regular Events & Activities is something that most volunteers will spend a lot of their time in office doing. There is specific guidance available for organising different types of events online at training. When going about planning your event or activity, identify what the aim or objective is. Is it a social event? Or to raise funds? It is important that everyone has this in mind for the subsequent planning stages.

Funding Events & Activities How is the activity or event going to be paid for? It may be the case that you have been allocated some money from the Union to support this, otherwise you may need to seek sponsorship or recoup the cost from ticket sales. Regardless of what method you use, you should complete an event budget and have this approved, guidance is given in the Event Budgeting training manual.

External Guests If you have invited a guest or speaker to your event, you’ll have to provide details of who they are when you submit your request for space, so that College Security know who is meant to be on campus. More information about approval of speakers can be found in the Requesting Spaces training manual.

Food, drink, marshals & rights There are specific rules surrounding providing food and drink at events organised through the Union and on Imperial’s campuses, see the Requesting 24

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

Spaces training manual for more details. For large events you may have to nominate marshals from within the organising team to assist with evacuating areas in the event of an emergency. Specific guidance regarding marshals is available online, and anyone acting as a marshal must undertake the Marshaling training quiz module to learn about their responsibilities. Performance rights must also be taken into account, so it is important to read the small print - even for things like showing DVD’s in lecture theatres. It may be the case that you’ll have to pay for the use of copyrighted material. If you have any queries with regards to copyrighted materials please contact the Student Activities Manager. Careers events can be very beneficial to your student peers, but should be approached with caution. More information can be found on this topic by looking online at the Requesting Spaces Manual at imperialcollegeunion. org/training. Some types of careers events are suitable to be organised by volunteers, others should be organised by the College Careers Advisory Service.

Publicity Good publicity is said to be worth about 70% of a successful event or activity, so it shouldn’t be underestimated. A set of publicity rules has been agreed between the Union and the College, these govern all types of publicity you may undertake, these are contained within the Publicity training manual.

Organising activities & advertising

There is more to advertising than posters though. You can afford to be really creative in this aspect, such as customising clothing or items related to your club activity. Also don’t forget the power of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and make sure you follow the Union @icunion. The ‘What’s On’ calendar on the Union website, is a great way to advertise events. Have a look at the Publicity training manual for details.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Safety Risk Assessments Safety must be an important consideration for every volunteer. Everyone has a responsibility for the safety of the people participating in events and activities. For every event or activity you organise a Risk Assessment should be in place. Risk Assessments are covered in the Principal Officers training, including where and how to submit them. The idea of a risk assessment isn’t to stop activities, but to ensure that you’ve thought how to minimise any existing risks, and thought through what you would do if an accident did happen and how you would manage the situation. This way, you won’t have to think on your feet in an emergency.

Activity Registrations Registration of activities is mandatory for all Clubs, Societies & Projects. The information provided will help the Union and the College in the case of an emergency involving participants of events or trips. The registration must be carried out online using eActivities, details are contained within the Trips & Tours and Principal Officers manuals. It will literally take two or three minutes.

Activities on Campus If you are undertaking your activities on any campus at Imperial you are not


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

required to fill in an activity registration, however there are specific rules and procedures that must be followed, these are outlined in the Requesting Spaces training manual and in the specific guidance for different types of events. However, if there is a problem, you can call security on 020 7589 1000 from any phone or dial 4444 from any internal handset. They can provide first aid or guide you through a situation on the phone if they aren’t able to arrive quickly enough. They can also arrange for the emergency services to come to any campus if required.

What if something goes wrong? If an accident occurs off-campus there are a few simple things to remember and do: AA Do call for help. The emergency number in the United Kingdom is 999. If you have travelled abroad, remember to look up the emergency number of the country you are going to before you leave. Give it to everyone in your group. AA When the situation is stable, report the incident to College Security on 020 7589 1000. Security is manned 24 hours a day, every day of the year. AA Do not talk to the press or admit liability for an incident. The Union should not find out about an accident from national newspapers!

While this might sound serious, every year incidents do happen so it is crucial everyone knows what to do. Make sure you add the phone number for security into your mobile phone. You should submit an accident report form to the Student Activities Team with 48 hours of your return.

similar accidents from happening in the future.

Accident Reporting

Accident reporting is in line with College policy, which fulfills the College’s legal obligations in this area, so it is important that you comply with this procedure. take two or three minutes.

In the event that an accident has occurred, it’s very important to report it. You do not get into trouble if you report an accident, but the aim is to prevent

In order to do this you should fill in an accident report form via the College’s website

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Finance Any activities which are undertaken by volunteers which involve handling money must be operated through the Union’s finance system. This predominantly affects Clubs, Societies & Projects.

AA This is a legal requirement and one you cannot avoid. You cannot start a bank account for activities which you conduct as part of your role as a volunteer at the Union. The Union’s finance system fulfils all necessary legal requirements and also offers free use of the online sales facilities through the Union’s website. Specific mandatory training is required for those who are responsible for groups with money or who organise and run activities which cost or generate money. More information is available online at Of particular relevance are the Money In, Money Out and Event Budgeting guides.

Volunteer Expenses We will endeavour to ensure that volunteers will never be out of pocket as a result of volunteering with or via Imperial College Union. However, before you use your own money to pay for anything related to your volunteering role, volunteers must ensure they read the below in reference to volunteer expenses and 28

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

speak to the relevant volunteer, Officer Trustee or staff member with budgetary responsibility to ensure personal expenses will be refunded. Expenses will only be refunded where receipts have been attached/uploaded to accompany a hard copy expenses form or an online claim. NB: to use eActivites to submit a claim, the training manual Making a Claim must first be read and the accompanied online quiz passed.

Imperial College Union Financial Procedures The Union’s Financial Procedures state in relation to claims: AA Claim forms are for use by Club, Society or Project members to claim back personal money spent on behalf of Club, Society or Project. AA Claim forms must be submitted using the eActivities online system by all full members of the union. A paper form will be provided for associate members unable to access eActivities. AA Claimants are required to provide evidence for their expenditure. The acceptable forms of acceptable evidence are listed in the training materials online at AA Claims are authorised as per the Authorisation Limits listed in the finance training manuals. AA Those approving a claim should

thoroughly check the evidence and VAT details before approving. Claims approved without sufficient evidence should be investigated by the Deputy President (Finance & Services). AA Approved claims should be paid by BACS by the Finance Department within five College days. AA Any claims that are considered erroneous by the Finance Department will be placed on hold and the claimant contacted to resolve the issue. Suspected fraudulent claims will investigated by the Deputy President (Finance & Services).

Expenses incurred through volunteering with Community Connections If you are volunteering via Community Connections, each role advertised will specify whether or not expenses will be reimbursed by the organisation advertising the volunteering opportunity. Do talk to them about how they will reimburse your expenses or if you have any questions. If you are taking part in a Mass Volunteering opportunity, the Union can reimburse your travel expenses if you incur them and the staff member/ Ambassador coordinating the activity will let you know how to claim this back.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Community Connections Community Connections Community Connections connects Imperial College Union members to volunteering opportunities in the local community.

the Community Connections Mass Volunteering pages or if you are part of a student group looking for a group activity or team building opportunity, email

Whatever your interest or timetable, whether you’re looking for an individual opportunity or want to volunteer in a group activity, there will be something to suit everyone.

Visit volunteering for more information

You can register to receive the fortnightly Community Connections e-bulletin to find out about the latest volunteering opportunities.

If you are interested in starting your own volunteering project to tackle a social action issue at a local, national or international level, let us know what your idea is and we’ll let you know how we can help! Visit youridea

Alternatively you can search for your ideal volunteering opportunity via the Union’s Community Connections website pages. Community Connections hosts regular fun and rewarding Mass Volunteer events. You can register for them via


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

Want to start your own volunteering project?

Volunteer Policies Volunteers are essential to Imperial College Union in delivering our many services and activities for our members. The wide range of skills, expertise and commitment volunteers bring enables the Union to provide activities and services which would be unimaginable without their dedication and support. As such, there are a number of Imperial College Union policies to protect and enhance our volunteer’s and member’s experiences that all volunteers should be aware of. These are available online at policies In some circumstances those who volunteer with the Union may act inappropriately. Instances of inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with under provisions in Union Bye Law E. Outcomes can include suspension or dismissal from a volunteer role, the requirement to carry out College Service, a fine or charge being levied or in more serious cases referral to a College Disciplinary Committee. Volunteer Policy The Volunteer Policy provides information on volunteer recruitment, selection and dismissal; training development and recognition of volunteers; support available to volunteers; and expectations, what the Union expects of volunteers and what volunteers can expect from the Union.

The Union expects volunteers: AA To treat others with respect and courtesy, act in a manner which is appreciative of the wide diversity within the Union’s membership, and not discriminate against others on any grounds. AA To be an ambassador for the Union and the College, bringing neither into potential disrepute and maintain good relations with the external community. AA To perform their volunteering role to the best of their ability, undertaking the tasks within the role description and to be clear and upfront if they are experiencing problems or difficulties undertaking the role. AA To follow the Union’s policies and procedures, including Equal Opportunities, Health & Safety, and Finance. AA To respond to emails and other messages within a reasonable timeframe and to attend on time, or give reasonable notice to cancel or rearrange meetings. AA To have a willingness to learn, to undertake all mandatory training as part of their volunteering role and make a commitment to undertake relevant optional training. Volunteers can expect the Union: AA To treat them with respect and courtesy, and act in a manner which is appreciative of the wide diversity within the Union’s membership.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Volunteer Policies

AA To provide a role description for their volunteering role as well as training, support, and resources to help them undertake the role. AA To provide online and in-person services to support individuals undertaking volunteer roles. AA To promote their activities, achievements and successes in line with the Union’s guidance on publicity; and to undertake recognition schemes such as the Union Awards and Imperial Plus. AA To respond to your emails, messages and requests within a reasonable timeframe. AA To be mindful of academic life and not make requests which are potentially detrimental to academic success. AA To investigate complaints within an appropriate timeframe and keep complainants informed as to progress.

Data Protection Imperial College Union must ensure that as an organisation we are complying with the Data Protection Act 1998 . The Union operates under the Colleges Data Protection policy, which can be found at legal-services-office/data-protection/ourpolicy. This extends to the activities and practices of our volunteers. You should be mindful that: AA College security hold details of each student’s next of kin. If you are arranging a trip or tour, you


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

do not need to collect next of kin information. If an emergency arises, contact College Security as soon as possible on 020 7589 1000 to report the incident, who will notify next of kin AA You always enter email addresses in the bcc field, unless the people you’re contacting have given their express permissions for their email address to be shared with others, AA You do not share email addresses/ lists with other bodies – internal departments, other Clubs, Societies & Projects, sponsors, external organisations – unless everyone on the list has given their written permission. AA You always destroy paper-based information once it’s been recorded electronically, by shredding the paper it is written, depositing it in confidential waste bins or deleting spreadsheets (from the computer’s trash too) AA If collecting personal details via email - particularly for booking tickets/ flights on behalf of others – please ensure you delete emails and empty them from your trash as soon as the booking is completed AA If going on a trip or tour, safely destroy all paper and electronic copies of tour members’ personal details in relation to their allergies/ medical conditions Complaints Policy In the first instance, complaints should be addressed to the President of the Union, unless the complaint is about the

Volunteer Policies

President, in which case they should be addressed to the Chair of the Trustee Board, via the Secretary to the Trustee Board. For more information on the Union’s Complaints & Disciplinary procedures, as set out in its governing documents, please see Bye-Law E. If you wish to complain about a volunteering opportunity you have participated in via Imperial College Union’s Community Connections or the recruitment and selection processes of one of our partner organisations, in the first instance you can discuss this with Nick Snow, Student Development Manager. Similarly, if you wish to complain about Imperial Plus, Nick can also be contacted. Alternatively, complaints can be directed as outlined above. The Union is committed to investigating complaints within an appropriate timeframe and keep complainants informed as to progress. Equality Opportunities and Diversity Imperial College Union as an employer, a service provider and a representative body for students is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all and has an Equal Opportunity Policy, which is applicable to volunteers.

Under 18’s Policy The Union has a number of members aged under 18. As far as is practicable the aim of the Union is to treat members aged under 18 in the same way as those aged 18 or over. There are however certain considerations the Union and the College needs to apply to those aged under 18, so a minority of the activities they can become in involved in are restricted. Further restrictions apply to students aged less than 16. Those aged under 18 may not become members of the committee of a Club, Society or Project or a trustee of the Union. A minority of opportunities advertised through Community Connections may not be able to be taken up by students under 18. They will however be able to vote in all Union elections and join Clubs, Societies & Projects. Certain club activities are classed as increased risk, students under 18 will be able to participate in these activities subject to providing a signed parental consent form. They will not be able to participate in any residential activities or in Union activities which take place outside of the UK. Certain activities are also governed by the law, such as use of the Union’s bars and screening of films, in these cases the requirements of the law apply with reference to age restricted activities. The Union’s full policy on members aged under 18 can be found online at

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Volunteer Policies

policies/92/file Equal Opportunities Policy It is the responsibility of all our volunteers and staff that anyone having dealings with the Union will receive equal treatment regardless of race, colour, sex, nationality, ethnic origin, marital status, disability, parental status, religious and political belief, socio-economic background, HIV status, trade union membership, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, age, degree status, degree subject and degree year.

Unequal treatment upon these grounds constitutes unfair discrimination. It is vital that any activities being organised by the


Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

Union do not give unequal treatment to different groups. All Union business including that within Clubs, Societies and Projects and other volunteering opportunities will be conducted in English only excepting where an alternative is used specifically for educational purposes and does not inhibit the ability of anyone to participate

Record of volunteering experiences with the Union All volunteers are encouraged to participate in Imperial Plus – the Unions primary way of recognising your efforts and achievements. Through eActivities, you are able to download a record of the volunteer roles you have held with or via the Union. This will also detail your progress towards Imperial Plus, with a copy of your hours log which is a useful reference for when you writing CV’s and applications in the future.

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17


Imperial College Union Beit Quadrangle Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BB Registered Charity No: 1151241 36

Tel: 020 7594 8060 Fax: 020 7594 8065 Email: Twitter: @icunion

Key Information for the Volunteers 2016/17

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