Discover What You Are Here To Do

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Discover What You Are Here To Do “If a butterfly flapping its wings in Sumatra can affect the weather patterns in New York, what do you as a human being affect every time you breathe and move?” The phenomenon of small movements, having an affect on larger systems, has been coined as a phrase called “The Butterfly Effect” by mathematician Edward Lorenz. Everything that eats plant life is kept alive because of the simple activity worker honey bees collecting nectar, taking it back to the hive and pollinating plants as they go. That’s a huge effect for such small creatures performing the simple task of gathering nectar. Worker honey bees also make the world sweeter as they produce a very special gift to the world in the form of honey. That is the Butter Effect at work – small movements having an affect on larger systems. We humans are no different from the worker honey bee. The Butterfly Effect works through us as well. That is that the very small or big things we do have an affect on larger systems and the world at large. Most of what we do daily is unconscious. We are unconsciously causing effects daily. When we begin to consciously focus our actions according to our Higher Purpose or our raison d’être; when we consciously begin to express ourselves through our Soul’s Primary Expression Modalities; then we begin the process of a positive Butterfly Effect, making an even bigger difference that can solve all manner of the world’s problems. It’s nature’s design. Let’s look at my client Wayne and see how the Butterfly Effect is working through him. He is a labourer who discovered he was born to help others live a balanced life with more energy. He had an idea for a product range that would service his current industry. The ripple effect could touch on your life personally, even though you have never met Wayne, and you might not ever buy his products. The Butterfly Effect of him stepping up to do that very thing he was born to do, is enormous. He could save lives and change the world if he doesn’t let obstacles stop him in his tracks. Let’s look at the chain of events that takes place by Wayne stepping up and doing what he came here to do. His product range solves one of the biggest problems in his industry – drug abuse. His co-workers need energy to work long hours and many of them turn to speed or some other kind of drug to keep their energy up. That path has lead to a growing problem of drug abuse in his industry because you can get addicted to drugs. It has been said by some, that drug abuse in the workplace is a growing epidemic, and certainly in Wayne’s industry it’s a dangerous and growing epidemic. Drugged drivers on our roads cause accidents, sometimes resulting in death. That in turn has resulted in great loss and suffering within the affected families. The families of the drug users are also affected because with drug abuse often comes spousal and child abuse. Even if you aren’t in Wayne’s industry this problem affects you personally if you encounter a drugged up driver on the road, and most certainly if you pay taxes.

Governments are beginning to pour your hard earned cash into researching the problem of drug abuse in the workplace, so solutions can be found to this growing epidemic. Their solutions then require more taxpayer money to then implement. That means taxpayer money either has to be taken out of some other sector in the government’s budget or they increase your taxes. What a mess. That scenario is a negative Butterfly Effect. The ripple effect of the decision to turn to drugs to solve the problem of energy has led to a contracted experience for all those involved, rather than an expanded or higher experience. The solution to the problem also has a negative Butterfly Effect because some other sector loses funding, or you lose more of your take home pay. All the while, one man has a simple solution and he has proof it works. The solution is sitting right under the noses of the big corporate executives and even governments. One man has connected with his Soul’s primary expression modality. He has found his Higher Purpose and his personal mission in life and he’s solved the problem of drug abuse, on the sly, in his division. His division is 100% drug free and his co-workers are using Wayne’s solutions to solve the problem of needing to keep their energy up for the long hours they work. Wayne’s product line seeks to target this industry with specially made packages branded just for those workers, and it’s accompanied by an education product and service. He already has had success within his own division and now he seeks to expand. The Butterfly Effect he is causing is expansive and will lead to higher, more positive, experiences for any one taking his product range. A drug free working environment is more productive. Drug free drivers are safer. Drug free families have a chance at being happier, and abuse reduced if not eliminated. Depending on how many companies take up Wayne’s product range, and if he doesn’t allow those obstacles to stop him in his tracks, he could literally change the world. All he is doing is the very thing he came here to do, and the world becomes a better place because he chose to step into his higher purpose. There are many more examples like this Butterfly Effect, not just in my client base but the entire world. It is my strongest contention that when we find and follow our higher purpose for being here, and do the very thing we came here to do, the Butterfly Effect is that we will solve some of the biggest problems we have in the world today, and go on to free our attention up to learn about even higher states of being and doing. Living our higher purpose we will discover our higher abilities. Carrying out our personal missions individually, collectively through the Butterfly Effect, brings about the better world we all dream of living in. It’s huge! So don’t think for one moment that you don’t make a difference. Your life matters. You matter! You make a difference. What you do makes a difference. Now, I hope you don’t mind me getting on my soap box a little here because Wayne’s example of how much difference he can make in the world is the single biggest reason we need to restructure our entire society along egalitarian lines. I believe our current systems must adjust and reformulate to take into consideration that every man, woman, child, is created equal with equal value to offer the world, despite our judgements to the contrary. The way we structure value for work payouts is absurd. Here is Wayne, on a labourer’s wage, yet within him is magnificence that he can tap into and save lives, save families and save the world. His superiors will be getting paid four times as much as he is and possibly doing little to solve the problems within their industry because they have to focus on other things within the business. We structure jobs in our society in such a way we never tap into the huge potential that lies within each individual. Our current work and pay structures are uneconomical. Small wonder we experience severe recessions in our economy. The world has some fairly serious problems to solve, and many of them just aren’t getting solved. Throwing more taxpayer money at the problems, in hope that you can solve the issues, is nuts. Everything in nature has a balance. It is we humans that have gotten so far out of balance with external control mechanisms that seek to order things from a limited perspective, ignoring the entire natural order

of our eco-system and cosmos that operates in perfect balance. And we are now beginning to pay a high price for our imbalance. But I believe we are the generations that will change all that. You will be part of that change if you aren’t already. We have a multi-billion global labour force that remains largely untapped as a source for solving problems. There are billions more Wayne’s out there. You’re one of them. You have within you magnificence. Within you is your Higher Purpose, within your personal mission and reason for being here, a unique solution to a world problem exists, even if your purpose isn’t directly going to solve the problem. The problem gets solved through the Butterfly Effect of you expressing yourself through your Soul’s Primary Expression Modalities, and doing that thing you came here to do. It’s the Law of Purpose at work here. Everything in nature has a purpose and when we humans, being part of nature, fulfil that purpose, through the Butterfly Effect not only will we solve our current problems in more economical ways, we’ll begin to free up our energy to explore our higher potentials as individuals and as humanity. You may have heard the popular expression, "All things being equal, a simpler explanation is better than a more complex one." Or “the simpler of two competing ideas is preferred”. These are statements commonly referred to as Occam's Razor. Attuning ourselves and restructuring our systems according to the Law of Purpose is Occam’s Razor. It’s also the natural Law of Economy at work here as well. I’m not referring to man’s Law of Economics. Everything in nature carries out its raison d’être with precision and economy. Nothing is wasted that doesn’t get taken care of by some other part of nature fulfilling its Raison d’être, making the whole eco-system hum. Humans are wasteful only because we do not live within the harmony of nature’s laws, particularly the Laws of Purpose and Economy. If we want major transformation in our world so that we are living in economical, sustainable ways then we need to restructure incorporating nature’s laws. Ok , off my soap box now, and back to you. So what is it that you have come here to do? Let’s find out. In chapter four you discovered that by simply looking at the very things you do every day and repeating a question, you dived into the deeper meaning of that activity for you. You found out how your Soul has shown you clues to your top expression modalities for happiness and success. To begin to find out what it is you are here to do you simply go over each of the activities you wrote down again, only asking the questions “What am I actually doing when I do that activity” and write all your responses down. This time coming up with a list of verbs. Again, you want to ask the question of each activity many times to come up with at least five if not ten to fifteen responses before moving on to the next activity and asking the same question over and again of that activity. So you have a comprehensive list of about 50 to 30 different words or more to work with. You’ll find, once again, that you have similar themes or words repeating. This is because your life does have common themes running through it. It’s important to keep writing down the repetitions of words and themes, even if you keep thinking it over and again. Remember you’re going to count all the words that you have repeated, and order them to come up with your top five “doing” words. You might also find that those words have the same root or theme as your “being” words. For example: My top being words were Writer, Teacher/Educator, Transformer, World Problem Solver, Speaker, and Traveller. And my top doing words were Writing, Speaking, Transforming, Teaching, Solving World Problems and Travelling. In my doing words I happened to find my niche – transformation and solving world problems. You can understand why it is that I now write, teach, speak and travel letting people know about incorporating “Strategy With Spirit” and the “Undefeatable Laws Of Nature” into their mission strategies to solve world problems thereby transforming our world. Can you see the Butterfly Effect working in my purpose? I help solve world problems indirectly by working with people like you to find your Higher Purpose and raison d’être that will cause a ripple effect

and contribute to solving some problem in the world. I also help social entrepreneurs and change agents (that could also be you!) achieve their missions for change that create a better world, I’m more directly putting the Butterfly Effect into action to solve world problems. So you see my raison d’être solves world problems both directly and indirectly. Your Butterfly Effect may be indirect like Wayne’s, direct like all Social Entrepreneurs, or both indirect and direct like mine. We shall discover! To learn more about what your Butterfly Effect might be in the world, and how you can live a life of meaning, fulfilment and purpose so you can make a difference, visit this website here.

Step into the clarity of where your greatest meaning, fulfilment and success can be found, and the confidence you can make a difference living your life purpose.      

Discover important distinctions about your purpose, so you can have gaining crystal clear clarity; Learn how you make a difference and why, so you can feel important in the cosmos; Find out what forms of expression will give you the greatest happiness and success in life; Discover what you need to know to seek, find and remove blocks holding you back; Find out where your multi-million dollar idea is within your life purpose; Learn how to develop a greater connection to yourself and your Soul…

Discover What You Are Here To Do is a book designed specifically for people who want a live a life of purpose, meaning and fulfilment, without sacrificing the financial security of a job, or getting stuck with relentless obstacles.

About The Author Nicola Grace, The Mission Mentor and 3 x International Best Selling author, helps purpose seekers find and follow their higher purpose, so they can experience the fulfilment and satisfaction of knowing they’re doing what they came here to do. She delivers speeches, workshops, mentoring sessions and online programs designed to overcome the challenges social entrepreneurs face, and take advantage of the opportunities presenting in the emerging New Era. Recently honoured with an award for implementing a strategy that saved a billion dollar change agent industry from ruin, and make history, four time author, Nicola Grace has an eclectic professional background in education, contemporary dance, politics, public relations and television starting her career as a history teacher. For the past twenty years, Nicola has captivated her audiences as an inspirational speaker, visionary, educator and transformation leader bridging the gap for her audiences, between bright ideas and successful implementation strategies. Nicola’s expert insights appear in the best selling book, Ready Aim Captivate - Put Magic in Your Message and a Fortune In Your Future, along with other world leading visionaries Deepak Chopra and Jim Stovall. CelebrityPress recently chose Nicola to join a select group of the world’s leading experts to co-write the forthcoming book titled, More.Better.: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How to Get More Out of Business and Life With Better Results. Her most recent title Discover What You Are Here To Do, offers finer distinctions of finding your Higher Purpose, postulating that as we step into doing the very thing we were born to do, through the Butterfly Effect we begin to create the better world we all desire. As spokeswoman of the not-for-profit organization she founded, she made history with her “Ten Step Master Plan” using the Undefeatable Laws of Nature to achieve an impossible mission in 2006. She has defeated two different types of cancers with short expiry dates and gone on to teach her Master Plan to social entrepreneurs and organization leaders. Now living on the Gold Coast of Australia she writes, educates and speaks internationally on how to transform the world leveraging the Universal Laws of Nature and Law of Purpose. Her interests are as eclectic as her background. She loves the ocean, theatre, contemporary art, dance, politics, quantum science, and enjoys gourmet vegetarian food in beautiful spaces. Nicola is also an active humanitarian with a grand vision for the elevation of ALL of humanity that she would like to share with you.

If you are interested in learning more about the finding and living a life of purpose and meaning, be sure to get her “Strategy With Spirit” nuggets. Learn how you can make a difference; achieve your mission, get better results without wasting effort; develop your Soul Power & Connection to Self… and create a better world! Either: 1. 2. 3. 4.

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